We don't take it for granted that so many of you lovely people visit Nintendo Life every day, yet you probably know a lot more about us than we know about you. Therefore our partners at Gamer Network have put together a readership survey so we can get to know our audience a little better.
Nintendo Life is partners of Gamer Network - a network of leading video game websites and YouTube channels such as Eurogamer, VG247 and Outside Xbox - who are also responsible for handling our advertising.
The responses given to the survey will directly influence the site - and the network's - direction. We would really appreciate it if you have a few spare moments.
Any information you submit is anonymous and used to help us build a picture of who we're talking to. This helps both the editorial team here at Nintendo Life make the site the best it can be, and it helps our friends in the ads team do their jobs, which helps us pay the bills (importantly). As well as telling us a bit about yourself, they've asked for some feedback on the games media in general, such as how you feel about reviews, video, and website subscriptions.
We would be honoured if you could spare a few minutes to help give us some vital feedback. Are you up for the challenge of completing our readership survey?
[source surveymonkey.com]
Comments 68
Already have!
If I filled one in, will I get paid?
@YamAsereht only with respect
Ah GOD! Fifth age bracket, I'm geting old
Also got confused as UK and USA not in alphabetical order
When I saw the picture of the guy with the moustache pointing at me I just thought about this:
Young Man
There's no need to feel down,
I said, Young Man
Get yourself off the ground,
I said, Young Man
'Cause you're in a new town
There's no need to be un-happy..
Young Man
There's a place you can go,
I said, Young Man
When you're short on your dough,
You can stay there
And I'm sure you will find,
Many ways to have a good time..
It's fun to stay at the YMCA,
It's fun to stay at the YMCA.
They have everything for young men to enjoy,
You can hang out with all the boys..
Wanted to do it again but it won’t let me because I just did it for pushsquare
Eh, I was going to take the survey then it was asserted there were more than two genders. Sorry.
Challenge accepted
I already filled this out with pushsquare, so do I need to do it again?
@antdickens Awesome!
It got mad at me when I was putting in Youtubers and skipped to the next question. I guess it didn't really want to know.
There's some dumb questions in there so I won't be taking part in this. What people's income is, for one, is none of your business.
How many Platinum Coins will we earn for this?
That were a whole lot of questions though.
This was an interesting survey! I feel like I learned a little bit about myself, actually, considering the questions about my media consumption habits. Hope it helps!
@roy130390 Haha, I thought of the old British propaganda ads that the image is from (a la my own country's Uncle Sam), but I like yours better.
Survey completed, with no problems or qualms at all.
It honestly continues to amaze me that people are SO easily offended these days. I didn't come across any stupid, offensive or deterring questions at all.
If you actually were bothered by (some of) them, then you're possibly either a very close-minded or a glass half empty person...
Unlike certain people above, I very much appreciate the inclusion of a non-binary option, so thank you for that!
Done. Gender question should've been "what are you," not "what do you self-identify as." Huge difference there...
@Yosher I put £0 cos it's none of people business, lol!
wow I sure have bought a lot of games for the time-a-week I'm able to play
Should've included an "I live in Hungary, and I do have a salary, but it's far less than the lowest possible choice".
Any questions on how incredibly slow this website is with news? Or how it pretty much shuts down for the weekend????
I'm really not happy about the question that asks how many AAA games, how many indie games and how many DLCs someone has bought because it completely ignores middle sized games and retro releases.
I didn't tick CCG type games because I don't know wtf they are.
We need a fourth gender button for people who seemingly can't identify as any gender when presented with more than two options and subsequently rage-quit the survey.
These poor little blossoms are crying out for representation in a world that seems have have turned its back on them.
Yeah, I'm fine with telling you how much I earn, what gender I identify as and all that, but that one question asking what underwear I was wearing was just plain weird...
@gcunit CCG stands for Collectible Card Games, like Heartstone or Pokemon TCG online.
And wow, I came to this comments section expecting complaining about trying to push the survey or advertising or whatever BS and instead got people complaining about gender. What is this, Tumblr? If you don't like the other options, you don't have to select them, they aren't for you.
@link3710 Thanks for explaining. Not a particularly well known acronym if you ask me. But maybe all the CCGers know it I guess...
@Majora101 @Equinox @TossedLlama @Boidoh how ridiculous can you get. Jump down from your high horse and don't boycott a survey for trying not to offend people who have a different mindset to you. Says it all that you had to come and comment, couldn't just avoid it and move on.
And this is aimed just at Majora & TossedLlama: I'm all for making jokes about literally any subject provided it's funny or at least not in poor taste. Copy and pasting the 'lol there are so many genders now!' joke that's served as the lowest hanging fruit since the dawning of non-binary genders really belittles whatever wit you may have.
Done! Advertise away!
I just did it. 🤘Readers rock!!
@Equinox the survey really isn't the point. I just hate seeing such closed-minded people spouting nonsense.
My point still stands about no joke being off-limits; I wouldn't take offense if A: you'd actually made a joke and B: said joke was funny.
@Equinox okay, the point is clearly flying so high above your head I've no desire to continue this conversation.
@bLiNdSiDe82 you're right. It's not closed minded to disagree with something. I don't recall ever saying it was...
If you so vehemently and vocally disagree on something that has literally no bearing on your life whatsoever and serves only to make other people feel comfortable and happier, that's where the problem lies.
The fact you're talking anatomically instantly invalidates your point. It's not about what you were physically born with, it's how they mentally identify and how they see their personality/behaviour/thoughts.
Don't come into the discussion under the guise of being diplomatic before immediately revealing your old-fashioned views.
Now they know my income and definitely will start to charge me for reading the stuff I care about :/
Finished! Where's my chocolate chip cookie?
I'll take this communist survey for you, Stalin.
@Majora101 my comment to you was, more specifically, to make a good joke or at least one with the slightest bit of originality.
I wonder how honoured Jerry Seinfeld would feel if he knew he'd been quoted by somebody with as much comedic talent as you.
@TossedLlama Aha, so you're the third option. Be careful now, you might just annoy some people who think that just because they feel that there should only be two choices, everyone else should as well...
I gave up as soon as I saw "non-binary" was an option for gender.
I always forget you guys are associated with other websites. XD
Did the survey.
Forgot to mention Ooblets in the indie games Im excited for
@TossedLlama Well, would you believe me if I said that I simply haven't found the time to go see it yet?
Between running my own, one-man business and currently having several other obligatory things going on, I'm quite pressed for time, so I'm already glad that I have a little time left for gaming and watching my favorite shows/series, so I have to really schedule stuff like that, and make time in advance.
And then there's the thing with planning and friends, with their own social lives. Gets ever worse as years move on...
Not sure why it's so hard for people to accept that some people just don't identify as male nor female.
It's not an attack on you, and it's certainly not easy for them either.
You guys have to get out and meet some more people, jeez.
"and it's certainly not easy for them either"
Hold on now, how do you know the people you speak of want to be grouped together with the term "them"? Jeez, be more considerate.
@Boidoh Disgraceful, as a toaster identifying individual I find this very triggering!
For real though I don't actually mind if they add the Other option to things like this for peoples needs (both real and imagined) but non-binary seems oddly specific.
@JHDK Come on. There's a difference between people who flip out over pronouns and people who genuinely feel mislabeled.
While I personally don't think I need some special label, and don't entirely understand where people who do are coming from, I'm not going to mock those who respectfully ask to be called a certain thing.
The world's not black and white, and it's stupid to make this a bigger deal than it is.
That was quite an in-depth survey. Made me realize just how much my daughters have got me into gaming vids on YouTube going through the list to answer that question. lol
...looks at comments and the massive derail ok, so we are at a point now that we take offense to others being offended/ or having differing view points and then rail on them for being behind the times. How is that better? Humanity is an odd duck.
@Ryu_Niiyama I think it's just baffling how big of a deal people let it be (enough to make you completely stop taking a survey??) I saw the option and didn't give two hoots about it besides an "oh okay."
I've been on both sides of the fence when it comes to this kind of thing and know some people personally who have been through a lot.
It doesn't need to be a big deal, and seeing a bunch of people so offput by a choice so as to not take a survey they planned to in the first place really just struck me as surprising.
Yeah it's not the point of the article, but that's my point.
It wasn't the point of the survey either, so why let it stop you from taking it if you were going to?
(but then again here I am "arguing" on the internet, that's not gonna accomplish anything)
Man, looking at all the available answers I couldn't help but thinking, "man, I hope I'm not screwing up their data by being such an outlier, man". Man.
@TossedLlama How so? I don't see my time magically returning, so where I'm at now, I have little spare time, and that will remain the same for the foreseeable future.
@Ryu_Niiyama Well, personally, I wasn't as much "offended by people being offended" as I was amazed by the fact that certain options for answers would annoy or offend people SO much that it stopped them from continuing the readership survey that they were initially completely willing to take.
To me, that's completely baffling, and to be honest, I find it quite pathetic. Let people have options, and if some of them don't apply to you, then you don't HAVE to choose them, much less be annoyed by them.
Heck, you don't even have to AGREE with that third option. Nobody is holding a gun to anyone's head.
I personally don't always understand all of those gender issues either, but I just skipped/ignored the option, selected the one that DID apply to me, and went on to complete the survey. Simple as that...
Finished the survey np. I wonder what people's issue with filling in annual income is... Who the hell cares if people know what you earn xD Heck, it's just anonymous data. I put in £40-50k annual income, what does it matter? Couldn't care less if people know.
@Jacadamia While I'd prefer not to meet someone not identifying as male, female OR ladyboy (Oh Thailand ), I agree with most of your statement. It's not an attack on anybody, and it really doesn't harm you that someone includes the option "Other".
I take issue (not offense xD) with the term "non-binary" (as someone else mentioned, oddly specific), but "Other" seems just fine.
Finally, a general statement not aimed at anybody:
If you read the top statement and felt your pants hit your chest as you took extreme offense, rest assured, I was just joking.
That being said, you should probably see a doctor. Getting so offended over something that might not even concern you is ridiculous. Getting offended on the internet in general is probably a bad idea.
@Blizzia cool, thanks for seeing my point. I’m actually not 100% sure what non-binary means, but doesnt it basically boil down to being ‘not 100% one or the other’? I think it’s basically just a more specific way of saying ‘other’
@ThanosReXXX not sure why you aimed your rationale at me as my comment didn’t throw a hat into this derail orther than the fact that it is odd to be annoyed/offended/deem pathetic someone else’s offense. We are all strangers on the internet and we don’t reason have the right to judge someone else’s motives but our own (when not dealing with legal matters if course) as we can’t offer someone (anyone really) absolute answers. So many things shape a person’s reasoning. Religion, culture, upbringing, science, age. And if one side is valid then what makes someone else’s view less so? People shouldn’t have to complete an optional servey if the don’t agree with it and that’s ok. Doesn’t make them thin skinned or weak or whatever other insults people chose toss as they look down their nose. Which is just as counterproductive and arrogant as “the other side”. My observation was about the insults and squabbling that arose over some making a choice that worked best for them personally. I don’t agree doesn’t mean i wish you harm despite what seems to be the current pitchfork wielding tone of our current culture. I know that change comes quickest at the point of a sword (in the case of the internet and other public forums shouting, ad hominem attacks, no platforming, strawman attacks, overreacting and usually when all that fails death threats) but is that the type of change you want to champion? We (should) all be adults here and we are all the same species yet we love to tear each other apart in the name of “I’m right”. That was what I commented on. You have your beliefs so act in accordance to them and unless you wish to make a positive logical argument as to why someone should reconsider their choices allow them to do the same. But to each their own, humanity marches to a drum beat that makes little sense to me. Positive ki to you.
@Ryu_Niiyama To be clear: I meant no offense, I just responded to your observation of you seeing people being offended by people being offended about something, and wanted to explain myself, since I don't count myself amongst the offended people.
But regardless of that, I still don't understand those people, because to me, it denotes close-mindedness, glass half empty culture and a focus on negativity, and that is something that definitely triggers me.
So, again: no offense meant, and there was also no tone in my comment, just my point of view. Not meant as aggressive, or aimed personally at you, just a clarification of why I respond to those people in the way that I do, seeing as you seemed to address the point.
And besides: when have we ever had an argument, let alone a negative one? I believe never, so far as I'm concerned, we're good. Peace.
"they've asked for some feedback on the games media in general, such as how you feel about reviews, video, and website subscriptions."
Where? I honestly didn't see that anywhere. There was nothing about games journalism.
@TossedLlama Good point. And I'll get to see that film eventually. In my case, it just usually happens to be (a lot) later, which always necessitates me having to watch out for spoilers along the way...
But I'll survive...
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