After the record breaking launch of Pokémon Sun and Moon, it seems that hype for the series has slowly died down somewhat as everyone holds their breath waiting for the next big Pokémon announcement. When Game Freak inevitably follows up on Sun and Moon—the name Pokémon Stars has been thrown around a lot—will it be another 3DS game or will it be developed for the Switch? Answers are still hard to come by, but it seems that Game Freak is still intent on supporting Sun and Moon for the foreseeable future, as a new update was just put out.
Version 1.2 is required to partake in any online battles, and it fixes a number of bugs and glitches that were present in the game until now. Here are the patch notes:
- Pokémon being unable to attack and switch when Sky Drop is used and when knocked out by damage done by Spiky Shield.
- A glitch in Poké Pelago when entering a new month.
- A rare case where the game ends after using an Evolution item as the last item in your Bag.
- Scatterbug sometimes not learning Egg Moves.
- Eggs sometimes being able to be given items.
- A glitch ending the tournament when pre-registered for an online Friendly Competition (e.g. entry gets canceled or the Battle Teams get unlocked).
Bear in mind that downloading this update will render obsolete any Battle Videos taken beforehand; you won’t be able to play or share them anymore.
What do you think? Are you still playing Pokémon Sun and Moon? What do you think the successor will be like? Drop us a comment in the section below.
[source 3ds.pokemon-gl.com]
Comments 29
Yeah a 3rd version of Sun/Moon would be pretty sweet, I though Sun & Moon were fantastic, especially after the subpar X & Y.
Yeah that update caught me by surprise as I was about to do some wonder trades tonight. I'll just have to take care of it soon
3rd version of sun and moon would have to be on the 3ds. Mainly cause the Switch can do sooooo much more, why release a 60$ third version of Sun and Moon with no real change? Also every 3rd version of a pokemon game has always been on the console as the other versions. Crystal for Gameboy, Emerald for GBA, and Platinum for DS.
@patbacknitro But all the other poke games had gyms, HM's, and a dedicated handheld. Things be different now. The times they are a changin'! Pokémon Eclipse, Switch edition I'm ready!
I'm deep into Pokémon again ever since Alpha Sapphire and the VC releases. I'm loving transferring my Red/Blue/Yellow into Sun and soon to be Moon when I start it finally.
With that being stated, yep. Still playing
@JTSRB a change in gameplay won't be a change in versions releasing on different consoles.
Am I still playing Pokemon Sun? Lol, no. I beat the main story right after launch and haven't been back since. The game was kind of a let-down. Much rather do my EV training and level 100 training in OR where I have all level 100 Blissey trainers in my secret base.
Great !
I will get the update after working time.
Btw, Sun + Moon = Eclipse ??
Still no National Dex though...
@Tsurii I mean yeah, Blissey Bases weren't the most fun thing in the world... but you could level up 6 Pokemon to level 100 in about 30 minutes so... Not sure how that's so tedious compared to every other game in the series. I'd say it was the least tedious way to level up to 100. The only faster method was the Poke Polego glitch in Sun/Moon, but it looks like that's being removed with this update. What makes this really bad is that Sun/Moon provides no other reasonable way to level up to 100 in this game. Beating the elite 4 about 60 times is a lot more tedious than any of the other methods we've had since X/Y came out.
@Tsurii Yeah, the Festival Plaza restaraunts will be the best way to get to level 100 now. Getting to level 50 is easy enough, and that's all you really need for 90% of the Pokemon you'd be training anyway. I think the problem there is that it's even less fun and more of a chore to use Festival Plaza to get the restaraunts. Blissey Bases were more straight-forward and simple.
Gen 7 is just disappointing to me, I guess. I feel like the competitive side is overcomplicated and unbalanced compared to gen 6, complicated due to all the new Z-Crystal moves and unbalanced due to having ultra beasts and Tapus being treated as regular Pokemon amd not legendaries... and the casual side is just nonexistent once you complete the story mode.
@Tsurii monotonous is the word
@patbacknitro Because playing a real Pokémon game on a handheld (Switch) with HD screen would be a dream come true!
The pokemon games on 3DS have always looked extremely bad resolution wise, like running half the resolution of what the screen is capable of.
If you compare the latest pokemon games to other 3DS games like Monster Hunter Generations, it looks like a pixelated mess. :-/
So playing the latest Pokémon in 720p glory would be fantastic!
Playing it less since buying my Switch, Stars can't come soon enough.
Hype kinda died down quickly for me. The post game didn't have an awful lot to it except some ultra beast missions. Still wished we'd get a battlefrontier..... Battle free is fun but feels repetitive.
@Tsurii Not when all the Blisseys held the Toxic Orb and only knew Healing Wish. They pretty much killed themselves. It was very easy to search for QR codes that only had those Blissey trainers.
@Jeronan Yes but why get a port for the switch when we could have a chance at getting a true 3D pokemon game, which may come in the near future as the Pokemon Company just hired a new team a few months back to work on a very popular RPG. They didn't say Pokemon, but what other famous RPG could they possibly mean.
@patbacknitro Because a port can buy time while they make a fully developed for Switch game. And just look at the Mario Kart 8 DX sales, it'll more then make moneys. XD
I'm just hoping that the rumored Diamond and Pearl remakes are not for 3DS. I'd rather much see my fav gen as good as it can look on the Switch... X3
Pal Lycanroc code for anyone who wants/needs
@patbacknitro Because such a game would be at least two years away still and not launch before 2019 earliest!
The Switch can really use more high profile games, not just endless indie titles and retro shovel ware with the occasional decent title!
There isn't really much coming after the summer other than Super Mario Oddysey and fire emblem warriors. The latter I could care less about.
Skyrim we still don't know anything about when it will release.
So that is just two major titles.
When it comes to E3. I don't hold my hopes up for any suprises for this year, since Nintendo already said the main focus on E3 will be Super Mario Oddysey and Splatoon2.
Why aren't people using the Poke pelago to level up while you sleep?
Although, I guess that glitch with resetting the internal clock to make the pelago instant-level got patched, so...
How many games has it been now where there is a glitch related to the move "Sky Drop" and it involving a Pokemon being unable to move? On a side note, while I'm glad they're attempting to fix bugs still, I haven't touched Moon version since I beat the main story last year. Hugely disappointing game that really shows that changing things up just for the sake of it, rather than implementing better ideas, doesn't make a game any better. Removing features that fans loved too certainly doesn't help either.
I just want Stars already
@Jeronan 'Because playing a real Pokémon game on a handheld (Switch) with HD screen would be a dream come true!' A dream come true you say? That resolution bump makes all the difference?
I really enjoyed Sun & Moon after starting the series with Gen 6. I had fun with X & Y but looking back it felt too easy and incomplete. ORAS was more polished but I found it rather boring and you could tell it took a few steps back to stay true to the original.
Sun & Moon was refreshing, fun, and more challenging for me. And it has a Pokedex you can actually complete if you're new to the series to get the shiny charm. Playing Battle Royal online with 4 players so you don't have to grind for a strong team for a chance to win and have fun. I enjoyed the story and having 2 clear rivals instead of all of the friends in X&Y. First Pokemon game I've fully enjoyed and makes me look forward to future titles. Only real downgrade is the lack of PSS. Shaking things up for one game with trials & SOS doesn't bother me. Gyms will obviously be back in the future.
@SanderEvers I'll stick to Yo-kai Watch cheers
I downloaded the update last night and then proceeded to play. There are still glitches in the game...most notably are sound issues. I discovered sound issues where the cringe worthy "Team Skull" rap music just cut out and then all sound was gone until after the cutscene was over. I've experienced several sound issues and I have a brand new New 3DS
Wonder what kind of glitch sky drop will cause next.
Inice game
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