Continuing the recent trend of Pokémon plush mega releases, a new wave of toys featuring every starter Pokémon in the series is about to be released in Japan.
Recently, we've seen every generation one Pokémon be included in a line of miniature plushes - although only the first 30 have released so far - and then some new additions to the Pocket Monsters All Star Collection, giving fans almost too many options to choose from. This new set of starters will join all of these lovely items, adding to the growing concerns faced from wallets around the world.
The new starter dolls will launch on 25th August at Pokémon Center locations dotted around Japan, and some will also be available from Amazon Japan with easy international shipping options. Each Pokémon will be available for 1,500 yen before shipping (approx. £10.60 / $13.50) and we've included a handy list of each set to be available below.
- Bulbasaur
- Charmander
- Squirtle
- Chikorita
- Cyndaquil
- Totodoile
- Treecko
- Torchic
- Mudkip
- Turtwig
- Chimchar
- Piplup
- Snivy
- Tepig
- Oshawott
- Chespin
- Fennekin
- Froakie
- Rowlet
- Litten
- Popplio
If you're wanting to grab one yourself, make sure to keep an eye out on Amazon Japan nearer the time of release. The Pokémon products usually appear on the store several days before they become officially available.
A new 'water globe' has also been released to celebrate the Pokémon Center's 20th Anniversary, also featuring various starter Pokémon, although this can only be purchased from inside Japan. This one costs considerably more, however, costing a whopping 21,600 yen (approx. £153 / $195).

Too cute to resist? Or have you already got enough plushes sitting at home anyway? As ever, let us know with a comment below.
[source nintendosoup.com]
Comments 24
Totodile and Squirtle for the win!
150++ Plushie Dolls = More than $ 31,000 !!!
These are so cuuute! I definitely see my daughter's pokemon plush collection doubling in size. XD
@Banjos_Backpack. Its cuter then Snivy and Popplio. But yeah, its pretty low on the starter totem pole. As for being the worst in other areas, I'd say Chikorita is the worst.
Oshawott and Fennekin are my favs. Might have to get them.
So why is Pikachu not pictured above? Strange...
Agree. Every starter would include Pikachu.
@Tempestryke Same here. I've picked up a few here and there for my daughter, but there are definitely a few she would like here (and a few I would like to get her). But my daughter also prefers some of the less common Pokemon with one of her favorites being Eevee (and all it's evolutions). Aside from that Meowstic, Bellossom, Delcatty, Gardevoir, Kirlia, Meloetta and many others. I was even able to find her an OG plump Pikachu.
@Nico07 That is awesome! And very awesome of you.
Sounds like our kiddos have similar taste in pokemon plushies. She is also going for a full eevee-lution set.
She has several lesser known plushies too.
Man, I've already spent like $60 the last time I went to a Pokemon Center in Japan... I think I'll pass on this, since I already have plushies of most of the starters that I really like.
Does anyone know how tall these new plushies are?
Do they have amiibo chips built in for the upcoming Pokemon games? Seems like a waste if they don't.
If I just make Pokeball throwing motions at it I can just take it home, right?
Omg...I need all of these...and a Pumpkaboo too. XD Although honestly I've never been the biggest fan of oshawott or poplio.
something looks wrong with chimchar
Must resist! NEED ALL!
If they had the final evolutions, I'd be all over Feraligatr. My all time fav Pokemans!
Ah well, to each their own.^^
dont they just love to milk the poke fans
Squirtle has always been my guy since that episode during gen 1. The Squirtle gang made me laugh as a kid. I wouldn't mind getting a Squirtle plushy!
Oh, please. The starters have always been available in abundance. I want plushies of the more obscure characters.
@paihia think about the kinds of sales they'd have done if they released them in 2016 when Go was capturing the world!
Every single starter it says but then doesn't include Pikachu or Eevee. Eevee is forgivable given the game where you can choose it as a starter hasn't been released yet. But Pikachu was a starter back in gen 1.
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