Ratalaika Games has revealed that it is bringing two new titles to the Switch eShop: 0000 and League of Evil.
0000 has already been confirmed for release on the 3DS but the Switch version is going to be a bit more special. The gameplay is based around jumping to the music and Ratalaika has stated that it's refining the soundtrack for this new release "to give the best immersive experience into the game ambiance and style".
League of Evil - which has already been a success on PC and smart devices - will benefit from a new level editor and refined controls. You'll even be able to use the touch screen for control, if you so wish.
Japanese company Rainy Frog will be handling distribution duties in that region, and Ratalaika is keen to stress that these aren't the only Switch titles it is working on for 2017.
Comments 38
Just what the Switch needs. More average 2D indie games. Everyone knows that this is what will make people fork over €300 for a machine to play games that look like they stepped out of the 90's(in this case, 80's).
Edit: Here's their press release.
"A couple of weeks ago we announced that we are working on 0000. A hard 1-bit platformer that we intend to bring to PC and Nintendo 3DS, but they aren’t the only platforms 0000 will be playable. I can confirm that Ratalaika Games are in fact a Nintendo Switch™ developer and we will be bringing 0000 to Nintendo Switch™ as well and that’s not all as we’ll will also be porting League of Evil to Nintendo Switch™.
These however are not our only Nintendo Switch™ games in development, as we have a few other titles we’ll be porting to the Nintendo Switch™ later on this year, so you can expect to hear more about them through official announcements in the coming months. As far as the Nintendo Switch™ versions of 0000 and League of Evil goes, we are aiming to release them, with our Japanese partner Rainy Frog handling the Japanese release of both titles for both Nintendo 3DS™ and Nintendo Switch™, so Japanese release could come at a later date."
3DS owners will be delighted to know they'll also be getting them.
And here's a more recent trailer for League of Evil. I could have shown the iPhone trailer from over 6 years ago instead.
I have heard great things about league of evil. I'm fine with lots of indie games on my switch. They just seem to fit a portable better than a home console. A few AAA titles would be nice tho.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Yeah it's almost getting sad now. Let's hope E3 have something because I can't stand more news about random indie games.
Great games. Great news
Soooo Nintendo blocking Axiom Verge but these are ok??? Smh....😳😳
@SLIGEACH_EIRE You might not be a fan, but both of these games are most certainly on my radar. The more indie games on Switch, the better!
Another mediocre developer in. Yay?
This is just bad advertising for Nintendo. A lot of people will see AAA + AA on other platforms and these on the Switch.
@joey302 Ya, it is silly. Did you read this story yesterday about Dan Adelman?
Imagine Nintendo have a 2D Metroid game at E3? Yes, imagine!
League of Evil looks like one of those 10-a-penny lets-copy-Super-Meat-Boy indie games that I loathe without actually ever playing any of them.. VVVVV and Cloudberry Kingdom are others with this gameplay style I can think of but there's plenty more,especially on Android.
I gotta admit - while these games genuinely look like fun, I'm not impressed that they're gonna be on Switch. This isn't news worthy in the least.
@joey302 the first rule of getting your game on a platform is to not call the people making the decision if your game is going to get on the platform "douches":
And yes, the tweet was real--he nuked it pretty fast, but not fast enough.
(I can empathize, to a degree, w/ someone being frustrated, but that was a really, really stupid and unprofessional thing to do, and it's likely Happ is being punished for it, fairly or not. Hell, if I was using Adelman for his alleged PR and marketing skills, I'd probably fire him after a stunt like that.)
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Jesus,grab some tissues will you.
@timson72 Says the guy crying.
Im happy to see more releases on the eshop! these look interesting and I don't have a problem with their retro styling as long as the game is good!
If controls are as tight as in Meat Boy so the game doesn't get too frustrating, 0000 might be great. I sure like the look of it !
Lmao at the tagline. Pretty low standards if you call garbage like this promising.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE been over this a hundred times and you still don't get the Switch's point and core audience? "fork over €300 for a machine to PLAY GAMES" is the emphasis here. And the abundance of 2D indie games is a big part of what impressed me even about PS4, proving it really aspired to be an all-encompassing video game platform rather than just a compact exhibition of interactive photorealism.
Besides, such projects come at lower prices and can fill out a library of affordable pace-changers inbetween BotW/LCU/Setsuna/DQXI/Skyrim sessions for many. I sure find use for such games on Vita despite having at least two ongoing JRPG playthroughs on my plate there at the same time.
Is the Switch "an all-encompassing video game platform"?
Edit: COD: WWII being the latest example of a major game skipping the platform.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Agreed. Where are the Dillion Rolling Westerns and the Snake Passes that actually try to do something unique and different. Everytime I see one of these announcements and it's a 2D platformer, I lose interest immediately. Heck, I don't even bother with Nintendo's 2D platformers anymore after the NSMB games didn't bother to do anything "New".
It's great for people who enjoy them, but there's such a lack of variety.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I read your post,your tears are so salty.
Yay! League of Evil is a great game, will definitely pick it up for NS.
Hey look! People acting like all the videogame release news for 2017 has been given to them in the middle of April. As if E3 already happened and all NS is getting are indie games. Because having actual 3rd party support in the form of indie games is so EWWWWWWWW.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE YMMV if any platform is - but in terms of aspiration and potential that my comment covered, it's definitely the case with Switch and PS4 alike.
In fact, PS4 feels a bit Nintendo to me in some of its approaches like inventive controller tech and VR (I may not care about the latter, but it CAN provide a distinct gameplay experience in concept) whereas a lot of its routine "specs edge" is spent on OS, streaming and some graphical fluff for those who get hard to it. The real "graphics nerds" (I'm not necessarily using that phrase as an insult) are invited to PS4 Pro which however gets no exclusive content, just pours extra crisp into the existing one. Compared to the vibes I got from PS2 ("cutting edge graphics in games AND a media player for your needs!") and PS3 ("power! Power! POWER! We have a borderline supercomputer here!"), IMHO it feels comparatively more about "the games" even if Switch still has an upper hand in other aspects now.
@ECMIM wow yea that was pretty dumb of him. Funny thing is, Nintendo often are a bunch of douches and dummies with their decision making!! They need to get over themselves- the Switch needs games and if this could've been a launch title it definitely wouldn't have hurt. I was definitely guilty of nibelsnarfing about the day 1 lineup. Oh well at some point it will come over I suspect.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE yea i read that - see my further response to ECMIM right above
@SLIGEACH_EIRE ugh!! that 0000 really looks like crud man....add some color at least??? Meanwhile league of evil actually looks good to me lol
I have to agree with the naysayers this time around. These are essentially mobile games.
Just what Nintendo Life needs.
Another average @SLIGEACH_EIRE comment ported over into a new thread.
Will get for the Switch if the price is right.
Might get League of Evil depending on price.
Well, at least devs (even if they are indie) feel like they can invest in Switch.
Naysayers...why am I surprised.
League of Evil is frickin awesome on mobile, but it definitely needed to be on 3DS/Switch. Never played 0000 but I would love to check it out
"Just what the Switch needs. More average 2D indie games. Everyone knows that this is what will make people fork over €300 for a machine to play games"
Well, actually it does! Yeah, I can't believe it either. There's really no reason to buy one yet, and yet it flies of the shelf. It gives exactly the right message to Nintendo: Don't bother with great new first and third-party games, old Nintendo ports and downloads do just fine!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE maybe you should start up a blog. "poop i spend my money on, to talk poop on later" I would definitely watch that....
@Henmii you know wassup
@nukeemhigh So easy to see you're a newbie. Clean up your language before the mods do it for you.
@nukeemhigh watch the language please...
@BarryDunne You mean how I deleted you from my Twitter list? That's what happens when you spout crap and are disrespectful. And to be honest, you think a lot of mediocre games are great so I shouldn't be surprised to see you defend these games. And who? Don't answer please, it's meant to be rhetorical.
@BarryDunne Calling it "mediocre" is generous.
I can't help it if some members here are rude and trolls.
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