Capcom has shared a brand new trailer revealing that the 2001 action game Onimusha: Warlords is making a comeback on Switch next year.
It's been almost 20 years since Onimusha: Warlords first released on PlayStation 2, and 12 years since the franchise saw a last mainline game release, so seeing this remaster introduced - and on Switch, no less - is very welcome indeed. The game sees players take on the role of Samanosuke Akechi as he fights against demons, with sword-based action and puzzle elements that involve interacting with the environments all blending together.

This remaster is set to include a visual overhaul, with HD graphics being present as you might expect, alongside the ability to switch between widescreen and 4:3 ratio options. There will also reportedly be a 'screen scroll' feature for widescreen display - in which the background scrolls up and down according to your movements - as well as analog stick support, an easy difficulty option available from the start, and a new soundtrack complete with Japanese voice-overs.
The game will be available on 15th January 2019 in Europe and North America, with the former only receiving the title as a digital release.
Did you play Onimusha: Warlords at the turn of the century? Will this be the first time you experience the game? Tell us below.
[source, via]
Comments 83
Digital only on Switch regardless of region, and digital only period in Europe.
Because of course it is.
Either way, this release just shy of my birthday so...I'll get it.
I loved this game on ps2 but after seeing the new trailer now I’m like,meh!!
Man! What a blast from the past! Loved this as a teenager. Let's see how well it holds up. Haha. Will probably get it just for nostalgia.
I own it on PS2. Having said that...hell yes. I'm in.
A dash of RE, a hint of what was to come with DMC... You bet I'm in no matter how archaic it has become!
if nintendo keeps of these announcements from te past week, we dont need a nintendo direct anymore.
it's also a sign that third party support is now normalized for nintendo, instead of being a big deal.
Tempting, but not sure, got so many backlogged, and if it's digital only. Well maybe not
This just made my day, f yeah!
Cant wait.
How about Onimusha 3 Demon Siege, featuring Jean Reno and the wonderfully rendered Mont Saint Michel?
ALSO - Damn that looks terrible.
Why not package the entire trilogy like with their previous franchises?
Give me all four and I'm a happy dragon. (I'd take a port of tactics as well ...I miss that game)
Capcom is looking more like Capgod right about now
@invictus4000 it's held up pretty well IMO. I played it again quite recently and asides from smudgy graphics the gameplay is still def there.
Won’t be happy until a game is confirmed exclusive to Switch followed by them onstage taking a dump on a PS4 just to get the point across further. (I’m joking)
Wow I remember when my Dad was playing this and I was too young so that doll scared the heck out of me
years later played the game and enjoyed it so I'll definitely play this again
@brandonbwii there just too greedy!
Good. Now dragons dogma please. We're waiting for it for a while now. portable dragons dogma would be cool
The video won't load for me is this actually confirmed digital only or just assumed?? My excitement will be lessened if it's digital only.
Hope Capcom someday decides to either re-release or remaster the two Maximo games (part of the ghosts' n goblins series) which are one of the most challenging underrated PS2 games, imo.
Another capcom port. Don't mind it that much , but why so many ports as I think they only announced one new game
Omg! I never thought this would actually happen! I’ve missed the original so bad. Day one for me.
An amazing game to be sure, but I wonder if it will be based on the the superior Genma Onimusha version.
I'll believe it when i see it but more ports from Capcom. Also if it comes later than PS4's or Xbones or costs more then forget it.
I will defo give this a go if Capcom gets their act together and makes this worth it. It really would be nice to see stronger support from Capcom.
They seem to see themselves as some big shot RockStar level developer like they haven't just crawled back from the bring of the abyss 100% thanks to Nintendo and the 3DS.
Let's wait and see how they play it before i decide to buy or not.
@Arnold-Kage at least they are making it possible to play these games on the current system. I'm all in for ports. This way I can keep playing the older games with better settings (most of the time)
Terrible voice acting. Fixed camera angles. What look to be tank controls. PS2 visuals. Ninjas.
Never played Onimusha, but this is hitting ALL the right triggers for me! Sold!
This is fine, the only one I really played was 3 though. Still though, all these Capcom remasters and yet we're STILL waiting on Dino Crisis.
Hells yeah. Day one for me.
@Spike6958 and RE 4!
Doesnt look like its aged well. Loved this back in the day tho
So they did nothing to a 20 year old game?
Sweet! Will definitely get this. Anyone remember Onimusha Tactics on the GBA? Loved that game too. Should do a remaster of it and get it on the Switch!
If it wasn't announced for switch people would moan about non capcom support. When it is announced people still moan and whine. Honestly you will never be happy. Always turning positive news into a negative
For anyone that hasn’t played it. It’s great. I still have my copy. It’s a great game
True , and while i got some wishlist ports from capcom it just struck me as weird
meh to the indies direct this is the story of the day. CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS!
A remaster ? That ? Erf, I was so happy to read the title and then I launched the video... JUST HORRIBLE !
So, this is what we are gonna get on Switch ? When you see the remakes/remasters on other platforms, there you can say that it's remade/remastered... Resident Evil 2 Remake, that is a game redone.
I really hope that Nintendo has a Direct with real Switch games to show because from my perspective, the way it goes right now is a catastrophe.
It has been a long time since I have played this game! I still have my copy of the game from the PS2 days, but I will definitely be picking this one up. There aren't many games like this available anymore.
@Cobalt absolute catastrophe!!
LOL!... watch it be $60. Next up Dino Crisis. I"ll stick with Kingdom Hearts 3 in January.
No idea why people buying all this old nonsense.
Well, it's about time Capcom.
I quite enjoyed these back then so will likely pick this up but a week or so later Resident Evil 2 remake comes out and that is on another level. Next up can we have Dino Crisis and Maximo please?
@Cobalt You clearly don't know the difference between a remaster and a remake.
1. Remake: Old game remade with new tech.
2. Remaster: Old game altered to work on new tech.
Reminds you of the days when capcom were really at the top of their game. Shame capcoms creativity has been stunted by being so money orientated and lack of understanding of what their fans want
The hype train for this is real!!!!
I'll boycott it if it's digital only, out of principle.
Jeez, this better have a japanese soundtrack option as the english dub is atrocious. It sounds like outtakes from old Scooby Doo episodes, without the fun, fear or familiarity. I watck old school anime and even ancient HK movies on occassion (OK when drunk and my eyes are squiffy) but that is worse than anything I've encountered, bland, unexciting and zero emotion. It's not even in the so bad it's good as it's shockingly boring.
Day one done!!!!!
@RudyC3 it's digital only in Europe for all platforms
Oh wait jusr read has japanese voiceovers. That english dub though...
@kobashi100 I don't care about other platforms, since I don't own the others. But even then, I'll boycott any Switch game that doesn't get a physical release, simply because I can and that even when doing so, there are still more than enough great Switch games out there to play. I'll put my money in devs that treat Switch players like they do players on platforms and not like Switch owners are second class players or something. If it got even at least a Japanese release, I'd buy it, like I did Okami HD and Rockman X Legacy Collection 2, but whenever they won't even make the slightest effort, I won't bother.
Never played this, was it any good?
@RudyC3 get the violin out!
I hope they'll do Onimusha 3 as well, I only played that one, on pc. Jean Reno. <3
I've read on the another site that it'll be $19.99. I'm fine with that.
The voice acting is almost RE1 quality.
Why does Capcom hate Europe so? They almost always go digital only here.
@Razer When did Nintendo save Capcom?
That was unexpected, but very exciting news! The first one was a bit rough, but I still had fun with it. A remaster so it's less blurry to look at would be much is it, though? It's gonna be a tough sell if it's over $20, since who, outside of hardcore fans, would even consider paying a premium for a stealthier Devil May Cry 1?
I have a GPD Win 2, which is a handheld 3DS-style PC gaming system with buttons and a switch to toggle between the analog working as a mouse, and controller mode for games, and Dragon's Dogma runs beautifully at a solid 30fps.
It's more powerful than Switch, and runs any STEAM or PC game (that can run, which is most games), any GameCube or Wii game rendered in 720p (finally a handheld that can power Dolphin without struggling) and it's just all around rad as heck
Expensive though. Fair warning. Still, if you're a portable gaming aficionado like me, it's worth a look
Miss this series so much, a reboot would had been very nice.
I remember really liking this Resident Evil meets feudal(?) Japan game series. That being said, I'm not sure this kind of gameplay has aged well enough...
As long as it doesn’t have the tank controls, I’m there.
Hopefully they’ll port 2 and 3 at some point too.
Meh, give me Ninja Gaiden Razor's Edge instead.
I appreciate the releases, but im really starting to think there will be more old ports than originals by the end of this console's life (not including indies).
And now we have PS2 on Switch virtual console...
I remember playing a demo for one of these games, years ago. Nice to see it finally come to the Switch; hopefully, if successful we can get the entire series on Switch.
No Switch physical release, no sale for me. PERIOD, Capcom.
@Drommajin might get physical in japan with english options like most of capcoms switch offerings
had it on ps2 never imagined I would be reunited again via a nintendo platform
@paihia I fear that it won't be released even there as they haven't released a physical version of Biohazard: Revelations 2 in Japan.
@OveDue Yep. I gotta great big place in my heart for all the OniMusha games, but especially OniMusha: Tactics. Cracking game.
I would literally happily accept any Ps2 Capcom game. They were godlike back then.
I've missed this series so much I will buy day 1, regardless if digital only.
The only Onimusha I played was blade warriors.
It was a pseudo Smash.
I said many curses about Nobunaga.
This was pretty good back in 2002, not sure it’ll stand up well now. The second one was better though.
I'd love to see a collection for this, but as it stands, it's better than nothing, I guess. Still, I already played the first three, so ... yeah, I'd actually be more interested in Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams, the one I never got around to, or again, a proper collection.
Anyways, great to see the series being shown some love, after all the remakes and remasters that RE got in recent years.
I even don't take the time to answer because with only 1 picture I suppose you're gonna understand my point.
This is the kind of treatment we deserve :
Onimusha 2 is my fav. I really hope we get all 4 of them. Been waiting for onimusha in my Nintendo consoles at least for a decade XD
@Cobalt 'we deserve'. You don't deserve anything. If you don't like this HD remaster (nothing more then that), don't buy it.
@Saego I'm totally in love with Onimusha...
When you look a remaster like FFX on the picture just above, there I'm totally agree but gosh, I played the video of Onimusha I rubbed my eyes 10 times to be sure that I was looking at a "remaster".
I'm sorry but to put on the market in 2019 a "remaster" of a 18 years old game in that state, no, it's just no.
When I see what Capcom brings to the Switch, I clearly see what's the strategy of them :
Street Fighter II
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary
Resident Evil Revelations
Resident Evil Revelations 2
Monster Hunter Generation Ultimate
Onimusha Warlord Remaster
I'm sorry but they clearly bring only ports on Switch. Like we don't have enough ports already after 1 year 1/2... :/
I never experienced that since... ever. Why the hell making new games if the players buy 10 times the same games year after year?
@Cobalt MegaMan 11
And we know they're working on a new Ace Attorney game.
Also on that screenshot all textures are different between the two images. That makes it a remake.
Sweet! I never played the original so this will be a new experience for me! And the price point being the same as Okami plus the physical version in Japan with new Japanese voice acting added (just before Christmas, on December 20th!) makes it all the sweeter.
Tomorrow's Famitsu will have a 6 page special dedicated to the game. Looking forward to it.
@Cobalt All new games for me... I guess it is impossible to satisfy everyone...
I see your point though. Capcom could have given a little more thought to the textures and all but in the end, graphics aren't what makes or breaks a game. Also, the low price point means that it is a low cost "remaster" instead of a full blown HD remake.
Yeah no thanks. One of the best series ever but they honestly should just put all 3 on a cart/disc if it's just a lazy upres'd port, especially since 3 is the best one.
I'll pass since Europe is getting shafted for the umpteenth time. Wouldn't have minded buying digital even if physical released in Europe, but when it's physical for NA but digital-only for EU, I'm passing.
“Who’s ‘we’ and what do ‘we’ deserve?”
Don’t like it, don’t buy it.
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