Fire Emblem Warriors director Hiroya Usuda has revealed that the game will give players the option to drop the overall resolution to hit a higher frame rate.
Speaking to Japan's Nintendo Dream, Usuda explained that while the game runs at 1080p, 30fps normally in docked mode, the player can choose to drop the resolution down to 720p and enjoy a frame rate boost to 60fps. This only applies to the Switch version of the game; the New 3DS version will "almost certainly" run at 30fps.
During the same interview it was also revealed that the game will allow you to switch from "Classic" to "Casual" mode during play, reviving any lost characters. However, this is a one-way deal; it will not be possible to switch from Casual to Classic.
Thanks to SLIGEACH_EIRE for the tip!
[source nintendoeverything.com]
Comments 136
Frames do always win for me. I dont have the best television in the world, so resolution is not that important for me.
60 fps it is.
What about handheld mode?
Well then, I believe I know what I'll be choosing ... For like a week until Odyssey arrives and pushes FE Warriors aside with ease.
Why not just 1080p with 60fps? Lol this is 2017 nearly 2018! Why do we still have this dilemma?
@NintyNate Nintendo hardware
@NintyNate Just out of interest, what should the state of technology be in 2018? Will we have hoverboards? I need to know so I can use 2018 to win arguments lol
I seriously cannot imagine being the chud that would choose higher resolution in this situation.
On handheld, drop to 480p for 60fps 😱.
Switch is becoming a portable PC, settings galore coming soon. 😬
Framerate wins in this one i think, have try both out of course though
60fps! Yay! Win!
Thank God for that. But Framerate over resolution any day!
@Menchi187 @NintyNate please show me the many games on ps4 / xbox one that run at 1080p60. there aren't that many.
This is awesome.
I saw a few games doing this with PS4 Pro. You could choose like, say, 1440p upscaled to 2160p and 30fps, or 1080p 60fps.
This is terrific. It means handheld mode will run 720p/60fps which is peak performance. For docked, as long as there are no frame dips, I'm ok with 30fps. If there are, I will use the 60fps option.
Wait, the game keeps the "perma-death" feature from the main series? That's interesting, now im actually curious about the game again.
Not even PS4/X1 guarantee 1080p/60fps. Some games do, and some don't.
And it's no different on Switch. Some games do (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Arms, Splatoon 2, Mario Odyssey, FIFA 18) and some games don't (Zelda, Mario x Rabbids, Skyrim, FE Warriors)...
It depends on the game, it depends on the system, it depends on the developer. But simply being "in 2017"... means little.
FPS > Resolution. Something the other console manufacturers seem to forget.
Not a welcome feature. The developer should decide based on multiple playthroughs extensive testing what´s best for the game and stick with that decision. It shouldn´t be left as an exercise for me to figure out.
There is only one answer to that: The developers choose to not have their game render in 1080p.
"Why not just 1080p with 60fps? Lol this is 2017 nearly 2018! Why do we still have this dilemma?"
@tovare It's personal preference mate...not rocket science lol.
While 60FPS is the only logical option I will say that giving the user an option in the first place is always welcome and I hope more devs follow this example.
Hmm, interesting. As long as it's a rock solid 30 FPS, I'll go with that and 1080p, since I can't tell the difference between 30 and 60 FPS anyway.
Even the SNES had enough processing power to display 1080p60, albeit not with more than a few colours. It could have been capable of rendering a single-colour sprite moving across a single-colour background.
@Menchi187 crap,because xbox and ps4 can't do it either.
@NintyNate Games should always push hardware to its limits!
No matter the power!
It's a cool option to have.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I'm more shocked that this is even a feature in a Nintendo game period. Nintendo is kinda infamous for lacking options in their games. Thanks for sharing the info
Even back on Wii U I always had the resolution set to 720p for video making purposes, same thing for Switch. As such these are welcome news to me since I will gladly take smooth 60fps over 1080p any day.
To be honest the argument "…we are in 2017 nearly 2018…" is right!
Havin consoles which aren't able to display games at 1080.60 shouldn't exists!
Even now where everyone is pushing for 3.5k (marketing would say 4k) and what will be when in some years when everybody is pushing for the real 4k and beyond?
There are games which clearly don't need 60fps but most of the games do.
Hate me for the next sentence but Activision knows that and trys to deliver every Call of Duty with constant 60fps. It feels like the most greedy company knows at least what is best for gamers on the technical side.
And no one can tell me that he doesn't feel the difference between a game running st 30fps and 60fps if he doesn't have some sort of disability.
Nice solution! Just wondering why so many have such a big problem to understand that to make a nice hybrid you HAVE to sacrifice some power to make it affordable enough to sell to a mainstream audience.
@Menchi187 Not even. There aren't many PS4 or Xbox games that do 1080 w/ 60fps at the time
@Menchi187 That's the truth.
Hahaha. What a ridiculous comment.
Do you even know what the PS4 and XB1 are? You may not do but let me assure you that (unless you're gaming on PC) you're choosing between resolution and frame rate all the time on non-Nintendo hardware as well.
On topic, this is an excellent idea. More games should do this.
Devs across all consoles do this or something similar now, even more so with the PS4Pro.
FFXV had several options, quite a few of them made the game run worse but that's likely fixed by now. Nioh's action mode is 60fps at 900p, while movie mode hits around 30fps at 1080p.
I like it, nothing is wrong with options.
@zyn Activision also probably receives over a billion US dollars for each COD iteration. Unfortunately a game like this which will probably fall between 1 and 2 million sales is not going to get the same level of budget
Having options is always a good thing
@JaxonH jumping the gun there. We have no idea if handheld mode will offer 720p60.
@roboshort you clearly don't get what I was saying. your comment makes no sense. (not being offensive just realistic)
Doubt the game will run at 60fps at all times. And how does this affect handheld mode, exactly?
I'm torn. On the one hand, I'm glad that they're letting us choose and would like this sort of thing to become more regular on Switch. On the other hand, right off the bat they're saying to pick either frame rate or graphics and run one at a sub-par level. It kind of makes it feel like the game wasn't originally developed for the Switch or something, y'know? Like it's a port of something for another system.
@electrolite77 this is why I have a top end PC. I don't compromise unless I have to.
Which is also why I have all consoles.
Now I imagine that scene from Fates where you have to choose your path, only with Ryoma holding a '720p 60fps' sign and Xander holding a '1080p 30fps' sign.
It's neat to have a choice, though! I wasn't even aware that Musou games could get to 60fps in the first place!
@samuelvictor Lol, I nearly wrote something very similar. Great post.
Thats nice and all. The thing i don't understand is if the (new) 3ds game will be same as Switch (other than resolution). If the game is so demanding that can't run at 1080p/60fps at Switch, how can it even run (even at this terrible resolution) at 3ds? Is it a 3ds game that was ported on Switch?
For most games I would prefer 1080p, so I'm happy I'm given a choice. I wish Bomberman had that. I'll have to remove the patches to make it run in 1080 again. Usually I prefer to not have settings for things like this though. One of my reasons for playing exclusively on console is that I won't have to fiddle with settings and optimize the game myself. I wont have to think: "Maybe I could get it to look slightly better if I fiddle a bit more...".
All the Consoles that have compromised in some way you mean? Like all Consoles, not just 'Nintendo hardware'? So you should know better. None of the Console manufacturers can out out hardware to match a high-end PC, not if they want to sell. It's not a Nintendo problem.
@electrolite77 And that is why I own no game on console if it is available on PC. Consoles are for console only games. But it seems everyone missed my initial point.
The Xbox One and PS4 are underpowered, they were in 2013 and they are even more so in 2017, but not only do Nintendo have a track record of releasing less powerful hardware, they also designed a console 4 years later that has even less powerful hardware than the competition because of their design choice to be a home console with portable mode.
@zyn I suspect the point the post was trying to make is that Activision sells enough COD every year to spend for those kind of resources. FE doesn't.
Heys guys,,, you shouldn't have to change the settings at all, we all know that games on ps4 and the one dont all run in 1080/60
But it's ridiculous, last gen Devs were promising 1080/60 and still didn't deliver, now with better hardware they still can't! Lol ... When was the last time you sat down with ya mates and played split screen multiplayer on PS4/one? I don't recall lol they would have to drop stuff like crazy!... How some FAST RMX 4 way offline split screen multiplayer runs better than Mario kart 8??? Lol... It's a huge shame splatoon 2 don't have it really would be even better.
We better not have this crap next gen haha
@samuelvictor Pretty comprehensive. Thanks for the history lesson (and I mean that sincerely).
It's not a design choice, it's a choice borne out of the reality of where they are in the market.
@kobashi100 The dock doesn't give the console any more power so it's going to be 720p 60fps when playing on handheld. The tablet is the thing that runs the game so if the tablet screen could display 1080p, you would be able to play 1080p 30fps on handheld mode as well.
I can forget FPS sometimes, but a musou game is always a blast with 60fps!
And I probably will play more on handheld than on tv, so 720p to me!
Look at the graphics guys! It's running on a handheld! On a freaking handheld and you dare to say "blablabla technology 2017, 2018, 120fps chaos, gods, unholy"
@NintyNate 4gb ram and CPU power makes the difference. GPU as well, but not always
@electrolite77 Which is a design choice.
So they should have put out an uncompromising high-end PC matching system costing £2k? Is that really what you're suggesting?
To follow your 'logic' through to its 'logical' conclusion every console made that didn't match up to the absolute most powerful spec PC out there at the time is compromised by design. It might be technically true, but it's an utterly absurd argument that you'd only make if you were really desperate to find something to moan about. Which judging by your comments history, is probably the case.
@Stu13 Pleased to meet you. I'm a CHUD and I'm not ashamed of what I am. I would gladly give up 30fps for a resolution boost. And you know what? I'd give up the other 30 to feel the sweet kiss of the sun on my face while I gnawed on your ribs. #CHUDlife
I enjoy 720p 30-60fps, as long the game is good, not lagged, it will be fine for me.
Superior specs is Not the King of all.
@samuelvictor Nice summary and explanation. What personally irks me, is if I see frame-drops, like how Stasis+ in BotW, combined with walking/running/turning around causes all sorts of dips.
What we have to keep in mind with all these discussions is that 1080p/60fps is of course "possible" on all current consoles.
The problem is, that you could use that power for something else as well, so the game could look better in another regard instead.
fe warriors could of course be made in 1080p/60fps as well, but we would have to settle for maybe less polygons or something else and the developers obviously found that to be not worth it.
Just as they could make a game for pc, with such great graphics that no high end pc could run it in 1080p/60 on highest settings.
And if the PS5 still doesn't have all its games in 1080/60 it is not because the console "still can't do it", but because the developers of the game prioritize something else. Same for current gen consoles.
@zyn I, for one, am sick of the industry constantly pushing for a newer, better tech every few years. So I guess I'm glad Nintendo is holding back on graphical prowess in order to make quality games. Just because it looks good doesn't make it fun, or worth the money.
Definitely going for 60 fps, Hyrule Warriors Legends is proof of why framerate is so important for Warriors games.
I bought my TV ages ago, and 720p is the best it can do. Guess the choice is already made, for me!
Team Ninja has been making this game (with Omega Force) and they did the same thing recently with Ni Oh on Ps4, 108030 or 72060, so that explain this.
@tovare Do you like very smooth action? Go for framerate. Do you like crisp visuals? Go for resolution. It's incredibly easy to figure out what is best for you. This is a very welcome feature.
@Geeks4Life Considering the resolution of the tablet is 720p, I'm imagining that it would run at 60 frames regardless.
I'm just here wondering that classic mode and casual mode.
Do you lose your unit forever in classic mode (like in an actual FE game)? Or just for this stage? As for casual mode, does that mean you can revive your units during your current stage, or later after finishing the stage but before the next one??
It's a good start. But, this being a Musou game, I'd also have to worry about draw distance, number of visible enemies (PS2 Musous would have many nearby enemies fading in and out of view, not sure if newer ones do this), and whether the frame rate stays consistent (especially at 60). And most importantly, whether the enemies actually bother to fight back.
I rather play at 1080p/30fps but that's just me. However Koei isn't known for having good optimization so who knows how well it'll really run.
Dragon Quest Heroes 2 would drop to as low as 20fps during battles in the Switch version, maybe it will be better to play this game at 720p/60fps and hope it doesn't drop to below 30fps.
What did Hyrule Warriors run at?
I'm still not sold on this game, but this is a cool option. Reminds me of how The Last of Us Remastered allowed for 4K 30 fps vs. (I think) 1440 60 fps. Seeing as I can't even tell the difference between 1080 and 720 on a 40" TV, I would always go with 60 fps.
Now if they did lots of DLC for this game like they did with Hyrule Warriors and add characters like Alm, Celica, Roy, Ike, Eirika, and Ephraim I'd probably get it then.
Classic mode sounds good, as does the lower graphics for frame rate. Though I'm not sure I'm going to be able to get over the voice acting to get it.
We enjoyed Hyrule Warriors a lot but if they don't put two player co-op in this one (as in one system, not expectinf households to spend an eztra $360 to play Splatoon 2 together) as well, I may not be buying so quickly.
This is a great idea. More developers should do this.
Depending if the frame rates are locked I could go either way. The fact that this is an OPTION in the first place is amazing. If there is one direction I want video games to go is video games with loads of options. Being able to customize a game with options can personalize an experience, and open the game up to a larger audience.
I'm fine with 720p at 60FPS
1080p is great and all but not at the expense of 60FPS so I'll be sticking to 720p at 60FPS.
Also, people need to realize that this game has a ton more animation than other Nintendo Switch Games so expecting 1080p at 60FPS on this scale of a game is too much to ask for a Nintendo Console.
If this was Playstation 4 or modern gaming PC then yeah, I'd agree but Nintendo ain't about power, they're about quality of games.
Fps over p!
@Late The dock doesn't directly boost power, but it tells the system that it's docked so it can stop underlocking itself so much. Games like Snake Pass are proof of showing how the dock helps out the system.
I can see portable mode drop below 720p, like 640p or something. It wouldn't be incredibly awful, but it's likely.
@NintyNate The HDTwins are still having games with variable framerates or locked to 30fps when the pc version (if there is one) can go to 60fps. So this isn't new.
At least we have the option and more devs are trying to do that.
Anybody picking resolution over frame rate...anybody?
Why is people complaining about having options? It's great! This way, everyone can play according to what they prefer - graphics or performance.
And for those complaining the Switch doesn't reach PS4 or XONE performance, two things:
First, we all knew it wouldn't reach those consoles when the specs were announced. It has a very powerful mobile chip, but it is still mobile.
Second, even the PS4 and XONE have problems. If you truly care about graphics, why do you have a Switch and not a High end Pc?
I'll enjoy the game - 720 and 60fps is perfect. 720p is HD last time I checked and that's enough for me. 60 fps is a must in this kind of game!
I think these kinds of options should become a standard on the Switch.
I'm not sure you know what a false equivalency is. You said Switch is underpowered by design. It isn't, for the form factor they were going for (which is what they had to go for, due to the realities of the business they're in) and the tech available it's powerful. It's less powerful than PS4 or XB1 because it's different. It has to be.
I pointed out that by definition all Consoles are underpowered by design. You pretty much acknowledged it earlier. I pointed out that criticising Consoles being underpowered is pointless because they have to be because there is no alternative. You then tried to claim false equivalency. This is wrong.
Edit-I know what you mean about Nintendo putting out underpowered hardware. I'm no fan of Wii U and don't have much love for 3DS. But Switch is spot on for what they had to go for.
Thanks for the option but they could have at least try to make it run 60fps at 1080p. Hopefully they figure that out soon and later give us a firmware update so that it could handle that in the future but at 720p it's okay then again 720p is like going backwards so it's kinda pathetic.
Very happy about this, I think console gamers should have these options avaiable to them to cater the experience to the users preferences. I can't believe I saw someone try to justiftly having less options in your game, that is just backwards. 60 FPS All Day
The real story here is that Switch can't run Fire Emblem at 1080p 60fps.
@JaxonH pretty sure ps4/xb1 can run this game at 1080 60fps
Good for them, and i hope other devs follow suit. Personally, the frame drops on BotW were enough of a distraction for me that I would've easily chosen 720p docked for just a solid 30fps.
@Geeks4Life You do realise the Nintendo Switch's screen cannot do more than 720p, right? Since the game is capable of doing 60fps at 720p by default, presumably it should run at 60fps in handheld mode all the same.
60 fps, it has been decided.
@HopeNForever You do realise that when you remove the switch from the dock. The clockspeeds go down.
This is a great option. People should be happy! Which is more important? Frames or resolution? YOU decide! What more could you want?
As for expecting 1080p60 "in 2017", you're talking nonsense. Every game is a product of ALL its assets. It's trivial to make any modern hardware choke at 240p if you make the rendered graphics sophisticated enough. On the flip side, if you simplify, 1080p is easy in 2000 (Total Annihilation, I still love you!).
The performance is all to do with developer decisions. How do they want their game to look and run? Hardware is irrelevant if all you want is 1080p60 and don't consider the art.
Frames, for sure.
Anyway, this is AWESOME. I wish more console games would give you advanced graphics options like this.
@Menchi187 Except Nintendo have the only useful hardware. PS4/Xbone are tied to your home, but so is a PC, so get the ultra powerful PC because it's the best option if you're teathered. But the Switch is actually useful because I can leave the house with it. The "lack" of power no longer matters at that point.
Super cool! I was not expecting to see a time when Nintendo users like me were offered this option (which is quite similar to the one I've heard about on the PS4 Pro). I'll definitely be playing in 720p with 60fps, as Hyrule Warriors looked gorgeous at that resolution and played beautifully too.
Not bad!
I'd definitively go for 1080p@30fps, as in a title in the Warriors-series, frame rate hardly affects the gameplay, and personally I wouldn't even care if it should occasionally drop below a solid 30fps. 60fps give certain games a nice classy feel, but the mass battles of Fire Emblem warriors should profit more from the higher resolution.
But it's nice they included the alternative, as a good number of players seem to prefer the 720p@60fps option.
"Just out of interest, what should the state of technology be in 2018? Will we have hoverboards? I need to know so I can use 2018 to win arguments lol "
@GrailUK I hereby award you the best comment of 2017 and 2018.
@Indielink Well the game designers could have just settled for 60 fps and changed automatically to a higher resolution in-game where that makes sense. In PC games it´s all settings, and although you can sometimes guess that higher it´s better ... it´s also crap because you never know if the game is any good at those settings. I just want to pick up the controller and play the game
In the vein of people saying it's 2017 games should all be 5k to 4k to 1080 at solid 60 fps , I say you get what you pay for if your in that race but really?, I mostly judge a video game based on is it fun and free of bugs.
I absolutely guarantee you now that PS4 and XB1 can't run this game at any frame rate whatsoever
Never played a fire emblem game. Possibly should start with this one
@zyn let me explain to you these games are new and require more resources the consoles we are buying are essentially pcs. Go find a pc or build one for the price of a console. For new games it's unlikely you will reach 1080p60fps. There's some food for thought.
Ahhh...the classic "If the game isn't bleeding-edge realistic, then it must run at 1080p 60FPS or else the hardware running said game must be underpowered" fallacy...
I'm pretty sure it could too. But surely people didn't expect a portable system to match parity with the PS4...
Not really interested in this game, but I certainly hope more games will have options like this so I can boost my fps
Sliggy strikes again
I'm going 60 fps
Hmm you can leave the house with it, well yeah i should hope so, it's a handheld
@DonSerrot I'm 100% for choice as well. I'd probably choose higher performance, but this way I can choose what I prefer after sampling them both, and everyone can have what they want.
@NintyNate Nintendo never promised that all of their games would run in 1080p60.
Great news! 60 FPS all the way for me!
Now where's my patch for this function for Dragon Quest Heroes?
Sounds like a good deal to me. I I always play my games in 720p for the best frame rate possible. It just works out better and it not like anyone can really see the difference between 720p and 1080p.
@samuelvictor You, sir, have won the Internet for today.
More of this please!
@samuelvictor Thanks for the knowledge. What are the frame rates of Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 2, and Super Mario Bros. 3?
I'm glad this option exists. I'm 60 fps all the way, especially on a game like this. In my ideal world, this option would exist on every game, regardless of genre. It is baffling to me how in 2017 we still have to choose between resolution or frame rate (on any console). I really thought we would have hit 1080/60 being the standard by now. Even games like Overcooked only hit 30fps on all the consoles which I just don't understand. It's hardly a technical powerhouse of a game!
It's a shame even 60fps will never look as smooth as it should thanks to how rubbish a display technology LCD is, but that's a debate for another time. Let's hope OLED sorts that out.
If the Switch can't handle 1080p 60 FPS it's great that they give people a choice.
I still can't believe people take frame rate this seriously.
@zyn 3840p is closer to 4K than 3.5K
@GrailUK holy Spit! That's a slam dunk of a come back!!!
Yeah, fancy caring about something that makes a tangible difference to a game. Madness.
@electrolite77 lulz oh man sick burn bro
@JaxonH Switch is the Wii U successor and Nintendo's latest Home console. Per Nintendo.
Of course it is.
But it's not just any home console. It's a portable home console. "Per Nintendo" and... per blatant observation
Well you seen constantly surprised that Switch (which can operate as a portable) isn't as powerful PS4 and Xbox One (which can't), I thought some other information that is blindingly obvious to others might surprise you.
It's amazing we're still seeing the same circular conversation. Is there anybody out there who doesn't know Switch isn't as powerful as PS4 or XB1? Do those pointing it out think there are Switch owners who are suddenly going to sell their machine in disgust at this hidden outrage? Do they think they can protect their disappointment at Nintendo not wanting to commit suicide by releasing a PS4 competitor into all the people who currently don't care?
Elton John was wrong, this is the Circle of Life.
If the frames are steady 30. Then I'll go for 1080p.
Finally! Someone else is like me!
I'm pretty sure I'll be choosing resolution, too.
Very please with this.
@Menchi187 Lol I almost choke. But to be fair PS4 basic struggles in some games too and so do Xbox One S.
If I decide to buy the game then I'll definitely go for 60fps.
$50 says not one person will choose 1080p for more than 5 minutes
@Steel76 It's not hard to understand. It's annoying. It's not any different than many years ago during the 32-bit era when polygons were the most exciting thing ever, and people would totally dismiss a game because it didn't have enough of those, regardless of the story, the art style, the music, etc. Now I see people on the internet whining about every game not being 60 fps at all times, and I wonder if those people even know why they're playing video games in the first place. I also wonder if they would watch a classic movie and complain because it was filmed in black & white or because the idiots from the previous century didn't think to film their movies in 4K.
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