Soapbox features enable our individual writers to voice their own opinions on hot topics, opinions that may not necessarily be the voice of the site. In this piece, Guides Editor Glen wonders why we're constantly asking for new games when the ones we already have offer so much...
There are two opposing sentiments that I've both uttered myself and have heard gamers express many, many times: "I can't wait until that game comes out!" and "Man, I've got a massive backlog of games that I should really work through before I buy any more games." They don't really sit comfortably next to each other, do they? It's also not really a problem shared anywhere else in our lives. We don't go looking for more food when our plates are already full.
Similarly, I recently had an argument with a friend of mine about why he's not getting a Nintendo Switch because there "Aren't enough games on it yet". When pressed, he did clarify that he meant exclusive games, but this is a guy who plays maybe one or two a year, tops. If that's all he cares about, Super Mario Odyssey and Splatoon 2 alone would keep him full until the next big first party exclusive comes along – and that's not to mention The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, of which his Wii U version has remained in its shrink-wrap since he bought it on day one. The ability to play it anywhere would be a game changer for him, but he cares more about what the Switch doesn't have instead of what it does.
I think both of these gaming attitudes are related, because we seem to have reached a point where we want more, more, more, and we haven't really stopped to consider why. Why is Pokémon Let's Go more appealing than Xenoblade Chronicles 2, which hasn't left its shrink wrap since you excitedly bought it on day one last year? Why do we consider a console that has 'more games on it' more worthy our time and money than another that offers a far better way to play when we don't even have the time to play all of the ones we want to anyway?

Another contradiction we gamers commonly express is that we miss the halcyon days where we completed Final Fantasy VII four times in a year. We really seem to have a hankering for the times when we got maybe three games per year but we played the absolute Bowsette (I'm coining the term, OK?) out of them. Granted, some of these complaints are a matter of timing – as adults, we have responsibilities to take care of now, and our spare time is more precious. But there's still no reason why we can't spend all of our gaming time scouring every nook and cranny of Hollow Knight, is there?
Instead, we're already obsessing over Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Metroid Prime 4, and the next F-Zero, which might not even end up happening. Why? Why do we value these games that we haven't played yet, which we've put on a pedestal, over games on our shelves that have rave reviews and that we also haven't played yet (or at least not played to destruction)? Also, is it genuinely more appealing to smash through several different games a month than just enjoying the scenery in Zelda? Just stop and ask yourselves these questions next time you boot up your Switch.
Before you fall into a cycle of self-loathing though, this mess really isn't your fault. That's on capitalism. Publishers and developers need this consumer drive to support their bottom lines, so all that really matters is that you buy their game. Spending time getting 100% on it? That doesn't matter – unless it's a game that's run as a service, in which case you need to remain hooked on the grind so you (hopefully!) keep spending.

To be fair, not all those working in games are like that, and it was actually Nintendo itself that made me realise the error of my ways. Each time we get a new Direct, Nintendo spends a big chunk of time highlighting free updates to games we already have. Splatoon 2, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Mario Tennis Aces, and ARMS see regular content updates that don't cost us a single penny.
And I remember wondering why. Why support a game that's a year old with new DLC that doesn't cost the end user anything? It could be cynical – a tool used by Nintendo to drive sales towards an older game – or it could be an act of appreciation towards the players. Either way, it doesn't really matter. What it did was give me pause for thought for just a second to pick up one of last year's Switch games and give it another chance. To invest in it – much like I did back when I played games as a youth.
There's something about the Switch that makes spending quality time with a game a lot more appealing, and I'm convinced that it lies in portability. When I'm sat on the couch, I'm making a conscious decision to play a game, and I generally want to stick on something that I can invest a solid chunk of time in. When I'm out and about though, this all goes out of the window. Instead, I generally just want to do something quickly – be it a dungeon in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim or a quick round of Paladins. That's something that the PS4, Xbox, or PC will never offer as comfortably as my Switch does, and it often drives me to once again invest in these games during my couch time, too.

To tie this all up, let's go back to an earlier point. No, it's not your fault that you have a greater urge to buy the shiny new thing than play an 'old' game that's sitting on your shelf. However, it is your responsibility to try and change that mindset, and the Nintendo Switch affords a far greater possibility to do so than any other console on the market. You can play it anywhere, which means you're more likely to boot up something you wouldn't normally on your TV, and the fact that Nintendo is actively reinvigorating older content will keep you coming back to those, too.
So I'd invite you all to break your habits. Crack out that shrinkwrapped copy of whatever this weekend and just play it. Or actually dive back into Breath of the Wild and finish off all of the Shrines instead of just saying you're going to. You have absolutely no excuse – the Switch can go where you go. You might just find that you stop obsessing over the next big thing because you're too busy having fun – just like the old days.
Can you relate to the sentiments expressed in this Soapbox? Have you found that the Nintendo Switch's portability has allowed you to invest more time in your favourite games? Are we just talking a load of old Bowsette?! Let us know in the comments section below!
Comments 212
I constantly tell myself I'm not buying games until I've completed a load of the ones I have. Then I check the Steam store, Switch eshop daily and retail sites for games to buy
And maybe, maybe, adult’s money can channel more games toward the ever growing backlog than parent’s money...
Great article!
I sometimes find myself spending too much time reading gaming news and following what happens in the community instead of actually playing the games. It's good to make a conscious effort to put the hype and drama aside and just enjoy the games themselves.
This issue definitely does deserve more attention..
Thanks for putting it in the spotlight!
To drown out the cries of existential dread? And sometimes also because there's a sale
Nice read. I've never been caught up in this "what's next? I have nothing to play!" mentality as to me gaming is just something I do when I have time and I don't see games as having a shelf life. There's still loads of titles from the first year of the Switch I haven't touched that I can still buy if I feel the urge. It's not a race. I think as well for some people this is all they've got...
Not everyone has the same taste in games.
More games for more chances of people enjoying.
That was a superb article and I totally agree with much of it. However, I count myself as someone who preferred the GameCube/PS2 days. Nintendo has never been better as a platform owner, but on balance I haven't enjoyed anything recently as much as Wind Waker/Ocarina of Time.
Games are much bigger now, and whilst I could spend months and months, even years, playing Skyrim or Breath of the Wild, I much prefer a succinct, 2-week experience. For the same reason I dislike DLC, free or otherwise.
The eShop, too, gives us so much to occupy our time. I find myself becoming intolerant of games if I even become a bit bored. I think what it is, is that although we have so much to play, we're always waiting for that next great experience. For the same reason, when there's a Nintendo Direct, we do want to see Metroid Prime and F-Zero - not because we want to play them right now, but because we want the excitement.
Personally, one of the biggest reasons why I want to buy new games (despite having an unfinished backlog) is because I want to be involved in the "current" conversation. It's awesome being able to talk to a bunch of other people, fanboy and discuss stuff. I feel like you kind of miss out on all the hype and chatter if you don't pick up something at launch. I mean it was amazing hearing about everyone's different experiences with BOTW when it first launched.
I do look for food when my plate is full. Mmm buffet food...
I regularly wish for the ability to freeze time so I could play as many games as I could afford without having to worry about time constraints... But as that will never happen (probably), I very much agree with this article. We're all guilty of spending too much time craving more games than we need, and I think we'd be happier if we just accept what we have.
The paradox of gaming (or any other leisure activity actually) is that as a child you have more time than money but then that trend is reversed in adulthood.
I'm now thinking of some very, very dull hours spent on rainy afternoons trying to finish Spectrum games that I hated (but that had come free with a magazine) or spent playing through a £45 turkey that a foolhardy (but well-meaning) family member had bought as an x-mas present without reading a review!
Great article and i feel the same all the time . I have some amazing games ive semi complete or not touched but all i think of is new games like DBZ, Dark Souls and Fifa. Its weird because i know i dont have the time
Monster hunter is a good example played love it, moved on for shiny and new but i love Monster Hunter with a passion
Not every one is interested In the same games.
2 words: Hedonic adaptation. Like said we need to find a way to be happy with what we already have.
It's human nature. We are addicted to the novelty of new games (among other things). We get excited at the promise that something new brings. We'll get it, feel elated for a while and then will forget about it, or we'll play it and never finish it. Sometimes I think about it like this: I have everything I wanted badly a month or two ago - a game, a book, whatever - and it didn't satisfy. There's new stuff I want now, and the joy that came from getting those new items didn't last long. It is a pattern of behavior that is much easier to combat once you realize you have it, and I think to a greater or lesser extent all people do. It's human nature and is likely linked to greed or selfishness or some other negative force that lurks in our souls. Practicing contentment is a good antidote to this, in my opinion. In the context of this article, getting less games, or more thoroughly enjoying the ones already owned.
Just some things I've thought about before, because I've noticed this in my videogame-buying habits.
@SMEXIZELDAMAN excellent post. Nice to see likeminded people.
Is your friend an editor over at Push Square, @Damo?
Because I hate to admit it - I really do - but the Wii U era caused us to consider droughts, which should be the exception, to be the norm instead, while the norm, for all consoles, should be healthy lists of upcoming games - and this one has been released while we were here writing about what we don't have.
Nintendo did a great move, by going all-out with a crazy first year, but overdoing that turned out to be quite the double-edge sword, one we're at the wrong end of. This must have something to do with most efforts still being first or second party.
Speaking of Push Square, when you told me some people have issues in there... you were right. How could a mere snark of mine get someone else so riled up, among comments upon comments in denial of any need of crossplay, is beyond me.
I've not bought Xenoblade 2 and Spiderman for this very reason. It's daft spending £50 for shelf-filler if you know you don't have the time to play it due to being wrapped up in other excellent titles. I'm still moon-hunting in Mario Odyssey, working through God of War, and enjoying multiplayer fun in Splatoon 2 and Battlefront 2. When I'm done with one of the above, I'll pick up Spidey, probably for about £20 for a game of the year version. I only spend £50 on a game on day 1 when I know it's going to be played for hours within the first few days, like Zelda or Mario, or this year, Smash.
I actually take offense to this article. Specifically, video game journalists/reviewers/bloggers should be the LAST people talking. You guys are always looking to the next thing. A huge game comes out, you review it, and then you're posting previews about the next big thing. You hardly talk about the game that just came out. You never post about the game that came out last year. When was the last Arms or Splatoon article you posted? The only time you talk about them is when Nintendo releases extra content.
Instead of blaming capitalism or the consumer, how about you guys take a good hard look at yourselves.
"And I remember wondering why. Why support a game that's a year old with new DLC that doesn't cost the end user anything?" As a PC user i don't wonder why. We're in 2018. Internet and content updates are the normal if you want to keep up with he competition. Nintendo just lately got on the wagon. You'll get used to it
Unsurprisingly, this is from the same guy who wrote 'Soapbox: We Like To Grumble, But Nintendo Switch Online Is Actually A Very Generous Offer'
Great excuses m8.
Nintendo stans are so delusional.
Honestly, I still feel like more games is better and a backlog of games is what you make of it. In the time that we have, of course we're not gonna be able to play through every single game, but the games that captivate our interest the most drives us to them. I have a massive backlog for when the time comes that I want to play the game, I can play it. I got Luigi's Mansion and being a cowardly kid, I didnt play it until 5 years later where it has become one of my favorite games on the GameCube. Hell, I just recently beat Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn which I had that game for 10 years. If anything, I need to get out of a funk where after I'm done work and all my responsibilities, I usually tend to napping or just watching YouTube. Overall, just play what'll make you happy, whether it is old or new, because there will be a time and place for any game you wanna get to/finish. Me? Just finally started Professor Layton and the Curious Village and damn, that game is good lol
Because I'm greedy. Deal with it.
Because the most are crap indie games. 1000 plus games and 4 of them are realky good games.
@bonham2 We posted about Splatoon 2 twice this week 😙
I'm kind of having the opposite problem to some of this. I want to play other games, and want to anticipate other games and look forward to them... but everything is overshadowed by The Binding Of Isaac. I am hopelessly addicted to it, and cannot break away from it. 670 hours now on Switch alone, since it launched last Autumn (UK). I also played the hell out of it on Vita, PS4, and 3DS. I played Super Mario Odyssey for five hours, and Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze for three before returning to Isaac. Of course, I should not complain, as I enjoy the hell out of it (obviously!), but it's almost stopping me from enjoying anything else. It actually makes me feel weird... if any of that makes any sense at all. I wonder when it will end, as I will never be good enough to 100% it. I am now almost hesitant to post this, as it sounds as if I am whining about a game which I absolutely adore. I am honestly unsure how to feel about it. I should be looking forward to Dark Souls and Pokemon Let's Go, but I wonder if I will abandon them as well after a couple of hours. It feels really odd!
I think this speaks to the addictive nature of video games. There's a thrill of the purchase that is enough to satisfy an urge. It's not unlike people who have a closet full of clothes with the tags still on.
@Ooyah You really need to stop posting about it. Mainly because you sucked me into it again. shakes fist at you
@MikeHiscoe Good observation. It's not just videogames that bring the short-lived thrill, but for us gamers it is perhaps the area where we recognize it the most. I never understood why my mom and sister liked clothes shopping so much, but I realized its the same thing.
As a kid I’d play games thuroughly. ...But as an adult, My time is too valuable. So, because I love this stuff... I’ve resolved to just get a new game every Friday or so to see what’s new. ...Results in a lot of barely played games (over 40 on Switch so far), but it doesn’t feel bad. It feels good to support the system and developers.
I've just decided to accept the fact that I'm not going to change regarding this. My backlog keeps growing, but several times a year I take good big chops at it which keeps it kinda in check. I also keep a list of purchase dates, and if I'm torn between two games, I always pick the one I purchased first.
The result is a sort of dysfunctional but still partially viable way of making sure I actually play these games instead of just starting a new title every day... Something which would've completely destroyed September for example. I bought the following in September:
6. Sept.: Hyper Light Drifter
7. Sept: SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy
18. Sept: Undertale
21. Sept: Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna, Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk
25. Sept: Valkyria Chronicles 4
27. Sept: Armello
28. Sept: Dragon Ball FighterZ
That's 8 games on a single month, with most of them offering insane amounts of content.
There's no way in hell I'm able to play all of these right now let alone before the "next big thing" comes out, but I'm a gamer that likes hacking away at 3-5 games at a time so that I never get tired of anything.
Currently playing:
1. Hollow Knight (on-and-off, I'm on the Grimm Troupe DLC now, only missing that and Godmaster)
2. Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk (main "progress" game atm)
3. Octopath Traveler (my bus/train/an hour of chill in bed game)
4. Dead Cells (Lunch break game)
5. Armello (Scratches that multiplayer and board game itch, I play it when I feel like being a backstabbing son of a sexy fox named Scarlet who totally isn't about to nick your gold and have the whole country following me - usually late nights or when pissed, it just feels good to play to mess with people instead of playing to win. Also only makes your mood better.)
6. Splatoon 2 (I usually play a bit here and there, especially with new content coming.)
And when Hollow Knight reaches full completion, I'll replace it with Iconoclasts or Undertale, and so on. Labyrinth will probably be replaced with Torna or Valkyria Chronicles, Armello might be cycled out for some SNK Heroines or DBFighterZ. Whatever multiplayer itch I need scratched.
I think it stems from two things: most of us gamers are now well into adulthood having grown up playing games. In my head, I am still that gamer that had all this spare time to play games, which I always just wanted more of (reality is very different, of course). This is why it's easy to fall for the hype and this is the second reason: hype. Websites like this one generate the hype, that is how they get their readers = money.
So we have an imagined reality of having lot's of time and wanting to play all these fantastic, amazing, almost life-changing games and the hard reality of having to prioritise other things and actually, when it comes to it, and now with well developed tastes, not actually enjoying those games all that much.
Great article.
I'm hacking away at my backlog, finishing what I own. GB/GBC is done and dusted and I've taken a fair chunk out of the Megadrive, four physical left, plus whatever I've got in the Classic Collection. Knocked off 45 games this year, more than what I've bought/received for free, so progress is being made. It's the RPGs that consume the most time.
I'm one of those guys that buys more games than I have the time to play (with a full time job and other hobbies, it's hard to find the time). But I guess it's not just playing the games that makes me want to buy them. It's also about having them, collecting them. It's kind of a thrill. To buy a new great game at launch. To be part of the discussion surrounding it's release.
And I'm not just buying for the Switch (which btw I think has an excellent library of games). I also buy retro games, especially for the original Game Boy.
But while I sometimes feel a little bit ashamed that my backlog for the Switch is so huge (even though I've at least tried every game I own for the system, it's just that some of them gets more of my time), I don't feel the same about my retro collection, as there's a bigger emphasis on collecting the games than on actually playing them when it comes to those games, at least for me. But of course I don't buy retro games that I don't want to play. It's just that I don't feel bad for not playing them that much. They are a part of my collection and it feels great to have them; if I ever feel an urge to play, for example, Metroid II, I can just go to my shelf, pick it up and play it. But it's finding the games, bidding on them, buying them, that's some of the most fun things about retro collecting.
But I know this is just my personal opinion. Some people have more time to play games than I do and therefore are more into upcoming releases, as they've already played the games they are interested in. But at the same time I think it's silly to say the Switch doesn't have any games. Well, maybe if you're just into ONE genre, but I guess most of us are interested in several?
I remember when I was a kid, when I could play one game over and over again. Of course there was hype for new releases, but at the same time we weren't as spoiled with new games as we are today. Therefore we played what we had and enjoyed it. And looking back, though the libraries for older systems are slimmer than modern ones, there was a decent amount of quality games released for example on the Game Boy. Wow, it has some really great stuff on it!
Right now, i have 112 Nintendo games. Here are the list according to my Shopping list:
1. 33 3DS games (31 USA, 2 JPN)
2. 28 NDS games (16 USA, 12 JPN)
3. 23 Switch games (15 USA, 1 JPN, 7 EUR)
4. 17 Wii games (USA)
5. 7 Wii U games (USA)
6. 3 Gamecube games (USA)
7. 1 GBA game (JPN)
But, maybe i still haven't finished at least 50% from All my collections due to another Hype on other games.
Well, to play games must be depend on your mood / time to finish. Don't play the games like a punishment to finish it until The End, just play it regularly even just 20 - 30 minutes.
Hear hear.
Personally I’ve been making a concerted effort with my Switch to not amass a backlog, buying 1 game at a time, and mixing it up with working through my backlog elsewhere. I waited 6 months to buy Sonic Mania, because I wanted to get Sonic & Knuckles (backlogged since 2005 on my GC Mega Collection) out of the way first. Then Odyssey came out, and I got Lego Marvel 2 for Xmas, and suddenly it’s March before I can finally spin dash again.
I was having the time of my life patiently going through God of War, and then Spiderman came out and I started to obsess with getting it. And suddenly I realized I didn't need to. And Red Dead Redemption 2 is right around the corner.
However, this very line of thinking has me wondering if I should sell both my Switch and my Wii U. I have backlog on both, and I don't know if I'll ever get around to it.
I don't take the Switch out much, I like gaming at home. And when I do game outside is usually with my 3DS. But is tough to think that I will miss Fire Emblem 3 Houses and Metroid Prime 4. Which are the only 2 Nintendo games I'm looking forward to.
I don't know, mam, but you make a good point. I'll try to go through my entire backlog before I move forward and that's rhat.
I’m a bookseller of nearly 20 years and I’m quite familiar with the urge to own something new knowing full well you haven’t the time to read it. There’s something very comforting in seeing a shelf (or entire room) full of books waiting to be read, just as there’s comfort in booting up my switch and scrolling through a library of un- or under-played games. I think it’s more than acquisitiveness. Plus there’s the added bonus of supporting the artists as they release their work to the public, not when it’s discounted down the road or forgotten entirely.
I pretty much took this year off to get caught up a bit on the backlog and sink my teeth into the NES & SNES Mini.
Next year however - oh boy. 😄
On reflection, do we doubt why we watch new movies or enjoy new songs? I think we sometimes put gaming under the microscope too much.
Great read, I'm pretty good at not buying shed loads of games brand new but I struggle to resist a real bargain. Actually, im going back to old games ive never played like red dead. I waited till this year to pick up a switch and even if it was my only console, I would have struggled to play all the games I want to. Christ I played Zelda for 3 months lol!! There are some folks in a community who will smash through all the content you can give them and want more. Look at destiny 1/2, folk moan that there's not enough after playing the same game for 100s of hours.
I have had PlayStation plus for the last 7 years so have a massive backlog of games.
I try to do a one in, one out rule but almost always fail. I've also tried not to buy too many switch games as I want to "finish" the Wii u.
I do agree though, I used to play games over and over but now I complete once and move on, even if there are multiple endings. It's a shame. Been playing Shenmue and I'm struggling with the feeling of wasting time, despite the fact that was something I loved about it first time around
I blame online multiplayer games. Splatoon 2, rocket league, mario kart 8, mario tennis aces. These games never finish. They are a big reason I have a backlog, I’m slowly finishing my Wii u/Wii games. Nes/snes Classic I haven’t still played as much as I like to and the gamecube games I still buy to this day. Too many games and not enough time.
I also have super mario party, onimusha and smash coming through the post and eshop games I will never ever finish.
@Damo So maybe Splatoon 2 was a bad example, but my point holds true. You only posted about it because new content is being released. You find it weird that Nintendo supports an already release game for free, but they're getting free press on a year old game that would've been entirely forgotten by journalists without a reason to go back.
When I buy a game, I make sure that I play it at least once. So when I say “backlog”, I don’t mean “games I own but haven’t played”, I mean “games I’ve yet to beat”. Snake Pass, Mega Man 2-6 (part of the Legacy Collection), 100% of the Octo Expansion (all stations but Girl Power), Mario + Rabbids, Skylanders Inaginators, DKC: Tropical Freeze, all of the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, Nefarious, SteamWorld Heist, Hollow Knight, Sonic Mania, Yoku’s Island Express...
Yeah, I need to beat all of these games and more. I will eventually, but personally I find it fun to buy things. Shopping’s a hobby of mine. I’m probably not going to buy any new games until Christmas (since I’ve already preordered Smash Ultimate), so I have plenty of time to play through my backlog (either that, or just keep pouring hours and hours into AC: New Leaf, ARMS, and Smash 3DS).
Not everyone plays every type of game.
I do not care for Mario Kart, I do want F-Zero. I don't care about fighting games like ARMS and Smash. I do play Metroid and FE.
I like RPGs like Torna but could care less about pixel-art based Octopath. I play FIFA/Madden but not Mario Tenis or NBA2K. So I wait/ask/want those games "I" like to play.
You never been to a restaurant and have your girl not like the "menu"?. It is full of stuff, but not what she likes/wants.
Oh, and just like some people do not spend hrs reading a Book twice, they also do not play the same videogave over. Regardless if they can now play it In a different "Geographical location" 🙄
Great read and like so many others something I can definitely relate to.
I always used to play one game at a time but then as more games would release that I wanted i started to get impatient and rather than enjoy the game i was playing i just wanted to finish to start another.I then decided to play a few games at once (not literally), jumping between games so I could continue to enjoy them rather than just try to rush through them.But the more games I wanted that released the more I would start and end up playing more than the other and neglecting some that I used to love.
I'm in my mid forties and I don't have time to play that much..especially as games are so much bigger now (it doesant help my fave genre is rpg)so now I just tell myself i have to really think about the games that I want more than others,none of us will ever get to play or finish everything so at the moment I'm managing to stick to two games at a time...(ok so two games per system anyway.Ps4 and Switch and one in 3ds) and so far it's working for me..even if I decide I'll those two games today and those two tommorrow..that way I'm enjoying them again instead of rushing through them.
Amen. It’s like someone looked into my head and wrote down my thoughts on this subject. Good article
What a great article. I actually took your advice and went back to BotW. Finally beat Trial of the Sword after months. Thanks, Glen
I'm going to say the same thing I said to another user on this site. If you think $20/year is a bad deal for cloud saves that expire after 180 of unpaid service, access to a growing library of ONLINE PLAYABLE old Nintendo games, online multiplayer that could one day get every game a dedicated server, special "paid service" discounts on digital releases, and the ability to spread this service over multiple Nintendo Switches under a "family" plan (pending the user on that account is the only account and is part of the family plan) then you must see the value of $20 very differently than the target audience who this is targeting.
This service is not for the "eating a McDouble sandwich every day for dinner" crew. This service is for the "I spend ~$60 each check on a new game" crew. That means that $20 is just throw away money to us. If anything it's a very generous donation/fundraiser/crowdsource to Nintendo for building us a bigger and better community. Considering that the competitors are charging 3x that for an annual subscription (and no one shakes a fist at them for doing so with no FREE offerings for backwards compatible titles) then I think your expectations are TOO DAMN HIGH.
I also compare this NES library service to Netflix. Netflix is $13/mo, so $156/year. Nintendo is $20/year. By a large margin, Netflix makes more money per subscriber. They also have 5.52 million users according to Amazon Alexa. With all that extra money, Netflex is a juggernaut. You might argue that Nintendo has a lot of money because of all the money it makes from hardware sales and 1st party games, but what you don't understand is how a corporation DIVISIONS their business. Every "department" is considered an individual business. That means that a game like ARMS is given a startup cost and it's up to that company to work within that budget to make the game or to do fundraising to get more capital with that money. Nintendo isn't going to invest more money into a game if it isn't turning over a profit. The same is happening to the online service. An initial cost was given to the network engineers for hardware, security, and for bandwidth. If the network division fails to deliver a great service, they shut down the service. Nintendo is NOT going to take a loss on a service/product; that's why they abandoned the Wii U and the Virtual Boy. So until Nintendo raises the price of the monthly/annual fee, don't expect much more from them.
Lastly, no one cares about your Virtual Console woes. If you feel Nintendo should have launched with a full library of amazing games then you clearly don't know how to run a business. Nintendo has always been a demand side economics company; much like Disney and Apple. If you think entitlement and impulsive shopping through supply side economics is going to keep Nintendo alive you are gravely mistaken. Nintendo is a novelty product, not a brand pusher like Sony or Microsoft; they know that their best products aren't even products, they are ideas and a few original universes they own the rights to. Honestly, every company that's alive and doing well has their own original universes that keep them alive. Call of Duty, Halo, Grand Theft Auto, Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, and plenty more are only "great games" because of your belief in their storytelling and their original universes. If you didn't believe in it, then all of these franchises go away; look at what happened to the Tony Hawk series and Hitman series. Games only exist because we want them to.
While stanning anything is stupid, fans are loyal and that's why Nintendo does what it does. If Nintendo didn't, then it would have died several times since the 80s. The N64 Disk Drive, the Virtual Boy, the GameCube, and the Wii U were all failures. If Nintendo didn't have stans then Nintendo would have been taken out of the race and then we'd be stuck with the "PC wannabe" systems and no innovator. I say stop hating on people who love things because it doesn't make you an interesting person except getting attention from someone who can out logic you on a public forum.
The late 90's was the best time for me. I had a bit of disposable income and could afford either 1 $39.99 PS one game per month or 2 $19.99 games and I typically did beat each game within 30 days time. These days I have much more disposable income and games are even cheaper now with some being as little as $0.49 on the eShop which means I buy tons of games, yet don't have the time any more to play them.
I don’t know how anyone with multiple consoles does it. I would have so many games that I wouldn’t know what to do. My wife made the comment to me that I just like to collect games because I have more than I can play- since then I’ve decided to have only one console (it Sucks sometimes since there’s so many good games!). I still have Skyrim, South Park, Little dragons cafe, as well as a wealth of digital titles I have yet to play. I’m at the point now that I’m consciously not buying new games because I still have many and honestly since Amazon has gotten rid of their preorder discount I have little reason to preorder new games. I can wait until there’s a sale or until I take care of the games that I have.
This article has generated some really interesting and honest comments. For that, I’m as grateful as anything else.
I'm always looking for something new to play, and then I get it, but instead of putting the effort into getting invested in that new game, I'll just fall back on to the stuff I've already been invested in for a while. I think part of the problem is that we always want to have something new.
One of my problems is getting very close to full completion in a game but then not wanting to put in the effort to fully complete that last little bit of stuff. That's happening right now with Hollow Knight, Hyper Light Drifter, Curse of the Moon, and Spiderman...
@finalstan on the taste aspect I can definitely hear you there(and I second most of the rest too).
I think part of it is how I've been interested in Hyper Light Drifter as well but had to delay purchasing it on me end but that delay(on my end) allowed me to better evaluate my tastes and realize that I might not necessarily enjoy it if I got it.
Hype seemingly kept comparing it to Zelda, a franchise I like, but the more I look at it the more what it has in common with it(for me) seem to be exclusively that it's top down, has a roughly similar inventory system and real time combat.
But combat in A Link to the Past(the one zelda game of the SNES era I see Hyperlight Drifter compared to the most) is a simplistic affair with your character moving only at a certain speed and so on. In comparison HD seem to feature a lot of dashing/dodging and other high speed movement I realize aren't among the stuff I search for in Zelda-style games as I'm realizing my tastes lay more with the slower paced stuff ^^;
But in a way I don't mind since this is teaching me more intentional restraint in my purchases. My wishlist is now more of a "reminder" list to be periodically reviewed to see if my perception of a game is still in line with how much I desire it anymore.
Thus I both regularly trim that list and reevaluate what games I can reaffirm to myself that they're ones I really want(after such recent trimming for example I'm seeing I'm still interested in Ys 8 that I might well buy in retail in upcoming months since I've actually mostly completed my current single player backlog except for Owlboy)
lol Sorry! 😆 I wonder how far along you are with it?
I agree with your first point. I have so many memories of deep diving into every game that I enjoyed as a child/teenager. Time is just to limited for my 35 year old washed up a**. Lol
@Ooyah Switch version I've sunk about 4hrs so far. Which for my workload this past week and a half, is a lot. Distracted me from Torna too. I've been a huge fan of the game since PC though, and also on ps4, vita, and 3ds. My 3ds clock was about 350hrs. I only had my 3ds for 8 months, lol.
Earlier this year, I put in a rule where I must complete 3 games on a console to be able to buy a new game for that console. Looking back on the Wii U era led to this choice as a big chunk of my Wii U games will be completed for the first time on Switch due to how much of a time sink MK8, Hyrule Warriors and some XB1 games were back then.
Nice article. Thinking about it, it's pathetic when someone says: "Why do you play console X, or Z? They don't have many games!" I own so many titles that I could build a 300 centimetre high statue based of plastic covers. Games, that I've bought but never played, never even released them from their packaging. So, what is better? To say, that you don't own a lot of games, but to appreciate every single minute playing them or to tell people, that you collect games, and to have such a lot untouched, that they're getting covered in dust? I feel bad, having invested thousands of € for games, just to look at them like a collection of stamps.
I think a lot of the complaints represent a desire for more variety and parity with the competition. People who own consoles from Sony and Microsoft are inundated with far more variety and consistent quality than we see on Nintendo’s eShop. I would like to see Nintendo succeed and reach a broader audience, but in order for them to do that, they have to keep up with the quality and output of the competition. Otherwise, the perception is comparatively Nintendo consoles don’t have as many games, and that hurts them in the long run.
That's a good article.
It's a natural drive to want more. Even though you can't keep up playing them all. I'm playing Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, probably the game I'm gonna spend the most time with, to the detriment of all these other games- Xenoblade Torna, FFXV, Valkyria Chronicles 4, Labyrinth of Refrain, Dragonball Fighter Z, South Park Stick of Truth, Marble It Up, etc etc
And I did take time to play each and every one of those games, so I'm a little ways in to each of them. But the fact is I just keep coming back to Monster Hunter. I still need to finish YS VIII and Octopath, and we're about to get hammered with Mega Man 11, TWEWY, StarfoxLink and more!
Yet I always want more. Even though I know half the games I want are games I'll never have time to get around to playing or finishing. BUT, with that said, I know I'll definitely not have time if they were confined to the TV. At least by wanting them on switch I can double the time I have to play them
To be honest I have played all the first party games released on the switch and am waiting for the next big game most of the indies released on the eshop are free to me on game pass with xbox or I've already got it free from ps plus. In my opinion we need more quality games and less of the random junk added to the eshop daily
@BubbleMatrix82 The hell are you even talking about? I already paid $20, the service sucks. I don't care about the money(I own a PS4 + PSVR + $60 Playstation Plus ever year, Virtual Boy I bought on one of my trips to Japan and so on), I care about the service and it's not good. The NES games are boring as hell and nearly unplayable in handheld mode with the small buttons and lack of D-pad.
I'd rather have a good $100 service from Nintendo than a bad $20 one. I already have Netflix, Google Play Music and Playstation Plus, all which are way more expensive but are worth their money. Oh, and Apple and Disney are horrible companies with bad products.
It sounds like you're more in that 'McDouble sandwich' league. That's cool, but stop telling other people that they are wrong for wanting a better service that they would gladly pay for.
I saw myself buying games and not playing them a couple of generations ago (Wii days). I came to the realization that Nintendo games were more enjoyable for me so I went from having all the consoles to only Nintendo. I do miss a couple of franchises, but my backlog is much more manageable and I now try not to own more than a couple unfinished games at once.
I was happy when the switch was announced as I could focus on only one console for my home and portable gaming.
I don’t regret buying games that go in my backlog. I do regret paying full price for games I haven’t played much when I see them on sale later.
The Amazon Prime discount helps to justify buying on launch day.
"Why? Why do we value these games that we haven't played yet, which we've put on a pedestal, over games on our shelves that have rave reviews and that we also haven't played yet (or at least not played to destruction)?"
Well, for me, I have enjoyed each and every Smash Bros. games dating back to the 64. Each game was better then the last, adding just so much more content, seeing how Ultimate will have EVERYONE, have the most stages, music, everything, it's real easy for me to put it up on a pedestal, despite my not playing it yet.
Brand trust is another reason. CD Project Red, for example, has been amazing with giving us huge, full, complete, enjoyable, and some free content. CyberPunk 2077 hype!
Another factor for Smash is because ever since the 64, my mind was blown away when I first played it. Seeing all these characters from different games not only come together in one, but fight, which is something they did not do in their respected games, was just so amazing!
As for me diving back into games like BoTW and Mario Odyssey, I dunno. After beating BoTW, I noticed how lackluster it was and was disappointed in how the "story" played out, so that game has left a sour taste in my mouth.
I might go back to Mario O. one day, but like every game, once I beat the story, I give that game a huge break, if I go back at all, since all there is left to do in collect stuff.
I did go back for Splatoon 2 though...before the online service kicked in.
Some of it depends on pricing........I had a huge backlog on Wii U because I regularly bought 3rd party games for under $10. Switch games are holding their value more so I'm less likely to make an impulse buy
@Kinoen You haven't played Mario Odyssey until you finished the Darker Side of the Moon. That is unfortunately the only challenging part of the game.
I don't see the problem.
Just because I've got a backlog of games that I haven't got time to play/finish doesn't mean there can't be new games that I want to play more than those in my backlog.
It's just a matter of priority.
@Grumblevolcano implemented something similar at the start of 2016 but for me it is a minimum 2:1 ratio. I cut myself of from yearly 'regurgitated' games like COD, PES, FIFA, Assasins Creed (at the time) etc that I felt offered little more than a new skin or lick of paint. Lastly, unless I felt it was something really special like Splatoon 2 or Rocket League, I stayed away from service games like Destiny, Overwatch, Fortnite etc. Worked wonders for my backlog and game variety and i've never had as much fun as a gamer since the early 90's when I had bags of time it seems.
Preach!! I’ve had this problem ever since I got addicted to Fortnite. I’ve abandoned everything else I already have & there’s still more games on the way! It’s too much 😩
Having never owned a PS3/4 or Xbox One, I recently took the plunge on buying a PS4 for Spider-Man and said to myself that I was not buying anymore games until I finished that. In the space of a week though I had bought Tomb Raider (£11), Watch Dogs (£8) and Life is Strange (£2.79) [This game would be perfect for Switch btw]. I was going to buy all of these games eventually and I could use the 'They were in a sale' excuse but the truth is I broke my own rule after just a week.
I never 100% my games, if by that you mean collecting absolutely everything, experiencing all the possible endings and doing every small and big quest there is for the game. Playing game through is playing the mainplot and those extras I feel interested in, but trophies and completionism is not my cake. I do feel bad that my gamelog is so huge tho - I should invent a rule to make myself to play at least 5 games I already got for every new game I buy... Good sales are hard to pass so I force myself not to check gamestores at all. And yes, excellent point on how we do not have this mindset anywhere else in our life: closest I can think of is the trope of some people being like "I have nothing to wear" with closet full of new clothes that have never been worn.
It's been a drought for a while. Now things are going to heat up for me personally with the rapid-fire releases of MM11, SSBU, MP4, and DMCV.
Which is phenomenal, because, I pretty much only play Nintendo's first-party stuff, and 2 things have happened:
1. The retro library finally lost its replay value, and,
2. The recent games (that aren't Party like Kart or Smash) have no replay value. I have no desire to do all of SMO's fetching again and I couldn't even imagine replaying BotW (let alone giving it a first slog).
So yeah, I'm going to go back to those halcyon days here in a bit, and looking forward to it!
I see the point but it's about choice for me. I think there's an element of this capitalist mess we live in that dictates many people's drive for 'things' (if not all of it) but honestly, this is a much wider and more difficult subject to analyse.
The supply and demand of new and more games does nothing but stimulate growth in the industry - granted it may push some publishers to push their employees the wrong way (looking at you, Telltale) and that's another topic that requires attention, but we're talking on the whole here.
Are you suggesting the boatload of indie games I've got on the Switch that I've yet to get to playing are wasted or that I should have waited?
I've seen something I've heard good things about, got a good deal or want to support the dev if the idea looks original and I think I'll enjoy it. I fail to see how this is a bad thing unless it was obsessive and damaging to your day-to-day life (as in spending problems, but again, shopping addiction is very real and being heavily researched - nothing to do with gaming in particular).
My opinion, irrespective of the above, is that giving myself a range of games to all any mood to be catered for is extremely important to me and let's me get away from the old days of having spent too many hours on the odd awful game just to justify its existence. It means I will never have to force myself to play something I'm not in the mood for or, conversely, always have that opportunity to say 'let's try something random'.
I don't believe everyone will want to delve into every nook and cranny of every game they play - that doesn't mean they haven't found personal value or enjoyment out of it (I happen to be the type that plays each game to completion and on occasion to 100% but that's just me).
As for looking forward to new releases? I don't think that's stopping people playing anything - surely they're separate? If I'm reading up on Smash, I'm not doing it instead of finishing Hollow Knight.
That's not to say the above reflects the point of your article perfectly, nor does it suggest the view's not valid but I can't relate to parts of it personally at all. I definitely support us all just randomly agreeing to take a minute and crack open an untouched game on the shelf- sounds fun. Also relate to the handheld tendency to 'stick with it' more often.
I've got an idea for you, actually @Damo - let's have Nintendo Life poll where you basically say all of us who vote 'yes' are agreeing that, irrespective of plans, next weekend we will all grab a random game we own from the backlog and just PLAY it with that 16-bit era 'I only own one game to I'm going to play it!' mentality. Think that could be a really fun idea. What do you rek? Sounds like your kind of bag!
Or Glen, naturally but I don't know your handle off the top of my head haha.
I already have way too many games and way too many on preorder. Even if I played video games for 5 hours a day every day for the rest of my life o doubt I would get through all of the games I currently own ....
Your article is subjective, I look at things from a different perspective that's all.
I see people eating their lunch while walking along the high street, talking business on their phones during their break time. The street is full of people wearing headset's. And now they want to finish playing Zelda while on the bus or whatever. Just because they can.
The Switch was designed, according to Nintendo to take with you, fair enough, but it was primarily a home console, that we could play games in Full hd on a big screen with a pro controller. The DS was the truely portable device.
While I respect how others play games, I don't take my Switch out of my home to play games; I also don't eat and walk at the same time and I don't watch Netflix movies on my 5.5 smartphone screen.
I don't collect games, I play and trade, occasionally I will hang onto a game like Mario Kart. Like wise I don't buy videos; once I've watched a film I don't want to watch it again, well not for a good few years anyway.
I buy (then trade) physical games, downloads for the most part are poor value for money. I never look for something to play, I look for something I want to play, there is a big difference.
Nintendo are now trying to please to many styles of gamer. I am a single player gamer. I don't play on line games, the Splatoon and other games according to reviews have poor single player modes. For the most part I don't want to spend full price to re-invest in Wii u ports, N64 or Cube games remastered, yes.
So when someone sees hundreds of games for the Switch I and many others see a lack of single player physical games.
Yes we have Skyrim and a few other 5 year old third party ports which are ok, but we won't see a new PS game on the Switch unless it is downgraded to work.
Having had only Nintendo consoles since the days of the N64 and stuck with Nintendo, I now see that times have changed and like a household with more then one TV/Movie provider and to get the best from gaming, two consoles are the way to go. There are more good third party games out there than there are Nintendo games, so it makes sense to play them first hand on a PS and not the Switch 5 years down the line.
While some gamers see the Switch as a gold mine of Indi games, ports, old third party games, hd games that can play at 720 on a handheld device, others don't.
I seriously had this problem at the beginning of the year. I've been working on it though, the only games left I own that I haven't beaten is the DK DLC, Octopath Traveler, XC2 (I AM GOING TO BEAT CHAPTER 2 TODAY AFTER HALF A YEAR), Disagea 5, Battle Chasers, Batman Telltale, One Piece Unlimited World, Sonic Mania Plus, I Am Setsuna, Doom, Shining Resonance Refrain, Sine Mora EX, and Resident Evil Revelations 1+2.
Which... holy shoot it's a lot still when I write it down. But I've been beating at least 3 games for every 1 I buy, and I'm significantly down. I think around the time since I bought Octopath (my most recent game purchase) I had all those, 7 indies, Bayonetta 1+2, DK:TF, Octo Expansion, Okami, Lego City Undercover, Lumo, and Captain Toad, Samus Returns additionally in my queue so... it's going down. I'll still only be buying TWEWY, Smash and MAYBE Pokemon for the rest of the year until I can catch up more.
I can really relate to this feeling, having thought about it myself. Great article, too, until it turned into a fanboy advert for the Switch.
@Mqblank You gotta admit it feels good being able to buy full older triple A titles for a few quid.
I wonder the same thing myself. I looked at my games that I barely play or haven't even touched and thought, do I really need to keep buying more games?
I feel like you'll be more satisfied if you put your focus on one or two games at a time. It really makes you see just how much content some of your games have too.
@bonham2 Yep. But even Nintendo does this unless there is an update. Nintendo hasn't had any big releases this year, hence the constant hype for Smash. Once Smash comes out I'm sure we'll start hearing about the next game.
@Benjoo Hedonic adaptation is a good answer, but I think the tone of the article is too negative. We've reached the point where games can be scooped up by the armful, and it's awesome. I can ride the hype train on new releases, and actually buy them when they come out, as well as pick up curios and hidden gems on the e-shop when it takes my fancy. And, of course, actually play them since the Switch just makes me find time for it. What a time to be alive.
20 years ago, basically all new games cost $100 AUD. And I was a broke kid. Now I can swim in a sea of delights for peanuts. You won't find me complaining.
I simultaneously behave in a manner that agrees and disagrees with the viewpoints of the article. On one hand, I acknowledge that I have less time to play video games now than I did as a kid. It would be wasteful for me to buy games (and consoles) that I know full well will not get played. Obviously, I think that type of behavior should be addressed, if you find yourself buying things and never playing them. Despite the plethora of amazing games on PS4 begging for my attention, I don't have time to play everything on my Switch or PC. For those reasons, I only own and play on Switch and PC, as well as my retro consoles. There's no shortage of great games on PS4, and I'd love to play Horizon, The Last of Us, God of War, etc... but if I don't have the time, why bother?
On the other hand, at this point in my life, my time is far more valuable than money. If I purchase a $30-$60 title and I'm not having fun, I don't have any problem putting it down and moving on. It sucks, and it was a waste of money, sure - but I'd much rather it be a waste of money than a waste of my time and money. To be fair, I rarely buy full priced games anymore, given humble bundle, steam sales, GoG sales, etc... When I do, it is typically known quality titles from Nintendo. I think that's another reason we see people clamoring for Metroid Prime 4, Super Smash Bros, Fire Emblem, etc... I know I will love them, and I know I will play them to death, and will have no problem purchasing them at full price.
You know what is a different kind of fun I’ve forgotten about? 100%-ing games. I’m now going back to games I played/beat and seeing if there are things left to do or if I can get something new out of another play through. People blast achievements and trophies but they add a lot of replay value and getting some achievements is just so ridiculous that it is maddening fun, like trying to boost in a multiplayer mode nobody plays, beating something under a certain time or without dying. It’s what we did as kids but now we think we got everything out of a game because we played it or beat it, not true. Also this year I only buy one new game a month (New Years resolution) and I enjoy it until next month, it’s been working out well and I really get to sink into a game and enjoy it, I haven’t regretted any purchases yet even though I bought some unpopular games.
I’m am SOOO guilty of this. The only progress I’ve been able to make is stopping myself from buying a sequel to a game when I own the original and haven’t touched it yet.
Hey, awesome article. It illuminates on an issue that has certainly been lurking amongst the gaming community, but has never been recognized as an issue until much recently. I myself have been guilty of endless hunger for more games and I saw a few exceptional comments that mentioned more excitement and interest surrounding the news and hype of video game releases than actually taking the time to enjoy the video game experiences out already. The growing desire for consumerism and excitement over media appears to have come to the sacrifice of the creativity and engagement people have with the actual games themselves. I myself have been forced into a state of contentment with the Switch games I have due to money constraints. As a result of this forced state of contentment, I'm starting to grow in my appreciation for what the developers have managed to provide us with in their masterpieces of gaming fun. I'm still discovering little things in open-ended adventures, such as Mario Odyssey and and Zelda: BOTW. I have refined my skills in Sonic Mania to rocket through levels to achieve the levels of rollercoaster joyride thrills that the recent "3D" interactive movies shoved excessive automation into. My copy of Splatoon 2 has been collecting dust, so perhaps it is time I actually take the time to understand and mechanics and utilize them to my enjoyment. Honestly, folks, I encourage you to get the most enjoyment as you can squeeze out of the titles you have. And that doesn't mean you have to force yourself into performing tasks in certain games that will drive you to pieces due to boredom or frustration (looking at you Bound Bowl Racing and a few pesky Korok seeds). If 100% some of these games isn't your style, than that's ok. Take the time to escape your responsibilities and stresses and immerse yourself into the enjoyable experiences that your video games are there for. Video games shouldn't be there for the sake of making more of profit, collection, what have you. They are there for fun and enjoyment and that's what I hope people are able to get out of video games to the fullest.
More games = more choices.
It's like a logical thing to understand that we're all different even if people are basically the same.
What I mean by that is obvious :
_We don't like specially the same games.
_We don't have the same "appetite" for new games.
_We don't have the same background in gaming.
_We all like to play.
Now, the Switch is a home console that you can take with you, OK !
Some people don't care to play on a TV, others don't care about the portable factor but what everyone cares about are THE GAMES.
From my perspective, I couldn't have only a Switch... there is a lack of games (big releases) and seriously it's even worse if you had a Wii U before...
It's sad to say but I play more on my PS4 not because I like it more or because PS4 is better etc... NO... it's just a question of choice, on PS4 I have every months a vast choice of games to play.
Just this September :
Dragon Quest XI - 4 septembre
Destiny 2 : Renegats - 4 septembre
428 Shibuya Scramble - 4 septembre
Zone of the Enders 2 - 6 septembre
V-Rally 4 - 6 septembre
Spider-Man - 7 septembre
NBA Live 19 - 7 septembre
Nascar Heat 3 - 7 septembre
NBA 2K19 - 9 septembre
Dakar 18 - 11 septembre
Boundless - 11 septembre
Dying Light Bad Blood 13 Septembre
Shadow of the Tomb Raider - 14 septembre
Black Clover : Quartet Knights - 14 septembre
NHL 19 - 14 septembre
Transference - 18 septembre
CrossCode - 20 septembre
Valkyria Chronicles 4 - 25 septembre
Life is Strange 2 - 27 septembre
FIFA 19 - 28 septembre
Metal Max Xeno - 28 septembre
Fire Pro Wrestling World - 28 septembre
SNK Heroines Tag Team Frenzy - 7 septembre
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 : Torna - 14 septembre
Dragon Ball FighterZ - 28 septembre
We are talking just September here, so imagine on an entire year ! o_O
More choice, the better.
As DEVO ironically said, 'Freedom of Choice'. Great article.
@Cobalt Nintendolife gave 13 games a 90/100 the last four weeks.
For some reason I did not buy any of these near perfect classics.
I love the newness of a game. I am not saying I get bored easily but this article certainly rang true with me. I love buying a new game and starting it up for the first time. Its a buzz. I buy more games than I could ever play in a lifetime but I am a sucker for a bargain as well. Little bit of money here and there and having a collection grow (as someone mentioned). My mates used to rib me about my inability to complete a game and its true. A very small percentage of my games I ever finish and sometimes I go back to an old game and its very comforting. Like seeing an old friend for the first time in a while. The simple fact is I know, I know I can't change. I love playing games and I love buying new games. My name is Ed and I have a problem....
@Cobalt Couldn't agree more, not everyone likes smash or pokemon. I'm still waiting for Shin Megami Tensei V.
Nice sentiments. Thoroughly agree. Good read, thanks!
Wise words
Was just thinking the other day that I’ve spent equal time scouring the new releases, coming soon, and great deals sections of the eShop as I’ve spent actually playing games since I got my Switch. I’ve never been like this before. I usually play a handful of great games per generation, and I already have more than that sitting on my Switch waiting to be played. Something about this machine (and all the great arcade ports) that has re wired my process. It’s amazing and frustrating at the same time.
I stopped reading after Bowsette........😱😛
I currently have 42 games on my switch, none of them 100%, I have preordered a bunch of games and waiting for big titles to come out. In the mean time, I'm considering buying a 2ds xl just to play luigi's mansion. You can't have too many games, it's never enough.
@Cobalt Are these the games you bought or good 3rd party games that released this month? As I could note that 3 of the games on your PS4 list are on the Switch.
There is a simple solution. When you purchase a game you have to beat it.
My only need is genre saturation. My two bread and butter genres are fighting games and action adventure. We are getting there on the fighting game front (enough that I can turn down games rather than buying everything out of desperation) but imo action adventure is lacking. I realized that recently because I noticed that I was really excited for spiderman and ac odyssey.
Not that they are bad games or there is anything wrong with wanting them but I have not used either of the twins since the switch came out. It’s gonna take a week to update either of them. However I have no desire to play either system. I don’t have the time to be chained to a tv or to use controllers that I don’t like (ds4). I’ve ignored all the big releases elsewhere with almost surprising ease despite having every system under the sun plus a gaming pc.
And it’s merely because I found hardware that I’d rather play no matter what. So I feel genre gaps in a way that I didn’t before. Im not asking for (current) AC on switch but the system is powerful enough for some very pretty very large worlds if devs would use their imaginations again rather than double down on photo realism (I miss unique and cool artstyles... thank goodness for Nintendo on that front). (Which we have seen with zelda or even okami hd) and I know they are coming, Bayo 3 for instance, but it feels like aside from Nintendo and franchises that skip the switch action adventure and its cousin open world aren’t on the switch in substantial numbers yet.
That was a really good read I enjoyed that, thanks!
they need to spread the game releases so we dont have too many games come out at once in one month reason why our wallets wont survive and 2019 looks to be a brutal year for our wallets....R.I.P
"Why Do We Want More Games When We've Already Got Too Many?"
This is a strawman question. We don't need more games, but we need more quality retail releases. Indies are wonderful, but can't make a platform compelling on their own
Sales is one reason. I'm personally looking for new (and cost-effective) experiences, particularly multiplayer experiences, which I can enjoy with my friends (some of which are more experienced, and some which are new/casual per gaming)
@Mrtoad It's what you can choose...
I mean, somebody like me don't care about NBA or NHL games but other people are happy to have these games...
My September month is :
_Dragon Quest XI - 4 septembre
_Zone of the Enders 2 - 6 septembre
_Spider-Man - 7 septembre
_Shadow of the Tomb Raider - 14 septembre
_Valkyria Chronicles 4 - 25 septembre
This is awesome for me to have 5 fantastic games in only a month.
On the Switch, I'm not sure to have 5 awesome games in A YEAR.
From January to October, only Octopath Traveler for me... This is really dry... and I don't care about the fake pokemon and Smash... so I'm waiting for Yoshi now... :/ Sad but true.
It could be a modern manifestation of the evolutionary drive to plan ahead. Taking a container (probably a skin) of water with us allowed our ancestors to stay alive as we traveled across our environment looking for other resources. We also stored food, materials, tools to come back to at a later point. Other animals do this too, but humans were able to work out much more sophisticated strategies like taking a flint and tinder with us so that we could light a fire easily and not depending exclusively on what might happen to be at the location we travel to. Planning ahead ensures survival. It's obviously more abstracted now, but hoarding/storing for later could be seen essentially as an evolutionary drive. Long live the Cognitive Revolution.
With the fact that over my lifetime, I have over a hundred games for the Atari, NES, Genesis, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii, Gamecube, N64 and a small collection on Wii U and very small on Switch (this is all retail, the download side on each is even more), I find myself telling myself, that I'll play them 10 years or more down the line too. For some, like myself, it's collecting them, keeping them and playing them when the consoles are virtually out of existence. There's many that I play to death, and if we (my wife and kids and I) play them enough times, we'll keep. My brother and I always had the memories of playing the Atari, NES and Genesis when we were kids together, so we both ended up keeping the systems and games for it. There's always that time when we decide to hook them up and play them again to relive those memories. No matter what, even if the system is not 20-30 years old, there's always that time when you want to go back and play it or the games for it...brings back memories and makes you feel young again. I still even own many of the old gaming magazines from the past, just to look through for this kind of situation.
My only other thought, and what I think about...it's better to own a system that has many games available for it (and I'm the retail buying person), and know that when you buy the system and decide to play it, knowing that you have plenty of games to chose from. Also, as my kids are now getting into video gaming, it's nice to know that I can plug in the original NES and Genesis consoles, and they have hundreds of games to chose and play, rather than having to go out and purchase more for them. I may be old school, but I'll take having many games and many games to choose for in the consoles, than only having a few...and on the retail scene, having a bunch of games on the store shelves makes the systems look better in the long run...having barely any games don't help the systems...Dreamcast had trouble with this in the past and the Wii U definitely did.
Great piece here. Even though the Switch is only 18 months old, I already have more than enough games to play right now and that's only going to increase. No new games could come out in 2019, and I'd be set for a while.
Don't you need to collect all the moons for that? If so, I'm currently bored in collect-a-thons.
@KryptoniteKrunch 19 months old...
Stop rushing Nintendo, they will have higher tiers soon. You big baby.
Good article.
Thank you for this article! I recognized that this was a problem I had a few years ago after getting my first stable job post-college; my source of income allowed the games to start piling up, but my free time was a lot less. I'm still fixing my problem, but my backlog has been gradually shrinking. I started budgeting my game spending and cut out a lot of PC gaming to help out. I rarely preorder anything these days unless there's a special edition that's way too tempting to pass up. I also heavily scrutinize reviews and game footage to make absolutely sure I want a particular game. This has helped me avoid some lemons, but unfortunately I've had to pass on some halfway decent games that didn't quite make the grade.
The only three issues with my method are the following:
1. I only have time to fully focus on two platforms currently: 3DS and Wii U. I do some occasional mobile gaming if I need a two minute fix or something though. It'll be a few months yet before I get a Switch as I'm trying to clean up my Wii U backlog. I'm almost glad that Nintendo seems to be gradually committing itself to just one platform....
2. Since I rarely preorder and often wait until a game is on sale, I tend to miss out on the "latest" game conversations at times. I still actively try to avoid BotW spoilers, for example. It stinks sometimes, but I am gradually catching up!
3. I love RPGs, but why do some of the best ones that I still need to play (like XC2, Ys VIII, and Octopath) have to be so long?
I’m looking forward to retirement so I can complete my backlog. 40 years to go...........
I came to the conclusion a long time ago that it's a huge waste of time and money to succumb to your every whim. A part of it out of necessity. The other realizing I was engaging in the same activity I kind of frowned upon: collecting things I wasn't actually using. I remember having large backlog during the my Wii/360 days and it was just absurd at the games I would buy, but never finish or even touch. Alot of it is being seduced by the latest, shiny new thing. The other is just impatience.
Now, I strictly use the Switch. And I do not buy a game (at least with a game with a story and an end) until I finish another. And usually, I'll sell that first game to fund the new one. The only games I buy and keep are games where multiplayer (Splatoon, Smash) is the big selling point or simulation games (Animal Crossing).
Well you say that but even though I have a massive back log I ignored them all and spent 100 hours searching every nook and cranny in Hollow Knight for any tiny bit more law I could find. But yes I do wonder why I keep on buying games when I could go 3 years and never replay a single game at this point
@OberonPrime There were plenty of games from the 80's and 90's I never finished. Purely because games were harder and I wasn't any where near as good as I am today.
As an example I bought and played Wonderboy 3: The Dragon's trap. I loved it, never finished. Then when the remake was announced I got super excited and bought and played it, and this time completed, it on the Switch. Now I'll admit it was very satisfying to finally complete the game, but when back when, I still really enjoyed the game. Enjoyed it enough for it to leave a mark on me for nearly 30 years.
So I wouldn't automatically dismiss an experience because it wasn't seen through to completion.
You have a valid point. My brother has a huge stack of games for his PS4, and he only cares about one game: Monster Hunter World. My library on the Switch has also been increasing, but with my college duties, they have been sitting on my table untouched. There's plenty of games to play on the switch, so I don't see why people complain. It's like we're all a bunch of babies wanting the next big thing, yet leave them untouched when it arrives. My nephews pretty much do this on a regular basis, they ask for a toy really badly and stop playing them after a single day (There's a huge stack of toys now). So essentially we adult gamers are really just a bunch of babies.
my backlog of games continues to grow no joking too many dam games coming out in a short amount of time.
@Cobalt I'll take quality over quantity any day. Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country is enough for the whole month. Also, Valkyria Chronicles 4 also came out on the Switch. Someone did not do their homework(Who knows how many more games you made this mistake on)... VC4 was also one of the games I got this month. Edit: You should also state how many of those games did you actually buy, and finished within the last three weeks. Yeah that's what I thought.
@Fake-E-Lee im in the same boat as well cause right now im going between MHGU and fighter z.
@Kinoen You need 500. Kinda worth it though. Finishing that was the only thing that gave me a buzz. Don't watch Youtube videos though, figure it out yourself.
Don't watch YouTube vids on getting moons or the Dark Side of the moon, cause I won't for the Dark Side.
@BigKing You are absolutely right.
Good article. In a way, I've been living by that mindset (getting more use out of what I already have). I actually haven't bought a Switch yet, and pretty much the only reason is that I'm waiting/hoping for them to release a white one. Now yes, that alone is a pretty weak reason to wait, I won't argue that. However, I've been kept busy almost single-handedly by Super Mario Maker for the last 3 years. (I mostly make auto music levels, each of which can take me a week, two weeks, or a month or more to make. So despite making them almost constantly, I've only made 44 levels in total. And there's no shortage of future ones I'd like to make.) I still have several unplayed Wii U games, in fact. So what need is there for me to go out and get a new system, unless it's the exact one I'd like? Either way, I can always get one in the future.
I suppose the only other thing that would likely motivate me to buy a Switch sooner is if Mario Maker came out on that too.
I've started to close in on my backlog.
Still need to buy:
Hollow knight
Shovel knight
Plus to come:
Doom eternal
Dark Souls
Smash bros
Civ 6
Plus extra indies inbetween
I'm actually slowly whittling down my backlog. A healthy amount of new games keeps me occupied, even if I have a backlog I'll eventually run out so there needs to be new games peppered in for me to keep playing, at least 5-10 per year. Sadly, this has been such a poor year for games that I don't think it'll reach that much. I should be fine for this year simply because there's so much I still haven't played, but I worry about this for the future.
There's no such thing as "too many games."
Love the article. I’m over 1000 games. It’s bad. I agree with most of the commenters here. Part of the problems I see is something that’s new and shiny and gets good reviews how are you going to pass that up as gamer? Similarly, when something is good and goes on sale (eshop, store deals, etc) that maybe we were on the fence about, we can’t pass that up either. I don’t think the switch being portable helps me in this situation. I have a plethora of Nintendo’s other portables with games unplayed that sit around just as well.
Ultimately, I blame myself for wanting wanting and wanting. I like my backlog. I’m proud of it. I would also be happy if video games ceased production for a number of years.
I even missed out on a lot of “servers are no longer up” games even though I had them at the time (see ds/Wii). Ahhh!!
Pokémon really started my entire backlog. I spent hundreds of hours on red/gold/stadium trying to collect them all and get every one to level 50-100. So, some games by design are urging you to complete it all or it’s simply left “unbeat” even if beat.
And you think that Dragon Quest XI, ZOE2, Spiderman, Tomb Raider and VC4 are not quality ? LOL
The truth is that you have QUANTITY AND QUALITY on PS4, that's all.
Now about Valkyria 4, I'm somebody who doesn't care about portability, so WHY I'd buy VC4 on Switch ? To have a lower resolution ? To miss some details on the visuals ? Tell me because I don't get why...
If a game is better on one platform, I buy the best version... Do you think that it's not normal ?
For the moment, I got DQ XI, ZOE2 and VC4... Spidey and Tomb Raider are available now second hand (because they are so popular, you find'em easily at a good price ^^).
Hope I answer all your question pal.
I tend to SAVE big releases for the holidays (xmas, bday, halloween) so I have time to work on the backlog (now that I finally finished Zedla BOTW)
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - Thanksgiving
Octopath Traveller - Bday in Spring 2018
This also helps if the game releases for a part of year don't interest me (i.e., pokemon this winter... meh).
I have no advice however for the torrent of high quality Nindies on eshop. I am totally drowning in AAA games on that front. (yeah.. quite a far cry from Wii U days... LOL)
@Spectra I know we don’t agree on everything here at NL, but your comment (post #17) is spot on for me. Especially so when it involves having the comfort of a backlog for financially straining times.
Case in point; had to repair the truck for the second month in a row, so I took money from my play fund and will be skipping Starlink for a while. Yet this morning I played some Twilight Princess HD that I haven’t touched in months.
That was a good read! I said to myself I would only get a new game when I finish the previous one. And I can safely say I've stuck to it. Back In the psp days Every time there was a sale I'd buy a ton of stuff and to this day still have a plenty I've yet to even look at. But with the switch I've been able to complete everything I own and enjoyed the hell out of all of them.
@Cobalt Just from your reply, I can tell that you don't play games. You look at them. Otherwise, you would have mentioned something like missing features, but you just complained about resolution and missing mundane visual details. The game plays exactly the same, and is not missing any features that the PS4 has. That's what really matters. Sure go ahead and complain about a game not looking as pretty as another one, but we're gamers here, we play the games not look at them. Edit: Looking at them refers to holding the controller and admiring the visuals, counting the number of pixels, and playing that game where you try to find what is missing in the picture. Who has time for that?
We take things for granted. Simple enough.
Because its nintendo they rather give us luigis mansion on 3ds instead of the switch.
They give us new super mario bros u we want mario maker.
We want mother 3 or f-zero and they give us a some freaking cardboard crap.
You made me laught dude !
Maybe you watch VHS BECAUSE what is important is the movie.
I choose to watch the same movie but in Bluray/Bluray4K...
Seriously, why the hell you have an HD screen or a 4K screen then ?
Keep a good black and white CRT then...
My point is if a game looks better, feels better and even plays better, I'm sorry but it's just human to get the version that runs the best...
Nice article!
It´s a thing that keeps happening to me...
The problem with my backlog is that most games I want to finish, are the games that kind of dissapointed me or were overshadowed by other platforms.
Take for example Metroid 2 remake on the 3DS. Bought it at launch, tried it once for an hour and then never picked it up again, until a few weeks ago. It's not a bad game, but it doesn't succeed in holding my interest either.
I also really don't enjoy playing on my 3DS anymore now that I have a Switch. Maybe it's because I rather have all my Nintendo games on one platform (which is ofcourse a impossible thing to wish for), or that the screen is just too small, or perhaps that I feel like the visuals are very outdated.
I also built a new PC two months ago, which is a beast. Which means I want to play the newest games on Steam to discover the 4K power my PC has to offer, which results in buying new games and a growing backlog.
Ah well, I'm getting older now, and my study and work are getting more demanding, which means it will be almost impossible to finish my backlog. I don't mind that; I rather play games I fully enjoy than feel obligated to finish a list with games I mostly don't really enjoy.
I've learned you don't always need to playa game to completion to enjoy it. I miss the days of forcing myself through a full game and try to return to it wheni love a game. But i also enjoy just trying parts of everything. And coming back to whatever I'm in the mood for at any time. We didn't have that in the 90s but it'sa nice option now when time is scarce.
Love it. I was just complaining about my “backlog of unopened games” as I was ordering three more games off Amazon for my Switch. I WAS, however, thinking about how dumb it was that I hadn’t even played the last ten or so games I’ve picked up so thank you! I will not spend another dime (unless something cool comes out next Thursday) until I play some of my old games!! 😁
1. Marketing Strategies (Hypetrains)
2. We search for the same excitement we had when we were younger
3. When we realize, that we won't experience those same feelings like we had in the past, we abandon the game and search for the next one...
And that is, when we get vulnerable for hypetrains. We are told, that the next game is going to give us exactly THAT excitement. (Marketing does not sell products but feelings!)
The truth is, it is impossible to have the exact same feelings once again. On the other hand though... If you realize that, you might be able to deny those marketing strategies. Don't jump on hypetrains in search for your next fix.
Be aware, that you already own great games, cool down and then... Simply enjoy them!
@BubbleMatrix82 Higher tiers? Did they announce that or you just pulled that one out of your bum bum?
@Kinoen The dark side isn't that special, the darker side is though.
@Cobalt Watching a movie is not the same thing as playing a game. If you cared a lot more about resolution, then you would opt for playing a board game since that resolution is optimal. That is obviously not the case, since resolution has nothing to do with game play. It's just an added bonus to improve your ability to see what it is that you are doing. 720p to 1080p is a slightly significant jump, but from 1080p to 4K it is barely noticeable. The more pixels you add to the screen, the more difficult it is to see them, so it becomes insignificant. Eventually you reach a point where 4K to 8K is just pointless. You can have a game that is 4K, 60fps but the game play is boring, while at the same time have a game that is 1080p, 60 fps and have excellent game play. A game that has both options, but plays the same will not be improved by any means by the resolution. A bad 1080p game will not magically become an excellent game when it is boosted to 4K, it is still a bad game. Subsequently, a 4K game downscaled to 480p will not affect its playability, since you're just resizing the image, and can still see. The same argument can be said about small insignificant details on an image. You put two versions of the game side by side, and you would not be able to tell the difference unless you play finding Waldo often. In that case, you find something better to do with your life.
It's a hobby. My fayher built model cars as a hobby. He'd often buy several at time, even if he still had one or two to build. Because he wanted to get to them eventually. If we can afford it, most of us do this with our hobbies. At least in my experience.
A lot of times for me, it is about pre-ordering the game, because you can only get something special if you do.
@Cobalt you do realize as you often complain about switch because you see no value in it because you don't care about portability that you're simply not the right customer for the product so it just doesn't apply to you, right? It's a machine built for people that do value portability. That's great that you don't, and there's two other consoles and pc made just for people like you.... But you do realize the entire value buying switch versions of games is that you can play the same copy portably and on the tv in one complete coherent package, right? Vc4 is the same game on any system. You don't ever want to play off the tv? Great, buy it on another platform. For the millions of people who DO want to play it off the 5v, there's the switch version. I don't get why you often make it personal like switch versions are worse simply because they're meant for people who want to use them differently than you. And that'ss lot of such people. I bought crash on x1x... The visuals appealed to me for that title. I bought vc4 on switch.... Portability is valuable to me there
@Spectra i totally agree on the comfort of a backlog. That's one thing I've thought of often as i build my 200± backlog across 4 systems including old games i haven't played in ages:. If i find myself living in a van down by the river eating nothing but cup o noodles suddenly, I'm still happy for years with tons of my most valued hobby still waiting for me!
@penamiguel92 barely noticable from 1080p to 4K? Yeah if you're blind. Cellphones have higher resolutions than 1080p.and resolution is just part of the improved graphics in most games. FIFA switch isn't nearly as immersive.
This is ridiculous !
Look, the visuals, the framerate, the resolution etc... play a role in the experience. There is nothing bad to play with the comfiest as you can get...
If the aliasing is pleasant for you, ok ! but understand that it's not the case for everybody. Especially when you play on a 50/55/65/75" screen...
People like you are strange because I remember the reaction of the "Ninty-Fanboys" when the Switch SPECS were revealed. Sentence like : " Wowww 720p on a small device like that, awesome ! It's totally BETTER than the 480p of the gamepad..." etc...
Then, the better SPECS, better resolution count !
Incredible that level of bad-faith.
Guys Colbalt is a troll. Best to ignore trolls.
So, I`m over 100 hours in Breath of the Wild and I still haven`t beaten Ganon. Instead of finishing it, I bought Skyrim and Octopath and Mario+Rabbids(The only one I finished)..
You`re spot on, Glen Fox. Great article.
That's not true. Why the Wii U was great for me then ?
The Switch is the home console of Nintendo, the next iteration after the Wii U. So, it's legit to get a Switch because I was expecting at least, the same as the Wii U in terms of exclusives...
The reality is totally different, the Switch has less exclusives than the Wii U... I read everywhere that the Switch has more than 1 000 games... I'm sorry but I would like to have at least 2 good big release games in a months, not that infinite load of shovelwares, of ports, of IOS games etc...
Like I said previously this month is awesome :
Dragon Quest XI
Tomb Raider
Valkyria IV
In October:
_Fist of the North Star : Lost Paradise 2nd of October
_Assassin's Creed Odyssey 5th of October
_Resonance of Fate 18th of October
_Sinner Sacrifice for Redemption 18th of October
_Soulcalibur VI 19th of October
_Warrior Orochi 4 19th of October
_Red dead Redemption II 26th of October
So, I'm waiting for Yoshi, Bayonetta 3, Metroid Prime 4...
I know you are a Veteran, but have you ever played any HANDHELDS games ? (GBA / NDS / 3DS)
Even they are 240p by Maximum, the games looked great on their machine specs.
The pixelate & 2D style on their machines are trademark.
I DON'T care if the games 240p on GBA / NDS / 3DS or 720p on Switch Handheld Mode. Don't say it looked blurry on bigger TV, Who cares ?
And my TV is just 32 inch, 1080p, 60Hz.
My Old games (Wii, Gamecube & PS2) looked great on 32 inch TV, despite i saw pixelate on the screen.
Anyway, back to topic.
If you REALLY have Nintendo Switch, Why don't you take it outside ?
To play handhelds outside your house, to be DIFFERENT with other peoples, to do something completely different than other peoples by usually, you do RIGHT. Ignore all the stereotype or gossips from other peoples because you play games outside or you do something Very Unusual.
That's still fine, it will NOT Harm your Norm in your life.
This isn't a finished product. This is hardware as a service (HaaS). It's a new industry term for "We are going to give you the bare minimums and listen to feedback". Look at Final Fantasy XV. The story was a complete narrative but the character development and the background had to be fleshed out with extra content provided as a "service"; which is why they call FFXV a true "Games as a Service" (GaaS) product. ____ as a service isn't a new concept either; anti-virus companies have been a "Security as a Service" for years. And now cloud services like Office365 are "Software as a Service". My point is, this isn't "all" we are going to get. Nintendo's going to keep the Switch for as long as Sony kept the PS2, so don't expect this is all Ninty has to offer forever.
I think you don't know how the internet works at all. I don't mean the internet societies and the 4chans of the world, but instead how internet infrastructure works. Nintendo never had the hardware necessary for a dedicated online service (hence the friends codes and Nintendo treating the service as their server being a hub rather than a centralized server). Since the Nintendo Switch is outselling the Wii U (which dabbled with centralized servers with Splatoon 1 and Mario Kart 8) they don't know how to scale the service or how much bandwidth the service is going to consume. Since Netflix & Hulu both said they are "coming" to Switch, I expect a $40/year tier that includes SNES cloud games and an entertainment access included. And then I expect a $60/year tier to include GameCube and N64 games and maybe even Twitch streaming. But give them time to build up to it. Xbox Live went through several revisions before it became what it is now.
"The reality is totally different, the Switch has less exclusives than the Wii U... I read everywhere that the Switch has more than 1 000 games... I'm sorry but I would like to have at least 2 good big release games in a months, not that infinite load of shovelwares, of ports, of IOS games etc..."
Wii U games library was a MESS !!
Switch games library are MUCH MUCH Better than Wii U.
Right now, i have registered 50 Switch games on my Shopping list. Even BETTER Than Wii U that i can ONLY have 8 games by total on my shopping list.
I DO NOT Care if Switch games are from Wii U port , PS4 port, Wii Remastered, etc as long it ported very well then i can play it on the go or on my TV.
Why Big releases only you care about ?
I Don't even care with some Big release.
Some of them are games i Really Hate most / Completely Boring.
And smaller games like from Indies or Small Japanese developers will NOT Harm you if you play them.
You REFUSE Little games like that because you think games SHOULD be have ELITENESS & HIGH PRIDE like JEWELRY to be called Worthy games than smaller releases.
To tell you, even smaller games on Switch doesn't means they are Bunch of Wimpy games or Shovelwares. To DENY their existences just because they are NOT Worthy as Jewelry it just Ridiculous.
You will see more and more peoples keep adoring some Indies and smaller games while you keep wondering why do those peoples keep playing those UNWORTHY games in your opinion.
The only handheld that was perfect for me in term of confort was the GBA !
Everything that came after was bad or at least not really good, SP, Mini, DS, DS Lite, DSI, 3DS, 2DS... The GBA has the perfect grip to play comfy.
Now, to go outside with my Switch hummm not fan of that...
My Switch is my home console from Nintendo. I respect the people who play outside but I never crossed one of them since the launch in 2017.
EDIT : I love indies, I'm one of them
Now that I am getting older, (48 ), I notice that I have more and more fun playing my old skool games. Especially on the Game Boy (Color) and my Game Boy Advance, because handhelds were always my favorite. I remember as a child, the excitement of going to the store, looking for hours at the different boxes and then buying, with my saved pennies, my favorite game I've been waiting for so long. Then quickly back home, to finish the game in a few hours or days and then play it over and over again!
Nowadays I am quickly bored by most games. I think it's because of the large selection of games. And every week you can buy fast and easy digital copies through the e-shop or other online stores! Games aren't special anymore!
Is it surprising? Video games themselves unceasingly exploit the behavior of accumulation in our brains. It takes some applied intelligence to shake off giving into such mental cycles.
I still play the same games since 80s
I have a MASSIVE backlog that would most likely keep me entertained for the next five or six years if I just played through it. I believe there are three reasons why I have developed this backlog:
1. I am fulfilling childhood wishes of being able to buy all the games that I want. I know I shouldn't be purchasing these games, but at the time of purchase, I have already slipped back into that childlike mindset where I am picturing how awesome the games are going to be and how much fun I will have playing them.
2. The HYPE factor. I get caught up in the hype of new games and want to purchase them and play them so that I can get in on the hype train. Case in point: I was super hyped for Mario Tennis Aces on Switch. I was reading all the pre-release hype, and I played the demo heavily. I bought the game on release and to this day I have actually played more of the demo then I have of the actual game. It is an awesome game in my opinion, but I just don't have the time to get back into it when I am too busy playing other games that I am actually really into at the moment.
3. SALES AND DISCOUNTS, I HAVE BEEN A SUCKER FOR THEM. My backlog has grown exponentially because I have been buying games when they go on discount. I think to myself that it is great value to buy these games while they are on sale, without thinking that there is no value since I can't even imagine when I will actually play these games for any appreciable amount of time in the near future.
We all love games for a variety of reasons, but when we buy things that we will not actually use any time in the near future, then it becomes hoarding. I have hoarded a massive digital collection of titles on Wii U, 3DS, and the Switch. The only saving grace is that it is digital hoarding that does not take up any space. I feel sorry for the physical hoarders who have piles and boxes of games sitting around collecting dust. I also feel sorry for myself though lol.
I will be a more disciplined video game purchaser and player starting today! My wallet and self-respect demands it!
I think I have this terrible obsession with buying games. Like I crave the feeling of buying vs the enjoyment of actually playing the game. I hate it! I need to stop buying and start playing and experiencing more!
But, how could you think the small square size from GBA SP , the Rectangle size from NDS Lite / 3DS XL are Not good on your hands ?
My big fingers can hold NDS Lite & 3DS XL very comfy. Just matter of hand positioning.
You Missed A Lot Great games from NDS & 3DS !
Like there are some Big games from NDS & 3DS like Final Fantasy IV, Super Princess Peach, Animal Crossing New Leaf, Fantasy Life, etc.
I tried all the handhelds possible :
Game Gear, Nomad, PCengine GT, Lynx, NeoGeo Pocket, Wonderswan, PSP, NGage,Vita etc...
The form factor of the GBA was the absolute best for me. It's a question of taste I suppose.
About games that I missed, yeah like every gamers on Earth ! ^^
But I think you misunderstood something :
I had a DS but like I said, in term of ergonomy, the GBA is far superior from my perspective.
Ow, and I played FF IV on a SFC back then... ^^
Wait for sales. Sucks I don't think Nintendo nindies will have another humble bundle but retro city rampage is a classic. I did have fun with owlboy as well, not sure if their 1 day sale was also for the switch as I got it for steam.
Same happens for me with Comics. Enough slow days will happen to catch up, but no point being first for a game when you got 10 others to play, unless there is a sale to make it affordable, and sometimes word of mouth or extra footage helps avoid a game I may not like (circle entertainment doesn't do the 3rd game well imo with mercenaries saga 3 or legend of the dark witch 3).
We're also at the final quarter of the year, so Halloween, Black Friday, and Christmas sales are in the runnings as well. Of course eBay helps too, given game lots or what have you, possibly older/cheaper systems too, and Gameflip for those eShop cards on sale.
I think it's more a matter of when is best.
@dleec8 i also feel you don't have to finish every game. Sometimes dialogue drags or difficulty gets too much for me, and then onto the next game. If I had an hour or 2 of fun and didn't pay over $20 (first party, $5-$10 for those lower prices), I would say the time was worth it.
Just wait till you joined Skulls and Bones... with an endless amount of games to play, you will only play each game for a few minutes.
I fall into both camps. I have a huge backlog of games that I haven't beaten but only few that are "new". My new titles typically are specials I picked up for $5 in a bargin bin and never got to but play when I have nothing better to. But I quickly shelf those games when something better comes along. I find I have a few games I fall back to constantly Splatoon 2, MK8D, and others. I recently shelved some of my games while I beat the great new Spider-Man game on PS4 Pro.
I do have a lot of Humble Bundle games I haven't and likely wont touch on PC. I've broke the habit of buying apps as they get pulled from the store and or changed so they only work on the latest devices.
Obviously Nintendo and others will continue to make games while we buy them. But I agree I look at my backlog of games Luigis Mansion, Star Fox Assualt, and others just on Gamecube that not to mention others that I'll enjoy as I get to them.
But as a game collector I have many SNES, N64, NES, XBOX, PS2, PS3, 360, Genesis and others that I've picked up games for $2 each at thrift and second hand stores that have been fun to play. As a kid and teen I had all the time to play games but no money to buy them, now I have the opposite problem money to buy most of the games I want but not nearly enough time to 100% them all.
@MrVariant I agree in that I don't feel like I need to "100%" every game. I was a big time completionist when I was a kid, but then again, I had the time and smaller game collection that allowed me to try and 100% every game I own. Now, I will try to zip through a game to at least finish it if I feel like it isn't one of the better games I own. Or I simply stop playing it, as you also do. I still try to 100% the games I truly love, like I tried on Xenoblade Chronicles X for Wii U, or on every Zelda or mainline Mario game I play.
Interesting article. I've definitely gotten to where I have a huge backlog of games but still look at new game. I guess it's a fear of missing out on a really great gaming experience.
But I really don't get the people that still say switch doesn't have enough games. Yeah there are a lot of ports but there's gotta still be tons of great games you haven't played yet. The eshop has really been growing.
I'm pretty bad with this. I have waaaay too many games on my switch already despite having a 7 year 80+ game backlog of 3ds titles I should be getting through. It's hard to decide what to play and I think part of it is because we're spoiled with choice. There's so much new stuff constantly vying for our attention. Combined with the hedonic treadmill with new and exciting things quickly becoming the new normal, it's not very hard to see why gamers amass such massive backlogs
If we have a big back log of games do we give up on a game too easily? Sometimes I need to play a game for 5 or 6 hours before I get hooked. The better we get at a game the more fun it becomes.
I may be excited for Luigi's Mansion 3, but that doesn't mean I can't demand Wario: Master of Disguise get ported to the Switch!
(I would buy everyone on this website a copy if they actually did that.)
For me, it's simple. After the N64, GameCube, Wii, and Wii U lost major third party support compared to the NES, SNES, and Game Boy line, I don't want to miss out on releases again. And if I don't have to buy another $400 console like the PS4 or XB1 to do so, the better. Plus, games on Switch just feel so much better, y'know? Bring the entire catalog of gaming, I say!
@Eric258 I think your reason is true for a lot of people. It's much like watching and talking about an old movie instead of what's in theaters. What's older doesn't drive people's interest as much and our sense of materialism to sometimes consume more than we need. Yeah it can be depressing and in a way none of us "need" video games, but since our first needs of shelter, food, maybe even accomplishment and or friendship are met then we turn to other things like games in our free time. I like how the article doesn't really put a negative spin on this as there really is nothing wrong with playing games (so long as they don't consume your entire life). It's more of a question of why we buy the games we do and if we are buying them why we don't get around to playing them, with the article specifically referring to the Switch's vast catalog of games. These are all very good questions.
I don’t understand why the hell someone would purchase a massive buttload of games and then don’t play them. What’s the point of it? Just finish a game and then purchase the next one. The games won’t disappear, they will (almost) always become cheaper.
I’ve finished over 400 games in my life and I never have more than 10 unfinished/unplayed games in my backlog. I wouldn’t want it any different.
I don't usually play more than one game at the same time (apart from the occasional couch party) and therefore is very rare to have a backlog. I have only completed one game on switch (SMO) but have finished all the ones I intended to (I have probably 5-10 games that I gave up after one to two hours and that I most likely will never come back.
I don't understand why anyone would have all the consoles of a generation (also I usually play between 30-40h/month)
I'm definitely guilty of going to the eshop/steam/gog/ps store and picking up some of the cheapest games. Some of them are fun, some are forgotten again after a few minutes.
For me its a combination of wanting to get a good deal and just increasing my collection with dirt cheap titles (why else would I buy both Frederic games?).
I also find that I have some games that I'll always come back to no matter how long it's been since I played them. Hearthstone, Rock Band 3, Civilization IV/V and Bad Company 2 to name some of them.
It was great to come across a game like Hollow Knight this summer. Played that up until now, beat it, but still have some insane bosses (and white palace) left. I much prefer having only one game to concentrate on. It's more fun to actually fully complete a game instead of just jumping from title to title. I assume the next one is going to be Red Dead Redemption 2 or Fallout 76. Depends what I get for my birthday
Btw; I still have Max Payne 3 and Skyward Sword in their shrinkwrap.
@LittleLion "I sometimes find myself spending too much time reading gaming news and following what happens in the community instead of actually playing the games."
Oh dear lord this is every day. Why can't I just play the games I own instead of reading about other games???
@BubbleMatrix82 'I think you don't know how the internet works at all.'
Too bad you're wrong like many times before. I'm a web developer and perfectly know what *aaS solutions are.
You're just assuming stuff and rambling on about irrelevant stuff like Final Fantasy and anti-virus software. You know what they say about assumptions being the mother of all...
Your expected tiers are nothing more than fanboy fantasies. There is nothing that indicates that Nintendo will be offering Gamecube games for $60 a year.
You won't be streaming Switch games. The hardware isn't powerful enough, that's why they disabled video recording in some games and why the quality is terrible in other games.
You use a lot of words but don't say much. I don't judge services on what you might or might not get in the future, I judge them based on what they offer now. Because that's what you're paying for. You're paying for this month or year, not for imaginary Gamecube games in the year 2020.
Thanks for validating my need to complain about you complaint about me complaining about how I want more games that I like that you may or may not like.
But in all seriousness, you're making a massive generalization about what people actually say. People just want more games they like, acting like just because multiple games are released everyone must be happy is the height of stupidity.
It's like saying ok guys, no new music for the rest of the year because we have ENOUGH of the style of music I like. It's arbitrary and childish.
Consumerism. It pairs with our innate “collector” gene and any shred of OCD we may have.
Afraid I don't entirely agree with this. Everyone has their own tastes, it is unfair to state that because there are a lot of games, everyone should feel like they have lots of games to play. Playing devils advocate, if you are a player who predominantly likes western AAA experiences, then no the Switch does not have a great library because most of those titles are either reduced versions of other platform games or are ports released after their other console counterparts. Sure I agree that silly ideas do the round (no games on Switch, Nintendoomed and all that) but the majority of gamers don't play Hollow Knight or Hyper Light Drifter. The majority do play COD, Fifa, western RPG's etc.
Not only that but the article is bemoaning the hype train that all gaming sites generate to get views. People want to play the latest thing because the gaming marketing and media industry TELL them they should be playing the latest thing. It's why publishers are trying so hard to keep content coming so their games continue to be talked about.
Personally, I'm not moaning as like a variety of games and the Switch is great but then I am luckly enough to have several systems to pick and choose from. I have a mate that complains he has too many games to play yet keeps buying them. Doesn't mean he is indicative of anything other than being a plonker.
For a "Web developer" you sure have no faith in cloud computing or the future of Games as a Service that all major hardware makers keep buzzing around. Let's remind you that inside of Japan Resident Evil 7 is currently a 42Mb download and is streaming over the internet to Switch consoles to play on the cloud. https://www.ign.com/articles/2018/06/08/hands-on-with-resident-evil-7-on-switch-its-as-good-as-your-internet-connection
So your lack of faith in Nintendo as a cloud gaming VC platform is honestly just you being an instant gratification complainer. Clearly there's something going on with this service (not the app, the app is a ruse to what is really going on) and I think the real issue isn't that Nintendo provided a "bad value", but instead how you're distributing that value. You are still under the impression that the online is free and the cloud services are free so obviously the $20 goes towards the NES VC. That's your biggest mistake. I look at the $20 distribution like this: $10 goes toward the multiplayer online (or $25 for a family plan). $5 goes towards the cloud save storage (assuming clustered servers with RAID 10 or RAID 100 and SSD - which is not cheap). The final $5 pays for the licenses for the games available since not all the games offered are Nintendo owned licenses. When you look at it this way, you really aren't being ripped off; you're just underwhelmed since you think the VC from Wii U was a superior system. You're just part of a live beta program and you hate it. I bet you'd make a wonderful parent if you aren't already ("You're 5 years old, why aren't you the captain of the football team yet!?!?!?!?!?"). Look, they didn't give you a finished product; welcome to 2018 when everything is an aaS and you DON'T get a finished product at launch any more. This is version 0.5 of the actual 1.0 release; whether you want to believe in it or not, that's the truth.
@Spectra Your comment has changed my gaming outlook for the better. Thank you.
@BubbleMatrix82 You don't make any sense. It has nothing to do with 'having faith in cloud computing' but everything with not being impressed by a weak service with old NES games, no voice chat and barely any online games. They are more than a decade behind Microsoft and Sony.
Why do you keep talking about VC? I never even mentioned it once, lol. You are obsessed with those. I don't care about 30 year old NES games. Already played them 20+ years ago.
Nobody asked for those NES games in the first place.
It's not like there was a big poll/survey about what features gamers want for their online service and everybody responded with: NES GAMES!
Your posts are all over the place. What do you do for a living?
I honestly feel like one of the few people who don't have this problem, and that's odd considering I'm a collector. You'd think I'd buy a bunch of games and never play them, but that's not the case. I buy new and old games alike when I have the finances to do so, and always find time to play them.
I guess it also depends on how you define "play" them. If your idea of playing a game is beating it or getting a platinum or 100%, etc. then yeah, I may not have fully "played" all the games I own. I play every game I buy almost as soon as I buy it, with the exception of steam and PS4 sales where it may take me a bit of time to play through each game to my satisfaction. This may not mean necessarily beating it either. Some games, like FTL, I don't feel a need to "beat", as just playing them when I feel like it is good enough for me. Not only that, but I always look for an excuse/opening to replay an old game. I just recently picked up my pS4 version of FFXV because it came out on Switch, and I've been working on the things I left unfinished. I haven't played that game in years since I platted it. Even now, I've "finished" all my new games after getting platinum on Spider-Man, so I'm taking the time to replay some of the games I haven't played in a long time while I wait for Red Dead Redemption 2, Smash Ultimate, etc. I own over 1000 games, and I can honestly say I've played them all.
The write-up mentioned Xenoblade 2 sitting on the shelf in shrink wrap.... I've never had this problem. I think it boils down to the fact you either have a lot of time or a lot of money. People with more money than time will no doubt have this problem. People with more time probably won't. Then again it may be because when it comes to new games, I can only afford 2-3 new games a month, assuming there's that many I'm interested in during a single month anyway. In that month, I can usually play a game to the end, finish it, or have my fill of it. Heck I platted Spider-Man on PS4 in about a week, and I think I 100%'d Mario Oddy in about 2. Naturally when I do buy multiple games in a month (which will surely happen this month), there may be a period of time where a game "sits in shrink wrap", but that's not usually for too long.
The fact games are getting longer and full of more content also plays a role. A friend of mine is married and has a kid, and it took him like 6 months just to finish Breath of the Wild. He only had like an hour or two a day to spend on it. With games getting longer and longer, it's taking us longer and longer to beat them. Having varied interests in games makes this "problem" even worse.
First world problems.
@Onion If you're smart you have both money and time.
@Cobalt And it is indeed the next home console, and 2018 has been lean on exclusives, certainly, but your comparisons and frustrations tend not to make a lot of sense. Switch has a lot more games worth playing (including major releases day and date with other machines) than the WiiU did any time past the launch window for someone that owns only Nintendo, and the exclusives count is misleading if you're comparing it against late era consoles already being discussed as ending soon....we all know consoles take years to get into software release strides, you'd have to compare Switch to year 1-2 PS4/XBO...which was honestly, awful. Then in a few years PS5 will be out and have a dearth of games except the latest CoD and a host of remasters and bundles while Switch has all its exclusives landing. The cycle isn't new. (Maybe this will be the last time now that everyone's moving to standardized hardware.)
If you add in the 2019 exclusives we know about (Pokemon, DxM, FE:3H, likely SMTV, AC, etc, it's hard to say WiiU had a lot more exclusives considering you're comparing the 4 years of the console to 2.5 at that point on Swtich, while this one's just getting warmed up. I think what you mean to say is you hate being an early adopter....which is fair. But it's not specific to Switch, being a PS4 early adopter sucked too. The thing collected dust pretty much until the Pro came out and the rapid fire blockbusters started (never buying a launch unit again, Sony!)
But all that's fine since, unlike WiiU, there's a barrage of third party including AAA support of some older games and some current games. It's a far healthier ecosystem. But that's the part where it doesn't work for you, because most of these games are using the core unique strength of the hardware: It's a console that doubles as a handheld. That's a massive feature. Yes, because of that feature it means there has to be a tradeoff for games. They can either be demanding power for the best graphics on other consoles, or a weaker looking/running version can be run on Switch, trading off appearance for the advantage of being able to pick up and go. And that's where you're applying your own window to everyone else. For you that doesn't fit your lifestyle so you see it as a negative, but you're not noticing that for many the ability to pick it up and go with it is the feature, and yes, 6, 10 year old PC games that can actually be played on a conole that isn't stuck on the TV is a massive massive advantage, it doesn't matter if it's running on lowest settings, in PC parlance, it's a gaming laptop that runs for hours and fits in oversized pockets. I mean that's been a dream of a lot of people for decades and it's actually here! Switch is the idealized gaming machine for such people, and any game you can get for it that's good (not the indie shovelware, but things like Diablo, Skyrim, Civ6) are mammoth dreams come true, who cares if they don't use all the lighting and shaders, they run portably and on the TV, look pretty darned good, and they don't need some weird crazy save file conversion, or two different accounts you just pick it up and keep going.
In an ever busier world, that is MASSIVE, and can't be understated. So most aren't worried that this year isn't loaded with exclusives. It's loaded with great games.
For you you wanted a blockbuster exclusives machine. And you wanted it on launch day. Honestly, no console has ever had that. You'll get your wish in coming years I think, you're just ahead of the game. But no, not 2 major exclusives a month. No, PS4 doesn't have that either. They had their best year ever with Spidey, GoW, Detroit all in one year. DQ is only a timed exclusive before it comes to switch. But that's a far cry from 2 a month. And that's in the waning years of the console. Back in launch year and a half, what did we get? Knack, a so-so Killzone, and the worst, but prettiest, Infamous in the series, which effectively killed the series.
It's just frustrating when you're always so negative on Switch because most of your complaints aren't based on actual things you think are bad about the system, but that the core feature that's the reason to buy the console doesn't appeal to you personally, so you write off tons of games that matter to a lot of people to be able to run on this machine with the hybrid feature. Most people buy Switch because it's a hybrid, so the portable aspect of these games, even if they're "late" is a significant reason to prefer the Switch version of a game, even if it's uglier than the PS4 version, to get that big feature. I get that that isn't valuable to you, and for you that means it's just an exclusives machine, and as a an exclusives machine you'll never be as interested in the ecosystem as everyone else, but you just have to temper that by realizing that that's how the machine applies to your own use interests, not a reflection of the machine overall.
In my case, the PS4 is my "exclusives machine". I have no real need to buy anything but exclusives on it. Anything I can get as a hybrid I get on Switch....the play time opportunity it opens is significant, and for a gamer with a backlog, new games are less scarce than time to play them. Switch creates time by going where I need it. Thus the key appeal.
Everything else, and everything I want best graphics for, goes to X1X. Everything runs better, looks better, and plays better, I like the controller way better, and Microsoft handles a digital ecosystem waaaaaaayyy better than Sony (or Nintendo.) So PS4 is just an exclusives box for me just as Switch is to you. It doesn't run games the prettiest, it doesn't manage digital purchases the best, it doesn't have the most ergonomic controller, and it doesn't offer hybrid portability (Remote Play to Vita works but is inferior to Switch.) I still love my PS4 Pro because I love the games....but there really aren't many of them per year. This year was Spidey, GoW, Detroit, DQ(thoughI i'll double dip on Switch), and that's about it.....I did buy the total collection bundle of KH3 on PS4 because the older games are exclusive (for now, given the FF change of heart KH is almost certainly next) so that kind of counts but the HD remasters of the older entries aren't new. Dissidia NT is exclusive....it's a great game, but it's unfortunately languishing as an exclusive. It was DOA in the West, and the Japan servers are too laggy. Great game, sent to death as an exclusive. But this was the single best year of PS4. Every other year, PS4 looks, for me, like Switch does, for you. Meanwhile a bunch of games I bought for PS4 (FF series) and X1 tons of things from Child of Light and Diablo 3 to possibly Shenmue 1&2 to Dark Souls 2 & 3 are all coming to Switch after all. I'll double dip. I could play them on the 35th of any month at home on X1, or I could actually play them on Switch, mixing TV play and playing anywhere.
Bottom line is in a lot of threads you're so negative on Switch, but what you really mean is that it's not really a machine that satisfies your own interests in gaming time/location. Which is ok, but it's different to talk as though it's universally a system that misses the mark when in reality the only issue is it's not a machine well suited for you, but hits the mark exceptionally well for tons of other people.
My family currently owns too many games and not enough time to play them.
I purchased Zelda last November when the special version was released. I finally started playing it back in July. I didn't get far but I already tabled it because Monster Hunter came out. I keep telling myself to get back to finishing a game before buying a new one....but I get tricked into purchased because of sales or special editions that come with bonus material. Oh well, when I was a kid, I purchased NES games every chance I got at a pace that would have made more sense to rent then to buy.
I don't get why owning them means you have to play them. Why the buyer's guilt? You probably bought it because it was on a sale, so you could play it if you ever feel like it for dirt cheap. So just do that.
The fact that you are acting super surprised that Nintendo is a decade behind in creating an online integrated console when Nintendo has never wanted an online integrated console like Xbox is and later PS4 did confuses me. Nintendo has always wanted to be a FAMILY computer (hence famcom) system with local multiplayer being a focus (more hardware units installed if you have to make friends irl who own one, just like their handhelds). That and to give players the ability to play games as soon as they turn the system on (remember those fast load times of the Wii and DS and 3DS?). The fact that Sony and Microsoft primarily use this integrated online service for advertising purposes and influencing its end user to dive deeper into their ecosystem is not within Nintendo's normal code of business-to-consumer ethics (forgetting the Wii U tablet harassment that lead up to the system's demise and a new president). Also, if you haven't noticed, Switch's OS start up from a cold boot is almost nothing; they don't do this globe x thing and then load the bloated gui like Xbox or this user management splash screen transitioning to the XMB like PS4, they let you jump right in without any lag. An obvious change they made as a result of having no menu sounds, no animations, no integrated internet services hunting for sessions with a (nonexistent for Nintendo) centralized content server, no mail delivery system, no avatar experiences, or any other large resource services; just pure optimization with a crypto bootmanager to prevent softmodding (minus Tegra exploit), some light priming of the console to do app execution, and away we go with the lag seemingly coming from the user selection screen and the cartridges or the I/O of the system flash memory. Basically the OS serves as an illusion that the system is fast and adds to the overall experience. I'm not even sure the TCP/IP stack is in the os loading; I'm convinced that happens moments after the home menu is displayed as a backgeound service! If you don't believe me on the OS, here's a good read:
So I guess my closing argument is that the hardware isn't an Xbox One or a PS4, nor is it's manufacturer Sony or Microsoft which are businesses with no soul, so complaining about a journalist who creates soapbox topics of controversy so nerds can argue about Nintendo on a Nintendo dedicated page or complaining about Nintendo for being very PR cautious and fiscally conservative is very unreasonable and immature.
Why I'm all over the place is because you have to look at the big picture when you complain about something because otherwise you sound like an entitled and privileged millennial baby and make our generation look bad. So what that Nintendo Online isn't Steam or XBL or PSN, it was never meant to be. Their selling point was "we want money to pay for bandwidth and improve our services, so pay for multiplayer and stop mooching; oh and here are some perks for obliging". If you want it to be more than paying Nintendo's online bill, then you have to wait it out for Nintendo to flesh out its online branding and infrastructure!
As far as what I do for a living, I am a network engineer for a large health care system who also is a small business owner who went through hardships like Nintendo; sorry you can't strawman me and say im not credible. Web development is great but I still don't think you know how to run a business, so sit down and be quiet lol
As far as this soap box argument, I'm buying games for retirement and grandchildren, not to play right now. So keep them coming!!!! 😂😂😂😂
@BubbleMatrix82 I have zero clue where you are talking about. I say that Switch online is a horrible service compared to other services out there and you keep talking about VC, boot times, millenials, 200kb resources of the main menu and so on. It doesn't make any sense. None of that has anything to do with why the service is bad.
You argue like a girl and seems to have a really hard time reading. I am not acting surprised in the least. I totally expected the service to be bad, just like every other online Nintendo service.
Strawman? You were the one who was talking about how I didn't know how the internet works. So you're a network engineer. Aka somebody who couldn't code their way out of a wet paper bag and AKA you should stay far away from everything that has end users have to touch. That's ok. We still appreciate what you do, even though you have a hard time interacting with people.
Now bring me a McDouble sandwich and go play NES games.
You know something? This article is so true! I've got so many games on my shelves that I've yet to play and some of them were old games that I picked up in recent years.
I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna break this habit and play those games and get as much as I can out of them!
@AlexSora89 Yeah, there's pretty much an unofficial yet official NO SENSE OF HUMOUR ALLOWED thing going on over there in the comments sections. Which is funny b/c when sammy started up the site it was pretty much all about the guffaws, but now it's all "For the gamers" and there is a definite lack of sense of humour. Not that people dont' have any, I just think they take their gaming a bit too seriously.
Why is a non-Nintendo fanboy among us? Let me guess, to make sure there's ethics in journalism?
Cry me a river how the service isn't what you want, your money won't be missed.
@Xaessya This.
No idea why I should be thought of as someone who enjoys every type of game. Do I admit Mario Odyssey is an amazing game, perhaps the best game on the Switch? Yes. Does that mean I want to play it? Would people be mad if I said I have no intentions of playing it because I don't care for Mario much at all? Meanwhile I've voraciously sunk in 110 hours into Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and have pushed other games in my library aside to play the expansion, Torna: The Golden Country. I plan to complete that game and explore it fully. I played Zelda, but did the bare minimum to complete it after I explored the whole map and didn't feel like doing many quests or upgrading equipment and just focused on the story since I was interested in that alone at that point. I spent a mere 70 hours in that despite being "bigger than Skyrim". I just couldn't be bothered, I enjoyed it, but not as much as I had hoped. Then there is looking forward to plenty of games I really do enjoy. Animal Crossing has been a hunger for me since the first game. I love the series and nothing will get in the way of being happy to see it coming next year.
I don't see why this doesn't make sense. I can enjoy one game, not another, and be excited for a new one all at once.
In terms of back log, sometimes games just aren't as important. Some people feel like they need to play a game because other people like it and it is popular. That is how backlogs start, its an excuse for games you don't actually want to play, but feel obligated to try due to social pressure.
In terms of author's friend who thinks there aren't enough games or exclusives perhaps, that isn't why he won't get a switch. It just isn't games he wants, and/or the switch isn't a platform he is excited about, which is fine. I get it, not everyone cares about mario, zelda, animal crossing, pokemon, smash bros, donkey kong, metroid or other platform exclusives be they 1st or 3rd party titles. This is why I don't have an xbox or playstation. They are just wanna be PCs in today's day and age in many ways, and I'd rather play on PC or have a portable system, the nintendo handhelds and now switch have been the perfect systems for me for that reason. But the exclusives for PS have never enticed me, while the only one on Xbox(Halo) that I'd have bought an Xbox1, heck even the XB1X for is being ruined more and more each title under 343i so I have desire to buy that. Does that mean there aren't games on those consoles? No. Are the exclusives bad? No, just that they don't entice me specifically and that is okay.
@Spectra FFXIV is a great game.
@Frendo Cobalt has a point - the PS4 has a fantastic selection of "new" games, while the Switch has fewer (though it has some good ones and is very portable.) This is a Nintendo site, but I also like to visit pushsquare, which is its sister site for PlayStation. I don't own an Xbox, but I still like the fact that Microsoft makes game consoles and I want them to continue doing so! Halo + Forza + Gears >>> Windows + Office.
At the end of the day I think we all enjoy video games and benefit from these magical boxes that bring a great deal of fun and happiness to all of us and to our gaming friends all over the world.
@Frendo It's almost like one batch of trolls have been eliminated and they've been replaced with a fresh batch. Mind you if you argue with them you'll get banned.
@JorrieQPO Completely agree. Having less you seem to appreciate more.
I remember when i was a kid, we had a Commodore Plus 4 - really basic (no pun intended) home computer... it was the same as the Commodore 64 but had 4 whole kb of memory devoted to a word processor and spreadsheet progra! Anyway, it came with 10 games, some were ok, some terrible, but i played them to death and loved them.
A couple of years later we were given a box of like 50 games from someone we knew who was getting rid, and i was so excited. Finally some new games, and loads of them! Thing is, bar 3 or 4 exceptions, i didn't get nearly as much enjoyment from those 50 games. Because there was so much choice, i never really gave most of them much of a chance, just played a few minutes and then moved on to the next one.
Of course, crappy joysticks that barely worked didn't help!
It is great to have choice, but it is a bit overwhelming! My wishlist on switch is ridiculous, but i haven't bought too many games i haven't played yet. Having said that, from my backlog, I've only just started Doom and still yet to play xc2, Skyrim, mario odessy and a couple of indies. I'm one of those who only gets a few hours a week for gaming and took 6 months to finish botw!
Well, thanks all. I enjoyed reading the comments (most of them anyway, some people just need to chill!)
A general thought on this: Personally, the joy of anticipation is a big part of the experience of gaming for me. It's not just games though obviously, the same goes for movies or sports (like an upcoming World Cup or whatever).
@LittleLion By the same token, I'd say that this fits well with that pattern. As another part of the experience is sharing it with others (like debatting a game here in the comments for instance, or a football match with friends with a couple of beers) or at the very least gaining insight into how others felt about something we ourselves have particularly enjoyed.
It gives a sense of community and satisfication - very human emotions after all
Not to mention that arguing can also be its own form of entertainment on the other end of this spectrum.
@mgnoodle Also, to put it very blunty, shopping itself is fun. I mean, our current economic modell is only sustainable thnaks to 'surplus shopping'. As a saying goes - paraphrasing here - "Capitalism will die the day women decide to buy only those shoes they really need!"
I have read the latest answer to my doubts on Castlevania being a timed exclusive today: my rebuttals have been seen as trolling, and I've been put on ignore, while the article itself contains an actual trolling jab aimed at port beggers. I'm just as puzzled as you.
@AlexSora89 Did I leave out the part where they are also HUGE hypocrites? They routinely write articles naming Wii U or Switch but if you mention either in the comments you get a warning of banishment for being off topic or mentioning non-Sony things on a Sony only site. I hate hypocrisy so I notice it more than I should. Shogun is a huge troll and he knows it. Also a huge power freak so if you call him on it he goes all politician. It's a very clique place. I think I get away with a lot there b/c I've been there since it was a tiny website run out of sammys' basement and I was the only commenter for days on end, but it still took years for Shogun to learn to stop trying to intimidate me b/c I don't take it very well. I have issues. I also have to routinely take month long breaks to clean the poisons from my system.
And your current Kermit the frog avatar made your comment all that much sweeter, given the ad it brought to my mind.
@AlexSora89 That's some serious meta going on right there as I am in fact currently drinking a cup of Lipton tea. And I've walked around Manhattan like that. And if you've seen the movie "Midnight Cowboy", one of if not the saddest movies I've ever seen, you'll know just how insane that song is over a Muppet movie ad.
But everybody has to love Kermit, he's the straight man to the world's madness.
I haven't seen the movie, but Everybody's Talking will always be one of the most melancholic songs of all time.
That place just seems really toxic for you, I honestly don't get why you keep commenting there. I swear as of late, 90% of your comments have been about how horrible PS is. Unless you're some kind of masochist and secretly enjoy all of the abuse.
On the contrary, meeting you there was a breath of fresh air.
I'm not finding PS horrible, it's just... oh wait, same acronym. Well, it's not like that. It's just that, while we have fanboyism here too (I'm a Ninty fanboy and often biased), I've never seen people attacking people from other fandoms so vehemently.
My reply to your comment on PS contained a long winded speech on my views on exclusivity but I'm afraid to have opened Pandora's box there. Hopefully the intent behind it will be clear.
@Ralek85 Yes, I agree that these things are not without value. However, the point here is that for many it's eating up >too< much time compared to the time we spend actually playing the games. If all we mostly do is revel in anticipation and discuss or even argue (at length) about gaming related things, there is a problem – provided one's main aim is to actually play those games as a hobby.
The whole community and news thing could be a hobby in and off itself of course.. It's just about what you spend your time with and what you'd prefer to spend your time with being misaligned...
well, I have no issue with selling/trading games that i feel I will never play again, but I love playing, age doesn't always matter, so long as I enjoy it, so yah, I like to gain numbers and can't wait for more, there is no such thing as "too many games",
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