The Switch has just had its first E3 but we still don't know exactly how the Virtual Console is going to work on the system.
Nintendo has previously spoken about linking some kind of classic game service to the forthcoming paid subscription system, even going as far as to state that subscribers will get a new game each month. However, the company clearly doesn't have a definitive picture on this yet, as it recently went back on that idea.
While Nintendo has already stated that its subscription service isn't a replacement for the Virtual Console, it's becoming clear that the firm wants to get one right before officially confirming the other.
Speaking to IGN at E3 2017, Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime noted that Nintendo is aware of the "appetite" for retro games on the system, but the issue currently is finding the best way to approach it:
We know that our fans, our players, want access to all of our digital content, we know that. What we're working through is, 'okay, what's going to be the best way to make that happen, to make that available?' Certainly, we recognize there's an appetite for all of our great legacy content.
Excitingly, Reggie uses the term "all", which - if you were feeling particularly optimistic - could hint at a large selection of Virtual Console games from day one, and not the rather painful drip-feed of games that we've seen on the Wii, Wii U and 3DS.
[source uk.ign.com]
Comments 128
Nintendo...you're not exactly inventing the wheel.
@WOLF1313 Couldn't have put it better myself.
Nintendo are simply dragging their feet on this. The Wii has VC. The 3DS has VC. The Wii U has VC...
They're probably in the process of getting licensing lined up. It's not like they can just put third party stuff up immediately. They've got a lot of negotiating, especially if they intend on trying to allow you to move licenses from 3DS or Wii U (which I still kinda doubt will happen)
I want all their consoles represented, except for the ones that are hard to emulate on Switch, DS/3DS/Wii U, and the one that cannot possibly work, the GameCube.
'okay, what's going to be the best way to make that happen, to make that available?'
Surely thats a decision that should probably of been made before you launch the console.
I've not counted but surely almost 50% of the games were Nintendo related on the Wii U. If they are going to do a trickle again (likely), nothing stopping them from starting the service. They'd have at least a couple of years of content for Nintendo published games. I think it comes back to the Retro game attached to online. If there is a VC, I'm not likely to pay even $20/yr because I just don't play online that much. But if there is no VC, then I'd consider it for access to those games.
@BornInNorway81 "the one that cannot possibly work, the GameCube,"
Why can't it work?
The Wii VC started out perfectly fine until the indie games started to arrive.
If the Switch does get it's own VC, Nintendo really needs to get support from 3rd parties to get more variety in games. Regurgitating the same games again is just pointless.
They also need to get the team behind NES remix to do the background work, the WiiU VC looked horrible, where as the games in NES remix looked really nice.
Also, advertising the games on the eShop as a whole would be a good option. Running a quick flick advert on tv would be a start.
"what's going to be the best way to make that happen, to make that available?"
Oh I don't know, how about actually releasing it, that would be a good start.
@Flashman Not necessarily. I doubt many sales of the console are won or lost based on their VC service, so it doesn't have to be a priority.
@antonvaltaz Default Switch controllers don't have pressure sensitive triggers, which many GC games require. :
@antonvaltaz No analogue triggers. Even if Nintendo made the Gamecube adaptor compatible with the Switch, it would only be selling its games to a fraction of the audience it could be. Some games would still work without analogue triggers, but the ones that do would require significant reworking compared to any other VC release.
It's good to know it's coming, but shocking that it wasn't thought about before the system launched.
They managed to get GBA games on 3DS pretty quick to compensate for the price drop.
So I don't understand the delay, apart from perhaps effort going into a SNES Mini and considering the subscription service.
I believe they should create a VC subscription service for like 30 a year and update as and when they want, only whatever is available as long as you are a paying customer. They should start to think about the bigger picture and create a loyal fanbase and have those numbers not focus on making money per game the retention plays a huge part in the community.
YAWN!!! so we've got these thirty year old games that have been released on lots of other console before but we just dont know how to let you play them again on our new system. LAME!
That reads to me as "we've yet to decide on the most profitable and effective way to deliver VC, subscription or single purchase"
I would say they nailed compatibility a while ago, its down to the finer detail of how to monetise it.
It's all very well knowing it. Now, do something about it, you know, something other than the same retro games at the same retro prices. I mean, FFS.
@Moshugan was thinking about the lack of analogue triggers: there are two shoulder buttons on each side of Switch controllers. Could they ustilise both of these to simulate different amounts of 'pressure' on the analogue triggers? Not sure.
@Freek Ha ha yep, they make this all sound so inventive and technical. Its like politician speak. No answers just dodging questions.
Hopefully they are taking so long because they are going to release the whole catalog of games that are on the Wii U and some. But it will probably be after the subscription service launches.
Also what happend to our digital co tent we bought on the previous consoles ? reggie mentioned at the switch reveal event saying they've been listening don't worry you will be happy lol total nonsnese :-/ for a Console that was hiden For so long what where they actually doing ? you'd have expected all this stuff to have been ironed out over the past few years ready for launch , considering how the wiiu underperformed for them. The mind boggles lol
"okay, what's going to be the best way to make that happen, to make that available?"
"Okay, we announce this when we've got nothing else to sell, so it doesn't impact the sales of the £50 games."
It's not exactly rocket science though Nintendo make it seem like it is.
If we basically get the WiiU eShop again I can see why they'd delay.
No need to buy Smash Bros again. Maybe stick with Splatoon and pass on Splatoon 2 etc.
I would be perfectly fine with the "drip-feed of games" I was used to on the Wii, Right now we would already have at least Super Mario Bros 1, but probably alreadsy more games than just that, while now we are still waiting for something we were used to have on the previuos systems. I love my Switch but I really think that they are pulling the rip cord when it comes to the Virtual console.
I just hope that these games will be available for purchase and not just an exclusive for people who pay their subscription since I'm not interested in onlyne play and I'm not interested in renting (sort of) a game that I'd like to buy instead.
If they provide a full VC service right now then it removes a lot of the impetus to buy smaller indie games in particular but new games from Nintendo also.
Why would I consider buying a game that looks like Advance Wars when I can buy the actual Advance Wars?
Infact there's a lot of games that I'd pass over if I could play Advance Wars on my Switch. My time is precious and Advance Wars is a very high bar to match.
How could we possibly achieve such a marvel?
"okay, what's going to be the best way to make that happen, to make that available?"
You can start by releasing Virtual Console. There, glad we solved the problem.
When people say Virtual Console, they nearly always just mean "old Nintendo stuff". I doubt third party stuff matters that much.
It's pretty clear to me they don't have any VC plans, and the online service most likey WILL be its replacement. They're keeping the possibilty open, but it'll either never happen or only happen once 3DS is completely dead and will be very limited if it does. I think they're likely avoiding it because of double-dipping complications. In the meantime, they're going to continue the classic mini consoles to fill that void. Saying the online service isn't a replacement for VC should probably be taken the same way as when they said DS wasn't replacing GBA.
While I, like the rest, would like to get my hands on VC as soon as possible, it's not like Nintendo is worse than their competitors. On my PS4, after 3,5 years, I can play 44 PS2 games, and that's it...
I think Nintendo is thinking whether to make the VC an emulation service or... (roll the drum) make Remakes of games they can charge more dough for.
How about just wait and have a bit of patience? Maybe they're a bunch of clowns who don't have a clue and think everyone is an idiot and will buy all the 'marketing slang'.
Or maybe they're just taking their time to make a different approach really work and they don't have anything they can really say yet. It's very possible they want to make it really comprehensive and something they can market strongly. Who knows what form it will take - it might be done through sections of the e-shop or be a separate themed portal.
Sure Reggie waffles on - but he's a figure head - it's part of his job to project confidence and take flack.
Is it not worth giving them the benefit of the doubt due to the fact they've released a great console with a new innovative concept which looks like it will be a bit hit. And they've lined up a sequence of stellar games to carry it through it's first year - and most likely beyond.
I recon they're going to show something pretty cool for VC in good time. No rush Nintendo - take you're time to get it right.
Lol what I got from what was said is that we will have a ton of vc games day 1 when they put it out lol
"'okay, what's going to be the best way to make that happen, to make that available?' "
Er... get some devs to start converting old games to Switch Reggie. In the mean time tie them to a proper account system and have them on a unified system so every time you release a new console you don't have to keep converting them and we don't have to keep re-buying them!
I think Nintendo either has some plan they want to implement or they are doing good marketing. As someone who has bought like one game for VC, not having it on Switch has made me think about VC more than I ever have. If VC was there from day one, I would not have cared or bought anything. Now that everyone is saying they want it, it's got me thinking about how I'd love to play some old-school Pokemon on my Switch because the fans are building all this hype on its importance. Nintendo know how to get my money really well...
An appetite's not going to cut it, Reggie. Think of it more as a HUNGER, an ever growing hunger that'll one day destroy the entire planet all Galactus-y and such.
All those released and about to be released indies may prelong that but I'm growing impatient bit by bit everyday. However, if they're already working on it, like getting a real big launch line-up and weekly content for the first months ready, I'm fine with that.
If they could give us a date besides 2018 I would feel better. Just knowing when we'll get VC would be very reassuring. The way Reggie rambles about this, is like they have no idea what they're doing and that should concern people.
@WOLF1313 @Damo, maybe they are though? Maybe that's exactly what they're doing. They pioneered Virtual Console with the Wii & it's gotten stale, maybe they are literally trying to reinvent it? Or maybe they are just dragging their feet, what do I know lol
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Haha. I like that.
I honestly don't care. It would be nice to get all my games off my Wii U, but it's not a deal breaker. Just as long as I won't have to go into "Wii U Mode" to access them on the Switch.
Yes this is a real predicament. It's not as if they've already released a much less powerful console 11 years ago that solved that prob....WAIT A MINUTE!
@TJM All valid points and I hope that you're right.
I think the key thing you've alluded to - Nintendo have lined up a great year for releases on the Switch.
It's easy to assume that Nintendo are this massive company that have unlimited resources to make all of these things happen - but sometimes they need to set priorities.
I'm sure that Reggie would love to be able to say "Here it is..." but the decision isn't down to him.
I'm glad that Nintendo are considering how they want to present the VC service. I just hope that what is delivered is worth the time and waiting and not just cobbled together at the last minute.
@Flashman very true. VC should have launched with the system. I mean, look at all the Neo Geo games in the Eshop. I have bought many VC games, now I want to be able to transfer them to the Switch and if not make the games discounted or cheaper. $4.99 is too much. Make it $.99 or $1.99.
@Freek Yeah, c'mon Nintendo, you have the team to make it happen. Then after you can update it to make it compatible with the online system.
"Best way to make it happen" ?
How about don't try to cash in yet again on games we already own ?
@alasdair91 That's probably the point. Nintendo needs to do something new with virtual console. For them to create excitement, it has to be more than just downloading old games and emulating them on your game machine. That's been around for 11 years.
What about just merge the Wii Shop and the Wii U eShop together for start then put sent all those software to the Switch eShop. C'mon Nintendo you were able to merge the DSi and 3DS eShop so just do it like that. Games that will only be compatible on Wii U like Fatal Frame V, Pikmin 3, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, Paper Mario: Color Splash, and Xenoblade Chronicles X can stay exclusives on the Wii U eShop or be remastered later for the Switch.
Cough "soft launch" cough
I watched the MS press conference on Xbox One Mixer app and the rest on Wii U's Web browser. I suppose they are still thinking about the best way to get a Youtube app or Web browser on the Switch as well.
Anybody watch all of those weekly videos on their Wii Nintendo Channel?
@alasdair91 All of which were half assed and not suitable for 2017. I sure hope they have something a bit more worthwhile up their sleeve this time...
@retro_player_22 Every single one of those games would require work to run on switch. Wii and Wii U had similar architecture to each other and Switch is completely new. What you're talking about would probably take 2-3 years.
I dunno maybe release a game every week. Like NEO GEO titles that have been?
@Firehawke what?! Licensing? Do you think Apple has that issue when you're moving songs from your iPhone to your MacBook to your iPad?
Nope. It's all the same eShop. That's where Nintendo messed up to begin with.
@Hikingguy you said it. That's exactly what it is.
VC needs an overhaul and a way to take the games with you into the future like Xbox is doing. Also if they are going to come out with a 3DS successor, the games you own should be able to play on that for free.
@PorllM The architecture are different but the functionality aren't as many of the Wii U feature could still be delivered if done properly whether through clever coding or as a remastered title. Even Wii and Wii U which you mention used the same architecture are still divided in terms of digital access whereas it would had been much more convenience had Nintendo just merge them as one eShop to begin with.
@TJM Way too much common sense.
Translation: We know that our fans, our players, want access to all of our digital content, we know that. What we're working through is, 'okay, what's going to be the best way to keep making money off these older games? I mean, it's not like we'll be able to charge someone five times over for Super Mario Bros. 3 again, so we're giving it some careful thought.
Then you might want to hurry it up. Its good that you announced Prime 4 but wouldnt it be a good idea to have Prime 1-3 available to download so Switch owners can try the series out or remind themselves what happened while waiting on 4? Can't be too hard to translate Wiimote functions to the Joycons and if you did the same thing as the Wii U VC release, offering it for £9, you'd be swimming in moneys. Don't forget that's over a 10 year gap between 3 and now.
Just one example of many. Discounting Super Metroid on other systems is good and all, but all those Switch owners who came back to Nintendo after watching the Wii U crash and burn and probably don't own that or a 3DS might want to sample the series as well.....
@Galactus_33 You act like Nintendo has a choice. Take a good look at Sony. Remember how the Vita TV couldn't play some PS1 games such as Metal Gear Solid when the Vita could? Licensing. Nintendo isn't the only company that has to do this dance. I bet licensing is also slowing down X-Box One BC as well.
@retro_player_22 yes but organising the digital access and the eshop is less than 1% of the work. You couldn't simply Port the Wii U eshop version of super Mario Galaxy to the switch for example, it would be emulated in a completely new way and likely take months
I am getting sick of waiting for the VC on Nintendo Switch. More than 3 months after its release, there is still no information on when the first games will be released and what they will be. It can't take that much effort to release games that have already been "uploaded" for other consoles' VC, can it?
I hope that the reason they haven't sold us any VC games on Switch yet is that they're working on a way to allow us to transfer our Wii U and 3DS VC purchases to the new account - without additional fees.
Or they're figuring out how to maximize profit by selling us new improved versions of the same games. x)
For everyone saying licensing is holding up VC: Nintendo made a slew of 1st party games that they own all the rights to. They could throw that shiny bone out for download and keep us distracted while they work on 3rd party rights. I heavily doubt when VC goes live it'll be 100 games and heavily from 3rd party. It's going to be a trickle, like it always is.
Translation: We need to figure out a way to extract even more money out of 30 year old games while not looking like we're selling 30 year old games for the 5th time in 10 years at high prices while also ensuring everyone will buy them again in the next 5.
I get their VC stance overall, but I think the simultaneous WiiU+3DS VC plus the short life cycle of the WiiU REALLY hurt the existing model for VC set out by Wii. It was too many purchases across too many systems and it keeps getting replaced. If it was 3DS only or WiiU only or if WiiU had a proper lifespan and library, it might not seem bad. But I can see why they don't want to just bring over the same model this time....it's been overdone already.
Because everyone is still waiting! So far we have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
This service really should have been fully realized and available on day 1.
I mean, for God's sake--get your **** together already!
I think that everyone forgets that Wii U did NOT have VC at launch. VC is happening and I wouldn't be surprised if we hear something at the Tokyo show this September.
@impurekind Mother 3 and Seiken Densetsu 3!
Start your VC with those and you cant go wrong Reggie!!
@kuliddar Yes, but it's done this three times already (Wii, Wii U, 3DS).
It really should have the ins and outs of any Virtual Console service basically nailed by now; and it really should have been available day 1 this time around on Switch as far as I'm concerned.
It was perfectly reasonable and totally acceptable that it had to iron out some stuff the first time around before it launched the service on Wii. It was frustrating that it didn't launch day 1 on Wii U, and angering that it was ultimately utter crap when it did eventually happen. It's now just pathetic and enraging that we're going through the same rubbish one again, and we still have basically no clue what the hell Nintendo is doing with the VC on Switch.
You can only throw Nintendo a bone for so long before you come across like a blindly loyal fanboy who will suck up no matter what it does or says.
@bolt05 Two great choices.
I really need the metroid prime games.
So we get an article saying after all the articles and message boards of fans SAYING we WANT VC, only now have they realized we want it, and have done no real research into figuring out HOW to make it happen.
I'm not sure which is weirder, that they released this statement or that I read this thinking Big N would say anything but this.
@Rumncoke25 Exactly: This statement basically says that it STILL hasn't figured out how to give Switch owners a proper and decent VC yet--so it's likely not coming anytime soon. How long is this frikin' thing going to take--and it will probably end up still being disappointing after all that anyway, if the Wii U VC debacle is anything to go by. I mean, maaan, it's frikin' engraging!
I have been saying for a long time by now that Virtual Console is changing and I just receive hate. I bet the changes in Virtual Console are what delay the paid online service to 2018.
I think it will be some sort of streaming service or Netflix like in where every game is there available since day one or at least lots of it and it will be updated with new content much like the new Xbox service. I hope is not like the rental thing of Sony because that sucks.
I don't know if it's the games that are holding this up. I think it's the infrastructure. Will games move with accounts from system to system like they should have from the beginning. Plus, how would the virtual console games being released prior to the SNES Classic hurt the sales of that system?
@impurekind Did you buy the Switch for VC or for new games? I bought it for both fully knowing that VC will come. If I would of just been concerned with VC I wouldn't of bothered getting a Switch and just would of stayed at this time with my Wii U. I bought a Switch for new stuff first and then VC. I want VC just a bad as everyone else but I also know that Nintendo is pushing Switch to what it can do now and in the future...not in the past. Its marketing 101. I will agree with you that what is frustrating is the way Nintendo always escapes the question. Going back to interviews since the Switch official release announcement, I'm thinking they originally had planned it at launch then potentially hit some sort of snag in whatever they planned to do then decided to put it on the side and concentrate on the "here and now" which was wise imo (if this is what happened of course). I always go back to the following statement from Reggie during a Wired interview back in Jan.
Wired: Is there going to be a discount for us if we buy the games again on Switch?
Fils-Aime: What I would say first is, we recognize that some of our most passionate fans have spent quite a bit, whether it’s with Virtual Console on Wii or Wii U, and we recognize that consumers are rightly concerned about moving to Nintendo Switch without backward compatibility. My comment is: Stay tuned, we understand the concern, more information to come.
There’s 40-some odd days between now and launch. There are more details to come. And at that point we’ll be able to define all of those various details of that online experience.
@kuliddar I didn't buy the Switch at all. And one of the many reasons--an extremely important one to me personally--was because it lacked and still does lack any kind of Virtual Console service whatsoever.
"There’s 40-some odd days between now and launch. There are more details to come. And at that point we’ll be able to define all of those various details of that online experience."
And still we wait, knowing pretty much nothing, and having very little confidence Nintendo is going to do things right this time around (there's currently no particularly strong reason to think otherwise for now, particularly if the Wii U's VC debacle is anything to go by). . . . His words are ultimately hollow.
I guess it is a little annoying that the VC isn't ready yet, but seriously there's a big first party game literally every month this year. Third Parties and Indies will fill in the gaps. That's more than enough to keep fans happy and entertained until VC does release.
I love classic games myself, and I've stopped buying VC on Wii U for the most part until we learn more about the service on the Switch, but I can wait. I'm more excited for the new Switch content right now. Part of me was also waiting to buy a Switch until we heard more about VC, but for this console it's not a priority right now, and probably won't be until either the holiday season or 2018.
@impurekind If you just want VC then just stick to your Wii U and 3DS and you'll be a happy camper and save 300$.
@tjhiphop It didn't need to be ready for launch but 3-4 months after the launch still not been able to decide what to do is a poor way to run things.
At this point I'm kind of over VC. After Wii's slow trickle, I was hoping they'd come out swinging on Wii U, but they never did. It's obvious it won't change on Switch.
They should've lined up a definitive answer for this and app support from services like netflix and hulu. I wish they showed some enthusiasm from the folks at NVIDIA too.
While they had a great presentation with exciting announcements for 2017 and 2018, they're still walling the NS off considerably. No news on app support other than the PC streaming app, nothing in the form of discounts on software for the new console, no humble bundle that could've spanned across 3DS/WiiU/NS systems, and the VC/online subscription gets vague PR speech.
Love all the E3 tournaments though, that was fun and promoted the community.
Please no drip feeds.
I didn't get a Wii until 2009, but it seemed to me that by then it had quite a good selection of VC titles at that point of its life and many consoles overall. At the same point of their lives on the other hand, both the 3DS and Wii U pale in comparison.
While i'd certainly like a faster rate of releases than even the Wii seemed to have, i'd settle for the what the Wii got, rather than the both the Wii U and 3DS combined. Also, this is kind of a random 'wish', but i think it'd be cool if they added DOS games this time around also.
Gotta love the Internet. Apparently filled with highly successful businessmen and women telling everyone how they should run their business and how easy it all is. I'm guessing that everyone here is a multi-millionaire given how unbelievably smart everyone is and how we all know better than a company worth billions.
They release Wii U ports people complain about there being too many ports. They don't release NES, SNES, N64 and Gamecube ports and everyone moans that they don't have the option at launch to buy the same game they've owned on 5 other consoles. Heaven forbid they concentrate on making and releasing Switch games!
Is it possible that they don't have the Switch-compatible emulators for Virtual Console ready yet? Considering how they haven't worked out YouTube or Netflix, which are basic apps on most any smart device, they probably haven't dealt with Virtual Console, either. Let's also not forget the issues that faced the Wii U Virtual Console (NES games rendered too dark, control issues with F-Zero X on N64, etc.) and how Nintendo probably wants to avoid those same missteps in a new Virtual Console iteration.
Yes there is Reggie but doesn't he normally say something and Nintendo do the opposite? the nes mini springs to mind....
I can't wait for VC on Switch.
I want newer titles VC, like GCN.
I'm tired of the same NES, SNES & GB(C) games.
Oh Nintendo... when was the last time they released a Virtual Console game anyway?
Oh yeah! They announced the VC service for New3DS (SNES support) in March of 2016 and then promptly stopped supporting it before the end of December 2016.
So! Nintendo supported their last VC service (on their most successful system) for less than a year, people..
I an not hopeful for the Switch VC.
@WOLF1313 True that, but I guarantee that whatever approach they use (a la carte as usual, subscription, etc), will have some people complaining anyway. That to me is why they've been taking so long with this, or at least I hope is the reason, that they will somehow make it better than before.
COuld it be that the reason why there's no Netflix on the Switch app yet is that Nintendo and Netflix are jointly working on a movies + games streaming service. A NetflixSwitch if you will. In addition to the usual shows and movies you can stream from Netflix, retro NES, SNES and N64 games will be downloadable for Switch customers (who are willing to pay a higher price per month).
I hate how Nintendo excuses a lot of their actions like they're a brand-new start-up company. Completely lame.
Christ I'm sick of Reggie's baloney.
I strongly suspect that it's more about squeezing dollars out of mini console sales (the TBA SNES Mini) than it is technical or legal in nature.
So do a celebration and dump a bunch at a time. Like here are the 10 best selling games from 1986. Here are the top 10 Beat'em Ups from NES era. Make each batch of games released a celebration of some sort.
This even lets you spot light games multiple times such as Super Mario Bros. (best of 1985, TOP 10 NES platformer, one of the Top 10 Mario Games, Greatest NES games of all time). Make the Virtual Console a celebration of gaming history instead of a drip feed of stuff with no context.
This is good news. It means they hear us. They know we want it.
At least "Nintendo doesn't listen or know what we want" seems to no longer be a valid complaint.
Might not magically appear on the eshop tomorrow, but this reassures me it's coming. And I'm good with that
I'm just curious about the licensing. WiiU VC has had a time bringing over non 1st party games due to licensing. I'm wondering what they are doing to resolve it this time around. However the good thing is the Switch has the greatest potential to have almost Nintendo System on it.
As long as the VC titles get updated more frequently, have more games/systems available, and dont cost that BS $5 per NES game then I''m fine with waiting
@kuliddar The Wii U VC is utter crap. And the 3DS VC is okay at best. The only really good VC was the one on Wii. However, in 2017 we should have a VC that's even better than the one on Wii, in pretty much every single way. Nintendo's job with the VC since the days of the Wii has been shameful.
Appetite...? "APPETITE"?!
"We don't want to scare away third party devs by dumping dozens of cheap and high quality games immediately. Or did you not notice that the Virtual Console's Golden Ages on the Wii and 3DS only lasted until we actually had WiiWare and eShop support?"
I want all their consoles represented, except for the ones that are hard to emulate on Switch, DS/3DS
Nintendo should release a cheap plastic cradle that fits the joycons to the top and bottom of the screen so that it can be held vertically.
Am I being thick here, I don't understand why they just don't tie in the VC to the subscription? All their VC catalogue tied under one subscription is fair, they get their money but we have unlimited access and don't have to shell out AGAIN for games we have already bought 2-3 times already. They could even raise the subscription fee a bit if they're not happy. Please don't make us buy these games individually again.
They're still discussing what to do with the virtual console? Sigh... this is why I use emulators; playing the waiting game for Nintendo to release their own catalogue of games would be maddening otherwise. This is not a complicated issue; release your entire library of ROMs onto the Switch eshop now and let people buy them.
But then, where does the Z button come in?
I know it's unrealistic, but I'd love to see Sega Saturn and Dreamcast show up as Virtual Console systems.
Just having NiGHTS, Panzer Dragoon Zwei, Sega Rally, Crazy Taxi, Power Stone and Mars Matrix to name a few on a portable system would make me not ever want to put it back down again.
@Deanster101 I think working out the details of this is why they're taking so long, and why they're being so vague.
People who like VC want to play old games on the newest hardware so they can say 'the games were better in my day'. I know that's what I do. I'm saving for a Switch just to play Wonderboy: The Dragons Trap with the non-HD Sega Master System graphics and sound option then buy VC when it's out. Old games on new hardware? The older the better. lol.
If it's taking a while because they're working through logistics of getting Rareware N64 games on VC, then I can be patient.
The Nintendo Wii Virtual console service was the best.......
Such a bummer. Well, what do you expect from Nintendo? Luckily I still have my WiiU and 3DS. I'd love to have everything in once place, but since it would be tough for switch to do DS/WiiU games anyways, I don't mind keeping things on there.
@Fandabidozi I dont see having Splatoon 1 available on the switch hurting sales for Splatoon 2, people buy the new COD game every year with the prior one still available
@TJM Having read down through the comments up to yours, yours was refreshingly positive. 👍🏻
Sounds like they're past systems. When I got the 3DS on launch, I couldn't wait to download, but the store wasn't even available on launch...3-5 months later, it finally came. Wii U was the same way, the virtual console seemed like it took forever to come on. For some reason (and I don't own the Switch yet), seems like they like doing this kind of thing, which shows that they rush their systems out before having everything on it that they want to, then make some weird headlines and announcements to try and make it seem like it's the hardest thing to do. All Reggie has to say is 'We don't know yet' instead of throwing words around to confuse others. Nintendo needs to realize that they're not living in a Golden Castle with security guards surrounding it, and all the employees inside are Kings and Queens.
I hope that there are Gamecube and Gameboy advance games.
Reggie has an uncanny ability to sound like a clueless, out-of-touch buffoon every time he speaks.
Since Switch is so popular, it only makes sense to bring vc to Switch. It would make sooooo much money.
On the other hand, they could go the Netflix-way with their new upcoming online set-up.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE The problem is that Nintendo have finite resources and staff. They could have Virtual Console, but Mario Odyssey would be delayed until next year instead.
Reggie has very little control at NOA, certainly very little in regards to development. NOJ has always micromanaged their companies.
By the time that VC does release, I expect GameCube games to be featured since they seem to be taking their time.
'Nintendo has already stated that its subscription service isn't a replacement for the Virtual Console'
That line is the typical PR spiel for Nintendo's attempt to establish a new system in a way that looks like they're not ditching the old one.
Nintendo wants to give people all their library but have them pay multiple times for them; a Netflix online service accomplishes this. This would mean that non-subscribers will probably have access to a less than robust line of VC games on the eshop, making the cheap price-tag on the online service seem more appealing.
I hope they give someway of retaining games we already have on the 3DS and the Wii U on the Switch. I don't mind paying an upgrade fee - I simply don't want to pay full price for some games again.
And for GC games, I do hope we see them this gen, or I'll have to hack my Wii U and start dumping my GC minidisks. I've had the itch to replay Sunshine and Rogue Leader for days!
The faith some people have in Nintendo is amazing. How long has Nintendo managed to screw up the Virtual Console and their account system, 11 years now? They pretend to be clueless about how to properly do this just so they can drip feed and sell us the same games for the 4th time. They are likely stalling because they are looking for the best way to maximize profit and if they can't figure it out, Virtual Console will be replaced with their online, modified ports.
Please people, don't make excuses for them this time.
@Firehawke Seems likely! Shame we 3DS Wii and Wii U owners got a drip feed.
@Luna_110 Use your Wii?
@Gridatttack Nintendo DID put Wii games on the Wii U eShop...
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