![Screen Shot 2018-06-19 at 12.25.36.png](https://images.nintendolife.com/70a6509a660eb/screen-shot-2018-06-19-at-12-25-36.900x.jpg)
2K Games has just announced WWE 2K19 to the surprise of absolutely nobody, but the lack of a Switch edition in the press release has raised some eyebrows.
The 2018 version was released on Switch after the other editions, and hit store shelves in a pretty dire state. Technical problems were everywhere and it may be that 2K has decided the system just can't run the 2019 game to an acceptable degree.
Of course, there's a chance that WWE 2K19 could be announced for Switch at a later date, but given that 2K confirmed that NBA 2K19 was Switch-bound alongside other formats, that's an outside bet.
If WWE 2K19 does skip Switch, will you be disappointed? Or was the quality of the 2018 version so bad that you wouldn't have bought it anyway?
Comments 82
They blew any chance for this franchise to succeed on Switch with their abomination of "support". Doesn't surprise me.
And so it begins...
After the last one, I'm not surprised.
@rjejr Did you see how the last one ran, if you can call it that?
Honestly, I see no reason it SHOULDN'T run, but unlike NBA, this wasn't a smooth conversion of the PS4 and Xbox title. This was...
Not a great loss. The Switch version was total and utter crap, and 2K deserve all the backlash that they can get.
They should have asked Panic Button to port it for them...
If they say they're not releasing a Switch version due to poor sales of 2k18, I'll shake my head.
After the disgrace that was the 18 I'm really not surprised.
I've bought the 18 game paying full price and until this day I'm unable to play it with satisfaction.
The game is a really bad port that looks like was made in 5 minutes and released just to quick grab some money.
I'm still amazed that a company like 2K allowed a game to be released in such state.
Couldn't care less about this game, but what I don't accept is for a game to be published full of bugs and the dev not doing anything about it.
Until the 2K deal is over with WWE, they won't get back on Switch. The game engine is way too bloated for Switch to handle. Even the PS4 versions of these games have some delay and lag issues.
Pro wrestling is HUGE in Japan. Fire Pro Wrestling would be a GREAT fit on Switch. Smaller game, New Japan tie-in, retro feel and insane customization.
I regret nothing.
After the last one we might be better off without another failure.
....and it's wrestling so I already don't care about it
After the disaster last time and the lack of fixes and then they abandoned it - I felt sure it was due to a new version coming.
If a new version isn’t coming they really should fix the last version.
It’s the most broken video game ever released IMHO.
Good. Stay away. Lost all faith with the last piece of garbage they delivered.
2k wrestling games are awful. So no big deal
Considering how well properly-adapted game engines work on the Switch, the first WWE port only demonstrates 2K's laziness and incompetence. They put in a minimal effort to cash in on the popularity of the system and it showed. A new port with a similarly half-*ssed effort wouldn't do any better. Unless they're willing to put in the work to create a lighter engine that works on mobile CPUs like the one in the Switch, they SHOULD remain off the platform.
Better no version than what happened last year.
Have they even fixed the last one?
Can't believe Yukes are still involved with the series after all this time. They're awful.
I saw some YouTubers play this on the Switch when it came out, they even covered the patches that came out after. 2K never could get it right. A wise decision to skip the Switch this year. I doubt they're even devoting any resources to getting it right. We may not see WWE again. With so many games available, I won't miss it.
I have to wonder, considering how bad 2k18 was, do WWE fans even care? I have zero interest in the series myself. Largely because I never got into WWE...
But it does annoy me that 2K is, instead of putting the work in to making a good product, they are just skipping out on the Switch. 2K isn't some small indie studio that cannot afford a proper team to get the job done right. I hope this BS doesn't become a trend. It brings back bad memories of Wii U.
@Knuckles-Fajita When it releases on other consoles will people be talking about:
A. How bad the first game was
B. Lack of 3rd party games on Switch
I think looking at the success, Panic Button has in porting games to the switch, 2k should have asked for their services.
After the nightmare of the first one I not surprised. Port was a complete mess.
@DarkSim01 would not call pro-wrestling huge in Japan. Not when you compare it to how popular it use to be. The whole fight industry has took a downturn but New Japan is doing well and is the biggest fight league in all combat sports in Japan.
Still no publishers are ready to take a gamble on releasing a Japanese pro-wrestling game. We have fire pro yeah but that's it.
I'm more interested in a Switch port of Fire Pro World which is AMAZING. I'm serious. It can fill the wrestling title niche on the Switch for half a decade.
i have wwe 2k18. we don't need games unplayable like that. wwe 2k18 still suck...and i love wrestling
@AirElephant ah didn't take long before we get the lazy developers comment. So damn predictable and unfair without knowing the finer details.
Didn't yukes outsource the switch version. None of us know the time constraints or budget etc etc that the developers had.
The child and wrestling fanboy in me is still waiting for the day when WWE comes to the Switch
Good. Nobody wants garbage.
I can't understand why people even buy those games on ANY console. I guess it is a niche.
All I want is Fire Pro on Switch. Way better than WWE2k anyways.
You know what would be nice? Confirmation, a little communication.
Is there an seperate switch version, was there game just not able to run? Certainly can't blame is for not buying their broken previous release.
No it is not good. They should redeem themselves by releasing a good, working port of the next game. This is their doing after all!
Okay, so they release an awful port of a game, then blame Nintendo for it's lack of sales? Typical.
Good riddance. There is no reason why they couldn't have released a competent version of the game.
@geox30 honestly I wouldn't care if it was an "slimed down to run well" version either. Just that, you know, it works
I would be more than happy to buy a GOOD wrestling game!
Ball's in your court Fire Pro Wrestling World.
Good. Clearly this team can't make their games run well on Switch. Spare us all the embarassment.
Good after the mess that was 2k18 i have lost faith in them producing any kind of decent port
I watched BeatEmUps review on WWE 2k18 last night....The Switch is the winner here
2K and Yukes really need to build a new engine for the WWE games. The current one is a Frankenstein's monster of code that's almost 20 years old now (the first game was 2000's Smackdown.)
Give me Fire Pro Wrestling World on switch!
That's my assertion and you're free to dispute it. The fact remains that the version on Switch runs extremely poorly when games with outstanding visuals and smooth gameplay don't. Either the company in charge of porting the game was incompetent, 2K forced an unrealistic release schedule on them or gave them insufficient resources, or a combination thereof. Others have noted that the game also ran poorly on more powerful hardware, indicating poor source code.
If, by implication, you want to argue that the Switch is simply underpowered then so be it. But other developers have released stellar ports on the same hardware, so if you don't mind yes I'll stick with the "lazy/incompetent developers" narrative for now.
Shame. Competent wrestling games have dominated Nintendo charts of the past.
And nothing of any value was lost...
@AirElephant I never implied the switch is not powerful enough. I am just not gonna call developers lazy without knowing the actual details of their work.
The last game was literally sent out to die. Not releasing it is basically showing mercy.
I do wonder if 2K was even serious with supporting the Switch beyond the first year? Probably realised you can only con people once.
I would love to see a new Fire Pro Wrestling. Honestly, if companies aren't willing to commit to Switch, they need to stick to the platforms that they're already fully committed to. The same goes for EA. Buh bye!
Good. 2K18 was garbage and I deleted it within a week.
"Here's a piece of crap game. Now, we can't be bothered providing it to you on cartridge either. How about you fork over 24GB of your storage space as well?"
Target markets: Doormats bearing the phrase "Welcome home, stupid."
The secret panic Button game?
Yet the freaking Wii could handle WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008-2011 plus 12, 13, and All-Stars with no problem, that's 8 WWE games in one gen. These lazy dev had no excuses.
Next year will be FIFA and the year after that NBA 2k
These developers don't want to put in the work, plain and simple.
We saw it with bethesda this E3 they announced MOBILE games... last year they had actual games to show on switch... the 3rd party support is moving on. The sales either aren't there or the money for a port is not worth it.
It's a good start. If they can just go ahead and pull it from the other platforms too, we'll be in good shape!
If Doom and Wolfenstein 2 can run on the switch, then there's obviously something wrong with 2K's programmers.
Considering how poopy 2K18 was on my Xbox One X, I'm not surprised. This game does NOT look like it uses THAT much graphical grunt. Maybe I'm wrong but it doesn't look particularly impressive to me. I'll probably be skipping this year.
At the rate they’re going. 2K might surpass EA in awfulness. It’s clear they don’t care about the WWE license and they honestly just use the NBA license as an excuse for micro transactions. Now it seems they’re business practices might affect Rockstar with Red Dead 2. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
@Rika_Yoshitake I’m pretty sure Bethesda’s ports did gangbusters on the Switch and FIFA did pretty well too, same with NBA 2K.
I'm surprised any of the consoles would support this mess!
No great loss, WWE 2K18 was crap on all formats and WWE as a whole is currently at its worst and least interesting in its entire history
I was really hoping they'd release a new one that actually played.. I haven't played a wrestling game since n64 and I know they're way different now but I think I could still have fun with one.
If ya can't do it right, don't bother. That's the way I see it, and I'm sure the way they see it too.
WWE 2k18 was, unfortunately, a disaster. Best to not bother until they can devote enough resources to release a game people will actually want to play.
I'll be skipping it as well. Yes I also have a ps4 but even the "good" versions are complete garbage. This angers me as I love wrestling games.
Pretty soon it will be two years since I watched WWE. What a waste as they now have the most talented roster overall they ever had. But hot garbage is all they can produce.
I'd have waited and seen on 2K19. WWE 2K18 was the first Switch game I truly regretted buying.
It's Wii U all over again
@SetupDisk I not watched WWE since 1998. No interest to ever go back.
Soon as I discovered Japanese pro wrestling I was done with soap opera garbage
Oh well.....maybe we'll get a WWE Network app instead?
I'm pretty sure WWE 2K18 announced for the Switch several weeks/months after it was announced for the other platforms. The same could happen for WWE 2K19.
But if WWE 2K19 on Switch is going to be as bad as WWE 2K18 on Switch, then they shouldn't even bother.
here we go again a 3rd party developers blaming us for their game being crappy not surprised ill stick to nba2k series at least NBA2k18 was way a better then the wwe2k18 one.
And nothing of value was lost.
Every WWF/E game has been progressively worse since No Mercy on the N64.
And the cycle of 3rd party support on Nintendo consoles continues....
Nintendo releases new console.
Third party decides to bring a very late/poor quality port to the console.
The port flops, the third party blames the consumers and never supports the console again.
The way they handled 2K18 on Switch I wouldn't care either way.
As an wrestling fan I'm disappointed, but as an gamer I'm glad it not coming. As the last one was unplayable ,and was a waste of my money. Either do it good or don't do it at all
@tourjeff you mean the same 2K who released Bioshock on iOS but didn't patch it to support the next operating system update making the game unplayable a few short months after people bought it?
Or do you mean the same 2K who are aggressively pursuing micro transactions by making create a player modes a grind fest on purpose in their sports games with each year getting progressively worse?
I'm not surprised they pulled this stunt on Switch owners in the least. Once bitten is all I can say.
2K much like EA and Rockstar started from humble beginnings, became insanely successful but sold out to absolute greed and lost their integrity along the way.
@Jawessome Yeah, actually that you mentioned I remember the whole debacle about Bioshock on iOS, the way they dealt with that was really bad and on the top of that Apple said that the digital purchases actually don't belong to the consumers! Crazy.
In regards to the MT in their games, I didn't feel that to be to aggressive on the NBA game, tbh, I still have a lot of fun playing that game.
But yeah, now that I have experience their dodge side of doing business I will think twice before buying a game from them, probably I will wait for reviews before preordering it again.
2K and Rockstar, if I'm not mistaken, are part of the same company so the practices will be same on both I reckon and I agree with you, together with EA, and a few others, they are destroying the industry with their "game as a service" business model.
Skipping out on the switch may of been a good idea,people aren't just gonna forget about what happened with WWE 2k18 and if you ask me this franchise has been downhill since 2k has taken over.
Lol. Love it! Developer makes crappy nearly broken game for Switch. Many Switch owners very disappointed in half ass poor quality, Don't buy it. Dev says, no one in switch wants it. We want a good quality game. Not a POS.
I'd rather Yukes and 2K modify the GameCube's Day of Reckoning game and port that to Switch as the gameplay is better than the recent WWE games.
@Shiryu you're awesome.
@JJ286 One might even say... phenomenal?
@RKO_JPL7 You're not alone...
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