People "raging quitting" during online games is a common problem these days, and developers are being forced to come up with ways of punishing such sore losers to ensure it doesn't impact the enjoyment of others.
Splatoon 2 is no exception; if you decide to leave a match by putting your Switch into sleep mode or turning it off entirely, you'll see a warning message the next time to enter the game:
Given that experience points are dished out even when you're on the losing side, there's no genuine reason to quit a match in Splatoon 2 unless you're being particularly grumpy.
This system might cause issues if you're in a location with spotty wireless, though - if your signal keeps dropping and kicking you off, you could be banned from the game for a short time. For that reason, the warning also states that you should check your WiFi before entering another match.
What do you make of this system? Let us know with a comment.
Comments 102
Love the way the message is worded. Adds some personality to the game.
Good. Though I'd like to know more of the details? How long is the ban, how quickly is it enforced, does it get stricter as the game figures out you're a rage quitter, etc?
Haha... It is so well put. That is as passive aggressive as it gets.
Yeah, this is a PREEEEEETY sweet way of dealing with the quitters.
I received this warning during the Splatfest.I was trying to team up with some other NL members but I started a random match by mistake so I pressed the home button and closed the software.When i went back on I was met with this message.It's wording took me by surprise.I'm glad it's there though as it will hopefully prevent others quitting when matches aren't going their way.I'm surprised the home button even works at all during matches,it never on Wii U.It doesn't work on ARMS either but I think that's only to prevent you hitting it accidentally, which I do all the time.
Should help stop people playing with iffy wifi.
PREEEEETY suspicious indeed! xD
Huh. My Internet was pretty damn patchy, and even seemed to knock me out of one game, but I didn't see this message. Maybe there's a few things in place to make it half recognise the difference?
Nice they got Larry David in to do the messages. Pretty good, pretty pretty good.
It's like the devs themselves are sick of it too. This is great news and a real surprise, Splatoon 2 is full of great improvements.
Should've put Mr Resetti in there!
Give those kids a good lecture!!!
Love it! Even if I never did see a ragequitter in the first one...
How does the point system work? How many points for win, how many points for a lost game?
Seems like a good idea to me, but only if the ban time is short. I mean like, maximum of one hour short. I've had one night of frustratedly trying to get a stable connection for the wii U version. Add in that you're, say, trying to play in a hotel room with crap wireless and all of a sudden you've got a totally reasonable disconnection pattern. If you lose an hour, fair enough. It's not working out for you. If you lose say, a day, well shoot. You're straight up blocked for the whole day from playing the game you bought with the online account you're still paying for.
It's no Mr. Resetti but it'll do.
I never ever rage quitted a game. But.very often lost points in mk8 or splatter because of connection errors. Wonder if those connection errors will get me blocked
My wifi signal is strong but even when I play online after 6 or less matches I get kicked out.
Haha, it should have been Mr. Resetti, what a missed opportunity.
One player with a dodgy connection can cause problems for everyone else, so if this has the added benefit of dealing with this, then I'm happy with it.
However, as others have mentioned, the impact dropped connections have on your rank would need to be taken into consideration... it's unfair if a single dropped connection causes you to lose a ton of points.
Something similar happened to me in MK8, and put me off playing online for quite a while... but in that case it wasn't a rage quit or a dodgy connection... it was my friend messing about as player 2... he decided to go round the track backwards for a laugh and got both of us kicked out... and when I reconnected I found I'd lost around 1000 points.
While my Internet is horrible and laggy, I don't usually seem to have issues with disconnecting often so hopefully I should be okay. Would like to upgrade my connection soon regardless though as playing the first Splatoon online was often the most frustrating experience.
I understand why they are doing it but I'm worried about the Switch's poor internet connection. I literally need to hold my wifi router and my switch at the same time to get 3 bars. Anything else it's 2 bars or less. Again, I'm fine with the message, not fine with the Switch's poor wifi connection.
I purchased the Ugreen USB 3.0 ethernet network adapter for about £8 to use for ARMS, MK8 and Splatoon 2 as wireless is weak on the Switch while I'm upstairs from the router.
Has the netcode been improved in Splatoon 2? Because connection in Splatoon 1 is crap. I have glass fiber 200mbit up/down interwebs and a good access point. Especially at higher ranks (A+/S) I was paired with Japanese players and had plenty of lost connections (and lost my rank a few times)
I think it's fair. Even if somebody has a spotty internet connection, it's a hindrance to the rest of the players that they keep dropping in and out and disrupting matches.
Good lol to all rage quiters
That non-moving team member is definitely a pain but I honestly never associated it with a rage quit.
There are quite good reasons for leaving a session: your parents call you to dinner, a spouse needs your assistance, etc. You just cannot hit pause.
I got that message due to my connection dropping out so much. Did they not fix the netcode or was it me? I had no issues with the first Splatoon 2 demo. This time I timed out like every 4-5 games.
One of the main issues I had with Splatoon was that if someone quit, it was basically deciding the match. So I'm glad there is a punishment for doing that now.
Preeettty Preeettty goood.
I'm glad they're concerned about rage quitters, but during the Splatfest me and some friends were playing together only for some of us to occasionally get disconnected and get one of those pop-ups, so it is very worrying that we could potentially get a ban of some sort just for having connection issues
@gcunit I'm fine with this even if just for the purpose of being a deterrent for people with horrible connections.
I think it's awesome!
I hope the system can distinguish between a player turning the game off and the server-side stuff not being able to cope. I had a couple of attempts at connecting on Saturday night and there didn't seem to be enough capacity.
And yes, I did try playing another online game to check my connection. It was fine.
I got that message after the game crapped out on me for the second or third match in a row. It was PREEEEETTY obnoxious.
I can see how this would be a problem, but considering I almost exclusively play single player or local multi games, this issue isn't one I'm likely to ever have to deal with.
Haven't had much of a problem with this on Splatoon anyway.
@Dr_Corndog Ah, that answers my question, then. There's also strangely little post-event coverage to be found on web today.
Makes me wonder whether Nintendo have phoned round the major outlets asking them not to make a big deal of it...
Solid. Playing a match (on any game) without a full team is infuriating. Hoping this will take care of the rage quitters!
Not of fan of this. Only people who rage quit on purpose should get this, not basically everyone on wifi not near their router.
I think it's great. And if your internet isn't very good, that's your own problem you need to deal with.
haha... I like it.
I mean if you have a spotty wifi, why would you play an ONLINE match anyway. You need a solid connection.
Haha, awesome. Nothing worse than when you have a dropout for whatever reason. You just watch the rest of your team buckle slowly and painfully.
@OorWullie I don't know how many pictures I took when I first started playing ARMS lol. I deleted like 50 the other day.
Srsly? You don't know how many times I've lost points after a lost internet connection in the first game, and I don't want it happening again with this one...
This isn't on my list because my internet is so spotty, and likely will be for the next 6 months at least. If I hear great things about the single player and local co-op, I might jump the gun early though.
Uh oh. My Switch has shoddy Internet when docked....
I have never had problems with Splatoon but now I got at least 4 boots with Splatoon 2. I don't know what's going on..
My router is upstairs and I usually can't connect when docked, with stress on usually. And when I can connect I mostly have one bar sometimes two.
That said I never once got kicked from a splatfest match. I only failed to connect twice at most in the three hours I got to play.
Needless to say I'm a little relieved, but I'm still thinking about getting my wifi extender to work(I updated wifi name and password but the extender didn't update) and wiring up directly to that, but only if that is any better. For all I know it could be a worse solution.
For anyone claiming bad Wi-fi, I managed to play a bunch of games on a lousy router just fine
Well, except for that one game where the connection was unstable and the opponents poofed. Yay one-sided games!
what about communication errors?? I got like 10 of these during the splatfests. It's not my internet either. I get hella speeds and i play hella online on PS4 and Hella games on Overwatch. I've never had a disconnect on PS4 ever in my life.
We shouldn't be punished for Nintendo's faulty Wifi in Switch and junky game servers. Sad!
Considering the only Internet Service Provider in my area provides a network connection that drops an average of 20 times a day. It doesn't look like I'm going to get to play. I've already pre-ordered the game too.
well maybe fix your bad servers nintendo. all disconnects i've had came from your side!
While rage quitters were a problem in Splatoon 1, this is particularly bad on the Switch since the portable nature of the console means more people will be playing in spotty conditions. More importantly the wifi in Switch is 100% pure garbage, it's the worst WiFi antenna I've seen since my Asus TF201 which brilliantly decided to enclose the entire machine in aluminum, antenna included.... Unless you're a few feet from a router it drops out constantly. i was having my internet troubles and had to use the upstairs one. At the top of the stairs it still couldn't connect, I had to stand 6 feet from it the entire time to play. And that's a very powerful enterprise class router that my laptop and phone can see from the other end of the yard. I love Switch, but that antenna is a failure, especially if a game will punish you like this.
All online games need to handle bad connections, disconnects, and rage quits this way. I’ve only had a couple drops ever and I believe I was using my hotspot. Home network is solid. That message is most likely for ranked gameplay which you should ensure you have a solid connection before taking a risk. Either way your most likely safe if it only occurs so often.
This is a Deal Break for me. I will vote with my Wallet
This is normal for mobas
@dystome Yeah, I was a bit surprised at how bad the connections were. I had at least four games over the course of an hour time out. Plus I had to wait forever in the lobby for each game to start, and half the time the opposing team was on the same side of the Splatfest as my own team. After all that, it was pretty off-putting seeing this "clever" notification insinuate that I was rage quitting.
All competitive games that enable ragequitting ahould have this.
if they are going to try to punish you for leaving a match they should make it so that the game knows why you left. if you left the game because your internet went out you should not be punish in the same way that a person who shut down or put their Nintendo switch to sleep.
i understand kicking out a person if they drop out of a few matches due to internet issues. but if a user quits for that reason the game and the console should pick up on it and tell you to switch from a wi-fi network to a LAN network.
either way i do not think us users will be punished too much for dropping out of matches because of network issues. the last time i dropped out of a match it was because one of Nintendo's servers was having an issue. it was while the match was being put together and at least the system picked up on it.....
Guys, if you have connection problems, it's your connection's problem, not the game's.
I love this solution. The warning tells you to check your wireless connection so they've covered their bases there. It's good that rage-quitters get punished. People have to learn that sometimes, just as in life, things get tough. You gotta stick it out and do your best. Fail? Well then pick yourself up, choose another weapon and get back in there.
I'm only doing offline local multiplayer so I probably won't encounter this but to who the sore losers are you had been warned.
But what if you have bad internet and you lost connection to the lobby. How will them differentiate that from rage quitting? I don't like this!
Every device that I use in my front room - Sony TV, Playstation 4, Wii U, PS Vita, iPad, 3DS etc... has a strong Wi-Fi signal except the Switch. It's fine if I sit on top of the router, but that's not terribly comfortable.
Usually games that try to sound cool and young and current are full of cringe. But man, Splatoon sounds so good, who scripts/translates this?
It's so frustrating when you just need a couple more players, and you sit there for forever. With Switch's home button, I can easily drop out and back into the game, so hopefully this won't apply to the lobbies.
I got this message during the Splatfest after getting disconnected several times. It was pretty annoying to me that I was being threatened with a "Block" even though I was doing nothing wrong.
There was nothing wrong with my internet as far as I could tell. Restarting the Switch helped some-what, but I continued to have disconnects throughout the Splatfest and came across this message just the one time.
Splatoon 2 also has a nasty surprise in store for anyone trying to playing the game with inverted controls AND motion controls.
Splatoon 2 also has a nasty surprise in store for anyone trying to make any changes to his settings while in the match or even during matchmaking.
Splatoon 2 also has a nasty surprise in store for anyone trying to leave matchmaking or change equipment during matchmaking.
Baffling stuff to me to be honest. Not exactly any dealbreakers, but the fact that I for one won't be able to use motion controls, since I can't and won't rewire my brain just for this game, is kinda sad and also kinda arbitrary. Why no inverted motion controls ? ... sigh
Final observation/ question: There really is no way to play with Zelda'esque motion controls, is there? Meaning that you only use the motion controls for fine-tuning your aiming, while still doing the brunt of aiming (vertically and horizonally) with the stick?
I think that's odd, because that really worked well in Zelda for me, in fact, it worked way better than I had hoped or assumed. Since I can't use the motion controls anyways, it doesn't matter to me, but still ... it's strange.
Ethernet cable goes a long way and I swear by it if I'm really, really serious about my online play. Just a word to the wise.
@Nerdling I think the system might have a protocol in place to determine if the disconnect was caused by a poor connection or an intermittent connection from a possible "rage quit." That might be why you only saw it the once and it might not be perfect so it is probably why there is also a message stating to check your connection.
Rage quitters are the worst.
Rage Quitters in online games are the worst. They make me so angry when they make the match shut off and it annoyed me in the original too...
@Ralek85 God forbid you commit to a match once you've entered the lobby. I hardly see how that's a problem when you have all the time in the world to futz with settings before confirming that you want to join a match. Splatoon is a game where every second matters, there's no time for options during a match.
Also, you're comparing Zelda, a moderately-paced single-player adventure, to Splatoon, an extremely hyper competitive shooter. Of COURSE there's no "zelda-esque" motion controls because that wouldn't work in this environment for a multitude of reasons. I mean, only a handful of top players on Splatoon successfully use the sticks as is, most such players invariably get slaughtered by people using motion controls.
@Honelith I'll have to get one
@Ralek85 It's also bizarre that you can't use the right stick to aim up or down without turning motion controls off wntirely. Couldn't you do that in Splatoon 1?
@Dr_Corndog Nope, first game was like that too.
i never got this message. pray tell, nlife. how come you came across it? come clean! who rage quit among you?!
@jimi Yes actually, they DO warn you when your battery is low. I get that your argument is formed from anger and has no basis in reality, but maybe don't base the first three paragraphs of your rant on something you could've googled in 10 seconds. Not to mention you can just use a stand of some kind to plug in the charger.
Also, Splatoon matches are 3 minutes minimum, 5 minutes at max, with a possible few seconds of overtime. This isn't League or Overwatch with their much lengthier match times. Even factoring in a minute or so of matchmaking, if you can't devote less than 10 minutes of your time to one activity... maybe don't join a match right then and there? Your use of emergencies is a fallacy because those would cause you to fail in ANY game, possibly even ones with a pause function.
@DarkVortex They've improved the netcode. The only people I've seen in the Splatoon community (and as such would care enough to be honest and not just grumble on the internet) with connection issues have poor connections to begin with.
@jimi I see you fail at reading comprehension as well. Okay, let's break it down.
"Haha, yeah that's totally great.
Do they actually stop or warn you in case less than 5 or 10 minutes are left for battery, when you try to join a match or do they ban you too in case the battery runs out? It's just 2.5 hours of battery life."
"Good luck people, that do not have a perfect internet connection and/or play on battery."
I answered your question about battery notifications, and yet all this text rants about it anyway. Did you even read MY post?
And again, Splatoon matches are short. 3 minutes in turf and as little as 30 seconds in ranked. It's a problem for every competitive game when players quit, but in Splatoon you're not out all that much time. You're not going to lose an hour of your time to one match that goes south. And this is worth all this grumbling, why?
Splatoon 2 already more advanced than Overwatch.
Reminds me a lot of Resetti, it's great!
I'm not sure if this is possible but I'd love to see games check the stats of the match right before the disconnect happened. They could determine if the rage quitter was winning or losing and then deduct a sizeable portion if their of their level/rank (or just reset it to 0 if they're a particularly nasty rage quitter)
I agree with what you are saying. They should do what Rocket League does. Only the first person that quits early is penalized. First person gets banned for 15 minutes and anyone who leaves after that doesn't get penalized at all.
Haha that's awesome! 👍
Finally there's a penalty for all those quitters.
On a sidenote: I would never dare to play Splatoon with a 'spotty wireless' connection. Who does such a thing?
That's why I would never play Splatoon (or any competitive online game) on the go, it's just too risky.
Exiting an online match mid-game isn't always due to being a sore loser. Online matches can be lagging so badly that frankly they can be unplayable and simply not worth carrying on. And lagging isn't just caused by your own WiFi connection, you can have great internet but still get laggy games.
I play loads of CoD on Wii U and sometimes the lag is so bad it's just not worth carrying on. I don't mind losing but if the game is too laggy it's just not worth playing so I might quit and find a better lobby. In my opinion you should not be banned for this.
Although I always find Splatoon connections to be more stable on Wii U than CoD.
Ugh my internet can be crappy, it is good usually but at least a couple times a day just dies. I'll be really upset if this makes the game inaccessible for me, if I lose connection once for ever 3-4 hours of game time I don't think it's fair to be outright banned...
@TheSpeedyMouse Although I agree with you, how would you tell the difference in why the connection was lost?
Now, end the squid party. Same punishment as rage quitters.
Whether you leave a game because you're a rage quitter or because your internet is bad, it's all the same to me, your teammate.
I won't complain if you aren't able to be paired with me again for a while.
PREEETY sassy error message,
I like it.
@Zebetite How did I compare Zelda to Splatoon? Oo
You didn't give any reason why a motion control mode like in Zelda wouldn't work in Splatoon. You say it's obvious, but sorry for being dense, HOW is it obvious?
Also, if what you say IS true, than it's all the more troubling that you cannot use motion controls, just because you happen to be the type of player who is reliant on inverted controls.
Also for not being able to leave matchmaking (even before any other soul has joined that "lobby"), is not a dealbreaker, I said as much, but it's still silly. About every other multiplayer game, let's you change your mind BEFORE the match ... not to mention that also about every other multiplayer game let's you adjust settings like e.g.s sensitivy, when ever you damn well please, be during matchmaking/lobby, outside of it or in the smack middle of it all.
I don't think any of those issues are in any demand for a white knight to come to the rescue. Some are silly, others anachronistic and all feel totally arbiraty.
To put it your way ... god forbird Nintendo would allwo us to change how we play while we play. Also, god forbid Nintendo could be bothered to be really inclusive to 'invert players' ... because ... how should I know, but there is probably a reason, you dragged god into this! ^^
@Dr_Corndog Like I said, they even did that in Zelda just now, and I think it worked surprisingly well, but I have since been educated in this comment section, that this would obviously not work in a fast paced shooter like Splatoon, because .... well, uhm, yeah, huh ... no reason given frankly
@JarJarBlacks You can't really, so that's why I feel this isn't a great solution.
wats happens if you lose power to your house during storms during online match on splatoon 2.
I hate rage quitters but what if your connection is genuinely crap? Will it distinguish between oh this guy wants to play but his internet keeps cutting out and this guy's just being a sore loser, let's get him!
Good. Should become the norm.
@King_Johobo @Camilla
Usually these things are for repeat offenders with lots of disconnects in a short period of time.
If you get disconnected once or twice you probably won't be banned. But to be honest if you're disconnecting every couple minutes you should probably wait until your Internet is running smoothly or a less busy time again otherwise you're inadvertently just as bad a real rage quitter.
Seems pretty unfair on people like myself who don't even have the option of good internet.
I have the best plan available in my area, but even that is absolute trash. I've brought it up multiple times to my provider, but they don't care, if you don't live in a major city it's 3rd world quality internet or nothing.
Why should I have to miss out on Splatoon 2 when the fault is on a company to lazy to fix it?
@gcunit Normally I wouldn't mind this too much, except that the original Splatoon was excessively militant about kicking anyone out who had so much as a minor drop. My wi-fi worked semi-okay (I didn't have a choice with our provider monopolizing the area and providing poor CS to boot), and yet after they added the function that booted people, I was kicked out of every match despite running smoothly with only minor exceptions. Splatoon 1 was one of my favorite Wii U games and they killed that for me. So if this function targets falsely perceived connection issues again, then I will be quite disappointed (admittedly the wi-fi issues have been fixed after losing out on one year of Splatoon 1's life). I have no problems with kicking out major connection problem occurrences, but not minor ones...especially not in the casual turf war.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE they took me off for 4 minutes and it occurred after I lost connection 8 times. I never rage-quitted.
Actually you can get preeeettty suspicious 8-10 times before they "drop the hammer" on you. You'll get disconnected for 5 minutes and you cannot play salmon run or turf war. You'll still be able to play single player and local wireless play. This is the message you'll get. "Your previous online play session didn't end naturally, so we're gonna drop the hammer on ya. Make sure your Internet isn't messed up and try again in 5 minutes.
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