It'll be interesting to see how NBA 2K18 will fare on the Nintendo Switch; on the one hand it's easy to be nervous of a 'last-gen' port in light of the fact this game is also coming to Xbox 360 and PS3, but at the same time Nintendo's system is included in key editions and promotions alongside PS4 and Xbox One.
This year the cover is all about Shaquille O'Neal, and two special editions are coming to celebrate the player's career - in a press release he (or rather his PR representative pretending to be him) says he's "excited to be on the cover" etc and so forth. Those that splash out on special editions will be able to get the game early, on 15th September; the standard edition of the game launches on 19th September.
Below is the breakdown on the pre-order special editions.
The NBA 2K18 Legend Edition includes special Shaq memorabilia and in-game content, $99.99USD:
Physical Items:
- Limited-edition Shaq poster;
- 5 Panini trading cards;
- Exclusive stickers.
Digital Content:
- 100,000 Virtual Currency;
- 20 Weekly MyTEAM Packs;
- Shaq in-game items;
- And more!
Gamers who pre-order the NBA 2K18 Legend Edition Gold will receive even more exclusive Shaq memorabilia and in-game content, $149.99USD and exclusive to GameStop in the US:
Physical Items:
- Limited-edition Shaq Poster;
- Lenticular;
- 10 Panini trading cards;
- Exclusive stickers.
Digital Content:
- 250,000 Virtual Currency;
- 40 Weekly MyTEAM Packs;
- Shaq in-game items;
- And more!
It's the usual expensive special edition treatment for a sports game, but the point from a Nintendo perspective is that the Switch is included in these promotions (Xbox 360 and PS3 are not), which perhaps points to a fully-featured game alongside PS4 and Xbox One.
Are you interested in picking up NBA 2K18 on Nintendo Switch in September?
Comments 122
Unless you get to play as "Steel" and a few other classic Shaq roles, I'm not interested.
Wonder if it comes with a digital copy of the new Shaq-Fu
Already preordered the standard edition for switch. Looking forward to giving this series a try.
Anyone who likes sports games should support this.
When do we get a web browser, YouTube and Netflix, Switch?
What an Extravagant prize !
Btw, how much for Normal Switch version games without merchandises ?
One of my student is looking forward for this game.
Now this is positive 3rd party news, special editions not skipping the Nintendo console!
I'm not interested in realistic sports games (I'll take unrealistic stuff like Mario sports games any day over them) but they are important for a console's success.
I really hope this sells well. I want sports games back on my Nintendo system. I'd absolutely love to play Madden on my Switch.
That's great news!
Nintendo systems almost never get the premium editions of the big multiplats, so this is a positive step forward. I'm not into basketball games, and I hope there's a demo (there was one on Wii U if memory serves), so I can make up my mind. This could be a nice game to have in a party environment.
I'd go all in if FIFA 18 is to be given the same treatment on Switch, even though EA are demons who deserve to repeatedly melt in eternal damnation. =P
Good news. Hopefully doesn't bomb hard like Wii U version
That's good news. NBA and Fifa, if done right on the Switch, will be huge game changers for the console.
Result! Nintendo fans, please buy this to support the third parties.
FIFA coming the end of the year, and then we can pray we get WWE and F1 too...
While I like the fact that the Switch is being treated fairly here I'm just not sure why Shaq is the cover guy. This game is suppose to be relevant to current players and it's not like Shaq just retired last year. He would be a better cover guy for Playgrounds then this.
@Spoony_Tech Stone Cold and The Rock were on the cover of WWE games recently. When there aren't enough big stars to sell the game, they go with the legends.
I think its great that the Switch is getting these games but I'm not a fan personally.
I have the 2016 version on my PS4 (came free when I bought the console) and I have to say I hate it.
The button controls and configuration is just unnecessarily over complicated to the point where the games just aren't enjoyable.
Its the same with the 2K WWE games which is a real shame.
I think I'll just stick to NBA Playgrounds for my Basketball fix
I already pre-ordered this game, but now I'm considering getting the special edition. Thanks for the heads up!
I'm one of the 10 people that bought NBA 2K13 on Wii U and my wife and I played it a ton. I'm excited to get this on the Switch
@Spoony_Tech actually NBA 2K uses retired players too. In fact, I believe 2K12 had Jordan on the cover
Hope EA release Madden,I'll be all over that
Let's see if the Switch can get more than 1 title.
@olrodlegacy @leo13 I understand that and have played other games in the series but it's pretty telling to have to use legends of the game as oppose to current players to help sell your product.
This is an early win for Nintendo/Switch. Now get Madden announced and we have some momentum. Full seasons / career mode to go with you wherever ? Awesome
@Spoony_Tech they've been doing it for the last few years. Legends edition has well legends on the cover and the standard edition has current players. Nothing new
Wow, Nintendo's in major news headlines for the Switch and the Nintendo Play Station, Street Fighter II is going to be released on Nintendo soon, and Shaq's back on covers. Who said the 90's were over? Radical!
Nice to see Nintendo getting the LE on this....maybe, hopefully it'll be a good sign of things to come. Given the nature of the game and the Switch's multiplayer features, it could be a good seller for once on Nintendo.
Not MY kind of game (though Playgrounds is vaguely interesting) but as one of those kids who always got told how much better Sega was due to all the sports titles, it's still nice to see.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE A beautiful demonstration of 2K Games long standing positive relationship in supporting Nintendo platforms
Oh really? So if I buy the Legends Edition I'll get to play as all the greats like Jordan, Bird, O'Neil, Barkley, etc?
If that's true I'll definitely buy the Legends version. One of my biggest complaints with sports games is how quick they become dated due to the rosters. But all stars are timeless
@JaxonH well those guys are still in the regular edition to unlock just the "legends" editions are more of collectors or special editions essentially. Just like the Master edition of Zelda. Same game just with some extra bells and whistles
I think it will be a full-fledged version, as it was one of the games featured in the Switch reveal trailer. Even if that was not actual game footage. I do occasionally enjoy a well-made sports game but, if it's a gimped port it will fall to the wayside.
@Anti-Matter It's probably a new version of the NBA 2K series, so the full $60 price tag has to be in there
"When do we get a web browser, YouTube and Netflix, Switch?"
As soon as people who bought a portable game system who already have 20 other devices that do that, want extra rubbish they don't need on there
i havent bought a basketball game since the gamecube, i will however pick this one up being i totally see this being played on my lunch break with my coworkers, lately we have been playing either bomberman or the jack pack 3 which is a blast but becomes a little NSFW after a few rounds.
@JHDK im in the same exact boat i want madden so badly on the switch, ive wanted a portable version of madden for so long i still play the last madden made for the 3ds line which was just called maddeen football nfl
Just wonder, why Kickboxing was NEVER make a Debut for Video Game (SNES already had Kickboxing game but too stiff. PS1 & PS2 has K-1 but no longer exist on video games after 2006) ?
I don't need OMG Ultra Realistic HD graphic for one of my Favorite sports, but I need More Cartoonish looking with Photogenic looking, not Absurd or Stupid looking as Ready 2 Rumble (That's why I need Japanese drawing style for Character design rather than Western Character design )
At least as Cute as my Avatar, I would be so happy to play Kickboxing games.
Psst... btw, actually I have something MORE than Ordinary kickboxing. I know this secret, but I will show it later when my ideas are ready...
@Anti-Matter pretty simple really. Kickboxing just isn't a very popular sport in real life so developing a kickboxing game most likely wouldn't be commercially viable.
NBA 2K17 was really horrible, animations and collisions like it was molasses. Where are those good games of old, precise and fast paced? Like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqLgTyFWJrQ
Eventually basketball is dead, though soccer is still somewhat kicking.
Can you smell what WWE2k18 is cooking?
I see...
While by majorly people like most Mainstream Sports (football, basketball, etc), me myself like the Opposite (Minor Sports that people might or almost never think / talk about).
Oh, btw. Should I spill a bean about my ideas about "Interesting" Kickboxing games ?
Actually my ideas came from Animal Boxing NDS, Doraemon Adventures Movie in Birdtopia (The Avian peoples) & Dragon Ball Fighting style.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE weren't you saying the Switch needs third party titles? Now it gets a big sports brand and your comment is "let's see if gets more than 1?" Come on man, what's next? They get two titles and you say I hope it's more than 2? lol
As a consumer, I said I would support 2-3 titles I normally wouldn't buy because I wanted the game developers to see reason to come to Switch. Fifa 18 is one and NBA2K18 will be the second. I may not overly like them but I'm willing to support the Switch early to see if bigger games will come.
If you want third party support for the Switch, you should consider how you can contribute as a consumer. I'm not saying to buy this game, but if you have remotely ANY interest in a third party game, you should consider supporting it for all our benefit.
I do agree with FTL that Nintendo is wise not to include a web browser, as it is first and foremost a gaming machine, including a full fledged browser will attract comparison with the iPad and Android tablets which excel in that department, and Nintendo probably will not.
Why should wait ?
Buy the Switch now !
I have bought Zelda BOTW & Super Bomberman R Switch first before I bought the Switch console.
In game currency? Does this have a Pay2Win mechanic ?
I want NHL on the Switch
Nice to see Switch being advertise equally with the PS4/Xbone
@cfgk24 The in-Game currency is used to buy cards of players you want on your team. Which you can then use to play with in a special mode.
This is the game that will decide my purchase of a Switch. This is the first time NBA 2K is appearing on a cartridge format. If I can boogie on handheld mode and it looks and plays the same as previous versions, this might be really good.
@Spoony_Tech Agreed. If they had to use a legend, why not a more recently retired player like Kobe or Tim Duncan?
And I disagree that the NBA doesn't have current stars that can't be put on the cover? Isiah Thomas from the Celtics? Lebron? Russell Westbrook? James Harden? Kawhi Leonard? Heck, the entire Golden State Warriors team?
Besides the cover, I'm getting this for sure. Can't pass up the chance to play 2k on the go
@Nintendofan83 We already knew we were getting this and FIFA for that matter. What else is there in the sports genre? Besides that bobble-head basketball game that isn't out in Europe yet.
@redd214 ah I see, thanks for the clarification.
I prefer what Playgrounds is offering, not to mention the price tag, however if that bombs for whatever reason I'll give this a look.
You want NBA Playground ?
Buy Switch, use the right region of your account, enter the e-shop, redeem the code, buy that game, download, Finish, Done.
Might as well put WWE 2K18 on Switch as well. Along with the WWE Network.
Meh. But good for the fans
@Cyberbotv2 In docked mode there probably won't be a noticeable difference. Undocked, it might look a bit worse but should play the same.
Of course, that's also assuming it's the PS4/XB1 version and not the 360/PS3 version.
@Bengals76 You forgot Crunchyroll.
The special edition costs half the minimum wage(Month) in my country lol.
This is the kind of AAA 3rd party support Switch needs to sell to more than Nintendo fans. Who wouldn't want a full fledged version of 2K (essentially the Madden of basketball games) that they could play on the big screen and on the go?
This series still exists? Are people still dumb enough to keep buying these annual sports games?
@Bengals76 Why do we need those?
@RyanSilberman Better yet, what is asking that question in the comments of a completely unrelated unofficial Nintendo fansite's article going to do to help?
@IceClimbers : if there's the same gameplay and lack of hiccups in portable mode, this could sell really well. I know the Nintendo faithful may think Mario Kart, BOTW, Splatoon, etc. can push switches out the door, but a sports title like this could be far more impactful. NBA 2K always sits in the North American charts for months after release. And that goes for other sports as well. I hope EA is interested in pushing their NHL, and Madden brand on the Switch. Sports games sell well.
Hey, this is good news. Not fan enough to care about special editions for myself (didn't even know these games were doing this sorta thing) but this is better treatment than I'm used to with Wii U. The real key is whether people buy into this as Switch owners, not so much that its available. So stay tuned...
@LeRaposa Not sure why it's dumb. Players put value on different things and a few enticing features and updated stats to match the sport they follow closely is presumably worth it to them. Room enough for many types of gamers around here, I think.
@olrodlegacy @SpoonyTech
Exactly. Every few years 2K does this to freshen things up from the typical popular-guy-at-the-moment on the cover. A few years back there was a special edition with MJ.
Also keep in mind that Shaq was recently inducted into the B-Ball Hall of Fame, so his post-career relevancy is probably higher now than it will ever be in the future.
ALTHOUGH, keep in mind that Allen Iverson was also inducted into the HOF along with Shaq... You know, the same AI that graced the cover of the first three NBA2K games, making him a pseudo-mascot for the Dreamcast? Not only that, but guards like AI tend to be far more marketable than big men like Shaq, and AI carries a lot more "street cred." Funny that 2K didn't go get AI for this.
@aaronsullivan Given the release date, I think the next big question would actually be whether other sports games follow like FIFA, Madden, etc.
@JHDK I feel the exact same way. I am hoping that Madden is announced at E3, for Switch. I am buying 2K18 on Switch and I would love to add Madden. Cheers!!
Good to see the Switch getting a game that I won't buy, but that others will.
Good. Hoping they put WWE 2k18 on Switch too.
By the way, there's a petition running right now.
Search "WWE 2k18. Switch" in Google. Change .org.
Hopefully they release it even though people sign the petition.
'Grab my crotch, twist my knee & then I'm through, Mikes BAD I'm BAD who are you?' Part of Shaquille O'Neils rap on the Michael Jackson song 2BAD, from 1995's HIStory album. Just thought I'd share that lol
It'll do poopy on a Nintendo console
@Spoony_Tech legendary edition, like when Jordan was on the cover or another example is Ken Griffey Jr on this years MLB the show , sometimes sports games have legendary editions highlighting an all time great
"Wonder if it comes with a digital copy of the new Shaq-Fu"
I think that it costs extra for the version that DOES NOT come with the new Shaq-Fu.
PS: My GOD why would anyone pay $100-$150 for a game--or virtual currency for that game--that will be outdated (and greatly, greatly reduced in price) in twelve months?
@Nintendoforlife So - can you pay real money for in game currency? - (like you do in World of Tanks)
@olrodlegacy as much as I'd love to support third parties, I've never been an NBA fan, and I won't start now.
@cfgk24 Yes, you can, but most people just earn the currency by playing. It's relatively easy to gain currency through normal game sessions.
@Nintendoforlife Ok - thanks. . .It's the kind of mechanic I hate in a competitive game. . . .
@cfgk24 You'll be matched up with people in your skill bracket don't worry haha.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Not exactly the fairest comparison as the Wii U port arrived over two months late due to the console's launch date in November, and probably sold very poorly in part due to this. This will be the first to come out with all the special editions like the other systems on the same day... I'd say this one has a fighting chance at moderate sales success.
@Dangerous25 , 2BAD is a good jam. They may include that track on NBA 2k18 now that I think about it! And I recall there was an unreleased song called We Be Ballin or something like that with Shaq and MJ going all out.
I think it's a good sign that the Switch is launching not only alongside the other versions, but with all the Special Editions as well. Regardless if I would personally buy this (but I am, the regular edition), it is a good sign to see this happening. Sports games are not everyone's cup of tea, but there is a large audience for them and it is great to have a popular franchise like this to be in the mix with all the others.
@Cyberbotv2 2BAD so funky I love it, up loud, MJ's lyrics and vocals? 👌 Amazing in the short movie Michael Jackson's GHOSTS, too. We Be Ballin' is great, haven't listened to that in a while, you can find it online!
Glad to see this, I was assuming they would. Though I personally won't be getting the special editions, at least they are offered for those that do.
I wish 2k still had MLB license, having a baseball game for the switch would be great.
@AnonFisher would rather have the new fire pro wrestling game on switch. Fire pro would take over my life!!
@Dangerous25 @Cyberbotv2 Good call.
I love sports sims, NBA 2K is one of the best and I want to see Nintendo get a consistent flow of sports games again (N64 lagged behind PSone in a lot of genres but it dominated the sports scene, especially if you're a big baseball fan like I am). I'll get NBA 2K for the Switch this year instead of PS4.
I would like to have Madden even though I only buy one copy every other year since I don't fall for that yearly updated roster stuff.
I might buy NBA 2K18 once it's on sale.
But what I really want is NBA jam and NFL Blits to come on the Switch!
I'll probably get it just to support but man 100 dollars is a lot for just one game!
Well it depends on your perspective. I'm watching the playoffs right now and it's awesome.
@arrmixer I'm talking about this videogame, not real life.
@crackafreeze Aah! Makes sense.
Good to see that Take 2 is taking the Switch version of NBA 2K18 seriously, rather than piling it alongside the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions where it would have inevitably bombed.
Oh my apologies 😜. I understand now if we're bringing back the classics. I nominate Temco super bowl.
@arrmixer An indie should satisfy easily your desire. And it's very strange that they haven't done it yet.
Yeah you're right but there probably isn't a big enough market for it and the NFL would block it anyway. Though I love American football it's league is stupid.
@arrmixer If NBA Playgrounds does exist it can exist even that. Also they can just avoid to use real names eventually if the NFL don't agree.
For now we have NBA Playgrounds
But I'm honestly excited for it!
@sillygostly 2K is definitely better than EA they put so much into each release. I wish they had rights to FIFA and NFL.
@LeRaposa 2K is actually good.
@Nintendoforlife Oh dear! The makes life easy for them then! lol
Wow, I found some gameplay of NBA 2k18 and I'm hugely impressed. I've been out of the sports game loop for so long I didn't realize how far these games had come. This looks fantastic!
Love how quickly the camera swivels on change of possession.
@JaxonH Pretty sure that's 2K17. Don't think they've shown gameplay for 2K18 yet.
I hope the servers work this time around.
That's not completely fair to EA. NBA 2K is great, but Take Two stopped making NHL games because EA's offering was better.
It said it was leaked gameplay from 18, but even if that is 17... Even better. Just means this next one will be at least as good if not better.
Went ahead and locked in the Legendary Gold Edition (GS exclusive). Speaking to some big NBA fans, the career and team building is really great. I'll take all that bonus currency and just rock it out with a killer team. If I'm jumping back into sports games, I'm gonna go big 😁
If you want the Switch to have 3rd party support, then supporting a game like this is a must.
I just hope this has all the modes the other systems will get. I'll probably get it for the switch regardless because being able to play on the go and on the tv is just too good to pass up though!
That price...
Looks awsome though. Never bought a NBA 2Kxx game before. I want that $149.99 Gold Edition, but I can't justify that price :/. How many years do each game's servers stay up for? If it's only for a year, I don't see the point.
@90sRetroGaming , the servers usually stay up 18 to 24 months. And the regular version of the game is more than enough. Once you enter franchise mode, your life is over. It might be the deepest mode of any sports franchise that I've ever played.
im definitely getting the legendary edition.
@Bengals76 There is a news feed which provides video playback similar to YouTube, with some videos also on YouTube.
@Anti-Matter what about UFC? there is the option to be a kickboxer.
Sorry. UFC is Banned in my gaming area for Brutal way of fighting.
I allowed K-1 series for tolerable violence to watch.
Beside, Kickboxer with boxing gloves is looks Sexier than UFC fighter in my opinion.
Can you see my sexy Six Pack Chibi Karate Boxer Yoshida ?
@Anti-Matter you call that sexy. Whatever swings your boat I guess
I have not bought an NBA game for a console since NBA Live 2000 for the N64 (which featured a very young Tim Duncan of the Spurs on the cover). I remember loving that version because EA had actually paid to have Michael Jordan available to play as in game. I am a big time basketball fan, but its been a long time since I have bought an NBA game. That will change with the Switch version of 2K18!
Not much for sports simulators, but good on 2K for giving the Switch a comparable version for the collectors and hardcore fans of the series. I applaud them!
Wait, are there really two NBA games incoming on the Switch???
I haven't bought a basketball game since Bulls vs Lakers on Sega Genesis. But I might actually buy this one. Good to know 2k18 is official for Switch.
@timson72 You are speaking my language! Cheers!
@Meaty-cheeky I was thinking that Nintendo should get Tecmo Bowl resurrected for the Switch too. I am hoping for a surprise announcement. Cheers.
Let's all pray that the Switch version is current gen, not Xbox 360 or PS3. It'll be reallll bad publicity if it's old versions.
@snailkid or at least something in between 🙏
And with this news, I'll be certain to buy this in support. Not into 2K at all but my brother is and should enjoy it.
I'm really excited for this game coming to the Switch! I'll get the standard edition though.
@cleveland124 True but, EA still gets complacent and NBA Live was a disaster. Not to mention removing Madden features and bringing them back later as "new features"
I guess I'm just trying to be balanced. The NHL series from EA wiped the floor of TT's NHL series. TT's Baseball series was also pretty lackluster. In general, it's hard to make sports games that continue to evolve and get better. But certainly NBA 2K is the best. I just think their other series show they wouldn't necessarily be better at making Madden, NHL, or other sports games.
With the Switch being a success, I'm pretty excited about the possibility of EA bringing the NHL and Madden series to the Switch. Maybe another NBA Jam too.
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