San Diego Comic-Con brought plenty of reveals and updated trailers, and when catching up with a video for LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 we saw a subtle bit of good news for Nintendo fans.
At the end of the video - which shows of Kang the Conqueror and aspects of the hub world of Chronopolis - it closes with a still promoting pre-orders for the 'Deluxe Edition'. It's the UK trailer, hence the 17th November date (it's due on 14th November in North America), but it does clearly show the Switch getting that edition.
All things being equal that should mean that picking up that version will get Switch owners all of the relevant content, including season pass extras and the pre-order bonus of a Guardians of the Galaxy pack.

That shouldn't be news, really, but unfortunately quite a few LEGO games - albeit not all of them - skipped some DLC and season pass content on the Wii U. It's certainly a plus that this release looks set to deliver all of the available content on Switch.
Are you thinking of picking this up later in the year?
Comments 27
I've never been able to play these games long.
My siblings love them though.
Looks alright but where's Wolverine and Deadpool?
I also hope they bring back the open world that was in the original.
Pre-ordered the Deluxe Edition for Switch from Best Buy ages ago. Pretty sure it's been officially confirmed since the Deluxe Edition was announced.
Lego games drop in price so fast that I never buy them at full price anymore.
@Bread-Not-Toast Fox own them, not Marvel.
@DESS-M-8 marvel/disney owns them, not fox.
Fox just owns the movie rights to them, if it's not a movie then disney can do with them whatever they want.
On the image in the main menu the image shows the switch box to be the same size as ps3 and xbox! tut tut
It's been confirmed for months 😂
@DESS-M-8 Fox owns the movie rights to Kang the conquerer which is the main villain so it's possible that they'll be in the game.
Got the standard edition on order for £37.85 from base so will see how much more this version is to see if its worth the upgrade
Nice to see a 3rd party pledging full support to Nintendo Switch! If EA did this with FIFA 17, they could potentially sell more copies, as I believe some people don't want to buy it as it is watered down. Well done TT!
@DaLoneSheep @Bread-Not-Toast they're already confirmed not to be in the "main" game, but like it's the case with marvel vs capcom infinite they're still possible as future dlc.
This is probably due to disney boycotting xmen and fantastic four, the boycot probably ended after the story was written for LMSH2, that's why they're still possible dlc.
I saw that it was the Deluxe version last week and wondered what all it entailed. $75 bucks for this game
Let's see if it's any good first. They can be hit and miss. The LEGO Marvel Super Heroes game on Wii U was very good. I hate how DLC answer Season Passes get announced now way before a game even comes out. I see it as bloodsucking. It's a dirty scourge like the toys to life market. I liked it much better when a game was finished properly before being released.
It’s a shame Dimensions has petered off. I would have loved to add Marvel (and Star Wars. And Indy) figures to my collection.
And could you imagine the Justice League/Avengers banter?
I'm annoyed its coming to Switch late, but I am waiting for it on a portable
Yep, getting this. These games always make me smile and it's third party game, with extras, to boot. Cheers.
Sigh, Season Passes before the game is even out.
I'll buy the game if it's not glitchy as hell like the previous few.
I've always preordered the lego games but never once enjoyed the gameplay for any of them. I'm vowing to never pay full price for a lego game again, starting with this one.
Waiting on the Amazon preorder. I dont love the lego games but I'm getting this on principle.
Is that Patrick Stewart talking?
Should be fun! Hopefully these games will run better on switch because the Wii U versions were TERRIBLE!
I want to support third party offerings, but I'm just not interested in most of what we've seen from non-nintendo. Oh well, there's always Rocket League.
Oooor I could by the standard version ($50AU) and the season pass (~$30AU assuming I choose to pay full price) on PC and still pay less than the standard versions for consoles ($90AU). The deluxe edition is $110AU. Why pay more than I have to?
Definitely getting this. Not until a decent price drop, though. I just now got LEGO City, so I'll be busy for a while.
A 2TB hard drive on Wii U, where you can store everything you can on? Skipp the DLC.
But a console that is so fickle where it prioritises the storage,
and most games just ignore the sd cards?
Sure, put all the DLC you can on it.
I will NEVER play Batman 3 OR Star Wars.
UNLESS it get the content of its DLC.
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