Flying Tiger Entertainment has announced that it is bringing some of Data East's most beloved arcade titles to the Switch.
Over 20 titles are coming to Switch, PS4, Xbox One and Steam, with the only confirmed game so far being the 1990 fantasy action release Gate of Doom (also known as Dark Seal). Games are expected to sell for $7.99 each on the eShop.
The really weird part of all of this is that Flying Tiger is using Turbo Technologies Inc. mascot Johnny Turbo to promote this range of games. If you need a reminder of this most embarrassing of company figureheads, check out this rather excellent video summary:

The apparent connection here is that Flying Tiger was founded by Johnny Brandstetter, the brand manager for the TurboGrafx-16 (PC Engine) in North America. The character of Johnny Turbo was based on Brandstetter, and we assume that since TTI's collapse in the '90s and Hudson Soft's purchase by Konami in more recent years, he's retained the rights to the character.

Which Data East classics would you like to see come to Switch? Bad Dudes? Midnight Resistance? BurgerTime? Sly Spy? Let us know with a comment.
Comments 84
Loved Midnight Resistance on C64. Would love to play it again.
I am intrigued by these Data East arcade games coming to the Switch as there were a decent amount that never got a home console port back in the day.
However, I will need to see how well these games are emulated before getting too excited. Would have much preferred Hamster do these instead.
Karnov, Chelnov...infact all the 'ovs'! (and Ring King - to this day the most satisfying punches captured in sprite form!)
Darn it, I thought Johnny Turbo’s presence meant that several of the PC Engine shm’up titles were coming to Switch.
Still I like retro collections; if the games are equivalent to 16 bit titles.
Midnight Resistance. What a game. It may be nostalgia speaking but I remembered it being brilliant and so was the music. And on the C64 no less.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE The arcade had one of those Ikari Warrior turny knob joysticks (to give it it's technical name) so you could shoot in 8 directions. Not sure how it would translate to home console...
Midnight Resistance is one of my most favourite games ever. Flood of Power is the single greatest piece of music ever composed for video games too.
My very first video game cover/remix. Good times!
It's good, but $8 for very old games? Bit Steep
They released a WII collection that had 15 of these games all in the disc.
Now they're going to try and sell you 20 games for $8 a piece... That's ridiculous!
The Cliffhanger: Edward Randy, for the love of God!
But also:
*Midnight Resistance
*Windjammers (although, since Hamster did Spin Master, they may do this one, too)
*Vapor Trail
*Burger Time
*Night Slashers
*Tag Team Wrestling (it's ancient--and hasn't aged well--but I still want it!)
@Rika_Yoshitake that collection, alas, skipped a lot of DE's better games including everything I listed, minus Burger Time, and much more.
Joe & Mac please
I have to agree with the others, $8 is too much. I know I won't be paying that. That puts them at the same price as SNES games on the Virtual Console eShop and that's just wrong.
Boogie wings and The cliffhanger Edward Randy both classics
@DM666 nice profile pic!
Come on Sega, I never got to play the real Golden Axe 2
Burger Time. Burger Time all night (although I'd prefer to see the Intellivision release, which was actually better than the arcade version).
@vitalemrecords yep, managed to get my Crimson tickets for next November!
Midnight Resistance! I remember that... We wanted an NES one Christmas but got a C64 instead, but we ended up loving it anyway. Bad Dudes rings a bell as well.
Well it better have Gates of Bloody Thunder on there, or using Johnny Turbo is a wasted opportunity.
Huh earlier stories made it appear like it was to be a bundle package sort of like the earlier Wii releases of DE titles on a disc.
Given the thin nature of most the games $8 each is robbery. My interest is shot.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE "Flood of Power" is an amazing song, that C64 rendition is excellent, but the Mega Drive one is my personal fave!
Windjammers isn't owned by Data East anymore but for the love of Arceus, somebody please release it for Switch!
Bad Dudes, Midnight Resistance, Robocop
Joe and Mac/Caveman Ninja is probably the only DE title I could care about.
Of the games that could be released under this series, I'd want:
-Bad Dudes
-Two Crude Dudes
-Heavy Barrel
-Midnight Resistance
-Sly Spy
-Ring King
-Express Raider
-Vapor Trail
-Joe & Mac
What I really want but we can't have, for various reasons:
-Captain America and the Avengers
-The Real Ghostbusters
-Cobra Command (laser disc game)
-Road Avenger (laser disc game)
Not a bad list, actually. I thought I'd be grasping.
@Damo Very nice.
Gimme Joe & Mac!
WOW INCREDIBLE NEWS!!! I really thought these games would come from Hamster at some point!
Burger time
Joe and Mac
Sly Spy
Atomic Runner
Midnight Resistance
Vapor Trail
Ring King
Bad Dudes vs Dragon Ninja
Cobra command
Boogie Wings
Peter Pepper
Lock N Chase
Robocop...if possible
Bring em all!!!
Sega when are you gonna sit up and take notice to this trend??
3 Words .... Two Crude Dudes
@RadioShadow gates of thunder was Hudson soft and now owned by Konami. Lords of thunder as well. Great shooters!!
How about some good old Side Pocket
High Seas Havoc or Congo's Caper would be a good choice too.
LOL, we don't need weasel words, Johnny Turbo wasn't "one of" the worst, he WAS the worst! I defy anyone to find anyone as bad.
Really hoping the emulation is arcade perfect on these Data East titles. Their back catalogue has some really fun and humorous - not too mention bonkers (Trio the Punch anyone? 😂) - games.
I didn't know about Dark Seal but it looks very intriguing, I think I'll buy it.
Captain America and the Avengers
Karate Champ
Two Crude Dudes
Joe & Mac
Road Blaster
I got the Hori Arcade stick. With these old Neo Geo, Data East and Irem games... It's kind of makes the bartop I built seem a little redundant.
Bad Dudes and Karnov! Bad Dudes and Karnov! And really, Bad Dudes is optional; I still have my Data East Wii disc.
Burger Time is still great, Joe & Mac was an amazing co-op platformer...one of the only ones at the time along with classics such as Chip & Dale: Rescue Rangers, and Bad Dudes....have fond memories of that game and always think of that one first when I hear Data East or beat em ups in general (right after Double Dragon.)
Johnny Turbo on the other hand......everything about that was so awful.
@WiiHawk I love the Intellivision version. That's indeed the best one of all!
Hamster, Zerodiv and now Flying Tiger Entertainment. Damn...I'm just going to have to set up a direct debit. Hopefully Namco will release a Museum Volume 2 and Capcom and Konami get a wiggle on!
A shame about licensing, because Captain America and the Avengers would be cool to see.
Night Slashers and Desert Assault/Thunder Zone are cool games. The arcade version of Bloody Wolf is also another good pick without obvious licensing issues.
Karnov was the game I rented and rented and rented. I would like to take another whack at that.
Bad Dudes vs. Dragonninja and Crude Buster please. "What a day...!"
@KingSandyRavage road blaster is Atari now owned by Warner Bros
I guess Hamster is teaching these companies "why sit on all those arcade games when you can cash in on them all, title by title.".
@DM666 Me too, one of my most played games on that system. Oddly enough, next to Nightbreed, which was almost universally reviled.
@masterLEON I was going to say I really want Cap but that isn't going to happen.
Wolf Fang
Skull Fang
Express Riders
Act Fancer
Nitro Ball
all should be on there.
Here are my all-time favorite Data East games:
Tumblepop (arcade)
Joe & Mac Returns (arcade)
Diet Go Go (arcade)
Congo's Caper (SNES)
Joe and Mac for days.
lets get cliffhanger edward randy
and freakin night slashers
@NinChocolate well there goes yer gate of doom. now youll have both games, including wizard fire.
i thought id never see gate of doom on a system.
I don't get why people are complaining, y'all said you want Virtual Console and this is as close to one. Sure there are compilation of these games elsewhere but so was the countless other NeoGeo games that Hamster is offering. I bet if Sega was doing this y'all would still complain why they wouldn't just bring out a compilation instead. They are bringing these games to you from the bottom of their heart and want your money so give it to them.
As of right now it's the prefect time for Sega to open the arcade vault.
SHADOWRUN!! SNES, gimme dat Shadowrun, oh yea
Bump 'n' Jump and Lock 'n' Chase, please. The audio emulation was poorly done on Data East Arcade Classics for the Wii on these two.
It seems like after SNK released their Neo•Geo Station games at $8.99 a pop, other publishers used that as a price guideline. ($8-$9)
I feel a better price point for these classic games should be $4.99. That's what most PS1 Classics sell for, and at least those are Cross-Buy with (usually) PSP, Vita, PS3, and PSTV.
Sega Vintage Classics and Capcom Arcade Cabinet games were also around this price, and I bought just about all of them!
I would love to see them concentrate on the late 80's era. We have plenty of ACA games.
@spoonmanx Yeah for me $8 works for ACA since the platform is notoriously expensive to collect for, and since they are mostly 90's games it also brings up the value a bit, but when it comes to these 80's arcade classics I think $5 is a far more reasonable price.
@retro_player_22 I would kill to see Sega jump on the Switch classic train. God knows they have a pile of them!
@Angelic_Lapras_King as I’ve said many times, I’m really surprised companies like Sega, Atari, Capcom & Konami are still NOT taking the Hamster approach. Maybe they’re waiting on Nintendo to reveal their classic service and will be on board with that? I just hope we get them one way or another!
I have that Wii Collection so I'm good. Glad I bought it when it was released for just $20.
@joey302 The Atari content before Warner split the company in 1984 and Atari Games was formed which carried on with arcade gaming (And eventually ended back at Warner Brothers a few years back), is with AtGames.
We've had two Atari compilations so far on the Xbox One and Playstation 4 with the usual games like Asteroids (Minus Battlezone, which sadly got sold off), along with Sprint 8 which was newly emulated in a commercial compilation.
And a third is confirmed for 2018 with an unknown lineup. Hopefully some arcade games like Food Fight make the cut.
Yes, Atari Games was the coin op division of Atari Inc. Which was NOT sold to the stupid Tramiel family- they bought the home division portion of Atari inc only, which were the consoles and computer hardware and software lineup.
Atari Games continued to make coin op games like paperboy, Gauntlet etc and eventually when they wanted to complete in the home markets again, they created Tengen because naturally & legally, they couldn’t use the Atari name in the home console market- only on the coin op games.
I didn’t know that about Battlezone and I already have both compilations on PS4 and Xbox One and also wasn’t aware that a volume 3 is on the way for 2018! Nice! Food Fight used to be one of my favorites! I also picked up the At Games Atari Flashback Gold Edition last week with 120 built in games including quite a few Activision titles which were some of the greatest 2600 games ever! Nice little mini console!
I miss the Atari days!! I used to hate Nintendo and rooted for Atari and Sega consoles all the way! Wow have times changed- now I root for Nintendo to hang in there and so happy the Switch has reversed their situation after the Wii U did so badly! Maybe this “Ataribox” will get Atari back in the market somehow....if it’s good. But I do miss Atari and Sega not making consoles anymore! Happy holidays! 😊
Uncensored Night Slashers please.
This is amazing news! There are so many great Data East games I'd like to see on Switch, if the released a load of them on one cartridge that would be amazing!
I'd definitely like to see the underrated Boogie Wings. It's a great shooter but didn't do well when it first came out, probably because it put a different spin on the genre.
I would also like to see:
** Bad Dudes vs Dragon Ninja
** Tumblepop
**Crude Buster
11:43. who's the monkey?
It’s Turbo Time? There’s a Jingle All the Way video game? I’d buy it
Night Slashers is an amazing game! Do hope it’s released.
@AcridSkull https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ie1yVhXkpCU
Just for you. Whoever says the SNES sound chip always beats out the Genesis hasn't listened to stuff like this. I'm amazed that this is output from a console, not a PC88...!
Ring King!!
I couldn't resist making this goof my profile picture
@PlywoodStick Love the MD version, but the C64 version was what I grew up with. I feel sorry for anyone that had the Amiga version of Midnight Resistance, Pan Pipes 😂
If Heavy Barrel Makes It , I'll Love Them Forever !
@NinChocolate Wolf Fang is a classic, shame it was never released on the EU PSN; stuck on my JP Vita.
How about the Rampage classics? Also, just out of curiosity, there were a lot of great companies in the past...I've been wondering on what happened to VIRGIN games and why they have never been revisited again...The Mic and Mac titles (Global Gladiators) had great reviews on the NES and GENESIS, granted they were inspired by McDonalds. I'd also like to see the original NES Nightmare On Elm Street and for some reason, the Friday The 13th NES title get put back out. It would also be nice to get the Disney Afternoon collection on Switch (since they originated on the NES, and are out on PS4)...also, how about the Dejavu (8-Bit Adventure Collection that's out on PS4) to be released on the Switch. If this is the only way to get virtual console games from other companies, then so be it. Cap com could also get in on this and finally release the Goonies 2 game.
BurgerTime for Intellivision was the first game I ever played
So will we finally get episode #46 now of Johnny Turbo?
@joey302 No Food Fight was confirmed to me by an AtGames insider, but here's a partial list of the lineup for Atari Flashback Volume 3 for the XB1/PS4.
Adventure II (2600; Modern-day homebrew sequel)
Air Raiders (2600; M-Network release)
Aquaventure (2600; Never released 1983 prototype)
Asteroids (5200)
Astroblast (2600; M-Network release)
Atari Baseball (B&W 1979 Atari arcade release)
Atari Football (B&W 1979 Atari arcade release)
Avalanche (B&W 1978 Atari arcade release)
Canyon Bomber (B&W 1977 Atari arcade release)
Centipede (5200)
Fire Truck (B&W 1978 Atari arcade release)
Frog Pond (2600; Never released 1982 prototype)
Holey Moley (2600; Never released 1983 prototype)
Maze Invaders (Never released 1981 Atari arcade proto)
Millipede (5200; Never released 1984 prototype)
Missile Command (5200)
Monte Carlo (1980 Atari arcade release)
Pool Shark (B&W 1977 Atari arcade release)
Saboteur (2600; Never released 1983 prototype)
Sky Diver (2600)
Star Raiders (5200)
Star Strike (2600; M-Network release)
Super Breakout (5200)
Xari Arena (5200; Never released 1983 prototype)
Yars’ Return (2600; Modern-day homebrew sequel)
Lineup should be 50 games, so this should hopefully just be half of it. Achievement/trophy list is now public. Atari 5200 games are included as well as the first appearance of a lot of Atari's black & white microprocessor based arcade lineup, but the Atari 7800 isn't (Not many fully owned 1st party 7800 games to make it worthwhile to emulate commercially).
@Atariboy wow that’s pretty cool! Atari 5200 is a big surprise but they’re missing Countermeasure and a few other originals like the 5200 realsports series- esp RS Baseball- which blew my mind, Tennis & Soccer! On the 7800, i would love to see the 7800 Asteroids, Midnight Mutants, Ninja Golf, Fatal Run, Motor Psycho, Ballblazer, Planet Smashers, Alien Brigade, Scrapyard Dig and Desert falcon, and of course Food fight! I Can’t wait to see what’s missing on that list! Also just an FYI, Asteroids on the 5200 was NEVER released either! 😉 Finally Atari Should bring ALL of these compilations to the Switch!!
So...like...er...where did the games go?
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