The latest issue of Famitsu has revealed two more characters for the forthcoming Fire Emblem Warriors: Male Corrin And Sakura.
Sakura - who originally appeared in Fire Emblem Fates - is shown in the most detail, and uses a bow and arrow for her weapon. Male Corrin is shown in a small portrait on the page; we assume the full issue will hold more information.

Fire Emblem Warriors arrives on Switch and New Nintendo 3DS on September 28th.
Comments 61
But they're so similar to Leo and Takumi...
Next up is probably Azura and then the reveals return to Awakening.
Yo stop playin where's Ike reveal, it's getting close to release. They said specifically that "MOST" will be from awakening, fates, and shadow dragon. MOST. Ok we've seen most, now show us POR pls.
For every Fates sibling they add, I postpone my purchase for another week. And if the whole roster is just Awakening and Fates featuring Marth, then I'll just pass.
Azura could definitely have a fun water based moveset and we need some land based lance users still. Hopefully they start revealing Shadow Dragon characters soon though, poor Marth
@Zoda_Fett The few characters not from Awakening, Fates and Shadow Dragon are probably just the characters that never existed before Fire Emblem Warriors like Rowan and Lianna.
One of the most important aspects of why I enjoy FE is the well developed and interesting characters and world building. The lack of that, substituted with an abundance of characters who get little to no personality, like in FE Heroes, quickly loses my interest. If this game tries to shove too many characters into it, and they all have little to no personality, I don't care if they LOOK like the original characters from the respective games, it will just be another Warriors game.
Wait !
So, the 3DS version requires New 3DS model to play ?
Fire Emblem Fates Warriors! What an absolutely terrible selection of characters. If you want any other games' characters, then you better buy the day 1 DLC.
Still of the opinion that the Warriors games are just a bit silly. I want them to get rid of the peons, so that the majority of enemies you encounter actually bother to attack you. But then of course, that's not really going to be a Warriors game any more...
i don't care about what people says about fire emblem fates but its for sure my most fav fire emblem entries ! ... I'm so attached to the char's <3
I thought the release date was the 20th of october? Happy if it is September!
@Heavyarms55 Well... It IS another Warrior game... so I'm not sure character development will be a thing here. But we won't know until the game comes out.
Aren't we supposed to get characters from Marth's game (forgot what it's called), too? Where are those? Sure hope that if this game ever gets an expansion or sequel, we'll see a more varied representation of characters game-wise
It's pretty obvious they're planning to sell the other game characters as DLC like they did with Hyrule Warriors. It's a scam and Warriors games aren't that great anyway. Don't fall for it.
I want to play as Lyndis, Eliwood and Hector. :/
@Ralizah Same here. At this point I'll settle for Roy, even.
I really don't know much about Fire Emblem. I just like Warriors games!
I love fire emblem, but totally uninterested in any kind of warriors game. Mindless arena fighting is simply not fire emblem, they might as well call it Fire emblem: Not really a fire emblem game.
Have they made the DLC season pass official yet, we all know it's coming?
Has couch co-op been confirmed or denied yet?
September for japan. In west it is october.
Yeah, New 3DS only.
I just want Kris and Katarina.
@Ralizah I want the GBA games to be brought the Switch. lol. I know they are on the Wii U... but I want to play them on the go!
Really? Sakura, that little baby? Add Ike or someone who can actually fight.
@Heavyarms55 Portable GBA VC has been a big wish of mine for years now. We got GBA games on a home console, but not on the New 3DS? I'll never understand some of Nintendo's decisions!
@rjejr I think a season pass would be announced during either a September Direct or TGS.
Ugh, so now we have ALL of the royals? Did we really need Elise and Sakura? There are a lot of other great characters in Fates. I hope we get more Fates characters.
No chance of Dorothy getting the cut now is there?
@Anti-Matter That's been a thing for awhile now.
@ZurapiiYohane Awakening and Fates are the only reason Fire Emblem still exists today, that's why. If Awakening didn't do well, the franchise would've been killed off just like F-Zero.
@Anti-Matter yes
@dystome the last warriors game I played was samurai warriors 3 for wii.
So let me say... The peons do attack, in fact in the last difficulty option they killed me more than the bosses.
Regarding this game, I knew they were going to feature fates character the most, but every time they show a "new" character I cringe :/
(PD: I'm still waiting for zelgius, nephenee, Lynn or lloyd).
Wait, Elise was already confirmed? How did I miss that?
But yeah, all Fates royals are now accounted for, as expected. This game can't come soon enough!
Hmm. I'm a fan of the game but this is turning more into Waifu Emblem at it's finest at this rate. I can't recall any male character from the earlier games except for Marth... Or wait, are there even any other non Awakening and Fates male characters? Possibly not. But I'm trying to keep a clear head... Let's hope the game doesn't disappoint as I have high expectations for this.
@Zoda_Fett Intsys: lol here are more meme characters like Kellam and Severa pls buy our game bye!
What about non-3ds titles?
@Grumblevolcano Yeah, you've probably noticed my non-stop tweets expecting a Sept ND, I just wasn't sure if I missed it, I seem to be missing a lot these days. Well that or seeing stuff that I forget 2 seconds later, wonky short term memory these days. I guess TGS would be a good place for it though as the mosou games do seem to skew towards Japan.
@Yasaal The only pre-Awakening character announced is Marth so far.
@rjejr There's still the big mystery of the holiday 2017 Kirby 3DS game. That's the biggest hint towards a September Direct.
So many great characters to choose from... Tibarn, Caineghis, Hector just to name a few.. now it feels like we may not even get Ike???
I saw male Corrin, I hope this means that you can change Corrin's gender! Hopefully Robin's too!
I'm still pretty excited for this spinoff. The Warriors setting makes sense in regards to FE's universe. I'm concerned about how the characters will be treated, though.
@Anti-Matter: Yep. It makes sense when considering the performance issues that Hyrule Warriors Legends ran into on the normal 3DS.
@Grumblevolcano Just as I expected. I wanted Lute and Roy to get more attention from the classic games... I blame Smash Bros...
If there was any "Warriors" series game I wanted to play, it would be this one! I love Zelda, but Fire Emblem has a special place in my heart.
@Yasaal Well the only major ways that the classic games would get more attention is if Switch gets VC or Shadows of Valentia did well enough for more remakes to happen.
@Grumblevolcano "holiday 2017 Kirby 3DS game"
I only kinda sort remember that. I know about Kirby, and Yoshi, for Switch 2018 - b/c Nintneod likes it's 2D platformers - and some parts of Triple D and Robotown were sold separtly, but yeah, a new Kirby game for Christmas should kinda be talked about before it releases. And personally I think they should talk up MH Stories some more, I'm still considering buying a New 3DS XL for that 1 game. I just can't bring myself to buy a New 2DS XL b/c I actually like the 3D effect.
I have not spent this much money this fast in a launch period ever...go go switch! Can't wait for this game.
Every time I see any news for this game, I get so discouraged...
@TheGreenMiner13 For story purposes, you will have to play as Male Robin, and Female Corrin. However, outside of that, you should be able to choose, because both Female Robin and Male Corrin are confirmed.
@Captain_Gonru Well from the looks of things, they're going down the Pokemon path of remaking/re-imagining of older games (Shadow Dragon and Echos), so hopefully they'll keep going with those till we catch up.
Though my ultimate dream is a Collection pack like Mario Allstars on Wii and Kirby on Wii that has the classic games we never got translated or even allowing new translated games on the Switch VC. X3
There's one character who has much... potential with a Koei-Tecmo makeover but...

... I can't put my finger on which one...
What a disappointing base roster.
Kinda concerned about the 3DS version as there hasn't been any footage at all.
Every time there's a new announcement, I pray it's a character from a different FE title, or at least another from Shadow Dragon.
Have been quite excited about this but I've not played much of the 3DS entries. Feels like they could just throw a bone to us older fans.
I'd love Lyndis most of all. But I thought we'd at least see the Smash Bros guys - Roy and Ike.
I really do hope they don't limit older characters to DLC. I don't mind paying for extra stuff (Hyrule Warriors was pretty fair imo) but the DLC characters don't feature in the story which always makes them feel less part of the game.
Just worried that this is going to be Fire Emblem 3DS Warriors with a few original characters I couldn't care about. Hyrule Warriors used three distinct Zelda settings and also created it's own awesome take on Zelda, Link and Impa which felt like a fourth setting - and works given that Zelda does this as a staple with it's core cast (and also felt like Link and Zelda were connected to everything on an overall level with no bias toward a specific game)
I get that they want to appeal to the modern fans, but I think they could have done a 2:1 ratio of 3DS guys to classic ones.
I'll admit that i'm a fan of FE because of awakening and fates. So far I've been fine with this roster because i genuinely like these characters. Sakura and Elise though...I find these two characters very disappointing.
The reveal of Cordelia awhile ago gave me hope that we might see some more characters who aren't royals, but these two have showed me that non-royal fates characters are very unlikely. Which is a shame because the royal families aren't the only characters within fates.
There is Keaton, Benny, Oboro, Niles, Saizo, Azama, Kaden, and so many other great characters that get tossed to the side because they aren't royal. I'm not asking them to put all of these characters in the game, but some variety would have been nice.
Elise and Sakura were the two obvious choices IMO for getting cut to make room for some no royals. At this rate I don't even think all classes will get represented by a playable character.
it does not come out on september 28 it real release date is october 20th.
Is that an actual quote from one of the games? Please tell me that it is!
The moment they said they would only preview characters from SD, Awakening, and Dates (very ironic Google correct), everyone knew this was a mistake.
An FE Mosuo game is long overdue and this is supposed to be a fire emblem special. Sadly, older titles don't feel special enough to warrant any representations outside of the series of games that made Fire Emblem popular and Marth, the only SD emblem character so far.
I'm looking forward to teaming Lissa and Elise up. They almost look related, anyway.
At least I can't accuse them of not being thorough. I was worried we wouldn't get Leo and Hinoka before they were announced, so it's good that everyone will have their favorite sibling.
I'd love to see some love for Shadows of Valentia and Sacred Stones, but I was told not to expect them, so I don't. It's tough when your favorites aren't successful or the cult classics.
Sorry, but the game roster is literally from the worst FE games in my opinion, so ill probably not get it. I'll just stick to HW on my WiiU and 3DS.
@Arngrim We might get some DLC with new characters, who knows. Crossing my fingers for Alm, Celica and Roy.
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