Make sure you've got some tissues handy for this one, because there wasn't a dry eye in the house when we watched this video at the Nintendo Life Towers.
Nathan Neidigk, a teacher at Volcano Vista High School in Albuquerque, New Mexico, lost his wife a few years ago and recently had to deal with the catastrophic news that his three-year-old son Mikey has Leukaemia. The cost of shelling out for medical treatment over the next 3 and a half years means that Neidigk has had to forgo treating himself and his son to a Nintendo Switch this Christmas - something his class was aware of.
Keen to see their favourite teacher get some good news, the kids clubbed together $475 and purchased a Switch along with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and surprised Neidigk at the start of class one day.
As you can see from the footage, Neidigk cannot believe his class have been so thoughtful, and seems genuinely touched by the gift. He even mentions that he forces himself to walk past the Switch consoles in his local Target store because he cannot afford one.
Student Kayla Yaksich said:
It was an early Christmas gift for Mr Neidigk. We knew it was the only present he wanted but that the medical bills for his son meant he probably couldn’t afford it. I had tears in my eyes watching his reaction. He had no idea what to expect and seemed to be overwhelmed with the surprise.
Neidigk later commented that the console will be perfect for when Mikey has to stay in hospital during his chemotherapy treatment. He also stated how much his class' generosity means to him amid his current struggles:
These guys are awesome. I’m just incredibly overwhelmed with their generosity and support. It’s the guys and gals in my class that are the big reason that keeps me going during tough times.
If you've been touched by this heartwarming story then you might want to contribute to a Go Fund Me page which has been set up to raise cash to cover Mikey's medical bills.
Thanks to SLIGEACH_EIRE for the tip!
Comments 125
Props to the class for helping out the teacher and his son in getting a Switch, I really hope the kid is going to be able to get through this though
The kids laugh is so annoying....It's good they helped him and everything though!
Best kind of stories!
Just had to have a heated argument with Amazon for delaying my Xenoblade and really was annoyed. Reading this...actually calmed me. A good-hearted deed always has that effect on me.
Those students should be proud of themselves. They did an absolutely amazing thing.
One of my friend's children had his Mario Kart and Zelda stolen. So I raised the funds to replace his Mario Kart and Zelda. Fortunately he got Zelda replaced already so I got him Odyssey instead
It's wonderful to see others doing great deeds like this
Dang that makes me happy to hear!
Such a nice story and what nice kids but man it makes me angry that people in America have to worry about the cost of healthcare and crowdfund to try and pay for it, what a crazy situation for a rich country not to offer universal free healthcare.
How about helping those kids in 3rd world countries who can't afford the Switch as well? Where's their GoFundMe?
It's always heartening to see that there's still room for such acts of kindness in this world - which seems to grow more cynical by the day, at least as far as my subjective, unreflected perception goes
@admwllms It’s really not that hard to get free heath care in the US. You just tell the Hospital you can’t pay for it and they usually wave all the fees. Not the best system but oh well.
@Nincompoop I'm with BensonUii as he's right. If you have that much first world guilt maybe it's best to go elsewhere than a video game news site to handle it?
@SimplyCinnamon53 You're partly right, it depends on the hospital. The two big ones in town here, if you show hardship having insurance or not they'll write it all off for 6-12mo. The other says if you have any insurance, zero discount and you must pay it off in 2 years or less or they'll sue you and/or go to collections because they're crooks.
@SimplyCinnamon53 they don’t wave any fees. Are you from the us?
@Nincompoop There are literally thousands of goodwill projects happening all the time to help needy kids throughout the third world, so if you're sincerely concerned you can pretty easily join one of those and help out. This has nothing whatsoever to do with that.
Not saying this flippantly AT ALL, mind you. My entire extended family lives in that reality, and help is always welcome. But these kids chose to help someone that they know personally who needed a hand. Nothing wrong with that.
What a beautiful story!
@admwllms I somewhat get the point you're trying to make, but let's not forget that far from everyone agrees on the best way to implement such a system in the US, and many people flat out don't want the government involved in anything more than they have to be. It would be a shame to turn this article into a political debate though.
@Nincompoop What these kids did was awesome. Is it going to fix the world's problems? Nope. But this teacher is obviously important to these kids, and you can tell they're important to him as well by his reaction. These kids had a chance to do something nice for someone they cared about, and they took it. It's not like this somehow eliminates the need for all other humanitarian efforts. There's no shortage of gofundme campaigns for you to donate to if that's your thing. Nevermind the fact that there's probably no shortage of people in need in your nearby community if you wanted to get personally involved and try to help people rather than just throwing money at a problem and hoping it goes away.
@Nincompoop Please don't try to act holier than thou when you're also sitting there using your internet connection while others in third world countries can't. It's never been their obligation to help those in 3rd world countries, particularly since the kids in this class specifically did not cause their situation. When people like you show up and turn a good gesture around like this, making it seem like its our duty to be doing something constantly around the world, it ruins the gesture behind what is supposed to be a profound act of kindness.
If you have the time to sit and write your comment on a primarily gaming website, surely you have the time to put money (or your effort) towards those same children you're advocating fairness for?
@Nincompoop Asking for it as always....
See, there's still good in people, if you actually give them a chance to be good and don't judge them for being so--if you actually encourage them to show that side of them--which I think is hard for many people in today's society because it seems like it's just not "cool" to be nice anymore and people are afraid to put themselves out there like that and be vulnerable to ridicule for being all soft and soppy (particularly guys). I have total respect for these kids.
@admwllms Know exactly what you mean. I was in Florida recently for holiday and my son had an accident at a Disney park resulting in an ambulance trip to a local hospital. 5 hours later,and a few stitches for him,we were handed a bill for $1600! Suffice to say, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE GOOD TRAVEL INSURANCE!
@ZeldaToThePast Hence the name. 🤪
I watched the video a couple of days ago. What a perfect example of the current generation of kids doing something good in the world.
Stories like these are lovely little reminders that humanity isn’t complete garbage. Thanks for sharing.
This is a simple feel good story about some students showing their teacher how much they care about him. It doesn't need to be a crazy ass debate about anything else
The bottom line is it was a sweet gesture for a man who lost his wife and may lose his child.
We need more acts of kindness like this in the world.. Big and small.
Video games are powerful escapes that can help some people through tough times. I had a lovely alcoholic father who was a jerk off and my Atari 2600 took me away to another world when I needed it the most. That's why I still play games at 47 yrs old. This guy will now have a few minutes a day to get away
The video is anti-climatic, I am disappointed that no one cried... it's a bad reaction video. There are better videos like that out there, I'm sure.
I got emotional when I read who tipped you off about this story.
@roadrunner343 it's weird though because very other civilised country in the world manages it. Wasn't trying to score a cheap point, just angers me as a dad to see a sick kid potentially go without much needed healthcare.
You're right though, this is no place for politics - let's agree to disagree!
@Nincompoop This is a nice story, why ruin it for everyone with whining.
@SimplyCinnamon53 A friend of mine who's uninsured tried that and got a bill of 11,000.
And he went there to treat a headache.
@Nincompoop Ok, now you're trying way too hard to be an ahole.
Good thing they give us a solution here for such nuisance. Bye, Felicia.
@Cosats People wants to feel warm and cozy with a story like that to escape the fact that they live in a cruel world. It's cute that those kids bought a video game console for their teacher. How's that going to help him? He will be playing Zelda and forgetting the misery of his life?
3-year-old boy to play a Switch ? Zelda will be hardcore for him !
@admwllms I hear you, and don't disagree, it should be possible. My opinion (And your's as well, I'm sure) is just a bit too nuanced to succinctly describe in a short paragraph, and really didn't want to go way off topic on a length rant =)
@Nincompoop You're kidding right? How would have a video game system, which the family can't afford on their own, help a man and his young child with their long, grueling days in the hospital? Yeah, I can't fathom what a little child would want with a video game system.
You also follow up with a truly ridiculous question if he will be playing Zelda and forgetting the misery of his life - Erm... yes? Exactly. Give the kid a chance to have a normal piece of life, even if only for a few minutes. Let him and his father have some fun together and enjoy life, despite the truly terrible situation they are currently in. Or should the only be allowed to wallow in self pity, never again to enjoy any aspect of life because it is "miserable" as you say? Time to grow up.
Given all the horrible things that have happened in the world lately, it's stories like these that give me hope in humanity.
@Nincompoop Exactly, he is going to feel happy about playing the video games he likes and about all these nice people that were so thoughtful and caring about him. Isn't this something to make all of us happy? People loving and caring? I think it is and I think you should too.
@Nincompoop I’m going to go ahead and assume this is an expertly crafted troll post that intentionally reads as the half baked and self contradictory nonsense of a tiresome edgelord.
@Nincompoop This can be a touching story, and we can still acknowledge that the world is cruel. The kids could have done nothing, but instead chose to buy a Switch for their teach and his child. Let's pretend that the teach and his son weren't even Nintendo fans and would never play the system - it's still pretty clear that the kids thoughtfulness meant something to him. He was touched by their generosity and it's a powerful thing to have a group of people that you know care about you.
Of course the world is cruel - he still has a 3 year old with Leukemia, which is terrible, and nothing these kids could have done will ever change that. It does show their support for him and his family, and it gives this teacher and his son a chance to have some fun playing the games they love together - The same reasons I and many others here love Nintendo and video games as well.
@roadrunner343 A 3 years old can't play Zelda, the father will be doing all the playing. It's a good thing Switch is portable, he can use it at the hospital. Nintendo should use this for their TV commercials.
Dude, you don't know what is Kindness.
Your mindset might be contaminated by Tons of Evil 18+ games.
Kindness like that was very touching our hearts. How could you reacted like that ??
If that kid happy by Zelda games, that's a great news, and so what if he still lives in cruel world ?? Just give him some minutes to forget his misery and be happy with Nintendo Switch. Are you expecting he should be live in misery and pain all the time ??
Geez.... What a Heartless you are.
@Nincompoop This kind of remark never really makes any sense.
@SimplyCinnamon53 That only applies to certain situations, like life threatening situations. It's not easy at all to get government paid health care in the USA. Hell, politicians, insurance companies, and the medical industry are viciously fighting the public and the Nurse's unions to prevent any sort of single payer system from coming into existence.
@Anti-Matter You are on to something... I played too much Doom lately, my grandma said it's a Satan game.
What if the teacher made up the fake news, his kid is not sick... he tricked his student to buy him a Switch and games so he can save his money for a vacation? Next thing, you guys will be cursing him and calling everyone gullible and stupid.
@Nincompoop The kid is three and a half. Leukemia is not going away overnight - the kid will continue to get older and likely play Zelda - even if he isn't playing it "correctly" he will no doubt have fun. I first played the original Zelda when I was 3-4. Kids are more tech savvy these days, and I'd say it's easier to run around clueless in BotW and have fun than it was in the original.
Even so, let's pretend Zelda was only a gift for the father. What does that change? Pretty sure he should be allowed to enjoy the game too. Mario Kart can basically be setup to play itself (Steering/throttle assist) so I am certain they will both get enjoyment out of the system. There's also plenty of other cheap indie titles they may be able to pick up to play together.
EDIT: Post #43 - surely, you can't be serious. Your posts have reach a new level of stupidity. I think I'm going to have to agree with the others, this must be nothing more than an elaborate troll job. Let's make up crazy scenarios that have nothing to do with anything! Though, to answer your truly ridiculous hypothetical situation, if something like that were to happen, the students still made an incredibly kind gesture, despite this made up character of your's being a total piece of garbage. But once again - that changes, what, exactly?
@Nincompoop This guys is obviously a troll and is being a jerk for no reason for a reaction.
Three words: GET.A.LIFE
" A 3 years old can't play Zelda, the father will be doing all the playing. "
Don't judge him by his age !
Who said a 3 years old kid can't play video games ?
@Nincompoop Frankly, if I were the teacher, I probably would have thanked the students and refused the gift. It's kind of weird for a teacher to accept a relatively expensive gift like that, especially for their three year old son. The students' hearts are in the right place, but it's a little awkward in this situation. I think visiting the son semi-regularly would be a more effective gift.
"You are on to something... I played too much Doom lately, my grandma said it's a Satan game.
What if the teacher made up the fake news, his kid is not sick... he tricked his student to buy him a Switch and games so he can save his money for a vacation? Next thing, you guys will be cursing him and calling everyone gullible and stupid."
Dude, you are the Real SATAN here !
You definetely have No Idea with their life.
You made an immature assumptions, added with misery and hopeless situation.
What a Heartless you are !
@Anti-Matter 😈😈👹👹💔💔
@PlywoodStick I thought about the same thing. I don't think refusing the gift on the spot would be the right call - after all, the kids pooled their money and if he refused it, they likely wouldn't fully understand why. I do fully understand your point, especially since corporate culture is to refuse any gift over about $50 or so. I'm hoping the teacher just had an off camera conversation with his boss about it later, and knowing the exact situation, everyone was okay with it.
@roadrunner343 Accepting such an expensive gift from student can be considered a bribe in some schools. I bet he will give all students A+ for all the tests.
It's hard for people who haven't been through cancer treatment as a young person to imagine the challenge that comes with the debilitating and at times excruciating long term treatment, physcological and emotional regression. Add to that isolation from your friends, extended family, school life, outdoor play, hanging out in your local area, having the energy and motivation to do anything. Hardly ever getting a good night sleep because your checking temperatures and peeing because you're on hydration. Seeing the hardship and turmoil your family go through trying to help you.
I have not gone through this but I work on a Children's and Teenage chancer unit and I can tell you that the young people get put through the ringer and are never the same afterwards. I think that qualifies as deserving of a little bit of lighthearted fun and the Switch is the perfect machine to deliver it because of the amazing games, great local multiplayer options and portability.
If the dad ends up playing with his son and they have those treasured experiences together it could well be extremely helpful for both of them.
An amazing act of kindness and a lovely response to a very specific circumstance.
Okay, that's it !
A Frontal attack toward me.
I feel Pity to you that have NO Kindness in your heart.
What a Freak Troll !
@frogopus That's a lot of if's. Lots and lots of if's. No one should have to pray and hope just to get treatment, it should be guaranteed, but alas, that's not how it works in reality. All too many people have been refused.
Don't listen to that Troll.
See ? Now he assumed the Negative possibility. Thought that kindness was a Fake and has something fishy behind that.
What a pity of him.
Saw this the other day. Brought out the waterworks
There is still good out there in the world. Kudos to his class!
@PlywoodStick I'm sure if he has a conversation with his superiors (who are probably aware of his extenuating circumstances), they'll be understanding.
Isn't a Switch a bit of a weird gift for a 3-year old though? I suppose he'll be quite a bit older at the end of this ordeal though.
@Anti-Matter Ever heard of Belle Gibson? The fake cancer girl was even promoted by Apple. It was a huge embarrassment for everyone involved.
Now, now, I'm not a huge fan of these "feel-good stories" either, but you don't have to overdo it.
Wow. That's touching.
Gotta love the hearts of kids. Before they grow up and are caught up in selfishness and greed...
Faith in humanity restored, if only the whole world was like this. What a lovely story.
When I was at primary school many years ago our head teacher had a brain tumour which was terminal. He was a massive racing fan, so the parents got together and paid for a track day experience in s supercar. He’s one of the few teachers I remember, as he was such a nice person.
Not going to lie, this brought a tear to my eye.
@Nincompoop a Switch is not exactly what those kids need
@roadrunner343 It's not just that, it's common etiquette (or it used to be) to refuse expensive gifts like this in such a situation, unless it's something like a medicine that you absolutely need to survive, and you have no other good option. It's also a matter of dignity and humility. You give up those things if you accept nonessential gifts like this in this context, especially when the gifters are much younger than you. If the students ran a leukemia education/awareness drive or something, that would have been a more appropriate effort and gift.
@Nincompoop Which is still completely irrelevant, since we don't know what happened off camera. We don't know if he brought it up to his manager. It's also different since it isn't a gift from an organization or individual, it was his class as a whole.
But hey, I like you're style! I'm going to try to piece together your interpretation of the story based on your posts so far. Please let me know how close I am or if I left out any details.
Here, we have a teacher in Albuquerque who is a life long Nintendo fan, disgruntled by Nintendo's recent supply chain issues and his inability to obtain a Nintendo Switch on his own. Rather than paying scalper's exorbitant prices, he fabricates a story about his 3 year old son (Who may or may not even exist) having cancer on the off chance that someone would gift him a Switch. His plan didn't immediately work, so he reminded everyone his wife also passed away a few years ago to hopefully garner some extra sympathy. This was too much for his students to bear, so they decided to purchase him a Switch, knowing that he was a lifelong Nintendo fan. With his recently unboxed Switch in hand, the teacher quickly visited his secret vacation stash of $400 so he could secretly run off to meet his wife (Plot twist! She didn't die either!) for a 2 night stay at a hotel across town, which was all that could be afforded with the money he saved with his long con. All students in his class received A+ wrongfully. They all are accepted into Ivy league schools, only to realize that their teach cheated them by handing out high grades, and they are actually a bunch of dummies incapable of functioning in society.
P.S. You almost had me convinced. But now that I type it all out, that seems a little far fetched to me. And I'm a pretty giant cynic.
@PlywoodStick Yeah, I don't disagree. I'm just trying to put myself in the teacher's shoes, and I think that I personally would have kept up appearances of accepting the gift, at least initially until I could take it to my manager. Again, not even for my own sake - after such a kind gesture from kids, I don't know if they would understand why I refused a gift like that on the spot. It's a tough spot to be in, I think.
@Nincompoop If your concern is starving children in third world countries where people are having a dozen kids despite knowing they can't actually feed them, where in most cases their leaders are hoarding not just wealth but actual food.......maybe hanging out on a video game website isn't the best use of your time? You can also teach those kids how to drink a Nintendo Switch, considering a lack of potable water is probably a greater concern for them than missing the BotW DLC. Or in "utopias" like Venezuela you can always practice your video game aim by helping with a military coup....the locals will help out, I guarantee it! They've been trying for a year!
"I don't mind spending time and money on meaningless entertainment equipment, but other people shouldn't and should take care of those in need instead" is the vibe I'm getting here.
"This situation is terrible and somebody else should do something about it!"
Either that or you just wanted to be contrarian for the sake of it. With Slig missing we're really lacking in the negativity department
Ignore Nincompoop
@UmbreonsPapa Maybe it would be different today, but that wouldn't have gone over well 20 years ago if, for example, the gift were a Game Boy or an N64 in such a case. But I don't think interpretations of professionalism have changed that much.
@NEStalgia I thought aomething was missing... Where's ol' Sliggy?... @nincompoop ! Will you be our replacement Sliggy? Pleaaaaase?
@NEStalgia "This situation is terrible and somebody else should do something about it!" - That's the American way! (Ok, it's that way everywhere, but really bad here) Anytime there's a crisis, we whine our government should do something. Just like with the Syrian refugee incident, everyone here wanted to complain about our government not taking in more or sending aid - you know what could have happened instead? How about people open up their homes to refugees, or donate their own money? We live in a culture where everyone wants to do good with other people's time and money, but not their own.
@PlywoodStick @NEStalgia Aw, let's give the poor guy a break XD Sliggy is the one that tipped them off to this story in the first place.
@vitalemrecords This! That dudes negativity isn’t wanted here. He must have a very bleak opinion of people, I actually feel sorry for him strangely.
@Nincompoop Kids in 3rd world countries have food and water needs. The switch is the last thing they want . Spare us the crap plz
Made my day. How heartwarming 🤧
A story that proves that giving gifts is ultimately so much better than receiving them.
Best wishes to this man and his son.
@Nincompoop Its stories like this that remind people that we may live in a cruel world with countless a**holes but there are still good people out there who try to do the right thing.
Why ruin that with negativity? Yeah, the kid may be too young to play Zelda. But father and son have something they can share with each other, and this kid can play some games at the hospital to help him feel better.
Besides, what does it matter if either of them plays video games to escape the realities of life for a little bit? I'm sure 99% of the people on Nintendo Life, Push Square, and other places would agree with the statement that they play video games to have an escape from the realities of life and a chance to relax.
Maybe its not always something as horrible as what this teacher is going through, but there is a reason why people play not just games, but go to see movies, read books, watch TV, surf Youtube to watch videos of cats doing funny things.
But after reading through your comments, I can come to only two conclusions. You are either a massive troll who is looking to get a rise out of people or you are an honest, bonafide a**hole who lost all sense of morality and decency a long time ago and now spend your time with cynical comments on a story on a Nintendo fansite.
So, there really is no point in me trying to poke holes in your logic, because you'll just ignore me and say some asine thing. I don't know if you are serious about your comments or not since I don't know you in real life.
What I will say is this. You somehow managed to twist what should be a heartwarming story into something that is vile. "This teacher is faking it to get a free switch, kids in the third world aren't getting something like this, these kids only did it to get A pluses on their tests!"
Please, every single thing your type makes you look like an idiot. Even if you are a troll, you are the worst excuse for a troll I have ever seen.
So please, do us all a favor. You have made your opinion crystal clear on your jaded point of view that there is some evil motive and a group of kids can't be that nice.
Or, you're a troll who played out a joke that was never funny and just made you look stupid.
So, do us a favor and leave. Go harness someone else. Because you're not clever, you're not funny, and your opinions are sure as hell not needed here.
Nice gesture for sure.
Don't forget the animal and environment charities people, they need more help
@faint Yes I am, and at least that’s what they do in my state, I didn’t realize that apparently it’s different for different states.
What a lovely gesture. I hope his kid gets better.
@PlywoodStick @NEStalgia He is flying under the radar, he did send in the story after all.
Such a heartfelt gesture. Happy to see that there are still many good people in this world. Especially gamers, since they get a lot of bashing. I hope his son gets well soon.
@SimplyCinnamon53 "waive all the fees" lol, more like, they add all those fees onto the bills of everybody else with insurance.
@roadrunner343 Bingo! Always amazes me how quick people are to demand others to do something about a problem, and chastise others for not doing it. And everyone complaining could directly help, and refuses to. Anyone complaining could hop on a plane and go help dozens or hundreds of people in any of these infernal wastelands TODAY. Instead they insist someone else should. It reveals the real intention. It's never to actually help, it's about not having to feel guilty for not being the one in the wasteland. It's a modified form of survivors guilt that displays itself as preaching. And it of course always comes in ignorance of the dynamics that create the situations to begin with and how their contrived "solutions" either help little or hurt more.
@PlywoodStick Not sure where he's been. Maybe he (thankfully) got tired of arguing with everyone all the time. Maybe he's secretly playing Mario Odyssey on his Switch Maybe he's just busy. I often forget he's one of us cranky old folks and may get caught adulting from time to time
Just donated to the GoFundMe page. Every little helps.
Clearly, nobody here can fully appreciate @Nincompoop's genius. I am disappointed in you all.
If the third-world countries are the crazy breeders, why not move the ever present "population control" arguments THERE? Last I checked, India has over 1 billion people living there, and so does Africa. Although not third-world, China's got over a billion too!
anyone else surprised that students are allowed to give presents to teachers, especially of that value? it definitely wasn't allowed in my school. it could lead to preferential treatment of certain students (or in this case an entire class) over others. no individual student was allowed to gift anything to a teacher here and class gifts had to be under $20.
also I hope he's paying his taxes for it when he has to file his tax return come next year (it's a work-related income so he has to pay income tax for it)
The portrait mode video just gave me cancer. Come on, tilt your phone for landscape, it's really not difficult.
Good job on being the internet, comment section.
Man this is sad and at the same time gives me hope.
@Nincompoop username checks out
@Nincompoop and
Bye twonk
@gurtifus When my son was that age, he would sit and watch me play Wind Waker for hours.
@NEStalgia Slig missing? Have you seen who the NLife crew is thanking for bringing them this article?
Nope, unfortunately, the clueless Wii U git is back...
This is a really nice and wonderful story, and even if you don't appreciate the idea of a teacher getting an expensive gift from his students, maybe you should look a little bit further so you can appreciate the bigger idea of the gesture itself that lies beneath it.
What was given, isn't really that important: it's how much the students cared for their teacher that made them want to brighten up his day and that of his son, just a little bit, no matter for how short of a while that's going to be.
They'll have more than their share of sorrow yet to come, so any positive distraction in that entire process is a blessing, and it should not be mocked, ridiculed or made into something negative.
@manu0 Well you live in Germany and They live in the United States, so a lot of the points you've stated about your school wouldn't really apply, since they're different countries with a different set of rules dealing with these types of instances. America is a lot more relaxed when it comes to something like this, especially when it's just a thoughtful gift for a good cause.
it hurts me to be nice and stuff but
this is fantastic.
Amazing, and they try say to us that there is no more good in the world.
Someone bringing up that the teacher should have to pay taxes on the Switch... LMFAO. There were some seriously deranged posts in this thread. What a great thing his students did, and no it's not like they gave him 500 dollars in cash to bribe for better grades, what a seriously pessismistic attitude, but I realize we do live in a world with so much red tape and regulation that sometimes doing things out of the kindness of one's own heart could get you in trouble, but who cares, they did what they did and it's a great thing.
@SimplyCinnamon53 A friend lost 3 fingers in a freak accident. The hospital told him that he had to shell out 15,000 for each finger. He didn't had the money, but for one, some of its friends paid for a second one. Now, he only has 4 fingers on his right hand.
In my country (I tried to convince him to come here), its a Third World country, but with a little cash, maybe 5,000 dollars, he could have bribed a doctor to get him first in line and have its three fingers sewn back.
@PlywoodStick I was a teacher for 17 years (I still teach once every moon blue, to a Master's degree program). I wouldn't be allowed to receive such gifts. Maybe a coke or a bag of cookies or something like it. There was once this very rich student (his father owned one of the three largest companies in my country) surprised me by bringing me the trunk of his car full of groceries that his father's company made (crackers, cookies, several canned foods). I was a really poor teacher (it was 25 years ago) but I refused. After he passed my subject, he offered i again, but again I refused. I didn't want to tarnish his reputation (as well as mine).
Simply beautiful.
Nice story.
@Nincompoop I think food and shelter is probably higher up their list than video games, but you know, there are charities that help people in third world countries too. There's a charity called Goal who do great work by giving goats and chickens to poor and starving people so they can become self sufficient. You can donate here:
Just to clarify, I'm in no way affiliated to Goal, I just like their 'teach and man to fish' attitude to charity, instead of just throwing money at a problem and hoping it gets to the right people.
@NEStalgia If it weren't for @sligeach_eire we wouldn't be here commenting on this story, as he/she provided the tip. Kind of ironic that you would call them negative when you're being negative right now, and the guy/girl is probably just sick of everyone jumping down their throat when they're in the comments. If I were sligeach_eire, I'd stay away from this toxic comments section too. Nintendo Life used to have a great and very positive comments section, but you're all bringing it down. This is a positive story which 'Sliggy' shared with all of us. You're welcome. Merry F'n Christmas.
Eyy, as I went to that school for an orchestra competition there a year ago, I have heard about that teacher. How nice of the students to get him a Nintendo Switch.
@dkxcalibur Lots of current generation kids do good things. I don't think human kindness goes through fashion trends. It's always there somewhere.
@Frank90 Read 'The Better Angels of Our Nature' by Steven Pinker. We are actually living in the most kind era of human history, by a very long margin. The idea that the world is getting worse is an illusion shared by most humans living in their relative generation.
Things are good. Students can buy a Switch for their teacher, whereas before, they'd be lucky to afford an apple. It's all relative.
Aww, @SLIGEACH_EIRE does have a soul <:3
@maceng You did the right thing. I'm proud of your past self.
@manu0 Nah, Americans are all about dodging taxes. Just look at the people we elect, or take a look at the Paradise Papers. And we just let it get swept under the rug.
Amazing story and a great team effort. Really nice of the kids to love their teacher enough to do that for him. Hope his son gets through any tough times that might be ahead for him!
@The_Mysteron @sligeach_eire not everyone is on the slig complaint bandwagon. Yes he's known for negative posts and it's kind of a meme here now, but some of us actually have nice conversations with him. We've noticed that he hasn't been around much.
It's good to hear a nice news story like this for a switch... I mean change.
@Nincompoop these kids had a personal relationship with the person they were serving and were very thoughtful towards there teacher. They care more than most people I know there age so congratulate them instead of telling them to helps those in third world countries.
@admwllms I believe that any situation where a person must undergo suffering due to their economic situation is inherently political, meaning this artical is political, but that's a discussion for another day indeed.
@amiiboacid yeah 100 percent agree
@ThanosReXXX how nice of you and the others to insult someone, even when they contribute to an article. And you say that Slig is the git here?
@G_M Contributing to an article is not some kind of hall pass for not being called out. And I wasn't insulting him, because it's simply a fact that he is negative 9 out of 10 times, and it's becoming really tiresome.
And the strangest thing is that he is often even negative in articles which he himself offered to the NLife crew, so it's really weird to see them thanking him for the tip, and subsequently seeing the comments section being ruined once again by his never ending negativity.
He has had some good, positive moments, as @NEStalgia noted, but they can literally be counted on the fingers of one hand, which in a way, is actually quite sad.
You mention "others" but apparently feel the need to single me out. Might wanna tag all the people you want to address next time. I have no need or desire to shoulder the entire burden of several people by myself...
@PlywoodStick #117 Lol, pretty much.
@HappyMaskedGuy Interesting, we share this same idea, and my Tai Chi teacher said the same. Very nice.
Also thanks very much for the reading indication, I'll start today.
@Frank90 Thank you for such a polite response. Enjoy your reading
@HappyMaskedGuy I agree!
Maybe I misread your comment back to me; and I apologize ahead if I did, but it almost sounds like you're implying that I meant my comment to be negative. For the record, I did not.
@dkxcalibur Not at all! I've noticed far more empathy and kindness from younger generations today than when I was growing up, and even back then I thought most of the people I hung around with, though rough, had decent manners and humanity. That is, when they weren't punching each other senseless.
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