While the 3DS is most commonly used as a portable video game system, one of its less utilised features is the device's ability to play music. In Japan, though, school students apparently enjoy listening to music on their 3DS on a regular basis.
Mobile Marketing Data Labo - a research firm located in Japan - has released a report about the usage of different video game systems across multiple age groups within the country. It turns out Japanese elementary school students use the 3DS to listen to music more than other age groups. The device is also used as their primary music player.
This is linked to the fact 66 percent of elementary school students own a 3DS. As Nintendo Soup points out, younger school students likely do not own mobile devices, which is therefore the reason why they are using their 3DS systems to play music.
Have you ever listened to music on your 3DS before? Do you still even use your 3DS? Would you like to see a music player added to the Switch in the future? Tell us in the comments.
[source nintendosoup.com]
Comments 72
Now you know why the 3DS isn't going anywhere, stop crying.
...I use it for music, so...yeah.
My main source of audio consumption is holding seashells up to my ear.
And this is just an example of why having more features it's good on every console, unlike Switch which is a tablet that doesn't even have a browser
There were a few games that let you listen to the soundtrack while the lid was closed correct? Anybody have a full list? That was an awesome feature.
3DS has more features than Switch: can play/record audio and video. Youtube in 3D, Web Browser, hundreds of themes, folders, etc.
@GKO900 I want more features on the switch as much as the next but console browsers are actually trash
@GKO900 I might very well be in the minority here, but I don't think I need or even want a browser in the Switch.
I've never, not even once, used the browser on my Wii U or PS3. I don't think that it would be different with the Switch...
That doesn't mean that I'd be pissed or totally against Nintendo adding one, of course not, just saying that I don't see the need for one.
The voices in my head are more than adequate for me.
Since I don't speak Japanese, I can't speak about the original article. HOWEVER, I think that there's something lost in translation here.
The line in the article "It turns out Japanese elementary school students use the 3DS to listen to music more than other age groups" does NOT add up to the title "Report Finds Elementary School Students In Japan Use 3DS As Their Main Music Player".
@Osiris11235 https://imgur.com/a/A59rcke In memoriam of the original title I think the article is slowly undergoing a ninja edit spree.
@Blizzia I made an edit to the title not long after it was published. Conspiracy solved.
@maruse @VexingInsanity The big difference here it's that Switch is literally a tablet so it makes sense to have a browser, Apps and function like one, it might not be something that you care but it's something important for a lot of people including myself and could also be a big selling point for kids since kids of this days ask parents for a tablet more than anything else and helping the Switch high price too
@Osiris11235 I do speak Japanese and I looked at the article this is sourced from. Glancing about it the takeaway I have is that they started with 107 elementary kids and 107 middle school kids among the entire set of people polled and then weeded out kids without a game system, and then weeded out kids that don't listen to music and then asked the few left if they use their 3DS, and the answer was "some do." But the sample size is so tiny at this point it's not even really information anymore. Hahahahaha.
Because the Vita having a browser made it such a huge success, right? While I don't disagree that a browser would be nice, it doesn't affect my enjoyment of the system and it certainly isn't affecting its sales. I also agree that console browsers and even tablet ones are pretty bad, and I wouldn't be able to do anything on my Switch's browser that I can't do on my phone. The Switch is also the only console this gen that seems worth the price due to it being a handheld/console hybrid. The PS4 and Xbox One are literally just bootleg PCs at this point.
A lot of kids who don't have phones yet use them. But they are still fading away, even in Japan. It used to be, you couldn't walk down the street here, even in rural Shiga where I live, without getting a couple streetpass. I used to get streetpasses without leaving my apartment because people would walk by occasionally.
But today, I only get them if I go into bigger cities, and even then, I might get 10-15 after walking around all day. Back in 2013 I could get a full load of 10 walking down the street in 5 minutes on a busy day.
I know a lot of people don't want to admit it, but the 3DS is fading. Not because it's a bad device. Not because it doesn't have good games. Just because it's getting old, it is effectively obsolete.
I used to be the same, I would use Moonshell on my DS Lite and that was my primary music player for quite some time.
@Liam_Doolan Ack, don't go ruining our conspiracies now Liam! This was about to go big, I swear!
The 3DS is the 3rd best-selling gaming system of all time in Japan. If you separate the GameBoy and GameBoy Color, the 3DS would be the 2nd best-selling gaming system of all time in Japan.
This statistic shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
@Dalarrun I didn't say it was a feature that would save any kind of console did I, otherwise Wii U and Vita wouldn't failed and just because you don't care about the feature doesn't mean it shouldn't have it and I don't know what kind of tablet you have used that doesn't actually have a good browser that works even the one on PS4 is good, keep in mind that not all kids have a phone or I you assuming that everyone should have one for the browser, be open minded the more features a product has the better
They are adding a music player to the switch it's called super smash bros ultimate.
@GKO900 I also disagree. I don’t care much for a browser on my games machine. I have my phone for that. It’s never going to replace my phone so why burden the OS with something extraneous. This is my view. For children that don’t have a phone, well in portable mode they can’t tether to phone internet anyway. And at home if they have a switch they’ll be other smart devices they can use. Granted it would be a nice optional feature only if it didn’t impact the OS. The WiiU OS laboured badly. The switch’s OS is super quick and I don’t want to be thinking about how “great it is to have yet another browser” while I’ll wait for the OS to load for some spla2oon action. Again I appreciate this is only my view which is different to many other people.
i have a o3ds with a intermittent issue with the right shoulder button but because i have a n3ds and a n3dsxl its sole use is as an mp3 player if my phone needs charging
@beazlen1 Why you use your phone for the browser that's just a feature right? Shouldn't you just be using it for calls and messages you know for communication that's the whole point of the phone you are wasting battery using it for something else don't you?
No you use it for convenience the same can be applied to the Switch but whatever, I get it for you guys it should only be a game console and no more the less features the better. lol
Yeah a music player on Switch would be sick, along with the ability to play tunes while you have a game running.
I'm not sure if other consoles still do it, but I remember it being done by certain games on the og Xbox, and that was great.
I have like, a grand total of 2 songs on my 3DS music player. But I totally used Smash 3DS’s MP3 mode all the time, and I’m super duper happy it’s returning in Ultimate.
@GKO900 by your logic everything should have a browser for convenience. Like my vacuum cleaner and smart watch etc. I jest. I totally understand your point. Phones are an item that unfortunately have become essential to have on or near your person at all times. Therefore having a browser in them makes perfect sense. Therefore in my eyes a browser in the switch is superfluous. Having said that a browser in the switch would be a nice extra feature if it didn’t impact on its primary purpose. Unfortunately I don’t think N can implement a browser and other somewhat desireable features without doing exactly that. There lies the problem. I just want to avoid a repeat of the dire WiiU OS. That was and still is a massive turn off.
I used to use my 3Ds for music listening a lot in high school I'd love for the switch to have a music player and Netflix, YouTube apps with download options in both apps so that we can download movies or videos to watch without internet, I'd also like to see street pass and spot pass make a comeback for switch along with Nintendos internet hotspots.
@maruse The Wii U browser is sweet because it allowed video players. I used to watch a lot of anime on my Wii U, on the TV and the GamePad. It was pretty sweet.
It's hard for me to take you seriously when you keep calling the Switch a tablet. I've only seen you be mostly negative about the system since I've joined the site, and I can't remember seeing you talk about being excited for any of its upcoming games. Instead of this sounding like constructive criticism from you as someone who genuinely wants to see the Switch improved, you sound like someone who wants to find every flaw you can. The Switch is shaped like a tablet, but seeing as it doesn't have the functionality of one apart from a touch screen, I don't really see the comparison. You could argue that the PS4 or Xbox are just weak PCs seeing as despite being a console, we still have to install 50+ gb worth of badly compressed data even though we have physical discs for the things. Even though I'm not a PlayStation guy, you don't see me going on Pushsquare to rub my grievances with the brand in the face of its fans constantly.
I definitely think that the Switch could benefit from additionnal features. I'm not thinking this could make a big difference in sales (probably won't, people would still buy it for gaming, essentially), but there are multiple times when I was litterally stuck in a game (for various reasons) and wanted to check online why that was. Having the possibility to do it straight from the Switch (provided it doesn't force you to close your game to start the browser), would be a lot more convenient (when in portable mode) than going to my phone or tablet or PC for that.
The Switch having a media player and even Netlfix, on top of a web browser and "maybe" integration with some social networks trough apps, would probably make me leave my tablet at home and just bring my Switch along with me. And as someone using my Switch mainly in the commute ride every day, this would be a BIG PLUS, as it means less devices to carry with me. The Switch is essentially a tablet, only with nothing but games. You could easily add all the functionalities of a modern tablet on it.
The Switch OS is a mix of FreeBSD and Android components, with a graphical API similar to Vulkan and is using webkit to render web content. It seems it would be relatively easy to adapt Android apps to run on it.
Not allowing everything on there, but you know, basic web and media functionalities, and some of the most popular services like Netflix would make the console a lot more flexible to many, including me.
For about two years I used the OG 3DS has a music player. Thinking back on that really makes me wish the Switch had a ton more features. Pretty pathetic really, for a £280 'premium' device. Shame on Nintendo and shame on anyone who defends them for this.
@Dalarrun WOW your comment is just mind blowing. You have zero idea how the average consumer thinks do you? The Switch is, by all virtue, a tablet. Whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant. When the consumer looks at it, they see a tablet with two controls stuck on the side. I actually had to tell my mother-in-law not to get one because she thought it would at least have basic functionality, which it doesn't. Lost sale for Nintendo; if you actually liked the company and wanted them to succeed you'd stop defending them for crap like this as it only hurts their bottom line.
I'm not disagreeing with any of this, but I disagree with GKO900's reason for bringing it up. Based off his comment history, I don't think he actually wants a browser on the Switch, because then he couldn't complain about it.
Those features would be nice, but I'd only actually use them if the Switch had some kind of mobile data plan. Seeing as how it only connects to the internet via Wi-Fi, I wouldn't be connecting to it on the train or in transit. When I'm in a place with Wi-Fi and need to use a browser, I pull out my laptop because that's where I get most of my work done anyway.
It'd be a nice feature, but one that would be far too limited compared to my laptop for me to actually use much.
@Drache_Kaiser @KIREEK
Kid Icarus: Uprising as well if I remember correctly?
Videogame consoles are always going to be more limited than a PC/laptop. I don't understand why people even bother getting consoles if they're just going to complain about them not being computers. Also with that shame bit, shame on you for trying to make people feel bad for having a different opinion than you. Most people feel like a browser would be a nice, optional feature that the Switch doesn't need, otherwise they wouldn't be buying the thing in droves.
@Dalarrun Ok while I agree that I'm a little hard on Switch it's because I want the system to improve but that it's never going to happen with fanboys that ignores their problems and if you never see any comment of me excited for a Switch game it's because I might be able to get it on my PS4 and because I don't have a Switch only 3DS so I never comment on those articles, but to be honest only SSB Ultimate it's the only game that I care and would get but not until the new system revision same thing I did for my PS4 I never buy a console day one and whether you like it or not Switch it's a tablet or what is it to you
Now put some functionalities in the Switch please
I know a few people will use them, like the browser and stuff, but it's way more convenient to have all these tools in one proper device, especially when you are traveling
When I'm in a train, I really don't like to struggle finding my phone while I'm playing with my Switch, it's not convenient and I'm feeling like I'm disturbing the guy next to me
And I'm not even talking about folders, a better menu UI etc ...
@Mogster @Realnoize Glad to see some people with common sense
Is nobody talking at all about how dismal the 3DS's sound processing would be as a music player? Yuck!
I could care less about waiting 0.5 of a second to play. I want the confidence of being able to watch and listen to videos on the switch. Just give me youtube and Netflix already.
Someone never used the Wii U browser. That thing is a masterpiece.
You've clearly never used the 3DS music app as a music player.
I use my 3DS as my main music player. Filled with overworld and town themes from different games for whatever occasion comes my way.
and yet when i was in high school we had portable CD players and before that we had portable audio Cassette players. those were the good old days.
i keep forgetting that the 3DS can be used to play music. i meant to try out that feature years ago, but i keep forgetting about it....
now they need to add Netflix, Amazon Video, youtube, and more to the Nintendo switch...
I agree with what you said. What I've been saying about these type of apps on the Switch is purely from an entertainment point of view. If I'd need to have anything serious done, I wouldn't rely on my Switch, as I wouldn't rely on my Android tablet or phone either. I'll be using my laptop if there was a need to get serious things done.
But the whole point, in my opinion, is to make the Switch flexible enough so that people like me would have one less device to bring with them. If I didn't need my tablet to watch Netflix (with offline download ability, like on tablets or phones) or read comics from Comixology, or other media-based activity, then it would be a lot more convenient. To me at least. I much prefer lugging my pone + 1 device, than my phone + 2 devices.
Ideally, a phone with a large screen and a built-in gamepad would replace everything, but we're not there yet.
@VexingInsanity wiiu web browser was amazing. Smooth, fast and you could watch or read playthroughs without interrupting your gameplay.
Yeah, while I probably wouldn't use a browser on my Switch, I might use Netflix/Crunchyroll every now and then! Hopefully we get some news on apps soon.
Lol, and I thought it was weird that I go around carrying a portable CD player to listen to music.
I use my 3DS for music every once in a while. It's good.
What, for OSTs or with the youtube app or something? This strikes me as odd seeing as how the 3ds doesnt have a spotify/pandora type app
Back in the day I used my psp as a media player because I had no other way to watch tv-shows (on the go) I cough totally legally acuired from the internet. I did put some mp3-files on there too.
And while I think it’s cool to nerd out on all the features a device has I’d still rather use a dedicated one for the job.
A smartphone is only good for casual stuff, same goes for tablets. And both of those kinda suck at games. I’d rather keep switch as a gaming machine only.
@Heavyarms55 : It's dead at this point. I hardly get any StreetPass hits on my daily commute (and I work in close proximity to the Sydney CBD), and I've been to two comic/pop culture conventions in two different states (for two days each as I was helping out at stalls there) and scored hardly got any StreetPass hits at all, even at Oz Comic Con last week, which included Nintendo in attendance (with Smash/Mario Party demos, among others).
Things were considerably different back in 2012 when I went to film college (which also doubled as a gaming/media/animation/web design college) where I had to periodically check my StreetPass hits as they would often be maxed out during the course of the day.
@Mogster Nice! I didn't know about Kid Icarus! Appreciated!
@Drache_Kaiser Oh sweet! Theatrhythm had some great tunes- gonna try that tonight!
@Silly_G Eh, I wouldn't say it's completely dead. Not just yet. But it is on it's last, wobbling, legs.
tbh as kid a kid i used it as my main music player too lol. the 3ds really was the first gadget i could call my own, i milked those features for everything they were worth. i love my original 3ds rip little buddy
I once use my GBA as my main music player back in the early Y2K days.
I honestly forgot about the 3DS being a music player.
I used my 3DS as my primary digital camera much more than I probably should admit to.
@maruse I'm with you on this one buddy! 😊
The 3ds music player is great for Musicians! The pitch and tempo change feature is ridiculously good and worth buying a 3ds for alone.
Meanwhile, phone music players suck with crappy store front menus and adverts for their subscription streaming services. ITunes, yuk! Google play music, yuk!
I still remember the good old days of having my favorite music at the time, on my Nintendo 3DS... I didn't use it a whole lot but I loved the tips the little yellow bird gave you when you tapped on him. Good times for sure.
@JHDK clamshell
3DS as your main music player, that's so hipster!
Explains why Xenoblade has a jukebox feature.
"Crank up some mechonis field fam".
I use the 3DS as my main music player also. The features on it are fantastic, and the battery far exceeds my dedicated MP3 player. I'm not really a fan of other mobile devices, and I've always hated using phones, except for rotary phones when I was a kid.
I suppose intrinsically smartphones are superior, but I've never wanted to listen to music on a device that also receives calls and messages and also gives other types of alerts. The battery life on the 3DS also far exceeds that of a smartphone when listening to music. The most important thing is having palpable controls. Also having a continuous volume control over discrete metrics is far superior and more pleasant.
You add your music files to the 3DS, just like any other MP3 player.
@Toad Wow, ok I just looked it up and man! I had no idea, that's amazing
+1 in favor of a Switch Web Browser.
It's just crying for one. If it had a music player- no, MEDIA player + Internet browser, it would be one of the best devices to ever exist because it's sheer capability in games and media would be so large.
Besides, it's utterly stupid that you can't take greater advantage of having a microSD slot. It being used purely for save data is a rather large waste of resources in my eyes.
And anybody that says the Wii U Browser sucked, has never used it. Few browsing experiences of mine have ever been as pleasantly innovative. I only wish it was still updated.
This is me. And I'm in Middle School.
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