There are multiple packs and options for when the time comes to purchase Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon on the 3DS, including dual pack and fan editions. Now Nintendo of America has confirmed one more.
They are Starter Trainer Packs, with each including a keyring and a code to redeem 12 Revives. Retailers haven't been specified yet, but as GameStop already has a Veteran Trainer's Dual Pack it seems like a reasonable bet.
Have you decided on which version to buy?
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Comments 30
They can incentivize it all they want, but this is just a pair of retreads of a game I played twice last year with minimal additions.
I remember being way more excited around this time last year for the originals, but this...yeah, I don't really have much interest in either of them honestly.
The Veterans pack is laughable at best since there's no way I would even be tempted to own two more copies of what isn't really that different an experience of what I played not even a year ago.
Do we know what's actually different about these games? Never played Sun (played Moon) so maybe getting Ultra Sun, but if there's not many differences I may be reluctant to buy it.
Have you decided on which version to buy?
None. I still don't know what this game is, because Nintendo is more keen to release more trailers than tell whether this is a Sun/Moon with a few tweaks, a sequel or something else. Waiting for more information.
Ultra Moon.
Can we get Pokémon Z yet?
Was there anything to the rumour that Kanto was a playable region? That is the only thing that will make me buy this game. Imagine, Viridian City in all its grandeur in glorious 3D. Otherwise holding off for Pokémon Switch Neon Blue/Red
@Elanczewski From what I've seen, it looks like USUM are like a third version (like Crystal, Emerald and Platinum), but instead of connecting both versions, they separated them in two to sell more copies. Of course, It's only an assumption, but I'm sure that will be the case (after all, the Nintendo Direct trailer showed the same cutscene where Nihilego appeared in front of Lusamine, Hau and the trainer).
It wasn't Nihilego. It was just the wormhole opening. Anyways I'm getting these. Mantine surfing has me excited for the game, plus I don't care if they are third versions, I want to be able to take pics with my Pokémon and am willing to give GameFreak the benefit of the doubt. I will always buy Pokémon games.
My kids are huge Pokemon fans but even they seem little interested in this. 1 hasn't even finished his game from last year yet and the other is busy playing Horizon Zero Dawn while looking forward to Mario in 4 weeks.
I think these add-on games need to either be later, like next year, or put on the Switch, or just have the extra material be DLC like they did with AC:NL Welcome amiibo. Not that I'm a big fan of DLC either, but if they announce it months after release - not before - like Horizon ZD did, well it's better to pay $20 than $40 for a new game which looks mostly the same.
Game is out in 7 weeks and from what I can tell there doesn't seem to be a lot of excitement building around it. The Pokemon Company has made a lot more effort in the past to promote their games. Maybe they're waiting until after Mario & Luigi releases? Who knows, maybe they just assume they'll sell regardless, not a lot of 3DS game competition this holiday, though Mrio Party Top 100 could gather some attention I suppose.
Just from the info so far, it sounds like the story is roughly the same as S/M with just new plot developments and characters. Which, depending on how extensive that is (along with new features and Pokemon/Ultra Beast) can lead to a different experience
Will not be buying any version of this.
@Devlind You're probably right (Ultra in the title, not 2 or something like that as in the case of White/Black 2), but nevertheless I want clear answer from Nintendo. But I'll probably get one in the previews...
I'm getting the game regardless (I have it pre-ordered) but I do feel that Nintendo should have given us more details about the game at this point. The trailers don't tell us enough. I'm having the same problem with Skyrim for the Switch where there just aren't nearly enough details about the game. I wonder if there will be another Direct in the near future? Wishful thinking I suppose. 😧
You can whine and complain all you want, but in the end, we all know you're still buying one of these games.
Since I have every other Pokemon game, I already pre-ordered the dual pack, but I'm not convinced that Nintendo has done a great job at promoting this game, or even convincing Pokemon fans that they should pick this up... lowest sales for a pokemon game this gen? highly likely.
My question is that why didn't they just make this a DLC for the original Sun and Moon. I'm not a huge Pokémon fan so I won't be double dipping.
These bonuses are getting more and more laughable...
I'm still not decided on buying this, honestly not many new pokemon from the looks of it, and a majority of it being a retread. For a change I might be waiting until after release to find out if the game is worth getting or not. That is unless there is another trailer with some better information and maybe an official count of how many new pokemon are coming or new evolutions or something.
@abbyhitter I'll bet you money on it.
Hoping the clothing isn't version exclusive again... If it is then i'm definitely going Ultra Moon due to my fav color being blue. The Key chain is a nice bonus as I was already going to buy this game physically.
I skipped Sun and Moon so will get this version instead. Hope its playable on my 1st gen 3ds
@dimi SM had lag issues on the N3DS, it will work, but it will chug during Z-moves and mega evolution animations. On a 1st gen model some of the cut scenes might be a bit slow too.
I am still just gonna download Ultra Moon. Unless we get some new Alolan forms or a Battle Frontieer, or something like that, a couple new Ultra beasts and Pokemon that I already have in my complete National dex don't really get me pumped.
I am mostly buying this game in inertia, because I always buy the new Pokemon game. But this is probably the least hyped I have ever been for a new Pokemon game.
I more want to know about the one on Switch for next year(hopefully)
Can't pre order if we don't know the exclusives Nintendo!
I thought it was my imagination or general lack of interest for why I knew nothing about these versions but glancing at the comment section, it appears there really is little known about these titles.
I haven't even finished my original Day 1 copy of Moon yet. Got to the Elite 4 and just never picked it up again for some reason.
My guess is this will either be a limited edition, or a $59.99 price tag.
This is the first time I'm buying both editions of the Pokemon games as they're released thanks to the dual fan pack.
I may get this bonus pack but only if I don't have to pay extra over the regular edition.
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