For anyone who recently downloaded Square Enix's Octopath Traveler Prologue Demo and is planning on extending their stay in the wide world of Orsterra upon the game's release, you might be interested to hear the following:
During an interview with Dengeki Online this week, Masashi Takahashi - the producer of the upcoming Square Enix title - stated "the product version is the finished product" and no downloadable content was currently planned.
Given how many games are quick to embrace downloadable content nowadays, it’s somewhat refreshing to hear such a promising turn-based role-playing game will buck the common industry practice, instead opting with more of a traditional model.
If you're planning on picking this up, how do you feel about the game possibly never receiving additional content? Do you think eight characters and the estimated 50-60 hours to complete the main game will be enough? Tell us in the comments.
Comments 122
I miss when games were released in a complete state. Especially now more than ever as microSD cards are our primary means of storage for the Switch. There is already plenty to play and with more and more Nintendo games now having DLC packs, the less inclined I am to buy them. It'll probably cost me more than AU$200 to buy all of the DLC packs for the currently available first party software on Switch, and I am yet to buy any as none of them appear to add anything even remotely worth the asking price. I'll probably get the Pokkén DLC at some stage, but the Zelda content seems to be comprised primarily of extraneous content that is otherwise inconsequential to the overall experience.
And don't get me started on the obscene AU$120 season pass for Atelier Lydie and Suelle. I understand that the high costs of game development need to be subsidised somehow, but this is beyond ridiculous. So, the general consumer is opposed to a $10-$20 increase in the RRP for (certain) games but they're happy with $30+ console-locked DLC packs? God, people are so stupid.
Expansion packs were fine on PC as they used to come on discs and can be installed on multiple PCs. Such is not the case with console expansions.
Music to my ears! I don't recall, does this game come as a retail release?
This game is so lovely, and this is great news too. Cant wait for release.
@Silly_G Miss it? I remember addons like Throne of Bhaal very fondly to be honest. Now, Microtransaction and releasing broke ngames and season-pass for costumes and pointless fetch-quest-sidemission ... those are all different stories of course. Nothing wrong with DLCs or addons per se though. They can offer some amazing content at times.
@DockEllisD Ah great, cheers!
Silly G is back with his pro-corporation, anti-consumer rhetoric again I see.
8 characters and 50-60+ hours of gameplay is plenty of bang for my buck. It took me about 12 hours or so to clear Donkey Kong Country and I was fine with that from a money to gameplay ratio. RPGs go way beyond that.
DLC is not an add-on, it's what they removed from the game and later charged you extra money for it.
Although I’m not getting this game, it’s nice to see that what you see is what you get.
While there’s nothing wrong with DLC, it’s nice to just have the whole shebang on one cartridge.
I am okay with it. My number one game for this year, cant wait
U mean the whole game will actually all be in the cartridge??? Imagine that.
@Nincompoop I know! remember the days you would mash the buttons or look in the magazine to find the "cheat code" to enable extra racers or characters or ships? Now you have to pay money to "unlock" them.
@MegaTen What bugs are there? I didn’t notice any in the demo.
50-60 hrs is fine I like the fact this is the finished game . If I really like the game I may be wishing there was more dlc but tbh it doesn’t make it a bad thing there’s no more dlc planned . I don’t buy games on the basis if it has dlc or not
I don't mind DLC sometimes as long as it's not priced extortionately. I think it's cool if a developer finishes the game, is moving along with other things and then gets an idea for something really cool they could add to that old game they made and they make it into a dlc. I don't like when a developer finishes a game and then takes parts of it out and sells them off later as dlc. Although I suppose all of that is irrelevant in this case, lol
It's an interesting change to see a developer saying they have no intentions of ever releasing dlc for their game. Although I must admit it is nice to see new content added over time. That's why I find games with mod support to be so fun. It just adds more replayability.
If game will sell well, believe me, they will change their minds. I’m totally ok with game being whole package tho..
Better that then FE Fates business model
Xenoblade 2 makes me wish they went the other way.
You could have added new game plus and even a new path from the original eight to this.
Now a modder will 15 years later as a tribute.
I respect this so much. Planning DLC when the main game isn't even finished yet is pretty BS, taking away content from the main game and make it DLC even moreso.
I don't mind dlc if I feel like it really adds something to a quality game I'm already enjoying. I loved the champions ballad dlc for Zelda. However it is nice to hear that this game will be complete and I don't have to spend more money
@Roam85 yup, and you won't be able to download that Xenoblade DLC in 15 years when Nintendo shuts down their servers.
Personally, I like DLC, but I think it only really works with RPGs if it is an entirely new campaign.
if i cant pay $50 to add Mew to this game, what’s even the point?
Already preordered Octopath, but if I had not I would've definitely done that now.
That is fine because I am 111 hours into Xenoblade 2 and maybe 60% into the story....SO MUCH CONTENT that I barely have time for. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I just don't mind it not having extra
It is defo enough
60 to 100 hours of content so why do they need to add DLC.
@Lone_Beagle : Do modern games even have cheat codes anymore?
Sounds just fine to me. I already loved both demo's so I think I'll definitely get my fill from the full game anyway. Heck, I spent 3 hours just getting Therion up to level 6. I know the game's going to be good just from that.
I used to be very anti-DLC, but I've seen a few examples of it done right recently. Zelda: BotW, Xenoblade 2 and Splatoon all offer optional additional value for a very reasonable price, but consumers can skip it without feeling they're missing out because the base games contain so much content.
Xenoblade 2's extra DLC makes a lot of sense as it gives the developers an opportunity to revisit the game engine and world, and offer a brand new story essentially for those who want it. If DLC was around back in the N64 days, I'm sure Majora's Mask would have been released in this way.
Saying that, there's something relieving about Octopath not having any DLC coming out for it. I can't help but think that Square Enix would be offering content in a similar way to the recent Fire Emblem games, which isn't that appealing to be honest.
Good. No DLC stuff. Just release full game
game looks like it would be good, I just cant personally get into these style of RPGs
Yes and I'm glad it will come complete. I'm from a time when games used to surprise us with in-game contents so this will be a treat for me.
Good. DLC can be a fine thing, but it isn't needed for every game. My impression is that Octopath is a complete story, tightly plotted to fit these eight characters, and already offers a good variety of play styles with those characters. It shouldn't need expansions.
So who needs it? There is already 80 hours of content in the game as it is, I rarely play a single game or have enough interest to play a game for longer than that.
I buy a game because I like that game, not on the off chance they'll add more content in the future. Not to mention that I have many games on cartridges from the 80's onwards that never received DLC
Great news, looking forward to this tight well rounded thought about game.
I played the 3hr demo yesterday and just wanted it not to end. Roll on the 13th July.
Thank god.
This game is awesome. I sat down and played the 3 hours straight yesterday. I haven't done that with a game since maybe BotW.
Good. I'm not necessarily anti-DLC, but I miss when games were complete products out of the box. This is the perfect complement to the 'SNES throwback' style of the game itself.
Hey, a game @rjejr can buy day one!
I really don't get the whole sentiment here of DLC being such a bad thing. If you like a game a lot and want more of it why shouldn't you have the possibility to get more? And the whole "DLC is content locked from the main game and sold seperately" thing doesn't really work with nintendo games. I mean was there a single game from nintendo that felt unfinished and was later added DLC? And people do realise that a development team has a lot of time between finishing the game and it actually releasing, so announcing DLC before launch isn't necesseraly content hold back. Feel free to reply if you disagree with my points.
Sounds good to me
Yay, no DLC. Sqeenix saying no dlc.....ea saying no loot boxes. What's next, Nintendo saying no motion controls?
@Silly_G of course nothing at will comes on discs on pc anymore, and console dlc is as account locked as digital games are outside Nintendo which is console locking (for now, I'm still waiting to see if cloud saves also means not locking digital content to one piece of hardware.... Like the other platforms. I suspect it might, but they said nothing if NO at e3.
It will be nice to have the full game completely on a cart. I’m not the biggest RPG fan (the Mario RPGs, Pokémon, Earthbound, and FF6 are the ones I’ve enjoyed) but this game is beautiful and definitely on my radar. I doubt I’ll get it at launch but someday for sure.
@Ensemen While I can't speak for everyone, I think that a vast majority of people hate DLC when it's announced to be in the game BEFORE the game has even launched, which makes most people think that the developers are actively locking behind content just to make a few extra bucks while that content should be available from the very get go. If DLC is announced AFTER the game has already launched, I think most people are okay with it since their getting more content to a game they know they liked and would happily play more of. A good example of doing DLC is right is how Mario Kart 8 did it, while a bad example was the Fire Emblem Echoes fiasco.
Not a fan of DLC, so good for them I say!
@MartyFlanMJFan It looks like a $40 3DS game for $60, that's why there is no DLC.
Thanks for thinking of me though.
Happy Father's Day if you guys have that over there if not, well enjoy the last 5 hours of your Sunday.
Day one purchase, i have been looking forward to playing this game!
@ArcanaXVI And even then, the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 prequel DLC was already confirmed to be akin to a stand-alone expansion you might even be able to purchase separatedly at retail without owning the original game.
So it literally stretch the definition of "DLC" a whole lot in the first place by basically being a stand-alone prequel of the original game built on the same engine... that just so happen to -also- be a purchasable DLC if you already own the original XB2.
@SethNintendo Possibly, but structurally-wise... the game itself seems like it'd have a lot of difficulties being compatible even with just the "concept" of DLC.
@Tarolusa Yeah but still. Wasn't echoes without the DLC a fully fledged game with similiar amount of content as the last ones? If yes (haven't played the game so i don't know) you payed full price for a full game, and you can download additional content for more money but you get a full base game for 60 bucks. If no, then sure that is a problem.
It would probably take me 60-140 hours to complete heheh
Since I am gonna enjoy the game slowly!
I'm guessing there won't be micro transactions either then. Looks like a good game but am still going to see what reviews say.
@rjejr squeenix 40 dollar 3ds games had dlc and micro transactions though. So this is a step up! Plus it doesn't look like a3ds game at all though the 3d effect would be awesome for it.
Look at the new treehouse day 2 and 3 coverage... The gfx are improved from the first demo considerably
Rumours are they were planning on doing DLC, but Splatoon had already nabbed the name 'Octo Expansion' and they couldn't think of what else to call it, so the project was cancelled.
Demo's I guess are to get you playing and then buy the full game.
With Octopath, it's had the opposite effect on me, I don't want it now.
Graphics are poor. This trend of making new games look like 'back in the day' games while still looking new, is long past its sell by date. It looks like a budget game with a £50 price tag. Even when the price is reduced in the months ahead it will still look like a budget game at a budget price. It's the sort of game the makers won't commit to having DLC, because they have taken a gamble with the graphic style, being what the gamers wants. I don't think they do.
The games designer also has to consider when making Switch games, that they will be played on to completely opposite size screens. Octopath does not look good on the handheld screen.
Call me old-school, but I honestly prefer this.
@Ensemen I think that DLC in general is poor value for money and I mostly avoid it. Once played it becomes worthless unless you keep the physical copy it relates to. I don't play many games more than once (I trade them) or let another family member with a Switch play them first.
@MegaTen If you have not seen any bugs on the demo then why are you complaining in the first place?
For some reason .. I just can’t get into this game.. tried both demos.. dialogue seems endless..
@zool I'm not saying DLC is good value. I understand where you're coming from but the thing i don't understand is how people are relieved if a developer confirms that there will be no DLC. It's optional so if you don't like it don't buy it.
Square Enix sucks at after sale support. I bought some games on ios and they rarely or never update. So it doesn't surprise me. Some find "no extra content" comforting but for me at the end of 2018 its unsettling
Not every game "needs" DLC; it's just a concept that's become commonplace with online functionality that is one of the many tools publishers have of separating more money from consumers' wallets after the original point of sale. Some games get DLC right (examples: Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Civilization V), but it always comes down to value for the consumer and whether what's "added" by the DLC could (and should) have already been included in the base game (such as single-player campaigns or other primarily offline features that used to be standard issue).
A game like Octopath Traveler is a (apparently pretty vast at 70-80 hours) RPG, which typically revolves around a tightly woven storyline. Once that story is told, there's honestly not much reason to add to it. It's a complete experience out of the box just like Final Fantasy III (SNES), LUNAR: The Silver Star, Skies of Arcadia, and so many other beloved classics were back in the day. And they didn't need DLC to offer value.
@rjejr we do indeed Sir, had a lovely day at the beach in Newcastle here in Northern Ireland if you're ever over! Happy Fathers Day to you too.
I don't mind having having DLC for a game or buying them as long is not worthless and not pricey as hell. for exp DLC for weapons,costumes, in game currency are worthless. i rather do the old fashion way and play the game to unlock better items. developer now pretty much care about making more money out of gamers.if you are gonna put DLC in a game a last sell the game cheaper. one more thing season pass only good if you get everything and not just certain stuff or only last a year or so. which i know some game season pass is like that. DLC is good and bad but we have a choice to either get it or not.
I think 80 to 100 hours will be plenty as it is.
Even if I don't really trust Square Enix I must say that's great !
DLCs are a real plaigue in the gaming industry.
I mean for the players, obviously not for the publishers .
If Square Enix brings the game, complete from A to Z day one, they will impress me a lot.
Hey Ninty, could you think the same way please ?
Both demos have been so great. Pre-ordered the compendium edition, one of the first games for a while that I trust will be worth it.
@Ensemen it is optional but take Mario + Rabbids for example. In some ways I would rate it best Switch game of last year. Now there is the DLC due to be released next week with Konkey Kong. Although I don't usually buy DLC I will get this, but I would rather it had not been released. I would rather it had been a completely new game, maybe next year, Donkey Kong + Rabbids.
Another example, Mario Kart. I can see another two or three new tracks and characters being released in the near future on the Switch, and two more after that. So we only get a completely new game every 10 years. Although I would rather a new Mario Kart I guess I would get the DLC against my better judgement.
That's awesome! It's the way it should be.
This is indeed refreshing. Fifty to sixty hours is plenty if a game is done right. I'd rather play a good, reasonably deep game than 50 hours of a good one and another 30 of tacked-on missions in different costumes.
That's great news! I don't think DLC is bad but it doesn't really suit the style of the game. I'm very excited for this, definitely been a personal standout since it was announced last January.
But to be honest what would they add? A bonus character? Actually no because the game's title would he ruined
I don’t really care for DLC. I like games that have planned out from start to finish and are a complete package straight from the release. If you think the game needs something more, don’t release it yet. If you come up with something good afterwards then make a sequel. Most games these days are way too long and large scale anyway. I mean sure we’ll get a good money-gameplay-ratio. But I personally don’t have time to fully complete or even start all the games I would like to, just because of all that content. I don’t mind paying 60 euros for a 20hr game if it’s a quality one. At least I have the time to finish it and it won’t get boring or repeatitive. And if the game isn’t a quality game then no amount of extra hours and side-missions wont save it.
Honestly this makes me happy. I tend to buy DLC inky after I finish the main story. I have a track record for not finishing games and thus I never buy DLC.
Now my favorite game ever was Stella Glow and I didn’t feel hurt one bit that was missing DLC. A new game + would be one thing that may be cool but even still, not a big deal. I’d rather receive a complete game outright.
All that aside ive been loving the hell out of Octopath’s 3-hour prologue. This weekend I’ve become so invested in the gameplay. I cannot wait until the final game comes out. It’s becoming my most anticipated game. So good—it’s everything I’d hoped for
It's hard to believe this is the same publisher of Final Fantasy 15 that took 10 years to make, was released incomplete and has TWO season passes. Different dev teams, I know. I totally expect this game to be my personal game of the year, narrowly beating out Boy!
I'd buy DLC to tone down the vaseline smear and depth-of-field. One rinky-dink vignetting toggle isn't what I'd expected when they promised "options to tone down the graphical effects" after the first demo.
@Silly_G i have bought $0 worth of dlc on switch like you. I refuse to get involved in incremental purchasing. I didnt even buy any dlc for fire emblem awakening on 3ds and i love that game!
Dlc is almost as poisonous to gamers as microtransactions, i say almost because there have been rare examples of good dlc in the past. Mario kart 8 on wii u was not one of them and that has turned me off of dlc for a long long time.
@bolt05 : I ended up caving in with Awakening and Fates, but I can't see myself doing the same with Echoes. Fates at least offered an epilogue to the Revelations path, but this is story content that should have been present in the base game to begin with. In fact, in an ideal world, Fates should have cost the same as a full console title that included all three paths and the DLC missions by default, but instead we have a toxic market that won't budge on standard retail prices, but the market is all too happy to cough up ~$50 in DLC instead. Ridiculous. It's no better than microtransactions, as you've said, and I don't feel that I have missed anything substantial by skipping the DLC that I have skipped so far. If a complete edition comes along at some point, I'm happy to double-dip, but I won't lose any sleep over it.
Nintendo has gone completely overboard in embracing the worst regressions in the industry, and in some cases, introducing new regressions in the process (such as these partial cartridge releases which never should have been allowed).
I wouldn't mind the practice of DLC so much if a complete edition with all content on physical media were to be released at a later stage, but Nintendo almost never does this (except when porting the software to new hardware).
Good. Go make the next game instead.
Good stuff. A big meaty single player game that doesn’t try to nickel and dime the players.
@BigKing Cough
Yeah, totally locked behind this physical standalone release.
...To be fair, I can't think of that many JRPGs with DLC expansions, and the few I can think of weren't well recieved, or had multiplayer, where additional content helps to retain players' interest months after the initial release. Most just went for costumes/cosmetics/Easy-mode DLC that are...really not good practices, and if they didn't have it in from the start, they're definitely not worth adding in later. I mean, I'm glad they didn't bother, but unless I'm wrong and I just needed to look at the PSN/eShop DLC pages more thoroughly, I think you might be blowing it a bit out of proportion if you're implying that most JRPGs these days have DLC.
...Not that them sticking to their guns isn't a good thing, mind you. I'd rather they saved their new ideas & improvements for a more fleshed out sequel rather than bolt them on via DLC.
I played the three-hour demo on Friday (which gave me just enough time to complete the introductory missions for two characters), and I'm sold on it. Here's to next month!
@MegaTen what? Games have just as many bugs in the SNES era as now, patches haven’t made (most) developers lazy, they’ve allowed developers to fix the inevitable bugs. People are STILL finding glitches and bugs in old games. If you know anything about game development you’d know it’s near impossible to make a bug free game (more so the larger the game is). People have expected bugs and glitches to be fixed nowadays because of patches, back in the day people didn’t really care (unless it was unplayably broken) because it’s not like the game could be fixed.
They’re not gonna make a bugfree game. Ever. I’d much rather they patch out any bugs that are found postrelease than just ignore them like back in the day. Unless the game is unplayable (which is rare), that’s a ridiculous thing to expect...
@Silly_G well said!
Want them to finish this and move on to their next Switch project - so I'm down with it
If the game is as good as the demo I'd be willing to buy an expansion but I'm perfectly happy with this.
LOL the Nintendo drones justifying this is hilarious. Yeah, because everybody absolutely hated the fact that Breath of the Wild had DLC. Who wanted to play more of that??
Hmm, well I guess we will see how that goes. Some games use DLC as an excuse to not make a full product better later on. But many games are genuinely whole, but the DLC are just goodies. This is the same team from Bravely Default, and filler aside, the story, and depth of the game's job classes stood solid on their own easily, and the sequel of course just trimmed the fat and tweaked balance a bit. I think this time around we can assume this game will be robust whereas things like Starwars Battlefront EA1 was a good example of a game bereft of content that needed DLC to fix its glaring issues. Rarely these days, but there are "expanions" which in ages long ago were basically new games built within the game using the same assests and just adding more with a story that was just as compelling. Starcraft 2 is a good example there. I wish companies did those more.
Anyhow, I expect this to not be an issue and it tells me they are likely confident in their product, and I get a hint of suspicion that Square want this team to get going on either a follow up game or perhaps to make a third "bravely" game. I would only really suspect the latter in the event we get a port of the first two games to switch in a similar manner to bayonetta getting the first two ported while the third is in development.
That's just my 2 bits.
@ALinkToThePasta The only thing I don't like so far is that it seems the main characters don't actually interact with each other, which is really disappointing.
i enjoyed the demo.
hope it get great reviews for such hard work. this team deserves it.
btw DLC is not always some games its realy great, mass effect triology for instance.
i still hope that triology will come to the switch, even though i finished it 3 times 100%
@zool Yeah i would too rather have a completely new game than DLC. But i guess that if it wasn't for DLC the donkey kong expansion maybe wouldn't have been made at all. And then you got to ask yourself if a DLC pack significantly hinders development of a new gam or not. But that's just playing a game of "what if" and we will never know for sure. But even then then i think from what we've seen the DK DLC will have pretty good value for its prize. And if it doesn't i'll have to agree with you.
thats quit normal with these type of jrpg's.
you have to wait till the end, when they come together as a group.
its the same as in romancing saga, or secret of mana 3(jap)
you mean you would like the final fantasy 6 system?
@PALversusNTSC Yeah I was kind of expecting/hoping it would be like Final Fantasy VI in that regard.
Not a deal breaker but it kind of bummed me out when I realized there wasn't really any meaningful interaction between Primrose and Olberic in the new demo. I was curious how they would play off of each other.
i also liked the final fantasy 6 system, when all caracters operated as a resistance with each its iwn abillity. we have to see how the story of octopath traveller unfolds. it would make no sence if each person just follow its own story, without a bigger cause. it would become a very boring experience, like you play small stories.
i always liked the older final fantasy games, in wich each caracter suffers from a empire that rules, forming a pact with other caracters. this game seems to do the same thing (we have to wait the reviews) but at a slower pace.
sorry for my sloppy english btw.
@PALversusNTSC It's cool, you're doing well enough for me to understand your meaning. You're doing better than some native English speakers I know lol.
£50 for 50-60 hours gameplay is fast becoming an expectation! Xenoblade, Zelda and Mario all offer such play time. (Or more!)
This is why I am loath to pay £40-50 for games that don’t offer nearly as enough value. How Sushi Striker isn’t a £15 download, I don’t know.
I could go either way with this type of DLC. On the one hand it's always nice to have a bonus epilogue to unwind from the main story, but on the other I probably wouldn't even care that much if the game had a solid ending.
I honestly don't care if a game has DLC or not. It all depends on the price for me; Breath of the Wild, Splatoon 2 and Mario + Rabbids had excellent DLC with a nice price tag attached.
@SethNintendo yeah it was crap. I did say that i never bought dlc for fe awakening despite loving the game.
There's something comforting in knowing that you hold a complete game in your hand, nothing cut, nothing added, all as intended. DLC, announded or not, can somewhat curb enjoyment of the game, or make it more exciting for the same reason. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. What it usually does to me, though, is I hold off buying a game and wait for a complete edition with everything included. With so many games and huge backlogs etc. I really don't mind not always playing the latest.
Love getting a whole game on a cartridge. That said how many of us back in the day would have been pumped if Nintendo was like "here's 2 more kingdoms for Mario 3, here's an epilogue for Pokemon Yellow, here's some content back in the game we had to cut for Wind Waker"? DLC is a very good thing or a bad thing depending on the intention of the publisher.
I agree with most I prefer the game to be complete at time of purchase. I’ve moved completely digital for all of my systems PC, PS4 & Xbox so it matters less here. With the Switch however I still buy physical games even though I have a 400GB SD card which cost almost as much as the console.
As much as Season Passes & DLC can irk me I am of the age we’re expansion packs were a big deal. I have enjoed all the DLC on my Switch & I’m disappointed that OPT won’t receive future content expansions just seem to bother me less if it”s an RPG
@Wanjia : Yes, but the US$90 edition (AU$130 here) didn't include all of the DLC in addition to the Revelations campaign (which includes an epilogue that acts as a "true" conclusion to the third campaign).
@RadioHedgeFund : I think the quality of the experience is far more important than the expected time it takes to see the closing credits, but there are obviously a lot of people who think otherwise.
Now, I use this example a lot, but WarioWare: Smooth Moves can be beaten in a matter of hours (the main single-player mode anyway) and yet I think it's great value and a bonkers experience that hasn't been bested since. An experience like that, and you're entitled to your own opinion, is every bit as worthwhile as a "blockbuster" game like Zelda. Both have something special to offer and both are brilliant in their own right.
I suppose it depends on what one looks for in a game. Fun and immersion trumps all else for me. The relatively recent wave of "cinematic" games are worthless to me as they are lacking in the gameplay department, and if I were interested in watching a Hollywood movie (with all of its done-to-death tropes), I can just watch one of those instead. Both forms of artistic expression provide different forms of escapism, and I do not seek non-interactivity when playing a game. This is what really makes BotW excel from a design perspective, and I struggle to understand those who criticise it for a "lack of story" when the game has been designed so that every player essentially creates their own story.
@NEStalgia "The gfx are improved from the first demo considerably"
Did they go from 8bit to 16bit?
@MartyFlanMJFan "had a lovely day at the beach in Newcastle"
Sounds nice. Did you bring the Switch? My father-in-law brought over Chinese food and we ate out on my deck. Which was nice for me as I didn't have to cook.
@Silly_G Wario has high-score replay value though. I don’t mind paying for a ‘short’ game if the mechanics are fun enough to make me come back to it.
Lumines is out next week, likely for under £20 and offer tons of replay value. Okami is out in August and your looking at 60 hours for £30.
@rjejr ha, my son brought his Switch for the car journey, he beat Mario & Rabbids on the way home actually, he said he thought he was going to cry happy tears!
@Tank207 I have to assume that will change once all eight characters are together... but yeah, would have been neat to have some interaction between the characters as you go. Who knows, there may be some of that once you get the right combinations of people...
@rjejr LOL......if you have an SNES that can do lighting like that, you're wealthier than you know
@gatorboi352 Also hilarious: zealots who populate fan sites of something they're not a fan of.
@NEStalgia lighting
If I want lighting I'll buy a flashlight or a candle, when I buy a video game in 2018 I at least want one that looks like it was made after 1999 when the Dreamcast launched. Lighting, pshaw.
@MartyFlanMJFan We just bought Mario v Rabbids on our PC - with a gift card I bought from and had the code emailed to me, game purchases in 2018 - and it's supposed to be downloading to our Switch now. My kid is finishing up Star Fox Project Guard that I bought last week at Toys R US for $5 packaged with SF Zero. Looking forward to starting the game. We bought the Gold Edition b/c it was on sale on the eShop for $44.
Does your son know Donkey Kong DLC comes out next week? Almost perfect timing for him finishing the base game.
Ha yeah he does actually, Switch News is a very effective tool for Nintendo!
@rjejr LOL. The beauty of Octopath is it's done in such a way that it shows you an SNES game the way your mind THINKS it remembers the games looking rather than how they ACTUALLY looked If you go from this to that, it's horror!
Aha, you finally got Rabbids! Gold...nice, that DKC expansion looks great. I still have tons of the MAIN game to go through! Turn based strategy games take me FOREVER.
@NEStalgia We need a long car ride game. Over spring break we took a car trip, my son finished Sonic Forces half there and half back. Unless MvR requires online, then we're on to something else.
I can't believe Ubi made that whole game in only 2.9GB. That's nuts. Nintneod must have shared it's compression wizadry.
Just got back from TRU, it closes for good next Tuesday. I made 1 last purchase the ACaF K.K. amiibo 3 pack. Seemed fitting, the trifecta of failure - TRU, AC:aF and toys to life in general. I now own 9 AC amiibo and I don't even like AC. I'm hoping they'll announce a new game that works w/ amiibo and I can sell mine.
@rjejr acaf2. You just KNOW that will be their big ac surprise reveal!
@NEStalgia I was thinking HHD2 but you could be right.
"not currently planned" and "won't receive" have VERY different meanings.
I'm totally fine with if this game doesn't get any DLC. I do miss the "good old days" of buying an RPG and having the game be complete in the cart. I'm loving the demo so far, and I can't wait for the game to come out next month. This has been a fun experience, and it reminds me of the glory days of the RPG's on the SNES.
@Ensemen DK DLC will hae good value I'm sure. And because the main game was good the DLC will be just as good. Or will it?
The fun of the main game was Mario, Rabbid Peach closer combat and Luigi shooting high up from a distance.
I wonder if Konkey Kong and his 🍌 🍌 and Cranky with a catapult will seem as stealthy game play. Although the settings look good.
I want to support the game just for this comment alone. Nice to see a developer with actual integrity.
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