When you remake something creative from the past, who is your audience, exactly?
We ask because if you were to stray too far from the source material, you run the risk of alienating the impassioned people who most identify with the original. But on the other hand, if you stick too close to the old formula, well, are you really even adding anything to the conversation? And who wants to play the exact same game again, anyway?
That fine line was on this writer's mind as we inched up to play Sonic Mania, a retrofitted, 2D Sonic the Hedgehog title releasing on the Nintendo Switch on August 15th.
The absolute foundation of Sonic Mania, from the marketing to the art direction and, of course, to all of its gameplay, is that of nostalgia on steroids. At a quick glance, the game appears indistinguishable from the original four titles released during the Sega Genesis era, which is a feat in and of itself. It wasn’t until we got up close to the screen that we really began to notice the minor differences.
On my first go around we got to pick between Green Hill Zone and a desert-like zone called Mirage Saloon Zone. For the purposes of first impressions, Green Hill seemed like the way to go. Our second choice was to pick Sonic over Tails and Knuckles, then we immediately got dropped into Stage 2. Hold right to run, press “A” to jump - simple as that.
First let’s talk about what wasn’t different: the physics of Sonic Mania are borderline carbon copy to the original titles, and more specifically, Sonic The Hedgehog 2 onwards. If you’re someone (such as this scribe) who happens to think the originals’ physics inform virtually everything about what made those classic games fun: rejoice! Sonic Mania felt right.
This familiarity is in large part is due to the involvement of serial Sonic the Hedgehog porters Christian Whitehead and Simon Thomley, who in conjunction with Pagodawest Games, meticulously recreated that original physics engine and many other of the old games’ original assets. But more on that importance later.
Okay, back to the game’s subtle differences to the originals: Sonic Mania thrives on the general principle that your brain will always misremember the past in more flattering ways. Even though they seem identical, Sonic on the Genesis nor even the Saturn ever looked quite as fluid as this game. Sonic’s upward looking animation is just oh-so-smoother. No, there is no lag when you get hit by an enemy. You can burn wooden objects with your fire power-up. And instinct tells us that Sonic doesn’t seem to slow down quite so much on hills when he has no traction, either.
To those who value complete consistency in their homages, let us stress to you that all these miniscule changes were wise moves. Sonic Mania, from what we’ve seen and played so far, looks and feels fantastic in regards to creating a satisfying, retro feel. Any tiny changes we sensed are certainly in line with what the original Sonic Team might have even done themselves.
Here’s another welcome change: the level was long! We don’t know if it was considerably longer than a typical Sonic level, but it genuinely took us the majority of time with the demo to get to the end of it, which for a barn burner stage like Green Hill Zone - where you can typically speed through it quickly - is actually saying something.
At the end, whether this was intentionally glib for the demo or not, the zone’s first boss ended up being the literal final boss from Sonic The Hedgehog 2. And maybe this writer's just bad at Sonic, but we wasted all of our lives trying to beat him. I do own a $175 Metal Sonic statue, so I’d like to think I’m pretty decent at Sonic games.
All that to say, it might be fair to consider this game somewhat harder than the average Sonic game. We’ll have to wait and see.
One other quick note. Unfortunately, the music seemed not quite as inspired as the project itself, seeming somewhere south of an average remix. It was only a couple of levels, so we’ll reserve judgement.
So with these impressions in mind, what is Sonic Mania, then? In fact, this is a game that’s riddled with Sonic in-jokes, like Knack the Weasel wanted posters and casual references to Sonic CD, yet simultaneously and unmistakably comes across as an impassioned labour of love with a ton more to offer than just self aggrandizement.
“As far as I’m concerned, it goes Sonic 1-3, Knuckles, and then Sonic Mania”, Aaron Webber told us in a meeting after the demo, PR for SEGA and famous “@Sonic_Hedgehog” Twitter account holder.
Webber describes Sonic Mania as largely new, though homage in spirit, and most definitely not parody. The full game is set to feature many classic zones from previous Sonic titles, but even the classic zones were described to me as keeping to a formula of refresher course during stage 1, then complete reimagining for stage 2. All the while, new zones are in tow, though the exact ratio was left vague.
If it can possibly be that a game can reference its own past as frequently as Sonic Mania does while still doing enough to elevate its source material, then perhaps Webber may be correct in his placement of Sonic Mania into canonized status. We haven’t played it enough yet to know.
But even if not, maybe it’s still been a long enough wait to where playing those same games over again - in Mania form - might actually do the trick all the same.
Comments 45
Why u diss the music?
The more I see of this the more enthused I become about actually playing it.
The music is really quite solid from what I have heard so far
You're literally the first person I've EVER heard complain about the music. The reactions I've seen basically everywhere else have been overwhelmingly positive.
What I've seen so far looks good.
The music is excellent, for me one of the best things about the game
Complaining about the music in a Sonic game is the last thing I expected.
Hear me out: the music in Sonic Mania wasn't "bad"...though to my ears they sounded a little bit like "muzak". A little too on the nose and not taking as bold of risks as the original titles did. Don't focus on that comment too hard.
It wasn't distracting, it just was a little bit cloying when held up to the standards of the original games, which this game obviously begs the player to constantly do.
I haven't played a Sonic game in twenty years. Since the only game I own on Switch right now is Zelda, I may just pick this one up when it's released. Sounds good.
The smoothness was a double-edged sword for me, when I played Sonic 2 on my tablet (don't worry, I used an actual controller) the game was essentially unplayable. I'm still unsure why, but it seems the higher refresh rate of my screen messes with the game, so instead of getting 60fps, I got something higher and as a result everything was faster, making jumps last less than a second.
I'm very excited for this game. As someone who used to love playing Sonic 3 with his friends and siblings as a kid, this game hits all the right notes. August 15th can't come soon enough.
@Pandaman You may want to dust off that pricey Metal Sonic statue, and replay some of the Classics.
"Knack" the Weasel's name is spelled Nack, or in some regions, localized as Fang the Sniper.
Out of the two games I think I am actually more excited for this one, largely due to me, like alot of people, being a huge fan on the original Genesis games. I played Forces at E3 and for what it is worth I felt that the physics in that game felt pretty darn good as well, and the lush graphics certainly helped too!
Literally cannot wait for this! So many fond memories playing the Mega Drive Sonic series.
Sonic was one off the games that solidified me as a gamer along with the wonderboy series. Now I will have both on my switch. Somebody pinch me, I think this is a dream.
@Knuckles I blame writing at 1am.
Literally cannot wait for this release. I have a five year old son who's favorite game series is Sonic because of 1-3.
looking good why no physical release
>Gets to the part about the music
"And who wants to play the exact same game again, anyway?"
Quite a lot of people actually, replaying games is something probably the majority of gamers do at some point if it was a good game. And if you meant pay to play the exact same game again... still not that uncommon given the popularity of things like Nintendo'a Virtual Console.
Insert baseless stereotypical complaint here
Insert comment about the music bit of the article just because everyone else is.
Happy to see the blue blur back in 2d, love the retro vibes this game is giving me. Releases a day after my birthday, this will be a gift to myself!
I'm glad Sega did this. This is what we wanted, a good old style Sonic game. This is day one for me, and it reminds me I should get some of the older Sonic games in the VC!
Glad 2 hear (mostly) positive first impressions here, at first I was far more interested in Forces>Mania and yet the hype for Mania is real now.
Does anyone know if you'll be able 2 go super in the game?
@Alpha008 Insert Triggered Reply with Explicitives here.
Ugh.. so freaking excited for this
@Dpishere Must not have played the switch version so. Confirmed 1080p/60fps on all platforms except switch, 720p/30fps
@AlienX you've not got your emulator working correctly.
I'll say, everything about Sonic Mania looks amazing already.
I wouldn't have minded seeing it as one of the 3DS's swan songs myself, personally, but I think the Switch port will do just as fine.
And the music is inspired by Sonic CD, more specifically the JP/EU version of the soundtrack, which is and will always be a plus.
(If you're mad at me for the last point, remember - the US soundtrack lacked consistency with the past stages not getting an alternate BGM, so there's that.)
@Menchi187 Actually no I haven't and by doing some research it seems like you are probably right. Disappointed it doesn't run as silky smooth as the Xbox/PS4 versions but I guess that is to be expected on weaker hardware. Having it portably could be worth it to some people though.
I can't wait to play this game. The thing I like the most in this article is is how it says "Sonic 1-3, Knucles" without explicitly mentioning Sonic 2 lol. I absolutely love Sonic 1, I like Sonic 3, Sonic & Knuckles and Sonic CD, but I really dislike Sonic 2. I take it as a good omen lol
@Pandaman Just wanted do say that this article is fantastically written. I love your style.
I hope the other sonic games (1,2,3,K) get remastered for the switch.
Really enjoyed this preview, sounds like Alan really gets what made the originals so great. Can't wait to play this for myself but the preview made me feel like I almost had my hands on the controller. Great stuff.
It looks good, but I'm more interested in Forces myself. 2D Sonic is undeniably a great formula, but I've played so much of it, going all the way back to Game Gear, and I still have the collection on Gamecube getting occasional play.
i am really interested in getting the switch version of this. It just seems perfect for it in my opinion. As for Forces, framerate difference will lead me to invest in one of the other consoles. I dont mind potentially 720p, but i do mind frame rate on gameplay. Generations is so much better on PC for that reason.
@Knuckles Whoa look at you go! You must own old Archie comic runs of Sonic and co.
So excited for this one. It's been, what, 20 years since our last REAL Sonic game? And in that time we thought we'd never see another!
I just REALLY wish my massively overpriced collector's preorder actually came with the game....
Collector's edition preordered. Now we wait.
@HyliaReborn I don't, a shame too since they are excellent comics.
@YANDMAN The 2013 version of Sonic 2 is not an emulator, but an enhanced remake.
There are quite a few switch games I am looking forward to this year.
sonic mania
sonic forces.
mario odyssey
fifa 18
rocket league
ocean horn
the new wonderboy game hopefully 2017 release.
by the end of the year there will be so amazing switch games to play. After 4 years of disappointment with the wii u. I am a happy nintendo gamer again.
@AlienX That was a joke.
The biggest problem with "Sonic 4" is that the physics are off too much. I'm glad to hear this game doesn't have that problem.
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