A Reddit user by the name of OldSoul 2 has apparently been accidentally sent an email by an EA employee which reveals the timing of the next Nintendo Direct, as well as confirmation that Fe is to be shown during the broadcast. Fe is also given a release date of February 18th.
While it's hard to verify that the image is authentic, it's incredibly elaborate - which would suggest that this is the real deal. Also, the timing for the Direct broadcast makes sense, although some were hoping that we'd get one in December.
Do you think this is official, or just a really good hoax?
[source resetera.com, via resetera.com]
Comments 76
I really want to try FE, but since EA is tied to it, Im pretty torn
Sounds good. One thing the Switch is sorely missing is EA loot boxes!
We better be getting one by the end of this year.
I fear anything associated with EA is somewhat toxic.
I expect one in Jan.
The Sims!!! THE SIMS!!!
Don't source from a hateful den of scum like Resetera.
Would of thought a bit sooner for a Direct. I mean I'm sure anyone picking up a Switch for Xmas would like to have some idea what's coming in the next 3 months, whether it be 1st or 3rd party or indies......
It makes sense, Nintendo hasn't really been talking about 2018 in any depth. Once Xenoblade is out there isn't anything out there which they have given any substantial marketing to yet.
Also super glad FE is on switch, it's captured my imagination since it was first revealed at EA.
Feel like this is EA's answer to the Acclaimed UbiArt mid tier games. I don't see them interfering with Development at all here as this is their token "Artisan game"
I believe. Would love to see a bit more of Fe too.
@TheWhiteFalcon Someone's salty.
I figured this would be happening after the holidays. Hopefully they flesh out 2018 with some exciting new stuff.
@Captain_Gonru Early advertising... that means NL is working with EA! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
The fact that they don't have an actual date in January is the only reason I'm not throwing this out. Given when it seems to be made (pre-august), there's no way Nintendo would have given them anything more than a window.
And I thought this place was the last safe haven from the EA/lootbox discussion...
I would love to see a Direct that addresses three things:
1). Spotlight Yoshi and Kirby, since those are the next two "big" first party titles.
2). Reveal a few third-party titles (please be Dark Souls, please be Dark Souls)
3). FINALLY unveil plans for your online service, including the LONG FRIGGIN' OVERDUE Virtual Console!
Even if genuine it doesn't really reveal anything. The Direct is a vague JAN TBC, and the Fe release date is Feb 18, as in 2018, not 18th Feb.
"The Sims!!! THE SIMS!!!"
The Sims 4 for Switch, EA !!!
Hmm... Looks fake.
There's a mention of "work with Nintendo" and no sign of microtransactions or loot boxes.
I'm one of those who would have preferred December, after XC2 tomorrow and to kind of counter PSX which is having 100 PS4 games, but January won't be too bad.
Would be nice if Ntineod takes advantage of both Mario and Zelda being up for GOTY award at Game awards and unveils something there like SSB4 Deluxe or SMM2 for the spring. Even more Metroid would be nice. Or Pikmin 4. Something to hold us over and get us even more excited for the ND.
If there's nothing new at the Game Awards the wait until the Jan ND is going to feel long and barren. Well unless Nintendo finally remembers Champions Ballad is due out in 2017, which only has 32 days left, and I'm assuming it isn't releasing today, so that leaves only 31 more days.
As to the authenticity of this, doesn't matter, if we don't get an ND in Dec we are getting one in Jan, 2018 has nothing yet. Not even one of those infographics where Ntinedo gets half of the release dates wrong.
Btw, my reaction...
I heard a Rumour.
It said EA will have Direction 2018.
@TheWhiteFalcon Salty? 🤣
Yeah, GG'ers were prematurely celebrating that neoGAF had died... but it really didn't. It just moved to a new location.
And now I'm beginning to see sites sourcing resetEra like they use to do with Gaf.
Nothing changed after all. Just the name.
I highly doubt we‘ll get one in December, even without all the evidence for a January one in this article. Nintendo should focus all their marketing on software already available and purchasable for the holidays. Plus, Reggie already stated they‘d talk 2018 when it‘s actually 2018.
@Angelic_Lapras_King We know about as much of Switch's lineup as we do PS/Xbox's. The only difference is more 3rd party games for PS/Xbox, like Ni No Kuni, Monster Hunter, and DBZ FighterZ announced for Jan/Feb
Fe looks amazing, but am scared about the link to EA
@Malcrash don't let the developers that worked super hard to create a project suffer because of who they were able to convince to be their publisher.
I am not sure I want to buy anything EA related anymore... I do not care about the game which creates the whole internet rant about (non-cosmetic) micro-transactions for a full priced game. But the practice in itself disgusts me.
Could always be a Direct in December also, just does not feature this game.
Loot boxes yay!!! it is coming !! Yay!! Pay-2-win for p who dun have time to play !! Yay!!
Oh... it is switch that you can bring it with you... oh no...
I'm sure there is a direct coming in January. Though i still think we get a separate December direct to address the second DLC pack for BOTW.
If EA were to support Switch, I would love to see a sequel to Boom Blox! Create software that is a custom fit. If they try the loot box crap, though, I will not buy it. I can't bring myself to support that ridiculous practice.
I was honestly hoping to get one this year that would address imminent DLC for a certain game. I guess they could announce it at the Game Awards when they pick up GOTY though.
What does EA have to do with a Nintendo Direct?
Fe has my interest as a game, but the main thing that grabbed my attention for this article was the mention of how close the next Nintendo Direct might be. I'd say we might be looking at one in December to cover some aspects of the Switch Online features, along with a look at the 2018 lineup.
@rjejr I'm guessing the Video Game Awards will be happy to host an exclusive with Nintendo and Nintendo will be happy to take advantage. Not just because Nintendo is so pervasive in the nominations, but I think the past experiences have been good for both parties.
And, if that's the case, there's just no need for a direct by the end of 2017. We can't forget that Nintendo has actual ads, now, too, for getting the word out. Not to mention sales that are insane and two game of the year candidates. Milking that, rather than speaking to the future, is best, for now.
A direct in January will be perfect to let all those new Switch owners find out what's in store for them, and it is nicer if they "save up" a couple of big announcements for then, rather than "waste" them during a time when they are just meeting demand.
But, yeah, one key announcement or tease during the awards show would be nice. Especially if Nintendo can show a little bit of a game that might be Game of the Year worthy in the future, to get some association with the current awards nominees.
That said, Super Smash Bros Switch would be such a ridiculous crowd pleaser, and maybe an audience reaction would be best. (Key feature: switch out character -tag team style- during a battle?).
@kokjopan You can take mobile games with you everywhere, doesn't stop those people from spending hundreds, if not thousands to advance faster.
Seems plausible, since very little has been announced for Nintendo's 2018 release schedule. I was expecting one soon.
I figured they’d do one for the Zelda dlc next month. Maybe that’s for the award show instead after it wins game of the year.
@Angelic_Lapras_King Most people picking up a Switch for Christmas will want to know what games they can get for it for Christmas, not what games they'll be able to buy in April. January will be soon enough for that information.
Doesn't January mark the start of Q4 for Nintendo? I'm guessing that's part of the reason they have Directs in January. Also, the post-Holiday calm.
@TheWhiteFalcon Ironically your comment is more hateful than 99.9% of posts on there. Resetera is one of the most liberal, hate free and welcoming communities on the web. Also this site has always used GAF for news ideas so that will continue from ResetEra now. Better get used to it. I even saw the "milking" pun from the mario cereal article there first.
I'm glad that Fe is not owned by Microsoft. Ori will never come to Switch because of that.
No surprise. Everyone predicted a January 2018 Direct.
I think people would be very happy if Nintendo keeps doing what they did this year. Big presentations in winter and summer (Summer would be E3 of course) and then smaller ones in spring and fall.
Seems believable enough to me. I'm actually quite curious about Fe. It's the one EA thing I'm still kind of hopeful for at this point.
@PorllM If ResetEra is anything like NeoGAF, then it's a totalitarian nightmare of a community. Bans for wrongthink, witch hunts left and right, a smarmy, self-righteous community, etc.
With that said, I see nothing wrong with linking to them for information.
@Ralizah one of the main aims in setting up ResetEra was to move away from that side of Gaf and to allow balanced discussion from all opinions as long as it’s not hateful, racist etc. It’s too early in the sites life to say whether or not they’ve achieved that fully, but no, it’s nothing like neogaf in that regard. However even if it was, the poster I replied to was specifically saying hate, even if Era carried on all those negative aspects of Gaf that you mentioned, hate was never prevalent there.
How the direct will go:
EA representative comes out. “Our trashy port of FIFA didn’t sell well so don’t expect more Nintendo Switch games. Thank you for understanding.”
Ugh, EA....just keep your games away from our systems....please...
I don't really if care if EA is tied to Fe, I need Fe and I think we all know that the game will likely be Nintendo friendly.
Who can resist that creature ^^.
As for the Nintendo Direct part I think it seems likely with January and we need to get to know about Nintendo Online Service soon or later so :+).
The Sims?!, I prefer MySims and SimCity!!
I'm still hoping Madden 19 will be for the Switch too. Considering how well the Switch is doing maybe EA will jump back in Nintendo.
It sounds plausible for me. Since EA basically has started a dumpster fire with their brand in the Xbox/PS world, it would make perfect sense for them to attempt to bring their special kind of greed to the Switch. (Have to make up that bottom line people).
But to be fair, all the major third party publishers seem to be on the same path that EA is on. They are just haven't been quite as obvious, arrogant or stupid about it. Third party top management apparently have collectively forgotten games should be fun and not just psychological warfare waged against the player to separate them from their money.
@aaronsullivan "(Key feature: switch out character -tag team style- during a battle)."
OK, now your'e getting a bit carried away, I just want Deluxe, w/ a combination of the 3DS and Wii U games with all DLC included. Well not the $50 worth of Mii costumes, they can leave those guys out as they sort of already did on Switch. But I do have the Cloud and Bayonetta amiibo, wouldn't mind using them. I bought the 2 amiibo but not the $7 DLC so I can play with them, but not as them. Stupid Nintendo DLC and amibo implementation.
But anything they want to show at TGA should hold us over until the ND in JAn. As long as they show something. Even a 2 minute Metroid trailer. It's the wrong crowd for Pokemon though.
They will announce loot boxes for Fe
But seriously, I hope they will talk about the upcoming Yoshi and Kirby Switch games and hopefully - finally - unveil the virtual console for the Switch.
Seeing EA prepping, in 2017, to hype a product as “one of the most anticipated games of 2019!” is all kinds of hilariously sad.
You guys sure you don’t wanna push that back another year? You could probably still get away with calling it The Single Most Critically Acclaimed Game of 2020 if you wanted for, like, at least another six months or so.
I thought Fe meant Fire Emblem , when will we get some news on that?
looks like a game for all the mustachioed lads (and ladies) to play while they wait for their kale and bush-nut flavoured beer to ferment .
@Kimite When Fe sells best on Switch I wonder if it will occur to EA that there is money to be made on the system, but that they have to appeal more to Nintendo's audience and less to the power twins' to get it.
This game looks amazing. EA is a tied to it. If it is good it is good. That is what matters to me and I am interested in this game.
@Malcrash And because EA is tied to it, and they've shown their true colors in the UK market already I'm ignoring it as if it doesn't even exist. When they decide to grow up and not sabotage their own releases so they can fire off their canned excuses on the back end then I'll think otherwise.
The only FE to me is Fire Emblem, everything else will perish...what?
@Malcrash I'm not torn at all. No EA crap is going to stain my beautiful Switch!
@Malcrash I'm not torn at all. No EA crap is going to stain my beautiful Switch!
I honestly thought the internal memo was going to say that EA was cancelling all future switch support.
I’d heard whispers of a January Direct a week or so back. From what I’ve heard, Nintendo will use the broadcast to announce a deal with Devolver Digital to bring the majority of their titles to Switch. So far we have RiME from them and Enter the Gungeon is on the way.
I guess this leaked email adds some credence to that news, but the one thing that makes me question it’s authenticity is that they said Nintendo will also announce a new Kid Icarus game. If that were the case, surely they’d save that kind of news for E3, right?
Fe to win?
@nintendolife what is the actual date in January?
January makes sense. Fe looks good.
January direct is what I was expecting- online PAYG, voice chat, new headsets, kirby and yoshi release dates for March and April.
Not intrested in FE.
The game looks nice, but no more EA for me, ever again. I can't support a company that is THAT anti-consumer.
@JimmySpades It won't surprise me if Fe ends up selling best on Switch, beside Steam maybe as Steam has a much larger audience, but I think the Switch will likely generate high sales for Fe :+).
I think EA might have the wrong mentality in terms of Switch if they just base their success on Fifa on the Switch, as Fifa aren't really interesting for a lot of Nintendo fans, or at least for me.
I think Sims and a improved Spore would likely be better to base their impressions on. Still I don't know every game EA has so, might be more games there that I don't know about that would be good for the Switch.
Either way, EA has to adapt a little to the Nintendo audience if they want to sell, as many Nintendo fans don't really have the same taste as the mainstream audience, so they have to adapt in a sort of way.
Will be interesting to see how it goes for Fe, EA and Nintendo :+).
If I were the devs behind Fe or A Way Out, I would desperately be trying to switch my publishing contract to Nicalis right about now.
OTOH, I don't know why they don't bring A Way Out to Switch. It's a couch coop game ONLY, and Switch is the only console that's marketed around the idea of couch coop. The platform with the baked in audience is the one theyr'e skipping. BUT I didn't know Fe was coming, so I'm still excited for that.
@Kimite "blah blah blah I think EA might have the wrong mentality blah blah."
There, I fixed it for you!
Serously, though, you're right about them using FIFA as a baseline...it's the wrong baseline and they still don't understand the market. Fe may help to fix that I hope. They have some series that would work but they've abandoned nearly all of them. Dungeon Keeper, Ultima, Sims, Populous (the original WAS on the SNES pre-EA...one of my first SNES games!), (Dungeon Keeper would be so awesome a Switch game....that was a fantastic series they killed), Bard's Tale. For that matter, Dragon Age which is a TES (Skyrim) competitor.
They have so many franchises that they mostly own because they bought the companies that owned them, then destroyed them and sat on the IP and today put all their effort into their 5 big series, and apparently can't even fund them without lootboxes.
Ironically people never complained about the pay-to-win stuff back in the days of arcades games. The best way I describe EA is Aesop's Fables The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs.
If anyone wants to know what happen game developers after EA shut them down here is a Original -> Current list of where they are now:
Bullfrong -> Two Point Studios, 22Cans, and 5Lives Studios
Westwood -> Petroglyph Games
Origin Systems, Inc. -> Cloud Imperium Games and Portalarium
From what I have heard, Metroid Prime 4 is in a state that is ready to be shown, though that is no concrete indication that the game will be present at the January 2018 Direct.
Nevertheless, the possibility that the game could see a 2018 release has increased significantly IMO. It will almost certainly be released by 2019.
@NEStalgia I didn't see your comment before now for some reasons, but due to how you was towards me in the beginning of the comment, I am not going to properly answer you in case you wonder and wanted to let you know.
Anyway, I hope you have a good day :+).
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