Like a sleeping giant, the Twitter account for Kuma Tomo - known in the west as Teddy Together - has finally emerged from its stuffing-filled slumber after more than three years to tease some big news.
The tweet in question marks five years since the original launch of the game in Japan and states that an announcement is expected in the near future.
Developed by Arika and published by Bandai Namco in 2013, Kuma Tomo was adapted for western 3DS release by Nintendo in 2016, launching in Europe and Australia.
We didn't think it was that bad, saying:

Teddy Together is a pleasant little game, and is a great option for children to play with their parents. Although the voice acting is a bit off, there is so much to be explored that it won't matter. A lot of kids' games can be rushed through, but the level of detail and effort put into Teddy Together makes it a solid choice for young gamers that enjoy the likes of Nintendogs and Tomodachi Life.
Are you up for some more Teddy Together action? Do you think this could be released on Switch, or will Bandai Namco aim for the 3DS market again? Let us know by posting something below.
[source, via]
Comments 32
Teddy's voice in that trailer gives me the heebie-jeebies.
Also. A sim where you have a digital animated representation of a real-world dead object as a pet? And treat it like it enjoys things a living creature would?
Seems a little unimaginative to me, but adorable non the less.
Just give me Nintendogs for Switch and I'll be happy.
Ugh, another game that pandas to the fanboys. I bet the changes are polar-izing. (Hey, don't pooh-pooh me, I'm serious!)
So. Cute.
Teddy with me...teddy with you..teddy together
A game aimed at young kids that's not a lazily produced cash grab? We need more of this.
TAMAGOTCHI on Switch, please !!
Ouchi Mainichi Tamagotchi 3DS
I just bought this the other week as part of Amazon Australia's Buy 1 Get 1 Free promotion, so this was a good bargain.
It's enjoyable enough, and that horrible voice takes some time to get used to. The aggravating thing about the bear's voice is that the text to speech vocals in Tomodachi Life are indeed capable of cute and endearing voices. I don't know why they opted to give Teddy a voice that makes him sound so off-putting and not in the least bit cute.
Another instalment on 3DS makes no sense, but a Switch edition? That would be a very smart release strategy for the holiday season.
This game gave me nightmares.
No-one asked for this. The bear is downright creepy.
You were Too Paranoid with Kiddie games like that.
Will they actually bring this one State-side?
They won’t bring it to NA so...whatever.
Something about that bear is 50% creepy, 50% adorable. The adorability almost makes the creepy part worse. Like those horrifying shopping mall Easter Bunnies that you can't understand how anyone thought the costume was good to invite kids to be near on any holiday but Halloween.
Talking about that, I haven't seen barbiegurl in a while
This should be free to play or cost 5 euro. There are tons of games like that on mobile for free. Market is changing. I would pay no more than that on e-shop.
"There are tons of games like that on mobile for free. Market is changing"
I don't want Free games from Mobile.
I want Paid games.
Those freebies mobile games are 99.99% suck in my opinion.
I would rather pay something but worthy rather than get freebies but suck.
@Anti-Matter well we just got the biggest game of last year Fortnite. Its a free to play game but still a great one.
Imagine suddenly waking up in the middle of the night and hearing someone scream. You slowly go out of your room, and try to turn on the lights, but the electricity is not working. You start walking through the hallway as your eyes begin to adjust to the darkness.
Suddenly, you hear a laugh that sounds like a baby, but lower in pitch, and see two red lights far away in the hallway. The lights start coming closer and closer. You try to run back to your room, but you can’t move, and something wet, smelly and cold hugs you.
It starts whispering in your ear.
”Hehllo, I’m Teddy...”
Your sight is pretty clear now, and you can see what it is. It’s this bear, it’s very close to you, and it has a sadistic, deformed grin on its face, with red, shining eyes.
”...Do, you, want, to, beEh, my, friiiiiIIiIiIiiiIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~”
Your ear starts hurting, as it bites you very hard and starts screaming.
You hear a laugh that sounds like a baby possessed by a ghost, getting more and more quiet until you wake up.
@Yosheel I think this bear took her soul and now IT'S COMING FOR US NEXT!
Yaar! That'll replace the whale in me nightmares.
@dimi Yes but it involves guns and explosions so he won't count that as a good example
yes pls ;w;
Don’t be pulling our legs on this one!
Is this one of the games Reggie was talking about that will be announced soon for 3DS. If so I can see why they held it back at E3. That event could not handle the excitement it would have generated.
How is barbiegurl not the first poster in this thread? Did she quit the site?
Also that bear is creepy.
@Yosheel Yes, she was exactly who I was thinking about but I couldn't remember her user name. I hope she's ok and happy about this.
Now With Stability!!!!!!!!!!!
Some peoples imagined Teddy Bear as a Scary Teddy doll that came alive , wanted to terrorize anything.
This is what i'm thinking about Teddy Bear.

I'm thinking about Cute, Kiddie, Fluffy and Adorable.
@Anti-Matter I had no problem with the bear from the game but that one... the weird chibi human and his teddy bear... do freak me out!
"Bear with us on this one"
Lol you couldn't resist using that pun, could you?!
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