We do like our Switch logos to be nice, don't we? On the one hand it's understandable, as like all of our gaming systems it's a big part of our life - we want it to be as good as possible, and that includes the 'look' of our download collection on the HOME screen.

A few developers have fallen foul of this, with iffy logos ranging from games like LEGO Worlds (since fixed), SteamWorld Dig 2 (due for a change in an update) and then - most famously to date - Snake Pass. The latter had a nice logo at launch relatively early in the system's life, and then developer Sumo Digital changed it to one that's rather ugly; the internet then did its thing.

This replacement logo for Snake Pass didn't go down well
Here's the original that will make a return

While other developers have bowed to consumer demand, however, Sumo Digital - which started the whole HOME logo saga - dug its heels in. It's been an odd little drama, but now the publisher has had a change of heart. It's told Kotaku that the decision has been made to change the logo back to the original, albeit it'll have to wait for an update that's due early next year.

The reaction to the icon change has been interesting, and as this is our first self-published title, it’s definitely a valid part of our learning experience. It’s also testament to the passion that players have for Nintendo and Switch that a detail like icons are part of the overall gaming experience and connection they have with the handheld.

We’ve definitely taken the feedback on board and will be changing the icon back with the next update which is due early next year. It’ll mean the branding isn’t unified but our focus is on our players and community so we’re OK with that.

Interestingly, that branding reference is related to the fact the same current logo is used on PS4 and Xbox One, but Nintendo gamers have made a bigger fuss. The Kotaku article raises an interesting point on that side - the reaction seems in part to be a resistance to the Switch HOME screen looking like "the bargain bin of mobile F2P games". Another perspective suggests the logo looks like a dodgy ad that pops up online. The interesting thing is that Nintendo fans seems to be more vocal about these things online, perhaps showing their eagerness for the Switch - as a platform - to be as good as it can be.

In any case, Snake Pass will have its nice old logo back, eventually.

[source kotaku.com]