When you look at the combined global sales of the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, it's amazing to think that not so long ago some industry exports were predicting the end of console dominance. That clearly isn't going to happen this generation, and TIME has been speaking to Sony global game development boss Shawn Layden about such downbeat portents - and what he thinks of Nintendo's latest console.
Layden said:
All of the rumors of the demise of the console are very much premature. In fact if you're watching [sales tracker] NPD for PS4 and Xbox One sales, you put those together and console gaming has never been as big and vibrant as it is right now. And that's just here in the States.
Add Switch to that equation and things become even more interesting. Layden sees the machine as a "a great success for Nintendo" and that "it's definitely what that fanbase has been waiting for." However, he doesn't see it as a direct rival to the PlayStation 4 - in fact, he believes that many households will choose to own both consoles:
When you look at our numbers, I think it shows that a lot of gamers are a two-console family. And quite often those two consoles are PlayStation and Nintendo sitting side-by-side.
Do you think Layden has a point? Do you also own a PlayStation 4 - or an Xbox One? Or is your Switch fulfilling the role of home and portable console perfectly, just as Nintendo intended? Let us know by posting a comment.
Thanks to SLIGEACH_EIRE for the tip!
[source time.com]
Comments 171
I still own a PS1, does that count?
More like a Switch to go alongside your PS4. For 99.9% of people, Switch is the supplementary console.
Not enough Sony exclusives I'm interested in to justify that initial $400 price tag. For me, if I can't even imagine buying enough games to justify that price tag, I don't wanna buy the system. So, yeah, I envision a $400 investment being an $800 one. Same with my Switch. But I can imagine $300 worth of games I'd want. Appreciate the enthusiasm, but, my Switch is just fine for my home console needs in the next generation.
Also, I'd consider a discounted PS4 as a replacement Blu-Ray player maybe. Like, really discounted. Sony and Microsoft's exclusive offerings just range from "looks sorta interesting" to "wut" in my book. =/
They're definitely not wrong. I own both and it'll likely stay that way for a long time.
He's definitely not wrong. PlayStation and Nintendo deliver what I want as a gamer.
I had a brief fling with Xbox during the 360 days, but the PS4 brought me back (jumped in at the Pro last year) and with the retirement of my 3DS for the Switch, I've got everything I need.
I never expect a Nintendo console to give me everything a Sony console can, and vice versa!
My Playstation 3 is sitting next to the Wii U and Switch, but haven't used PS3 for a while
Bought a ps4,played uncharted 4,sold ps4.
I own them all, going back to the NES
Right now I have a Switch and older consoles. I would like to get a PS4 eventually.
Na, my PC is enough, thanks anyway Sony.
We don't have time for play our games on 3DS and Switch, let alone get a PS4 with its extensive library of great games. Nintendo is always a priority in what limited game time I have.
Well, PS4+Switch is a really strong combo. You get great exclusives and also strong third party support.
Well, I currently own all major consoles from the last 25 years, the Dreamcast being the exception.
He's not wrong though; the Xbox One was more of a fun little extra (GWG, EA Access & backwards compatibility being major USP's for me), but it's the PS4 and Switch (Wii U before that) that really take up most of my gaming time. Great little combo.
Correct in my household certainly. The PS4 has by far the most exclusives of interest to me out of all platforms, and the best games of this generation so far, so I'm primarily a PS4 player. But I also picked up a Switch for a different kind of experience that I can take anywhere, and it's fitting into my gaming setup perfectly. Love both consoles.
I own both a Switch and PS4. I just don't play games on the PS4 any more due to general apathy for their constantly updating, drop in price in three months, style over substance range of titles.
I do use the SKY Go app however, so it's become what I hated about the reveal of the XB1!
@Akropolon Oh man, you really need a Dreamcast. That's like saying "I own every Led Zep album except Led Zeppelin IV."
I've at times considered buying a PS4 because there is quite a few games I'd like to play but i don't have the time for 2 consoles, 1 is more than enough for me. I couldn't possibly let a new generation of 3D Mario and Zelda games pass me by,so Nintendo will always be my first choice.
Yup, here's another guy with both. Makes E3 a win by default.
@Akropolon Dreamcast aka the best console ever made.
Nintendo only for me, always will be.
I'm a three console gamer.
I have all three Wii U, 3DS, and Nintendo Switch.
Got all 3 current consoles plus a Wii U, 3DS and a PS3. Couldn't imagine restricting myself to one, haven't done that since 1994. I like games too much to close myself off.
Haven't turned my PS4 on since I got my Switch. That's a lie, I watched Rogue One on it on May 4th!
Surprised we weren't polled on this one 😉
Maybe a joint poll with PushSquare would be interesting.
I own both a Switch and a PS3/PS4 as I am a JRPG fan, which Sony usually have more of than Nintendo.
Haven't it been for the fact that the JRPGs usually comes to Sony, I probably wouldn't have needed to buy a PS4, but I am fine and don't mind having a PS4 :+).
Glad that both Nintendo and Sony are doing so well now and can have a kind of symbiosis together ^^.
PS4 and Switch complement each other indeed - one offers souped-up visuals, streaming and other multimedia eye candy, the other offers varied gameplay experience and flexibility. The two actually overlap since PS4 pulled off as much Nintendo as it saw viable (investing into elaborate controllers and openly encouraging ALL kinds of games rather than just be marketed as a photorealistic interactive home theater alone... and even trying to be usable on the go via remote play!) whereafter Switch pulled off as much of PS4 as it saw viable (boosting up the specs and moving to a more common architecture for developers' ease).
And then, of course, there are exclusives courtesy of both companies housing talented first and second party developers. To me personally, Switch is how consoles should be, but I also own a PS4 because my Vita and Remote Play enable access to games like Gravity Rush 2, Tearaway, MotorStorm and Horizon - games you'd never see on Switch even if it was miraculously a tablet-shaped Scorpio (just like PS4 won't enable access to Zelda or SSB or Fire Emblem). Even among third parties, there's stuff like Disney Infinity 3.0 which obviously had no chance in hell to come out on Switch - all support for the game and franchise was conclusively dropped right when Switch launched. At least Avalanche is back in action with Cars 3...
Unless they release Ace Combat 7 on the Switch this is the route I will take. Although I suspect my PS4 collection will be one of the smallest I will ever own.
Only recently reactivated my PS3 to play Persona 5.
I got bored of Sony with the PS2, which led me to go over to Nintendo with the GameCube, and I've stuck with Nintendo ever since... but if I was to get a second console, I would probably go back to Sony... not for big name releases though... I'm more interested in some of the niche games that are only released on PlayStation.
They're a great combo, my XBOX hardly gets use sadly. Just nothing worth buying comes out these days
PC, 3DS & Switch are my choice, PS4 have some nice exclusives, but I can't justify it's price for a what I get. So GOG, Steam & Nintendo only, sorry Sony.
I own a xb1, switch and a PS4. Though I did just let my nephews borrow my PS4 and the xb1 is basically a halo 5 machine. Dunno how to properly balance multiple consoles and the switch is always with me due to it being portable. Also have a 3ds but haven't touched that thing since the switch came into my life.
i have PS4 for their exclusives, soulsbourne, horizon, uncharted, nier, and soon TLOU 2. So also covers my multi platform and where I play online. My PC is now unused for gaming and XBone has no exclusives worth having for me. Switch will effect game sales though as I would be more tempted in the future to pick up multi platform on the switch for portability
Well I own all the ninty consoles and handhelds, and I own every Sony console and handheld, and wouldn't touch and xbox with a ten foot pole.
However, since buying the switch I've barely touched the Playstation family
I got a Vita and a Wii U, best of both world and yes, console is dying.
I own all current consoles and for me it's more a PC to go with the Switch. If it's on console and it's not too graphically demanding, I'd love it on the switch due to flexibility on where I can play it. For everything else (and most shooters) I just prefer playing on a PC, because of more input choice and greater backward and forward compatibility, as well as being able to play on my laptop if I need to.
I agree (and own both a PS4 and a Switch).
I have a Switch, two 3DS units (EU and JP), a PC, and an Xbox One S... Don't really feel the need for a PS4...
Any moron with half a brain could have figured this out. That's why I never understood the fanboy rubbish that's constantly tossed around. I've never lived in a household that had just one console from a single generation - and I don't know anyone like that either. I've often seen PlayStation side by side with a Nintendo console as mentioned, but I do know Xbox & Nintendo are a thing too. Heck, I've SEEN PlayStation and Xbox - even though I don't understand it.
Got a Switch + PlayStation 4 myself, and several others from past generations. This article just echoes what I already knew and have been saying since day one.
@MasterGraveheart ps4s regularly go for $250 nowadays
I bought a PS4 and have a PC too. Not enough variety in Nintendo alone.
My Xbox One is now a mansion for cockroaches.
We've always had more than one console. At one point, we had GameCube, PS2 and Xbox. Now we have a Wii U and a Switch, but we've just bought an Xbox One S. Mainly for 4K, but also for some games.
I have a PS4 and a Switch, but since the Switch arrived I haven't started my PS4 once.
I buy everything, so that way I can play everything. Given the current gaming landscape my priorities go...
1.PC > best experience and widest variety of games
2.PS4 > for exclusive titles and superior "console exclusive" games
3. Now a tie between Xbox One and Switch, since they'll both have inferior versions of games on other platforms, and both only offer me exclusives now. Xbox possibly even less now since a lot of their exclusives are coming to PC. Scorpio might put it in 2nd place, for superior console exclusives, but my PC will still laugh at Scorpio.
I won't be buying a PS4.
Nope, I've got a PC.
He is right. I have a PC, PS4, Nintendo New 3DS and now a Nintendo Switch and I probably end up buying the upcoming Xbox Scorpio if it's priced right and still be cheapest way into buying a 4K Bluray player.
Jeez, I have a Switch, Wii U, 3DS, Xbox One and Xbox 360 that I have hooked up and use regularly. Not to mention all the older consoles that I save for playing on rainy days! Xbox is mostly for multiplayer gaming, Switch for single player, although I am trying to convince a few of my friends to buy one for Monster Hunter shenanigans!
I buy everything, but I must say the ps4/xbone combo are getting redundant when you have a PC (especially if Halo isn't your thing) and I'm feeling very burned out on both systems. At this point I don't feel like I own them because I like the systems themselves, but instead because I can't get many third party games anywhere else. If Switch or PC had a more level playing field (PC is close but where is my NHL EA?) and if PC had less DRM laden storefronts to jump through I wouldn't own either system at this point. Although I seriously doubt I'll be picking up the next MS system whatever it is. I do miss the Ps2/GC/Xbox days though. Way more choices and options on all three systems...enough that for the most part you could pick one system and get through the gen just fine. I remember the gc had decent enough (not the best in ever mind you) 3rd party support that I didn't get an xbox or ps2 until near the end of their life times (or halfway through the ps2's given its long lifespan). I just wish that devs and publishers would allow us to play what we want where we want (baring 1st party of course).
I haven't touched anything else since the switch came out though (well baring my Fighting game training on sundays). I've never been this enamored with a system before.
Nope. Nintendo makes unique titles I want to play, but even then I bought my Switch for only a few games. (Zelda is my only title at the moment, and Mario is the only game on my horizon.) I walked past the PS4 display at Costco, currently running about $250-ish, yesterday and barely glanced at it. Nintendo gives me all the games I want to play in little time I want to devote to playing video games.
I only have a switch. Soooo "Not really"
I already own a PS4 and Xbox One. I've always had at least one console with my Nintendo. I never had a PS2 but the Xbox had Buffy the Vampire Slayer as an exclusive. I had to have that
And they are right. I bought a PS4 after the Switch for some Sony Exclusives (The Last Guardian and Horizon), but all other multi and Nintendo exclusives (of course) will go to my Switch.
There's no way the XB1 Scorpio will be cheaper than a 4K Bluray player. I bet you can probably buy an Oppo for the same price, or less, than what Microsoft will charge for the Scorpio and an Oppo player has the absolute top-of-the-line scaler.
The cheapest 4K player is probably the XB One S if you consider the fact that it can also act as a gaming system.
Well ya, Nintendo and PS4 pretty much account for all my playtime.
Switch is pretty much my main console now, with 3DS and PS4 occasionally chiming in with a reply great game I don't wanna miss (like Fire Emblem Echoes and Persona 5).
X1 and PC and PSVR don't see much play atm, but they're always there just in case. Wii U and Vita are for back catalog
I got both too!
In my place, there are Wii, Wii U and PS2 Slim Japan standing together under my TV table (PS4 will be added later). But I treat Nintendo machines + PS2 (and PS1) as Primary consoles while PS4 will be treated as Secondary consoles.
So, in percentage Nintendo machines = 95 %, PS2 + PS1 = 90 % but PS4 will be 10 - 20 %. I still don't really like PS4 100 %, but fortunately I got a few good appropriate PS4 games.
He's impressed.
I simply wouldn't have enough time to play the PS4 along with my Switch so there's no point in me buying one really. Can't even find the time for all my Switch games as is. Haven't owned a Sony system since the PS2 but won't completely rule out buying one in the future I suppose, if they ever design a controller that isn't awful that is.
My other non-Nintendo home console is an Xbox One, thank you very much. When "This is for the players" translates to actual consumer-friendliness, we'll be in business once again; for now, the Xbox sales are where it's at.
I sold my PS4, because it was collecting dust. My switch took over as a handheld and home console.
If sony can convince me with E3 i might consider (or maybe the scorpio)
@SegaBlueSky @OorWullie
Hahaha, I'm well aware. I've been thinking about getting a Dreamcast for... well over 10 years by now. Thing is, I'd simply be buying it for a handful of games and with the backlog I already have (and can't seem to get rid of), it just doesn't make much sense. But believe me, there will come a day it'll stand besides my other consoles.
(Also, love the analogy, but I actually prefer I to III over IV......)
I have a PS4 and a Switch you need multiple consoles to get more variety
Even if Nintendo got all the 3rd party multi platform games PlayStation still has some of the best exclusives for console gaming
They have a valid point. Consoles having exclusive games, friends having different consoles. Some people just like to have more different experiences. I still play my 360 all the time but when friends come round the switch is obviously the first choice. I'll be having a scorpio next to my switch when it's out, but they'll both get the love they deserve.
These days, my PS4 is mostly used as my Vocaloid box while exercising on the treadmill (Project Diva: Future Tone is sooooo good), and the occasional wander into the realm of VR.
And Persona 5 was pretty great! Definitely a game worth playing for the story and atmosphere, if you can swallow a story-driven game that will definitely break the 100-hour mark.
Having multiple systems as gaming options is definitely good for variety.
This is my situation: my PS4 and Switch sit side by side. Although since getting a Switch I've hardly touched my PS4 for games - it's more of my multimedia player.
Yeah, I have a PS4 along with my Nintendo collection. He aint kidding that many of us have at least two brands of gaming systems. Fitting how this topic came up, because a PS4 will have an E3 week price drop to $250 Ive read.
Yep, my next console purchase will be a PS4 Pro. I have a Switch, WiiU, PS3, New 3DS set-up.
I'm just rocking my N3DS at the moment... will grab a Switch once I'm through the twenty-odd games I'm yet to play on that... so 2020!? Haha.
Might grab an X Box One S (if it's around again in grey/black) but as an affordable 4k Blu-ray player... (would have a dabble with 1 or 2 games but that's it)... I mean, I just don't have the time to play that many games, I'm not sure how anyone else does!
@AirElephant Ofcourse I will be interested in the Scorpio itself as well and then get a good 4K bluray player as bonus, since 4K is going to be sellingpoint of Scorpio, so I expect some good scaling capabilities.
Right now, if you want to buy a good 4K bluray player like from Panasonic, I have to buy the top model which costs around 700 bucks.
So if the Scorpio is going to be below that, I am happy.
I do have a PS4 (and an Xbox One, although that was a mistake). PS4's library is superior to the Switch's at the moment. After all, it's had 3 1/2 years to accumulate games. But I honestly think if Mario Odyssey is as good as it looks, Switch will be the better system by 2018, and then there are several more years of upcoming games. I can't wait to see Switch become an ever more worthwhile investment.
My years of gaming have been this...nes/snes/n64/gb only. Then pc/GC/ds, Then pc/wii/ds. Then pc dies and I buy PS3/3ds/Wii. Then Wii/Wii u. Then Wii U/ PS43ds, Now Wii U/switch/3ds/PS4 unplugged most of time or in 15 year olds room. PS4 is for rocket league now for me. Sorry Sony. Your right, I own and don't use my PS4 which is why I traded my 3 towards a Wii U. I play the occasional AAA game but it's always for $16 of eBay and never new.
I'm one of the rare gamers who plays on Xbox One S, PlayStation 4, Nintendo devices and PC. I think, however, that he is right. Who gets a Xbox over a PlayStation? Somebody who makes poor decisions that's who.
I do own a PS4 and Switch. PS4 library is unbeatable, but Switch is a Nintendo console, so it's amazing for the Nintendo games.
Main TV: Switch, WiiU, Xbox One, X360
Gamesroom: Atari Flashback7, modded NES mini, N64, Dreamcast, GC ready Wii, PS2, Xbox with all NES, SNES, and Genesis. Used to have an NES, SNES, and Genesis but became redundant. PC with even more games and emulators. A gameboy, a 3DS, and a New 3DS.
I have a PS4, PS Vita, New 3DS and a Switch! Portable is a big thing for me. I don't play on the PS4 at all because I don't have time.
PC and Switch (or Switch and PC) for me. Unlike the PS4, my PC has games that I care about.
I actively game on Wii U, PS4, and PC. I won't get a Switch until it has more games I want. And once tired of playing the Wii U, which will be a while yet.
I would love a PS4 but the Scorpio interests me and so does the 4K Blu-ray playback of the latest Xboxes. I also don't play games at home too often so not sure I can justify any of them. Besides, I still have a rather large backlog for my Switch, Wii U, 3DS, Wii, Gamecube, N64, SNES, PS3, PS2, Vita, PSP, Dreamcast, Genesis, Master System, PC, Lynx...
He's right. My PlayStation one is next to my Nintendo 64
I've been buying both since 1997
I´ve been owning only Nintendo consoles since the very first beginning with the NES. I had all except the Gamecube and the WiiU. The Nintendo concepts of their consoles have always appealed more to me and my children than the competitors. The competitors are only aiming for powerful graphics and offer fewer games for children. The 1st Party offerings from the competitors isn´t much and is probably very weak in comparison to Nintendos. Playstation has good 3rd Party support which Nintendo lacks since long, it had tempted me to try out the Playstation for a console-generation instead of Nintendo and there is no way I would invest in 2 consoles at a time due to more costs and more time dedication and to organize that with a family and all. I skipped the WiiU bcuz of the lack of 3rd Party but more so bcuz of the lack of quality 1st Party from Nintendo. Now I`ve taken the risk with the Switch, the new Zelda was too tempting and I`m hoping Nintendo has learned and will bring out more quality 1st Party games than for the WiiU combined with better 3rd Party support. Else it might be my last Nintendo console, may aswell be the last video-console at all. To see Nintendo lose the long-run competition again against playstation and xbox then I guess there won´t make any more sense to stay loyal to Nintendo once again since they will never get that full support back like in the SNES days which we so much miss as Nintendo fans
I have a PS4 which is still getting a lot of use since completing BOTW. I tend to use the Switch for times when I have 15 minutes spare. Which means I spend a lot more time gaming these days.
Looking forward to a nice long wait in the Dentist's waiting room tomorrow.
I own a PS4, Switch and Vita.
The PS4 has been out for the better part of four years and the Switch is only now nearing six months, so it's only natural that most people bought a Switch in addition to and after their PS4. If you want a real comparison, judge PS4 Pro owners against the Switch install base (and even then it's not exactly clear cut because a ton of PS4 Pro owners had a regular PS4 first).
He is right my ps2 is in the loft with numerous Nintendo consoles.
I certainly won't. It'll be enough just to get a Switch.
and then maybe pick up a second hand PS3 to play Persona 5.
What i mean is.. the Switch needs to be the dominating console this generation, for themselves to survice to the competition, to keep me as a loyal customer and to many others who thinks the same. I´m pretty sure if the Switch doesn´t win, Nintendo will bring out one more console which then will sell maximum the WiiU numbers and then Nintendo will leave the console market and start something else really Niche only Nintendo stuff
If I hadn't already gotten an Xbox One, and if I had more interest in exclusives aside from Horizon Zero Dawn, I'd probably agree.
I mean, I mainly got Xbox One for backwards compatibility and Rare Replay, as well as games that won't run on my computer. The backwards compatibility (for me, anyway) is the slight edge the One has over the PS4.
I find it crazy that people are still derogatory about different platforms. I have a PS4 and Switch and between them, I get most of the games I want. There are great games on all platforms, it is only a case of whether you like them enough to play them over another platform. What matters to me is that there ARE differences in gaming experiences to justify having more than one. Sony has some great exclusives, Nintendo has some great exclusives.
From these comments it is clear that a lot of gamers have a diverse catalogue of systems and since PS4 is the biggest seller this generation, it makes sense that many do have a PS4 and Switch.
@timson72 pretty much the same for me! The only game I own on PS4 is uncharted 4. I played it... and now I'm considering selling it... but I may hold out for Star Wars battlefield 2 unless of course it comes to the switch!
I don't feel the need for PS4 right now, but I think I will buy it sooner or later at least to try Bloodborne, Eyes of heaven and the new God of war. I think that Switch can absolutely be a satisfying console even alone on its own, and if I will buy a PS4 it will be more like an extra for me rather than something I really need, but aside from that I think what he said is true. I don't think that Switch is a direct rival toPS4 and Xbox One because of the differences in the exclusives and in many of the most important games. It all depends on your taste because they are too different to compete directly. And I think that owining a Sony and a Nintendo console is a great combination if you want different kind of games. Back in the Gamecube and Wii days I also had a PS2 and I really loved all of them. I bought a PS3 too but that one was really disappointing for me. I liked PS2 and PS1 so much more and that's why I don't have high expectations about PS4 (this and the fact that I already know many of its games are just not for my taste :/ )
Think again, Sony. Not in a million years. The default combo was once Wii360, currently it's Wii U/3DS and it will some day be Switch One, or One S, but no Sony vampire will ever cross the threshold of my doorstep, or else it'll be staked and burned...
I'd sooner buy a Sega Dreamcast. Oh wait, I already got one of those gems...
As much as I like consoles I just don't have that kind of money. For now it's Nintendo consoles & buying controller-friendly games on Steam.
I have never started my PS4 to play games since the Switch came out. I'm looking forward to the next Star Wars and The Last of Us games, which unfortunately will never see a Nintendo release. So yes, owning a PS4 and a Switch seems like the best way to catch all relevant games.
Gaming PC + Nintendo (of whatever variety) is the real dream team.
@Masticore Why does Nintendo have to "dominate" to survive? That's like saying Microsoft are going to quit the console market because Xbox is "only" selling a third of what PlayStation does. If it's a profitable venture and has enduring fan appeal, there's nothing wrong with cutting out a sizeable niche.
He's right, the Switch is not enough. It's missing so many features. However, I have a Wii U taking care of Switch's misses, so I don't need a PS4.
My PS4's on the fritz so Switch is getting all my attention :/
He is right. I have both consoles and zero regrets. Xbox is the one not needed. Even with Scorpio out X1 is just inferior in terms of exclusives games. But of course if your definition of gaming is shoot people and drive cars then X1 is for you.
Fully handheld base. Switch is main and PS4 is more like a supplementary instead.
This is in response to the poster few comments at the top
& if your house needs a big black door stop you can be 3 console home with xb1
I have a PS4 to play Uncharted. Gotta have me some Nathan Drake.
The PS4 is a monster of a format. It has an incredibly varied selection of great games (and certainty that it'll continue into the future), it's keenly priced, fully featured and well marketed. It'll deservedly become the best selling console of all time.
Personally I have limited time though and the games I really want to play are Nintendo's so I don't need a PS4.
Plus off-TV/handheld play is an absolute necessity for me - I'll never buy another console that ties me to the TV because I don't get enough time infront of the TV to justify it.
I think it makes a lot of sense for those who want to consoles to have a PS4 along with the Switch.
Eh... It's a no-brainer to consider the obvious. Before Nintendo and Sony there were Atari and Colicovision, Nintendo and Sega. And so on...
I own both, but the PS4 remains only by the skin of it's teeth as I need to have NHL and I can't play it on Switch.
Me too.
My Primary gaming is Nintendo, especially 3DS & NDS for handhelds + Wii + Wii U + Gamecube for consoles.
Switch will be treated by me more like handhelds rather than tied on TV.
I would love to have both but I just have switch because im young and still need a car. Anyways he right
jup, true for me
100% Nintendo home right here, baby.
I don't have enough time for both, so I've been chossing Nintendo since Wii / DS. I just have a PSP to scratch my PlayStation itch.
I played alot of Destiny and The Division. Other then that, my PS4 has become an expensive Netflix machine.
Never owned a PS and never will own one most likely but it is good to see that competitors are acknowledging each other. The game fanbase should really learn something from that.
I had all my Nintendo systems sitting side by side including the Switch so whenever I want to play one I just had to pop in a game. The come and gone third party consoles like Genesis, Dreamcast, Saturn, PS2, PS3, PS4, Xbox, Xbox 360, Atari Jaguar, Steam Machine, Ouya, and 3DO got some play for a while but most are pretty much dormant at the moment as there's nothing else to go back and play on those except the Sega ones, those are still enjoyable. I can always return to playing Nintendo and Sega games from time to time, not really the same with the other ones.
Bought a PS4, played it, cried, upgraded my PC, PS4 became useless, sold the PS4 to buy a switch. I am happy now.
Still own PS1 and PS3 so there actually is and will be a playstation next to my switch. Owning a PC, I see no point buying a PS4 unless the exclusives catalog grows a lot and the games never reach the PSNow.
PS4 is worth owning for all of the fantastic Japanese exclusive support it has been getting. Until those important exclusives move to PC or Switch, the PS4 will have a place in my home.
PS3 wasn't really worth owning, though. Never bought one.
Yep he's right in my case. Have a PS4 and will get a Switch soon...
Nintendo at heart, Sony for the rest, makes sense, and officially I am now one of those he's referring to
No surprises really as both consoles are the best places to play, my PS4 and Switch sit side by side on my shelf certainly the best of both worlds.
Man, XBO has really been sidelined this year so far. No big exclusives thus far, and most 3rd party content has performed much better on PS4 due too PlayStation marketing deals.
PC + Nintendo.
PC for mainstream stuff and Nintendo for the actual great stuff.
I was basically a PC only gamer for a long time but games got worse and worse.
Today one of the few companies that still produce great and innovative experiences is, to me, Nintendo.
And the PC is, for the few multiplats I want, still the best system. In almost every regard.
He might not be off the mark in my case depending on what Nintendo decides to do. If they choose to not create a successor to the 3DS and only focus on the Switch (which wouldn't be a bad move), I may very well end up getting a PlayStation at some point.
It'll probably be the PS5 at the rate I'm going, tbh.
There is no way whatsoever that the PS4 will become the best selling console of all time. None. The PS2 will remain that champion for the foreseeable future. It sold 155M units when consumers had far fewer gaming choices. The PS4 has sold roughly 60M so far, but it has to contend with smart phones, Steam, and other entertainment options. It's never going to come close to the PS2, ever.
If I was going to buy another console ( and no point at the moment as can't afford it, don't have time and rarely get the tally) I'd get a Xbox one for my games with gold and achievements.
pfft, my other console is a WiiU...though I have a 360 I haven't turned on in years, but I'm very happy with my Switch, so please make all games for Switch
Sounds right to me. I ensure to get my Nintendo console, and then fetch my "supplementary" console when it provides game I care for (read: KH3).
Since the 360, I've been Xbox + DS/3DS. I have a dozen other consoles, but those two got the most playtime. Nowadays, I have an Xbox One which has only been used for Fallout, XCOM, Witcher, now is just an Overwatch machine, and my 3DS has grudgingly gotten put aside for the Switch.
Until now, I've always only had one current-gen console. NES over Sega, SNES over Genesis, PS1 over N64, PS2, 360, X1. The Switch fits the "second console" slot so perfectly for me, but I don't think I'd like it to be my only current console.
For the record, I do wish I had a PS4 over the Xbox at this stage. It was a gift though, so I'm quite happy with it.
@AirElephant the PS4 has gotten to 60 million faster than the ps2 did so theres that. I dont think its likely it passes the ps2 but would hardly say its impossible even considering the current tech landscape.
We'll have a handshake bet. I'll stand by the idea that the PS4 won't catch it. I just don't think the audience is there anymore. I think that a large segment of the gaming audience has moved on to more casual games and that the console gaming market has shrunk. We'll check back in a couple more years.
@AirElephant like i said I personally dont think it will but the fact that it has sold more life to date is interesting to say the least
I quietly have picked up just about every system released in the past 10 years. 3DS, then Wii U, then PS4, then N3DS XL, then Vita, then Xbox One, and now a Switch. Only 2 I bothered looking for at release were my 3DS and Switch.
I got all 3, but if I were to pick 2, it be PS4 and Switch.
not interested in a PS$ or xBox one. only Nintendo systems for me.
my sister used to have a PS2 but i never used it. one reason being that she only had the DDR games for the system.
Honestly if you aren't a PC gamer and don't have a Halo affliction, Switch and PS4 together is the way to go. You pretty much cover all your gaming needs. Throw in a 3DS for good measure and boom, Bob's your Uncle.
I can't see myself using my switch as a dedicated machine. At home games like tekken 7, overwatch, horizon, tales of berseria, etc all dominate my time. The hope of me getting a 3rd party title especially an online title for the switch just seems like a ridiculous proposition. On the go my back log of vita RPGs just and 3ds titles just make it even more unlikely. Toting my switch around seems more of a chore than a benefit.
So I'd say it is fulfilling neither need at the moment. I don't even seen that changing as more games become available. I can see myself using it more portably at some point once my 3ds and vita games run out and more switch games are released. I just don't see it winning me over with the size of ps4s player base, features, and potential to play games the switch can't or on a level the switch can't reach. Dragon Quest heroes is one such example. Sure I could deal with it's graphics on the go, but I want the power of the ps4 when at home. In that scenario I would have gotten the vita version if cross save and cross trophies were a thing. The switch makes it more convenient to do that sort of thing, but I'm not looking to sacrifice performance especially after getting on with a ps4.
I want a PS4 besides my Switch indeed. But I still have a huge Steam backlog so now is not the time. Since PS5 will for sure be backward compatible I might sit this generation out. Once the PS5 comes out (end of next year I think), there won't be a whole lot of games available that will make good use of the hardware. That's the time to buy a whole bunch of PS4 games for cheap Uncharted 4, Horizon Zero Dawn, The Last Guardian etc.
Switch and Gaming PC, that is what we do at my home anyway.
(and about 5 Nintendo 3DS's )
Well, they're wrong (in my case) since I own only one console (purposefully excluding my PS Vita here) each generation and this one Switch has gotten the golden spot. No PS4 for me (for good or ill) and so far, the only game I'll really miss is the next God of War.
I own both PS4 and Switch, there's a lot of good PS4 titles out there I've enjoyed. I just hope switch could get even half the 3rd party support PS4 gets, because I'd love to have a lot of these games with the option of on the go with the switch.
@Menchi187 Yes. the title of the report is quite misleading. People will first buy a PS4 and then a Switch, for gaming on the go.
@iammikegaines multi plat games I get on pc
Yes and no. My spouse and I both exclusively game on the Switch. Prior to this we were both PC gamers, we since parted out our gaming machines. Our son games exclusively on his X1, however when that inevitably breaks he wants to move to the PS4. so in that sense this article is correct on a per household basis.
Mmm, no thanks.
Almost no interest in PS4 or Xbox One personally. Last Sony console I owned was PS2 & last/only Microsoft console was Xbox 360.
I've had my PS4 and Switch since their respective launches...so yeah, I think he has a point.
I don't think he's wrong at all. I definitely plan on getting both a ps4 and a switch because unfortunately Nintendo doesn't make enough of the games/genres that I'm interested in. (Mainly 1 v 1 technical fighters like guilty gear, story based HOME console rpgs, and character action games)
"When you look at our numbers, I think it shows that a lot of gamers are a two-console family. And ideally, those two consoles are PC and Nintendo sitting side-by-side."
Fixed that for him.
In all reality, I don't think he's wrong, but given the state of PS4 exclusives, I'd MUCH rather invest in a solid gaming PC to supplement my Switch than shell out the same amount of money or more for a PS4/PS4 Pro. I'm sure I'm splitting hairs, but for my money I think the PC+Switch combo is the one to beat, and I've been hearing much the same sentiment around the internet of late.
@Menchi187 Happy to be a part of the .01%
I only have Nintendo consoles: NES Classic, Gamecube, N3DS, Wii, Wii U, Switch. If I was to buy a PS4 it would only be for NHL2018, Madden 2018, and car racing... these are absent on the switch as of yet. Though there's no technical reason for this to be true, I really enjoyed Need for Speed on the Wii U... I'm hoping these games will get on the Switch so I won't have to even think about buying anything else.
There are so many amazing games that come out on Nintendo consoles, for the most part I find there is simply no reason to consider another system.
As it is I have too many games to play.
That's a great combo, I have the same plus i have 3ds, GBA, Sega saturn. Your vita isn't dead yet mate, it still has loads of games coming this year and many announced for next year, games will still be coming to it 2 years from now, actually 2 more games were announced for it today, that says it all really.
Looks over at GameCube, WiiU, Switch and PS4 Pfft, nonsense. Where'd they get that idea from?
I guess so? I only just got a PS3 when the PS4 came out. I'll probably get around to getting a PS4 eventually but Switch is taking up all my time for now.
lol I'll have a PC and Switch, but not two consoles. I don't understand why you would do that. I have my PC for school work and games on steam and some other stuff, and my 2ds and Switch for Nintendo and some Third Party games along with Nvidia Shield for the apps. Don't see why you would want PS4 or XBOX with that...
For this generation i'm currently running Xbox One and Switch, i'm also planning on getting a new gaming PC by the end of this year.
I'm also curious to see what Microsoft has in store for the Xbox Scorpio, If I'm not impressed I'll just be sticking with my Xbox One.
PC, Switch and 3DS. This more than covers me for almost the whole range of games styles, excepting only the ultra-high-end graphics monsters which aren't really my thing.
I'm not opposed to PS4 per se, it's just superfluous for me. I already have more games than I can really play.
Well, if you have a high-end PC it actually outclasses anything PS4 will ever achieve in terms of graphics.
I've been a fan of all brands over the years: owned a PS1/2, Xbox 360, etc. And they all have their good exlusives, but nothing seems quite as efficient as PC+Nintendo for my personal tastes.
I love that Devs are realizing PC's potential as well. I got rid of my PS1 because all the games I was keeping it for have since been released on Steam where you can use mods and don't have to use the PS controller (which I can't stand).
Anyone remember Microsoft touting Wii60 when the Wii was taking off?
Not that this is the same thing. And I think he's right to some degree.
He got me. I have a PS4 PRO. And of course I have a Switch! I'm surprised he realised I'll never get an Xbox though.
I can agree with what Sony said. For my tastes, the PS4 and Switch basically have me covered for 99% of games I'm interested in. I get third party + exclusives on the PS4, and then the Switch has the Nintendo first party covered. The Switch is also the main portable now as well, mainly to play in bed.
The Switch isn't a main console for me. Online is many years behind the others. The number and type of games is very small. My Switch will be used for the one or two great Nintendo games a year. Zelda was awesome, but my Switch is collecting dust now like the WiiU.
Exactly what I did... After getting the switch and finishing Zelda... I decided to finally buy a PS4 as I understood I would never see many of the big games such as dark souls, fallout, MGS, etc... on switch. Easy analysis IMO.
I think this is true, despite always being a Nintendo fan I've always gotten the PlayStation of each generation, mainly because both systems had their own kind of unique games. Loved Locoroco, Katamari and Patapon on PS3, but also Nintendo franchises like Mario, Kirby and Animal Crossing.
@UnseatingKDawg I bought an xbox oneS for rare replay also. Sold my ps4 when I found out about the 4pro but now I think im going to wait for the scorp. I like some of the ps4 games but I hate the ps4 controller. xbox and switch pro controller rock.
I have everything but a PS4. I play Xbox mostly because I much prefer it's controller (as Xbox makes my favorite contollers). After Nintendo and Xbox went with offset sticks they ruined the Play Station controller for me. Xbox has sucky exclusives but has some neat games like Ori and the Blind Forest and Rare Replay is pretty awesome. I never got to play Conker's Bad Fur Day on the 64 so that was an experience.
Sounds like sony thinks we're all rich. There's no way my family can afford that. I don't have any friends with 2 consoles either.
@hendie001 I can agree with that. I don't hate PS4 or the controller, but I'm much more comfortable using an Xbox One or Switch Pro controller. Not to mention, a compilation of 30 games (most of which were on Nintendo consoles) plus a good price tag ($250 at the time) were pretty enticing. Only problem I'm having now is that either Microsoft or SEGA are taking their sweet time in making Sonic Adventures 1 & 2 as well as Sonic Unleashed backwards compatible.
@redd214 I'm speaking launch price. I know the price has come down.
I could see that happening easily enough. I eventually got all 3 major consoles from the last gen and enjoyed them all, but favored PS3 the most. Though, Wii was a close 2nd and I just, um . . . lost interest in anything Xbox.
However, BECAUSE of favoring the PS3 I have an embarrassingly large backlog for it. So with no true PS3 backwards-compatibility on the PS4 yet (if ever), I'm in no rush to upgrade, but am not opposed to it either.
All that being said, I'm too happy with the Switch right now to care very much.
Getting both is about $550 now assuming you get the ps4 slim. Not bad considering one ps3 used to cost $599 USD .
Honestly Nintendo has more than enough games for me. I never fail to bust my back-log. Glad they're taking it a bit slower this year, even though there's still games I want I haven't gottne.
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