At least for the time being, it seems that Nintendo has got a really good thing going with the Switch. The hybrid console has been posting some impressive numbers lately, and reception around it has been quite positive, from both a consumer and developer standpoint. Still, it seems like major third party companies are content to be playing the waiting game, after the Wii U proved to be dead in the water after a short period on the market. EA was rather infamous in this regard—who could forget that early ‘unprecedented partnership’?—but recent comments from the company’s CEO indicate that it may be changing its beat.
In a recent financial call, Andrew Wilson spoke a bit about the Switch and where his company stands on the platform, expressing a newfound excitement and optimism at the new ecosystem which is rapidly developing. Though the company still only has one game, FIFA 18, on its way to the Switch, Wilson highlighted the company’s relationship with Nintendo and indicated that more games are now being considered for the platform. Only time will tell, of course, but EA jumping on board would certainly go a long way toward convincing more major third parties to start taking the Switch seriously.
What do you think? Will EA come through or is this another unprecedented partnership? How do you think the Switch will do in terms of third party support? Drop us a comment in the section below.
[source, via]
Comments 200
Pls no
Frist. Going to go get some popcorn to have with all the salt about to come.
Edit: drat.
There's already enough DLC on the Switch, we don't need Electronic Art$ bringing us more DLC. lol
I'm all for more third party games but I won't be giving any money to EA.
@Braok That's what I get for thinking I could type quickly enough. 😢
we wont buy mass effect on the switch either...
With just 2 months in the wild it looks to me as if 3rd party support will be way better than Wii U - but that isn't saying much at all. Will the support reach the levels of PS4 and Xbox....? Doubtful. Not the biggest EA fan even though i love the Star Wars battlefront and the battlefield series. That said, their support towards Switch can't hurt at all! Switch needs big games period.
The Switch could really use a few EA games regardless what people here think of them as a company. EA is not the devil and they make good games for the most part.
Not the biggest fan of EA outside maybe the Sims 4 which I can still enjoy sometimes, but bring all the games you want EA! Lots of people love EA games so if they can get more people playing Switch, I think that would be great. The best thing for Switch is to appeal to the widest audience possible I would assume!
E3 should bring some 3rd party support announcements.
Not a fan of EA.
When was the last time EA put out the best version of a game on a Nintendo platform or put their top team on making a game for Nintendo?
Oh, that's right, never!
Not a fan.
@BenAV You're being sarcastic right?
Star Wars Battlefront 2
Battlefield 1
Titanfall 2
Madden 18
Mass effect Andromeda
Need for Speed
Sims 4
Unprecedent doesn't mean "amazing". Anyway, they will bring more than FIFA, which means FIFA + portable version of NFS (and it will be a psvita port).
I'm hoping NBA 2K18 sells well enough for Rockstar to consider a GTA port!! 😃
Ugh...EA, at this point I WANT them to keep their games away from Nintendo.
Mass Effect and possibly titanfall is all I care about. The rest of their franchises can bite the dust for all I care.
@Nintendoforlife I loved TF 2 great game.
I just want the Star Wars games!
@PtM Fair point. And NFS most wanted on WiiU was awesome. Touche!
"All I want from EA is The Sims 4...."
Their sports catalogue would do good on the Switch. I for one will buy a Fifa game day one for the first time ever because that damn portability.
I'd love to have the Mass Effect Trilogy on the switch, but its hardly realistic.
Been after a portable NHL game for years, so bring on NHL 18.
@oatmealwarrior92 I have played some at a friends house and it's definitely an enjoyable game.
The only series they should both bringing to the system are their Star Wars games, Sims, Madden, and maybe Need for Speed. Literally anything else is a waste as it won't sell. I was thinking Mass Effect or Dragon Age, but it probably wouldn't be worth trying to make them work for the amount of money they would make.
The Star Wars games will also be hard to get to work on the Switch, but I'm sure they'll be worth it. I'd assume there's a good amount of overlap between Nintendo and Star Wars fans, especially ones that want to play Battlefront and the like on the go.
Again, not expecting anything more than Madden and maybe a Plants vs Zombies port (and no, not Garden Warfare either).
Wilson also mentioned that they see the Switch as having a "new/different audience", which is actually somewhat true, but it's definitely not the audience they're talking about.
If they bring equivalent ports to the Switch then it is very important that Nintendo fans buy it. If you want 3rd party games on Nintendo platforms, buy them! If you don't buy them you have no right to complain.
Even though I hate EA for the most part, I do think it's still important for them to continuously release games on the Switch to help drive sales
EA UFC 2. Port it to the Switch. I'll buy it a 3rd time. Do it!!!
Also Star Wars Battlefront 2 on Switch please.
@Nintendoforlife Nothing on that list that is of particular interest to me. But the point wasn't the games anyway, I just don't want to give them my money.
If they were to release something I wanted that badly (which is doubtful), I'd just buy pre-owned or borrow it.
@BenAV ^^^^^^^ This Ladies and Gentleman is the reason why Nintendo doesn't have Third Party Support
@joey302 I think it can do better than the Xbox in terms of 3rd party support because of penetration into the Japanese market and likely much better sales. PS4 is a much bigger hurdle.
Don't get too excited. It'll generally just be sports games. Madden, golf. Maybe and, that's a big maybe, we could actually see Need for Speed. The dreams of Battlefront, Mass Effect or Battlefield on Switch will remain just that, Pipe Dreams.
Not a big EA fan, thats for sure, but more 3rd Party is better for the Switch. Every game has its fans, and EA's fan base is pretty big, even with there shady business practices.
Another good Dead Space would be nice.
So I'm guessing EA will probably port most/all of the other EA Sports title .i.e. Madden, NHL, UFC, etc. onto the Switch alongside FIFA. Other potential EA Switch games would likely include the Plants vs Zombies shooters and ports of EA's mobile games.
Don't expect much else.
@roboshort that's a good point if it really takes off in Japan which it shows signs of doing. But Xbox is still a big hurdle before you can draw comparisons to PS4. Every week they both get 6 to a dozen new games to choose from. It will be a long while if at all before the Switch gives you that amount of content weekly. We shall see! It's a long road but having strong Japanese support will definitely help!
I know EA makes crap, do they actually make games?
Star Wars Battlefront 2 for switch?
Haven't given EA a penny since early 2013, but I will buy a copy of Madden 2018 for the Switch in a nanosecond. It's sad that that's my big ask from them, but it is.
I'd like some remakes of old EA titles like Future Cop LAPD. Don't really understand why they leave those old psx games to rott away.
@Spoony_Tech : They are demons who just happen to own several great properties.
As long as FIFA, The Sims and Need For Speed come to the system, then they have at least one sale from me per franchise (unless they royally flork it up). The quality of their initial titles will dictate whether I continue to support them in the future.
I used to buy every Sims game for every platform I owned until the release of The Sims 3. EA became too greedy by releasing stuff packs in addition to full expansion packs, and then they had the nerve to sell DLC on top of all that. The handheld Sims games also went from being excellent to first-year game student trash in the space of a year. I have been patient with EA, but they are such a pig of a company.
After what EA pulled on the WiiU which went a long way to killing the device off third party wise I'm mixed. One one hand it would be more variety and perhaps get some more chickenhearted fence sitters to do something. But on the other, given what support they gave the WiiU I'd rather them just go away if it was more of the same of that.
What good is it if they put out shoddy ports. Dated (by years) ports. Releasing a game, and at the same time a compilation (ME3 when ME Trilogy came out) of a series of that game on other hardware? Perhaps them forcing people to meet a timeline so you have a game with performance issues (that NFS buggy title.) That kind of support sours buyers and developers seeing a system as nothing but a joke.
Madden pls
You beat me to Plants vs zombies, with that said I think you nailed the highest probability games
My EA games wishlist!
Command & Conquer
TitanFall 2
StarWars battlefront
Yay FIFA 2019 AND 2020!
@Nintendoforlife More than happy to support third parties when they release something I'm interested in (although I'm mainly interested in indie games these days), just not EA. If me not buying games from one company contributes to a lack of third party games then so be it, but I doubt that.
I know it's a a bit of a stretch, but it would be amazing if Battlefield or Battlefront saw a release on the Switch. Even if it was just a port of Battlefield 4 I'd be pleased. I highly doubt the Switch could handle Bf1 though, so that's a bit of a bummer. With that said, it's highly unlikely Battlefront 2 will make its way to the system. But one thing is for sure, and that's that Madden must get a release!
EA is Trash.
Regardless of what I think about EA personally, having their games on the Switch would be huge. Seeing a Madden or Star Wars game released alongside the PS4/XBO versions would go miles into the thinking it is a legitimate console.
I personally don't like any of EA's properties (list their titles all you want people, NONE of those are franchises I enjoy, I'm not going to buy a title I don't like just so there's one more third party sale) however I realize EA's support, like their serious support with more than just watered down ports, would be huge for Switch. Nintendo NEEDS third party support and like it or not EA is a staple for a large number of gamers. Fanboys and fangirls need to stop sticking their noses in the air (I don't agree with many EA practices either) and admit that. Is the Switch doomed without EA? No, Nintendo has survived without them. But look at the lack of third party support the last few gens. Switch may be doing well so far but people are going to want games, and more than just first party or indie titles. To keep the momentum of sales, third party is vital, that's the only way to win over the average non-Nintendo gamer, and that will get us more games from other developers too. Like it or not, EA is a powerhouse in the industry and to outright fight against their support is making it that much harder for the Switch to become a long term success.
And I'll be honest, while I don't currently like any of their games, a couple have a chance of swaying me if they weren't watered down, a demo is available, and their timing is right.
@cyrus_zuo need for speed most wanted for WiiU.
If EA made NHL I would have no need to own my Playstation anymore. I would keep it because I have some great games that I would not want to part with in the long run... But besides big drops ever 5 years or so from say Rockstar GTA for example I personally only play hockey and Nintendo exclusive games. I would love to have a NHL drop in league for example that I can play at home or in a bar with some friends in person verses other teams online.
Side note.... I don't even watch hockey... I could not name more then 5 players in the whole NHL... The game is just fast and intense... flat out amazing game really.
Second side note.... EA if you see this.... please don't make it all gimmicky for Switch... we own pro controllers for a reason. Save the gimmicky stuff for NHL arcade type of games.
In my experience, EA has ruined nearly every franchise that they've taken over development for (note that I said development, not publishing). Personally, I could really care less if they bring anything to the Switch. Reasonably though, more support for the system is always a good thing, especially considering how many of their games do seem to be popular. More variety to entice more customers.
Only if they bring Burnout & Army Of Two, i might be interested.
Would be cool to play some older games on the go. It would take some work, and i highly doubt they'd do it. Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age Origins, Garden Warfare 2, NFS, maybe the Dead Space trilogy portable would be amazing.
I'm just hoping Battlefront makes it over someday, that'd be the bee's knees.
There's no choice. EA is the only company making an NHL game. I desperately want them to bring it to Switch. NHL 2018 AND NHL 94.
Madden and Need for Speed would be good too. I really liked what they did on the Wii U.
That would be ideal, if for no other reason then that would open the floodgates on AAA titles
I am cautiously optimistic. While yearly sport rehashes and generic "My Sims" style games don't appeal to me I would welcome the more polished experiences like Boom Blox, Dead Space Extraction, or Need for Speed: Most Wanted U...
If Switch Fifa kicks off well! It could be a big score for the Switch!
Madden for me.
Actions speak louder than words, EA, but if you're telling the truth, I'd like to play Dead Space on the Switch.
Ohhh, maybe some of the new Star Wars games that they're developing will be ported over to the Switch. Though I'm not sure of the Switch is capable of handling the Frostbite engine.
Well there is a difference between being considered and actually getting those games. Unless the switch pulls a rabbit out of its hat, they won't see anything beyond ports and maybe what ever lowend game they can shoe horn on it. Unless they are promising mass effect trilogy, I'm not holding my breath for something to get excited over.
EA rep 1: "Mass Effect Andromeda won't run properly on the Switch."
EA rep 2: "It didn't run properly on anything else either. Port it!"
Someone said C&C! What would be awesome, is local MP.
I remember the days hooking up two PS1's for C&C Red Alert... those where gold days!
3rd party support in general is poor, especially from Western developers. Sure there's some Japanese support, but they're mainly lesser known franchises. Of course, there are the odd exceptions, like Dragon Quest and the inevitable Monster Hunter, but they succeed on their own, not because of the hardware. However, where's the likes of Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, etc?
@firstnesfan Second that!!
I think we will hear and see more at E3. Ea access,in a years time,would be amazing!
There is also a very likely possibility that EA will ignore the Switch entirely outside of FIFA, much like how they treated the 3DS for most of its life.
But since Switch sales are currently significantly outpacing 3DS sales in the west when launch aligned, and because the Switch's hardware isn't ancient like the 3DS, I'm more inclined to believe that EA will also develop other EA Sports games for Switch alongside FIFA, as well as PvZ and some ports od their mobile games.
@joey302 the last one was awful- it was call of crap with a Star Wars skin. Never been so upset about a game in my life. Mind you I hate online FPS.
@Mjoen they should just release NHL 94 and be done with
Would get three games from that list immediately.
Although I'll settle for good FIFA and MADDEN and NHL if I have to choose.
If I dare to dream...
Madden, Fight Night, NHL, NFS, Burnout, Command & Conquer, and Skate.
It would be great if Madden and NHL were double releases as well i.e. modern physical releases and retro eShop releases circa 1995.
Oh, and can it run Crysis?
They only want to port Unravel to Switch.
Bring them all! Switch needs all the major games it can get. I wonder how many people would be as angrily anti-EA if Internet forums and comment sections didn't exist...
Yay! I cant wait for EA to bring us Dead Space 3 and then not support the Switch anymore because strangely, the final part of a trilogy with no first and second part coming didnt sell well.
@SwitchVogel You might as well ask for the winning Lottery numbers as ask for Battlefront. It's sadly never going to happen.
I plan on buying FIFA and I hope its sales bring new EA games to Switxh!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE You're probably right! I really don't have much faith in EA-Nintendo relations after the Wii U. All the same, I'm totally saving this comment in the event that it does get announced.
A new Road Rash would be awesome on the Switch
I have no interest in EA games. I suspect many Switch owners won't buy poor quality half-arsed ports. Catch 22
This just proves business sense - Nintendo sell the Switch, and publishers/developers will come to the party - lets just hope they make the best version possible on the Switch = everybody happy
I'm a Dreamcast owner once and I had to say having no EA games at all is the best things ever. Not claiming that every game they made are bad but just saying if that company ever goes under, I'm one of the few gamers who isn't going to miss them.
Cool! Depends on what they actually bring over, but it's refreshing after their stance on previous Nintendo platforms
If Nintendo get the hardware volume out there then third parties will develop for it.
It's that simple.
Would love to see Madden, NHL, Battlefield and Battlefront released on Switch.
Those 4 titles anywhere anytime is what would redefine online multiplayer
Ugh, EA; the cancer of gaming, who by some cosmic fluke have been granted the power to dictate whether or not a platform will have healthy third-party support throughout its lifespan.
I don't buy many EA games and that will continue on Switch. But, if they are the pebble that starts a landslide of third party support, so be it.
I don't get why so many people think this is a bad thing. A bigger variety of games is always good.
Doin' fine withoute them, really. They shouldn't bother.
I want confirmation that EA have frostbite engine running on Switch. But yeah hopefully we get more EA games. Expect to see Madden confirmed for sure. Plants vs zombies does seem an obvious choice also.
This is great news. Hopefully we will see this gain more traction in the coming months. More games, more interest, more buyers, more investment, bigger (more bespoke) games.
If EA games means more Switch sales bring all of them.
When you see stuff like this though you should be worried. Could mean shovelware. The Wii got loads of shovelware remember. EA seems to view Switch as separate from PS4 & XB1 according to what Andrew said. 'Bringing in a new/different audience' was the phrase used.
Some people are a bit too extreme. The same cry that there has to be more third party support, and then again they scare the third party developers away by their comments.
Maybe they need a tissue to wipe away those tears lol.
The more support the better.
So yeah EA bring AA games and i will buy them all and bring the sims so i can convinve my wife to get another switch lol.
I personally can't think of any EA game I'd want to buy and play (yes that includes Star Wars Battlefront), but having EA supporting the Switch can only be a good thing, regardless of how salty people appear to be.
Also my wife would love to be able to play a recent SIMS game on a Nintendo console, there's only so long my Gamecube versions can keep her busy 😀
I think they still need to understand that just because a game is popular in general does not mean it will be as popular on every console.
They need to release games that appeal to the specific audience of each console individually, rather than taking a 'one size fits all' approach.
That's the real reason they didn't get off to a great start on the Wii U, ultimately abandoning it... if they'd done things differently then we could potentially have seen a different outcome for the Wii U.
Well they always said they would if the sales were there
would love to see the sports games on switch playing nhl multiplayer on the go would be great
As soon I read the title of this article, I knew the comments section would not disappoint lol.
Sea of Solitude
Star Wars: Battlefront II
Hell, I have a PS4 and Xbox One for Battlefront II, but I'd love to play the first two on my Switch.
@joey302 "I'm hoping NBA 2K18 sells well enough for Rockstar to consider a GTA port!!"
You mean like how the Wii got a GTA game?
In the U.K, where FIFA, CoD and GTA5 rule the screens of many a teenage lad, Nintendo is a bit of a niche for non kid gaming (that's just my personal opinion / experience).
FIFA in portable form - with the ability to play locally against pals with other Switch's would certainly help change a few peoples minds. As soon as a few Premier League players tweet out pics of themselves playing with each other (easy!) that shiz will get real.
I'm holding out for a Switch version of Sensible Soccer personally. IMAGINE HOW AWSOME THAT WOULD BE!!!!!!!!!
This is identical to when the Wii U was out. Switch isn't any better with 3rd parties so far.
More 3rd party support is a good thing as there is more choice and it attracts more people to the platform. Then with a larger install base more 3rd parties release games. Success breeds success.
I struggle with why people don't want the games to come, you don't have to buy them. I don't want the Switch to fail like the Wii U.
Having read the NBA Playgrounds review, I'd like NBA Jam with added online please.
@TJM fifa can be success for sure but if it's a port of 360 version I am not so sure.
I want these from EA for Nintendo Switch :
1. The Sims 4
2. The Sims 3 Remaster (Allowed to create Multiple Families like PC version)
3. My Sims (again) with very Deep Robust gameplay.
4. Well polished graphic & gameplay of Girlie Games like Charming Girl Club Wii. Make some proper Girlie games from EA.
5. Unique games from Maxis like Spore / Create / Sim Animals, etc.
Dear EA,
@kobashi100 Yes, an old version wouldn't go down too well with the teens hungry for the newest and latest.
But the big difference for Nintendo now is that they offer a unique form factor that offers those players something totally new. Portability is a huge deal for teens who spend quite a bit of time out and about and are highly social.
It would take quite a leap to get it into the hands of the footy loving PS4 + Xbox crowd - but there's no doubting that it would be a genuinely exciting prospect for them - so there's certainly a chance for Nintendo there.
That sort of market penetration would do wonders for their brand - and most likely pull many lapsed / non Nintendo gamers into the eco system.
@jancotianno don't worry, there has only been one NFS port on Vita anyway (MW2012), and they might as base the Switch one off the Wii U version instead. :^P
And I'd seriously buy what NFS games can come out on Switch - the classics like Underground dilogy to replay, The Run and new Hot Pursuit to finally play properly, even Rivals to double-dip in (grabbed it on PS4 sale only to find yet another game with no button remapping and the acceleration/brakes glued to Vita touchpad).
NFS is THE series I'd like to see on Switch aplenty. Some Medal of Honor anthology starting with the first games wouldn't hurt either - have the latter ever come out in Europe at all? And maybe Mass Effect trilogy port - I might consider it if I could archive binge it, the games apparently have an overarching plot.
@Spoony_Tech Yes. They do indeed make some great games. The problem is their DLC practices, however, Titanfall 2 and the upcoming Battlefront 2 may bring in a change to that
I'm afraid that out of all those promises by EA, all we get from EA is FIFA.
(Bilingual joke for fellow Italians here.)
@SLIGEACH_EIRE no, like Gameboy Color got one. X^)
Wait too long and you miss the boat EA. Sometimes you have to spend money to make money...
The one EA franchise that is perfect for the Nintendo audience is Plants Vs Zombies:Garden Warfare, EA are stupid if they don't port 2, or create a third one on the Switch.
If EA continued making their BIG series I would buy their games. But, sadly, that'll never happen.
'Premier League players tweet out pics of themselves playing with each other'
It's like you're reading my mind.
@Spoony_Tech EA IS the devil. And even if I'm considering to buy some games just for Bioware it is the worst gaming company.
They have not seen a single penny from me after Mass Effect 2, that serie was hard to skip but after they left Steam I said farewell.
It's unlikely I'm going to give money to THE evil company with the Nintendo Switch, though I can be tempted by one or two big games. Unlikely though.
Half assed games? No thank you. EA is a very poor publisher they ruined ME: Andromeda, FIFA is still full of bugs and glitches and so on. They should focus on shovel ware. Sure there are alot of football fans who play the switch, but majority of the Fifa-fans (and other sports games) will be on sony.
@Braok So when Nintendo does DLC it's somehow different?
How great would real racing 4 be on switch?
@Fandabidozi Post match team bath Switching.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE The reason that GTA has never appeared on a Nintendo console is because Nintendo screwed DMA Design over the N64 game Body Harvest, wanting them to change the game into an RPG before cancelling it altogether, leaving DMA to almost go bankrupt before being bought by Gremlin, saving the game AND the company (although GTA was published by BMG Interactive, who were later bought out by Take 2, who then bought DMA from Infogrames who had bought Gremlin in 1999, moved the company down the M90 from Dundee to Edinburgh in 2000, and rebranded them in 2002 as Rockstar North) In this case, it's apparent that old wounds just won't heal.
Slope's Game Room - "Grand Theft Auto: The Complete History" -
Kim Justice - "The Story and Games of Gremlin: Part 3 - PlayStation, Infogrames, and The End...?" -
Larry Bundy Jr. - "Fact Hunt: 4 Times Shigeru Miyamoto Was an A**hole" -
What if they learned?
What if they do Mass Effect Trilogy this time?
What if they do Need for Speed with offline- and online multiplayer and no freezing up the console this time?
What if they do FIFA 18 with the proper FIFA 18 engine and do not rehash the Wii version of FIFA 13?
What if they bring over their actually good games, like Knights of the Old Republic I&II or The Sims Deluxe?
Madden please.
That would be great, EAgames are extremely important if you want your console to be succesful, many people just have their Next gen consoles to play FIFA or Madden.
Okay, while I'm not the biggest fan of EA, I'll most definitely be buying FIFA 18 when it arrives on Switch later this year.
As for any other EA games the company may be 'considering' for Switch, I'd buy any of these should a port come to fruition:
– Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2
– Star Wars Battlefront II
– Unravel
Additionally, while I highly doubt they'd do it, if EA were to bring the original Mass Effect Trilogy over in its entirety, it'd be mightily difficult to resist the temptation of owning such an epic series on a system that can be played anytime, anywhere.
In the meantime, I'll be keeping my fingers firmly crossed for at least one of my suggestions. You just never know, right?
A Plants vs Zombies game on the Switch would be amazing. I really enjoy playing Garden Warfare 2 on my PS4.
I'll buy Fifa.. Sometimes there's so much hatred in the world, I feel like I can't take it
@antster1983 lol what? Chinatown wars was on the DS, and it was great!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE yea that never happened but maybe this time? You never know! If I was running Nintendo I'd be after that game to be on my system big time!
@darthstuey I don't play call of duty - I think it's highly overrated! But battlefield and Star Wars battlefront are amazing!!
I don't even really know what EA makes outside of FIFA anymore. It's been too long.
just give me madden ill be buying fifa cause i like sport games on a portable system play for a little while turn off and come back.
Yeahno. Do not want. Anything they produce will be ignored, regardless of whether its on Switch or not. I know SOMEONE will say "you're the issue" but I really don't frikkin care. I do not like E4 or any of its games so I'm not obligated to support any of their trash if I don't want to. You do you, I'll do me, and we'll leave it at that.
I believe when I see it regarding EA
@VENOMVSCARNAGE Please yes, NHL 18 on my switch would be the best! I love how everyone is saying " No EA games please " but then go around saying Switch needs more games.
I'll believe it when I see it. Also, what's the bets it's not the game we actually want but a bunch of random casual crap and half-assed ports of slightly older titles and the like.
Wii U had zero sports games so the Switch can use those from EA more than anything in their catalogue
@BenAV You're contradicting yourself. If you're "happy" to support third parties when they release something of interest, you wouldn't buy pre-owned/borrow it when EA does it. You just plain do not like EA for whatever reason (which is fine), and are refusing to give them profits (which I can't tell you you're wrong for doing). But it's people like you who are keeping third parties away, because you're not maximizing the sales they could be reaching on a switch. Basically when we're in the third party-less position we're in. It's hard to justify in my mind (obviously not yours) being picky with what companies we support. Because we all know just how hard it is to go without third party support.
Lets face it... EA just chase the money.
Really... EA is just following the money. They see high sales, so now they're on board. They're like a fair weather friend.
Say what you will, but Nintendo needs EA. Nintendo needs EA and other third parties to be in on their system or it won't sell. We're not in a position to be picky about who comes and who goes.
Obviously, we don't know what they mean by bringing more games to the Switch. Ports of old games, maybe. Releasing full priced ports of old games that everybody has already bought and played elsewhere, and then wondering why they don't sell.... gee, that sounds familiar.
This makes sense specifically if it is indeed easier to make ports to the switch comma each game they bring to the switch would not have to be a home run it would just have to do decently to be in the black because the development cost would not be so bad.
@TJM Switch Sensible Soccer - that's genius. Count me in. I'd never even look sideways at an EA football title if someone could update SWOS for the Switch.
As for this thread, tl;dr. Basically, third-party support for Switch is good but nobody likes EA, as a company, even if some of the games are good.
Personally, I reckon Fifa edged out Pro Evo some years back as the best modern football game. I love the NFL, but I'm honestly not bothered about playing Madden. NHL is the exact opposite; don't follow it, but would love to play the game. And, above all, I'd happily pick and choose from EA's Bioware library.
@Zactoad not that great to be honest. Real racing is a very average driving game
EA recently confirmed need for speed will be dropping before end of 2017. Let's see if switch gets a version.
@Krillin Glad I'm not the only one. SWOS is ideal for the Switch and it's social gaming angle - simple, fast, quick play - and SO addictive. You could be working on your team out and about in between bouts of play.
If only I knew who's house to camp outside of to make this happen. Not holding my breath for a Sensible Software reform though.
Playing Switch SWOS with pals would make me a happy fella! Maybe someone else will make a similar and just as well handling game. Doubt it though.
We have FIFA 17 for our PS4. It's an awesome game. We have not added an extra cent and I can honestly say that we can justify the purchase. I understand everyone's frustration but when is more games from another developer a bad thing? They botched Star Wars Battlefront with how they handled the DLC, but they've already announced that it's not going to be that way in the next game. As for the sports games, they all have the add on packs. If you don't want to buy them.....don't. I would rather have choices.
The more developers the better...
All I can say is don't mess up the Switch audience, EA.
Less interested in generic western dev games, want more Nintendo ip games and Japanese dev 3rd party.
They should bring a Switch version of Star Wars Battlefront 2 to the system. I want to play that game on the go, the single player campaign would be great for that. Then dock it and play some multiplayer while at home!
Only time will tell if 3rd parties jump on board in a meaningful way.
I would love to see a titanfall on the switch (a guy can dream)
Im in no doubt if activision/blizzard ported overwatch that would become a system seller also.
Their sports games, Need for Speed, and Sims would be the first games that come to mind to bring to Nintendo systems. They had some moderate success on the Wii with those franchises as well as publishing some exclusive stuff like Boom Blox. I'm still amazed at this point they haven't bothered to at least announce Sims 4 is on the way to console. Sims 3 sold really well on console last gen, and it would seem like a no brainer to bring 4 at some point.
I wouldn't expect some of their bigger AAA stuff to come though like Battlefront 2, ME Andromeda, and Dragon Age. Even at the height of the Wii's popularity, a lot of EA's M rated action-adventure/RPG stuff was never even a blip on Nintendo's radar.
With Switch doing well, EA support was bound to happen. If it ever looses ground, EA will drop them like a bad habit. Shoot, I wouldn't be surprised if they make half-hearted titles doomed to fail so they'd have the excuse.
Ah, the fickle nature of business, specifically my two favorite, Ubisoft and EA. It's up to you guys, but no one is twisting your arms, and I for one am not waiting with baited breath for your games--Just bring your games if you're going to, and if I like them, I will buy. It's not complicated, EA/Ubi. Either way, I will be looking forward to what I already know Nintendo has coming down the line as what I anticipate (and what I can't predict, but being Nintendo, there's bound to always be a fun surprise sooner or later). Cheers!
Already own all the EA games I enjoy, but I hope other Switch owners buy themselves some fun games! Never was much into realistic sports games. I was more of a NBA Jam/NFL Blitz kinda guy.
Um... guys !
Just now I found a Shocking announcement from EA.
Look at this !
Psst... I think The Sims 4 has a chance to be on Switch.
Check the post #170.
The more developers the better. At least it'll help keep the Nintendoomed trolls from saying the Switch lacks third party support.
I think the best thing EA supporting the Switch would do is signal to the other third party devs that there is money to be made here.
EA has some good titles. They did leave a bad taste in my mouth with the WiiU. It is water under the bridge now. I forgive you EA. Just bring good games or polished ports and I would be happy. If you are going to give us a part 2 or three of something make sure you have the prequel.
They should bring the new Need For Speed game that works in 1p offline to Switch, then I'll buy EA games again finally...
I'll be picking up FIFA but my other wishes from EA are Need for Speed, Star Wars, and Battlefield.
We need A proper hockey game. I say welcome back EA!
@Spoony_Tech Agreed!
but will they actually put any effort in this time or will it just be lazy, late ports like they did with the Wii U and then complain that they don't sell
If they put Mass Effect on the Switch I might actually play it.
@whodatninja nope, what im saying is that nintendo wants us to pay for a nintendo switch shirt in a VIDEO GAME
Add EA and were getting loads of dlc
|sf>If EA wants to add some of its classic SNES, Genesis, or Gameboy titles such as Sim City, Sim Ant, James Pond, the Ultra Pinball games, the Mutant Hockey League, etc. to any Nintendo Virtual Console, I'd support that effort in a heartbeat. I'd give Plants vs. Zombie a chance as well. However, if their releases are boring things like "Just Imagine" or military FPS, they won't have my attention or my money.
I'm not really a fan of EA, but I could see that new Need for Speed working on Switch, especially if it is dropping the online-only play as rumoured.
Other than that their games just simply don't align with people who buy Nintendo consoles. Those into the sports and shooters will have them on PS4/Xbox/PC and BioWare doesn't seem interested in doing Mass Effect ports for the Switch.
We'll see but I expect Fifa to bomb and EA to jump off Switch rather quickly.
NHL 18....Duh🙏
@cyrus_zuo dead space extraction
EA just rehash the same half a dozen concepts endlessly. It'd be no biggy to me if they didn't show up on the Switch.
I have no interest in anything developed by EA unless they resurrect Beetle Adventure Racing.
I'd love Battlefield or Star Wars on Switch.
@thesilverbrick This.
I miss when they were Electronic Arts. Not this EA crap. Even so, the more third party support the better I suppose...
I genuinely don't think I've played an EA or a Ubisoft game for about 5 years. They seem to just make mass produced sterile husks.
Battlefront 2 looks to have potential though!
makes me hope for a battlefield one port
An EA classics set would work for me... Desert Strike, Road Rash 2 and the original 1994? FIFA please.
@Nintendoforlife I disagree completely. I couldn't care less for any of the games you listed and agree totally with his point, before someone go on screaming fanboy be advised I have more games on steam than all my nintendo or sony consoles together. And almost none of them are from EA, I simply don't care about EA and wouldn't ever support one of their launch titles. I have far too many series I am willing to pay launch price that concern me far more than anything EA could put off. If let's say From Software gave us Dark Souls Trillogy for switch I would buy day one even having all souls games, just so I can play again on the go. Obviously there are a lot a people who care a lot about that list you made, but if they are not enough on the switch so EA is losing time with ports, simple as that, what EA decides doesn't change what other thirdies decide, what changes is switch sales and nintendo making the platform easy to dev and license. Buying pre-owned is not so far from waiting for a big discount on steam, I will only pay full price for a game I find worth it FOR ME, it doesn't matter how much effort was put on dev if I don't care about the subject, simple as that.
People saying they dont care for 3rd party devs on switch are entitled to that opinion, But, my understanding was nintendo wanted to make the switch appeal to a wider audience.
Stuff like Skyrim announced day 1 or listing what devs are currently working with the system clearly shows their intentions, and more games only makes the system more appealing to non-nintendo purchasers. They have an innovative console , their ip's bring a big crowd, but the market for non nintendo titles is absolutely huge, THAT is the target audience that will make it a true success.
@FullbringIchigo "but will they actually put any effort in this time or will it just be lazy, late ports like they did with the Wii U and then complain that they don't sell"
This most likely.
If they bring games that are online only, sold for full price yet only half a game, the other half available as DLC/season pass nonsense, then I'll pass. Personally I'd like to see Fight Night back, plus an NHL game.
Portable Madden and PGA Tour? I'm down
Even as a PC gamer, I couldn't care less about EA games. However, would like to point out that FIFA 18 coming to the switch is a promising sign that EA will at least port some of their games to Switch. Wii U only got 1 FIFA game AFAIK.
I'm a big fan of sports games. I've already decided that because of the multiple different ways to play I'll be buying NBA 2K on the Switch (for however long the series is made available on the system). If EA brings its sports games over, I'll do the same for Madden and NHL. Switch also needs to get some Star Wars love. I mean, the Wii got The Force Unleashed games, which were the big ones that gen, no reason EA should leave Nintendo fans out in the cold in regards to Battlefront 2.
@DeathUriel That's far from the point I'm making. They are saying even IF they are interested in the game. A game they genuinely want to play. They still won't give EA any money which in my opinion is nonsense. And as I've already said is the reason third parties stay away from Nintendo. It's not about buying games you don't like, it's about not buying games that you DO like.
@Nintendoforlife No I'm not. I currently have 16 games on the Switch, only three of which are published by Nintendo, so I'd say I'm doing my bit to support third parties. I simply don't have enough time and money to play every single Switch game I want to play though so I need to be somewhat selective, so naturally the games from a company I don't wish to support are going to be the first to be crossed off. I'll continue to support the developers and publishers who I like and want to see more games from instead.
@BenAV All I'm saying is the "somewhat selectiveness" you need to take part in, won't be a problem for you later on. As there won't even be an option to buy EA games for the Switch because of people buying pre-owned games. It's just bizarre to me to not support the company that makes games you buy. You do you though.
@Nintendoforlife That was pretty much just hypothetical anyway. I have no intention of buying any EA games at all, so whether they continue to support the Switch or not is not really my concern.
@BenAV Noted
Madden 13 on wii u and the Wii all plays were pretty damn good.
I'd definitely pick up some of their games on the switch. There are several I don't play but if I could do so on the switch that could change for sure.
Tell EA to F Off.
It was at this point in the Wii U's lifecycle where EA swore to never develop another Wii U game ever again, so when looking from that perspective, EA being bullish on increasing their Switch support beyond FIFA is a good thing, even if their support will likely just be limited to EA Sports titles, and some spin-offs/ports of their mobile games.
PLEASE PLANTS VS ZOMBIES GARDEN WARFARE 2 ON SWITCH!!! I dont care if the graphics look different I just want a portable version of that game. It is one of my favorite games ever.
To be honest I really think that nba live star wars bf need for speed and sims 4 would work well on the switch I’m not a big fan of ea myself but it be nice to see other 3rd pt supporters on the switch
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