Last week brought us Splatoon 2 on the Nintendo Switch, and it's delivered a solid launch in the UK charts. It had to settle for second place behind Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy, but nevertheless the shooter's arrival outperformed the equivalent figures for the Wii U original. Its debut also made it the third most successful Switch game launch to date in the UK, behind the equivalent figures for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
It was a good week for the Switch's two biggest hits, too, with both returning to the top 10. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe climbed up to 4th place, while Breath of the Wild jumped twelve places to settled in 6th place (primarily from Switch copies). Two more Switch titles made the cut in the broader top 40, too - 1-2-Switch made its comeback in 24th place, while ARMS held steady in 27th. Sales of Switch titles were evidently helped by system restocks and renewed interest thanks to the Splatoon 2 launch.
A couple of 3DS titles also managed to hold on at the bottom end of the charts - Pokémon Sun secured 37th place with Mario Kart 7 in 39th.
It was certainly a strong week from Nintendo UK's perspective, with key first-party retail titles making their mark. The only downside is the absence of Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star from the top 40, but it had limited stock; for example GAME appears to be opening sales for the game on 25th July, even though it came out in Europe on 21st July. On Amazon, meanwhile, it costs a whopping £59.99, when its download price is £49.99.
Were you among those that picked up Splatoon 2 at launch?
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Comments 70
Well. I was right. They said Id have to eat my hat. Of course itll top. Its a quiet time of year.
Dunno what planet they were on.
I'll be very interesting to see how the charts look once the Switch is more readily available, so I guess Mario Odyssey might be a good indicator once that arrives. Nice to see Splatoon 2 doing well, but I'm not going to be picking up a copy for now.
Well that's not great. There'll be no such problems in Japan.
@kyleforrester87 youve got a hat to eat buddy. Told ya it would happen.
This also means mahe will be insufferable though...
@SegaBlueSky The jump in sales for MK8D and BOTW says that the Switch is available to buy. I've seen plenty in stock.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE It was, but that allocation seems to have sold out fairly quickly in most places. Can't get any on Amazon before 24th August now by the look of it.
Went along to GAME to pick mine up on Friday, and was lucky enough to get a couple of hours to myself on Saturday to pop it in and play it. Loving it.
As much as I hated not being able to play off screen on the original, I can't help but miss just pushing exactly where I want to go on the tablet screen after respawning rather than pushing buttons on the Switch lol. Swings and roundabouts I guess lol.
For Switch fans, it was the biggest day of their summer.
For Crash Bandicoot, it was just another Monday.
Nintendo probably wont have enough chart topper here for years. Mario Kart 8 was a fluke frankly.
@Mahe and for you your head cant fit through the door.
59% higher debut then the first game for Wii U. Splatoon 2 will sell bucket loads
Crash sales are amazing.
Thing is, if they brought out the Crash Trilogy for switch i would buy that over Splatoon
For the record, Crash has been a bizarre success which I am thrilled for!
And yeh, Splatoon 2 will be a sell out. Water is wet. Ink is messy. So sit back and enjoy the great times of Splatoon
Why they didn't make a new Crash Bandicoot, rather than polishing up the old games that don't age well, is beyond me.
I haven't sold a single copy of Splatoon at work (except for mine), but I think that has more to do with supply than anything else.
Pretty sure someone reserved a Switch bundle though.
Did Wii U EVER have three games simultaneously on UK top 10?
@ImagineerNik Yeah, the Crash N.Sane Trilogy has been a massive success. Why didn't they do the other thing?
Crash Trilogy was always going to be a big seller. Remember the originals were on 2 consoles that sold over 250 million between them. That's an enormous fan base who will have a lot of nostalgia for Crash.
@SanderEvers because either it's bundled with new consoles sales or new consoles buyers buy it as a new game.
It's why I have always said that Nintendo should have offered to pay full development costs for a switch version.
It would sell loads
I ordered it,didn't flipping arrive though.
3 Ninty titles in top 10! Yes you can say that it's a quiet time of the year so numbers won't be massive and competition is low etc but 3 in top 10 shows strong interest is out there. When was the last time there were 3 Ninty titles in top 10? Wii era?
@ImagineerNik nobody could have predicted crash would do so well.
I don't blame Activision for playing it more safe and releasing remakes instead. Least they now no crash as a mascot is very much alive.
@SanderEvers @kobashi100 You also have the fact GTAV still gets new significant updates, in terms of post-launch support it's basically the M/18+ rated equivalent of Minecraft.
@kobashi100 are you kidding me? People have be clamouring for a new Crash game for years, along with the resurgence in popularity for 3D platforming games stemming from things like Yooka-Laylee. Crash trilogy selling well wasn't unpredictable at all. The only people who say 'no one could have predicted' are the studio execs who only care about CoD. Anyone with even a slight interest in the wider industry knew it would be successful.
Hang on, three Switch games in the Top 10? Top 6 in fact?
Impressive stuff. Also a good sign that when stock comes through it sells, indicated by the resurgence of Zelda and MK8D. Almost everywhere is sold out again....
@SanderEvers a popular game which packs a big open world (even still somewhat bigger than BotW's as some estimate) with plenty of stuff to do (besides just leisurely driving around town when you're not in the mood foor the aforesaid stuff) and another plenty offered by a built-in online mode with its own set of activities and features. It may well look like a pretty solid PS4 investment even for those who don't get it bundled in the first place.
And "ancient"? The game is barely 5 years old. If it's ancient, then the first GTA was made in Atlantis and Pong probably precedes the Big Bang. XD
Eh? They should have put more effort into creating something new, that wouldn't have had nostalgia behind it to drive sales, rather than put out the hugely successful collection they have done?
Yep,makes sense.
@BLP_Software Wait, weren't you saying it wouldn't have a big impact? It outsold the first game in its first week (on a lower install base), and it got second place in the UK. That's pretty impressive.
Just think what the sales figures would have been if there had been more stocks of the console available. The game is fab
They slacked for well over a decade pushing the Nintendo brand in the UK. Remember the ethos of 'advertising is a waste of time.'? We will enter a period where Sony can easily trump Nintendo with 'Nostalgia feels' games because they are more relevant to UK consumers. It would be interesting to see F-Zero compete with Wipeout...and as much as I think F-Zero GX is the superior game, I wouldn't put money on it beating Wipeout here. At least Nintendo are making the right noises these days with Switch. The only way is up I reckon*
*disclaimer: voice chat doesn't count mkay!
@Octane I also said it wouldnt get first place. I said it may outsell the first but that was up in the air really.
And if you consider Splatoon 2 a hit....well good for you. But this isnt a game suited to sequels. That much is obvious
@BLP_Software ''But this isnt a game suited to sequels.'' Why not? Because it didn't sell 5 million copies day one? I'm sure it'll end up as one of the Switch' best selling games. So I fail the see what you're trying to prove.
Pulled the trigger on the Splatoon 2 limited edition hardware Bundle last night, for my son for Christmas. Been watching stock closely recently & it simply keeps selling out, I'm afraid of getting closer to Christmas & missing out altogether. Good to see such a strong Nintendo presence in the UK Top 10.
@BLP_Software mate you can't seriously suggest Splatoon 2 isn't a hit...?
Splatoon 2 is number one as far as revenue generated by the way, Nintendo have three of the top five grossing titles in the UK for last week.
@GrailUK Oh yeah I remember that...I think it was when Xenoblade Chronicles X launched that they also said 'people who want the game know it's coming already' like NoE literally missing the whole POINT of advertising...was such a facepalm moment.
I agree about GX, superior to Wipeout (and not just saying that as a Nintendo fan) and I believe it could outself Wipeout, if they gave it the same marketing push they gave BotW. I'm sure Nintendo would be in a much better state in UK if they actually marketing their games instead of sending them out to die.
Wow, Great job Splatoon 2 !
Btw, lemme guess again for 1st place.
It definetely a stupid nsfw games again...
@Anti-Matter First place was Crash Bandicoot.....
Ow... okay.
A Remake PS1 game...
I've not even been playing Splatoon today and the theme is playing constantly in my head. 😄
It's good to see that it did better than Splatoon 1. I'm pretty sure when S1 released there were more Wii U consoles in the wild than there are Switches at present. That must mean something, but I'm not sure what.
I have no internet until the 31st... so my enjoyment of the game has been rather limited.
I reallllllyyyyy want to play Splatoon 2, but I'm not buying a Switch just for that.
@Mogster Ive seen loads of Splatoon 2 and Switch ads weirdly.
@MartyFlanMJFan @Octane Not from a sales point. From an as a game point.
Splatoon 2...really feels like 1.5 with some baffling problems.
As I said, Splatoon doesnt suit sequels but that doesn't mean it isnt selling. My use of "hit" probably wasnt right.
It doesnt feel like a sequel. And in many ways it feels inferior.
Splatoon 2 is addictive as heck. Whereas with the first game, I'd constantly find myself getting splatted by shots that looked like they missed completely - now it looks like I get splatted by shots that do actually hit me. And that's a big difference.
I finished the Story mode campaign and it honestly felt like a chore to get through. Not sure why, but the boss fight at the end was enjoyable. I'll say this story mode and boss battle didn't top what the first game had to offer, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a strong overall experience. The rest of the game is, of course, heads and tails above everything else the first game had to offer. It deserves way more attention than its currently getting.
@BLP_Software That's a different issue altogether. Out of curiosity? Why does it feel like a downgrade?
I think it improved on the first game. Yeah, it still looks the same, and that's probably due to Nintendo recycling the assets, but I believe they increased the resolution, so it looks a bit better. There are more modes, more everything really. The single player campaign is a bit longer from what I've heard.
My only complaints would be the restrictions on the mode rotation and the salmon mode, but those were present in the last game too.
And I believe they lowered the ping... but that's it really.
Considering you couldn't find a copy under £50 it's done very well.
Crash Bandicoot has done incredibly well. It's obviously tremendously good value - offering 3 full games for less than £30 - on a console that now has a vast and varied install base. Hopefully it encourages other developers to throw significant resources behind family friendly games.
Of course Splatoon 2 has also done incredibly well so far and will continue to do so over the coming years. Given the small Switch install base (which will never be Earth shattering in the UK!) it's going to be a challenge for any Switch game to top the charts here any time soon but Nintendo don't really rely on that anyway.
Splatoon 2 sold around 28,000 copies at launch, opening 59% higher than the Wii U original from 2015. Nintendo shipped more Switch hardware sales to celebrate Splatoon 2's release, causing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Zelda BOTW sales to rise by 60% and 20% respectively over the previous week.
But Crash Bandicoot is such a juggernaut that almost everything looks bad in comparison.
@Octane Regional matchmaking (which sucks in the UK but the inmatch connection is very smooth), two new weapon classes only one of which is available right now, story mode being frankly more inventive but feeling more like a tacked on excuse, mode rotations and time limits, and the lack of anything really "new" in addition to replacing Squad Battles with League Matches.
Love splatoon 2 but splatoon on Wii u blew me away and at half the price
@RainbowGazelle Then buy the Switch for that game and all the others on Switch.
@BLP_Software Regional, as in UK only and not Europe? That would be weird. If they do Europe per country, I can see the game's online mode quickly dying off. But, it can't be that bad, right?
From what I understand, the game prioritises local matchmaking over global. In theory, you should be able to play against Japanese players, but it's unlikely as long as there are European players active.
I think it may have to do with the fact that Splatoon uses P2P servers (which makes me wonder why they're even turning their online into a subscription if all games end up P2P). MK8D used P2P, and local matchmaking results in a smoother experience. Looks like we aren't getting dedicated servers after all.
I'm sure other modes and weapons will come, they promised a year of support. It was the same with the first game. Time limits are still there, and I agree, they suck.
Excellent week for Nintendo, especially when you consider how much more popular its competitors have historically been in the UK.
I have to say, however, that Crash Bandolicoot selling so well has surprised me. Especially as a huge fan of 3D platformers, and extra especially because I think Crash games suck hard.
To be fair, while I didn't think Crash would sell that well during its 4th week to the point were it could top the charts, nobody should have had super high expecations for the Splatoon 2 in the UK.
The original Splatoon couldn't even crack the Top 50 best selling games in the UK in 2015, getting outsold by the previous year's Mario Kart 8. Meanwhile, it was one of the Top 10 best selling games of 2015 in Japan and France, and among the Top 20ish in other regions like the US and Germany.
Wait ARMS is below 1-2 Switch? Lol how can that even be?
@Octane Splatoon 1 was P2P but global. I dont know why its different here but I get France and UK players almost exclusively.
@Kalmaro Splatoon 2 is the only exclusive on Switch that I'm interested in. I'm not buying the console for one game.
@BLP_Software Probably to minimise the latency.
@RainbowGazelle I see.
@Octane and minimise the player base XD
@BLP_Software I doubt it completely blocks you from playing against Japanese or American players, it's just that the game prioritises local matchmaking. The player base is still the same, the only difference is that you'll be mainly playing against people from the UK and other parts of Europe.
@Octane Ive had instances were I straight up didnt get matches. They didnt load in any other player regions. Just stayed dead.
@BLP_Software That's a bit weird... Could be your own connection?
@Octane Actual game is like butter. Ranked and Salmon Run load fast. It says not enough players for Turf War
@SLIGEACH_EIRE One thing I've noticed about Switch Stock, is that it's completely location based.
Interest vs volume will cause some areas to basically never have any, and others to always have some, in your region that clearly seems to be the latter, in mine, the former.
So neither case is true, you seeing them doesn't make them widely available and me not seeing them doesn't make it sold out everywhere.
It is true that if older titles see a boost then some more units are clearly available, but it would also be in Nintendo's best interest to have a shipment of consoles right before a major release, so it's not completely surprising to see evergreen titles get sales boosts.
It's funny to watch Mario Kart oscillate from being the 3rd/4th/5th best selling game of a week, to being the 11th/12th/13th best selling game of the following week, and then back to being the 3rd/4th/5th best selling game of the week after that. Rinse and repeat...
Weekly Switch stock in the UK must be a roller coaster ride.
@electrolite77 Wow! There are definitely Switch supply issues in the U.K. Almost as soon as it is available, it goes out of stock. Judging by your link only 1 model is available at 1 stockist and thats a bundle. The only other places its available are 3rd party scalpers!
@SanderEvers in the industry, yes. But most consumers exist outside the industry itself, including a perpetual influx of people who just discover video games (or rediscover them after a long hiatus). And games themselves, most of whom are an interactive form of fiction, deserve better than any mentality implying that their value and offerings have an expiry date, let alone such a laughably small expiry term. For Fiction, even 500 years isn't all that ancient.
@electrolite77 A new game would have been successful. It's Crash Bandicoot.
Yes but the remaster collection will have cost less and now they can be far more certain a new entry would be successful. What they've done makes absolute total sense.
Had the first 2 crash games as a kid and I barely even remember them.
Crash bandicoot was for PlayStation fans that would have played anything to scratch that Mario and sonic itch they had.
Crash was never on par with Mario or even sonic and it definitely isn't even in the same league as splatoon 2.
Its just like when knack outsold Mario 3D world.
Ehhhh, whatever
Crash Bandicoot is good. Who said 3d platformers were dead.
Splatoon 2 looks good too. Both games did good on this chart.
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