In his 16-bit heyday, Sonic was certainly a force to be reckoned with, something that was only further reaffirmed by the recent release of Sonic Mania. It’s when the blue blur stepped into the 3rd dimension that things started going off rails, and it could be argued that Sonic Team has never quite nailed down what to do with the ‘hog in 3D. Some would also argue that the team had the right idea at first with the Dreamcast releases of Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2.
Ever since then, the team has experimented with various different styles of play, but many fans have been asking SEGA for years to do another game in the style of the Adventure games. Takashi Iizuka, the leader of Sonic Team, recently spoke a bit about a potential Sonic Adventure 3 to Polygon, and the answer is a little grim. Here’s what was said:
I hear people saying that they want Adventure 3, but the path that we’re on and … Adventure 3, what fans want that to be, might not be an advancement of the series. So I don’t want to do an Adventure 3 and step the franchise back just to give the fans what they want.
Iizuka later expanded on this by explaining that the Sonic team wants to “evolve” the franchise and that a Sonic Adventure 3 would be a step back. Here’s the quote:
From the developer standpoint, every Sonic game that we’re making is taking new steps and advances, furthering the game in a new direction, and that’s dictated where the Sonic series has been going.
If we can get the gameplay to evolve and get to a place where Adventure 3 makes sense, then you might see an Adventure 3 come out. But we don’t want to take the entire series back to where it was just to make people happy. We want to advance the idea of what a Sonic game is.
Clearly, advancing the series has been working out much better than stepping back. Here’s to hoping Iizuka and crew perhaps give it more thought.
What do you think? Do you agree with Iizuka’s decision? What would you like Sonic Adventure 3 to be like? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source polygon.com]
Comments 87
Too bad.
So basically, they feel sonic adventure is old news and they want to make something else...
What that kind of attitude this next sonic game better be amazing. :/
"But we don’t want to take the entire series back to where it was just to make people happy."
Um....Worked with Sonic Mania. To the point where it could eclipse this idea of "advancing" in fact.
EDIT: Just realized the article took a stab at that, itself. Well played.
Looks like Sonic 06 will be sadly Sonic Adventure 3 still
I'd rather be down for another Panzer Dragoon or Jet Set Radio honestly. Maybe throw a bone to Saturn fans and possible re-release Astal or Dragon Force, if Guardian Heroes got re-released on Xbox 360, then it's possible.
Eh, no big deal to me. The Adventure series wrapped its story up perfectly in Shadow the Hedgehog (in my opinion) and I don’t feel like an Adventure 3 is necessary. If SEGA/Sonic Team feel like they need to go back to the Adventure-style gameplay, then that’s fine with me! Honestly, I wanna see how they’re gonna “advance the idea of what a Sonic game is” in the future, because they’re doing a pretty good job at it now!
What a strange attitude. No wonder most Sonic games in recent years have been garbage.
But they already made Sonic 06...
Don't worry, once creating fan games out of Dreamcast era games reaches a high and easier to do, I'm sure a group of fans will eventually create Sonic Adventure Mania that SEGA will release.
SEGA keep saying "we know fans want X!" about everything. Look at every comment on Shenmue HD among others. Words are starting to ring hollow.
Whatever the hell that quote means...just remember Sega the fans dictate with their wallets! Let's see how Sonic Forces turns out? If awesome then I'll understand this quote better. Sonic Mania good step forward though!
"So I don’t want to do an Adventure 3 and step the franchise back" LOL too late.
Sega also know fans want a new Streets of Rage game, but we all know that ain't happening. I will say Sonic Mania was huge step forward on what to do with the Hedgehog. So let's see how Sonic Forces goes, my expectations are low.
I thought that issue was done and away when Sonic Adventure 3 was basically Sonic 06.
Though a separate chao garden would be nice.
His answer totally contradicts the success of Sonic Mania. That game was what the fans wanted and hoped for, and it ended up being a huge hit. Making Sonic Adventure 3 is the next logical step.
If they want to keep making totally new games like Sonic Forces, that's fine. But I don't see why those games can't coexist with ones that revisit the classics.
@Superzone13 I couldn't agree with you more.
I don't want Sonic Adventure 3. I just want Chao. Give me Sonic Colors with Chao and I'll buy it day one.
@Superzone13 That's what baffles me about this comment. How is he so blind to what the fans want? Sonic Mania--a 'step back'-- is literally the best received Sonic game in decades. Make games the fans want to play, not games that "advance" the series. After all, who is he making these games for?
How bout instead of Sonic Adventure 3, give us Sonic Adventure Maker? Instead of them making the game, we can make the game ourselves using characters, gameplay, and elements from all the 3D Sonic games. I mean c'mon with all good and bad fan made 2D and 3D Sonic games already out there, a Sonic Maker in this day and age makes sense. Imagine a fan made good version of Sonic 2006 created in Sonic Adventure Maker, that would be spectacular.
Super Mario Odyssey itself basically Mario with Sonic Rolling + Rings.
"We think that it would be a step back for the franchise."
......ummm, hasn't that been the basis for every good Sonic game since Adventure? It seems like every time they try doing anything new, it's junk! Dude, don't kid yourself! You stopped being at Mario levels of innovation a looooong time ago!
Not even close.
We don't want to please sonic fans we want to do what we want. Clearly Sonic Mania's ratings has shown stepping back is a real sin.
Wow, what an idiot. Utterly stupid mentality.
No thanks to any and all Sonic games.
Well that's rather blunt. Lol the sarcasm in this article.
I've got mixed feelings about this. Sonic Adventure 2 is one of my favorite childhood games, so when the game came out on Steam, I threw my money right at it. Soon I came to realise that the game didnt age well.. At all. The only thing what was still the same as I remembered was Chaos Garden.
I just want Sonic Team to get their crap together. Then they can start working on Sonic Adventure 3. But I dont see both happening.
Funny how the Sonic Team doesn't want to take steps backward, when in truth Sonic has been taking steps backwards for years now in terms of quality with a few exceptions like Mania.
In my opinion it's not even just about Sonic Adventure 3. It's about taking a look at what elements of Sonic DID work in the past and coming up with something that reinvents Sonic, instead of trying to "advance" him. As already been said, this has been proven to work with Sonic Mania.
Kind of a detrimental attitude for Sonic Team to have. No wonder most recent Sonic games have been the way they are.
This is why 3d sonic still sucks.
To be frank, even if they DID decide to make Sonic Adventure 3, fans have been hyping themselves up for so many years that there is absolutely NO way it would match the idealized game in people's heads. They'll get screamed at endlessly, possibly for decades if it isn't perfect. No wonder they don't want to make that game, they can't win.
Sonic Adventure 3 would be AMAZING! those were the last good sonic games! If your going to innovate on the series do it in a fun way. and bring back the CHAO GARDEN!
If Sega stuck to the Adventure 2 formula it would still be better than anything they have released since.
aka where saving adventure 3 for when we make the next sonic 06, so we can save our assess.
@RyanSilberman All developers and game companies are guil;ty of this bullshit, especially Nintendo. It seems that they feel there is some shame in making new versions of great games, instead they feel thjey must always make something new even when it is rubbish and we know this is mostly the case. This pig headed mentality really annoys me. The people who will purchase the gam,es want it.
@RyanSilberman All developers and game companies are guil;ty of this bullshit, especially Nintendo. It seems that they feel there is some shame in making new versions of great games, instead they feel thjey must always make something new even when it is rubbish and we know this is mostly the case. This pig headed mentality really annoys me. The people who will purchase the gam,es want it.
@RyanSilberman All developers and game companies are guil;ty of this bullshit, especially Nintendo. It seems that they feel there is some shame in making new versions of great games, instead they feel thjey must always make something new even when it is rubbish and we know this is mostly the case. This pig headed mentality really annoys me. The people who will purchase the gam,es want it.
@RyanSilberman All developers and game companies are guil;ty of this bullshit, especially Nintendo. It seems that they feel there is some shame in making new versions of great games, instead they feel thjey must always make something new even when it is rubbish and we know this is mostly the case. This pig headed mentality really annoys me. The people who will purchase the games want it.
@RyanSilberman All developers and game companies are guil;ty of this bullshit, especially Nintendo. It seems that they feel there is some shame in making new versions of great games, instead they feel thjey must always make something new even when it is rubbish and we know this is mostly the case. This pig headed mentality really annoys me. The people who will purchase the games want it.
I don't really get it. I've not played a 3D Sonic since Heroes on the Cube, but that always seemed like Adventure 3 to me. Not sure what was missing?
@gaga64 Me neither. The only Sonics that remotely had an ongoing plot scenario were Sonics 2, 3, and Knuckles.
I'd love Adventure 3, but I just don't think they have enough (or the right) talent to pull it off.
They want to 'advance' the series by rehashing Generations? I think they basically mean it would be too much effort to make a new engine and would much rather just use the one they already have.
Also, didn't complain at the time of the Adventure games that the different gameplay styles didn't really mesh well? That the Sonic levels were cool (though a little borderline "auto play" at times) but that Tails and Knuckles levels completely killed the momentum? Glitches and camera issues abound? Terrible voice acting? I seem to recall a lot of mildly disappointed reviews hoping for improvements next time round.
Or is it that no-one knew how good they had it, "don't know what you've got til it's gone"? We'd rather go back to mild disappointment (and hopefully improve) than carry on the steep downward spiral? That we wouldn't have moaned if we'd known what would happen next?
And I kinda liked Heroes (apart from the Special Stage which stumps me).
"Advancing" the serie?
Except Heroes it's not like they really tried anything new or really different. Well, sure, they gave Sonic a sword once, that lasted long XD
I guess the only innovation of last titles was to focus on Sonic running and make it run both in 2D and 3D.
Not say it was a bad idea, but... They literally just checked what fans liked in old titles and tried to apply it to new ones, to the point they even bringed back the classic Sonic design; I guess the Sonic Team took a U-turn without notice and they still didn't realize they're going backwards XD;;;
It seems strange to me that people want more Sonic Adventure games, as those were, from my perspective at the time, the crappy Sonic games Sega was making instead of doing Sonic properly. I assume it's a bit of a generational thing, younger gamers that grew up with the Adventure games. Sonic Mania is what I have wanted for decades.
My number one request from Sega will always be more Skies of Arcadia. It is, without question, my favorite game of all time. The most likely possibility there would be, if the Switch ever does get VC games that include the GC, Sega should absolutely release Legends. I would also love to see an HD remake, but that seems like a longshot. Even more of a longshot: a sequel.
Other franchises Sega needs to bring back: Jet Set Radio, Panzer Dragoon, and Dynamite Cop.
Yes another great Sega business decision, "don't want to give the fans what they want" are they aware that it's the fans that buy their so called games and by very definition that's how a business makes money????
Utter idiots. Sega have been this "good" for ages now. Ever since the director at Sega of America was proposed a Streets of Rage 4 for Dreamcast and his genuine response was ..... "what's streets of Rage?"
I don't want one either, Mania 2 would be nice though. Hopefully SEGA knows we want that as well!
Advancing the series 😆😆😆 no wait your serious 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
Has he not noticed that most 3D So nice games are average at best, never even matching Nintendo's first attempt in Mario64. Surely the excellent Sonic Mania must have shown them that sometimes going backwards is the best way forwards
Just give us a compilation of Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 then, loved playing them on my Dreamcast
He's right in a sense, in that I don't think a new Adventure title would solve anything. At all. But the idea that any Sonic game after them has 'advanced' the series is laughable.
A chao garden. That's all I ask for. Fine, don't make SA3 but please just give us a chao garden again. That's literally all I have left to ask if you at this point Sonic Team.
Of course I realize that's unlikely to ever happen again...
Also this response is just messed up. "We know our customers want Sonic Adventure 3, but... we don't wanna do it. We'd rather keep moving Sonic forward with masterpieces like Sonic '06, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Boom, and buy our new game Sonic Forces, you know it's the future of Sonic because there's two Sonics in it... and one is classic Sonic, see? We're moving forward!" Okay most of that was subtext but he literally did acknowledge the demand and say he won't make SA3 because he doesn't "want to". And considering they're a cumpany trying to sell to their consumers, that's a pretty weak argument. But okay, sure, they are free to continue digging their own grave doing what they want for the series while being baffled that people won't just buy whatever they throw out. Sound business strategy.
Honestly just hand the series over to the people who did Mania now, they at least have some idea of what people want, heck I wouldn't be surprised if that group would actually be willing to make a SA3 - and yes, SA and SA2 may not have aged well but they were good for their time and with the right team a SA3 could be great.
Last... did I mention I want a chao garden? Because at this point that's literally all they need to do to get me to actually buy their games. I won't even care about the rest of the game, I played through those crappy (any levels that aren't Sonic or Shadow) levels in SA2 to get lots of chao materials, clearly that's all I need. I've lost hope of ever getting a new one again though...
I have to add... Sega keeps ALMOST going back to basics with Sonic Generations, Sonic Mania, etc, and that's when they start to do different. I'm not saying Sonic can't be in 3D, but they need to be willing to go back and figure out where they messed up. They took a wrong turn and instead of turning around they keep going, assuming they'll find the right path again. And sometimes they come close to the right path again but they don't even realize it. They need to go back to 2D and just start over, reboot and re transition into 3D. Because their current strategy is not working.
God bless developers who think like that and can afford to think like that to boot. Pursuing evolution of the franchise and its fictionverse over the cheap ghostly chance of "making fans happy" and "giving fans what they want"? These are the right priorities whether we like them or not.
With my mostly peripheral interest in Sonic, I'm housing a whimsical and obnoxious fan of many other franchises myself. You think my fan side doesn't want some of them to go back to what I enjoyed more? But if their creators and producers don't want it, what's the worth of my want here? Cheaper than dirt, that's what. And no pathetic pretense of "wanting to see the franchise great again" can increase that worth because we fans simply DON'T care if a game is good or not - we care for it to entertain our tastes to the same degree as earlier entries did before. That's what fan love is about, simultaneously making "fan happiness" an mirage because every fan has their own tastes and you'll never please everyone at the same time. And I couldn't agree more with Iizuka's decision here because authorial visions and ambitions are worth something while the jealously obsessive and aggressively possessive "fan love" practically isn't. Its monetary value is the acquired fandom's investment into a feudal (if not slave owner) kind of relationship they pursue with what made them fans, and even grinding to the halt of one's commercial profitability would mean a "death" (in a narrow franchise sense since the already released works aren't going anywhere) with a head held high and the eyes on the horizon and a diverse history log behind - rather than existence at the mercy of fan whims and ephemeral approval.
@SwitchVogel "Make games the fans want to play, not games that "advance" the series. After all, who is he making these games for?"
And that kind of attitude sums up a lot of what is wrong about fans' very existence as parasitic manifestations of people's obsessions, alas. /)_-)
Just like fans cried out for years to get a Sonic just like the Mega Drive days and they ignored us until the franchise was a laughing stock, then pass it over to the same said fans to make it. Sega as a developer should be done. They should actually sell their IPs off and shut up shop at this point, they never learn from their mistakes.
10 years from now a fan group will be working on a Sonic Adventure 3 project and Sega will take notice and hand them the keys. I hope it's not too late by then.
@DESS-M-8 "that it's the fans that buy their so called games and by very definition that's how a business makes money????"
A business like this makes money off audiences taking interest in its releases, and it's gamers who buy games. Fans are just a naturally self-centered byproduct of the resonance between a fiction work and an audience. And as far as audience tastes go, you think we are the extent of them on Earth, with different games having no chance to meet someone else's whims and dipping into someone else's wallet? Sega apparently begs to differ. But "old fans" already have a bone thrown to them at much less development cost for Sega themselves. Fanworks have always been the legitimate answer to fan whims, but hey, "if you're so desperate to see Le Official Sonic cater to your nostalgia, let's license this one fan game so the fandom can enjoy paying for its DIY activities in exchange for the latter's open legal distribution above the counter". And for the blissful belief that "we saved the franchise" we're trying to prey on.
I loved Sonic Adventure on Dreamcast... in places. I really did love it, but even then I knew parts of it were off, bad, weird, just... didn't work. But I had so much fun with the really good bits I was able to forgive it the... not so good bits. I bought my Dreamcast & Sonic Adventure myself but had my Mum put it away for Christmas... but I kept on setting it up & playing the opening over & over again lol
@PotatoTheG Umm.. the main take away of this article was that even if they knew we wanted a Mania 2, they wont make it because that's just 'what the fans want' and they would never want to do 'what the fans want'..
This interview shows exactly why Sonic has had such an aweful track record compared to it's original success.
It actually blows my mind how someone in this position can literally say that they will not make a game that 'the people who buy it' want.. because they arbitrarily need to make it 'advance' more than they want to make it 'good'.
'Ridiculous' is the best way i can describe this thinking.. and the fact that as a company they cannot see this, makes me hope they fail (even though I would have loved to play another good Sonic game in the future). Unbelievable. Rant over.
As noted, Mania was great. Forces looks terrible. Sometimes the fans know what they want I wonder if he is a bit jealous of Mania's success, and this is his way of taking a jab at it. Fans who clearly understood what made Sonic fun made a fun Sonic game. Something Sonic Team hasn't done in a long time.
I'm with SEGA on this one, the Adventure games were overrated trash that's aged terribly anyway and they're mainly being propped up by nostalgia for being the first 3D Sonic games. They were full of peripheral gameplay styles that have little to do with the core speed based platforming gameplay and Sonic's gameplay introduced a lot of the things that Sonic fans like to complain about like linearity, lack of alternate paths, and scripted gameplay sequences. If they just make a Sonic Adventure 3, people are just going to whine and complain about those things and act like it's not a "true" SA3 like with Sonic 06 (which pretty much is SA3 for all intents and purposes). They'd be better off integrating what worked about the adventure games into the modern games instead of going back to that formula, the boost games aren't really that far off anyway.
Their "advancement" is what made Sonic on life support these days and if they dont stop with these advancements, eventually there will be no Sonic.
I think they just dont to make it because the expectations are too high and the team is too shit. If they make a Adventures 3 and fail that, Sonic is truly dead.
I just wish the Sonic team would figure out what they want a Sonic game to be and stick with it. Every modern Sonic game I've played has been a mash up of several different play styles, like "Here's a 3D open world level" then "Here's a on rails running level" and "Here's a 2D platformer level". Modern Sonic games have been having a serious identity crisis this past decade and I sure wish the Sonic team would just figure out what kind of game they want Sonic to be and stick with it. You don't see Mario doing this kinda @!#?@.
They should scrap all other Sonic games that aren't S1, S2, S3, S&K and Mania and remake fresh new ones in 3D but with the classic characters models instead of those terrible modern ones.
I consider Unleashed on PS360 the closest we've got to another adventure game. You could explore areas in hubs and choose which levels you wanted to go into. If there was a Sonic Adventure 3 it would be like Unleashed (without the werehog) but with bigger hub areas to explore which are all connected - or am I missing something?
While i respect the devs intention of exploring the possibilites, but it just sounds really empty considering how level design in Forces looks worse than Generations so far. Not to mention, it seems like the devs don't know what 3D Sonic is supposed to be anymore.
Sonic adventure series were great ONLY because of Chao gardens .
What happened to the Sonic's original creator and director Yugi Naka?
Because Takashi Iizuka doesn't seem like he know what he's doing, he should possibly step down from his position from Sonic Team.
I'm going to come off a bit rude, but... The whole reason Sonic has been said not to work in the 3d plane, is because Sega and the Sonic Team have been trying to replicate the Adventure formula for years resulting in buggy glichy messes like 06' and Shadow the Hedgehog (the latter which I love). I've even played Adventure (1&2) just to see what the big deal is, they're cool but not amazing. I love the Sonic franchise but those games haven't aged well. I prefer classic to 3d style gameplay like Colors/Generations, or just the classics. My first experience with the Adventure formula was Heroes, and I love it for nostalgic purposes, but you don't see me wanting another game like that. What also makes me mad is that people have never played Rush and Rush Adventure, or the Advance games because they're not 3d or classic they're 2.5d. There are so many Sonic games the fandom hasn't played because they're not Adventure 3 or Sonic 3.
@Meaty-cheeky Well the last time we heard of him, he was making this game.

Also he mentions that he wanted to make a new successor to the Sega Dreamcast (hopefully that's a thing unlike the Atari Box situation).
@nhSnork Well that was an overly wordy waste of time and text with no substance whatsoever.
I never said they need to make me a nostalgia game. Sega and Sonic's reputation has lost pretty much all credibility in the eyes of the gaming community. Their best bet is to assess what has worked in the passed, what is working for similar franchises today and then assess how they can make Sonic fit into that.
They keep doing this and ultimately failing.... repeatedly, showing their lack of talent in the development of video games nowadays. Therefore they would be best assessing what has worked for Sonic in the past and build on that until they find a formula that works, find a rhythm and build on that.
Team based puzzle solving, wandering large hub worlds, clunky controls, random death drops are what Sonic has become known for. They need to find his groove back for him.
Sonic Adventure was a great and big game when it arrived on Dreamcast...it was the game that got me into buying the console. Nowadays, the game looks somewhat horrible (and the voice acting is horrible), but it was a gem in the day...almost of a hype and showing on how Mario Odyssey reminds me of. The sequel wasn't as good to me...there became too many glitches...one was in Knuckle's gem finding stage, where you could glide behind a wall and disappear completely, but you couldn't see anything except blue onto the screen. Other than that, I didn't really care for that. What I would like to see is the re-release of Sonic Shuffle from the dreamcast era, but I'd also like a sequel to Sonic Generations. As long as it's not the Sonic The Hedgehog game that was first released for PS3 and 360, I'm fine!!!!
We already had Sonic Adventure 3.. it was Unleashed/World Adventure. http://info.sonicretro.org/Game_Development:Sonic_Unleashed
not to mention of past games that could fill in for SA3...and ya know what? all of them weren't very good, this the Modern Sonic Team we talking about here..
but also we talking about the same people who want Sonic to do something new rather then something that works (Boost gameplay) even if they made SA3 (with it's real name) I don't think people would be happy either way.
SA 1 and 2 get a bad rap for not aging well and honest are too different (SA1 for me is classic but SA2 was only good with Sonic/Shadow the rest of the game wasn't as good...and if you wanted to play the rest of the Sonic levels you had to play the others to reach them...sort of like the Day and Night levels in Unleashed? )
Stop beating a dead Horse, SA3 has happen already GET OVER IT.
Sonic Adventure 3 is already out.
It's called Sonic Heroes.
Give me chao or give me death.
"So I don’t want to do an Adventure 3 and step the franchise back just to give the fans what they want."
Translation: I want to create a game that will waste many resources. I want a game that finally puts a nail in the coffin for that darn Sonic.
"From the developer standpoint, every Sonic game that we’re making is taking new steps and advances, furthering the game in a new direction, and that’s dictated where the Sonic series has been going.
If we can get the gameplay to evolve and get to a place where Adventure 3 makes sense, then you might see an Adventure 3 come out. But we don’t want to take the entire series back to where it was just to make people happy. We want to advance the idea of what a Sonic game is."
Translation: Sonic '06 was amazing; we thought it was the best, better than Adventure. '06 was the direction we needed the series to go and we also decided Unleashed and the "stories" were amazing--an amazing direction to head in. Now, we plan on making Forces in the same category. Downward at the speed of sound is the direction, baby!"
Seriously, there's so much history to work with, it's BEYOND stupid to make these whiny complaints.
A twisted analogy-quote-translation of Iizuka’s "dilemma":
"When I drive to a location and make a wrong turn, I just keep going. I'll drive off a cliff. I'll drive through the ocean. I'll even drive into oncoming traffic just to say, "This is what I wanted to do and I did it." Yes, I know I could go back and get directions to the destination, but that's not as good as wasting a small fortune on gasoline and adding mileage to my vehicle to help destroy it faster. One day, I plan to sell the car to a better driver, but not before I fart all over the seat, drop fries in the crevices, and leave my marks of idiocy all over the automobile. SEGA Forever!"
Well that's got to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard a developer say.
It's not a step back we all want, we want to see new chaogarden features. Sonic adventure 3 can wait. Gba got a chao garden, and the new system can't?
Even the folks at IGN asked if Sonic Force's had a chao garden. That should be a hint for you devs.
I must have the greatest copies of the Sonic Adventure games ever made, because I've never once had any trouble with glitches and only occasional camera problems. The only things I think have aged poorly are the voicework and the facial animations. I loved the Chao Garden, loved the Sonic/Shadow stages, loved the Tails/Eggman stages, and managed to enjoy the Knuckles/Rouge stages despite their inherent flaws. The Adventure games got me into Sonic and I honestly prefer them to the classic games.
But the fanbase has spoken. Sonic Mania is our true savoir, and no Adventure revival will sway them. In a sense, Sonic Adventure 3 would be a "step back" considering how far they've drifted from that formula. Could they even pull it off?
Thanks for the info, I need to check that game out.
I just wish for Knuckles` Chaotix for the PS4 PSN
You have to keep in mind...right now he is probably dealing with the fact that a fan-made throwback has gathered more critical praise than his Sonic Team-made, 3D big budget efforts. I'm reading frustration in those statements.
I liked the Adventure games for what they were, and I can understand the need to innovate and improve. What I think the 3D games keep messing up with is level design and the innovations they do have usually create more problems...Sonic Mania works because the levels are quality. They introduce new ideas for getting around, but you can still move fast and the player feels good while moving fast. When they added things like werewolf levels in Unleashed, I just scratched my head. Sonic and the Secret Rings for Wii ended up being my favorite just because I felt I could work towards getting good enough to complete levels quickly/smoothly.
I'd have to agree with Iizuka. Despite being quality games, the main hook of the Sonic Adventure games was the combination of multiple varying play styles while giving multiple characters the spotlight.
And that's where things started to fall apart for 3D Sonic. The best stages were always blistering fast Sonic stages. Knuckles stages were fetch quests and Tails was either racing Sonic or shooting missiles in a mech. I like Sonic universe characters but players play Sonic to run and jump.
In Mario games you sometimes have multiple playable characters but they may offer unique abilities without requiring players to adapt to entirely different playstyles. Their abilities just enhance or expand the existing core gameplay, as they should. Sega should take notes.
@shonenjump86 If you want a new beat em up to play you should check out Fight'N Rage. It came out on Steam just 2 days ago. It looks amazing http://store.steampowered.com/app/674520/FightN_Rage/
Also I'm kinda with Sega on this one. I think that the Adventure Formula would be a step back. I think Sega should try to surprise fans and try to find a new way to make Sonic work in 3d rather than return to the (busted imo) Adventure formula to please Dreamcast era nostalgia
The thing is that a Sonic Adventure 3 would be advancing and evolving the franchise compared to where they are now.
Back then, 3D Sonic worked well with gameplay that nicely combined the same speed, platforming, and exploration elements from the Genesis games (including the Spin Dash) with a pretty good mostly automatic camera system, certainly a better camera than the 3D Mario platformers employ. Nowadays, Sonic's 3D gameplay is nothing but a race that relies on overly quick reflexes and a cheap boost move with no slower platforming sections, exploration, or spin dash. Some of the other gameplay styles they used back then like the mech levels were pretty good, too. Just no more fishing or treasure hunting levels, please.
@Turbo857 Sure, the Knuckles and Rogue stages weren't very good (and the Big stages were terrible), but both kinds of Tails stages (the latter of which is shared with Robotnik and E-102 Gamma) were great, and the Amy stages were pretty good as well, not to mention the various excellent mini-game bonus stages in the first game. That means that the good majority of the Adventure games had good gameplay styles. That's more than Heroes and Shadow can say, since they were both dragged down by their gimmicks despite mostly retaining the same basic gameplay mechanics, and Heroes has a lot more glitches than the Adventure games ever had.
That being said, a Sonic Adventure 3 doesn't need to include any of those alternate gameplay styles. Just give us the same kind of levels Sonic and Shadow had for the entire game with no extra gimmicks. It's Sonic's 3D gameplay style that we miss most from the Adventure games (with the Chao Gardens a close second), so just go back to that like you briefly did with Lost World (although that game has some other issues like lousy boss fights) instead of this auto-scrolling race and boost c*** you've been feeding us since Unleashed.
We have been playing the same ***** over and over since 2008.
The latest game is a complete disgrace.
boom was worse but at least there was innovation in the game.
Understand that the SEGA sonic team is now gone.
even the fans made better games. The simplest example of this is mania.
I don't want sonic advanture 3, I just want a little change.
almost no game has been nice since yuji naka went
generations money trap story you already know ***** already old sonic was put only for premium purposes and the game is no different from unleashed now I'm gradually cutting my hope.
If we look at the mario games, the guys are innovating in each game and they do it so well.
So I'm saying, ***** the team in the sonic team and replace them with a better team.
The advanture mechanics are disgusting, the camera is already like the mario 64.
The only good part of the game is the story, I mean, combine modern and advanture engine, add chao garden, do not make other characters other than sonic, silver and shadow.
make final bosses even more difficult and impressive.
In forces, no boss was new, except infinite. Even the last boss was in old games.
make the graphics better but the most important is gameplay and episode design.
for example;
Would you buy this game even if the graphics of this game are beautiful?
note: this translation was made from google translated.
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