Those of you that had a Wii U in the first year of its release will no doubt remember the decent third party support that it received, and one of the big games it got was Injustice: Gods Among Us, the DC fighter from the studio that produces Mortal Kombat. Though NetherRealm understandably opted out of bringing Mortal Kombat X to the platform, the promise of the Switch makes one wonder if the studio would ever think about coming back to Nintendo.
Ed Boon, the director of Injustice 2 and one of the creators of Mortal Kombat, recently said to GameSpot that the game could easily run on the system, though compromises would be present. Here’s what was said:
Yeah, I think at the end of the day you can make almost any game… there are inevitable compromises, but you know, you can make some version of Injustice on the Atari 2600. It’s not going to be great, but I bet you can make something.
He then went on to say that he’s very interested in bringing NetherRealm Games to the Switch. Another team would be hired on to port the games, but he talked a bit about what Injustice on the Switch would look like and how it could work in a tournament setting.
Yeah, actually, I do. It is a pretty different hardware architecture; it’s not like you can go from a PlayStation 4 to a Switch really easily. So I think we would need to set up something in terms of an external team. I know on the art team, we have enough people to do three console SKUs, and that would be something we’d need to work out.
From the game player’s perspective, would it be fun to play Injustice on [Switch]? I do think it would. You could have tournaments, everyone comes over with their own system and you can have whole structured tournaments and parallel gameplay and all that.
No promises here regarding an impending release, then, but perhaps sometime in the near future there’ll be more concrete plans in place.
What do you think? Would you play Injustice or Mortal Kombat on the Switch? Do you think we’ll see those games on the platform someday? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 76
The architecture is different.
Oh boy here we go again. It has begun. It aint x86 it equals hard.
Boon, isnt there a mobile port of Injustice 2? Obviously THOSE arent x86 based huh?
Look buddy, this is all well and good but dont go asking Switch users to "let you know" equating to free marketing for your games all with the promise that if they do thst then maybe the game will come
"but you know, you can make some version of Injustice on the Atari 2600. It’s not going to be great, but I bet you can make something."
Finally a developer says it how it is, what I've been trying to say forever (like when I was telling people they could easily port over Doom if they wanted, before it was announced and everyone told me it was impossible).
Red Dead Redemption 2 could be ported too, if there was enough demand for it. I mean it will probably be a lot of work to make new facial animations and things, to simplify the graphics where required (though this could be why they tested LA Noire on the system, an indication of what is to come (fingers crossed))
If they did I would be happy to buy it. I liked the first one but completely just did not care for the second one and quite frankly wouldn't know it came out minus for an article about a patch breaking saves.
Is it worth it to port? Maybe not but whatever. At least developers are considering it now.
Since Doom is on Switch, there is no doubt in my mind that an Injustice 2 port for Switch (that includes all that sweet DLC too) is possible. Make dreams come true Ed Boon
@ieatdragonz You're really missing out on a great fighting game this year. Pretty beefy on content and the roster seems to be an improvement over its predecessor
Not comforting with how he led with the Atari 2600 comment. But whatever, I'll buy it if it hits the system once it is bargain binned.
I want to know where's the PC version of Injustice 2?
@Malcrash Thanks for that, I likely will for my friends xbox. Seriously was surprised to see it come out. I need to pay more attention to the other companies because Nintendo's been stealing the spotlight.
@BLP_Software Mobile is its own thing. It may look like it's fine but it still looks like trash from a visual and gameplay standpoint. For a console however, it's a different story. Switch has weaker hardware, some graphical settings have to be lowered to run and since the Switch is actually popular and not a failure, there is obviously a hint of there maybe getting a profit out of a port
@MsJubilee There is no PC version from what I believe, NRS probably didn't want to do one since Warner Bros has a very bad reputation of shoddy PC ports
We’d get it, but right before the last of the DLC is released, Nintendo owners will be screwed out of the last two characters.
We are way past the days where developers would laugh and walk away from interviews once the words "Nintendo platform" are mentioned.
This game would be perfect for me! I play it everyday on PS4 & I would be able to play it even more on my Switch due to it's portability. I could see this game being 60 fps locked, 900p docked, 720p undocked. I NEED THIS ON MY SWITCH RIGHT NOW!
Injustice was fantastic. I bought it on Wii U and loved that game. I would definitely buy on Switch. Not only would it be great to have this game portably, it's perfect for tabletop mode with another player. The first one on Vita was decent. I can only imagine how great it would be to have the sequel on Switch in full uncompromised (relative term people) glory.
I want injustice for sure! Don't care much about mk
Maybe they’ll be able to port the version that has all the dlc.
But what you really should do is say “I’ll make a switch version... if they let me have Samus as exclusive character dlc.
I would totally buy Injustice 2 and Mortal Kombat! Bring it to Switch, Boon! Netherealm is welcome
I think it's defintitely possible. Injustice 2 and Mortal Kombat X both came to mobile devices and while the gameplay was completely different from that on the consoles, admittedly it's impressive how the developers manage to take the character models and environments and scaled them down to run on weak hardware. So overall, I think the Switch is capable of running Injustice
They released Injustice 2 on Andoroid and iOS. I know it's hideous, but I bet they can make an improved version based on this release to run on Switch. I guess it would be easier than porting from PS4.
Forget Injustice 2, just port Mortal Kombat 9 (maybe add Tremor and Khameleon as exclusive characters to the Switch version) and Mortal Kombat XL to Switch. Shouldn't be that hard to get both of them running on the Switch especially since PS Vita was able to handle MK9 almost flawlessly. It's been 10 years since a Mortal Kombat game had been on Nintendo console, bring it back Boon.
That mobile version must has been a miracle to get it to work... right?
what a hack, no I won't be supporting your game regardless.
The first Injustice is one of my favorite games. I played it online everyday and bought all of the dlc... that is, until the wii u stopped getting the balance patches that the other systems got. My version of Injustice was left for dead without even releasing the last two dlc characters for purchase... The dissapointment was strong, and I would only consider buying this installment if I felt it would be supported as an equal to the other versions.
And what's up with that Atari 2600 comment? You can only downgrade so much before it's not the same game anymore, as if he's implying the Switch can't run the same game... Only reasonable differences I would expect are small visual changes and online infrastructures. As far as gameplay and content I would imagine it could be identical.
Tantalus and Panic Button are gonna be busy the next couple years
A port of Mortal Kombat XL would be great too.
As a fan of the DC Heroes, I got Injustice and enjoyed it a lot. If Injustice 2 comes out on the Switch, I am certainly getting it and will hopefully enjoy it a lot more.
I'd buy and play both. Loved the first injustice, and I'd be double dipping on MKX, but it's worth it. Nothin new there, I'll be Quad dipping on Skyrim, and triple dipping on Doom. (Skyrim - twice on PS3, once on PS4, now Switch and Doom - Once on XB1, and again on PS4.... sold PS3 and xb1 so needed replacements, lol)
@fredtoy I know what you are saying But please don’t wish for things like that because those ports were horrendous, in that they are not even remotely the same game (I don’t mean graphically, I mean in gameplay).
If they do it, they should do as is being done with Doom... the same game... graphical compromises where neccessary - stay WELL away from mobile ports please... and that goes for all devs... stop it... just stop it.
This brings me hope for Mortal Kombat Arcade Collection like on PSN
they dropped the ball on the wii u version and the MK Armageddon was a bad port on wii
@Rika_Yoshitake @fredtoy
Um...Okay. Have you guys even played or seen the mobile version? It's absolutely nothing like the console game. It's a bunch of mindless sorta-rock-paper-scissors screen-tapping combat that gets repetitive really fast. You can't possibly think the Switch should actually GET that version...
So that's a NO for this game and that's what a lot of 3rd prties are saying to themselves. That and they don't have faith in Nintendo. I was listening to a recent episode of IGN's NVC where they broke down the actual support and it was truly shocking. I must quote it later but apart from Ubisoft and Warner Bros., I think they've 4 games each, the rest have like one game for the Switch or none at all, and a lot were ports. And when you break down Ubisoft and Warner Bros. support, it's Lego games from the latter, while Ubisoft apart from Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle being original and great, the other games are Rayman Legends, a port, Just Dance, diarrhea, and that toys to life game Starlink which is a while away. Ubisoft had a great E3, announced a lot of games but we're getting practically none of them.
Ubisoft and Warner Bros. have always supported Nintendo until it's no longer viable. Ubisoft have had exclusive launch games on Wii and Wii U, Red Steel and ZombiU, both didn't sell that well. Ubisoft, like Nintendo but I could almost imagine them saying that they need to work on a Nintendo franchise in order for their game to be a success. M+R: K B has been a critical success but has it been a commercial success? We haven't had figures and we haven't heard statements from either Ubisoft or Nintendo on it. I'm sure it's selling well.
Edit: Here's some info from that IGN NVC podcast. Switch at the 6 month mark:
128 games
96 digital
32 on cartridge
23 NEO GEO arcade ports
10 action adventure games
4 shmups
0 First Person Shooters(that's a massive gap in the market)
1 Third Person Shooter, Splatoon 2
1 board game
3 RPG's
3 Racers
4 Strategy games
Specifically 3rd party information:
Bandai Namco 5 titles
Capcom 1
Activision 1
EA 1
Konami 1
Microsoft 1
Sega 2
Square Enix 1
Take Two 1
Ubisoft 3
Warner Bros. 4
I forgot about Bandai Namco. Don't care for the Dragonball games and they're ports or Namco Museum.
Then they go on to talk about the 10 best selling games of 2016, which I presume was for America.
1. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
2. Battlefield 1
3. The Division
4. NBA 2K17
5. Madden 17
6. GTA V
7. Overwatch
8. Call of Duty: Black Ops 3
9. FIFA 17
10. Final Fantasy XV
Of all those, we've only got FIFA and NBA. But you can pick countless other games that we're not getting, like Resident Evil 7. Instead Capcom are giving us ports of Revelations 1 and 2. But even there, they're screwing it up by having 2 as digital only.
I'd gladly pick up both. MK X is actually the only Mortal kombat I've yet to play so I'd be all over that on Switch. Oh, and please make it the XL edition. Injustice 2 looks really fun too.
In b4 "gimped port" and "Switch can't run these games" comments.
nInTeNdO iS dOoMeD
It's not funny anymore.
He's been teasing the Switch for a while on his twitter account and now says stuff like that...
What is he waiting for? Why not bring MK XL which seems to be the definitive edition while working on the port of Justice 2?
MK was released way before the Switch, couldn't they get someone working on it before the Switchs release? C'on...
Also, let's not forget that they got the first Justice running on the PS Vita and it was a great port so Justice 2 should run on the Switch with some changes.
Anyway, by the time this gets announced and released people will have forgotten this game, it will not sell and the devs will blame the system as they normally do.
@w00dm4n It was actually a good port and the only version that is more complete. It's just that Mortal Kombat Armageddon in general is a disappointing game.
"but you know, you can make some version of Injustice on the Atari 2600."
Switch weaker than the Atari 2600 confirmed.
Never cared much for Injustice (though I don't like it at all) but Mortal Kombat... That would be beyond awesome!
Hoping to see them these an ultimate edition on switch.
If we get that late a port, I hope we get the GOTY edition... Looking at you, DB Xenoverse 2...
@JaxonH although they hit 60fps on Vita. Visually injustice and MK looked really bad.
@Roam85 damn that would be a killer addon!!❤️❤️
I’ve been a big fan of Mortal Kombat since the Mega Drive games. Would love to see it on the Switch. New and classic entries of the series would be welcome. I enjoyed Injustice on the Wii U so hopefully the sequel will get a Switch port.
Finally a developer telling it how it is, not sure about that. If he'd have said 'if there's money to be made they we would, but we don't think there is'. Now then I would think they were telling the truth!
And the fact that we are supposed to read something into such dialogue is a bit sad really.
Injustice 1 on the WiiU is awesome, so i'd totally want the second game on the Switch if possible!
Mortal Kombat XL please, day one for me
Would love to see injustice in the future. Unsure if MK would be a good fit ,but would not mind to see ot being ported
Strange comment ref. Atari 2600. Feels a bit like one of those "It grows on you. But so does fungus - you don't have to like it" turns of phrase. Perhaps context has been lost in print.
I would buy Injustice 2 instantly as it has not been released on PC so far...
This is bullcrap,the game can run on freaking smartphones.It looks worse than the console versions,but its still very good.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE So if it's really this bad in your eyes, why are you getting a Switch?
I would rather see Scorpion in Smash Bros. That is the easy way to give Nintendo fans a taste of your art and gives the majority what they want anyway. Plus its free money from licensing.
I would love to see MK X onswitch!!
Didnt buy the switch for third party ports and haven't been into fighting games since mk 2, street fighter 2, and tekken tag. I've played some fighting games since tekken tag but never got into them the same way I did in the 90s. Ive been a huge DC fan since superfriends first aired and kept up with comics until a few years ago. Given my Dc fandom, I preordered the first injustice and it surprisingly became one of my favorite Dc games of the last 15 years. Haven't got injustice 2 yet, mainly because of my backlog but if I still have gotten it by the time it releases on the switch, I may give it a chance if it includes the dlc.
@Scapetti I think with the release of rdr2 so far out, and la noire coming to switch, I thought they might just port over gta5 and rdr1 at some point too. Just maybe would be lucky enough to get rdr2 near launch on other systems...
@WiltonRoots He's not,I think he's made it clear he doesn't like the system so why spend money on something you don't like? makes no sense to me
@PlayedNSlayed he bought a Switch game, so I assume that means he's going ahead at some point.
Would buy for sure loved both games on PS4, did not play Injustice 2 tough
@WiltonRoots It seem like a roller coaster of emotions all of the time. Wish it was rideable
@Malcrash It's like a Spanish soap opera. But the same episode on repeat.
Bring Injustice 2 and Mortal Kombat to Switch and I’ll Buy them. I supported the first Injustice on Wii U.
I would love a GOOD super hero adventure game. This game just seems like another fighter with cut scenes. Aside from that PS4 Spiderman game I haven't heard about since E3, I haven't heard of a new, quality superhero game in a long time. Well, there are the Batman Arkam games but those are more detective than action/adventure.
Not much of an Injustice fan but kudos to those who enjoy it. Mortal Kombat however, well that's a whole different bag of bananas.
@Oscarzxn Not to mention Grezzo and Next Level.
I understand that it is this website's job to report on these things, but honestly I am reaching the point where I am trying to stop caring about what my console doesn't have. There are way too many good games that my console of choice does have, a lot I still haven't even played.
I would gratefully accept either one.
@FTL Thanks for clarifying that the moblie version don't have the same gameplay as the console ones. I actually didn't play any version of Injustice 2 yet. The video on the link I posted gave me the impression that the mobile version had the same gameplay of the console versions. Just graphically inferior and with a very low framerate. I was thinking in a port in the lines of Doom, as you mentioned.
@RyanSilberman You are right. I didn't had played the mobile version. See my reply to @FTL above.
I rather have Injustice than MK X. As a huge MK fan since 1 through 9, I think in X they "jumped the shark" so to speak. It seems to me that Injustice is now what MK once was in terms of gameplay and fun factor.
However, I'd buy any re-release of past MK games, even if I already own most of them.
I love DC Comics, and I loved the first Injustice. I say bring it on!
Got MK X and XL on the PS4 already so if they want to bring the all inclusive edition of Injustice to the Switch I'll bite.
Though personally, I'd rather they get working on an Classic MK collection. Would pick that up without question.
Not even going to lie. That Atari 2600 joke hurt. Like, bad.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE "diarrhea"?! LMAO
He doesn't want to port. Ok then don't. How about building a new ORIGINAL game from the ground up for switch? This is what I miss about the 90's. You had games that were only on Nintendo and games that were only on Sega, and neo Geo etc. Developers created original content for each respective platform. Ex. Contra 3 SNES. Contra Hard corps Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. I mean COME ON! Where's the love for the art? Some of the indie developers have their heads in the right place when it comes this.
I love how people are jumping on his Atari comment like it was a diss to Switch.
It seems developers/publishers are having a dilemma, they expected the Switch to bomb like the WiiU so didn't commit to it.
Now they are seeing high sales and very high demand for Xmas period and debating whether to keep losing potential revenue or commit to games on the platform.
Oh i would love it for real if they bring it to the switch, injustice and mortal kombat.
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