The Pokémon Company International has revealed that Zeraora, a mythical Pokémon that just so happens to be the final entry in the Pokédex at present, will soon be made available to western players in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.
The announcement comes alongside a new Pokémon Trading Card Game expansion, Sun & Moon - Lost Thunder, which is set to be available this November. The Pokémon will be distributed as part of the recent 'Year of Legendary Pokémon' celebrations, and will be available to add your team from 1st October - 15th November.
Further details regarding the distribution are still to be announced, although it will likely follow in the footsteps of the previous legendary Pokémon giveaways which have been presented to players through the games' Mystery Gift functionality online, or via codes obtainable at GAME, GameStop, and Best Buy stores. When you do finally get your hands on this elusive 'mon, you can expect to find its stats to be as follows:
- Level: 50
- Moves: Plasma Fists, Thunder Punch, Close Combat, Thunder
- Ability: Volt Absorb
- Held Item: Air Balloon
Will you be grabbing this final Pokémon for your Pokédex? Let us know if you're still catching 'em all with a comment below.
Comments 39
Ironic how the best Pokémon news we got this month is about a game that's already out!
@AlexSora89 It's quite sad really
I hope they’d stop with process of just giving mythical Pokémon out through codes and actually start integrating into the games again. It kills any wow factor tbh.
I really don't like having to go to a store just for a Pokémon. Half of the staff are clueless and the other half want me to buy something first
I agree with all comments thus far.
In just the Ultra games or will it also be available in Sun and Moon?
Hopefully in gen 8 we see more story content related to the mythical Pokémon in form of DLC added to the games. But at the same time, I know we'll not see it since GameFreak is lazy as Snorlax and will release them as distributions exclusive to certain retailers.
@DarthFoxMcCloud Its Ultra only
I am so ready
@-Green- Mythical Pokemon have ALWAYS been unobtainable through normal gameplay, since the first game (Mew).
"Legendary" is the term for in-game obtainables.
@KingMike False. Mew was under the truck.
Good thing it's a small Pokémon, so there's space for all the hype for LGPE.
I'm tired of legendary and mythical pokemon. Can we have just one generation without ANY?
This could be the end of the last great Pokémon games depending on how good the next cash grabs games do since that could affect the next real Pokémon generation for next year
Man, they're really running out of letter combinations for these things aren't they
Zeraora isn’t the last Gen 7 Pokemon, the Let’s Go games are considered to be Gen 7 and mainline (granted with the obviously new remake style), and don’t forget they are releasing a brand new Pokemon in Let’s Go.
@Deku-Scrub True but that new mon will likely be added the the Gen 8 dex like they did with previous early reveal pokemon
Yeh, I bought Pokemon Moon and I will not buy Pokemon Ultra Sun. I mean, Island Kahunas? The game lost something. I really hope they change it back.
It bloody well should come through mystery gift, I never got a Marshadow because they NEVER gave any in stores in my country, which means I'll never have the complete collection of Pokémon, like ever again. In-store codes suck.
I haven’t gotten any of the Ultra games. Just not convinced there was anything different enough to do it. Though it’s been tough not having access to some of the newer Pokémon.
Nice, the only Mythic 'mon I don't have.
It still hasn't grown on me.
Id be down for this guy to be in smash
@DarthFoxMcCloud : The Ultra games added a few new Ultra Beasts and this Pokémon, so the data doesn't exist in the original Sun/Moon games.
Please just be online! I am so tired of store codes!
@Kimyonaakuma : I hate it because I'm quite a timid and extremely anxious person (plus, being of age and whatnot) and I hate having to stand awkwardly in a corner in a failed attempt to be discreetly download the Pokémon.
Store codes are less painful, but I feel obligated to buy something, and I don't usually buy games from EB (as they "gut" the packaging of almost every game they sell) so I tend to take my business elsewhere. I usually just buy Pokémon plushes, but recently, they've started to "gut" the more expensive ones too. (that is, removing them from their box so they can dump them into a pit full of other stuffed toys).
@UmbreonsPapa : There isn't enough new content to warrant a purchase for all but diehard fans, but for those who are yet to play Gen 7, then the Ultra games are certainly the ones to play (and the expanded Pokédex especially breaks the monotony of constantly encountering the same old Pokémon).
The Ultra games feel like more of an enhanced/alternate version in the spirit of Crystal/Emerald/Platinum unlike Black 2/White 2, which was a sequel that had enough to distinguish it from its predecessor.
They loosed me with sun and moon... And I was a huge fan before that. Lanturn still the best in my heart.
@Pichuka97 Like how Bonsly and Munchlax were Gen 4 mon that appeared in the Gen 3 XD? (though I believe the two GameCube games are considered sidegames)
I wonder if they ever had intent to put Zygarde 10% and... 100% is it? in Gen 6 if they ever considered making a Z version.
@KingMike I mean in terms of them actually having a side story or event tied to them. In D/P you could get Darkrai for example and that had a small story to it. Recently though, it’s just been get code, and download Pokémon. It’s boring imo.
@KingMike Who knows. One day in 20 years the Sun and Moon beta will leak and all will be revealed
Yes thank you
Bruh! I coulda swore i saw this Pokemon revealed YEARS ago! With all the others in that leak lol.
Theyre just now releasing it? Lol
@KingMike I’ve always thought there was enough evidence pointing to Pokémon Z that they probably planned it... but for some reason or another just moved on to Sun/Moon. I at least find it unlikely that they outright planned NOT to follow the pattern of definitive version (or in the case of B2W2, sequel), it was easy money for them. Plus Zygarde was just there without any real explanation, and I seem to recall a place that there was a Battle Frontier under construction or something similar? I mean I could be wrong, but unless I hear otherwise I’m just gonna assume they at least planned to do Z.
@KingMike plus, like, Zygarde felt forced in Sun/Moon. As for its other forms, well Giratina had an alternate form specifically added for Platinum and Kyurem had forms for B2 and W2. I think it’s likely Zygarde had at least one form (if not both) planned for Z. Heck, I wouldn’t even be surprised if they had more forms for Zygarde cut, the percentages they picked seemed random to me, like why 10% and not 25%? Though I doubt we’ll ever hear of those, unlike Gold and Silver which had the beta that showed up at an expo, Sun and Moon likely didn’t have a playable beta with an entire dex coded in. They didn’t need to make such an early beta for these.
@ya_boy_six years? That’s an exaggeration if I’ve ever seen one. This officially was revealed in Japan in April and was first found by hackers less than a year ago around when the game came out (roughly November).
@Silly_G Well, I’m as diehard a Pokémon fan as they come. I think the only mainline title I missed was Crystal. Otherwise, I’d eventually play through every game in a generation, including the eventual third game (except for Crystal as I mentioned above and X and Y being the exception of course) or sequel (in the case of Black and White). Probably in my younger days, I would have snatched one of the Ultra games up, no question. With kids now and not a lot of time, I’ve gotta be choosy both financially and timewise what games I choose to invest in.
@Silly_G Honestly, I could give two craps what anyone thinks if I happen to whip out a 3DS in the middle of a crowd. And I’m 35. Until anyone with an opinion pays my bills and does anything significant for me in my life, I’m gonna download Pokémon any day and everyday.
I do understand being hesitant to go in to (in my case) GameStop and being harassed about preordering something or feeling you need to buy something. My only hang up now is having time to get to one as I am not gonna go out of my way to just grab a code. But when I do get to a GameStop to grab a download code, I just go in and ask and don’t give them time to try and sell me anything
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