Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon aren't far away on 3DS, and the more we learn about the new titles the clearer it gets that they're offering more than minor expansions. The Pokémon Company and Game Freak have emphasised that there'll be an expansive storyline, and in a new twist to previous expansions these games will also introduce entirely new Pokémon.
Recently we got a chance to ask Game Freak's Kazumasa Iwao and Shigeru Ohmori (both serving as Directors on the title) some pertinent questions about what these games will have to offer, and why Pokémon Sun and Moon fans shouldn't look past the new releases.
Check it out below.
For those of you that prefer text to video, the transcript is below - enjoy!

What made you decide to introduce new Pokémon in the middle of a generation, for the first time ever?
Iwao-san: So one of the big things of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon is exploring the Ultra Wormholes that appear. By going through there you'll ultimately discover some new Ultra Beasts that you haven't seen before, and gradually solve the mystery that is the Ultra Wormholes. Naturally as part of that we decided to add in the new Pokémon.
Why have you returned to the concept of an "enhanced version" rather than a straight sequel?
Ohmori-san: I worked as the director on Pokémon Sun & Moon, and as such worked on creating the new Alola region, and I really thought "can't we expand this world even further?". So I went to Mr Iwao and said I'd like to be the director of Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, so we could explore the Alola region even further. In terms of the games themselves, Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon are probably closest to Pokémon Emerald in its relationship to Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire in terms of the core concept, but to give a new experience in surprising some of our players we decided to make the two new different versions as if we're making a new game, and that way people can still enjoy battling and trading in the same way that they do with a new entry in the series.
What key elements do you feel differentiate Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon from Sun and Moon?
Iwao-san: If we go too far into this it could get quite long, but the first real big point that you'll see is that the story is quite different. This time around it focuses on the character you'll see on the boxes, Necrozma, and the two different forms of it; as that appears the story develops from there. You'll also see returning characters in Hau and Lillie from the original Sun & Moon, and this time around we get to see a new side of them, so that's quite different from Sun & Moon. There are also some gameplay additions, you can see the Mantine Surf feature has been added, so players can enjoy riding on top of Mantine, and there's also the Alola Photo Club, where you can take pictures of the Pokémon that you're adventuring with, turn those pictures into decorations, and share those with other players through the Festival Plaza, so there's quite a lot of big differences.

What element of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon do you think will surprise fans the most?
Iwao: There are lots of features and one in particular that I'd love to be able to talk about, but unfortunately I can't right now. Something that's really great is that after you finish the story, there's a big post-story scenario that the players can really get into and enjoy, and another feature that's hopefully something that'll be really good for players to discover is that you can go and visit other worlds through the Ultra Wormholes. There's Pokémon you can encounter and amongst them is actually Mewtwo, a strong Pokémon that players will be very familiar with who's appeared in the past, and they can encounter and catch that, so hopefully players will really enjoy those aspects.
What would you say to those Sun and Moon players who have perhaps dismissed Ultra Sun and Moon already?
Iwao: This time around in Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon you're able to explore the Ultra Wormholes from which the Ultra Beasts appear, so by playing these games you'll finally be able to solve the mystery of the Ultra Wormholes. In addition to this is the Pokémon Necrozma; in the first games it was a bit of a mystery as to what Necrozma was, so by playing Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon you'll be able to find out exactly what's happening there, so we really hope players will play Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon and solve these mysteries for themselves.
We'd like to thank Kazumasa Iwao and Shigeru Ohmori for their time.
Joe Merrick contributed to this feature.
Comments 91
Sorry, not enough. When I saw the headline though I got excited, I thought at first we could ride mewtwo. THAT would have been interesting.
Wish they'd just go ahead and let us fight as the Pokémon. I would love to actually miss an attack, and know it's because I slipped up and not because a random number told me so.
Hey Gamefreak, enough Pokemon already! give us "Pulseman 2"
Of course I will buy Ultra Moon.
Also, I want to use Sawk in Ultra Moon.
Sun & Moon was awesome, so I have no problem with playing a superior version of that.
Psst... Ask them for Pokemon Nintendo Switch.
I would be playing this in a heartbeat, if they released it on switch too. But they don't want easy money it seems.
I am so glad I held out on getting vanilla Sun or Moon, so now I can get the GOTY edition with complete satisfaction. The wait was hard, and I almost broke down a couple of times, but good things come to those who wait.
Weak. I'm not buying essentially the same game for a minute amount of new Pokes.
As much as it pains me to say, my live dex will now forever be incomplete.
Well, I am glad we finally got some clarification on the nature of the games and its within more than enough time for people to make an informed decision. For me personally, its enough new content to take the plunge. I went with Moon last time. I'll go Ultra Sun this time around
I still haven't finished the first release, I really need to get back to it...
@XenoShaun I've said it before, and I'll say it again: if Capcom can make Monster Hunter XX work on Switch and 3DS, GF could have made Pokemon work.
"B-b-b-but how are they going to make it work on a single screen!!!"
Right, because a Pokemon game has NEVER been on a single screen handheld before...
@burninmylight Only problem is, you'll miss out on all the stuff from the first game, if you're interested in lore and whatnot. Otherwise, yeah, much better to have waited for this game.
This all sounds fine, but I don't know how I feel about playing another Pokémon game so soon (literally a year minus a day). Whether it's bursting with content or not, I'm not big on annual releases.
Translation: Because we want your money.
@Kalmaro The majority of it will be in the new game. It's not a full on sequel, it's an enhanced version. There will be some key differences in the plot, yeah, but I've never played a Pokemon game for the plot to that specific game itself. And I'm not exactly looking forward to cutscenes every 10 steps, but oh well.
If this was on the Switch it would have been a day one purchase for me. Very foolish of them not to put it on the Switch imo.
Truth be told, sounds like a quick cash-in to me.
They planned it from the beginning to create two games.
@burninmylight Well, that won't be an argument come 2019 or 2020 (whenever Pokemon Switch comes out)
Yeah, too bad XY never got their expansion on. Kalos was just begging to be fleshed out and to actually be polished.
Their response to the second question is also pretty telling.
@burninmylight I know, that was my point. The only thing you are missing essentially is the plot from the first game. The plot actually wasn't terrible but the constant cutscenes got old fast. They could have conveyed the story better.
done w pokemon. tired of the same old thing from gamefreak
Bring it to Switch and I will play it
I was wishing for something a bit more like B2&W2 but I guess it's time to accept that they're more like the 3rd version since they compared it to Emerald. That said, I'm still buying it day one. I'm holding hope for Kanto revisit (as much as some would hate it). They said there's something big they can't reveal. It would be big to travel through Kanto with Lillie if her mom ends up like in S&M.
What I'm still trying to figure out is, if I beat my Pokemon Moon, will I face the need to replay the whole original story in, say, UltraSun before I can get to the new scenarios and stuff? Or will there be some kind of save transfer?
Same issue as @World here. I'd also like for newer games to be less linear and interruption-heavy than Sun & Moon. They're much better than X/Y in that regard, don't get me wrong, but they're not quite there yet.
@Late if I found out you could revisit older regions I'd buy the game day 1.
With no new main Pokemon game releasing this year we needed to get your money somehow
@Kalmaro Not being a jerk but, check out Pokken then. I find it incredibly fun and just what I wanted for a game where you freely control a mon and it's moves on a field.
Considering I thought Sun&Moon to be the worst Pokémon games since Gen4 I will pass. Will wait for Gen8 and hope they don’t royally mess it up the way they did this gen.
Naaaa, thank you. I will wait for the Switch one.
DLC being sold as a whole game again, but this time as 2 whole games. So... more scummy than ever?
“Q. What are the key differences from Sun & Moon?”
“A. Some characters return, you can see new sides to them”.
So... some dialogue is changed...?
Aside from exploring Ultra Wormholes, none of the key differences sound significant enough to me to warrant it. So the question is how big are the other worlds through the Wormholes?
@Kieferdj I have checked out Pokkén, then bought it again for Switch! Something like Pokkén would be cool.
I'm confused. Is this the same game as Sun+Moon with a little extra? Or a new story/adventure set in the same area?
Yeahhh, good luck with that.
@XenoShaun They never split Pokémon generations on different consoles because they want them to be easily compatible with each other.
It comes out in less than a month and I'm not hyped...that's a first for a Pokemon game.
The new areas better be good because the new pokemon so far consist of a walking rainbow jellyfish with a bomb for a head, a poisonous floating alien and a pile of bricks with an eye...
They didn't say anything that wasn't in the trailers, basically this was almost useless.
@Browny "Considering I thought Sun&Moon to be the worst Pokémon games since Gen4"
I like you.
@StupidName64 Yeah can definitely see the logic behind it all. But with Pokemon Bank wouldnt that solve a lot of it?
Wonder if they could work in wireless battles between a Switch and 3DS. That'd be so awesome.
2019 can't come soon enough for the Switch pokemon.
@yeayeanaynay i dont get it?
I bought Sun and Moon but this just doesn't look interesting enough to buy, even though Sun is probably my favourite Pokemon game alongside (Soul) Silver. I'll show my support with the Switch version.
Nah. I'll play Pokemon again when it relocates to the Switch.
What are they saying at the end after the "nl" logo?
@XenoShaun they could have done a dual release of the game for both the 3DS and the Switch, with the option to transfer your Switch save to your 3DS so you can play with other 3DS users if there aren't any Switch users to play with.
Sort of like how Monster Hunter XX did it.
...Then Game Freak can make it Japan exclusive.
Sort of like how Monster Hunter XX did it.
"there's a big post-story scenario"
It better be. And I hope it is indeed a big story/area, kinda like in B2W2 where half of the region was post-game.
It pains me to say that I will be cancelling my pre-order for this game. I hate to be that guy, but what on earth has happened to one of my favourite (now ex-favourite) gaming franchises of all-time? I enjoyed certain aspects of Sun & Moon, but features such as Ultra Beasts and Z-Moves weren't welcome additions for me. Heck, I still don't know what Ultra Beasts are exactly and why they exist. They felt so uninspired and I didn't feel compelled or excited to catch them at all.
I'm all for change, and I know it's needed, but since X & Y Pokémon has gradually started to turn into some sort of weird Digimon-esque franchise that's ruining what I love about it - that being an adventure about you catching and raising Pokémon as creatures in natural habitats (not machines or possessed humans). As weird as this sounds, the recent generations to me almost feel solely like a character-driven, Fire Emblem-esque RPG as opposed to a typical Pokémon one, with the focus and emphasis being on stories about the game's NPCs and non-Pokémon entities as opposed to the lore, legends, and wonders of the actual monsters themselves. Not sure if that makes sense - it's hard to convey what I mean exactly through here, but I haven't thoroughly enjoyed a Pokémon game since Generation V, or perhaps IV if I'm being critical.
This just doesn't do enough for me to warrant a purchase. I'll look forward to the upcoming Pokémon RPG for the Switch. Great job on securing the interview though, and great job with those questions - their answers are just what I needed to confirm my decision.
It definitely sounds like a full White 2/Black 2 treatment now, which is something Alola really needed.
I'm (pretty much, almost, maybe) in.
Thanks but no thanks. As @SM4SHshorts mentions, Pokémon isn't quite doing it for me anymore like it used to either.
I suspected when the initial trailer released that these didn't look like anything to bother with, and that they would just be a quick and easy way to milk the seventh gen, and I think it's safe to say that my hunch was correct, at least from my POV.
Sure, Alola did need a revamp, and I'd have maybe bought-in to some DLC - but certainly not a full-priced game which is, for the most part, more of the same.
@Yorumi Yeah, this exactly. A more direct version of what I was trying to say above, ha!
Ultra Sun/Moon is starting to look better... but it's still underwhelming so far. I've never bothered to get any of the third versions other than Yellow.
That said I'll probably still get Ultra Sun/Moon. Hopefully they do something drastic like add more alola mon from gen 2, or reintroduce mega evolution.
People aren't realising this generation is very story, cutscene, and character focused. A sequel was the correct approach. Because no one wants to experience the same thing again, especially long hand holding tutorial sections.
BW2 did expand on the BW games and was also story focused and linear, but the difference here is that Gen 5's design and experience was not mitigated by dumbing down the game. People like to defend Ultra S/M by using Crystal, Emerald, and Platinum. The thing is, the time people started noticing the flaws and what GF was doing with these types of games, it didn't matter. Gen 5, instead of making us walk the same path Cr, Em, Pt would be doing, we walked in the same Region but with new partners, along a different path, with a different story. Mystery and Experience were still to be had. Gen 6, instead of feeding us Pokemon Z, instead we went straight to a Hoenn remake. GF got their money, fans started liking Gen 6. Game Freak were taking casual steps forward.
Pokemon fans are growing up, and they don't want to go back to "Cheep buck" Crystal, Emerald, and Platinum. Could have had a Gen 4 remake and just threw the new Ultra Wormholes anywhere in there.
@SM4SHshorts I'm not in the business of trying to change your mind. You are certainly entitled to your feelings and opinions. But I don't understand what the confusion about Ultra Beast are. You can capture them, they have Pokedex entry and you can ultimatelty use them to battle and capture other Pokemon. Therefore, they're Pokemon. Sure, the in game explanation is a bit on the vague side. But I assume its on purpose because the characters themselves don't know much about them either. Now, whether or not you feel the designs are good or not is another story. Out of the 800 or so Pokemon, there are probably a few 100 I still don't care for to this day. That includes some of the legendaries.
And Z-Moves are optional. I think I may have used one once or twice in my entire play-through. I don't necessarily dislike them. I've just been able to ignore them. Not much different than other features introduced in the 20+ years of the series that I've never bothered with
Great questions, it's a shame they gave so many non-answers though. Definitely feels like they don't have as much as they'd like us to believe.
I have a strange feeling that these wormholes will be just many on-rail tracks with a legendary poke at the end of it. Kinda like expanded Hoopa rings... So you can get your gen 7 legit competetive legendaries.
And all the bonus thingies - Mantine and photos - a distraction. Just like flying on Lati@s: nice lookin' but it's much faster to just use Fly.
This is pokemon, so obviously I already preordered these games but... Seeing how terribly GF manages the games I'm really cautious about of these Ultra expansion packs.
I don't have Switch, but even I would prefer new games on the system - enough already of low-res textures and barely keeping the framerate.
@marnelljm A switch version would look great on Switch, cause Pokemon games on 3ds already got very nice visuals if you can tolerate frame rates, blurred pixels and low resolution. Still i would prefer the first real Pokemon experience on Switch like every other new Nintendo handheld to be a whole new game, with a new graphic engine. Makes the anticipation more exciting. Can't wait for a real next gen Pokemon with anime quality visuals!
@Yorumi Well, there's one positive side of this: you aren't alone in your statement.
@dimi That's how I feel as well. I don't want the first impression of Switch Pokemon to be essentially ports or to be criticized for not being compatible with their earlier counterparts (because you know that would be one more thing for people to get upset about). Maybe you can argue better planning could have happened and Gen 7 should have been developed for the Switch.
Make a proper mainline Pokémon game for the Switch and then I be interested.
This 3rd version is shaping to be quite different from the other 3rd versions.
Really hyped for this game.
@dimi If you think that Pokemon looks good on 3DS, then think again. For a game that was made to run on 3DS, it looks bland and runs bad. Meanwhile, you have MH and MH Stories - looking colorful, lively and (gasp!) the camera is controlable (no hiding the unrendered parts!). And all in stereoscopic 3D!
What's funnier, Digimon - not native 3DS title, got a port that looks almost as good as the original. And it has stereoscopic 3D. So, how comes that a game designed specificaly for 3DS can't compare to a third party port?
Also @marnelljm it's not foolish of them. Unless you wanted to pay for an unfinished & barebones broken engine, kinda like early access equivalent on Switch. I assure you, GF is already working on the new game, and I bet my head that they have been working on it at least for a year now.
1) Not a third version
2) MORE Ugly Beasts introduced
3) Unimportant features like riding Pokemon expanded
Hmm, I think i'll pass.
This could be the first Pokemon game I don’t buy. Pokemon Sun didn’t excite me that much, I still haven’t completed it. The art style is great, especially for a 3DS game, but the sense of adventure just wasn’t there. Some of the stuff they did made the game easier and more streamlined, so that was partly why I didn’t enjoy it. Pokemon Gold is what I’m currently playing.
When the Switch game comes along I’ll definitely be buying that. My 3DS no longer comes to work with me, unlike my Switch.
Gotta milk us all!
Thanks a lot for adding the transcript to the article, it was a good read.
All the recent news has got me more excited for these games, but I'm still not as hyped as usual for new Pokemon games. The Ultra Wormhole area sounds good, but I'm wondering whether there'll be lots to explore or whether it'll be linear and boring.
Part of this negativity is probably the fact they're rereleasing such a similar looking game one year later. I love Sun & Moon so I'm looking forward to it. Strangely I'm not so sure I'm excited though. Kinda cautious.
@nhSnork I highly doubt there will be any kind of save transfer. Pokémon Yellow, Crystal, Emerald, Platinum, and to a lesser extent, Black2/White2 worked the same way.
Thank you for the text version.
I for one much prefer reading it to watching a video.
Everyone:"I think I'll pass on this"
Also Everyone:Smashs preorder button
We all know now they are trying to sell their games. Of course they are going to promote it... but hey... good for the fans right. The more the better
"we decided to make the two new different versions......that way people can still enjoy battling and trading in the same way that they do with a new entry"
Yeah, no. This a cash grab, plain and simple. There's no other reason for two versions of this title to exist.
I haven't read the comments yet, but I'm sure they'll be roughly broken into three categories:
1. Woot! Bring on Ultra Sun/Moon! HYPE!
2. Meh, doesn't do enough. It's too soon/too underwhelming/should be DLC. Hard pass.
3. Why is this not on my Switch? I've moved on! No other Nintendo consoles exist! Port all 3DS games in two weeks, darn it!
(Yes, this is partially meant for humorous effect)
@Banjos_Backpack I love that idea. Now that would be a great franchise reboot/launch on the Switch.
Still not interested. Personally, I'm not too interested in the story. Pokemon Sun/Moon were such flawed, frustrating Pokemon games. I want to hear about how they fixed those issues, not how they changed the story.
Of course, I'm left to believe that they didn't really fix any of the problems.
I was going to say the same thing haha
Going to pass on these. Enjoyed Pokemon Sun but not enough to double dip for an enhanced version. Pretty sure I saw somewhere where they commented on this being the last Pokemon mainline series game for the 3DS. Knowing that makes it easier to hold off for the first Pokemon on Switch.
I’m still not clear on whether it’s basically the same story again with bits tacked on.
@Banjos_Backpack I don’t really know if the essence of what a Pokémon is supposed to be is what it started out as. The main line games, (at their core) are the same. I just think the minute we started diving into legit alien Pokemon, Pokemon from alternate dimensions and mechanical dolls, the concept of a Pokemon was forever changed or expanded on. I’m not suggesting that its a bad thing or good. Everyone has their feelings on what a good Pokemon is. I personally don’t think Ultra Beast ruin the essence of Pokémon anymore than other wacky ones might or might have. They’re Pokémon. Some I like more thsn others. And at least for me, most legendary/rare Pokémon stay in the box anyways. I rarely ever use them
As for Z-Moves, I just don’t see them being as much of a nuisance seeing as they are optional, you can only use the feature once a battle and I rarely ever see them used competitively. It’s the same with Mega Evolutions. If they’re in the next game, it won’t be that big of a deal. If they aren’t, I won’t lose any sleep.
"Exclusive: Game Freak Explains Why We Should All Play Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon"
Game Freak: Well, we get money, and we like money.
They have managed to make me think this is more than SM with move tutors. But so far I remain underwhelmed. The Ultra wormhole thing just seems like a repeat of the hyperspace holes in ORAS. I have a complete National Pokedex in the Bank and will get whatever new mons we get in these games, but that isn't enough to make me really excited.
The new story intrigues me a little bit, if they at least fix it so the MC doesn't smile through the whole bloody thing, that would be enough for me. lol
Overall everything is tempered by having to play this on the 3DS, in the same region as SM. If it were a different region (new or like a gen 4 remake or a simple return to a previous region but a different time) OR if it were on the Switch, in HD and on the big screen, then I would be much more excited.
Despite all the Switch titles coming in Q4, I'm still getting this. I loved Moon - the new trials, ultra beast quests and Pokemon were cool. This is like Black and White 2, but I have no problem with that.
@XenoShaun Heck yeah! I've literally never played a Pokemon game aside of one that I tried on an emulator not too long ago. I have 2 Nintendo DS's, but due to an eye problem I have it is impossible for me to see games on them. Would love to play Sun and Moon on the big screen for sure. Almost one of the top reasons I bought a switch for.
Eh, I got MH Stories...not going back to Pokemon after Moon. I think my interest for the series has died out.
@yeayeanaynay how is making a consumer product such as a video game exploiting fans? Purchase of the game is completely optional. Nobody is being forced to do anything they don't want to.
Sun and Moon was highly disappointing and this game looked highly uninteresting to me. Also why do they always do duel releases for Gen sequels now? That wasn't the case for Platinum and that was great.
For the people complaining why this wasn't on Switch, we are already getting a Pokemon game for it so don't be greedy.
I skipped Sun & Moon, so maybe now I'll jump in.... maybe.
Considering I still haven’t played sun or moon maybe I should play this!
Sorry, I still can't get rid off the feeling that it's just a money grab with extra steps.
@burninmylight They've already announced a mainline game is coming. They just didn't want it to be sun/moon.
I kind of prefer it this way. I want them to make a full-fledged Pokemon RPG that is also designed to be console-quality, even if that takes time to develop.
@flightsaber I'm aware of that. I also think it's crap, and that GF is too lazy/noobish to have wanted to put USUM on the Switch. A Switch port for those games wouldn't have dampened the excitement Gen 8 games one bit in the future.
Please stop shoving Mewtwo down our throats...
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