French studio Kylotonn is hard at work on its latest rally title WRC 7, which is due to arrive on PS4, Xbox One and PC later this year. However, it would seem that many within the company are fans of the Switch, and game director Alain Jarniou has stated that he and his team are investigating development on Nintendo's new console.
Speaking to Red Bull, Jarniou said:
Just like Nintendo used to do, with the Switch they’ve provided us with a new way of playing, and it’s very interesting. We are looking into this new platform to see how it can fit for our games in general. Everything is possible and WRC 7 might come out on the Switch if we find good matches with the game experience.

Technically, the device is quite different to other platforms. It’s exciting to see what’s behind it and what kind of possibilities it provides. We are expecting good surprises! In terms of usage, it’s also something quite new; gameplay will surely need some adaptation, but that is a good opportunity to rethink the driving experience.
Driving a rally car while on the bus can be fun, for sure!
The Switch already has some excellent racing titles in the form of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Fast RMX, but is there room for a more realistic experience on the system? Do you think a title like WRC 7 would find an audience on Nintendo's machine? Let us know by posting a comment below.
Comments 50
We need project cars on the switch :/
Their WRC games are poo.
Project cars would be much better. But at least if tWRC comes to the Switch we can really see how Nintendo fans behave with multiplat racing games.
Would love a rally game on Switch but I haven't heard great things about this series. Would love a Dirt game though. Or bring back Sega Rally!
If this comes to the console it would be a boost to show other developers, provided they don't create a crap version.
"gameplay will surely need some adaptation"
Yeah those missing analogue triggers are a crux for racing sims.
This would be more than welcome. WRC 6 was supposed to be a big improvement over previous versions so maybe they'll get it right with 7.Dirt Rally would definitely be preferred though.
In Gran Turismo (from part one through six) I have always preferred using the right stick for acceleration and braking, mostly due to the fact that I found it more precise and easier to hold a thumb stick in the exact position I wanted as opposed to trying to do so with analogue triggers, which are thus not a must for me. True, headlook will not be an option for the right stick then, but then I only ever use that while standing still, because I felt it confused my steering when doing it in the middle of the race...
I think it would be a nice opportunity. It would set a lovely example for other third party developers.
I am beginning to feel that switch will have a good selection of third party games in the future.
Would love an arcade style rally racer
I wonder how many copies the 3DS game sold. I don't think that many, and you can't even find a review of it online, even from this site! This studio also developed the last WRC (5) on the Vita, so they can definitely make a handheld version that works.
@JunkRabbit I could never get on with using the analogue stick for acceleration in GT.
Tbh I'm more a fan of arcade racers where you can just go with 100% acceleration and only use the brake to drift. Sims like Project Cars require analogue acceleration however. Pedals and wheel would be great for the Switch, but not so great for playing undocked, it will be interesting to see if they can come up with a compromise that works.
....which is why I felt compelled to submit a reader review to Metro's GameCentral last week:
Whilst it's no masterpiece, it's certainly deserving of some kind of appraisal. I hope my review will help others decide whether it's worth playing or not.
I have WR6 on my PS4 and I really enjoyed it.
After Mario games I have to say Racing games are probably my favourite genre of games so I would definitely buy this for the Switch.
If the switch starts to get more games like this I could maybe consider getting rid of the PS4
actually no ....... i'll need it for Gran Turismo Sport, Crash Banicoot and Micro Machines
More racing options besides Mario Kart and Fast Racing would be good.
More options can only be a good thing.
@Jamie_R Thank you for that! I played the demo too, and wasn't very impressed. I was between this and Ridge Racer 3D, but I eventually ended up buying WRC 4 for the Vita instead.
No problem. The Vita has a lot of decent racers so if you have one of those you're much better off ignoring the 3DS's offerings outside of Mario Kart 7.
Ridge Racer on the 3DS isn't great. The car handling is very "on rails". It's not a patch on earlier iterations. It becomes very fast and nearly impossible to control correctly. It just doesn't feel like you're driving a car.
@Jamie_R Well it's probably better than the Vita Ridge Racer, I got that for £5 on a PSN sale (the complete edition) and still hate myself for buying it, it's that bad.
@gortsi the 3DS version was a straight up Port of the mobile game. It was very bad!
Alot of developer heads turning. Accounting for 6-18 month port times starting this summer, by mid to late 2018 there should be some pretty decent 3rd party support on Switch
Yes, especially a Rally game would need carefully adjusting the gas, I'd say. No other option than the right stick then I believe. This will of course alway be a matter of personal preference. So far I haven't missed analogue triggers on the switch at all though.
I don't recall the Wii U having a Rally title at all. I love Rally games since Sega Rally Championship came out on Saturn. the beautiful artistic racing worlds they put you in is awesome! Bring it on!!
Sounds like it'll arrive later than other platforms, IF it happens. Still, I hope the Switch gets more realistic racing games. Love a good sim myself.
"gameplay will surely need some adaptation, but that is a good opportunity to rethink the driving experience."
I swear some devs get put off by this idea that they need to create motion controls and stuff. A realistic rally game should not be played with motion controls. If they wanted to bring it to Switch with some differences then cool but there is no possible reason they would NEED to, just give us a straight port and as long as it runs ok I would love it.
I think this is a good sign in that some developers are taking notice to how well Switch is selling, so it's making them think twice on if they want to skip the console or not.
Meh... !
Not interested at all with those Realistic graphics.
Better play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
Because I prefer Cartoonish than Realistic.
Btw, the trailer should play Eurobeat songs from Initial D like Night of Fire / De Javu / Beat of the Rising Sun / Speedway / Kingdom of Rock / etc to deliver gameplay trailer. You will feel like driving with Passion and Burning Desire.
Enjoyed dirt rally very much despite the rather hard difficulty. WRC looked more on the arcady side to me. But im still interested in WRC. Maybe its the perfect balance between realism and arcade. So why not?
@ScorpionMG Project cars is a broken game with weak gameplay and the sequel is on the way, why would we want the first?
I would buy it if it was half way decent. I've lowered my standard for a good racing game on a Nintendo platform.
@JunkRabbit unless Nintendo release JoyCon+ with GameCube style analogue triggers in preparation for GCN virtual console 🤞
More games can only be good. More options
The more the merrier; bring it!
It's my previous software house, though many people changed it's a talented developer. Also they have no competition there if they move fast enough. Wish them the best.
@JunkRabbit Ya know, I think that would work fine. I'm a huge fan of serious sim racers, and the lack of analog shoulder buttons had me thinking we wouldn't see any on the Switch.
So yeah, I'd love to see this brought over.
Yep I bought it and it was rubbish, wrc 4 on vita was better than 5. I love rally games but this ain't gonna show what the switch can do when it comes to racing games, I am sure better ones will come
For me it did indeed always work perfectly. If I remember correctly the first DualShock controller for PSOne didn't even have analogue shoulder buttons. It did come out alongside GT1, and they offered a control option for gas and brake with the right stick. What makes it so precise in my experience: To find the sweet spot you need for a particular corner you don't need to hold it only on the Y-axis and with nothing but air to guide you. Just keep pushing straight up, but veer a bit to the right or the left: this will move the stick downwards slightly due to the round edge of the stick opening acting as a guide, and because you'rte still pushing against the edge you can hold the position much better and edge it by the smallest amounts with great control... Has always worked so much better for me than analogue triggers (that came later). Back then it was either that for me or the Ne-G-Con (which was perfect for Ridge Racer and especially WipeOut by the way, but not so much for Gran Turismo).
WRC 5 wasn't a bad game by any stretch, and WRC 6 made some additional improvements that made it a pretty good one. I'd buy WRC 7 on the Switch just to play it on the go! But if they plan to I'd like an announcement BEFORE it releases on other consoles/PC.
I'm waiting...........I've been waiting for proper racing games for years.
@NintySnesMan yeah it's because they changed developers between 4 and 5. I don't mind, the more the merrier when it comes to games for the Switch!
Yes, more racing games!
Probally would not buy but any third party game is a welcome addition
@AcridSkull If you really cared so much about analog input, you would use the right analog stick instead of triggers since the sticks are literally 16 times more precise from center to outer edge than an analog trigger.
You can see this yourself by hooking up a controller to a PC. Certain hardware testing apps will show you the position of your analog sticks and triggers as a number. Triggers only have 16 positions that get measured, sticks have 256 from center to any edge.
If anything not having analog triggers will only be a good thing for realistic racing games by forcing people like you to finally find out how much better it is to use the right analog stick for throttle and brake.
Though to be honest, in a rally racing game, it's not as important unless you're on tarmac.
It's an issue of giving as much throttle/ brake as you can without breaking the limit of traction that your tires have so it's a much bigger issue when you're driving on tarmac with racing slicks.
WRC 4 for example used Vita's non analog triggers and it worked fine.
@timson72 Not this one from what I've heard. From many opinions I really trust, WRc 7 is a massive step up over WRC 6 or 5. I played 5 and I thought it was awful. Most people did but apparently they've made huge strides in making 7.
Hopefully it'll be up to par with WRC 4 or Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo. Both of those are brilliant.
@JunkRabbit You didn't just find it more precise, it is without a doubt factually more precise because it literally measures your inputs 16 times more than the triggers do.
I'm glad I'm not the only person who knows about this. Frankly it shocks me that people still use the triggers for throttle/brake in sim racing games. Even Driveclub is immensely better with the right analog compared to the Triggers.
@HugoStiglitz_420 all of those pale in comparison to Dirt Rally and Dirt 4,but I could never play a "sim" racing game without analogue triggers.
@HugoStiglitz_420 playing with the right analogue stick sucks.
@timson72 You obviously haven't played WRC 7. It's easily more realistic than Dirt 4 and arguably more realistic than Dirt Rally.
Plus, if you really cared about realism so much you'd play Richard Burns Rally which makes Dirt Rally seem like a bad joke.
Not to mention, using a controller is completely inferior to using a steering wheel, but we're talking about Switch here which unfortunately will probably never have wheel support.
@AcridSkull That's like saying using a steering wheel to play a racing game sucks or that watching videos in 240p is better than 4k. It's your opinion, but it still makes you a complete idiot for having it.
A FACTUALLY better method, is still better whether you're used to it or not. Just because you were too stubborn and stupid to acclimate to different controls doesn't change that fact.
@HugoStiglitz_420 you dont need to talk to me about realism,i play AMS,rFactor,A.C. and iracing on full wheel setup.
@HugoStiglitz_420 here's some facts for you kid:
1) Right stick for acceleration sucks.
2) You don't understand analogies.
3) Everyone is embarrassed for you, you're replying to comments from an article that's almost a year old.
4) You parents are deeply disappointed.
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