The Switch has had a storming first year on sale, with the likes of Zelda, Mario and Fire Emblem all contributing to a bumper 2017.
Naturally, Switch owners will also be thinking about the games they'll be playing over the next 12 months, and Nintendo's Yoshiaki Koizumi wants us to expect the unexpected.
In an interview with Famitsu, Koizumi said that fans should expect more than just "traditional" Nintendo franchises on the console in 2018:
As for what he could mean, your guess is as good as ours. Could we see the long-awaited return of F-Zero, or is Nintendo planning to unearth more obscure gems from its past? Let us know which games you'd like to see by posting a comment below.
Comments 164
Where are those always lovely Japanese Media Create weekly sales figures?
I'll bet Bayonetta inspired Nintendo to start their first ever M-rated IP.
Mother 4 confirmed!
Balloon Fight 2
Soooooo Star Tropics then?????
A new entry in F-Zero, Punch-Out!!, Fatal Frame, Advance Wars, Eternal Darkness, Pikmin, Wave Race, Kid Icarus, Donkey Kong Country, Wario Land, and Golden Sun would all be great for Switch.
Wave Race, Advance Wars, and F-Zero would now like to have a conversation with us!
I'm expecting new IPs, Pikmin and Kid Icarus. Zero 'revivals'.
That sounds more like new IPs than dormant ones being revived
Doshin the Giant
Can we at least have Mario Maker too? It was a smash hit on the Wii U, you need to strike while the Switch iron is hot.
I think F-Zero is in everyone's mind... hope that its in Nintendo's also. In terms of old IP, personally I'd love Wario and Donkey Kong Country moves into 3D.
Having said that as much as I like the idea of revisiting IPs new IPs are a must: they deliver the image of a forward thinking Nintendo shaping the landscape.
Splatoon and ARMS did this extremely well in recently and I hope to see Nintendo re-shaping genres.
Splatoon reshaped shooters, ARMS fighters, BOTW action RPGs, SMO 3D platforms... hope to see Nintendo re-imagine other genres as well.
Pikmin 4, animal crossing are my bets. Maybe a wariogames one too
@tsdenizen Eternal Darkness wants a word with you
I want a twin stick follow up to Kid Icarus Uprising!
1080 Snowboarding!!!! Pretty non-traditional don't you think ?
@brutalpanda this just did Animal Crossing mobile, can't imagine doing that and not do a console game. I'd bet that 2018 will bring a Switch Animal Crossing entry.
People suggesting Pikmin should be revived and forgetting we had Hey Pikmin this year.... XD
More motion control games.
Just a reminder to anybody who forgot they slated a main entry fire Emblem game for Switch for 2018. I just remembered.
@tangram they did indeed publish it, but Silicon Knights was the dev. I think Nintendo might develop an M-rated IP.
@retro_player_22 I completely forgot Nintendo has publishing rights to Fatal Frame... They should rerelease the Wii U one on a cartridge and work on a new one!!
Forget F-Zero.
Give us Startropics!
Next kid icarus and a new balloon fight
New Excite Bike/Truck, Battalion Wars and Mario Strikers please!
First two things that came to mind that I want to see on Switch: Advance Wars and Jam With the Band (Daigasso Band Brothers).
Mother 4, I beg you.
Bring back Spectrobes, I enjoyed it on the Wii
Did he say "traditional" Nintendo IPs, with an emphasis on traditional? Because when I read the tweet I just thought he meant more IPs from other publishers...
With incredible creativity going into Mario Kart level design (and F-Zero levels) I don't see them doing another F-Zero. Honestly really no reason to.
Interesting to see all the different interpretations. To me, non traditional is exactly the opposite of games Fzero/waverace etc,
More games like Arms/Wii fit/Wii sports/nintendoland is my bet.
I hope they keep hitting hard with the new IPs. I love ARMS and Splatoon.
Urban Champion
I'm all for some obsure Nintendo IP reboots. Some more fresh IPs are also appreciated, as long as they are not anything casual and boring like Brain Age / Wii Music.
@Spanjard Funny you should mention Wii Fit, I just recently started a topic on the possibility and ideas for Switch Fit:
The way I see it he is referring to 3rd party support of the system
Nintendo Arcade with loot boxes for coins and new games.
I said it before, I'll say it again. Eternal Darkness 2 please.
(also another Golden Sun game)
Honestly I feel like F-Zero is a traditional Nintendo IP, it's just not a common one....but it definitely feels "traditional".
Lets hope so. And they mix it up a bit - Every nintendo game for the switch this year has been some cartoony game. With Yoshi and Kirby it looks to be more of the same next year... Nintendo has like 1 art director.
FZero. Could you imagine the awesome chaos of 30+ online player races!?
@tsdenizen I've said for years Nintendo needed to create a brand for mature games on their systems. Kinda like how comic company's made inprints (DC/Vertigo for example). Something to clearly separate their everyone welcome games (Mario, Zelda, ect) and their less welcome games (Eternal Darkness, Project Zero, ect). Something like Nintendo Black Label or something better. I think this would give Nintendo a little bit of leeway, I mean Metroid is clearly screaming for a Sci-fi horror entry.
I take this to mean new IPs, not rebooting forgotten ones. I certainly wouldn't mind getting an Earthbound revival, however.
Kid Icarus? F-Zero? Please!?
What has their young blood been up to now?
The return of Geist?
Cool. Nintendo has been coasting on the same IPs for too long. I mean, I love Mario and Zelda as much as the next person, but they need to start creating more original games. Splatoon was a massive success, and ARMS, while not landing as hard, still wasn't a failure. I'd like to see new single-player IPs, though.
ExciteBots, F Zero, Wave Race or 1080 would be great
It means the following:
Switch Music
Switch Sports
1,2,3 - Switch
Switch Fit
Link Bow Training plus some horsing (for horse Joy-con use see recent horse Japanese games)
Mario Jumps Saga in where you use the Switch Fit pad and the Joy-cons and just jump for hours.
Samus Joy-con Fire Stare (same game as 1,2-Switch but with Samus vs Metroids or Ridley if u wish).
All with lots of plastic accessories that you will never ever use again.
Maybe I'm missing something but that sounds like brand new stuff versus old series. My guess is that with all the success that Splatoon and Splatoon 2 has received has urged the company to try new stuff. Let's be honest, some of those other "traditional" games, outside of Mario and Zelda have struggled a bit.....I'm thinking about the latest Star Fox game on the Wii U.
I'm saying Retro Studio's new game! I'm ready to learn more!
@spanjard, that was my reading as well. I’d like to know what he really said in Japanese. Long interview though, and I haven’t found it yet.
I have no idea what to expect from Nintendo next year. All we really know for sure are Yoshi and Kirby. I quite like the uncertainty though, as I know there must be a few big things in the works and I can't wait to find out what they, hopefully in a big Direct within the next few months.
So, more games that have been on Android/iOS for over a year and are on other consoles, check.
@Mintendo That's how I read it.
@Ralizah - people fail to realize they always attempt new IPs. Rolling Western, Nintendoland, Steel Diver, Wonderful 101, Codename STEAM, the entire OpRa trilogy... it is just not often Nintendo sees a large success. Hell, how can they even know till the game is out in the wild?
Kid Icarus, please! I'm not EVEN down with waiting another 20 some-odd years for a sequel, especially as awesome as Uprising was. I need more Viridi in my life! 😄
I hope they space them enough to let me breath.... There are so many games I wanna get, and so little money to spend. Haha excited to see what Nintendo will throw at us. They should give us a anniversary theme (like red or something)
Pilot Wings, Waverace and 1080 snowboarding to be relabelled X-treme Switch Sports.
Hoping this means RDR2
Probably means Switch Music 2
@justin233 What's wrong with Brain Age?
E3 2018 is going to be the E3 2008 of the Switch era, isn't it?
New punch out with motion controls. Left and right joycons as each fist
F-Zero, Panel de Pon, Cruin's, Switch Wars (Advance wars), Excitebike, Wario Ware, Sim City, Golden Sun...
well, many options!!!
@TheMisterManGuy It was just an example of a casual IP. Nothing wrong with it per se, I just hope they don’t go back to the Wii or DS era with that type of focus.
I’d personally like a new Wario Ware without or with optional motion controls.
Also Elite Beat Agents 2.
The mario twins?A tale of how two brothers from the east end of new donk city rise through the ranks of the local gangs, eventually toppling the top racketeer don' bowser and his hired goombas with their own brand of violent head stomping, or maybe grand theft Wario.
The beauty of Nintendo is that they have so much (truly) exclusive, beloved franchises to pick from, more than any other company. The bad thing is they don't do it as much as they should.
My money is on Wii Music
1080 in 1080P
Non-tranditional sounds like more mii-branded garbage. If that's the case. NO THANK YOU.
I would love a Star Tropics reboot. HD remake the first 2 still in 8-bit. I would be ecstatic. Imagine the Islands and water in a plush 1080p. While the cavern exploration could be deep and varied. They could even add some light Rune Factory elements to it.
@tsdenizen I thought Nintendo already owned Eternal Darkness, Devil's Third and Fatal Frame/Project Zero? If you mean start their first internally developed IP? Then I hope you are right!
Sounds like new stuff to me. No idea why anyone would take the 'quote'* we do have as indicative of old IP being revived.
*And it really needs more context to mean anything
Rumors have been floating round that a sequel to a 3DS game is in development (which some have speculated to be a new Kid Icarus game). In addition, the same rumors also state that an eShop-only Punch-out game is in development, hence why Little Mac isn't an Arms character (and also because Little Mac doesn't have extendable spring-loaded arms ).
@justin233 While I don't think we'll be seeing non-games like that per-se. Nintendo will absolutely make plenty of casual games for the Switch. Casual gamers are a core target audience of the system. Nintendo is also going to make games with mandatory motion controls if the game calls for it. So don't expect a WarioWare with them as an option.
please be pikmin and kid icarus
Can't wait as a f-zero sounds like fun. Still their so many other ips to choose from. Would not mind a golden sun hd port , advance wars , punch out or kid icarus
Captain toad
Captain toad
Captain toad
Endless Ocean 3 (Arika though)
Disaster 2 (Monolith Soft)
Star Fox 0 (with normal controls)
I'm pretty sure he said much the same thing a few months ago,that we can expect a lot of non traditional IP's in its 2nd year.
He's most likely referencing the "New IPs focusing on the unique uses of the Joycon controls" that Takahashi was talking about back in June. I'd guess that's what this really talks about. However with their revised mission as an IP company, there's plenty of reason to use their momentum right now to try to bolster some forgotten IPs from the past and bring them into the limelight to try to create some new franchises in the mainstream too!
Come on Wave Race and F-Zero! I would really like another Super Luigi game too!
I'm fairly certain Nintendo is going to introduce a new IP next year in the same vein of Arms and Splatoon. New take on a genre that Nintendo has yet to take on.
@NEStalgia Cheers, I was just searching for that but couldn't find nothing. I knew I had read some comments from either him or someone else about what we can expect in 2018.
Wii sports switch.... (Shudders at the thought)
I'm looking for a revival of all the dormant IP s .... I hope they keep it strong
I'd like to see some mmorpg's
Also fps with the new popular battle royal mode pubg/fortnite etc
I know Skyrim is getting a survivor mode but it's not for the switch....well maybe in 6 years .
I'm a huge fan of StarTropics, so I'm lovin' all the love for that little known gem
It's funny, but I didn't even take that article header to mean resurrecting dead (or dormant) franchises so much as I took it to mean that Nintendo is coming out with new IPs that are not traditional Nintendo IPs (example: A full blown Nintendo made, tactical FPS or racing game, just to drive my point). While this could literally mean ANYTHING, I'm hoping it means they have a plethora of new franchises coming and not just the one a year as it's been for Splatoon and ARMS respectively. We'll see I guess.
Give me a new proper WarioWare game, and I'll be happy!
Just Dance 2019 confirmed.
@electrolite77 exactly what I was thinking...
"expect more than just traditional Nintendo IPs for Nintendo Switch next year"
People proceed to list a heap of old franchises.
Edit: I hope it's loads of waggle and amiibo heavy software, just to make the crybabies cry more.
Was only thinking this the other day, with mario kart port could we skip another kart and end up with daddy Kong racing instead?
Of course he could mean more waggle games like Wii fit, wii sports, wii music........
Oh please Noooooo!
I wouldn't mind new entries for Wario Land, Advance Wars or Kid Icarus. And I'm still waiting for a game starring Waluigi where the goal would be to cheat to win
We know we are getting Pikmin 4. Hey Pikmin! was not our Pikmin sequel. We just don’t have an official announcement yet.
I want a 3-d, exploration based Chibi Robo. It irks me that they said they won’t make another Chibi game based on how poorly ziplash did. It’s not just a character that sells game. Half the charm of the original Chibi was exploring the world through the perspective of a toy. That’s why Chibi was so much more entertaining as a 3-d exploration game than as another 2-d platformer.
So weird to see so many people shout out all kinds of Nintendo IP, which to me doesn't sound like "more than just traditional Nintendo IPs" at ALL. Looks like they didn't get the message...
Logically speaking, I'd much sooner think he's hinting at titles that are thus far totally un-related to Nintendo, such as the previously never before seen on Nintendo Skyrim, Doom and Wolfenstein, or L.A. Noire and so on.
Here's hoping the recent successes that were Splatoon and ARMS have encouraged Nintendo to think outside the box more often. More new IPs also means more potential characters for future Smash games. I love it.
@nkarafo Balloon Kid on Game Boy is pretty much a Balloon Fight 2.
Advance Wars sounds like a no-brainer. Would like to see Final Fantasy make a return to Nintendo as well
Also, Duck Hunt, Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball, and F-Zero.
lets hope they dont mean shovelware like 1 2 Switch or Wii Sports
Finally the ice climbers and game n whatch are back :3
It doesn’t feel like Koizumi’s talking about revivals. I expect new IPs.
"Luigi The Last Gunslinger". Luigi is alone in a post war era trying to find Mario and All his friends. It will be dark yet funny, with Luigi having to make difficult decisions, choosing who lives and who dies in a cruel, unforgiving world.
I don't think "non-traditional" means old ones brought back to life, sounds like games or genres that we have never seen as a Nintendo IP
either way, this just confirms both types are coming so yay!!
@Mando44646 I hope not, when I want to be active I don't play video games, I hate the arm flapping video games
I play real sports or go to the gym if I want to burn calories
Hope to see them inventing some fun stuff.
Please don’t be RPGs 😭
Time Pilots then?
I wanna go WILD.
A full new Nintendo fantasy JRPG.
Mother 4 + Mother HD Collection.
A new Nintendo Sci-fi MMO/Sanbox. (STARFOX ??)
Virtual Console, from NES to Wii..
Cubivore, Captain Rainbow, Giftpia, and Snowpack Park is for me.
I also take the Chibi Robo and Animal Crossing.
Advance Wars? Advance Wars. Advance Wars!
Ice Climbers: Uprising lets go
@Mando44646 Wii Sports wasn't shovelware.
I'd love to see StarTropics get resurrected (it could also give a genuine argument for Mike Jones to appear in the next Smash).
Otherwise a new Earthbound would be amazing (though I also respect the creator's desire for it to end after the third title, as a trilogy).
Splatoon and ARMS have been 2 great new multiplayer IP's while Pikmin and Xenoblade have been 2 great new (I use the term new loosely) single player IP's. And Luigi's Mansion and Captain Toad, though they use an already established character, are definitely new games. They've also recussitated Fire Emblem from the brink, brought back Metroid, and own the rights to Wonderful 101.
So they've made some decent progress with new IP. But it's time for one or two more. A big, epic single player game from Retro. A mic dropping announcement... that's all I need to be happy.
Wii Music 2 confirmed
mutha III
Not gonna lie. Never considered a Disaster Day of Crisis sequel, but now I reeeeeeeally want one!!
Are the article title and the tweet (translation) potentially two different things? Depending on how they are or were said? One implies IPs of Nintendo being released that are non-traditional (like ARMS) and the other COULD imply more 3rd party games coming to Nintendo that aren't just traditional Nintendo IP games (like Wolfenstein 2) - since much of this years console lineup has been made up of mostly traditional Nintendo properties.
A Kid Icarus game of some sort would be cool
I know I would love to see Nintendo continue to broaden their horizons and develop new IPs. Splatoon is one of my favorite Nintendo games and I can’t wait to get my hands on ARMS. I love it when the Big N brings new ideas to the table. What ever you got, Nintendo, throw it at me!
Non Traditional as in "New" and "Fresh" IPs. Not Non Traditional as in "Let's dig up some less popuar IPs that nobody's heard of".
This could also mean new IPs, which is something everyone seems to be greatly overlooking
I'll wait to see what exactly he meant. As it stands, everyone has an agenda and a narrative they want to push when it comes to any news Nintendo pushes out. As has been pointed out, this could mean anything from dormant IPs that aren't traditionally released like a Mario or Zelda or IPs that are absolutely wacky like a Switch Music or Switch Farming Sim
I'm surprised no one suggested Rhythm Heaven!
Wave Race, come on Wave Race.
@JaxonH I'd like more AAA in-house efforts from Nintendo. Something like Wonderful 101 is fine, but it was developed by Platinum. And even though Nintendo owns Monolith, they've been making Xeno games for years and years. I want the next Pikmin or Splatoon.
With that said, Nintendo has been doing a GREAT job of taking chances recently by releasing new IPs and rejuvenating older franchises like Mario and Zelda.
Advance Wars Switch? More 3rd party support? How about some kind of Cid Meyer's Civilization style game? I would like more Tell Tale games too.
I would love to play a new installment in the Sin & Punishment series. Heck, I'd eat my own shoes to play a HD Remaster of Chibi-Robo.
This has me EXTREMELY excited! I'm glad Nintendo is embracing creating new/non traditional ip again.
Unite Kid Icarus, Star Fox, and F Zero on the Uprising engine with F Zero thrown in.
For added spice, add Samus. Kid Icarus had Komaytos and there are a lot of outer space bounty hunters and mercenaries from f Zero and Star Fox... and it would fit fine with the space levels in Uprising.
I think he just about confirmed that Uncharted and Halo are coming to Switch .....nice work Nintendo lol
This is great to hear. Nintendo should never have vacated its spot as the main force in videogames. To ever get it back they need IPs that have an "adult" look. Yes, we all know their games are fabulously well crafted experiences. Sadly though that'll never be enough by itself. I hope this is what Koizumi means when he talks about "non traditional".
Gundam Vs. I think the Switch could facilitate the multiplayer aspect really well.
I need Golden Sun - I really want an ending to that cliffhanger, even if its a crappy game. Don't leave us hanging like Valve did with Half Life 3, Nintendo.
@Heavyarms55, I agree. Nintendo has a flagship franchise in pretty much every genre, except one - strategy.
I know it's not a category of game that consoles have ever been much known for, even so though, to me it's a glaring omission. Something rich, epic and amazing, which would be to strategy what Zelda is to RPGs. That'd be a dream come true!
I've sell one of my kidneys to get a Switch for a new F-Zero. (or a new MK proper), but maybe a Nintendo Kart could be fun, but I hope they do new IPs, although most of the recent ones haven't piqued my interest too much. Is picking up Splatoon on WiiU worth it right now, are people still playing? The only SKU for Switch I am currently interested in is the one with the neon green and pink joy-cons, and it comes with Splatoon 2, but i've never even played the first one.
@Spanjard Nintendo Land/Wii Fit/Wii Sports are all pretty traditional. Nintendo has done a ton of minigame collections for the casual audience.
Arms is like the opposite of those games as it's not a minigame collection and not 'casual'.
But yeah.. I expect more new IP.
Come on Fzero and Wave race!
@Kirby-in-Kirkby I know Advance Wars and Fire Emblem are technically second party games but with all the love FE has been getting, and I too love it, I want to see another Advance Wars.
@NintendoRob1977 OMG I have wanted Nintendo Kart for years! Mario Kart, but with a cast like SSB!
But Sonic needs to be there too, just running on foot.
@brutalpanda pilmkn please !!
@UmbreonsPapa Well We have Stardew Valley AND Farming Simulator coming to the Switch. So I don't think we need another farming game just yet. lol
I think what they meant by non-traditional is a brand new IP. But the least traditional and most overlooked IP I can think of is...
The Legendary Starfy!
@Heavyarms55, Advance Wars is an extremely good series of games. For a triple A release though I think they'd have to come up with a setting more epic.
Chibi Robo is back, BABY!
I just want Punch Out back. I don't care about anything else.
I'm confused how "non-traditional" means reviving already established IPs.
The best part of this thread is how varied us Nintendo fans are screaming out for various IP's and not ALL screaming the same for the same stuff... that's a good thing! I bet Nintendo is listening.
@Arminillo Oh how I WANT a new Custom Robo
It sounds like we're getting new IPs rather than old ones returning, but, I still want to see a new Dot Stream/Light Trax or Mother 4.
1-2-3-Switch confirmed
All the old Game & Watch games!
I'm expecting a new IP for next year. It's anyone guess what it will be, but I really think at least one of the games to release next year will be something totally new.
Exciting times to be a Nintendo fan.
I'm also looking forward to a Luigi's Mansion game on the Switch (a new one, not a remake of the older ones)
@Kirby-in-Kirkby I have little doubt they could do that if they wished.
Advance Wars and Golden Sun? Heck if they mean non-tradional, it could mean games made into something else, like how BotW cahnged the Zelda formula, if that means we get an Advance Wars that isn't a Turnbased game i'd be fine with that.
FINALLY! "Shower with your dad ' SWITCH version incoming! (Read between the LINES, people!)
@fafonio honestly I loved Kid Ic U so much, that even if we just got a HD port with dual analogue control... I adored it’s 1p and used to decimate online with my mate. We often carried a rando who clearly had no clue what he was doing, lol.
Literally anything anyone said in the comments that's not an extended ad for HD Rumble. Nintendo's riding high now; time to shake it up with new stuff and maybe gamble on some risky IPs from the past.
My personal preference would be for them to just fold together all their "sports" titles, and Pilotwings, into a sandbox title.
As long as the weapons upgrades are either permanent or switchable and Mikey has better controls, I'd love that.
I think we'll see
Animal Crossing
And perhaps Mother 3?
And perhaps some new IPs.
Sadly, I don't think we'll get
Kid Icarus
Punch Out
Duck Hunt
Excite Bike
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