Nintendo's share price fell by more than 10% today, resulting in the largest drop experienced by the company since 2016.
Share prices began to fall early this morning (in Japanese local time), continuing to plummet for the majority of the trading day. Shares fell to as low as ¥31,350 at one stage (which is as low as it has been for almost 18 months) before stabilising just above that figure as the day drew to a close.
Of course, investors have been sceptical of Nintendo's target to sell 20 million Switch units this financial year for some time now, with current sales leaving concerns over how the console might perform throughout the holiday season, but today's drop has also been impacted by a significant share price crash for Nvidia - the company which supplies chips for the Switch. Nvidia's shares dropped by 16% in after-hours trading after it was forced to lower sales expectations for the holiday period.
At the same time, Japanese investment bank Daiwa Securities slashed its Nintendo stock target price and lowered operating profit forecasts that it had for the gaming giant, naturally resulting in more concern for investors. This was reportedly in response to an interview held with Nintendo prior.
Do you think Nintendo can boost Switch sales through the holiday season to reach its 20 million goal? Feel free to share your thoughts on the matter in the comments below.
[source ft.com, via cityam.com]
Comments 75
I was just gonna say this exact same thing xD
Nintendo doomed since forever.
This has happened before. Within a few weeks, a major first party exclusive will come out, have extremely good launch sales and the shares will jump back up again.
Nintendo is gonna fudgin' die
I think they can meet the 20M target (which does run to the end of March,) and I think it's undertracked in some areas of the world.
Anyway, none of this affects anything. Just makes it a good time to buy if you were already considering to do so, I suppose.
Clicky clicky. Baity baity. Oh NintendoLife, you've no scruples whatsoever. What happened to you?
Not nearly as scary as the $33 million loss of Square Enix. I don’t think this will impact Nintendo in any significant way.
Nvidias issues have nothing to do with the Switch IMO. The RTX launch is a dumpster fire, and they have lost their edge in the mid-range. They're new price structure has A LOT of the PC Master race sitting on the sidelines waiting for AMD/Navi, RTX 2.0, and prices to come back down.
And yeah, I'm probably buying 2 or 3 RX 580's for Xmas, as my kids are migrating from the Switch to PC it seems.
Take the hit Nintendo, if you had gone with AMD the Switch would've burst into flames by now
Investors are always so fickle. Remember when Nintendo’s shares skyrocketed after Pokémon Go came out? And then when Nintendo came out and said Niantic was the one who made it, they shot back down again?
Nintendo do it to themselves with silly PR and statements. A real buzz and excitement about n64 mini.... so they kill it dead. They have editions coming out containing a adapter that they can’t delivery and they have a Russian guy mocking disabled and swearing at staff on a live stream. It’s not been their finest week.
With the much hyped Pokemon out today you’d expect confidence in the company
@frogopus yes very much so.... although further falls could be expected buy as soon as it shows signs of a slight recovery.
It’s like a bouncing ball.
Announce the N64 Classic Mini and a Switch Virtual Console and see the share price rise again. Do it Nintendo.
A little shocking since lets go came out... but then I remembered the rest of stuff that happened at nintendo recently.
Good time to buy some shares...
It's just a correction. nVidia was massively overvalued based on unrealistic speculation, crypto, etc. It hit Nintendo for a day, but such is the insanity of the stock market.
It's safer at Caesar's Palace.
@JamesR Mostly just the market. nVidia was trying to stem the overvaluing from crypto by segmenting it into its own product line rather than change the optics around it's primary market. Didn't work, but they understood what was happening and tried to stop it.
At launch Nintendo Switch Factory Defective have less failure rate Manufacture of NVIDIA was freeze compare AMD was crash. Except INTEL is not gaming Performance for organization. Nintendo Switch was shift AMD Manufacture. I don't know why Console have an issue or not. At the past IBM processor was discontinued maker.
Just wait for Pokemon and Smash numbers - it will help. Would help if they also had a big game in January/march to keep the momentum.
Nvidia's problem is the Fiasco that is RTX not Nintendo. They need to own up to it.
@SuperiorTech Great minds and all that 😉
For those of us that don’t use JPY (why do they quote these prices in yen here?) the drop was from ~$38.50 to ~$36.12. hardly the dramatic failure they portray here with their wordcraft
Never Confuse this model type.
RX for AMD.
I think they'll miss their goal by a large margin, with the lackluster year they've had.
No way Nintendo sells 15m more Switches by March. It's good that they are sticking to their guns, but it aint gonna happen, uh eh! Smash and Pokemon just can't do it alone, so there will have to be a suprise release that no one knows about, and it will have to be the MOAB.
People like to hate on shareholders when they sell their stock, but I'm genuinely curious how many people here actually love Nintendo enough to invest money into the company. A literal case of putting their money where their mouth is, so to speak.
If I remember right Ninty's share prices soared a little when the Bowsette meme took on.
In other words: No one cares. Their share prices will soar again on December 7 so whatever.
Their sales will continue to fall if they keep releasing big games that run at 30 fps or less! There is no excuse for Pokemon Let's Go and Kirby to running at 30 fps on such powerful hardware. Just drop the resolution and make games smooth! Please.
Might be a good time to buy before Switch XL is released.
Eh, this isn't really a big deal. By the end of the holidays, we'll see all these Switch bundle sales and the sales of Pokemon and Smash, and it'll undoubtedly jump back up again.
@Shizuelle If the Fed keeps pace and the price of liquidity goes up just enough for large swaths of the capital-intensive fracking industry to run into trouble then I wager we will once more see just how short sighted Wall Street really is. It's not going to be pretty and I have my doubts that folks will yet again be willing to spend months and years eating up all the honorary temporary secreteary the industry is going to put forth ... but alas, I figured as much before and aside a few outliers (like Occupy) most people seemed pretty darn fine with intrincate moral studies, so ... yeah.
In other news, Nintedoooomed indeed ^^
Now is our chance to buy stock. Prove these investors wrong.
I don't see many people who are going to buy a switch because of smash. It will sell well! ...but not consoles!
Investors aren't seeing enough micro transactions in Nintendo's games. How dare Nintendo not put any loot crates in Smash!
Wish I had some money to invest, their stock will be fine.
That's nothing compared to Apple. They have recently lost over $130 billion, now they are no longer a trillion dollar company.
@OfNullAndVoid You jest but I dread the day that happens. After Blizzard finally went off the deep end and Ubisoft making record profits by putting micro transactions in 60 dollar games, I don’t know who to trust. Ultimately both companies are examplars of undermining players to please shareholders. Hope Nintendo don’t go this route
Smash Ultimate alone is not enough to make those 20M consoles sales by March. Pokemon sure helps,but a remake of gen 1 for Pokemon Go fans is not really exciting and Yoshi might not even come out by by march and even then I doubt this will be a mega big seller.
Nintendo has the talent to make truly amazing AAA games like Odyssey and Botw,but for some reason they keep making those GOOD,but still average games like Kirby Star allies,Super Mario Party and Pokemon let's Go.
I thought 60fpsplease was funny at first, but his shtick got pretty old, pretty fast. He's a troll, but the most passive troll I've ever seen on this site so he's pretty harmless.
Nintendo didn't develop any of those three games though, they just own two of the studios that did and basically own Game Freak.
I'm just excited for Smash Bros to release and the stock will go up for sure.....
I actually bought some stock today because it's so cheap 😁
That's a massive drop for both Nintendo and Nvidia.
I don't understand investors...
Hey John, long time no speak, how are things mate?
Are you still in touch with the old guys from the Amazon forum?
We desperately need a messaging system on the Switch.
Has another forum been set up somewhere else where us Amazon old timers can communicate?
Let the shares drop. Just means they were overvalued from speculative profits that hadn't panned out yet anyways. Lower share price is better.
Better to be low and see shares rise when they unexpectedly do well, than be high on speculation and fall when they dont meet lofty expectations.
A good Nintendo Direct to compensate, anyone??
Does that mean we can finally get the Virtual Console on Switch?
@TheGhostWhoWalks Hey there. Why are you always bashing NL so much. They haven't changed much over the years. If you don't like their style you do have other Nintendo websites out there. I'm on the verge of hiding your comments because I've notice any positive ones are pretty rare. Are you yourself aware of that? Just try to balance it a bit dude. For instance since I'm being a bit negative in this comment, I'd like to balance it out by complimenting you on your cool TheGhostWhoWalks tag.
I thought that was you mate,fine to be honest,I still see some of the Amazon guys on "Goodreads".
The old Nintendo thread is on there,Nessy set the community up fella.
@Syrek24 Yeah, of course you're correct. I just wish that Nintendo's dedication to polish and high quality always translated into 60 fps games. They should share their top notch programmers with HAL and Gamefreak. Box boy shouldn't be 30 fps on 3ds, and Kirby should always be 60 especially when in 2d. Nintendo has assisted teams before. I'm pretty sure they brought in superstar programmers to get 1080 Avalanche on GameCube up to 60 fps (I know it has plenty of drops, but when at 60 fps it looks amazing even today).
Oh, I never said they weren't seeing profits. As well all know, however, share price drops from a perceived chance of lower profits.
And I think that's a good thing. Base share price off of actual financial health, not speculative "hit it big" potential profits. Dont price in forecasts. Price based off current profits.
Of course that's now how they do it, but it's how they should do it imo.
@NintendoFan4Lyf And Yo-Yos sell!
Nothing to do with the brexit situation?
@Shizuelle These investors are out of their mind if they decide to get all impatient with sales the day Nintendo finally releases a Pokemon RPG on the Switch lol.
It's like at least wait until you see how that sells.
@brandonbwii Anyone else thinking that SqEnix will go under soon? That FFXV DLC incident has me wondering...
I think the stock is going to get hot again soon. Let me highlight 8 reasons why:
1) Look at the top sellers on Amazon..Nintendo is crushing it! It's so good that many bundled system items are sold out and Smash has been #1 for a few weeks now and may continue into its realse.
2) Look at Ebay many bundled switches a system almost 2 years old are selling for a much higher price then retail which never had a price drop yet
3) System redesign next year should be a huge boom
4) They still have that trump card of lowering the system price to whenever they want and generally this would of happened already. This could drive sales like crazy but right now its not needed when bundled systems are selling out.
5) Mario Kart Tour for the phones will be huge
6) Detective Pikachu and Nintendo Land in Universal a great way to diversify and make more Money
7) Online sign-ups I predict will grow for the next couple of years as more games come onboard and they probably diversify to SNES/N64
8) Games like SuperMario Party and Smash are boosting controller accessories and create even more demand for the system as the connectivity factor grows.
This won't last. If you want to buy, now's the time.
That guy is seriously the biggest loser on this website, I'm glad I'm not a mod here because I'd have banned him by now.
@Frenean It's just common for people to forget how good we have it sometimes and find fault with everything. This is (I believe) actually a damn good website but people are increasing expecting for perfection and for every article to agree with their view-point. Just the way it is I guess. I'm sure the guy/gal is alright really – I just wanted him/her to notice their tendency is swinging mostly negative. I can get my moanin' head on as much as anyone sometimes – and I appreciate someone gently pointing out when I go too far. But of course there's as much chance of it going down like a ton of bricks, and I'll get labeled a righteous ass or something. Hey-ho.
Nothing new, they will survive
He's the epitome of everything wrong with the internet. There's so much negativity here that you just don't find out in the real world, it's pretty sad. Nintendo Life is a great site and I'm happy to see some of these ads, I otherwise wouldn't know about certain sales/etc. because Kotaku/IGN is a joke and this is the only gaming site I use anymore.
NVidia were caught off guard by a decline in crypto currency mining and stuck with a lot of gpus. NVidia stocks plummets, Nintendo shareholders get anxious. It will be right as rain again in a couple of days (in fact it will probably sky rocket if projections of Let's Go are remotely accurate.)
Doomed. I blame voice chat. And not listening to this comment section.
Picked up my copy of Let's Go today. I arrived 5 minutes before the store opened and there already were like 50-ish people to get their copy too. This is huge in my country because people almost never line up for games before a store opens (not even at the release of Read Dead Redemption 2 was a line like this present). And in 3 weeks Smash Bros Ultimate will release too. Yeah, Nintendo will be fine.
@Frenean @brunojenso He's blatantly a troll who got banned repeating the same garbage under another alias.
smash bros will boost switch holiday sales big time.
Investors are a curious lot to say the least...
@brandonbwii C'mon,, really?
Under-tracked from their official quarterly reports ending 9/30?
This drop has to be consistent to really make anyone worried. Nintendo was always the underdog to sony so their dipping isn't without merit as this will always happen. But Nintendo isn't going away as other fanboys want to make it sound like. Nintendo was the one that reinvented gaming when it came out in the 80's. So for those forgetting history they aren't going anywhere fast. That should tell you how long I been a Nintendo gamer and fan.
@Retupmocnin imo any loss apple gets is a good thing. Apple has proven to be an overly greed company supported mostly by brainwashed cultist. Alas its not enough to take down the rotten apple and free the world of its villiany as their cultist will eventually more then make up for the lost money via buying over priced texh
@Not_Soos I would consider it if I had any fracking idea how to do it, or how buy the stock, or if I had the money to do so.
Nintendo Stocks are too far out of my price range.
@Joe-b J/K
@Shadowmoon522 exactly. I wish apple would fold up and go away.
Nah, just undertracked in some of the places that doomsayers occasionally get their toasty facts for forming hot predictions.
I just wish I had a way to invest in the Japanese stock market and buy Nintendo shares when they dip, then maybe cash out a portion of it right after another big game hits shelves then keep the rest as an actual long-term investment.
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