Confession time, as Samus Aran says in everyone's favourite entry in the series, we've been struggling to hold our interest in My Nintendo. The reward programme isn't doomed yet, but it still hasn't added Switch-specific rewards and has a habit of calling screen wallpapers calendars; it's just hard to love right now.
In any case, this week brought some new offerings to the European My Nintendo service; yep, we only just realised they were there. Pikmin is the theme - though it seems a tad premature with Hey! Pikmin not due until 28th July, but why not. There are some other discounts on offer, too.
- Pikmin Working Together 3DS HOME Theme - 20 Gold Points
- Pikmin Short Movies 3D (3DS) - 50 Gold Points
- Pikmin Short Movies HD (Wii U) - 50 Gold Points
- Picross e3 (3DS eShop) - 40% discount for 150 Platinum Points
- Picross e4 (3DS eShop) - 40% discount for 150 Platinum Points
This writer will probably pick up a set of the Pikmin Short Movies, as they were always on the 'want to own but can't quite decide to buy' list. The HOME Theme also looks quite charming.
Do any of this week's deals tempt you European My Nintendo members?
[source my.nintendo.com]
Comments 37
I emailed this to you yesterday
At least these rewards have a little bit more value for a change.
Would still like to see those Kid Icarus Uprising shorts though, Japan got them, why not us?
Also didn't actually have Picross E4 yet, I hope the later titles follow suit and get discounts.
Hey, good news. I had some mild interest in the movies, too, but couldn't decide to spend money on them. So, perfect opportunity. And I always planned to pick up additional Picross entries (only have the first for 3DS and the Twilight Princess one), but never got around to get 'em. So all in all a perfect update for me.
Not a Pikmin fan but I had to spend it as my gold points expire end of the month
Might as well pick up those movies if only to use points. I don't really want them though.I've never looked but I bet they're available on YouTube?
I got all the Pikmin stuff. I mean, it's better to use the Gold Points on something rather than letting them rot away to nothing...
They need to make exclusive stuff.
I always have every reward -.-
Nice! I just claimed the pikmin theme, and when I have enough points, I might claim the 3d movies. Even though I have the HD version on Wii U, it would be nice to have the 3d version.
No switch rewards, no use.
Pikmin Short Movies ?
Better wait someone upload the videos on Youtube.
So I can Download the videos , put them all in my smartphone.
@Anti-Matter that's stealing.
Please get it officially.
Oh, btw. Just kidding.
I can always watching from Youtube anytime without downloading.
Will probably pick up the two Picross games.
I searched for a Pikmin shorts review on google and managed to find a website with the whole shorts available to watch. Had a quick preview and I'm going to save my gold points for now, but they will probably run out soon anyway.
Even I noticed this before now, and I'm in US...
It's cuz I sometimes go on the European Website, which is better than the US one
I noticed this a few days ago, get your act together NL😜
joking aside I'll probably get the Pikmin theme and two Picross games since my only experience with the series in the Zelda version from when My Nintendo seemed exciting.
It'll be way more exciting if they add some more DS games to it.
wow these have been up for almost a week...NL is so slow sometimes.
I got the Pikmin Theme, already have the Short Movies on Wii U but they're really good if you fancy using some points up. Picked up Picross e3 and I'll probably get e4 too.
We did got those. You missed the opportunity.
I couldn't care less about MyNintendo.
The Kid Icarus Uprising shorts on EU My Nintendo? Are you sure?
I checked the rewards somewhat regularly, I even have the page set as a homepage.
@crackafreeze: There are definitely worse things you could spend your money and coins on. Both games are excellent. I'm currently playing through Ages.
The Pikmin movies are good. I have watched them on Wii U many times.
It's already been a year and I can remember about 2 or 3 rewards that I actually wanted. Poor. Very poor.
@crackafreeze lol true. We also got to spend 20 gold on yoshi theme
This weeks update, more like this months.
It was available to North America. I'm not sure about Europe.
I would argue that My Nintendo really is doomed...and has been ever since they decided not to have physical rewards as part of the service. It just got worse when all the games put on the service were already ones that everyone had bought, proving Nintendo really doesn't treat this service as anything more than an after-thought. For a while the only thing I'd get were Miitomo Drop Tickets...now I don't even get those. There's literally nothing on My Nintendo that I want as A) I already own it, or B) Really doesn't interest me. The service needs a DRASTIC overhaul.
@crackafreeze I have expiring Gold coins too...but I already own the GBC Zelda Oracle games on Virtual Console (and I still have the physical game cards too). I hate that there's nothing on My Nintendo I can spend expiring coins on but I'm not going to get duplicates of software I already paid full price for.
Well this article is about European rewards, so yeah.
Meanwhile, Microsoft is currently having a huge download sale for 360 with many titles reduced to pretty much loose change as well as everything being backwards compatible for XBONE as well.
All fine and good, but as a member of XBox Rewards you do at least earn points on your purchases to earn a $5 credit that can be used on ANYTHING.
Even if they charge like 5000 plat coins for $5, Nintendo REALLY needs to at least make eShop vouchers a MyNintendo reward for stuff we might actually don't have or want......
@crackafreeze I don't blame you. I was happy too. At least spend it before it expires
No fair, I want those!
Gold points for something you can watch online for free.
I'm so getting the shorts on Wii U,never saw them before.
Getting even the 3DS theme.
I never thought I'd say this, but I'm so jealous of you guys in Europe right now.
I think the first of my gold points are expiring at the end of the month, so I may just use them on the theme, seeing as there's nothing else I want at the moment.
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