It's update city this week in the world of Nintendo - yesterday we got updates for the Switch, Joy-Con and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and today everyone's favourite ink-shooting online blaster is getting a refresh.
Before you get too excited, Splatoon 2 update 1.4.1 is all about balancing and tweaks rather than massive new features, but it's nice to know it's still being tinkered with under the hood to make it a more enjoyable experience for everyone.
Here's what's different in 1.4.1:
- Fixed an issue allowing Brella weapons used by opponents to shoot while their umbrellas remained open.
- Fixed an issue allowing players using the Goo Tuber to store a charged shot indefinitely by charging briefly, immediately becoming a squid, then keeping the charge as long as ZL wasn’t released.
- Fixed an issue allowing player to pass through the squid barrier surrounding the spawn points on Snapper Canal.
Do any of those changes address problems you had with the game? Let us know by inking a comment below.
[source en-americas-support.nintendo.com]
Comments 48
Haven't played splatoon 2 in a while now actually.
I've been seeing a lot of Brellas around and I thought that they kept shooting me while keeping covered. Dismissed it as lag but good to know there was an actual issue and it's been patched.
I Love Splatoon!
Yeah I noticed something with about the brella, glad they noticed and fixed it.
I still haven't picked up Splatoon. I'd really love to play the campaign, but I cannot quite justified the price tag just for that. As far as multiplayer goes, I am going to stick with Overwatch for the forseeable future.
Frankly, I just enjoy it way more, not to mention that at least they way it goes for me on Ps4, there is a real sense of community and with that effortless teamplay. No hassle with apps and cables and having to join one after another hoping to end up on the same team. None of that nonsense. Make a party, get your buddies in, join the queue and be left to enjoy the game the way you want.
I hope in the next year or two, the price of this will come down somewhat, so that I can pick it up for the campaign and maybe taking a peak at the horde mode - though I am not a fan at all of its timed nature, so that's another mark against it =(
Haven't played in a while. Gotta get back into it
@Ralek85 to be honest, the campaign is nothing to write home about – this is definitely a great multiplayer game (with poor-to-nonexistent friends system).
Thank God they didn't Nerf the Slosher. That's my main
@slaine Did you play the 1st Splatoon? I thought the campaign was great fun. Yeah, it was short and basic in most respects, but the gameplay was highly enjoyable, and so were - for the most part - the level design and boss fight. It looked and felt fresh. It was just way too little for $60 if you didn't care for the multiplayer.
I enjoyed the multiplayer quite a bit as well, but that was before Overwatch. I can't see myself ditching OW for Splatoon these days, and I just don't need two multiplayer shooters. I don't have the time simply put, I already drastically scaled back my OW consumption to make room for other games
And yeah, the thing about the friends system, voice chat and definitely queuing is just too much for me to really consider bothering with it. I'm not gonna lie though, I think OW is just the better game. The classes are so wonderfully varied, and even after all this months and hundreds of hours of play, I am still, well, actually I'd say somewhat addicted to the rush of playing esp. Tracer in a well coordinated team. I particularly love the fact, that they went back to the holy trinity of RPG classes: Tank, DPS and support.
This has always and will always be THE most effective means of engendering actual team-play. Now, I am not saying that every match in OW is a paragon of team-play, far from it, but if you have bunch of people around who make an effort, and communicate, the gratification is virtually unmachted.
It's the best of classic MMORPG PvP (like back in the heyday of say DAoC), paired with the frantic split-second skill based gameplay of classic FPS competitive games (like Counter-Strike and such). It makes some compromises to fuse these two sides together, for sure, but the outcome is all the more sublime. (And yeah, I've played the likes of TF as well, but honestly, the gap in quality of design is staggering imho).
Splatoon is much more ... well, traditional in that sense. There is no Tracer gameplaye there, neither is there Mercy, Genji or Pharah play. It's comparably narrow and straight forward. Mostly it plays like .. I dunno Soldier76 or Widow - like the archetypes of basic FPS games.
It's very much it's own thing in many ways, but in other regards, it also very familiar to anyone who's been doing FPS/TPS games for a while.
I hope Blizzard-Acti takes the leap and brings Overwatch to the Switch. It would be a fantastic fit, and I think everyone deserves to get a shot to play this game. The game scales wonderfully on PC from what I am hearing, so I'd assume if you can do Doom (2016), you definitely can do Overwatch on the Switch. Plus, the biggest upside would be that this would put immense pressure on Nintendo to finally get their **** together in terms of how friendlist, matchmaking, voicechat, queuing and all this stuff works.
/rant over ^^
Can't find this Overwatch thing on Eshop.
@trip241 all he was saying is that it would be perfect, ( I happen to agree )
Good. Very necessary patch. The Brella was disgusting because of the issue so it's great that they addressed it quickly. Now if only they could address the stupid Stingray.
@Yasaal which one? They already nerfed the tri-slosher! That was my main! lol
Man, I haven't played this in a while. TBH, I'm kind of burnt out on it. I've been playing it pretty much non-stop since our family got the Switch back in late July. Now I'm trying out the new ARMS update, playing my PS4, and finishing up Golf Story.
EDIT: Also waiting for Super Mario Odyssey
Goo Tuber was broken, so annoyed at unintentionally holding a charge all the time, preventing from recovering ink. Glad they fixed it fast.
@JarJarBlacks It's still fine, the side sloshes were far too wide considering they splatted in two shots. I think if you used it a lot you probably knew the Tri-slosher was silly. It didn't require much aim and didn't have the drawbacks of something like an Octobrush. Now it's still just as effective, but requires actually aiming at an opponent, no more splatting people at a 45 degree angle.
@Snaplocket I hear you, and I don't want to start some big debate on this, but still, a couple of remarks.
First off, I don't think there is any charge for Battlenet on PC. Yeah, you'll have to pay for online on PS4 and X1, but starting next year, the same will be true for Nintendo. I would argue, that OW is and was worth the price of admission. If I end up playing a game like that for hundreds of hours online over the course of a year, having a great time, $60 are well spend (though I think I mostly picked up codes for around $40-45, if I recall).
Secondly, like I said, from where I stand, the moment-to-moment gameplay in Overwatch beats Splatoon. Simple as that. Now, that is just my view, and everyone is entitled to their own, but I want to add least point out why I ended up preferring Overwatch:
I mentioned that before, the class system leads to more organic team-play, and more importantly to just adds a helluva lot of variety. It's not just that every 'class' has it's own offensive capabilities (something that is certainly also true for Splatoon), but that they also have varied defensive and support abilities, plus, and this is crucial, movement abilities. Why crucial? Because it ties into the next point: Map Design. Overwatch feels alot more open and vertical to me than Splatoon. The maps tend to be bigger, less cramped and just ... filled with vertical opportunities. Again, this makes the gameplay feel very varied. One moment you will be hopping over roofs dropping as a cyborg ninja, the next you'll be charging down the middle of the road as giant german Knight
I also ADORE the character design and attention to detail in Overwatch. In the end so, the take-away is that in OW, there is an unmatched amount of flexibility and variety. Playing the aforementioned Reinhardt for example, instead of my main, Tracer, turns the game into a complete different experience. One is lumbering and squat, the other is nimble and tiny. That kind of constant change-up of playstyles and experiences is not something I found myself easily coming back from in terms of playing more traditional shooters, where the most variety I get, is going from a sniper to a shootgun or something like that. That kind of stuff feels horribly shallow and dated now, to be quite frankly.
Third, I don't know how much of an issue the matchmaking and voice chat really is, and I doubt I'll find out any time soon. I have to say though, that there is even something to talk about it, is a profoundly bad sign. That's like a car sales man, telling you that the issue with the breaks of your used car .. well, it's not as big an issue as you might be thinking. When it comes to the breaks of your cars, you want exactly 0 issues ever being brought up.
The same goes for the way multiplayer is facilitated in a multiplayer game.
If you have to discuss how to setup a voice chat, how to manage to queue together and actually play together (Instead of against each other), then you've already failed. At least that is my humble perspective. This stuff needs to work in the background and never be noticed at all. I also feel the need to point that the lack of system integration makes the Switch a non-starter for me as multiplayer focused device. I know you can work around it. 10+ years ago, that was pretty much the way it was everywhere, but that was then, and this is now. The moment it takes actual effort to setup a playsession (I don't have phone numbers for more than 90% of the people I play online with, even though I've been playing with some of them for 6-7 years on and off) it's beyond what I am willing to do. This is about convenience plain and simple.
Lastly ... if you ever get the chance to try Overwatch, like some free play weekend or at a friend or something, I'd highly suggest you do that. Mostly, I just feel that Nintendo has not done it's due dilligence with Splatoon in terms of fostering an actual on-system community (which I believe to be rather crucial) and like I said, an expression of my pesonal hope that Blizzard make take a cue from the likes of Bethesda and decides to give Switch players another fantastic option for their multiplayer shooter needs.
None of this should really take away from the quality of Splatoon as game, but alas, it was only the most exciting shooter available to me until OW came along. I'm just saying to point out that I do absolutely appreciate Splatoon for what it is, but that in terms of shooters, I only bother with the game that gives the most joy out of all of them, and for more than a year now, that has been Overwatch. Before that, for close to a year it was Splatoon 1.
I think that is fantastic. I'm super excited for the eventual game that can top Overwatch. Maybe it'll be another Nintendo shooter ... how knows. Everything is possible
@trip241 What would be the point of bringing the game to the Switch, as I suggested, if it was already there? Your sarcasm is welcome though, yet I'll stand by what I said. If you have the chance, give both games a try and decide which one you like best. Both are great in their own right, and plenty of gamers out there have the choice after all. Also, again, I think OW would be blast to have on the Switch. It's such a colorful, joyful game ... perfect for a Nintendo device.
@Ralek85 I mean, in Splatoon you make your class. You define your role, what you want to be, set your playstyle and discover how to make it viable in different levels of competition. To me Splatoon is much more dynamic and varied, though all playstyle share the same basic mechanic, there is endless possibility to carving out niche tactics and adapting. Makes those gameplay fundamentals paramount and supreme.
@Ralek85 Dude, we don't need to talk about Overwatch. You like it, fine, but this is about Splatoon 2 and you are accompishing nothing. Are you in the throes of an OW withdrawal or something?
And let's just say I couldn't disagree more about the moment-to-moment gameplay...
@ACK I'm confused, who is "we"? I wasn't even addressing you. I'm sorry if you feel like you have to moderate what belongs in this comments section and what doesn't, but quite frankly, I don't care one bit =( If you feel this way, then just skip or ignore my comments.
I for one don't have JUST a Switch. As such, Splatoon and Overwatch are direct competitors for any and all playtime I want to allocate to a multiplayer shooter. They are not same, I never implied that, but they are certainly comparable and given that we all just got only finite time to play, I feel such comparison is entirely warranted, even needed.
It's too bad that you disagree about the moment-to-moment gameplay, but without any kind of reasoning for your dissenting view, you really should not be telling me this at all to be honest. Because what can I even say to that without any explanation? Exactly! Nothing at all, so the entire remark is pointless.
I mean, obviously, you are free to share your thoughts, but if - and reading your comments that is indeed a big IF - if you want to engage someone in an argument about ... whatever really, you need to draw up one, that is an argument. An argument is normally made up from several parts: At the very least you need to posit a thesis, which you did, but you should also provide proof to substantiate, and ideally that comes with a few concrete examples. That covers at least the bare necessities.
Again, that is only relevant if you want someone to engage. If not, "abc s***s" is just as good a comment as any. It's not much an argument though, not at all.
@ACK I know that you can pick your load-out. I said as much, but to me that - and again I said as much - pertains really only to how you fight 'offensively'. Not so much how you move, or whether you'll be fighting at all, instead of e.g. healing or tanking for example.
That is an important distinction to draw, as gameplay is not only shooting stuff and the way you shoot it but much, much more.
@Ralek85 no, i did not own a nintendo console since the original gameboy – i was playing a lot of FPS on the pc though. so, voice or even text chat is key for coordinated team work – as in battlefield 2 or teamfortress for instance (yeah, i'm that old). in splatoon i just enter matches with random people, which is fine, but it would be more engaging to have built in friendlists & voicechat – hell, i would even join a clan! but as of now, this is too tedious for me.
personally, splatoon 2 is perfect for pickup & play and very addictive. a very nicely designed experience. the campaign imo falls short, but is a nice effort for completionists.
since the switch is my one and only game machine now (except the snes mini), i will have to wait for overwatch to get ported – seems to be a big thing.
Long live the Wii U.
@Ralek85 I don't want to talk about Overwatch, there is no point. You appear obsessed. (This is a news post about a menial Splatoon 2 update.)
As for Splatoon, I don't know how you came to that conclusion. Splatoon is not just about shooting or offense at all. There are endless tactical possibilities to help the team without hardly getting splats. There are numerous abilities that are helpful and perfectly viable in defensive or support strategies. There are entire weapons and kits geared around defensive and support strategies. It's up to the player to decide what that is and how it works.
I sometimes play a Goo Tuber user that is all mobility. I rarely try to snipe (using my range as mostly a defensive fallback), I instead play possum and act as a distraction. Sometimes I stack mobility gear and prance around like a fairy, dodging shots and ferreting out the enemy. Other times I stack Quick Respawn, Special Saver, Special Power up, and Quick Super Jump to stomp the objective with my Splashdown when we need a push (Splashdown out of a super jump, that is.)
This is all support and it is surprisingly effective. Splatoon has endless opportunities for teamplay strategies like that, it just requires creativity and skill. The brilliance is that it isn't spelled out for you and not limited by rigid parameters.
@slaine Yeah, I hear you about it being to tedious. It's all about convenience, because it should be easy and fun and not time consuming and demanding of effort. We got life for that ... ^^
Shame you can't contrast the campaigns from both Splatoon games. Well, I guess eventually, I'll pick it up anyways, so it's not bother either way. Honestly though, I would have loved for the singleplayer to be the major focus of Splatoon 2. The first one showed some real promise it just lacked ... well, first sheer content. Secondly, it lacked a real motivation like a story, or a kind of progression. That was fine because it was over in a matter of hours and the gameplay itself and the levels were attraction enough, but had it been substantially longer, it would have needed more of a hook imho, at least some narrative and characters to care about.
Anyways, what I'm trying to say is that the potential for a "real" campaign with some real innovative gameplay was definitely there, it could be felt through those few hours, even though ultimately, it proved illusive.
Just to throuw an idea out there, I'd love a co-op campaign in the vein of e.g. Army of Two being realized in the crazy world of Splatoon. Or something along those lines anyways. Again, so much potential ...
As for Overwatch, yeah, I hear you, I truely hope Blizzard takes a leap of faith and brings it to the Switch. I would stick with the PS4 because that's where my community is at, but it would be an amazing thing for both Nintendo and Blizzard, because I feel like most Nintendo-Faithfuls could really love Blizzard games, seeing as they share much in terms of design philosophy with Nintendo, but since the N64 anything Blizzard did was woefully absent from Nintendo systems (not that Blizzard was ever big on Nintendo to begin with of course).
Overwatch in particular though seems like tailor made for the a modern Nintendo system. It's basically a playable Pixar shooter ... I mean talk about a compatible aesthetics And yeah, it IS a big thing, but hear on this, it is a well-deserved big thing. It's not a fad, it's not exploitative timewasting big ala candy crush saga, it's big, because it's as good as it is - top to bottom - meaning character design down to the nuances of movement and tight aiming.
There is a reason that on the one hand, the internet has spend the last year being chokeful of Overwatch fan art (even p**n), while at the same time, Blizzard is currently building (at least trying to) an actual Overwatch League. Not just an online league though, but in the vein of actual sports league like the NFL, NBA, Bundesliga or what have you. It just shows you that the appeal of the game is were broad.
@Ralek85 off-topic
Army of Two!!! now that's a game i'd like a remake of – played the hell out of both these games at a friends'. would also suit the switch ad-hoc local multiplayer nature…
@ACK I'm not obsessed, I'm just passionate. And I don't disagree with the fact that there are tactical broad tactical opportunities in Splatoon, absolutely! But that's nothing particularly new, it's just a much more nuanced take on what has always been possible in games like these going back to the hey-days of the genre.
Hell, I was once "obsessed" with Firearms. That game offered you all kinds of unlockable perks and different loadouts. There were ways to build yourself towards a more supportive role with limited healing capabilities for example. Still, fundamentally, each clase moved the same and interacted the same.
No class had like a Roadhog hookshot for example. Or a Reinhardt shield, or a Tracer blink or this or that or any combination of all of these abilities. None could use Genji double jump or Lucios wall run. These are not nuances, but completely different approaches to same exact situation.
If you feel that Splatoon offers the same breadth of options, good for you, but I just can't follow you on that.
You are quite right about the classes being rigid in Overwatch, 100% true, but ... you are aware that in OW you can change your class at any time right? Hell, it's the mark of a great player to constantly adapt to a) the flow of the battle and b) the enemy team compostion. OW is the least rigid shooter I have ever played. There dozens of vastly different characters available ... and available at any time. Unlike Splatoon you are not locked into any kind of loudout during the match. It's the exact polar opposite of that.
You need to adapt your playstyle constantly, sure that is a given in all and any of these games, but you also need to adapt your choice of 'rigid' classes. I think that is a wonderful combo, but that is just me
@slaine Haha, yeah, I really liked them as well. The first more so than the second (I dunno felt kinda repetitive and bit dated at that point in time), but still the aggro mechanic was cool and the whole back-to-back was delightful, in that cheesy 80s action-movie flick way. Both were a blast with a buddy!
I think they would also be great fit for the Switch, esp. now that Nintendo is apparently actively in support of major "mature" games being brought to the system on a (supposedly) large scale. I mean, it doesn't get more mature than Doom (also a surprisingly gr8 game btw).
The thing I currently enjoy most about the Switch, is that sense of possiblities, y'know? I feel like right now is a time, that ANYTHING could be announced for the system, no matter how 'out-there' that announcement might have sounded even like 6 months ago.
From the smallest indie, to the biggest AAA game, from the most delightful charmer, to the grossest horror game ... everything seems suddenly reasonable and almost expected. It's a neat feeling for someone who has been with Nintendo for decades, but always felt ... well, limited in terms of it's possibilities.
@Ralek85 That's nothing new, just a slightly more nuanced (actually not really) take on the FPS I have been playing since Quake Fortress, etc.
(For what it's worth, I clanned for over ten years in games like Team Fortress Classic, Tribes, and many others. I know how classes work and how they effect teamplay.)
Thanks for the lecture on arguments though.
@slaine Oh man, I would LOVE another one of those! Me and my buddy had much fun with that series
I'm not much of a shooter fan.... but I do love to play overwatch and splatoon. I play splatoon more for salmon run, would be great if they can add voice chat to the game for convenience and ease.
And when I play overwatch... i tend to play the side games more because their fun, and I am not that good in competative. My main keeps changing every so often.... maybe thatd why haha
@Kalmaro same
@Snaplocket Well, so far we don't know enough to make a comparison. You say "online", which is not entirely accurate, as either service will also net you monthly games. Afaik, we'll get some kind of online-enabled NES games on the Switch ... not sure how many, or how much those are going to be worth one way or another.
Anyways, I don't think one should have to pay for online at all, but it is what it is. There are games on all systems right now, that are worth the price of admission, so it's a bit of a moot point.
I'd also recommend being on the look out for e.g. PS+ codes (for example during Black Friday). You can safe like $20 for a 12 months card. It's still a pretty buck, but again, you also get a bunch of games, esp. on PSN, when you have multiple systems.
@ACK I would ask why you are on my case like this, as I just posted a comment expressing my view on the situation with Splatoon 2 for me (aka someone who plays on more than just the Switch), but what ever.
You took some kind of offense there, I figure, and been engaging me ever since, telling me either that I'm wrong (that was the comment I addressed with a 'lecture on arguments') or how you don't want to talk about the subject I was ... kinda talking about
If I offended you, either by bringing up Overwatch (which to be fair, is not in itself offensive no matter what) or by providing an un-called for lecture, I am genuinely sorry.
Last but not least, I do not question your gaming credentials. But your argument essential went, that Splatoon offers the same kind of flexibility and variety as Overwatch. I still don't think that is true, as having a load-out does not necessarily make up for a lack of class based abilities, and I think in this case it doesn't. You say you've been around this block for yours, but then you should be aware that having e.g. the abilitiy to drop a heal pack for teammates does not suddenly turn your character into mercy.
Again, not hard feelings either way - at least not on my part. Peace!
@Ralek85 It's not rigid in the sense that you can change your class whenever you want, but it is rigid in that you can be pigeon-holed into a position or character that you don't want because: A) your team needs it, or B) someone switched to a character that counters your character. In that sense it's too rigid. On top of that, if one character is OP while the other is UP...e.g. Mercy vs. any other healer, you're forced to play the op thing or put yourself at a disadvantage. And on top of that, Widow or Hanzo one-shot is probably one of the worst feelings in gaming. I <3 that you actually have to charge with the charger in Splatoon.
Now perhaps these things don't bother you, or you know ways around it. But for me, Overwatch is a fun game marred by the fact that you can't always play the hero you want, you have to play the hero you need, and also the enemy team sometimes doesn't allow me to play the game. I won't try and say Splatoon 2 is better; they are different games after all (first-person vs third) with their own problems. But, I notice some holes in your arguments.
@MasterWario There is always more than one character to counter any other player choice. There also always more than character that fills a role needed by your team. Also, the same can be said for EVERY team-based game under sun. What does it matter whether your team or the situation forces you into a certain layout, a certain class, a certain playstyle or hell, even a particular spot on a map. It comes with the territory of it being a team game. Even at that, you are still free to say "f**k it" and do what you want - I mean, I see people doing it every day, in every game I've ever come across, at least when I play with random players. In that case, it's the norm, not the exception.
I'm not sure, I quite understand your point about Mercy. Mercy is certainly a valid cornerstone of a good combo, but you are making it out as if you it was impossible to beat a Mercy without a Mercy. I'm not sure that is accurate, but I'm even more sure that this can neither be proven nor disproven either way. It's also kinda ignoring that it's really neat that people lacking the skill to play e.g. McCree, can find a vital role for their team in Overwatch. It's one of the best aspects of the game. I know that was not your point, but I think it bears mentioning.
As for charging, you are aware that Hanzo and Widow both also use a charged shot, yes? I mean, maybe I'm misreading your point here, but ... well, yeah both "sniper" classes you mentioned there are partially build around a charged shot mechanic, so..
That is a fair point, but I'll say again, you can play whatever you want, whenever you want. You can switch to your preference at any time. You make it out as if the game would actually force you to pick this or that class, but it doesn't.
Is it always the best and wisest option to go - in my case - with my favorite Tracer? No, and if I play competitively most of the time I will abolutely adapt. If it's just a quick play match though, and I feel like playing Tracer, I will. I will still do good by my team. Not as good as with a more apt hero, but in quick play I put an emphasis on my personal enjoyment and not how the team performs. It's not that I don't care, but it's a secondary priority - simple as that.
Thanks for making the effort to cook up an argument. I appreciate that!
@Snaplocket I don't see the problem. I tend to pick up 12 months cards normally. So far, within those 12 months, I've always came across at least one decent sale. It's not a like $20 more or less over the course of 12 months ought to be THAT big a concern anyways, if you can afford a $400 dedicated gaming machine, plus roughly $60 games for it. I think the whole point about the price is kinda ... well silly.
You either play your fair share online, then buhu, or you don't, then why bother being annoyed with the cost of a service you don't need anyways.
Also, like I said, we have no idea what additional benefits the Nintendo service will offer vis-a-vis PS+ or XBL Gold, aka free games, special sales or features (like e.g. automatic cloud-saves or something like that). If you have more information on what Nintendo plans to offer in detail, I am all ears. That has exactly nothing to do with being nitpicky.
You brought up $5 (at RRP) vs $2 per month as an issue worth thinking on. I'm not saying that is necessarily nitpicky, but ... still, glas houses and all
@Ralek85 All fair points, but here's the deal with Mercy:
This is the PC meta for Oct. 9th.
Page link: http://www.omnicmeta.com/2017/10/hero-meta-report-pc-oct-9-2017.html
EDIT: Widow and Hanzo have to charge, but not as long as I'd like. I actually think Hanzo is fine, but the headshot is still upsetting. It still is a charge though, you're right.
@JarJarBlacks I used to main the Tri Slosher until Nintendo nerfed it. Ever since then, the regular Slosher has been my main. Honestly speaking I main all the Slosher type weapons but my fav and most used one is the regular Slosher as mentioned before.
@MasterWario I mean, if you're point is that the game could certainly use another powerful focus-healer other than Mercy, then yeah, I 100% agree. I does not bother me personally that much, because in my MMO heydays, I would actually quite often main a healer (like in WoW). I kinda enjoy playing support characters. It is was drew me to MMOs and certain WC3 maps, like for example enfo (you'd often see me as an Empath ^^) in the first place.
I have to say though, that I found Blizzard to do deal an outstanding job in listen to community feedback, CONSTANTLY fine-tuning the game, as well as slowly but steadily adding new content to it. I'd assume that support will be a category that will eventually be expanded upon, and eventually it will be another proper healer. I mean, it's still the smallest category after all, and the options for healer are certainly more limited as for other roles.
Still, again, you can also look at that statistic and think of many, many thousand of players, who not otherwise be willing or able to pick up a competitive shooter (Mercy is not easy to play either, but it demands a different skillset from a wide range of other more offensive leaning heros). I'm just saying that you read a significant problem into this particular statistic, and that is legitmate, but it's also possible to gleam something positive from it.
I actually got a good friend, who has traditionally shied away from these kind of games, because his "aim" is not that great, never has, but it got worse, this side of 30, but has really blossomed as a very decent OW supporter/ tank. Again, I understand you are making a different point, but I am just saying that there are certainly at least two sides to this.
If someone is around who really enjoys Mercy, it's not really an issue.
@Snaplocket Oh no sorry, that was not my point. First off, I meant you can often enough find it $20 off (like I said around $40-45 is what I paid in the past, usually I pick one up around Black Friday) not get it for $20, that has never happened to me.
But again, we are talking about $5. I stand by what I said, I think it should be free, but if you use it regularly all the PS+ games, plus the PS+ exclusive features (like automatic back-ups etc.) and the normally high quality of online service, makes it worth it.
You can disagree of course, as that is certainly a subjective matter in terms of how much time you spend online and how much you value that time, but again, if you don't care about it, I don't think the issue is $2 vs $5 (assuming you do indeed pick it up at around RRP) ... but something else entirely.
I would add one thing to that equation though: And that is price of the actual software. Games on Playstation drop in price much, much, much faster than your average Nintendo game, certainly if we're talking first-party. Playstation also flatout does the best digital sales in the industry (on par with Steam basically). If you have even a flicker of patience, you will 100% save yourself money on X games bought on the PSV/3/4 vs X games bought on the Switch. That is just a fact.
Between weekly sales, special sales (E3, Halloween whatever), Flashsales, Publisher sales and extra savings on occasion for PS+ members, plus PSN store credit, which also be bought on the relative cheap from time to time, you can really build a strong library for a substantial smaller sum than on a Nintendo system.
Not to make to fine a point of it, but there is a third aspect as well: Sharing. I share all my games with my best buddy, and he his games with me. I've got roughly 200 games on my PS4 right now. I bought about roughl about a quarter of those, the rest he bought (or often we split the price) or it's PS+, Humble Indie Bundles Games and so on. Sharing is fantastic for multiplayer/ coop btw, as you'll only always need one copy
I could never afford that on the Wiiu/ Switch. Those games cling to their $60 like blue to the sky, and since nothing can easily be shared .. well. I understand that was not your point, but if you're coming down on the cost of playing OW online, I have to flat-out tell you that I preordered OW for Ps4 back then, and it cost me just $30 - which is already made me almost whole in terms of online cost Nintendo vs Sony, Splatoon vs Overwatch.
Big picture and all ..
I noticed that issue when going against brella users but as someone who hasn't had much time with the brella myself I wasn't sure if that was normal. Glad to see it was fixed, felt very overpowered.
@Ralek85 For sure, I'm not saying this is all doom and gloom, and like you just mentioned there are good things about it. I would like to add that the Mercy play-rate was not as high as last "meta update", so those are not all just "I enjoy Mercy" players. But again, like you mentioned, Blizzard will probably fix the issues in a few patches (I sure hope so!).
The thing is many of these positive sides are not positive to me, personally. I don't like Mercy, both playing as her and against her. Yeah, it's great that new players to the genre can pick up Overwatch with Mercy and have a very positive impact on the game. However, I see Mercy way too often, I don't play Mercy so I put my team at a disadvantage when i'm support. Roadhog was op, so they nerfed him. Rightly so, but I was never that good with Roadhog so now I can't seem to play him well at all. I could go on, but there's not much a point. Because at the end of the day it's really just not my kind of game. I must admit Blizzard did a great job making first-person shooter enjoyable, but the holes that come from the genre alone become all too apparent after playing for a while, and the way they decide to patch these holes is not the way I'd like them too.
@MasterWario To each their own, I have no issue with that, I mean that is kinda the point here. Blizzard - with it's roots in RTS games and (A)RPGs tried to bring something different to the table (remember OW was born from the ashes of their supposed WoW successor Project Titan), and I for one appreciate that they tried to do just that.
There is a great deal of quality competitive FPS games available on the market, and if Blizzard had just tried to build the next Q3A, or UT, or CS, or FA, or DoD, or BF or or or it would surely not have had the impact it most assuredly had and still has.
I think you are right, the game has balancing issues, it always had, but again, Blizzard is trying hard to work on those. I've spend my fair share of time in Destiny 1 and compared to what Bungie was doing there in terms of balancing fails, with just three (!) very similar (!) classes to boot ... well, it gives quite a fair deal of perspective on what Blizzard is trying to accomplish with creating a competitive RPG-FPS game
Also, just to be clear, I think Mercy is great for those folks we both referred to, but not just those. I mean, like I said, it's also a matter of mindset, some people just prefer being a support player. It's not even a lack of skill, be it aim, reflexes, situational awarness, spatial perception, tactical insight or such, but they - simply put - enjoy healing more than killing, or in other words, being focused on team mates rather than enemies in their "output", so to speak
Ultimately, if the situation is currently that bad (I didn't really play much the last couple of weeks, I just couldn't find the time at home), I agree. There should be no de facto need to have a particular hero, to be able to win. I mean, Mercy has always been 'kinda' essential, but I've actually seen some teams also operating quite effectively with Lucio and Ana, too (to be fair so, Lucio + Mercy is not unheard of either ^^).
Still, keeping in mind that this is born from the ashes of an WoW'esque MMO, all of this kind fits the picture what they were actually going for. I don't know if you are familiar with MMORPGs in general, but I've been playing PvP-focused MMOs sind the beta of DAoC back in 2001, I think, and healers were the core in ANY MMORPG that was build around the holy trinity. One can hate that, one can love that, but it's just the way it is.
Last but not least, I never claimed that OW did everything right and that it was the best thing ever, it's just that I personally really like it, much more so than any shooter in the last 10 years or so. That is probably due to my gaming roots being in competitive games, both FPS games and (MMO)RPGs (think also eaaarrlllyyy days DotA for example ^^). I've played the FPS genre for more than 2 decades by now, and I was kinda down on it for a while, but then Splatoon came along and then OW, the whole thing got a new lease of life, and for that I am thankful to both games. I just wish Splatoon/ Nintendo would have taken some more clues from other games like OW in terms of how the player interaction, like teammaking and communcation, is facilitated. I don't think we have any disagreement on that though.
Alas, Nintendo is always one leap forward and then ... a couple of hesitant steps back from the edge they just catapulted themselves to. What bugs me about is the perception. It's just borderline impossible to get any of my RL friends to buy into the Switch Splatoon. All they can see (not entirely unjustified) is a system that does not feel "serious" about competitive gameplay. Wonky friendlist integration, insane voice chat option .. it all adds up to a game that does not feel entirely serious about itself as competitive product for not-just-casual players.
Anyways, that was another long comment, sorry for that. It's been nice talking to you. Btw, if you'll ever feel like playing something else on the Switch (like ARMs or such) just feel free to send me a friend request (just click on my profile for the code ^^).
I stopped using motion controls and my game improved tenfold. I guess I'm just old school.
Fun game. Love playing Salmon Run. And i didn't care for the one player story campaign.
why would they nerf the goo tuber like this
I have been using motion controls since release cos it was the ‘right thing to do’ i couldn’t get out of b rank, yesterday i switched back to stick controls and went straight to s rank. WTF.
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