We're right in the thick of The Year of Legendary Pokémon, and The Pokémon Company has revealed details on the next powerful creature getting the free treatment in Sun/Moon and Ultra Sun/Moon. So this summer you can get your hands on a Shiny Zygarde in both versions of the game, each with calibrated stats to suit either iteration. Considering how difficult it is to bag a Shiny variant of this Pokémon, this is a big deal for dedicated trainers. Here are its stats for Sun/Moon:
Level: 100
Ability: Aura Break
Held Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Moves: Thousand Arrows, Outrage, Extreme Speed, Dragon Dance
In Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, Shiny Zygarde will be distributed with the following characteristics:
Level: 60
Ability: Aura Break
Moves: Land’s Wrath, Glare, Safeguard, Dragon Breath
To claim your Shiny Zygarde, load up your copy of the game (these instructions apply to either version). Now select 'Mystery Gift' on the main menu, then hit 'Receive Gift'. Next, select 'Get via Internet', then tap 'Yes'. Finally, speak to the delivery person in any Pokémon Center to receive your Shiny Zygarde (just be sure to save your game before you finish up).
Will you be adding a Shiny Zygarde to your Pokédex? Let us know in the comments section below...
Comments 33
The day paid dlc legendaries and shinies are a thing is the day that humankind has achieved perfection.
In the US and Canada you have to go to Gamestop and EB Games to get it, respectively. Plus it should be for Ultra Sun/Moon it’s level 100. Not Sun/Moon (it’s level 60 for those games)
Given how hard its been to get this thing shiny, which has never been available before, I'm interested.
Makes one wonder how it will interact with the Zygarde cube though...can you break this one down and if so would it retain shininess if reassembled?
As a big pokemon fan, I find it hard to care about these freebie legendary pokemon. Getting special items from these events that allowed you to enter new areas of the game to find and catch them was great back in the Diamond and Pearl days. I feel like them just giving the pokemon away cheapens them
@DrJoson Well in both S/M and USUM you either do a huge sidequest or a post-game battle with Zygarde.
In this case, it's not a freebie legendary as is, but rather the first release of it's shiny form. For some reason, it's been shiny locked in the actual games.
@pokefanmum82 - I think you're right. According to other sources like Gamespot, US/Canadian players need to go to a retailer.
@vincentgoodwin @Pokefanmum82
The website is saying it can be obtained over the internet:
@DrJoson This a million times over. I think the way they handle 'special' pokemon nowadays is the most banal thing. Death by proliferation!
@DrJoson I agree. They don’t seem special at all when they give them to you and everyone has it. Having to go to Gamestop makes it even worse.
@shaneoh That's UK website, which mean downloadable content is still only for Europe/Australia, afraid so!
@YummyHappyPills Weird how Zygarde was even shiny locked in the first place. But I suppose it's a mercy in a way to shiny hunters, it would suck to have spent days 'soft resetting' to find a shiny legendary only for the pokemon company to release it to everyone
Please gamefreak, just....just let this be a internet mystery gift globally...what a bunch of dinguses. I wonder how much gamestop/EB are paying them.
Anyhow, I don't mind these events so long as you can obtain them normally in game. What I do mind is if you can't get them in game normally ever(looking at you volcanion, magearna and every gen 4/5 mythic). Ultra space was a great way in USUM to give people access to catching legendaries, but I wish it encompassed ALL of them plus all mythics too. I need a lot of things to complete the pokedex.
@hirokun Mythical Pokemon dont count towards Pokedex completion.
Once again, we're slapped with another serial code distribution versus just accessing them over the internet. Gamestop must be desperate for customers or something....
Dang do I miss event items/Pokemon that unlocked different areas/in-game events.
@Dom You've written Sun & Moon for both distributions - forgot to put Ultra for the former one
@Proust It came out while I was traveling, so only started it a couple of months ago. Even if I wasn't still playing it, I'd log in for these downloads
@hirokun And I don't even HAVE a GameStop in my area anymore!
I just want the gold bottle cap. I don't care about the Zygarde. That goes to show how much I like Hyper training, but resent how bloody rare bottle caps are.
Cool that it’s finally released as a shiny, but annoying that it has Aura Break rather than Power Construct. Wonder if they’ll ever release 10% or 100% as a shiny.
@YummyHappyPills It's got Aura Break, so no. Aura Break Zygarde can't become 10% or 100%, as it's permanently stuck in 50% mode (the other ability gives it the ability to assimilate Zygarde cells).
@marandahir That's not what I mean.
It only gets Power Construct if it has all 100 cells in it. But any Zygarde can be broken down into the Cube.
I am going to get this as soon as I wake up the first say of the event
@Pokefanmum82 it says in the article that you receive it by tapping the "get via internet" option.
No, you get it by going to GameStop.
@PigmaskFan really?? On this site AND in this screenshot I took just now says different https://photos.app.goo.gl/nuCUZ6gu4vJakNyp1
@VioletSilver but according to the US version of the Pokémon Legendary website and Serebii it says that you have to go to Gamestop to get it. It’s only in Europe and Australia that you get it over the Nintendo Network. Even Canada has to go to EB Games Canada. I did my research and went to the official website as someone previously said in a comment.
I'd rather they distributed through Mystery Gift Pokémon that are otherwise unobtainable at all, rather than shiny versions of mons that everyone already has . I can't get Marshadow to complete my collection of all alternative forms of all 806 currently released Pokémon. They did it for Magearna but now instead they only distribute it through stores that are never in my country/area, and where even if you went to pick your code card, people before you may already have snatched whole stacks of those. I've seen people with 50 Marshadow cards putting them up for trade for good stuff in exchange while common mortals have no way to get any.
@marandahir Huh? It can only have two abilities, Aura Break or Power Construct. It only has Power Construct if it's made up of 100 cells, which in turn is made up of two 50% Zygardes or ten 10% Zygardes with Aura Break. Ability has nothing to do with what can and can't be done with a Zygarde in terms of breaking it down or assembling it
@foodmetaphors You can give this shiny Zygarde Power Construct by combining it with 50 cells from the Zygarde cube. Just don't disassemble this shiny one
@Markiemania95 Nice. Didn’t know you could add cells to an existing Zygarde
Shiny Legendarys are always welcome (^_^)
Okay, after re-reading the Bulbapedia pages, it's clear that I was absolutely confused about how Power Construct works. But yeah, def do not dissolve this one into the Zygarde cube, or else you lose the shiny-ness.
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