The Switch is selling really well right now, and looks set to be one of Christmas 2017's most desirable gifts. It's at this point that some assurance from Nintendo that enough stock will be injected into the marketplace to satisfy demand would be welcome, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen anytime soon.
Speaking to Variety, Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime stated that his company is doing all it can to meed demand, but he stopped short of making any sweeping promises regarding supply:
Certainly the demand is there, and our supply chain is there [to hit the 10 million goal]. Are we going to have enough for the holiday? That’s what we are focused on.
Given that it's Switch's first Christmas at retail - and taking into account the incredible string of hits we've seen in the past six months - it's hardly a shock that the console will be a hot item this holiday period. If you're planning on having one to open on the big day, you might want to buy it early.
Comments 76
He's smart. It's good they are trying but best not to make promises you can't keep.
Maybe if people would stop buying so many Switches constantly! Cursed console is selling too well and they can't keep up!
You guys should go easy on Reggie, he can't know what he doesn't know and the situation with the Switch is unprecedented. That and stock has been harder to secure lately.
Fingers crossed, if I do get a Switch this year it'll be then. Typo in the second paragraph "Speaking to Variety, Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime stated that his company is doing all it can to meed demand"
Cmon Ninty get at least another 3+ million read for December! ... Otherwise Odyssey will flop and we don't want that do we?
Wait! Nintendo not having enough stock? Shocker! sarcasm
No way they can meet demand. Some will miss out simple as that. Normal situation for popular toys at Christmas and for new consoles at their first Christmas.
Man, my forearms are thicker than the thighs of that woman on the left in that picture.
Reggie saying nothing as usual.
As I said in the forums, Reggie the Clown is making his Christmas sales pitch early. Nothing beats driving demand up for a product like when you're told that you possibly can't have it. Actually, the story is a bit sensationalist because his answer was:
"Are we going to have enough for the holiday? That’s what we are focused on."
Anyway, typical tripe non-answer from Reggie, NOJ's string puppet.
As usual Reggie knows nothing and has no say over what NoJ do.
As ever, Fils-Aime has no idea whether stock will be OK. Not a clue. They always send him out to answer questions without giving him the actual answers.
All that food and drink near those Switches is making me nervous
In that picture, the grips they are using look really small. Do they come in different sizes?
We better all rush out and get one before they're all gone, eh Reg!
@In_Ex_Fan That cushion is there to stop her blowing away if the window is open
Dear, Mr. Reggie. Please release White Nintendo Switch bundle and I will Gleefully Happy to buy.
This is exactly why I bought one at launch despite there not being a great deal of games to play at the time (I was one of the few that didn't and still hasn't bought Zelda as it doesn't interest me)
Sure it could have gone the way of the Wii U but I just couldn't take the risk of not being able get get one when SMO came out.
For me Oddesy alone was worth picking one up for, has it happens the rest has been a massive bonus and it's turned out the be one of the best things I've ever bought
It's because the supply problem is only partially Nintendo's fault and largely out of their control. The thing is that they choose (reasonably) to buy specially manufactured parts from a 3rd party out of house company. A company that cannot handle the demands and is having other financial troubles.
It's that company's fault primarily, but partly Nintendo for choosing them. And unless Nintendo can find a different company to supply the needed parts, or make them themselves, there isn't a lot Nintendo can really do.
Reggie is right to be cautious. And ultimately, well there would be bad publicity, if everything they can supply, is bought, then Nintendo is doing very well financially.
I still have yet to get one as most of the games at launch didn't interest me besides Zelda (and also didn't want to get burned being an early adopter on the wii u).
The earliest I was going to get one was at Christmas but with money being tight atm (september hasn't helped me in any way with games I want on other system and the snes mini digging into my wallet) I can't see myself getting one then (if I was able too). I say the earliest I will get one one is when the new No More Heroes game is out.
It's pretty obvious there won't be enough stock,it's been selling like hotcakes ever since it was released and with the upcoming Mario game soon to be released,keeping up with demand is only going to get harder.I had to wait a month for Amazon to deliver mine and I'm so glad I got mine before Christmas.There is going to be a lot of disappointed and upset mums and,I mean kiddies come Christmas morning.
Got mine for my boy safely put away, so does my sister-in-law for her son. No panic for us come Christmas time if they are struggling for stock, it was hard enough getting one as it is over the Summer.
I can't see parents buying Switch for their kids or family. It's not like PS4, a stationary console... kids will bring it to their room, using it on the toilet, backyard, etc. It will get damaged easily.
To me, Switch is like the smartphone, a personal console that can't be shared.
@Nincompoop I've literally bought one for my six year old son from Santa, a boy in his class got one for his birthday over the Summer, my sister-in-law has one put away for Christmas for her eight year old & my brother is considering one for his 11yr old because of FIFA 18.
@Marios-love-child I was the same. I got it early as I didn't want to be without one when oddysse drops. Not much of a zelda fan. I borrowed it, it's not your typical Zelda and I ended up purchasing the game. The game is brilliant. The map is massive. Give it a try or borrow it. I'm sure you'll end up wanting to finish the game.
Only anecdotal but I'm becoming a Switch guru to colleagues buying them for their kids this Christmas.
@Nincompoop I had a gameboy at 6. My parents emphasized that it was my responsibility to keep it safe and that they wouldn't buy me another one if I damaged it and couldn't afford it. I guarded that thing with my life.
@Nincompoop The multiple accounts feature says otherwise.
Reggie: We will have Switch stock for the Holidays!
Crowd: cheers in excitement
Reggie: But it's just our usual amount of stock.
Crowd: takes out pitchforks and torches
I'm hoping to finally get my hands on a Switch next week. The place I have in mind has 5 of them currently....and they said they only sold 1 of them within the last week so I should be set.
Better to get it now because once Odyssey hits I bet it'll start getting harder to get a Switch again.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE if at least half your epithets were the conventional attitude, nobody on this planet would probably pick PR as a career choice at all. XD
Funny how Reggie is always the one having to announce this kind of news. Satoru Shiabata, nobody's heard a word from him ages. Other than the directs, I really can't remember the last time Satoru had to put out a press release.
Also, parents have 3 and half months to get the Switch for their Kids christmas. If they can't be bothered to get out and buy one A.S.A.P, then they desrve the struggles in the weeks running upto christmas.
@Marios-love-child Same, I grabbed one when I saw it in stock one day. I was busy with other games at the moment, but I knew that when I'd really want one (like Xenoblade 2's release), I'd probably have trouble getting it.
I wonder if some of their stock shortages are due to some common parts/manufacturing between the Switch and smartphones? Certain things are only made by one or two companies in the world now.
I think the people who are buying Switches now for Christmas are being really rather sensible. I wouldn't want to leave that to chance if it was me. Bought mine day one though **Rubs face against it lovingly**
I may well do at some point, for now I'm still playing crash bandicoot on my ps4 and I'm hoping gran turismo sport, fifa 18 (on the switch of course) and Mario oddesy will keep me busy at least till after Christmas
I'm glad I got mine shortly after launch. I know several people who've been trying to get one for months without success.
Already bought two for my kids for Christmas. Taking all my willpower to not open early and play it myself without them knowing.
@Nincompoop I know what you mean. I just bought a Wii U for my kids for christmas because they're too young to look after a Switch (they'll be 3 + 6 shortly after christmas).
I'd love to get one but hey would knacker the screen and the connection taking in and out of the dock. Saying nothing of what would get stuffed into the vents!
If Nintendo follow form and are smart ( which I think they are ) they will release some sort of kid friendly version in a year or so - which would be perfect for us.
In the mean time I'm amassing a sweet list of Wii U / Wii / VC games that we can dig into as a family - looks like we will be a happy bunch for the next 2 - 3 years. The Wii U may be dead for most but it's looking pretty good to me.
@TJM we have absolutely loved our Wii U, it's been amazing playing with my kids and seeing my boy falling in love with the likes of Splatoon, Rayman Legends, Nintendo Land and Pikmin 3. I really hope it brings your house as much joy as we have had with ours.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Dude, the man is just doing his job.
There's probably no way they'll have enough stock for Christmas, but there is a difference between having enough stock that 90% of the people who want one can find one, and having only enough stock that 10% of the people who want one can find one. That was the NES Mini last holiday and probably the SNES Mini this holiday, no where near enough.
Besides the maths, the difference is that if people feel they have a 90% chance of finding one, then they'll keep looking, but if they feel they only have a 10% chance of finding one they'll stop looking and buy an iPad, PS4 or New 2DS XL instead.
We bought an NES Mini last year - my wife waited online 90 minutes launch day - but we aren't even going to bother w/ the SNES Mini, it's just not worth it.
@Alikan The Gameboy is cheap, Switch is not only more expensive but it has a huge screen that can be scratched easily. A 3DS with a clamshell design is better for young children.
It's getting easier to find them here in Utah. With a little calling around you can usually find three or four here and there. But I agree with the article, if you want one for Christmas you should buy it now and save it because once Mario Odyssey comes out and we are in full holiday season it's all over.
@ThatNyteDaez Multiple accounts for husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend or roommates in college. I don't think young children are the target audience for this device. You can tell from Nintendo's marketing.
Basically if you see it and want it nab it now to avoid disappointment.
With FIFA on the way, I was starting to get tempted but I can see this quickly becoming a stock shortage again so I'll probably hold off.
The perils of being "I've got the money to buy one, but no time to wait in line or in the web queue forever" years old, I guess.
As long as they are pushing for stock that is all anyone (including Nintendo can hope for).
Fire Reggie? Well he is personally responsible I suppose...
I'm still content to wait on getting a Switch. More games are coming out for it that I'm genuinely interested in, but I'm gonna need to save up for a couple of other electronic purchases before that happens.
Makes sense. Can't blame him for what the manufacturing unit can't do. He's just relaying what the manufacturing unit of Nintendo said. I doubt the Switch will be in stock at all.
(Perhaps the Switch may fail because it's too successful and people can't buy anything)
I saw some for the first time at my local Target two weeks ago. I wondered if a big new release was the reason for what I was seeing. I plan on trying to find one the day the new Mario game comes out.
@MariOnline Same here. I played Ocarina of Time 3D on 3DS by lack of games on the system, but never really played any Zelda game before or after that. Until BoTW due to (again) little else to play on the Switch. In the end I was really into it and loved how it broke the usual 'restrictive' nature of Zelda games and made it an open action/adventure type game.
He is the king of the spin. However, that was Perd Hapley levels of obvious.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE You gave him too much credit. There is no point in attacking him. He is just a PR guy. He has very limited authority.
@MartyFlanMJFan Cheers dude - what a lovely message!
I'm wondering if you have any good tips for games at different ages? How old were yours when they got into Splatoon & Pikmin 3? Two games I'd love to play with mine but can't see happening for a few years.
My focus is on my 6 year old but I would also love some games we can enjoy with the 3 year old too. I think I'll shy away from tricky platformers at first - the older one liked Mario on NES at first but finds it too stressful after not long.
To begin with I'm thinking of getting:
Mario Kart, Lego City Undercover (heard little ones like roaming around), Nintendoland & Wii sports Club.
Wondering about Yoshi Wooly World or Kirby Return to Dreamland too. Also Wii Party U or Wii Sports Resort.
Have Mario 3D world, Captain Toad, Mario Maker & Rayman on the list for afters.
Would love to bring in Smash - they would LOVE it but already get pretty hyped just watching Power Rangers so not sure if it's a good idea. Also like the look of latest Star Fox for co-op. Zelda might work in this way too but wondering if they should be able to read properly to play it.
So much goodness in the years ahead! Any advice welcome but no worries if not. Really glad you had so much fun with your family gaming - it's something I'm really looking forward too.
@TJM my son is six now, he enjoyed watching me play Pikmin 3 a couple of years ago & I was genuinely amazed when he started playing by himself, (we all have our own user profile on Wii U). He literally picked it up just by watching me play, he can make his way through the majority of the game with only occasional help from me! I love playing Bingo Battle with him, I give myself a bit of a handicap & we have a proper, tense battle. He loves Smash Bros., which I never really got in to myself, but he plays it with the little girl beside us. Last Summer we each had a blast playing through Lego City Undercover on separate save files. He beat Ganon in Breath of the Wild before I did, don't underestimate kids, but I bet you know that! MK8 got a new lease of life recently, particularly with my 9yr old daughter, after we brought the Wii U & some games for a weekend away with my brother & his family & had a great time with it. They've been playing it ever since after not touching it for a long time. I took a chance on Splatoon a month or two after it released, it didn't appeal to me but my son liked watching videos of it... we now both love it, I actually came home from work one night & my wife was playing it! Yoshi's Woolly World, Rayman Legends, Super Mario 3D World, Super Mario Maker, Nintendo Land & Color Splash are all games we've had a lot of fun with. Sorry it's a bit of an essay, good luck I hope you have a lot of fun!
@Supadav03 Well maybe you should take them out to apply good quality screen protectors.
And while there at it charge up the batteries so they don't have to wait come Christmas Day.
Oh and you know, lets test them out just to make sure they work fine.
I was writing that out in jest but now ai'm starting to think its actually a good idea. Avoid any unlikely yet unforeseen issues at Christmas.
@MartyFlanMJFan Wow, cheers dude - great reply! Really appreciate the feedback - it's really good to hear stories of your kids being able to enjoy games like Zelda, Pikmin and Splatoon at an early age.
I will take your advice and try these games earlier than I may have been inclined to. Amazing how Nintendo just seems to get how kids can play video games and knows how to challenge and engage them so well.
Really appreciate the help - my kids will too!!
Also - cool pic - was listening to Bad the other day coz it was in the radio for it's 25th anniversary and have had the album on ever since - legend!
@TJM no problem mate, I really liked your first message, I love the Wii U & your msg made me smile & feel good thinking about the fun you are about to have as a family! Michael is my hero, has been for decades, Nintendo & Jackson keep me young at heart I have no doubt about that! BAD is actually 30yrs old now, there was a BAD25 Anniversary release 5yrs ago to celebrate its quarter century, maybe they were talking about it reaching 30 but playing something from BAD25? Anyway, take care, anything else I can help with, or any other questions just ask!
Just walked into a Wal-Mart in Lancaster south Carolina and saw 3 splatoon 2 bundles... put one on lay a way for my son who wants his own for Christmas. They won't last long I imagine
@TJM I will be retiring my Wii U this Christmas for a Switch but my 7 & 5 year old absolutely loved it. They loved Lego Marvel Heroes, Lego Avengers, Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart, Disney Infinity, Minecraft, & Super Smash Bros, Tank Tank Tank, and Nintendoland.
The 7 year actually got pretty heavy into Breath of the Wild recently (with some assistance on the hard parts from me). Most of the games I listed are multiplayer and it allowed for the kids to play together.
@FX102A Yes, I plan on getting them ready before Christmas. Screen protector as you suggested, adding in a memory card, creating profiles and downloading a few games so they can play "right out of the box". Maybe a few days of testing would be a good thing 🤔
String of hits? it's been mainly wii u ports with added content
@TJM It's Saturday morning, I'm knackered after working six days in a row, four of them 6.30am starts... Woke by my son screaming because his sister has just beat him to first place at the very last second in MK8! Can you imagine?! Lol brilliant.
@MartyFlanMJFan HA HA - OUCH!! The pain . . . for you both!! Can empathise with his rage - I bet she rubbed it in too!
I have 2 boys who both like a bit of rough and tumble so this will no doubt be repeated in our house for years to come - especially when I give into getting them Smash Bros. Have a SNES mini on preorder (was super lucky) so seeing them play Street Fighter will be hilarious!
Have you tried Afordable space adventures? If I'm right in thinking it's a spaceship exploration game on the eshop - can be played 3 player with each player controlling a different aspect of a spaceships functionality. Might try it with mine when they're a little older.
@Supadav03 Cheers for the info dude - really appreciate the help. Looking at Lego Marvel Superheros - may well pick that up for the younger ones birthday in Feb. Also Tank Tank Tank looks fun for a bit of a blast em up.
Breath of the Wild keeps popping up in convos about young kids playing Nintendo - was looking at some forums too.
I might get it for me, let the kids play along and then make them save files so they can just roam about finding stuff and getting into fights with Bokoblins. Seems like the way it puts you back where you died makes it really good for young kids. My nephew has it and my son had a little go and was loving it - beat a Samurai looking dude and got a sweet looking sword - that totally hooked him!
@TJM I actually have Affordable Space Adventures but we haven't tried it yet. Never Alone is another nice little download game you could play together.
@MartyFlanMJFan @Supadav03
Some really good suggestions and advice here - thanks. Have either of you had Wii Party U? Think my little one might like the simple quick games but reviews are mixed. Problem is most game reviews aren't done with young kids in mind - or from people with that experience.
I wonder if the site would want to do a Wii U parents buying guide with christmas in mind - sort of a 'last throw of the dice for the Wii U' kind of deal.
I might contact them about it as I have a bunch of games on a list I've been collecting for a while since we decided to get ours one for this christmas.
However - my stuff is all speculative - would you guys want to contribute a few suggestions and comments if it went ahead? They seem to love writing articles with Amazon links in them - must be affiliated - so this might be something they would be interested in.
To be honest someone with needs to write a blog about this stuff - best Nintendo games for kids and general parents advice. Lots of people probably buy the obvious ones but it seems like there are loads of ways to game with kids. Family Gamer TV used to have a bunch of good Nintendo stuff but they seem to have and gone towards promoting Disney toys and Playstation stuff.
@TJM my brother has Wii Party U, he brought it on our weekend away that I mentioned, I didn't play it but I would never turn my nose up at it, it looked great fun & the kids played it & loved it, even my brothers younger girls who otherwise had no big interest. I'd certainly contribute my thoughts and opinion, yes!
@TJM I'll tell you what I would suggest, getting the Wii U out and doing any updates, I did that for my brother and a sister-in-law last couple of Christmas's, so the kids could play pretty much straight away. If you can get away with setting it up & tinkering about with it, I'd recommend it.
@TJM I have played a Wii U Party. Kids like it but seem to prefer Nintendoland which is a collection of mini games as well. Wii U sports (similar to the original Wii Sports) is great fun too. And you can buy just the sports your interested in if you don't want the whole game. My kids loved bowling, baseball, and sword fighting
@Kalmaro "and the situation with the Switch is unprecedented."
This isn't true though. Switch is still not on track with Wii success. So really, Nintendo should know exactly how to handle Switch success.
@gatorboi352 Why would they expect it to have done like the Wii, which itself was unprecedented?
@Kalmaro maybe not in the beginning, but surely by now.
@gatorboi352 Weren't we talking about the beginning? Not only that, but it's easy to assume they can just get the supplies they need without any problems but it seems like that isn't the case right now, which would explain Reggie not coming out with a hard response.
Too many unforseen factors to make a guess. If this is true them I can respect their honesty by not just throwing out promises.
Nintendo is infamous for having short supply, but this is one of the occasions which they have no control over. The parts for it are in short supply everywhere, not just at Nintendo, so it's good they aren't making promises.
It's times like these that I would rather ask for the Powerpuff Girls Team and Fun Packs for LEGO Dimensions, or at least ask for an XBox One S, because the X model is X-pensive. I would rather have Nintendo make games for not only their own hardware, but also for XBox One and/or PS4. That way, we can have Diddy Kong Racing HD, with Banjo and Conker, instead of Dixie Kong and Tiny Kong.
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