One of the most hotly anticipated—and most mysterious—games on the horizon for the Switch is the next entry in the Pokémon series. Given the popular scope of the project, Nintendo and Game Freak have been quite cagey with information regarding the new release; we only know that it’ll be a mainline entry and that it’s due out before the end of the year. While it seems likely that more information will be revealed at E3 this year, there’s some rumours circulating the web now which shine some light on what we can potentially expect from the game.
Serebii has reported on an image that’s been doing the rounds for a game called Pokémon Let’s Go! Pikachu, stating that it matches up with various pieces of leaked information that’s come out in the past. Backing this up, popular leaker Emily Rogers says that the next Pokémon will be revealed before the end of the month, that is will still have two versions, and that the game’s branding will “raise a few eyebrows”. Couple this with other leaks that have spoken of Pokémon GO integration with the upcoming Switch release, and it seems like Game Freak is indeed gearing up for a Pokémon release that will certainly be different.
Now, given the shaky nature of this rumour, and the iffy track record of the supposed sources, we’d recommend that you view this one with a healthy amount of skepticism. Still, it’s worth noting that nothing here seems to be entirely beyond the realm of possibility, and given that this is the first mainline release in the series on a home console, perhaps Game Freak is aiming for a bigger evolution of the franchise than “just” a Generation 8.
What do you think? What will Pokémon on the Switch be like? Do you think Pokémon GO integration would be a good idea? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source serebii.net, via arcadegirl64.wordpress.com]
Comments 85
Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu ??
Never in the history of ever have a wanted a rumor to be more false. This is absolute garbage if true. Integrating Pokémon GO’s stripped-down, unbearably boring features into the game is the worst thing for the series.
Just make it core Pokémon and I'm good. If they want to tie and some functionality as a little side thingy, I'm OK with that, I guess, just so long as I can play it like a normal Pokémon game
Ugh. Seems less likely to be the open world game I’m hoping for. Getting Eevee version if that turns out to be a thing.
I think Pokemon is in dire need of a significant gameplay overhaul. After playing Moon, I swore off the series until they create a game that drills down to the foundation and builds something completely new. I have high hopes that they're going to do something bold with the Switch version, but I will be sorely disappointed if they're still doing the same song and dance they've been doing since the Gameboy. GO was certainly flawed, but it was an interesting proof of concept for how the developers could build the series.
i'm starting this off with a Grain of Salt, just like Star Fox.
if this is true. i have never really tried Pokemon Go. (and i wanted to, but my tablet can't play it.) but, hopefully optional?
if i were pick, it's Might be Let's Go Eevee.
I just don't see this rumor being true. I can't remember where I heard it from, so it might not be true, but I think Game Freak said that the upcoming Switch game(s) will be Gen 8. If that's true, then this is BS. The concept just seems so out there, and that logo looks like someone drew it with markers. Some things need to be simplified, like taking out Mega Evolutions and Z Moves, but simplifying it to the level of Go is just dumb. I'm fairly certain this is fake, but I'll be very disappointed if it isn't.
@SwitchVogel I agree about the overhaul. If they can do something where I am doing more than just pressing one button while I wait to attack then that will be a good think. I wish more games take a little page from the Mario and Luigi Saga or Chrono Trigger. Every battle never really felt dull in those games (even against the most weakest of creatures).
I'm just here to watch everyone over react.
It does need an overhaul, but the core needs to stay the same with the battling system. Changing pokemon away from turn based battles would be like making Metroid into an endless runner.
I'm probably in the minority on this, but I want this rumor to be true.
I've always wanted a complete reboot of the franchise and this sounds like it might be just that.
If true, I expect yearly or semi-yearly expansion packs or sequels that introduce new regions and Pokémon.
The only issue I have is the Pokémon Go integration. However, we don't know how it will effect the gameplay just yet. Maybe it's only used to help with power leveling or hatching eggs and won't be mandatory. Hopefully we can ignore it entirely.
Anyway, I'm excited for this!
I agree with your opinion.
Pokemon games need some Fresh ideas.
No more Tedious Turn Based system, press the button, choose 1 from 4 attacks, wait for whoever attack first, repeat the same thing. I felt bored by the gameplay like that, i mean there is no other things to do in the game but Battle after Battle with other Pokemon trainers / bosses, No minigames, no other things to do, still Same Restriction about Pokemon maximum abilities (Restricted until 4 Abilities).
@MysteryCupofJoe That's my main sticking point. I think any RPG lives or dies by its combat system, and while I understand that team formation has quite a bit of depth in the meta, the core combat gameplay still is woefully basic for modern times. It's time they move past a combat system developed for the Gameboy and embrace something a bit more hands on, much like the battles depicted in the show.
Pokemon Go integration in some form could range anywhere from really really cool to almost entirely useless. But I like the potential there. Serebii is generally reliable but not infallible, so this could be accurate info.
However I think most people who have been saying we wont see the game this year are right. I mean Nintendo and GF haven't even announced a title yet!
Using FF XII Battle System for Pokemon (With ATB meter) for me it's a Nice Twist idea.
So, player can still running around in Open World while encounter with Wild Pokemons, player can move to approach or stay away from Wild Pokemons, the Pokekon's player can still do Turn Based style battle with ATB bar.
Well, it would be in-line with the tradition of not revealing new main entries at E3 after all....
Further more, can we at least have an option at the start where there's less hand holding? Because the last 2 gens had way too many instances where NPCs would give you free items and the Exp All (Which while a neat item should really be a postgame item.).
if it does have Pokemon GO mechanics in the game and its mandatory, than my hype for Pokemon switch will be completely dead. I hated GO with a passion and never want to see anything like it again.
As Monado_X said, I was sure it was suppose to be the next gen, not a remake
I disagree with anything in regards to the Gen VIII Pokemon Games that involve it starting the franchise over. There’s currently 808 Pokemon, and there’s lots more to see, some may even be introduced in that New Pokémon Movie later this year like that New Eeveelution, not to mention lots more Regions to be explored of the Pokemon World.
@Anti-Matter and to anyone who thinks this, once you do this you no longer have a mainline game but you now have a spin-off. I understand and agree on wanting to rethink how pokemon works, but you can do that without changing the core of the game. LoZ, Metroid, and Mario did it without changing their identity. LoZ you have ran around, stabbed things, and collected things since the beginning. Metroid you have ran around and pew pew'd things since the beginning. Mario you have ran around and jumped on things (yes these are the cores just simplified for time). Pokemon it is turn based battling. You can make changes to that system, but don't go away from it. There is a competitive scene for this that Nintendo actually embraces that makes them a lot of money. This game actually caters to that competitive scene too. I don't see a drastic change to this. Pokemon is a game of chess, not basketball. The changes need to happen to the overworld and capture system. Just changing those two things up will make a world of difference.
And here I said I was just here to watch.
Could we be getting the Breath of The Wild of Pokemon?
I sure hope so.
Another Frankenstein of a rumour. E3 is tiptoeing nearer indeed.
Thankfully, I'm not fan enough to try and wilkes the traditional Pokemon formula yet, but I would certainly hope for a mostly optional integration of a mobile game that has yet to see an official release everywhere the mainline games have.
Why would a Core/Mainstream Pokemon Game ever be up for simply focusing on only Catching the Pokemon and encountering them at Random Moments as opposed to battling the Pokemon as well and only encountering them if you’re in the Tall Grass? Pokémon Go is we know is Mobile Game/a Non-Main Game that does not focus on it’s current gen and uses only a limited amount of Pokémon.
I really don’t want this to be true, I suppose I can understand from a marketing/sales perspective on why they should start off the Switch generation with a throwback to Gen 1, but as a long tome fan, that’s the last thing I want. I want to go to a new region and discover new Pokemon and the secrets of the region, not travel back to Kanto. I really am hoping for this to not be true.
When it comes to Pokemon rumors/leaks, these "insiders" and the like are batting 0-for-1000. I've already seen like a dozen of these false rumors for Pokemon Switch alone... All with elaborate details and something like "reveal will be This Friday" or w/ e. This is yet another.
Pokèmon news in the next few weeks? Damn, I didn’t see that coming.
I wonder if we’ll also get Smash Bros., The Last Of Us 2, Crackdown 3, RAGE 2, Borderlands 3 and even more news in the next few weeks?
Surely not though, why such news would be a major event, something you’d almost wish was annual.
I suppose we’ll just wait and see though.
Maybe instead of focusing on the word "GO" and taking that as some form of Pokemon Go crossplay. Couldn't we instead look at it like Pokemon Yellow? Where instead of choosing a starter, you start the game off with Pikachu? And since the other game is rumored to be "Lets Go Eevee" then perhaps for that version you will start the game off with Eevee as your partner? I mean it makes much more sense than Game Freak trying to crossplay a Mainline Pokemon Title with a phone game that has died significantly since release.
This rumor makes a lot of sense IMO.
I never really believed that GameFreak would be able to produce a Gen 8 Pokemon game just 2 years after Sun/Moon. But I also never really believed that Nintendo would aim to ship 20 million Switches during this fiscal year without some kind of core Pokemon RPG being prepared for this holidays.
The release of Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee will be the first of its kind for GameFreak, given that it appears to be a re-imagining of Gen 1, not Gen 8 or a remake of Gen 4.
The Pokemon Go catching integration will be interesting.
Total disaster
"There will be Pokemon Go integration" =/= "Pokemon on Switch will be an enhanced port of Pokemon Go"
People who think this is the case or that Pokemon Go will be some mandatory download in order to play this game need to calm down a bit lol
I'm not opposed to this. Pokemon needs some fresh new ideas thrown into the mix. The last few instalments have been very uninteresting to me.
@NapalmPsalm I agree... The combat and everything is fine, maybe a somewhat easier way for beginners to better understand the EVs and IVs(.... Which I still have no idea even after watching people explain it, it's so complicated. Would love an easy simply way to start off and then keep going).
It is the story that I am kinda wanting them to change and make new. Making trials instead of gyms was really cool and fun. I would love to be able to go to whichever gym I want and the game adapt to those choices. Have trials, online gameplay, much more character customization, add more ways to truly connect with your Pokémon like how x/y, sun/moon had with them not fainting because they didn't want to disappoint.
I don't really have much ideas, but I am excited to see what game freak does!
And I never believe any leaks, especially during this time..... So not really following this.
@westman98 My thoughts exactly.
I'm skeptical, but I'm also not tossing the possibility of this rumor completely out of the window.
Just because it's outlandish doesn't mean it can't happen, a lot of people are believing/hoping for Star Fox Grand Prix. The difference is, SFGP has some potential. This, on the other hand, seems, to me, like it could only sour the experience. But I will reserve judgement until I see some actual footage.
You know the worst part though? These games will be $60 EACH! If you want both versions you'll have to shell out $120. Unless of course they have some bundle, but I think it will likely be $100, which is still a third of the Switch's price.
@NapalmPsalm I couldn't agree more. We need refinements and improvements to many mechanics, but the core needs to stay the same.
I don’t play Pokémon GO, so I hope we can ignore that for the game, or that it doesn’t provide too much advantage for those who do play it. I’ve wanted Pokémon to return to its roots, and I’d want pixel graphics too, but maybe that’s too much to ask for
The fact that people are taking this rumor as fact depresses me.
Some folk are far too quick to pass this off as a failure, before even seeing the game. Weird.
This sounds bad if it ends up being true, especially integrating GO's mechanics. At least the Retro rumour despite not being what I'd want the most could be a lot of fun.
The anti-genwunners have evolved into anti-Pokemon Go-ers.
Get all the crying out of the way now, because once it's shown you will be dying to buy it. lol
This could be a side thing like the PokeWalker or whatever from HeartGold and SoulSilver. Personally, I believe GameFreak has no ambition and will never evolve Pokemon.
@Jutandy most 6 year olds I've known were bored with the game in 5 minutes, because their parents bought it based on E=Happy fun storybook time... 😉
Seriously, I hope this isn't true. Go Integration would just completely dumb down the series has a whole...
It cant be hard for Nintendo to just make a core game on the Switch.
An MMO should be a no brainer in this age.
The games have fundamentally been the same since the 90s. Sure the graphics have got better and the mechanics a little more complicated / clever but Pokemon Ultra Sun & Moon is the same game as Pokemon Red and Blue, it just looks different.
Maybe they'll get more sales if they give it an engrish name like Pokemon Second: Project Pikachu Default Revolution DX
It better be effective
Maybe I've missed something, but it seems like a lot of people are reading 'Pokemon Go Integration' and reading that as 'PKMN Switch will play like PKMN Go!', If it does have integration I'd assume it would be more like the pedometer that shipped with Heart Gold/Soul Silver - not vital at all, just offered some nice bonuses. That being said, the series needs some major changes as it's become far too stagnant and slapping new mechanics like Mega Evolutions over the top of a stale formula isn't gonna fix the issue (and I say this as someone who loves and has played every Pokemon game), so I for one hope they try a lot of new things, I just hope they don't forget the core of the series while they're at it.
I may be the only one, but...the concept kind of intrigues me.
I mean, Pokemon Go functionality may be as basic as transferring monsters from Pokemon Go to the game (which wouldn’t be too bad), or being able to hatch eggs got from the game while walking around with your smartphone, so it’s far too early to hit the panic button IMO.
And for all we know, this could be a return to form for the series, with the player starting in Kanto with Pikachu/Eevee and progressing in an open world containing monsters (and regions!) from different generations. I would personally adore something along these lines (though this is, of course, just a wild guess fuelled by wishful thinking).
Or it could be another cookie-cutter experience - we can’t know until we get an actual reveal.
If this is true I’ll be selling my switch
Oh Emily, did you just forget pokemon star, or was that just more fake news!
As long as the integration isn't forced and is just supplementary to the base game I don't have any issue with it. I do think the core gameplay is solid but it needs enough revisions for it to feel like a proper new game, they aren't limited by power anymore and I want this game to show that.
Pokémon Let’s GO Eevee outsold!
I want the rumors to be true, post-apocalyptic Kanto sounds like a great concept for “the first Pokémon game on a home console”. I’m just worried they will be simplifying what is already way too simple based on that Pokémon GO integration. Random encounters, IVs, and Natures I want gone, not sure “the way people catch Pokémon” is what needed a shake-up. Pokémon GO is a proven fad, I hope they are smart about this.
Stop giving Emily Rogers any attention
Why has nobody considered the possibility that these are most likely MOBILE titles?! (assuming that there is even an iota of truth to them)
@Monado_X There was a leaked screenshot a while ago that showed the player riding a Lapras with an Eevee in Kanto, and the graphics looked nearly identical to the 3DS games. If that screenshot was true, then it'll seem like the game will not be gen 8.
Since I am not a big Pokemon fan I'll say this: If they plan to finally do a big 3D free-roaming Pokemon with puzzles and stuff (something that could interest even me) they can save it for E3. But if they are just planning to do something in the vain of Sun/Moon, a pre-E3 Direct will do.
I'm amazed that we somehow immediately went to Pokémon Go mechanics and gameplay from the idea of integration. Though I guess that's par for the course with this community. To automatically assume the worst case scenario, lol
@dew12333 Emily Rogers never said that Pokémon Stars was coming. It was Eurogamer that published the rumor. So far, she has been far more right than wrong about anything Switch related.
@Anti-Matter Pokémon does have mini games, with an example being Pokémon contests. Could they do more to expand the mini games, sure they could, but to outright say all there is to do in the game is just battle is just flat out false for the later generations.
@Lizuka Since you never played Pokémon go it makes since why you cannot think of anything from that game worth adding to the main games. I like how in Pokémon go you can see The Pokémon in the over world, I like how the game makes catching and seeing the same Pokémon less meaningless, I enjoy to way the game implemented catching Pokémon, I like that the players can join different team factions. Does the game have its flaws? Obviously, but again there are things it did right too.
Honestly when I first heard this rumor last night I was horrified, but after sleeping on it, getting other people’s thoughts and opinions, I think this idea has potential. It’s just can that potential be realized? To me it is smart to capitalize on how successful Pokémon go was/is. I think there are a lot of lapsed gen 1 players that would come back to see a reimagined Kanto region. I just hope they don’t change the game mechanics too much. Adding new and fresh ideas is great, but if they overhaul everything then it is just a spin-off game and not a true mainline game like everyone is hoping. Personally I don’t think this game strays too far from what makes a Pokémon mainline game a Pokémon mainline game, but I could be wrong.
@Anti-Matter FFXII or Xenoblade !
Don't get me wrong the way this sound is bad but in counter to that alot of the Nintendo leaks have been weirdly worded. How many times did we hear about Mario + Rabbids? About 10 different rumours and none of them sounded like (or used the word) X-Com instead calling it an RPG an such.
Funnily enough this dose remind me of a 'rumour' I heard back after the Switch's launch told to me by an GAME manager "Pokémon Switch will be an Kanto reboot and take some inspiration for Pokémon go with players will have a primary partner Pokémon (like ash's Pikachu or Serana's Eevee*) to accompany the player as they capture other Pokémon and because of the amount of detail going into the partner Mon, which version you play determines your partner"
Now obviously this was just the guy BSing as I never bumped into it online but it's interesting how certain details line up. I dismissed the rumour because he also swore blind that Metroid/Starfox cross over was a thing.
*Yes I am very aware that Sarena's partner wasn't eevee but that's what the guy said.
I'm a big Pokemon Go player so I think it would be cool to integrate the 2 somehow even in just a minimal way. Given how little has been announced about the game I honestly don't think we'll get any release this year, however anything they show at E3 for this will definitely have my full attention. Pokemon Switch and The Last Of Us 2 are definitely my most anticipated games this year.
I can understand why people might jump to the conclusion of "Pokemon Go" b/c of that "Go" in the title but there are still so many other things it can be, Pokemon is not just main line games and or Go, it's not either or by a wide margin.
My first thought was a 2D sidescroller on the 3DS b/c of the ! like "Hey! Pikmin". Chibi-Robo had a similar 2D sidescroller. As are most 3DS Kirby games. So I think a 2D side scroler, or even a pair of them, that started on the 3DS but have bene moved to the Switch is/are possible.
Also, I've been waiting for Pokepark 3 since finishing Pokepark 2 on the Wii. Pokepark was really a boring basic game but Pokepark 2 got a lot right. IT was a fun JRPG like game that had a nice after game. So I'm good if this is Poekpark 3.
There have also been the series of Rumble games. This doesn't feel like those, but it could be an offshoot of those as they were more actiony than turn based.
Then of course there are the Ranger and Mystery Dungeon games. I've never played those and honestly can't say much about them other than they aren't considered mainline but there are several of them, so this could be like those.
So I think jumping to the conclusion that it's Poekomon Go on Switch is missing out on a lot of other game types Pokemon have already appeared in.
Pokémon GO rocks!! Level 35 here haha
Or even super effective with a critical hit!
@Cyberdyne84 I agree with you that this would be very interesting. Certainly sounds very like Nintendo - trying to integrate the Pokemon Go fanbase with the Core RPG fanbase, just smart business sense. Also, Pokemon doesn't really want to go down the Sonic route and start splitting off the fan base, as that never works out well for a franchise.
However, I think it is clear that we are going to get a November 2018 release. Firstly, Pokemon will massively help to push the Switch by getting lots of people who currently own 3DS to adopt the new system. If they can also get a reasonable number of Pokemon Go players to buy a Switch, then Nintendo will be quids in. They absolutely need Pokemon to meet the target of selling an additional 20 million Switches for this financial year.
I also think they want to use Pokemon to push the new online service as people will be forced to subscribe to trade online and to use Pokemon bank. Again, smart move from Nintendo - get everyone to buy a £270 Switch, a £50 copy of Pokemon and a £20 online subscription, not even counting what people might spend if Pokemon Go ends up more integrated with the new Switch game.
@Amiiboacid I've seen the screenshot. It looked terrible, and I'm fairly certain it wa just an edited version of Sun and Moon on someone's laptop.
I think this is unlikely, as (a) it risks alienating the already-large Pokemon player base and (b) I recall news coming out a couple months ago that the Switch Pokemon game would be "Generation 8," rather than a remake of earlier content. That said, I thought Mario + Rabbids was unlikely too, so...
Yeah she did before last years E3.
If this leak is true, Whoever comes up with the name, the company needs to let them go!
So I am guessing the next leak will be Animal Crossing ( pocket change to ) Console Camp?
Seriously thou if this new Pokemon not going to be at least open world, it's probably be something I'll pass ( just like Pokemon GO, not interested )
The game will be a core Pokemon RPG from GameFreak, not some spinoff.
@westman98 "The game will be a core Pokemon RPG from GameFreak, not some spinoff."
That's pretty sure sounding based on a rumour. Not that I don't make wild predictions all of the time, but do you know something we dont' know?
For all we know it's a 2D riding smashing game like Gamefreak's Tembo, only with Pikachu and Eevee.
I know that this rumor has a lot of legitimacy behind it.
And that it won't be a spin-off.
Never really got into the whole Pokemon series I only ever played a little bit of Pokemon Yellow version for GBC, and Pokemon Silver Version GBC. Never played any of the other's, besides Pokkén Tournament for Wii U and the Demo for the Switch port. I actually like Pokkén Tournament more than the other 2 version but I guess it is because I like fighting games instead of turn base games.
@westman98 Well can I at least hope you are wrong, just on the basis of those names - as registered in the other thread, which I actually thought we were in - being horrible. Not that red & green or B&W are all that original, but having main games named after a 2 year old mobile game is pretty pathetic. Even if it were Pokemon I Choose Piakachu or Pokemon I Choose Eevee, as bad as those sound, that would be better and more in keeping with the brand.
Well anyway, I do feel we wont' have long to wait, Gamefreak will say something before the month is out, I don't think they ever wait until E3.
@Monado_X Each to their own, but I personally think the ‘leaked’ screenshot is genuine. Firstly, all the information we have on the supposed games seems to be being collaborated by several different sources. Secondly, people forget that the new Switch game started off life as Pokemon Stars (an enhanced Sun & Moon port for Switch) and has since evolved further.
Gamefreak tend to be very cautious when approaching new platforms in terms of graphical capability. In the past, we have had to wait several games before the graphics have seriously been ramped up. As such, the Switch games were never going to be some massive open world project with top high definition graphics – anyone suggesting this had quite unrealistic expectations.
I also don’t get why people have such a problem with the ‘leaked’ image. 3DS style graphics actually look really good, its just that 3DS, unlike the Switch, didn’t have enough processing power. Those sort of graphics on the Switch will look really nice as evidenced by the Citra emulator.
@Yoshi87 I personally don't have that big of an issue with the Sun and Moon artstyle as long as they fix the frame rate during battles and improve the graphics with later games. However, what concerns me the most about this rumor is how much likeness is could share with Go. If it plays like any other Pokémon game where you have the OPTION to catch Pokémon like in Go, but it's possible to catch them normally, then fine, whatever. However, if all you have to do to catch is flick the joycon, then I'm gonna be very disappointed. If there's options to do both, fine by me. I won't use the "Go" option. Hopefully it plays like any other Pokémon game with the option to use similar features to Go.
@dew12333 Any proof of that? Because I'm pretty sure it was Eurogamer that said that.
@Monado_X I think the frame rate shouldn't be an issue given how much more powerful the Switch hardware is. Also, this game has been built from the ground up for the Switch - so hopefully it should be made to optimise the hardware.
I believe we now know what all the rumours were about when people talked about the 'battle' system being changed. What they actually meant is that the 'capture' system is being changed to be more like Pokemon Go, so that you can capture Pokemon that appear in real time as opposed to walking in the grass.
I can live with this change as long as the main battle system stays the same.
@SwitchVogel I agree about the overhaul, as long as it doesn't go anywhere near Pokémon Go. It needs to go as far away from that as humanly possible. PGO is as shallow as it gets and honestly something that should stay on mobile (in my opinion).
The series definitely needs an overhaul of sorts, but I'm not sure if this rumor (if true) is the direction it should go in. All will be revealed soon enough, I reckon.
Oh. God. Just make a game like BoTW except with Pokemon running around.
Agree, I don't like the titles of the two Pokemon versions being announced. I rather they used Legendaries/Mythical Pokemon as part of the two Pokemon versions. But, to include Pokemon Go features seems crappy to me.
@DrkBndr I'm sorry if I'm wrong but I could have sworn it. Would check but don't like rumours so don't really want to search google, especially at the moment.
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