It's fair to say that 2K Sports' NBA 2K18 hasn't got off to the best of starts on the Switch, not for everyone at least, with players reporting problems with corrupted save files. Our reviewer has also found various other issues to date, with garbled sound during some cutscenes and playback of other scenes sometimes being out of sync at times.
We reached out to 2K Sports yesterday and it acknowledged the issues raised with them, and gave us this - rather cautious - official statement regarding fixes:
We are working through bugs on the new platform and hope to address all major issues via patching.
Our contact also said the 2K customer support team are working through isolated incidents via @2KSupport and their support website, so if you are having problems with the game you might want to reach out to 2K directly.
Here is some info about recovering lost data:
If you have picked up the game let us know how it's going so far down in the comments..
Comments 44
At least they're on the case, I guess.
I won't be buying that mess.
Seriously !!! Wtf is wrong with these game devs ? are they insane ? Oh no wait we are the ones who are insane, Maybe if people actually waited for games to release before paying for them these kind of issues would not exist in the game world. I find it highly unsettling that these practises go on. What started on PC is now a problem on every major platform and even with major games.
Driver 3 Springs to mind, Tony hawks on PS3 is another and the list is endless.....
We need to stop paying these devs for betas, and make them work for their money. These kind of stories just annoy the hell out of me.
I was relatively excited about this game, but with all the uncertainty about the extra storage needed, the save file size, and the bugs across all systems, it's fizzled out from my interest. Shame.
So once again an unfinished game has been released and people are surprised? This seems to be the norm nowadays
I wouldn't get my hopes up. My past experience with 2K was with the Bioshock remaster on PC and it still has a game-freezing bug that simply makes it impossible to play longer than 20-30 minute intervals. Contacting support wasn't too helpful either.
Hope they fix those bugs fast. With the micro SD card requirement, large save files, and lots of bugs, a lot of people already disliked the game. It seemed like a very good opportunity for 2K to release this game for the Switch but now it is being swarmed by a lot of problems. 2K needs to recover the user base ASAP.
Everyone should stop complaining we should be grateful its actually on the switch and sure if it has issues 2k will patch it.
@garydbz25 If it has issues? Ya, we should be "grateful" alright.
@tystix So much this! I've had it up to my eyebrows with the so-called AAA industry nowadays.
@garydbz25 Because screw having standards, right?
That's what happens when a game gets released way before it is finished, which seems to be a trend these days.
@garydbz25 you aren't serious, are you? That attitude will only hurt the Switch.
Remember when games used to be finished when they came out, and patches weren't even a thing? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
I was waiting for this for a long time and now, it's a definite no-go for me
I have a pre-order of this. If all major bugs aren't fixed before the physical release then I will be cancelling that order.
These third party developers should think twice before making games for the switch. We only want first party Nintendo games right
Weirdly, @2ksupport does not mention patching the Switch version at all....
Nintendo should ask for the dev kit back, or teach them how to use it.
another reason why I only preorder Nintendo games barring a few exceptions.
Lol, even more memory-space theft!
How they handle this patch will determine me buying the NS version.
Patching is simply part of gaming now. Does it suck? Yes. But there were always going to be teething issues between 3rd parties and Nintendo, hopefully all of this gets straightened out quickly.
I guess game testing and quality control is not a thing anymore?
I usually buy a NBA game every 2 to 3 years. But I never buy 2k games at launch anymore. Been stung before with buggy launch titles.
I've no doubt this game will be great to play in about a month or 2 though. Might pick it up then
My goodness...
Best to buy this in October, not only for retail but that's when the real game comes out
This is a screwed up mess
Switch owners wanted 3rd party games, well you got 3rd party games. This is how the industry has been working the past 4 years while we were playing on our Wii U and 3DS. This is pretty much the norm unfortunately.
Google Assassins Creed Unity, which released 3 years ago in November '14.
Here's a British example, this website being over there and all.
"However, there is a growing perception that after the release of a number games that took months to fix - including Driveclub, Battlefield 4 and Rome 2: Total War - that publishers might be rushing some titles to market before they are ready.
"There's a pressure to get games out on time and on budget," said Piers Harding-Rolls, head of games at the IHS Technology consultancy.
"With the increased flexibility to send out updates on a regular basis there may be a temptation that if the game is not 100% correct, the publisher can ship a patch in a few days or weeks to correct issues."
Im kinda scared that Fifa on Switch will have problems as well, seeing EA didn't feel like releasing a demo on Switch. Not pre-ordering it or buying it before seeing some reviews. Don't feel like getting screwed over. But I have been looking forward to portable Fifa...
Will wait for the issues to be patched. Want to buy this, but why at this point in time would any rational person do that, when the game is utterly broken?
@garydbz25 Which part should we be grateful for? The broken saves, the in game play glitching, or perhaps the total bloat of the package? I can't decide, help!
We should be happy we get a third party game that in theory isn't garbage. True. But happiness should be based on a working project, not desperation kissing butt to a pack of lazies who rushed out a very BETA level game.
Gamecube era, this would have failed hardcore and been sent back to testing. We shouldn't be lowering standards just to scrape to get people to make games.
If they fix the issues great......clearly they were having problems and that is why the physical release got delayed.
By all accounts they did a quality job with the game as long as they can fix the issues......hopefully they do and it doea well enough to get a stronger better 2K19.
As a rule I usually don't buy the 1st iteration of a sports title on a platform....of course in the Wii U era that meant no sports titles
I bought the game from the eShop the minute it was released and played it the next day. The presentation of the "TV broadcast" is outstanding. The basic gameplay is also good. But the bugs that have been found and I have encountered are a deal breaker. I will say that many of them are not Switch exclusive, if that matters, and that all consoles are having problems. This signifies to me that a patch will come sooner than later since they affect everyone and not just one system.
@Gex91 to be fair, making a demo actually takes some time and resources away from working on the actual game. So they could be simply working hard on the game and that's a good thing. Could also mean nothing. Haha
But EA "seems" to be taking there Fifa on switch quite seriously. So I'd like to believe they won't release it as a buggy mess. But who really knows. Could also be a steaming pile of poop!
2K starting to act like NBA live? Not good..... this series has been a stalwart for a decade and would hate to see them rest on their laurels like Live did when it was the only game in town.
Stay sharp NBA2k!
Now it becomes clear why a large SD card was required even for the cartridge....as there will be gigabytes worth of patches & fixes.
Shame EA can't have the game tested and suitable for sale when it wants to charge up to over £120 for the game!
Does the fact that a mere SAVEGAME is almost as big as the ENTIRETY of Super Mario Odyssey count as a "major issue"? Because that's ridiculous, inexcusable and intolerable.
Yeah patch in those clothing physics... that would be nice.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE So you finally took the plunge and got a Switch. Cool!
Bulls-eye! Bingo! That's a touchdown!!
I bought the game on Switch this year instead of PS4 (and was also looking at Live...mostly because I like variety...but Live has fine gameplay, a seemingly stellar career mode and nada elsewhere...the franchise mode is broken)
On Switch...The game is great with a couple caveats. The biggest gameplay issue is a slight (ever so slight) input lag. In a game that relies on full control of players and strict timing, that's a big issue. I'm also having an issue even creating a MyPlayer account.
Most of these bugs are also on at least the Xbox version of the game (not the lag, but the MyPlayer glitches and VC issues). 2K should definitely be held responsible...if this stuff makes you mad, or whatever, vote with your wallet and don't buy the game. (Also hold off buying WWE 2K next month).
But I've been primarily playing GM Mode and MyTeam. Thus far, I've not run into any bugs. The gameplay is really good (especially in offline, where the lag is less). I mean, it's still 2K. Controls are complicated. You've got to know how to run plays, and know your players' skills and tendencies. But it's a good game of basketball.
Loading is a heckuva lot quicker than I've ever had before, and while they still have the contract negotiation "cutscenes" in MyGM, they load a lot quicker...I used to hate going into contract discussions or any conversation with anyone because there was always a 15-second load time (at least). Now, that time is almost nothing.
The long and short of it is...it's a darned good, AAA basketball game that is portable, and that you can play the exact same files at home and on the road. The game was also released too soon, clearly, which is becoming a trend in the business, and especially with sports games. Basketball games don't need to come out till the 1st of October. I figure with that extra dev time, many of the issues could be ironed out.
If you're interested in 2K on your Switch, there's no need to shy away from it completely. This early stuff will be ironed out and things will work better later on.
2K knows basketball inside and out, but dang, these guys can't debug for their lives.
@garydbz25 The game is flatout broken! Even on the other systems!
They haven't learned anything from EA's debacle with Mass Effect:Adromeda. Which was so bad, EA has now put a hold on DLC development and put the entire Mass Effect franchise in the freezer!
It seems 2K is going in the same direction now with NBA 2K18!
It's absolutely appaling review sites still dared to give high scores for this broken piece of crap! All because of fear losing advertisement money and getting future early review copies!
That's where we are at now these days and why I don't trust any review site anymore! /facepalm
I just sit and wait the actual user reactions, before making any decisions these days.
It doesn't matter if this game had released in a pristine state; you NDF clowns would have turned your brown noses up to it nonetheless.
Was Looking forward to this not so sure now
Why did I buy this?
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