UPDATE: Nanni has owned up on this score. He's also said that once the initial release is out of the way, Boss Key will look at other platforms:
ORIGINAL STORY: LawBreakers - the new FPS title from Cliff Bleszinski's Boss Key Studios - is headed to PlayStation 4, but according to the game's lead designer, a Switch version might not be possible due to a "lack of buttons".
Speaking to GamingBolt, Dan Nanni expressed his concern with the lack of available inputs on Switch:
GB: Lawbreakers isn’t coming to the Nintendo Switch.
DN: We haven’t announced that yet! Who knows? (Laughs)GB: But if Nintendo Switch sells well do you think there’s a possibility?
DN: There’s a possibility for everything and anything in this world. I think the hardest part with the Switch is the controls. Look at the game that we have right now, and we just literally by the skin of our teeth put the entire game and the control pad that the PlayStation has. That means that we could probably make it work for the Xbox One in someway, right? But if you’re looking at the Switch the base controller that’s on the unit, it doesn’t have as many buttons.
We assume that Nanni means the Joy-Con on its own, because when two Joy-Con are being used together in the Joy-Con grip (or the Pro Controller is used), then Nintendo gamers have the exact same number of buttons as available on the PlayStation 4's DualShock 4.
Would you like to see LawBreakers on Switch? Let us know by posting a comment with your available buttons below.
[source gamingbolt.com]
Comments 128
More excuses from 3rd's. Getting ridiculous and this one is one of the lamest excuses yet!
Well I guess I must update as well....we shall see if that was just an excuse or if this is a real attempt to port. Still seems like a long shot.
Yeah that's a pretty pitiful excuse there.
Yeah that's what I thought! Hope that foot tasted good.
I've heard some half-baked excuses as to why games aren't coming to Switch, but this one takes the cake.
@Dakt since he says they can make it work on Xbox one I assume he didn't include the touch pad.
I think the developers forgot about the SL & SR buttons...
The switch has a touchscreen. Touchscreen can be 1000 extra buttons.
He tweeted that he was wrong.
It's lacking analogue triggers, that's it.If you include gyro and touchscreen controls though the Switch has more to work with than either of the other consoles. The guy obviously doesn't know what he's talking about and with game development being his chosen profession that's a problem. Or maybe he struggles counting beyond 10? Or maybe he's just making crappy excuses thinking nobody would notice?Either way it's hard to have any faith that his games won't have issues too.
So much face palm.
I'm sorry but if your game needs more than 4 buttons, you are making it wrong. The extra buttons have been there for two decades now because of bad programming.
Remember the KISS rule devs.
He may have tweeted he was wrong, but he still didn't answer the question.
He's just making excuses not to port it.
And that's a lie.
Ummmmmm if I recall correctly there is also a whole 6 inches of touch screen along with two joy cons and/or pro controller buttons, which kinda makes it as much as the dualshock 4 controller... If not more.
Does he is even know what a switch is?
Also, after seeing the announcement that wwe2k18 is coming with all the modes and characters from the other versions, I don't buy anyone's excuses not to port to the switch anymore
Poor excuse.
Though maybe he's referring to the lack of analogue triggers and a real D pad but I doubt it and don't believe it's the reason.
If he said that he's not interested, I would have believed him. But this excuse is just a big, fat lie.
I laugh so hard at everyone saying "MUH TOUCHSCREEN DOE!!!"
@OorWullie Not to mention the IR camera, NFC reader, and accelerometer.
Trust me, you're not missing out on much. The game seems to have a huge identity crises and is unsure if it is trying to become "Overwatch" or the next "Unreal Tournament". I am sure it will find its audience, but from what I played in the beta, this is not something I would ever buy on Switch.
@thesilverbrick *ice cream.
@roboshort Indeed, it has a bigger tool set than any other console out there
@Menchi187 Well if he's going to include the PS4 touchpad then it's only fair ye include the Switch one too
@OorWullie Not really, because you can use the ps4 touchpad at all times. Dock the Switch and you suddenly lose the ability to play your game because RIP a bunch of extra "controls"
And remember, this is a hybrid console, not one or the other.
Besides, anyone who wants to play an fps, let alone a fast paced online multiplayer fps with touch controls should have their ability to game taken away from them.
Cliff Bleszinski never really removes his foot from his mouth-- he's made plenty of stupid comments of questionable logic in the past and will likely continue to do so.
EDIT: Even though, looking back on the article, he's not directly responsible for the quote...
Well at least he admitted he was wrong
Wow, that's a new one. What's next?
"We aren't able to bring our game to the Switch because it's powered by electricity."
@Menchi187 The first splatoon on WiiU says hi
I would definitely like to see some good first person shooters make their way onto the switch. What a poorly thought out excuse about the buttons... I can't wait for Splatoon 2!
Well, he admitted he was wrong but anyway, I don't have any hope of this being on Switch. When the dev thinks Nintendo is still stuck with the Wii, you can tell from a mile away he's not interested.
Even the gamepad had all the required buttons!
@Kalmaro No
@SLIGEACH_EIRE can't complain about the lack of D Pad on Switch when the PS4 has the exact same one.
More so its lacking a DPad and no analogs.
Just get it on PS4 people
@Shiryu Gameplay wise it is definitely not Overwatch two different games gameplay wise. Go into detail how it is Overwatch and you'll very quickly come unstuck. There are reasons a good team picks certain characters in Overwatch much like players in a MOBA.
I'm usually all for eating crow and owning up to your mistakes. But the fact that the Switch is actually out there and it doesn't take much to do your research and Google something before making comments just makes this all the more insulting
Why can't devs just tell Nintendo fans the truth? That being that they'd rather dev for PC, Xbox and PS4 over the Nintendo Switch? (Because that's the bottom line tbh. Most 3rd parties haven't forgotten the dreaded failure that was the Wii U.)
@CrazedCavalier Cliff Bleszinski wasn't the one who said this. Guess it's time for you to put the proverbial foot in your mouth...
@ThanosReXXX Pff. Only skimmed the article. Just figured it was him considering his track record.
@Samus7Killer not everyone has a PS4... (i do, but that doesn't matter)
@Aozz101x highly recomended. U can get em around as low as $200.
Load: Wii_excuse.EXE
Warning: Program has not been updated since 2006. Proceed anyways?
Y or N: Y
@Menchi187 Sorry bro, you can't hide from the facts.
Another third party woe story. I don't get third party idiots like these, you kept throwing money at them and they just refuse take them.
Too many rats...
Ladies and gentlemen, the biggest facepalm heard around the world.
@CrazedCavalier As they say in my line of work:
"assumptions are deadly".
Therefore, I never make them. I loathe having to correct myself afterwards, especially since the damage is then already done.
On a side note, Bleszinski really isn't as bad as you make him out to be. He's actually a really friendly (if somewhat overly enthusiastic) person, and nearly always has a kind word to say about Nintendo and it's games. He may say something stupid every now and then, but so do a lot of others, so in that, he is no less human than any of us.
Any modern controller has more than enough buttons. If you're designing a game and you're running out of buttons, you're doing it wrong.
@ThanosReXXX Eh, guess the only times I really hear about him is when he says something dumb. It's the whole abnormal bias of the media (because it isn't news if it's normal).
@ThanosReXXX His comment goes beyond stupid though.
Strictly speaking the Switch could be said to have one more button than the PS4 as the "select" button on the PS4 is reserved for sharing videos/images, this is offset by developers mapping actions to the click of the touch pad but since the Switch has both the minus button and the touchscreen available that's one button extra.
@Kalmaro There are no facts against my argument. What you said makes no sense. Splatoon 1 is a Nintendo hugbox, it is entirely disregarded in the real world of gaming. Splatoon 2 will probably be the same. I'll just keep the NDF argument in check with 1 word this entire time when it comes to Lawbreakers.
@Menchi187 You seem pretty caught up in your opinions despite facts showing that they are baseless, when it comes to Splatoon. I'm going to end this conversation here.
@westman98 I got a good chuckle out of that. Haha.
Glad they update cause that was an awful excuse. I prefer them to say Switch ain't powerful enough.
He says he put his foot in his mouth and that he really has no idea what he's talking about. Pretty much sums up everything negative ever said about Nintendo. These developers come in and judge the Switch without actually having looked at the device itself. In this case, this is literally what happened. The developer didn't even look at a picture of the Switch. If he had, he would have seen that the Joy-Con when put together in the Grip or attached in handheld mode, or when used with the Pro Controller, Switch owners have the same button-count as rival systems. Sometimes these developers and analysts just need a good slap across their faces.
@CrazedCavalier True enough, much like how there's a predominance of bad news on the TV.
@Kalmaro If by "His comment" you mean Cliff Bleszinski's, then no.
@ThanosReXXX I disagree. His comment was pretty bad.
@Kalmaro You can't disagree with a fact. Reread the article. Cliff Bleszinski did NOT make that comment.
I call BS on this comment.
Just say it's a power-issue and be done with it. I've already accepted that the majority of games like this won't be on Switch and will take what I can get. But don't beat around the bush so hard the bush starts beating back.
Took a bit of time for him to correct that mistake. He must have been flooded with so much hate comments before actually looking at a Switch Pro controller or a Joy-Con pair.
Personally I can’t say I know anything about this game for me to want a port or not, got to research it later. Tbh when I first saw the topic title, I thought they literally mean Lawbreakers like hackers
In other words, I don't want to put my game on Nintendo so I'll come up with some bull-crap excuse...even after he admitted his mistake he didn't say it's coming.
@ThanosReXXX wait, I'm talking about Dan
Meaning, they have not looked into it and aren't very interested.
@Kalmaro See, that's what I meant. I thought you were making the same mistake as others by assuming that since Bleszinski is head of the studio, he must have said these things, which he obviously didn't.
And then there's always having to interpret other people's text without tone of voice and such. Mistakes are easily made, but good we've cleared this one up then. No harm, no foul...
On to the next mistake where some people on here (not you) seem to think that they have also "clearly" said that the game is not coming to the Switch, while he has actually stated nothing more than that they will look into new regions and platforms. How the hell that translates into "no Switch version" is completely beyond me.
Oh, people and their assumptions... (shakes head)
@ThanosReXXX Now don't take me as interpreting their words as saying it doesn't come to Switch, but I don't think it's either A. the target audience B. the right specs (aka enough power) or C. going to meet sales expectations. Hence why I'm not expecting it.
MANY of which you can find in the Switch version.
It doesn't have all the same features and modes.
Lack of gumption on his part, more like. And common sense. And basic arithmetic.
@ThanosReXXX Yeah, thanks for clearing that up. I had already forgotten the name of the guy who said that and I didn't even notice that the article mentioned the game designer by name, so I assumed we were talking about the same person.
@Grudgebearer Fair enough. To clarify: I wasn't targeting anyone specifically, just the general consensus among people that his words meant that it won't come to the Switch.
Granted, the chances are slim, but for now there's still no certainty either way.
The dev literally (prior to the apology) said they could get Lawbreakers to function on an Xbox One controller (where there is no touchpad), but couldn't get the game to function on a Switch JoyCon set or Pro Controller despite having the same button layout as the Xbox One controller.
I'm also fairly sure Splatoon and it's sequel have been accepted by gamers as a serious game franchuse, unless said gamers are teenage wannabes who only play violent shoot-em-ups to look cool.
@Spoony_Tech as far as excuses go. He should have stuck with the defacto reason. The switch is just too underpowered to meet their targets. Dropping frame rate is not something CB is big on doing. Cutting back on visual fidelity can impact how the game is played. Such as removing or reducing particle counts or environment objects. Things that obstruct visibility could change the way the game is played. I'm sure a game built from the ground up like Splatoon for such low end hardware will be great, but games like overwatch and lawbreakers would have to make comprises. Gamers really do not understand the role vfx plays in how the game is experienced and played. Just lowering texture quality can rob a player of story information or visual queues a designer might have depended on initially. Cutting back on particles could eliminate a visual obstruction strategy that may or may not have been intended. See mercy raises as one such example. That poo is blinding and a mercy in overwatch can use that visual obstruction to either pick off targets or get to safety as the other team scrambles for the new encounter.
Its all about the visual language of the game and something's can translate to a lower fidelity language with ease while other things just lose something that changes how the game speaks visually. Its something Nintendo owners really need to come to terms with. Yes you can say a lot with a switch visually, but if anything is disrupted in a way that takes away from the experience, then the switch becomes no viable.
It gets more silly when PC gamers talk about tailoring their experience, they lose that fidelity in a lot of cases. I've seen things like lighting effects and foliage paired back. In the former watching for shadows to help give you insight into what might be behind, above, or around the corner is lost when paired back, baked, or dropped in resolution. Putting you at a disadvantage or robbing you of the strategy. BTW I use that in overwatch constantly.
So its not always about the minor step back making it impossible. Though it is usually the case. Games are built like ac unity to target this console generation. Nintendo still made a half step into it. As ps4 and Xbox one titles start dipping into 720p territory it'll be very hard to justify switch support. Then we start stepping into things you've heard before. CPU isn't strong enough to handle the simulation, memory is too restrictive, would require another years worth of work to remake the game for the system, and cow boxes are not cool.
@NotSoCryptic While cutting back visual cues can change a game, I don't think that will be as big a problem as some may believe in this case.
Also, I can't think of a single time any Mercy player has ever admitted to rezzing a team so that the flashing lights hide them.
Wow, this guy was just making crap up. Probably assumed Switch was like 3DS. Basically proves they don't even know what a Switch is.
Glad he's eating crow. If you wanna stick your head in the sand about a successful up and coming platform you could potentially make more money on, so be it, but at least be honest about it.
Its not a matter of how you feel about the situation, its a matter of how the team that built the game feels about it. As a dev myself that is a question I ask myself every time someone asks me to back port a game. It can impact a lot and its the little things that shape the experience.
As far as mercy players using rez as a kind of flash bang. Well you just heard one case. Used that strategy in a tempo rez in anticipation of diamond level mercy doing the same thing. The cluster was good and my teams zarya had ult as well. To keep myself from getting chewed up by the bastion for my raise I positioned myself on the other side of both teams bodies, raised, and then proceeded to finish off that bastion while the other mercy was trying to heal an immune team. I managed tag two kills in that mess before popping the newly raised dva and killing the 76 who thought I was in the cluster, then let my team do cleanup on the remaining players as I healed them. Mercy is a very strategic job. A good mercy can be a battle angel a bad one is just battle mercy who doesn't understand the heal to damage ratio and how good flanking can force a dva to waste her shield instead of repositioning and hitting the right targets. I've used this strategy more than once in my climb with my team with great success. Overwatch is a very deep game with many layers. Whether it is comboing ults or using visibility obstructors to buy you some cover like dragons or raises, it all plays a part. Change any part of that and you change how the game is played. I feel like overwatch would suffer on switch. It already struggles in high level matches on ps4 and Xbox one base models. I feel like anyone taking it seriously enough to take with them would just tuck a ps4 or laptop under their arm then chance the switch.
Wow, this is probably a wonderful window into the comments a lot of devs make. They make comments about ports to the console without even knowing what the console IS to the point of not even touching one at a demo kiosk. Or even viewing the manufacturer's website. They hear Nintendo, and immediately dismiss it with assumptions about what it probably doesn't have without actually looking into it. A beautiful snapshot into the behind the scenes "thinking" that probably happens more often, but less obviously in many other comments by devs.
"It doesn't have enough buttons" certainly takes the cake though! Guy can't even bother looking at a PR picture of the machine before assuming what the hardware even looks like.
@ThanosReXXX To be fair to everyone assuming this was said by ol' CliffyB, there's a reason people are assuming that. It's the very kind of imbecilic thing he's infamous for saying, and it's coming from within his studio. While it isn't him that said it, it's not a large leap of logic to picture someone in the office saying "what about Switch" and him laughing and blurting out that it doesn't have enough buttons. The fact that so many people are automatically assuming that's what happened is kind of a testament to his own history
@NEStalgia To be fair this is one of the stupidest comments I've ever seen in my life. When has "lack of buttons" ever been a plausible excuse for excluding a console.
@JaxonH I'm torn on how to read the original comment. On one hand it does seem like just an honest mistake, but on the other hand the mistake seems to come from ignorance about something that a professional developer should know. I'm trying not assume a dismissive attitude towards the Switch, but it's difficult to come up with another plausible reason why they wouldn't know the basic facts of the system.
Count me as another who's struggled to punish an enemy Mercy under the cover of light.
But lack of buttons? That didn't stop games from being made for Genesis instead of (or as well as) SNES. And these days, compared to the Steam Controller, nothing on consoles has enough buttons. At least the Switch has a known gyro.
I would like to see this game on the Switch along with many others.
I swear I feel like devs are making me want to quit gaming.
I feel like we are hitting a weird mindset where devs don't feel that they are producing a product for public consumption but instead that they are just putting games where they think it would be cool (and less work for them because devs don't optimize anymore) and not thinking about customer perception and ease of access. That is why we keep getting these PR nightmares. That and thanks to social media anybody with an opinion can try to speak for their company when they really, really shouldn't. People complain about "company mouthpieces and shills" but spokespersons and professional soft skills training exists for a reason. To mitigate the foot in mouth syndrome. Too many games out there to waste time on a dev that snubs part of the consumer base or speaks off the cuff with no knowledge.
It reminds me of a marketing campaign that I see on the commute to work. A plumbing company has billboards of a horrible plumber ruining plumbing issues or sleeping on the job and their slogan is don't hire a melvin (they name the terrible plumber melvin). It is a simple visual campaign reminding you to pay for quality work and knowledgeable staff. When you hear devs shoot off the mouth with no thought you start wondering about their capabilities and you look elsewhere. The thing that devs don't think about is that this doesn't alienate Nintendo only gamers; they already have a general idea what they are going to get. However muitisystem gamers buy games to have freedom of choice (and access to exclusives) but when multiplats start making baseless excuses you start wondering why you should support them at all when there is so much to play that is actually coming to systems of your choice.
@AlexOlney Nah, man, this excuse doesn't deserve ice cream. It gets the decidedly inferior cake, nothing more.
I got an excuse for you. Shove the game up your nibelsnarfing ass.
Hopefully it makes the Switch. Lawbreakers is probably one of the only 3rd party games that interests me at the moment. Please make it happen!
@Indielink It's not the exact same though. The PS4's while not a traditional D pad, is far more useful than the Switch's.
So he was attempting to make an excuse when there was actually no good reason! Wow!
I've played Lawbreakers Alpha and Beta versions for hours on PC and don't see how any controller could serve the fast-paced FPS action that it brings. You'd want to play with a keyboard and mouse to get the desired precision and do away with the auto-aim a controller needs. I haven't checked the LawBreakers Discord group in a while, but I know games like Unreal Tournament 3 supported keyboard and mouse on the PS3, so maybe that's an option for the PS4.
But IF I had to play it on a console, I guess the Switch for it's portability would be the best option yet. Of course it has to tone down the graphics, especially the texture quality due to the Switch's limited memory. But we all know the Unreal4 engine is very well suited for such adaptations.
From now on, developers should just say "we don't actually know what we're talking about when it comes to porting to a given console, and we don't really even follow gaming at large, we just program for whatever system our boss tells us to."
@NEStalgia I don't know man. I've always found him to be quite down to Earth, if overly enthusiastic and I don't see the bumbling idiot that so many people take him for. And he is very kind towards Nintendo, so I really don't think that the comment came from him, even indirectly.
Just like with the Wii U's developer debacle with EA and other big publishers, comments came from individual developers, often followed by corrections or apologies either by said developers themselves, or a CEO of the relevant publisher.
So, I'll just stick with my own view on things: don't make assumptions until you have all the necessary information, otherwise you might look stupid, and having to pedal back after you've been proven wrong is even worse.
See you in the Neo Geo related articles...
@Slaz Sounds to me like a Wii remote control scheme, which could easily be implemented on the Switch via the Joy Con controllers, would fit that need for desired precision just nicely. Wii remotes worked perfectly in FPS games on the Wii as well, and Joy Con are even more precise.
And completely agreed on Unreal Engine 4. The possibilities aren't limitless, but certainly varied enough for it to be possible in some form or another.
@Menchi187 I remember when I was young and thought that what I liked were the only things worth liking and that everybody else was wrong for liking other things. You'll enjoy growing up and realizing how ridiculous a notion that is.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I've always found the PS4 d-pad to be far too mushy to use with any precision in fighting games. The Switch is at least more clicky and responsive I think.
Dumbest excuse I ever heard.
Another Dev don't want to release on switch, nothing new, move on
Well, at least he confessed his misdeed. Hopefully it amounts to something for those Switch users who are interested in it.
Sometimes I wish developers would just be honest and say something like "Look, we don't care how successful Nintendo Switch becomes, we won't develop on it because it's for 'teh kiddies'/muh artistic vision/we're still holding a 20 year old grudge on Nintendo."
Stop insulting us with these lame excuses.
Well it seems he admits to not having paid attention in class. Hopefully people weren't to harsh on him, I know some game fans an get rather frothy.
This is maybe the biggest bullpoo i ever read.
In all fairness, its not entirely wrong what he says:
-The Touchpad can act as up to 4 additional buttons, 8 if you're crafty and add swipe motions as well.
-Analog shoulder buttons can do double duty as well. Say, Burst Mode or Full Auto for Assault Rifles depending on half / full press.
So yeah, technically, the DS4 Controller does offer quite a lot of input options more than your "bog standard" controller.
Now its down to if these options are used. If not, it was all hogwash.
He really should of done his research before shooting off his mouth. All he accomplished was not only making himself look foolish, but also exposed his biased against Nintendo.
@Menchi187 To dismantle your "docked" argument for the touchscreen implementation further.
There is already a game on Switch that requires the touchscreen and can thus only be played undocked: VOEZ
So the developer could even go that way if nothing else works. (But yeah, he also said it would be possible on an Xbox pad, so he apparently wouldn't even need to)
@Kirgo My point is no dev worth their salt is going to gimp a fast paced fps with vital touchscreen controls or restrict it to the less powerful handheld mode of an underpowered console as it is. The fact Nintendo even allowed that other JP game to be undocked only is shocking.
@Menchi187 Well, I disagree on every point there.
That a fast paced fps might be gimped by using the touchscreen might be true depending on what it is used for, but then using the PS4 touchpad would be out as well, so the argument doesn't work here.
Whether the restriction of handheld mode of an "underpowered console" is even an issue in this case is something we don't know.
But that isn't what he is saying anyway. He didn't say "it would be hard to make it work in handheld mode" (which would be a point to make even if it isn't restricted to that) so I am not sure how you got to that idea. His only concern seems to be the number of buttons, not the handheld mode. Anything beyond that would be an entirely different discussion on our part.
The fact that VOEZ is allowed on Switch is not shocking at all either. The game needs a touchscreen and there really is no reason not to allow it, just because it can only be played in one mode. The only thing important is: This must be made clear to anyone who attempts to purchase it. Then it is not a problem for anyone that this game exists, so there is no reason not to release it.
@Tsurii You enjoy using profanity don't you?
What a moron. Either he is deliberately making a bad excuse, or he has taken no time at all to look at the Switch.
I can't believe there are still people trying to defend the Lawbreakers developer even after he literally apologized for his inability to count the number of buttons on a Switch controller.
The "Switch had no touchpad" excuse is moot and irrelevant.
This game looks like 💩
Just to be fair, they don't have to make a game for the Switch, not Lawbreaker nor anything else. Afaik they never said they would support the system in any fashion, so ... what exactly are they making "excuses" for?
It's not just Boss Key Studios either, no 3rd-party dev is under any obligation to make games for the Switch. They don't have to excuse themselves, they can just come out and say 'we're not planning to make any games', or they can just do and say nothing, or whatever floats their boat really.
I think the whole 'stop making poor excuses'-line is weird. It's up to Nintendo make the Switch a platform devs want to get on. I love my Switch and we all want a wide array of good games on the system, but I totally get why a developer, esp. a smaller one betting everything on a single project, would want to go with an established platform, and thus a hardware architecture to boot that gives them access to players on PC, PS4 and X1 (plus PS4 Pro and and X1X) without much effort or risk. It makes a helluva lot of sense in most cases.
@PanurgeJr Then stop using profanity.
@Joeynator3000 A) I commented on the moderation, and as I am not a moderator changing my behavior won't change the quality, or lack thereof, of the moderation one iota. B) I didn't use profanity; I mentioned it.
@AlphaElite I just want you to know I nearly died laughing. "muh artistic vision" lol, what a riot (and sad that some devs are trying to lead with that). Thank you, I needed that today.
I am glad he cleared that up because the game uses 8 buttons on PC and each Switch Joy-con has 8 buttons. If you need more, you can use the left and right Joy-cons together giving you 12 buttons.
You're kidding me right? Is this the best excuse they could come up with? Everyone has counted, and it has the same amount of buttons plus gyro and touch controls! All this says is that they're lazy and very bad at coming up with excuses.
Game looks super boring anyway.
@Dakt they did say though that they could probably get it on xbox one too and that does have the same amount of buttons.
Hes not a 3rd party hes a no name bin-die with a no name game. Switch doesnt need it, because it has too many buttons and xontrol features and he lacks the imagination, and brain power to make use of it.
This response makes me laugh. Are the devs that desperate to not work a bit harder and port over games to the Switch? I mean, at least give a sensible excuse! And if you're gonna tell me that he corrected himself, why did he make such a foolish claim without even checking? Next thing you know, devs won't port over games to the Switch because the JoyCons are too colourful and won't match the gruesome nature of the game even though they'll port over the game to your MyLittlePony Xbox One X...
Terrible excuse but mannn that game fun as hell hope they stop begin stupid and bring it out on the switch!
I've heard some lame excuses in my life. Hell, I've even made some myself. This?
It's like watching Sean Spicer hold a press conference.
Good to know developers make educated decisions regarding platform choices.
Bloody idiot.
@Meaty-cheeky Hot chocolate ice cream?
Irony see THAT game's graphics on the Switch. I just don't.
@HappyMaskedGuy I was going for chocolate pudding.
Western 3rd parties are falling apart this year. The biggest hits and only companies to support the Switch have mostly been Japanese. It's a strange correlation.
"DN: There’s a possibility for everything and anything in this world."
Dude, it's cool if you don't wanna support the Switch. Don't try to give people the "anything is possible" routine though, and don't make up a reason. Say it's power. Or dealing with different resolutions. Heck, say you don't like the tone of gray on the system. Don't make up a reason that doesn't make sense to the console owners, it just makes you look silly.
Am I the only one who I see confused on the 13 buttons thing? Probably not helping the Switch's case here but I count L, R, ZL, ZR, A, B, X, Y, and the four buttons that become the D-Pad. That's 12.
They may thought like we're begging for this game to come to the Switch. Look, I owned both PC, PS4 and the Switch. I can just shut up and get it on the PS4 soon or later. But I would want it on the SWITCH because of its mobility. I want to be able to play it whenever I'm pleased. I don't care if they degrade the graphics for 60fps. It's as long as I can play it anywhere.
@bezerker99 just to bust your bubble,wwe 2k18 will be the same as the ps4 and xbone.no difference, so really no excuse
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