It seems extremely unlikely that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim will ever receive the Creation Club feature on Switch, despite it being present on other consoles.
The Creation Club feature, which was first introduced into Fallout 4 before making its way to Skyrim, essentially allows players to access mods for the game on consoles, as well as on PC. Despite being available on PS4 and Xbox One, the feature hasn't made its way over to Switch, and it looks like it never will.
Todd Howard, director at the game's developer and publisher Bethesda, recently made comments about owners of the game on Switch, saying "Skyrim Switch has a big community that we haven't supported the way we'd like." Eurogamer followed up on this statement to find out exactly what was meant, and Howard's response wasn't exactly reassuring.
"They asked for mods," he replied, "they asked for Creation Club - 'When are we getting more stuff?'"
When asked about what was being done about this, Howard said:
"Right now we're doing nothing. People, they're on other things. Our Switch group did Fallout Shelter ... and that's done really well. I'm surprised at how well it's done..."
"We would love to see it happen but it's not something we're actively doing."
To put it simply, Bethesda is aware that Switch fans want to see mods in their portable version of Skyrim, but it isn't something that the studio is focusing on. Whether this will change in the future is unknown, but it certainly sounds like Bethesda is fully committed to other projects.
Are you fussed about having mods in Skyrim? Are you disappointed that it might never be a thing in Skyrim on Switch? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 60
I never really used any mods in PC Skyrim, only some GFX enhancement mods, but after the Special Edition those were not needed anymore either.
Most of the mods on the PS4/Xbox console edition are very limited and disappointing anyway. Way too many restrictions.
So Switch owners aren't exactly missing out on anything.
If you want the full unrestricted mod experience in Elder Scrolls games, PC is the platform to be.
It's a shame really but not a deal breaker- I've lived through the wii u with no 3rd party support at all so I can survive slight cut backs
I had already forgotten that Skyrim and Fallout 4 had mods on consoles to begin with. So not too bothered by this news in the slightest.
I do not care. I love Skyrim on Switch the way it is.
We didn't get the level editor for DOOM either.
A honest, clear answer. I like that.
I thought modding wasn't a thing on PS4 too.
Shame. Some mods were essential for better performance and visuals. I bet something like the "Toon Skyrim" mod would do wonders for the switch version.
Don't care for modding in the slightest.
If I wanted to mod, I'd play on PC.
Why would we
I play on PC and i only used hair mods to be honest.
As for lacking the Creation Club, i would take it as a benefit at this point. Pretty much everything being sold there is available for free on the Nexus.
@Dan_Dan Have you seen the available mods on the console version of PS4 and Xbox One?
They are laughably bad and limited due to extreme restrictions!
Graphics overhauls, NPC character overhauls (like better faces, etc), etc are all not allowed on Console.
Most of the Console Mods are just Gameplay tweaks, cheats and changes.
Only on PC you have full unrestricted Mod access! That's why people aren't really missing anything on the Switch with lack of Mods.
The fact that they didn't give us Survival Mode on the Switch version is what hurts the most, really.
I don't need mods, I just want all of the official plug-ins, and Survival Mode would bring to the game a food and temperature cycle akin to Zelda that it desperately needs.
I wasn’t expecting it to happen in all honesty.
No third party patches then
and here come the modders and hackers
They could at least port a batch of the "best" doable ones, it's a shame.
Unfortunate, but the "realistic weapons", "Live Another Life", and "hardcore mode" are the only mods out of the scores and scores out there that ever interested me.
I didn't get Skyrim for the Switch at launch because of the lack of mods. There are so many great mods (I'm sorely missing Alternative Start for example) but the best one is all the bug fixes. I didn't realise how bugging vanilla Skyrim was until I started playing it on the Switch.
Bummer but at this point I’d be more surprised if they announced the feature than them stating it won’t be there now. Surely if it was happening it’d have been announced at launch when sales would have most benefited.
Not that it’s been stated, but if the trade off is we have those Devs who did the Switch work developing it porting another title then I’d take that over mod support.
Straight to the point. This is a refreshing and not Corp answer. With that being said my lack of memory on my SD card thanks you.
Not surprising in the slightest, and I respect an honest answer instead of beating around the bush.
Would be more interested in the Switch team working on another game then working on a tool that isn't really all that good on consoles
I never expected mods so no big deal.
I miss having a survival mode, it made a big difference. The definitive Skyrim experience, for me, is on the PC, but I still enjoy it on the Switch. The portability is really great!
skyUI, Lockon mod, no bloodsplatter... I would put the effort to finally beating the game.
That's ok. The game is good as it is. Nothing major here. with that said
Just get the better PC version for a 3rd the price and play something else on the GO.
It doesn't matter to me. I'm still playing Skyrim practically every night since its release on Switch. I just wish they would patch all the bugs the game has, because it sure has a whole lot.
i'll stick to modding on PC thanks.
I really don't mind this. On PC i got so distracted with mods that I'd end up getting bored before actually getting my teeth stuck into the game.
@Nunya ‘Better’?
Majority if the mods crash the game or don't play well together. And nobody has time to pay Bethesda for mods that were already free before hand.
I have the XB1 version still if I really want to mess about but the vanilla with all DLC is chock full of good content anyway.
EDIT: Oh +1 for the unofficial patch mod though. That was a godsend.
Tried mods on the X1 version. Was cool, and I wouldn't complain if they were included, but the honest truth of the matter is I don't really miss them. If they want to bring them someday I think that would be awesome, but I'm not really losing sleep over it.
I'd much rather see their Switch efforts be put towards different games than mod support for a game that's perfectly fine as is
@SmaggTheSmug There is modding, but sony and bethesda had some disagreement for a while. It came out much later than it was supposed to.
@SmaggTheSmug @Totaldude911 The PS4 version (same with Fallout 4) has severe limitations compared to XB1 due to not being able to use external assets, and believe the PS4 has a lot less Mod memory space.
Sony disallowing it to keep full protection of the PS4 architecture or something like that. Skyrim Remaster (at least in UK) released cheaper on PS4 due to that, as modding was a massive marketing focus.
That's ok
A miss opportunity but it's okay the PC got a bunch of them already.
I only played Skyrim on switch but fallout 4 on XB1 with mods is a blast ! But hey we know switch is never gonna get the same kind of attention :3
@XenoShaun Wow, I didn't even know xbox could use outside assets. That's pretty incredible. Sony has kind of had their heads up their bellends this entire generation.
@JaxonH yeah and you won't be lost without it
@Savino I used to install all kinda of graphics/texture mods on the original release. I remember taking a hour to install and configure the RealVision mods heh
For the Special Edition i just stuck with vanilla graphics though, but i still can't stand the default hairs.
I am happy as it is
This doesn't bother me tbh. I've been playing it non-stop and quite enjoying the vanilla experience. When I get bored with vanilla, I just fire up my pc where I have hundred+ mods
Pssst, play on PC.
Psst, you can't tell us what to do
I wouldn't mind this if it was priced closer to the steam version, but as of right now it's eighty bucks in Canada for a game that's been out for what, seven years? Mods would make it much easier to justify.
It's an old game, the port to the Switch has made money for Bathesda. But its time to put something brand new on the Switch and not ports.
I dont need it, and wont use it.
@Totaldude911 Yeah some of the mods were really fun on XB1, and how you could change the graphics and that. But alas with the XB1 being.. well the XB1 it had issues running the game decently. You have to be very careful with what you used.
@mikegamer I wasn’t, but if you want all the mods PC is where to go. Do what you want.
Good, keep that Creaters Club cancer off of the Switch.
At least it was a straight-forward and honest answer but that doesn't mean I'm happy about it. I really would have enjoyed some mods.
I don't mind much about this news. Even with modern friendly games I do have I hardly ever seen myself using them. It's also a quite old game, rather them focus on porting over that sweet Fallout New Vegas.
Preorder canc...oh hang on a sec I'm not remotely interested in this game.
Might not like everything Howard has to say but I do appreciate the lack of corporate bs in a lot his answers in interviews.
@Ryu_Niiyama And if I don't want mods...?
I would rather get a real Fallout title on Switch. I would be perfectly happy with ports of Fallout 3 and New Vegas.
@mikegamer like i said, do what you want. Not sure as to why you are making a big deal out of a comment I made as a one liner. Have a nice day.
I'm not bothered about mods. I am bothered about a proper fallout game though.
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