Well, that isn't the rumour we were hoping to hear in the runup to the official reveal of Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 in May, and its eventual release in October. According to Gaming Intel, Call of Duty is coming to Nintendo Switch, but not in the way you might be expecting. Turns out the handheld is getting the yet-to-be-announced Battle Royale version which is said to be replacing the single-player campaign on other consoles and PC. This is reportedly a completely separate game that will bundled with other platforms at launch.
So that's no single-player, no Zombies and no multiplayer mode. If you're a fan of Fortnite and PUBG and you've been waiting for a proper BR title on Switch, then this news will make you very happy. For everyone else hoping to get the full COD experience, it's a bit of half-hearted celebration. This is a rumour, after all, so COD might not be coming to Switch in any capacity, and we won't know much more until the community reveal on 17th May.
Let us know what you make of this rumour, and whether Switch deserves (or even needs) a Call of Duty? Is a Battle Royale version a decent addition in and of itself? Share your thoughts below...
[source gamingintel.com]
Comments 98
And Activision will still charge full price
Haven’t brought CoD since the launch of WiiU and it was that game that made me turn my back on the franchise. This announcement is not going to encourage me to return to the franchise.
Why oh why can’t they just give Switch owners the same as every other console: Single player campaign, multiplayer, zombies and access to any DLC.
I’ll stick to Battlefield thanks
After Black Ops Declassified it's 1,5 hour story mode I wouldn't even care about story mode in a CoD game.
But it is fun to play it in a while online.
@Laxeybobby Black Ops 3 on PS3 and Xbox 360 lacked a lot of functionality too.
@Laxeybobby Apparently this years CoD doesn't have a single player campaign. Still don't see why we couldn't get any of the other shoddy online modes too.
I wouldn’t mind getting Black Ops 4 in the form of a Battle Royale capacity, but I’d rather have a stand-alone Zombies game!
I don't think a single player campaign matters for shooters anymore. The last decent story for a shooter was...
it was...
Yes! I enjoyed Titanfall 2
But even that, with the best story ever for a modern shooter, failed.
I spent most of my shooting hours on Black Ops 3 in multiplayer (never finished the single player mode), over 200 hours so, I don't think it's needed anymore. Just give us better multiplayer and let Indie games keep our single-player dreams alive.
This Battle Royal fad is going to die soon, I'm really feelin' it. No worries, shooters will probably go to pirates or back to zombies again.
No thanks. After seeing the effort that Panic Button has put into their releases, and knowing that games like South Park: FBW provide the whole experience, I will not support gimped, half-arsed efforts like FIFA 18 and (presumably) this. COD wouldn’t be the only FPS on Switch.
Still playing CoD: World At War a few times a year because it's the last memorable and quality CoD title to be released. Whether it comes to Switch or not, I don't need it.
Hmmm... I’m going to take this with a grain of salt for now. I guess it would be better than nothing, but I would hope it comes with the campaign. It seems to weird to have a Battle Royale Mode and not regular multiplayer. Granted, people might be more willing to buy just the Battle Royale Mode rather than just regular multiplayer... I’m not sure, it depends on the price. Kind of random, but I wonder if it being Battle Royale only would affect the ESRB rating, it’s not really important, but I know people would lose there minds if we got a Teen rated Call of Duty game.
@BanjoPickles normally you would be right but I don't care about the shitty story mode in FIFA or CoD lacking in a switch version, if I want a great story mode I grab a Zelda game or Uncharted for example.
It would be worse if such games lacked multiplayer, but lacking story mode is fine, less wasted space on a cartridge for mediocre "story".
It's funny, it's just really funny because the developers are probably thinking "Well players on Nintendo consoles never buy our games so we shouldn't bother putting the effort into giving them a full, proper game like we do for every other console on the market." When it's exactly that reasoning that keeps me from buying their games. If they just put the effort into making a proper game that aligned with every other console version (doesn't have to be as graphically fantastic since I know the switch isn't as powerful) then I'd really consider buying it.
I wouldn't mind a first person shooter like COD.
But a BR is not my thing.
@Shiryu soft, chocolate lips...
um wasn't there a rumor that it's not going to have single player at all?
This whole Battle Royale thing is getting out of hand now.
Seeing the Switch is a portable most of the time for most people, what's the point of an online shooter you can't get online with while you're on a bus/plane/public toilet? I have no problem with games X, Y, and Z coming to the Switch, but I think you have to play to it's strengths as a handheld device or not play at all.
Have no interest in Call of Duty, all people do is sit and snipe, completely boring.
@MrGawain because there are also people playing it mostly at home (also in portable mode).
Disgusting. Pass.
If I would buy this (I wouldn't), I would buy this on a console which I can connect to a TV and with proper motion aiming.
I'd actually expect the Zombies Mode to work better on Switch. BR is gonna be a mess to actually run properly at 60fps.. there's a reason why fortnite is not on switch yet... and it's not epic being lazy...
@dunnyone I only buy shooters for their singleplayer. Battlefront, Titanfall, Doom, etc. Saying it doesn't matter ignore a decent chunk of the market
@MrGawain 4G tends to be fine for multiplayer sessions and doesn't eat much traffic - and I'm talking the still rough 4G we Belarusians have had for a couple years, so the first world shouldn't be any worse in that regard. From Smash and MK7 to Splatoon 2 and ARMS demo events, I've played online exclusively outside with maybe one or two hiccups (the only exception so far is PSO2, but it's reportedly crowded and demanding to begin with), and I think the potential of portable online gaming on Switch is somewhat underestimated.
So many people still want FPS campaigns and we have become less than an after thought - shame
Only part of any CoD worth playing is the single player campaign. No interest here.
I welcome a BATTLE ROYALE to come to switch. But, it must be done perfectly and be a high quality product. 60 fps, great art style, great matchmaking. No crappy UI. Etc....
Honestly? If the price changes accordingly, I might bite. These "campaigns" were always too militaristic to my taste and as for deathmatch I'd rather play an arena shooter. A Battle Royale experiences with Activision's polish behind it is the only interesting thing this series can offer me at this point.
I've kind of moved on from COD after Black Opps II and never looked back. But I had some great times playing those game with friends online.
I think I had the urge a few years ago but when I looked into it, I didn't like the direction they were taking the games.
I really enjoy playing fortnite so id be down to play a BR COD but it will depend on the price. If it’s a £40 release then I’m out.
Is that because of the metric system ?
Literally all I wanted was zombies. What a rip.
@Mando44646 you sound like my brother. He only plays single-player shooters on Easy mode, says he just wants to experience the story.
Well some of us like to be humiliated on Splatoon by super-skilled 8 year olds thank you very much.
Only ever played CoD games for the singleplayer, several years late after the price dropped. Guess I can put funds towards Advanced Warfare & BO3 then.
Without single player I won't be buying this on any console and certainly not for any overhyped Battle Royale mode, which plays out the same as any other deathmatch I've ever played but is somehow new
I've enjoyed every COD I've played but I have not played any of them since Ghosts was released on the WiiU. I never got into the online component so a Battle Royale would not interest me.
Mark my words, just like last year when EA killed lootboxes, Activision is going to kill the battle royale genre
Stop referring to Switch as a handheld. That’s not the official Nintendo line on Switch... it’s a home console with handheld capabilities
After playing battlefield on PC for some years, I tried last years CoD WW2 - what a disappointment, especially multiplayer. The series hasn’t really changed much, so I don’t think Switch is missing out on anything. It’s a brand name only that sells it now
That’s cool with me but not at full price don’t care about campaign and neither do other people if you look at the Playstation trophy list not many people actually complete it so it makes sense
Does it have smooth gameplay? Does the price match the value of just a BR game? That's all I want to know.
Here is a rumor I hope is very in-accurate. When I said I wanted a separate Call of Duty game, built specifically for the Switch, I wanted a separate Call of Duty game. Full thing, campaign, multi-player Zombiees. The Switch is more powerful than PS3 or Xbox 360 and those systems had about 287 COD titles and COD clones. Activision could easily make a decent COD title for Switch and it would run well if built for the system.
I don't want some Fortnite or PUBG rip-off with the COD name taped on.
I hope so! I never play single play in COD, so I just hope the full online experience comes to Switch, or just make a Zombies game finally!
@Heavyarms55 There's a separate rumour in which none of the versions have a campaign.
@dunnyone You'd be surprised. People value single player a lot, especially if the franchise had it before. Notice how multiplayer only games are usually a little cheaper, like Overwatch being $40 (+ lootboxes) instead of standard $60 (+ season pass)? Titanfall 2 was received much better due to the single player campaign.
CoD not having a single player campaign feels like something was taken away. Publishers like declaring single player dead, they've been doing it for a decade or more now. And then Bethesda continues to prove them wrong.
@Heavyarms55 But those old systems had old CoDs. Switch is in the same generation as PS4 Pro and XOX.
Lol. Seriously? Activision has to copy the other BR games? Are they that desperate (not tovmention: uninventive)?
I'd rather play Crazy Justice or Fortnite, if it should ever be ported.
Another COD rumour? Want last year's supposed to be coming to Switch, then this year's, now just one mode? Shame for Switch if it doesn't get one as it's a big name, although it's highly unlikely many of the existing COD userbase would buy it on Switch.
Personally I'd like to see the MW remasters make it across, no interest in the multiplayer and the GAAS obsession.
Seriously don’t care
wasn't gonna get it from the start on any platforms anyways.
Here's a real rumor, I might not buy it. My money still waiting for Wolfenstein II.
Who cares... Cod sucks
@SmaggTheSmug Overwatch is still a full 60 in the us.
Love the tagline
Just play the real one on PC
No point in playing the water down Switch version with a smaller community and vaporware online platform - one way or another.
There no Call of Duty in this Call of Duty game?
@Rayquaza2510 I purchased Black Ops 3 on ps3 and it was hot garbage. Long wait times for matches, constant connection drops. It was a waste of money, they phoned that one it for sure.
Why can't it come with at least zombies? That'd like one of my favorite modes.
Why do they have to half-arse everything?
If there isn't all the modes from the PS4 and Xbox One onto the Switch, I ain't buying. Battle royal is fun, but I'll just wait for Pubg or Fortnite for that.
I always thought it was Roman numerals.
I’ll wait for
I don't have an internet connection at home so this wouldn't be for me. Not sure what to make of this. We do have enough FPS's on Switch now and while I do like them somewhat its not like I need every one. I also think the battle royale is peaking now, will fade in the near future. Lightly disappointed but I'm over it.
Well, that's one less game I will be buying this year.
MW2 re-mastered with multiplayer would have been the cat's whiskers. The bee's knees. The mutt's nuts. Instead we get...what exactly are we getting?
Even the "gimped" versions of BLOPS3 on PS3/360 a few years ago had multi-player and zombies. Just no single player campaign. That'd be pretty weak if Switch just got one mode for their CoD version.
I thought that's all that Blacks Ops 4 was
how big is the cod 4 experience?
well around 50gb.
nintendo refuses to launch 64gb cards for developers.
and there you have the problem.
I simply don't get why? surely a BR mode has to both more resources intensive and more demanding on a server having to track 100 players (and having to find people to fill those slots) than normal COD MP with its smaller maps and low player counts?.
@wratih9 Snap, I've played CoD games for years. I really enjoyed the Wii U offerings and the free multiplayer was always active. Makes me want to dig out Black Ops 2 to check haha
The lack of a COD campaign this year is laughable.
I'd actually be interested in COD Battle Royale if it's priced appropriately. If it's not coming to Switch, then hopefully they release a standalone version on PS4/XBO/PC. Based on the same rumors who leaked the lack of a campaign this year, it seems like Black Ops 4's multiplayer will be a hot mess.
Let me know when the great hat simulator Team Fortress 2 is appearing on the Switch. Otherwise, I am not overly interested in shooters.
Haven’t touched a cod since mw2 so I could care less every other one has been trash
I thought nobody plays single player for these games anyway...so win win...maybe?
(No clue I dont play FPS games really)
Switch is a handheld? I kind of disagree with that characterization, as it feels like a disservice to the versatility of the console.
"Battle Royale"? When did this new buzzword get coined? Back in my day it was just called "Deathmatch." I the fad ran its course by 2002.
@Dom BTW i am digging that Pulp Fiction sub heading
Could be better, could be worse. It's the zombie mode I'd miss most!
Oh, man. One day, we'll be looking back at this, and we'll crack a smile or two about how silly it all was...
"Remember that day? The day when the tagline/byline under an NLife article about a rumor concerning a COD game for the Switch was actually greater and more entertaining than the actual rumor itself?"
Well played, @Dom. Well played...
On a side note: people not caring about game X or Y again? Tssss....
People, PLEASE remember the other gamers/Switch owners of the world, who might just have a slightly different taste from yours, and who might actually be waiting for titles like these.
And please keep in mind that your opinion is not the only one that matters and that it is good in general for a gaming platform to get as many games and as wide a diversity in game types as possible, so even if YOU don't like a certain game, you should still welcome it to the Switch, because it's only a positive thing.
And ultimately, it means even more games, amongst which there will definitely also be some more titles that you actually WILL like...
Let everyone have their fun and their games, even if you don't happen to like them, okay? Wonderful! Happy gaming to everyone.
Big fan of the Black Ops games and would be gutted if there was a Switch release with no single player story. I think Nintendo need to start throwing money around to bring an exclusive third party FPS to the Switch.
I'd rather play this actually than a full game. Those battle royale games are fun!
CoD would work well in a battle Royale format as the current two games of thisbfirnst don’t interest me at all. Whereas a more tactical forces looking approach is way more appealing and maybe the reshuffle the stale format of CoD needs
no online multiplayer fk you activision seriously their pulling an ea move.
@SmaggTheSmug Not really though. Yes it is in the same hardware generation but it is a totally different type of device. The simple fact is it is not nearly as powerful as PS4 or Xbone. And why should it be? Both of those devices are physically much much larger and not portable. In terms of power the Switch lies between last gen and this gen due to its portable nature. Activision could easily work with that and build a COD game specific to Switch that runs beautifully with the resources the system has to offer.
My assumption is that they wont, because that requires actual effort on their part and they aren't used to do that anymore. They are used to reskinning the same games every year and calling it new.
@Grumblevolcano But they have Multi player and Zombiees I'd assume. The campaign was rarely the high point when I went through my COD phase on 360 back in high school, but I always did play them and generally liked them...
I never thought I could get any less interested in CoD, but it seems Activision has proven me wrong. Then again, this is just a rumor.
lol this makes no sense
I have no problem with games X, Y, and Z coming to the Switch, but I think you have to play to it's strengths as a handheld device or not play at all
Precisely. I would have bought CoD for the single player campaign. But they are done with single player campaigns now. They're going to get gobs of sales and don't have to waste the effort developing a campaign. Can just do a bunch of maps together and slap a $60 price tag on it, a $100 price tag, and a $250 price tag, and then slap another $60 on for the season pass.
Which means I'm just not interested. Certainly not interested on a hybrid system. Theres simply no benefit, and plenty of downsides.
Play to its strength. Online only games can work on the system but, the only ones people will likely be interested in are ones they cannot play anywhere else. But any multiplatform titles of online focused games... I don't think it's a good idea to bring them to Switch.
I think 90% of the games out there would be a great fit, but there are that 10% that simply aren't. Online only multiplats account for most of them
@Heavyarms55 The thing about CoDs is they're not bad games by themselves. They're just very similar.
Getting one or two is fine, you're going to have fun. It's when you've played through 5 of them boredom sets in.
The problem is that when they do try to innovate the fanbase hates that.
I would like to see the Conduit franchise by High Voltage Software revived for the Switch. Not a HD version of the Wii games but a third game in the evolution of the story.
I really liked Conduit and then Conduit 2.
@Laxeybobby Local multiplayer CoD on the Wii U was probably the most fun I had on the console. One person on the gamepad and the other on the tv. They were cheap as hell to pickup too.
Who cares? COD hasn't been good since BO1
@ClassSonicSatAm meeeh... Black Ops 2 was pretty good! I love the zombies mode.
I dont know if this is a good idea.
Why do these developers think that stories in first person shooters don't matter anymore? Bethesda is the only company that actually still bothers to put proper stories in their FPS-es (DOOM, the new Wolfenstein games, for example)
Also, why is Activision always not giving a damn about actually making a competent port for Nintendo systems? They're going the EA route by stripping more than half the content and still charging full price!
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