Nintendo has announced that the next Splatoon 2 Splatfest (for both Europe and North America, and not just Europe as was previously reported) will decide once and for all which is best: Mayo or Ketchup.
The Splatfest will take place during the first week of August.
Which one will you be picking? We're going to take a wild guess and proclaim ketchup the victor here, but perhaps we'll be wrong?
Comments 113
Should've been red or brown sauce.
Imagine not choosing Ketchup lol
Tough, but I'd probably choose Mayonnaise.
Or mix both and get Mary Rose sauce. It's gorgeous on prawns.
@timson72 You couldn't be more right
Lol. Not a fan of both, but I definitely prefer Mayo.
Really mayo? At least put something that has a little chance, like mustard. Ketchup is gonna win no doubt about it (Because I think many more people like Ketchup, and it's Marina's team...)
I like both equally so I'll just choose Marina's team.
Oh dear. Talk about one sided : Ketchup!
I play on the North American one, but if it's also for NA then I'm definitely picking ketchup!
@timson72 or no sauce at all
I don't need to imagine. I'll be on team mayo.
Oh man, this is hard. Tomato Sauce is the saviour of British Cuisine, being almost solely responsible for stopping Fish & Chips just tasting like slightly oily cardboard, but Mayo performs such important roles as making Tuna goopy, and Potato Salad... also goopy.
It's like Lead Guitar vs Electric Bass. One's a lot more noticeable, but they're both important.
@Maxz doesn't the vinegar do that?
Yuck, mayo. I want Team Ketchup to win.
I thought it was Mustard vs Ketchup for a second.
I'm really surprised about how nearly everyone prefers ketchup to mayo! Was expecting to see more diversity.
For me though, it's always mayo. It's good for you. It's the best food-thing people created actually and I eat mayo with almost everything
No BBQ so going with Tomato sauce.
@Roam85 Vinegar just makes it taste like damp, soggy, sour, (and still oily) cardboard that's been left out in the rain too long and started to turn acidic. It takes the bold, fresh vibrancy of tomatoes to actually imbue the dish with some flavour (not to mention colour).
I pick ketchup!
Ps. Switch consoles are in stock on for prime members
Team Catsup
@Lumine Except there's not mustard here.
What a hard choice... I always mix these two on my french fries, it's too hard to just take one!
The obvious answer is Ketchup.
That was pretty funny that one year Teennick hyped up an unreleased Rocko's Modern Life episode for April Fools and aired a jar of mayo for half an hour. Good times.
Wacky deli aside, I hate mayo.
Mayo? MayNO!
I like mayo but it's quite a bit more gross than ketchup so I'd have to go with ketchup.
I hate mayo and am indifferent to ketchup.
@Tsurii Excuse my ignorance and general depravity, but what does a non-mayonaissey potato salad look like? In my mind, mayonnaise (and some herbs) is practically the only thing that stops Potato Salad being anything more than just 'some potatoes'.
My platonic Potato Salad would basically just be:
New potatoes (or some other small, waxy variety) chopped in halves/quarters
Something oniony (chives, shallots, etc)
Herb/s (mint, parsley, etc)
And... voila! Creamy potato goodness. Basically this.
That's a pretty typical British Potato Salad. What does the dish look like without the gloopy goodness of Mayo to hold it all together?
Still, if there's one thing that's truly depraved it's BBQ Sauce. On anything. Especially pizza. High-fructose tar-syrup begone!
This is like gross vs gross for me.
Tfw your condiments of choice are mustard and BBQ sauce.
I occasionally use mayo on sandwiches though, but never use ketchup at all, so I'll go with mayo.
Got to go ketchup.
Ketchup on hot dogs and ketchup on eggs is the best.
I imagine this one being even more lopsided than ice cream vs cake. However, where I was with the majority last time, favoring ice cream, I'm gonna go with what I envision to be the minority this time, and join team Mayo!!!!! Yeah baby!! Of course, I am a bit plus-sized, so maybe the one has something to do with the other.
they could've just asked fat vs. sugar
Excited to have Splatfests again. Mayo all the way, baby.
Mayo is for suckas! Ketchup is for kids!
Where's my Mustard!
Fat or sugar, people. Fat or sugar.
Well I'm in a pickle here... I don't like either! What do I do?!
Mayo !
Spread on Hamburger or Add for Salad dressing.
Yum... !
What is the context we are choosing in though? I like mayo on my burgers and ketchup on the fries. For me these two condiments can't be a substitute for each other they are more like a tag team.
If it was Miracle Whip, I would choose it all day every day, but I only like Mayo on my Subway sandwiches.
So I'd go with Ketchup.
I believe for many the question is: "Which one of these is the one Marina is choosing?"
I like both but use ketchup way more than mayo so I think I'll be siding with the red sauce this time.
Ketechope c'est tu pas français ça!!?
In memory of Elvis Gratton movies.
Ketchup for me all the way !
I think the main question is: "Can you play this using the demo i downloaded?"
@Tsurii I'm pretty sure the inventor of BBQ Sauce died at the hands of the monster he had created. It's like two people sat down and thought:
"How do we make this greasy pile of food any more unhealthy?"
"How about pouring High-Fructose Corn Syrup all over it?"
"Yeah, but we always do that. Isn't there any way we can take things further?"
"...How about Carcinogenic High-Fructose Corn Syrup?"
And so BBQ Sauce was brought into the world. AKA The Sauce of All Evil.
I could live life without both and be quite happy, but I'll take ketchup any day over mayo. Ick.
Can't believe anyone would choose ketchup over the uber versatile mayo. So many sandwiches improved by simply adding mayo, but if you added chicken? Bleurgh
Well, I like both, but mayonnaise is the winner for me. It makes any sandwich incredible.
Ketchup will win overwhelmingly
On hamburgers , you mix the ketchup and the mayonaise together
According to the movie " pulp fiction " mayonaise should be popular in Amsterdam. They use for French fries
Ketchup will win, because the general public are eejits. Mayo all the way.
But then I like BBQ sauce more then either, so what do I know?
I hate ketchup, so I'll be going Team Mayo.
Mayo is disgusting in my opinion 😣 I have to go with Ketchup here, lol
Thank God it wasn't called "red sauce". I hate that term. 😅
My stomach cannot handle mayo. Ketchup is my team.
This is not even a contest. I love me some Mayo, but here's the thing...Ketchup without mayo is infinitely superior to mayo without ketchup. If I can't have both, Heinz all the way!
Wow I definitely enjoy mayo a lot more than tomato sauce. I forget how splatfests work and if they are normally worldwide or separate to regions but I think Japan would all prefer mayonnaise so that would even things out!
Which team is Marina?
That's all that matters.
Nintendo needs to step up their game with the comparisons. Who in their right mind would choose mayo? It's good on some types of food, but ketchup is such a great addition to so many foods.
They should have done ketchup vs mustard or something.
Ketchup. I can't stand mayonnaise being shortened to 'mayo', it sounds like something a baby would say when learning their first words.
"Put your hands together" - Joey Tribbiani
Oh, thought it was mustard instead of mayo. Ketchup all the way, though!
I can't stand either one, so I might just go with whatever friends choose and call that good.
ew neither
Argh. This is the first ever Splatfest in which I absolutely loathe both sides.
My favorite song of all time is Smashing Pumpkins' "Mayonaise", though, so that's my team.
... but since we can't have hot sauce, the stages will run RED with all the victims of team #Ketchup where you will find me on the front line of every kethcup team out there. (Shiryu The Inkling Vanguard: First to Ink, first to die!)
these 1st two splatfest themes seem a little too generic.
@Jack_Goetz I really, really hate it, too. I just type it out like that occasionally when I'm too lazy to type out the whole word, lol.
I'm a mayonnaise man. I enjoy it with pies, chips, burgers, and just about anything savoury.
Tomato sauce (which is what we call "ketchup" in the land of Oz) makes food soggy and gross too much of the time, and I find it to be too bland flavour-wise, given how prevalent tomatoes are in our cooking anyway.
Tomato sauce has its place, but I would never pick it over mayonnaise or mustard, if given the option.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Eww. Ketchup, chili sauce and horseradish mixed as a sauce tastes better.
Mayo is underrated, while ketchup is overrated. There, I said it.
This is a hard choice for me...I love them both so much!
I prefer mayo, but who cares? Ketchup is team Marina.
@2ndFlush "According to the movie " pulp fiction " mayonaise should be popular in Amsterdam. They use for French fries"
Being from the Netherlands I can confirm this. In fact, this wiki article lists some of the stuff that ends up on our fries:
Mayo is generally better than ketchup for most foods/recipes, though given how many times I've been to barbeques with hamburgers/hot dogs and no mayo, I think Ketchup is going to easily win the popularity vote. (I mean, they never forget mustard, the quintessential niche condiment, but they almost without fail forget mayonnaise. It's to the point where I bring mayo for people to use if I know we're having burgers/hot dogs.)
Mayo is absolutely foul. Ketchup all the way. This is the first Splatfest where picking a side was an instinctive gut reaction, and I can't even say that I'm a huge ketchup fan, either.
I'm really hoping there will be a pancake vs waffle splatfest, that would be an interesting outcome.
@2ndFlush I've see them do it, man. They nibelsnarfing drown 'em in that poop.
(waits to see how the moderators edit Tarantino's dialogue)
I hate ketchup, makes everything taste like it was just ketchup. Whether mayo tastes better IMO and compliments other flavors in whatever you are eating.
@PanurgeJr I'm laughing over here just picturing that scene now, I'll have to watch that movie today
@OneArmedGiant wrong
Too bad there's no red ink, so we can't fight with actual ketchup.
In lieu of BBQ, Buffalo, and Sriracha, I will have to go with Mayo because I feel like it'll be under-rep'd. Also, if the ink colors for that aren't Red vs. Slightly off white, then what are we doing with this game?
I think most people will vote ketchup and team ketchup will end up fighting team ketchup a because there won't be enough people supporting team mayo.
I can't say I really like ketchup but Mayo is disgusting
@KirbyTheVampire Glad I'm not the only one!
I used to love ketchup but I've moved on to bbq. I also leaned how amazing mayo is thanks to chipolte mayo. Now mix mayo and bbq and you have a special treat. Will definitely pick mayo.
I'm surprised this ist ketchup vs mustard
Splatfests are just the Everybody Votes Channel, but a much less peaceful affair.
I was thinking of going with Pearl for a change, but I honestly can't stand mayo. I guess it's waifu-ocotopus-lady for me...
Mayo FTW! In fact I am eating a nice mayo drenched chicken sandwich as I type this!
Mayo should win hands down. In terms of actual condiment sales (in the US) it outsells ketchup 2:1.
However, this isn't factoring in the popularity of the different representatives. It could be close given how popular Marina is.
Team MAYO!!! I'm itching to pick this game up after work and play all weekend
@PanurgeJr Let's not use profanity, if you know it's against the rules then stop. Otherwise you're basically asking for a ban.
@Joeynator3000 Your nibelsnarfing ridiculous censorship has not disappointed.
I sadly wont be able to get the game untill later that month... but I would most likely also vote for Ketchup if I had the chance to play.
Okay, I was born in Utah and visit my extended family there frequently, and we all know the only thing to do with ketchup and mayo is to mix it together and make fry sauce. So can I say...both?
Mayo on my fries!
Mayo on my burger!!
Mayo on my chicken!!!!
Team Mayo for the win!!!!!!!!
@Shiryu Condiment Power Rankings:
1. Hot sauce
2. Mustard
3. Horseradish
4. Chimichurri
5. Soy sauce
6. Vinegar
7. Salsa
8. Mayonnaise
9. Relish
10. Ketchup
@Bunkerneath why would you be able to? That one Splatfest is a done deal. It's a worthless demo now
neither. I like ranch, and Honey Mustard. Does Marinera Sauce count?
(sigh) my gf likes ketchup, guess I'll fight in her stead.
Can't stand the taste of egg in mayonnaise, so ketchup it is for me!
Heinz Chicago Dog Sauce. Yes, Heinz trolled Chicago- look it up.
Ew. The comparison was always ketchup and mustard. Why is mayo in the mix?
The only thing I use ketchup for is dipping fries.
Mayo is much more versatile. I need my tarter sauce for fish & chips.
Anyone who puts ketchup on a hot dog is doing it wrong and should feel bad.
Team Mayo!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE There can only be one! And the obvious answer is barbecue sauce
Pretty cool since I like both sources but which 1 but no point to worry since my Switch broke on the day I got it with Splatoon 2. Only played 45mins
In The Netherlands we eat fries with mayo. I'll be choosing mayo.
I would sooner have mayonnaise in a bacon sandwich than ketchup! Just saying... Team Mayonnaise!
My personal favorite condiment is Chipolte, hands down. Given that that isn't an option though, likely Mayo, because Tuna and Ham Salad are nothing without it...well that and Pickle Relish.
@chriiiiiiiiiis They're divided into three main groups...the Americas, Europe (I believe they includes Africa/Australia too, not certain), and Japan (I assume all of Asia is included). Mostly this is due to cultural reasons, since some of the Splatfest teams make more sense in some countries/cultures than others (like the sushi one they did for Japan in Splatoon 1)
Is it me or are Splatfests looking more one sided?
This is one the missus and I could get in a tangle over!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Or Fry sauce, as it's known in Utah
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