The GALAK-Z universe will soon be expanded from mobile to the Nintendo Switch, with developer 17-BIT and GungHo Online Entertainment America announcing GALAK-Z: Variant S. If you’re lucky enough to be heading to this year’s E3, you’ll be able to have a hands-on session with the game from the 12th to 14th of June.
For the uninformed, this title is a “one-of-a-kind”, space-shooting action-RPG experience where players engage in dangerous space combat while controlling a sleek spaceship or gigantic mech armed with a laser sword.

Your task is to defeat the evil Baron’s army of nasty Imperial troops and various other enemies along the way including space pirates, giant bugs and even dark bot bosses as you play through more than a hundred endlessly re-playable missions that take place across an all-out story campaign.
In addition to this, you’ll be able to fight against other player-created squads in the Bot Battle League as you earn trophies, collect upgrades, salvage items and gather relics and bots. This all goes towards enhancing your spaceship and mech so you can become the top ranked pilot.
GALAK-Z: Variant Mobile is already available to download in select countries on iOS and Android devices. Check out the mobile trailer of the game below, and let us know in the comments if you are ready to become an ace pilot in the comments.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 15
You know...I bought the Special Edition from Indiebox for 15 bucks simply because it was really awesome-looking. I never got around to actually playing the game... Will have to dive into it to see if it's worth getting on the Switch as well.
It's strange to see GungHo announce a game like this while simultaneously retaining the rights to both Grandia and Lunar.
....can i haz a new Puzzle and Dragons game now? :c
Loved this game on my PC. @Joeynator3000 Yeeessssssss.
And plz bring Grandia 2 too I love that game.
I enjoyed it in PS4 for a bit but after a couple of hours I found it pretty dull and repetitive.
This is one of those "meh" space shooters
@chiptoon As I understand it this is a sequel to the ps4 game.
Day one! Gung Ho have a top secret Switch announcement for E3. Grandia? Puzzles and Dragons? Luna?
Ooooh, i remember seeing a Toonami review of this game.
what do you guys think so far of the nintendo switch?
i'm rather dissapointed to be honost. Again there are signs of the same problems of previous consoles.
it misses great 3th party games, and i don't think anything will change at nintendo.
i have fun with zelda, mario and mario kart, but i wait for realy big 3th party titles.
all i see is mario tennis(wich has pretty annoying music) , captain toad again a ssb game. but where is the anouncement of beyond good and evil 2, assassins greed, far cry 5, a decent fifa game. we have indies, indies, indies and simple 3th party games.
i think like other precious consoles the switch is already starting to lose gamers.
if so nintendo should realy appologize for the fact they promised to work on to bring a+ 3th party games to the switch.
at this point they inly annoy them, for not giving them tools (releasing 64gb cards)
@PALversusNTSC Switch is ace!
@PALversusNTSC Personally I'd be pretty happy with the switch even if it was indies and Nintendo games.
Give it a bit of time though. I think that the success of the platform would have been noted by developers and publishers, but the difference between the Switch and PS4/XBox hardware means that cross platform game development for Switch might be a bad strategy...you don't want to flood the Switch with the same games that look and play better on the PS4 and XBox.
I think instead that you'll start seeing some platform exclusives for the Switch built on their own engines. These will take a while to build though, so unlikely to be this year.
This is what I hope it happening at least!!
Great game, great shame there is no physical version other than the PC.
@PALversusNTSC Sell it. You're obviously not happy. I love mine.
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