One of the biggest successes of this summer was Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, the HD remaster of the first three adventures featuring the crazy ‘coot. Though Crash started out as a PlayStation exclusive, the rights have long since been bought by Activision, leading some to speculate that the game would eventually see a multiplatform release.
Keymailer—a site that assists video content creators in getting ahold of review codes—recently posted a listing for Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy on the Switch. It’s more than likely that this was just a clerical error, but it could perhaps be indicative of something more. Evasive language around the game being “PlayStation first” and some leaked screenshots have suggested that its PS4 release was only a timed exclusivity deal, and that ports for other platforms are being worked on. Though there’s no official word yet, it’s obvious that Crash would be right at home on the Switch, so perhaps there’ll be more to discuss in the coming months.
What do you think? Will Activision eventually bring Crash to the Switch? Would you pick it up? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 117
I'd be quite keen on this. Thanks over-sized nostalgia gland!
After rumors of an Xbox One version, this makes total sense and then I would have the perfect excuse to pick this one up finally
While I do think it would be awesome for the game to be on Switch, I think that the PlayStation is the true home of Crash.
Though, I hope this isn't just an error, as I'd love to play this game!
It would be a perfect fit for the Switch and if I didn't already have it on ps4 I would most definitely get it.
As great as it is and as much as I love it, I don't feel the need to buy it again so soon, I'd imagine a lot of people are in the same boat, these day's a lot of people own more than one console so if a game is to be successful it needs to release on all formats at the same time.
I'm not suggesting that people wont buy it because they will but there will be plenty of Switch Owners that have already bought it.
Portability alone isn't enough of a selling point to buy the same game again
Would be a great addition to Switch's library and a good fit for the system, too. Personally I'm not interested though.
Let's see if it happens. If it does, will we hear people say, "Crash for Smash"? Quash that trash.
Always been kinda interested in Crash and this would probably be the thing to get me to try it out. I hope it's true.
Absolutely I would!
If this did make it to the Switch, I would buy it to show my support.
Please please please please please please.....!!!
How's Call of Duty: WWII coming along on Switch? Oh...
I was considering buying a ps4 just for this game but I'm glad I can play it sooner.
Can feel those bombs dropping...
Probably, need to make money so they can make more garbage games of TMNT and stuff.....
Hey plumber boy, mustache man, your worst nightmare has arrived. Pack up your stuff I got a little surprise for you here check it out what do you think about that yeah real time 4k lush organic environments Hows that make you feel buddy feeling a little like your days are numbered?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE haters gonna hate!
Come into a thread about crash bandicoot and talk about call of duty. You are blatantly Looking for a reaction.
@kobashi100 No, they're both made by Activision. And they haven't really been bothered with the Switch so this rumour probably isn't true. I think the only game they've released is a crummy port of Skylanders Imaginators. Can you name another game they're releasing on Switch? Like it or not Call of Duty is colossal and it's a big loss on Switch. Speaking of which, FPS is a big genre and the Switch currently doesn't have a single one on the eShop.
Personally I have no desire for Crash on Switch. But the game is likely to do well
Pass. (However, there seems to be a lot of peeps wanting this.)
I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
Played the first and the third one backin the days on PSO and it‘s alright, if you don‘t know better.
But I would rather play Super Mario Bros.3, Super Mario World, Super Mario 64 or Donkey Kong Country before I buy and play this overhyped, mediocre game.
(And they say Breath of the Wild os overhyped🙄)
I‘d double dip this the second it releases. Always been more of a Spyro fan, though.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Yeah, cuz DOOM and Wolfenstein II totally aren't coming to the console...
@SLIGEACH_EIRE While that’s technically true, Doom is out next month. And Wolfenstein II is also on the horizon. That’s two FPS titles.
Why is it that you seem to take a swipe at the Switch at every opportunity?
I would love to play Crash on Switch!
I really doubt it...
But I would buy this on Switch in a heartbeat!
I really,really hope its true.It would be so awesome.
With how many it sold on PS4 I wonder if there would be much people left to buy it? Still, does feel like a good fit for the console and a safe bet for Activision to trial the Switch's waters.
@Switch99 People with pathetic lives often perform pathetic actions or relish in pathetic bickering.
I thought it was common knowledge this was going multi-plat eventually?
@Darkhound1999 I said "currently".
@SLIGEACH_EIRE the discussion isn't about call of duty or FPS games. You are fishing for a reaction.
Crash Bandicoot on Nintendo was not a Surprise.
It was appeared on Gamecube last time.
Crash Bandicoot! ahhhh 'member!??? I 'member....
I'd buy this for Switch. Developing a fetish for buying Physical games on Switch, first format in nearly 2 decades that I haven't gone 100% digital
Are you a Cuckoo bird ??
If I ever travel back to 1997, I can't wait to tell my past-me that he will get to play Sonic and Crash Bandicoot on future Nintendo consoles.
@kobashi100 Well I'd be more interested in Activision working on a Switch version of COD than Crash Bandicoot.
Got this on Nintendo platform somewhere..maybe N64 ??
No thanks hate the Mario Donkey Kong tip off terrible platformer
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Personally couldn't careless about COD WWII,Battlefront 2,Destiny 2 and any other games with the same shady systems within them. All of those games are getting bad responses and rightly so with terrible progression systems and enticing people to essentially gamble.Pay full price at launch and then to progress? oh you got to pay some more to play what are essentially fruit machines within the game to have ONLY A CHANCE of getting the good stuff. Those games shouldn't be getting any support no matter what platform they're on. I'd personally rather support the good games that are already coming to the Switch
Yeah this will happen. Perfect fit for the Switch and one it can run easily. If a bookie will give you odds take them.
"Why is it that you seem to take a swipe at the Switch at every opportunity?"
I may have played a Crash game once back in the day while visiting someone. Didn't have a PlayStation myself so I didn't experience much of the game. If this news is true this would be the way I'd change that. I'll take it as a typo until it's officially announced though to not get my hopes up.
I’d buy it on Switch. Would love to relive this series on the go.
I was glad to get this on PS4, even if I was barely familiar with the original trilogy on PS1, but if it is going to other systems, I hope the game is optimized for the Switch, and by that, I mean it should keep a consistent framerate above all else, and maybe do something about those pesky load times!
Please be true
Crash Bandicoot 2 is a great game and Crash Bandicoot 3 is quite good too. It would be a welcome addition in the library for me. Won't be a top priority but I'd probably buy it eventually
I know people have an affinity for the character, but IMHO the game was rubbish when it came out for the PS1.
In my opinion having played the games in the original hardware at the time I always thought the games as poor. It was Playstation poor man's Mario64: not real 3D, poor controls, constricted, short, un-original and lacking depth.
So I find the recent trilogy success puzzling. Nostalgia lenses? Lack of platforms on PS4? It just puzzles me.
Having said that, a Switch would be good as it seems people enjoy the game and would serve as a (poor) alternative to SMO.
@MrGawain can't agree more: the character is lovely but the games were so crappy.
I'd buy it
I'd buy it again
I would bet money this isn't true, even though I would like it myself (for when I have a Switch) and I think it would be a great fit for the console. It does seem weird having Crash games on non-PlayStation consoles, certainly the first three anyway.
The first game I have obsessed over as a kid. Please
I bought this on PS4 (mainly due to the lack of platformers in recent years) and they're fun but were never fantastic to begin with. A certain Mario game next week will satisfy my platforming needs for some time
Skipped it on PS4, would skip it on Switch. Crash just isn't the kind of 3D platformer I enjoy.
I'd certainly get this if it came to Switch.
I'd probably trade in my PS4 copy.
Probably going to buy it to see what all the fuzz is about. Not full priced though.
As glad as I am with any game I like on the switch I don’t think this game should get a switch port, or any port for the matter. It’s rightfull place is playstation, it was out of sony and naughty dogs controll that it was sold to activision. Cough universal cough.
How have people only just spotted this, it's been on the keymailer site since the game launched back on the PS4.
Would buy. Probably not happening.
Take my money! Take my money!!
@PlayedNSlayed Quite right, if in-game gambling becomes a thing in Nintendo games then that'll be a red line for me.
Nope. Game was crummy on PS4, rope you in with nostalgia and leave you to "enjoy" a bad remake. Doubt it will be anymore enjoyable on the Switch (and am sure it wouldn't be it's budget release price either).
I'll stick with my PSX versions thanks.
With the reportedly strong purchasing power of switch owners, I actually wouldn't be surprised if I saw this game get released and outsell the original ps4 version.
If this was a timed exclusive, you can bet Activition will port this everywhere they can. It was a huge sales hit and the cost of the ports will easily be covered by the sales for each.
If it did materialize I'd pick it up in a heartbeat, provided there were no performance issues.
I've never played Crash (despite growing up with PS1, I leaned more toward other genres), so if this came to the console I'd probably play it but I feel no urgency either way.
If it said playstation first on some of their cycled information then yes it probably would go to Switch if Activision likes to make money. You have a beast of a handheld that can dock to a TV and if it can rake in the full support of a far better company like Bethesda (among others) they'd be fools not to jump on board. But even if they are fools you'd think it would hit at least the PC and maybe MS's box too.
@Nintendoomed What???! Think you need to take your medication...
I can't get enough good 3D platforming. I'd buy this day one.
I have this game on the PS4. It's a pure nostalgia thing for me though still have them on original PS1. I'd gladly double dip if it came to the Switch.
It would make sense in a way seeing these are the type of games likely to sell most, and Activision is purely about money as they've said a number of times.
@kobashi100 It's another attempt at a derailment...
Why not? There have been Crash games on Nintendo platforms before.
Think I would buy this on Switch.
I would get it on day1. I never picked it up for the PS4, these type of games would rather have on the Switch.
If that's the case, I wonder how is going to look. N Sane Trilogy is not 60fps Even of PS4pro.
So this means the Switch could become the only console where you can play Mario, Crash, Sonic and Yooka Laylee? That'd be something.
I hope this is true, I start playing Crash on GBA and enjoy it so much. Since Crash is no longer a Sony exclusive, I hope this gets to Switch so I could enjoy his earlier adventures on the go as well.
I would be very interested in this. Hope it's true. Perfect fit for the Switch.
My kids want this and we have a PS4 that I'm just not interested in purchasing anything on... FFXV was the first Final Fantasy game that I gave up on due to long load times and Zelda: BOTW and the PS4 has pretty much just been gathering dust. Even if the PS4 versions are higher resolution and framerate, there's just something so much more enjoyable about playing everything on the Switch and being able to have the versatility.
Love it!
Well if this happens, I'll literally only have one reason left to get a PS4. And we'll see if KHIII comes to Switch or PC eventually anyways.
@Anti-Matter Also on the Wii. That time warped game or something like that.
I'd rather see a Spyro Trilogy, but this would still be really cool if proven true.
Not my cup of tea but more games are always good.
I know this is strictly a rumor, but I would love if these came to the Switch. I've never played any of the Crash games, and I've heard good things about them.
If it true then it would ne a welcomed addition to the switch library. Plus think it be easier to port this ,and would likely allow actionvision to earn some money.
With Skylanders seemingly dead, this is basically the only thing Activision would be likely to port.
while you're there, could you also tell my Buffalo Bills to tank the season and select Peyton Manning in 1998? thanks!
Mario > Crash.
But oh boy, them nostalgia feels.
Read the reddit link, there is the Keymailer cofounder claiming that it was just an error.
@samuelvictor Can we have Monkey Ball and Katamari Damacy as well please. (Wowsers imagine those 5 games on the Switch...)
That would be weird, but I'd much rather they do Gamecube games like Monkey Ball and F-Zero as VC releases, never was such a fan of Crash games
@darkswabber No such thing as a rightful platform - it doesn't really matter.
Sonic is cross platform, Crash has been cross platform for longer, Mario is also cross platform now.
If this comes to Switch, it will become an even more amazing system in my eyes.
There is a possibility given the 'Only on PlayStation' banner wasn't included on the PS4 release so I won't doubt it.
Never liked these games or Crash himself. I played the first couple on PS1 because PS1 didn't have Mario. No interest whatsoever in playing them again on a platform that has an actual Super Mario game.
That''d be neat. The Crash games are kinda boring and uninspiring so I doubt I'd pick this over Mario Odyssey or Sonic Mania (again), but it's neat for people who liked these games.
I don't have much interest in the Crash Trilogy itself, seeing as Playstation was solely a JRPG machine when I was a kid.
But Crash Team Racing, which I only got to play much later too, is awesome, better than any given Mario Kart I'd say, now that's a game I'd like to see remade on Switch or otherwise.
Would be nice.
Such an overhyped series. Since when is it a big deal?
No one was talking about it when Crash games released on the Gamecube and the Wii, but on Switch it is suddenly something great?
Given I got my start on platformer pretty much with Crash, let me confirm that every single good thing you heard about the Bandicoot is 100% true.
They created linear 3D platforming years before Super Mario 3D Land came along. Yep, despite being 3D it's very much point A-to-point B.
But it's amazing point A-to-point B.
Also, the games are scored by Devo alumni Mark Mothersbaugh and Josh Mancell. You can't go wrong with that.
To clarify why both the original and the remakes are awesome, here are two clips of the same level, original first and remake second. I couldn't pick a particular level, because few really stood out. In a good way: they're pretty much all awesome. To avoid spoiling too much, I'll go with Hang 'Em High, first level in Crash Bandicoot 3/Crash Bandicoot: Warped's middle-eastern-themed levels. It might not "stand out" above the rest, but it's a good example of point A-to-point B platforming in a 3D game. You don't get platforms for the sake of it as much as the feeling of exploring an actual place.
I've never been interested in Crash, but I vaguely remember playing the first three games on my cousin's PS1 back in the day. I would grab this purely for old time's sake, but I doubt I would be interested in any future instalments.
Mario has spoiled all other platformers for me.
"Yep, despite being 3D it's very much point A-to-point B.
But it's amazing point A-to-point B"
Great line. Sums it up. Good games these, especially the third one IMHO.
It would undeniably be something, yes.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE time for me to pop your bubble. Crash and call of duty 2 different graphics lol
When you think of the history of the Crash Bandicoot series and the fact the original three games were PlayStation exclusive, this would be a big deal in that once rival games, some that are considered legendary in the industry, are on a Nintendo platform for the first time. It's neat from that perspective but as far as the games themselves, when I bought the PS4 version I was quickly reminded that while I may be a huge PlayStation fan it was never the Crash games that attracted me to the brand. If you want true platforming greatness, all you really need is Mario. Ratchet & Clank, Jak & Daxter 1, the Spyro games made by Insomniac... All awesome. Crash 2 was the only truly great Crash Bandicoot game, but none compare to the Super Mario platformers whether we're talking 2D or 3D. And the first three Crash games have not aged well at all.
Thank-a-you. Mostly because the games took point A-to-point B and made it work despite Super Mario 64 debuting in the same year as the original, first Crash Bandicoot game (which, outside of its remake, aged rather poorly, but it's the only one in the trilogy to have done so honestly).
That in itself is quite the achievement.
Same for me, of course "once you go Mario, you never come ba... ario". (Where was I going with this again?)
Thankfully for me, I played Crash first, so I'm still able to like both visions of the platforming genre. But you're objectively missing out. The Crash trilogy is one amazing family of platformers.
@Moon Sorry dude but when you pass on an IP like Crash and you are supposedly an intelligent corporation like Sony then that is too bad lol. You don't sell off your mascot no matter how far from grace they fall, right SEGA?
@AlexSora89: Looks awesome! Thanks for sharing!
You're welcome. While I can't bring myself to like modern-era Sony IPs, back in the day Crash Bandicoot and Spyro were the Platformers (as far as PS1 was concerned, mind you!), with a capital P, period. And they deserve to be not only remembered, but also rediscovered, as such.
Crash covered the Mario-esque sidescrolling aspect, with a bit of Donkey Kong Country thrown in (linear levels, brown furred creature as main playable character, ability of self-defense without power-ups, machinery versus nature as a running theme across the various settings, wooden containers that can be broken, fruit instead of coins... taking this into account, Crash Bandicoot was more DKC than Mario!), whereas Spyro aped the free-roaming aspect pioneered in Super Mario 64.
As a PlayStation fan-turned-Nintendo fanboy, I'm ever so glad to see people here appreciating this kind of platformers.
Oh, and while we're at it, feel free to look up the Spyro trilogy music, too. It was scored by Stewart "former drummer of Police, no less" Copeland, and it shows. One of the more intricate BGMs he wrote is Gnorc Cove, which combines several different rhythms into one single song.
I would totally buy it again for the Switch once i get it only 9 more days of waiting
@AlexSora89: With this much praise, how can I ignore these if they do come to the Switch? I'm a sucker for good video game music too.
Yep. I'm always happy whenever something cool gains the interest of the NL userbase, but Crash and Spyro in particular - what with them being the most Nintendo-ish games in Sony history - are always a guaranteed win in that sense. (As long as you steer clear of the non-PS1 titles, the GBA games being the only exception.) If you're impatient, however, an emulator will do. I'd incourage a PSP purchase, but that console's eShop equivalent has been shut down and as such modding the console is the only way to get PS1 titles to run on it.
That said, the remakes hitting the Switch would always be the preferable alternative.
FWIW, the CEO of Keystore replied to the Reddit thread announcing this to confirm that they incorrectly tagged the game as it was being input.
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