FIFA 18 launches today, but EA has been curiously reluctant to show off very much of the Switch version; aside from off-screen footage recorded at events like this year's Gamescom, we've been unable to pick apart the Nintendo version's visuals to see just how favourably they compares to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One editions.
With the game now available, no such barriers remain - and we thought that you'd appreciate 10 minutes of direct feed footage, part of which shows the mighty Leicester City going one-up against some also-ran outfit by the name of Real Madrid.

The video was captured with the console docked, and as we're sure you'll agree, it looks pretty decent. Sure, there are a few dead eyes and some rather stiff-looking animation, but the standard remains high - and for a version of FIFA you can take with you anywhere, we think it looks rather spiffing.
What do you make of this footage? Will you be buying the game today? As ever, let us know your thoughts by posting a comment below.
Comments 65
I'm not buying today but I'll be buying next week sometime, need to support the third parties. It'll be my first ever Fifa.
Just read there is no way to invite friends to play online. That a big problem
Why do they all walk on the pitch like old men who have soiled themselves?
Looks very nice. I'll get it when it's reduced in a few months.
Oy - glad I kept the PS4 one,... This is the type of game I want the best version available to me - I can play something else away from home.
Looks like a Vita game. Not a bad thing, but I hoped the Switch would be a little stronger. Nice to have it on the go, though.
Looks pretty gross at parts and alright at other parts. I have my eye on it because Football/Soccer games are one of the better sports game series. As long as its not American Football shudders
@BlueNitrous Switch is several times stronger than the Vita. If it looks like a Vita game, don't blame the hardware
@BlueNitrous when was the last time you looked at a vita game? vita looks way worse.
This article is the most British thing I've ever read game looks great, glad I preordered!
Game looks fantastic. And I've heard great things from longtime FIFA players on Reddit. My copy arrives tomorrow.
I actually own a Vita, and I can tell you right now no, it does not look like a Vita game. FIFA on Vita looked significantly worse than PS3/360. Like way worse. Not even a comparison. And this here version on Switch looks significantly better than the PS3/360 versions.
This game looks almost as good, not quite but almost as good as the Xbox One version of FIFA 16. I've been watching extensive footage and comparisons.
Looks rather splendid. About where it should be i.e not as good as XB1 but well ahead of 360/PS3. Getting a lot of comparisons to FIFA 16 which is good, that was a better game than 17.
It's way ahead of any of the Vita versions.
This looks wayyyy better than I thought it would!
@electrolite77 My one friend who cares about these things keeps comparing it favourably to 16, too, and seeing as that's the most current game of choice for FIFA diehards, I can't help but think the development team deliberately did this to appeal to that group.
Wow, it really looks amazing. And yes, the animation of the players is a bit stiff when they're walking, but it looks absolutely fantastic when they're doing everything else. Given that footballers traditionally don't spend much of the time walking, I expect it will be all right.
I pretty much got the same feeling watching this that I usually get when I'm watching the real game. It's pretty, it's actually the only sport I can watch for more than a few minutes without losing my mind, but in the end it's not something I'm really interested in. I would be down for playing occasionally if a friend wanted a match, but it would be a huge waste of my money to buy it myself.
Great production, though. Looks like the Switch got another winner here. Good job, EA!
EA's character models have always looked like zombie mannequins
Part of the reason I enjoy their e3 shows is hearing them talk up the lastest sports games using their new fancy high tech engine only to have all the players looking like Mr. Robot lol gets me every time!
Here's a good side by side comparison with the Xbox One version.It looks great and absolutely nothing like the Vita version as someone pointed out above.
looks like fifa 16 ( I have the xbox one version) and that is fantastic. I honestly did a double take. I mean I know the switch is a hybrid and Nintendo proves that but when the third parties know that and produce a product that reflects that...that is fantastic news (I can't express that enough). Can't wait for my copy to arrive. Ugh I kinda wish I was at my old job (aside from missing the pay lol) as most of my team were FIFA fans. I know I could have convinced most of them to get a switch based on that.
For all the ruckus this caused, i think that it really doesn't look bad at all really. And its not a watered down version either this time ?
Im pretty much the polar opposite of its target audience but yeah, looks good and if it comes with the proper content on board, that's great news for fans
I'm not a fan of realistic sports sims as a rule, but clearly EA put some time and care into this game. 2K, take note.
I'm not going to lie its a great game but passing and dribbling need serious work its awful.
I'm feeling conflicted about this game. I don't like EA and past FIFA games often felt too scripted to me but I would like a portable game of football.
Looks pretty good I think. Unfortunately I don't like football so... Anyway I really hope it sells A LOT!
in the absence of pro evo this is a day one for me. well next week anyway, boxed copy.
@BlueNitrous you need glasses.
I don't really know what everyone is talking about it doesn't really look all that good to me.
watches video linked by OorWullie
Ah. It isn't the Switch version, but overall presentation that i'm unimpressed with. Then again I've never kept track of previous entries so maybe this game has the best look in the franchise, which still doesn't impress me. I'll take stylized art directions over realism any day, as for the game I don't care for sports so no dice from me.
@JaxonH my stepson has Fifa 16 on PS4 and to me this looks virtually the same from what I've seen on YouTube. Weirdly this video seems designed to show off the worst parts of the animation rather than just the football
Can't party with friends online, what a shame, that was my reason to buy it, so now that's my reason to avoid it.
It looks competent. After watching videos of Switch/PS3/PS4 videos, the game has more in common with PS3 than PS4. No greater giveaway than looking at the stadiums and the crowd. Will there be a big enough online audience on Switch? I know trying to find players in some Wii U games was near impossible at times. And speaking of online, while we knew modes like The Journey were missing on Switch because EA didn't want to "overwhelm" the Switch audience, I've read that you can only play 5v5 online as opposed to 11v11. Maybe people knew of this before but it's news to me. EA and Nintendo have done little if anything to promote the Switch version, whereas the complete opposite is the case on other platforms.
Here's a PS3/PS4 comparison video.
I won't be buying it today as it's also Snes mini day but will almost certainly pick it up next week
It looks good to me. Just waiting for the review.
I think it looks quite good and I'm still glad the gameplay is 60fps. It isn't running on Frostbite as we al know, but I do see some effect and detail that isn't in the ps3/x360 "legacy" editions. I am still contemplating about also getting the ps4 version, but to be honest, I didn't play the last iterations of Fifa on ps4 that much.
@Ichiban "Zombie mannequins". Very good description.
Let me know when the game costs £4 to buy!
I'll need to get it as I need to have a Fifa/football game on every console I own, but I have to wait until it gets to around £20 or less, and then I'll never upgrade it. Fifa 13 on the Wii U sorts my football fix just fine still.
Looks pretty sweet on the Switch too and love the thought of tabletop mode for some reason with other people.
An unprecedented purchase! Well done EA.
It doesn't look too bad to be honest.
I'm not a big sports fan but I will keep an eye on this and see if EA continues to support it via updates etc throughout the year.
Bought it last night the cut scenes and things are great the actual game play sometimes looks abit weak but hey it's FIFA on the move, awesome
Interesting read.
FIFA 18 on the Switch is Missing Much More Than Just the Journey
But is it still good?
It seems like it's missing quite a bit. And who is it aimed at?
"All of this makes it a stay away for hardcore fans; but for first-timers and families looking for some fun soccer, I think it works perfectly well as a stripped down port."
My copy should be waiting for me when I get home from work. It is what it is and looks spot on. If anyone was expecting a PS4 or Xbox one visual they were deluded from the start. It will be the portability that sells the game and I'm looking forward to playing my first Game at home and carrying on at the pub!
People saying it looks nothing like the PS4 version?! Well , doh! Of course it doesn't but for me if the gameplay is there, that's always the main thing for a gamer!!!!!
Did you have to play as the inbreds?
I just wished they made a game that concentrated on playing football as opposed to making it more like you’re watching it on tv. Why do I need to see poorly animated players coming on to the pitch - why can’t I just play!? And why am I hearing repetitive generic commentary? If I’m playing I want to hear my team mates yelling for the ball, and the crowd singing my team’s songs! Basically, I want Sensible Soccer...
Having now seen the game running alongside the Xbox one and PS4 version in GAME, strictly no recording of footage allowed sadly, I can honestly say that whilst there are clear graphical differences, fully expected , the game stands up well and the queue to play the Switch version was longer than for it's bulkier rivals. The GAME guy was saying that the switch has really exceeded expectations already and people are still trying to get hold of one and they have pre orders suggesting Xmas is going to hugely successful for Nintendo. The thing Nintendo have done right is that they have stood on their own two feet and not taken on the other 2. Switch is an alternative and it's appealing once again to a mass audience not just hardcore gamers.
The indie games keep coming and are great and the top games each month are sheer brilliance!!
Xbox and PS4 fans are quick to mock Nintendo but if you love pure gaming quality, Switch is a great console to have.
If you want purely movie style graphics, it's simple, dont buy one!!
@Bondi_Surfer I understand that sensi is in development and the producers think it will fit Switch perfectly!!
I read that USGamer article, and it's laughable. Basically it's missing the Journey (which as a football fan since 1984 is exactly the kind of modern football soap opera BS I can live without) and a load of presentation frippery (as I predicted when people were getting hysterical about Frostbite without knowing what it actually contributed). It also says its closer to 16 than 17 which is good because 16 is the superior, harder (as long as you turn all the aids off) game.
How they've come to the conclusion that missing such frivolities makes it less hardcore is beyond me.
"Why do I need to see poorly animated players coming on to the pitch - why can’t I just play!?"
Assuming it's like other versions you can, you just skip the intro.
"And why am I hearing repetitive generic commentary?"
Assuming it's like other versions you can turn it off. Won't make it any more like Sensible Soccer but it's a start.
EA we're always going to be cautious with this release. If it sells the they will produce more games regardless of reviews or criticisms. Sales will be the deciding factor in EA making it not making a long term commitment to Nintendo again.
@superspur1978 That has made my day!
Fifa 16.5 lite for £54.99p ($74)
Totally called this crap months ago
Full price for much much less.
The que forms here for your coming soon 6 year old full price last gen ports. £55-£60 for a port of a game I bought 6 years ago for £40 day one.
That usgamer article is laughable.
I've been in two supermarkets this morning and neither of them had the Switch version in (not that I want it, but I was curious). Big displays for the PS4 version though. In fact, they don't have any Switch stock at all.
I got fifa on Vita, it does look better on Switch. But i can't compare it to PS4 version. Vita isn't the bar.
I’ve bought it on launch today and while it’s watered down of course but brahh I brought my switch to work and played a few games of friendlies with the cleaner dude there who plays on the PS4 and it’s unreal !! bringing it on the go is where it’s at so Support this game if you guys love football and play on the switch
@Moon couldnt get it anywhere so decided to go digital bit annoyed as now i need an SD card. Such a chicken and egg situation in terms of support
Picking this up later today. Little bit disappointed about some of the missing features but if the gameplay is holding up (which it seems to be) and there's good offline career mode I'm happy.
Not forgetting the most important part, local multiplayer anywhere.
Well done ea
Nintendo's half-arsed online cripples FIFA 18 on Switch
You'll always walk alone.
The only Fifa game I've played was Fifa '12 on the iPad. Might get this at some point, but I'm not sure.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Nintendo definitely should have friends invitation at OS level.
But that doesn't excuse EA. Nintendo, Shin'en, Sega, Capcom and Konami have all managed to include play with friends on switch online titles.
You never know this might be a better version than the PS4/X1 game, just like ISS 64 was back in the day v's the respective "full" version...
It looks much better than what I was expecting but still think it's far too expensive.
@Bread-Not-Toast it just depends man if you want Fifa on the go and you love your football like I do 60 bucks isn’t much for all the fun you get with it and especially table top matches with friends say at work like I did
'Sure, there are a few dead eyes and some rather stiff-looking animation, but the standard remains high - and for a version of FIFA you can take with you anywhere, we think it looks rather spiffing.'
@Damo: This is not directed just towards you in particular, but:
Could you guys please stop sugarcoating the Switch's weaker performance in comparison to other consoles and PCs? We get it, the graphics are pretty great for a handheld.
But we don't need a constant reminder that Nintendo had to make sacrifices in order to make the Switch portable.
I'd rather not hear/read any more comparisons to other devices. Because let's be honest, the results will always be exactly the same, you could basically just put this default sentence into any multiplatform review:
'The Switch version is a downgrade of the PS4/XB1 versions but it looks fabulous for a handheld'.
EDIT: Or at least make a proper comparison and compare it to the Android/iOS version if your aim is to point out that it looks great for a tablet game.
Having broken many controllers over the years to due to the FIFA franchise, i'm a little hesitant to buy this on the Switch for obvious reasons.
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