Psyonix has released details surrounding Rocket League's upcoming 'Rocket Pass' progression system, providing players will several ways to earn new content in the game.
The system will work in an almost identical way to the setup seen in Fortnite, with free and premium passes being available for each in-game season. The Free Rocket Pass (which will be available at no cost for every player) will have rewards that unlock automatically such as new customisation items, banners, in-game titles, and decryptors, but the Premium Rocket Pass upgrade will net you much more.
Equivalent to USD $9.99 (other regions yet to be confirmed) this upgrade comes with even more content, including a wider variety of the items mentioned before as well as new car bodies, keys, and premium player banners and titles. You’ll also unlock ‘XP Boosts’ that multiply your earned XP throughout the duration of your Rocket Pass, again acting in exactly the same way as Fortnite's current system, allowing you to level up to earn more rewards.
The passes will be available across all platforms, and every item will be tradable (excluding typical non-tradable items like titles). You’ll also be able to upgrade to Premium at any time while a Rocket Pass is active without losing any progress. Psyonix has also made a point of clarifying that you’ll be able to view every piece of content available from the premium pass before upgrading, so you’ll know exactly what items are coming your way before you buy.
There is currently no word on when this feature will kick in, but it is expected to launch "later this year".
Do you love Rocket League enough to treat yourself to XP boosts and cosmetic rewards? Or will you just keep playing the game as normal without spending a penny? Let us know what you think of the Rocket Pass in the comments below.
[source rocketleague.com]
Comments 22
I wish they’d stop adding to this game. Each new patch is massive and it’s taking up so much memory on my Switch.
I never found out how to actually start unlocking things in Rocket League.
Like - I would be able to unlock the ability to PURCHASE loot - but No, I'm not doing that.
The actual stuff was slim pickins.
@thesilverbrick people should stop complaining and be happy they support the switch as good as other systems.
Other systems get these updates too.
No updates, people complain.
Give people same support as on other systems, they again complain.
Don't play the game if it's such a big issue that we get support, it's not their fault Nintendo came up with a system with just 32gb of memory.
@Rayquaza2510 I suppose my complaint is more targeted at Nintendo itself for not giving the Switch enough practical storage for a system heavily reliant on downloadable media. I have a 128GB SD card in addition to the proprietary memory, but even that is filling up too fast for my tastes. But Psyonix doesn’t exactly do a good job of compressing these updates, either. Rocket League is already a few GB larger than Mario Odyssey, which is ridiculous, considering the vast difference in content between those games.
@thesilverbrick in that case excuse my misunderstanding.
The Wii U had 32gb of storage and that was already not enough, 32gb on Switch is a mistake from Nintendo.
But remember also this, Mario is made for switch only so compressing a system exclusive is always way easier than doing so with a multi platform game, I have a friend that works for a small dev and he keeps saying that every time again but people keep ignoring that.
(P.S. dragon quest on the NES was 1mb and had more content than any Mario game, you can't compare 2 so different things with each other)
@Rayquaza2510 i’ll still complain. it’s a game i purchased and there’s still crap to buy after the fact. instead of adding stuff that makes the game more interesting they just add visuals.
@tekknik opinions differ on such matters
It works with Fortnite cause the game is free, but considering Rocket League game you have to buy with money, I'm not that keen.
Anyway I'm happy with my Samus and Mario cars to use the other cosmetic stuff.
@Rayquaza2510 It’s not just playable content I’m comparing between the two games. Odyssey’s assets are far more detailed, varied and complex when compared to Rocket League. Comparing the 8-bit Dragon Quest to Odyssey in terms of content is silly. Dragon Quest had next to nothing in terms of visual and audio assets when compared with modern games.
@Rayquaza2510 also I’m a dev and what you said about compressing system exclusives doesn’t make sense. unreal uses the same model to generate the LODs reguardless of the platform, so no, making a game multi platform doesn’t increase the size.
@Hikingguy I completely agree. That's one of the things that I hate about both the wii u and the Switch. I think for it's price Nintendo offered far too little storage on the system, especially since nowadays they seem keen on promoting digital purchases while simultaneously having a system that is ill suited to having large digital libraries due to a lack of storage and barley any deep discounts on their eshop
@thesilverbrick I got a 200gig SD card, bring on the downloads!
If rocket league were free to play then sure, but im not liking them adding this fluff in for a game i already paid for 😐
Complaining about memory is so ... out of touch.
Of all the games with paid content, I am most satisfied with Rocket League’s and will happily buy a season pass. I can see why the memory issues are painful to players (my 200 GB card has 24 left in it), but I feel the content is worth the space. It may all be cosmetic, but I get a kick out of designing my car. Because Rocket League releases so many opportunities for decryptors, I don’t feel like I have to pay money to access cool content. To those who state the developers have only added cosmetic content, I’d like to point out that they have recently added tournaments, new stages, and performance settings. A future update will allow for cross-platform parties. Psyonix continually improves their game, and I think they are awesome for it.
@thesilverbrick Why are you comparing the size difference between a third party game and first party?
What doesn't help is this game is online only, so you'll have to update it to play. I almost wish I didn't buy it. Even if you only had the physical game you will still need to update it. I wish it worked like Minecraft where it only downloads what you want. The file size for the new Minecraft on Switch is a bit smaller because it doesn't force update all the skins you own.
@Nintendoforlife And why not? I am comparing them as evidence that compression can be done. Third parties generally don’t optimize and compress software like they can, with limited exceptions. For example, Ubisoft got Mario + Rabbids down just under 3GB, and Playtonic compressed Yooka-Laylee to just over 4GB which are both absolutely reasonable. It can be done, but third-party developers generally don’t put in the effort needed to compress their games into reasonable file sizes.
@thesilverbrick Ok, but that's my point you just named two third party developers (even though ubisoft may have had Nintendo's help). Everyone knows Nintendo is top tier when it comes to compressing their own games. So why compare RL to them, when you have two examples of third party compression right there.
To address your original point though. I currently have 16 games on my console with 6 being physical. I also bought a 128 GB card (last black friday), and I still have another 69 GB's left on it. Personally, I don't see lack of space being a problem for me any time soon, but I do agree I would like updates to take up a little less data.
Zelda car please
Rocket League should be free. Fortnite BR is free, PUBGM is free, and they both do stuff like this.
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