Splatoon 2 has followed the path of its predecessor in delivering regular (often weekly) content for free. A lot of the time we're receiving new weapons or outfits, but Nintendo has now unveiled a whole lot of upcoming goodies in a new trailer.
There are multiple new stages, hair styles, a fresh battle mode, new amiibo functionality and more on the way. First of all, get a quick overview below.
These additions will be split into two major updates - one is coming this week on 24th November, and the other is coming in mid-December.
So, let's break it down.
Update on 24th November
- MakoMart stage (enters rotation on Saturday)
- A new Salmon Run stage, Salmonid Smokeyard (available from Friday)
- 140 extra pieces of gear
- New music from "the punk-flavoured Bottom Feeders (pictured) and classically-trained avant-garde-style Ink Theory"
- New hair styles
- Scan Splatoon amiibo to take in-game pictures
- Max level raised to 99
- Swap gear between battles within the online lobbies
Second update in mid-December
- Clam Blitz battle mode - "Competing Inklings are tasked with collecting clams scattered around the stage. After one is picked up, the clam weirdly follows you. Your objective is to throw the clam into the basket near your opponent’s base. The first team to score 100 points wins! The baskets are protected by a barrier, which must be destroyed first. After collecting 10 clams, you’ll earn a Power Clam. These super-powered clams are the key to breaking the barrier, so strategy will definitely be involved in deciding which clams are used to destroy the barrier and which are used to earn points. Not to mention the extra-satisfying opportunity to steal your opponents’ clams by splatting them."
'Coming Soon'
- New stage - Shellendorf Institute
- Two more returning stages - Walleye Warehouse and Arowana Mall
Let us know what you think of these upcoming update in the comments.
[source nintendo.co.uk]
Comments 88
WoW...That’s true, good value for the price of the game
The gear swap mid lobby will shut a lot of people up..and horribly date reviews...
Awesome stuff. May give me a reason to return to the game this holiday.
That's a huge update that really bulks up the game substantially over the original.
Personally I'm really looking forwards to the new Salmon Run map.
This is very very impressive! I guess I need to get back into Splatoon 2 again.
I haven't played Splatoon 2 in a while. I'm super hyped for this update though.
Not too big on the new hair styles but new clothes are always welcome, though, I already have my perfect gear sets. I love both of the new stages from the looks of them alone, the return of Walleye and Alowana is also awesome. Level raised to 99? Sure hope the progression is not like in Splatoon 1's raise to 50.
Just when I was starting to play the game less and move onto other things, they pull this. Welp, I'm sorry backlog but you're gonna have to wait a bit longer.
Welp, back into the madness for me clearly.
Octolings cry in the corner. Your day will come....
Swapping gear between matches is a good enough update alone.
Nice amount of new content. I'll check it out in December when I'm visiting my family. I don't have an internet connection I can use to play Splatoon in my own apartment.
Wow, that's a sizeable update indeed! Arrives at a very awkward time though, with the subscription-based online dropping next year. Gonna make the most out of it while it's still free.
Now let us play more than 2 maps at a time.
@NinjaWaddleDee Yep, at this point there are too many stages to not have at least a 3 stage rotation.
My only concern is where the heck is my N-ZAP '89? It's my favorite weapon and it's just not here. ;~;
Nice! Finally being able to swap gear between matches is a much needed feature.
And even though i like my hairstyle anf clothes, nice to see more coming to the game
What a awesome update to bring in new players for the christmas season!
I'm so happy I'm gonna cry!
Well, this is certainly exciting news to hear after the disappointment that is the digital-only release of RE Revelations over here. I'm quite excited to give this update a spin! Wonder why the level cap was raised to 99 though- seems a little unnecessary to me, unless it's just a way to get more Snails to people out there, at which point I'm not sure why they don't just go the Splatoon 1 route, but just make it necessary to play more battles for it (for now until Splatfests are done).
Now, this is how you do additional content!
Wow! New stages look awesome. Can’t wait for all the new styles and battle mode.
"Mako Mart"
I thought I read "Mario Kart".
Just in time for all the new fresh meat we will get on CHRISTmas. 😉
New Ranked mode means everyone’s at C- for that rank, which means at the beginning people of ALL skill levels will be at the same rank in that mode. I’m scared
WOW! Totally unexpected and this will breathe some new life into the game for sure! I'm looking forward to popping this cart back in my Switch.
This makes me very happy. Just when I get burnt out on the game they do this. I’ve put in 250 hours and it looks like that number is going to be much, much higher by the time I’m done with the game. Splatoon is never ending fun and a huge value. Now I just want Camp Triggerfish back.
Licensing issues...
On several forums (including here) several users are quick to throw Nintendo into the same bag as EA, Activision or Ubisoft when it comes to DLC.
I guess those companies also provide FREE DLC... (yeah right)
Amazing news. A new ranked mode would be great. I keep playing this game all the time and that wont change anytime soon I see!
Nice, but I was hoping they would have a better way to play online with friends
The more they add the more I'll lament over missing content when the Switch online support is no more.
It's bittersweet to me.
@StupidName64 In reality that will last for about 20 minutes before they are high above everyone else.
@Paraka What do you mean no more?
In a matter of hours the best squids will have gone up, as the game lets you increase more than a rank at a time if you are good enough.
This update sounds awesome! Just started playing splatoon 2, only level 8, but it is so much fun I try to play a few matches every night before bed. Interesting the level cap is 99, I have played 42 matches total so far and won half of them and usually finish top on my team. Is there something I am missing to level up faster?
Wonder if they ever ran into Octodad at the market? Cue fan theories.
I read 'Mako Mart' as 'Malo Mart'
Why aren't we getting Loot Crates like everybody else on those other consoles?
@PuppyToucher EXP tickets - you can get them fromSalmon Run and in Single player mode - buy Snacks from Crusty Sean's snack van to get EXP boosts. .
@Nintendoforlife @sinalefa Well, that’s a relief.
Is it just me or is Splatoon 2 way more basic/boring than 1? In Splatoon 1, the maps had more depth to it and on a lot of maps both teams basically had a base you could invade (high risk, but also high reward). In Splatoon 2 almost every map plays similarly, with most action taking place in the center of the maps. The maps are also smaller and no kraken or seeker.
I think it would be interesting to have a mode where you can swap weapons mid game since you can counter-pick them.
Wow. That is a pretty impressive update.
just when you remember they said it takes time to get to level 20 then raised it to level 50 and now 99?! splatoon 3 better have the cap to 1,000! lol also walleye warehouse and the mall are my favorite places not in splatoon 2 yet and looks awsome!
plus we finally get new indoor stages for splatoon 2 looks nice .
This makes me soo happy, BUT, I need an Afro hairstyle! At least give me a flattop! lol
As someone mentioned in Facebook comments: Compare this to recent EA Battlefront II news.
@BigKing I think they wanted to cut back on the spawn camping. I don't often hang out in the center of the map. In Turf War there is always somewhere else to ink.
@JarJarBlacks There was something meant to approximate it maybe? Maybe it looks a bit more spiky, though. ... More like a mohawk though now that I look at it again. I wonder if that hurts cutting tentacles down to nubs. (Hairstyles at around 1:30)
Shellendorf, the underwater evil menace to the hero of limestone. His name is Ink.
That's a lot of cool content, but I'd still prefer an update that just says "You can now skip the talk show when opening the game."
I always wished their was more character customization in Splatoon so this is great! Hopefully they add micro transactions and loot boxes too!
@cfgk24 Honestly, I feel left out
I don't think anyone can make the argument this is "Splatoon 1.5" anymore.
I thought the game had enough new features at launch to justify being called a sequel, but seeing this massive update, I'm starting to think they did rush it out to help flesh out the Switch's launch window. Regardless, this new wave of content is exciting, and I can't wait to play over the Thanksgiving break.
This is so great. This game and ARMS are the right way to do an online multiplayer game. Keep fresh content rolling out to encourage a steady user base. Genius. Can’t wait! Here’s hoping they reintroduce some of the classic Splatoon 1 music.
"Swap gear between battles within the online lobbies"
Yes, yes, yes!!
@Fabaroo did the same thing . Love this game, though my play time has dropped mostly through Mario time, so a very nicely timed, and very beefy, update.
Swapping gear between battles?! Freaking sweet. Should have been there from the beginning, but at least they're listening.
Freakin fantastic. I'm very excited for most of this. Boo to the mall though, that level was stale and frustrating in the later part of Splatoon 1's life. Hopefully and most likely they've tweaked it but we'll have to see.
Somebody must've took note of Walmart and Sam's Club for the MakoMart design.
Arowana mall! Oh, and everything else is just fantastic as well!
clean up on aisle 3! Amirite?
Yesss! Load out change in the lobby was my biggest want. Also glad to see new hairstyles, switching to the mohawk asap. I've been dodge ranked since I hit S rank in everything, so a new mode is very welcome. And my favorite stage Arowana Mall is coming back!
Arms and Splatoon 2 have been so good on the updates, been playing both consistently since they launched.
WOW seems were getting a lot before the year ends.
I cannot wait...sounds inktastic!
to be honest, i won't be needing another switch game for the next two months: content updates for arms & splatoon, dlc for zelda, mario power moons to finish and finding every doom upgrade & collectible – hard work!
"Splatoon 2 could have been an expansion pack for Splatoon 1"
Holy crap, they weren't kidding when they said it was a big update!
There's more to these two updates than there is in Ultra Sun/Moon
WOW! Consider my mind blown.
This is so awesome! Splatoon really is the gift that keeps on giving.
At this point I'm seriously starting to question why I should buy or play other games anymore.
Splatoon already kept me from playing other games, seems like Splatoon2 wants us to be exclusive.
@Yosher @Actually, I always found 50 lvls to be too little. I probably spent more time at lvl50 in Splatoon1 than in the other lvls.
That said, I'm only at lvl37 in Splatoon2 (just didn't have enough time), so I have a lot to look forward to.
@MegaMari0 LOL.
Really looking forward to this ^^
Awesome! Can't wait to get destroyed in ranked mode on the new stages. I can't seem to get past A-. I enjoy the abuse...
@DiggerandIndy That’s what i thought too. I couldn’t help but think of Walmart when i saw the ceiling for some reason.
Splatoon is clearly an IP you can't ignore, even if you try to. Goddammit this is way too good! Finally! I was hoping we'd get way more hair options and now we're getting them! Amazing effort from Nintendo! Now we won't have every Inkling boy avatar wearing the same hairstyle!
WOW that is a lot of new content! And for free!? Incredible! Unheard of in today's gaming industry. I am swamped with games I want to play and haven't really touched Splatoon 2 much recently, but man, I need to get back into it!
Looks like it is time I finally get around to picking up Splatoon 2.
This is a massive update! Splatoon 2 is showing the gaming community how to support fans and not be greedy. With the crap surrounding BFII, it's refreshing to see a company put the gamers first with frequent and free DLC. Kiss my @##$!@)#!@#!@$!@# EA, Nintendo...I loves yah!
I wonder if the smirking face is tied to girl's pigtail hairstyle. I need that smirk for my boy inkling!
A moment of silence for EA
YUUUSS!!! Give me Walleye Warehouse!
I felt the clothes so far were a bit lacking in variety (compared to the original), and I still think the original had better stages, but it certainly is nice that more clothes/hairstyles are incoming, as well as a remaking of those classic stages!
And a new mode sounds great! I think Salmon Run was a very nice addition to Splatoon. Was definitely not expecting an update this large, kudos to Nintendo for their hard work on it!!
Great timing as even though I’m swamped with recent releases, I’ve just got back into this game again
What a huge update. New weapons, new maps, new modes, new music, new gear...
And I can now make myself Squid Moe Howard. I'm in heaven.
I've honestly never done a league battle, but that's interesting to know. Sounds like a special case of "cause Nintendo" haha.
Wow that's a great update, all free of charge as well! I still haven't got splatoon 2 yet, I'll be looking forward to getting it, I loved Splatoon 1
I wish I had a switch to play this games
Looking forward to the new mode.
Really happy to see the return of Arowana Mall. Would also like to see Saltspray Rig return as well.
I wish they would make it so you can choose your weapon in Salmon Run (even if it's from the limited selection). It's hard taking on a thousand insane bosses at once with weapons I'm useless with!
It would also be nice to not lose rank when someone dropped out. It's difficult enough to win with all four people...
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