Nintendo today announced a new version of the 2DS, the 2DS XL, taking the kid-centric handheld from its wedge form factor to the more familiar clamshell-style design of the 3DS line. The surprise new console releases on 28th July worldwide, with a US price of $149.

The New 2DS XL also features dual rear cameras and a single front-facing camera as well as built-in NFC capabilities for scanning amiibos, similar to the New 3DS. The screens are 82% larger than those found on the original 2DS. You can check out the trailer here:
So what do you make of this new development? Does this reaffirm Nintendo's commitment to the venerable 3DS line, or are they trying to shift some more consoles before letting the Switch reign supreme? Let us know what you think in the comments.
Comments 327
Color me surprised. Not sure what to think, although it definetely looks sleek. Seems unnecessary though.
I got a YouTube notification from Nintendo and was just like "April 1st passed right?" This came out of nowhere.
Even if I wanted one, which I don't, at ALL, that price is insane. $200 Canadian, they have GOT to be joking.
Whoa ho ho ho ho. It looks really nice, but I'm shocked to see this for sure. Does this get rid of any switch mini rumors?
Dumbest thing since the wii mini. Someone should get fired over this idiotic idea.
Seems a bit late for an April fool's joke.
Did you notice it said Miitopia is coming out on July 28th too? I think that's the first time we've gotten an official release date for it.
I'm definitely upgrading.
Maybe this is just me, but the screen actually looks bigger. I'm on my 3rd iteration with the Galaxy New 3DS and love it. This thing definitely looks sleek! Wish they did this styling with the 3D line.
A new 3ds non xl retails for $99 this is in no way a good deal. Honestly who would pay $150 for a 2ds when the smaller one is clearly superior?
Brilliant. Keep stealing the Switch's thunder.
I'm not sure who they think is going to buy this. There can't be many 2DS users feeling like they need to upgrade, and it's the XL version so not exactly a kid friendly size. Now the Switch is out, who's gonna be looking to buy one of these? Still, nice to have the option of a cheap handheld with an established library though. And without that awkward doorstop shape.
I mean, I'm still gonna buy it to add to my collection but
Out of nowhere. Guess it makes sense if they're targeting a budget audience for those 6 million 3DS sales. Not like there's any 3DS units on shelves (no seriously, I'm pretty sure they haven't restocked it since the existing stock sold out during the holidays).
Off voice:
Today, we'll learn a new technique!
first, you create the 10th iteration of the same console!
Second, you watch you switch dying, alone, without any game to play
(just kidding guys, I love Nintendo)
Sigh..... I had just decided against upgrading my original 3ds to a new 3ds and not this? CURSES!!!
The orange one on the Japan website looks pretty snazzy too.
Not really surprising, Nintendo loves to create aftermarket systems.
Caught me by surprise.
If this was available at the time when I bought my new 3DS, I would have take it for the price, since I don't care about the gimmicky 3d :>
@Nin_Myski it won't kill the switch. It's going to sell like dog turds and confuse the heck out of grandmas buying game consoles for their five year old grand kids this holiday season.
This seems cool... if this came out a few years ago. The idea is good the timing is just way off
Does it play SNES games like the New 3DS/N3DS XL?
@faint Can't confuse the grandmas when it's the only iteration on store shelves, which it will be.
Whoa! I love the design, but that price tho...
@Supadav03 that's a very good question
It's really sleek looking, but kind of useless for people who already have a 3DS or 2DS...which is most of us.
It's still a great cheap entry into the wonderful 3DS world though. Just like the regular 2DS.
I like the design as others said but is this just a little to late ?
Like the design, definitely superior than the original 3DS. That's the only one I have. However, I'm not sure if it's worth it.
Only 3DS game coming up that I'm interested in is Miitopia.
I called it! This is funny.
It is very nice looking, If my awesome special edition New3DS XL didn't exist, I would have gotten it.
@derickw69 if it does, I'll gladly trade in/sell my current 2DS for $50 and upgrade to this for $100. Miss my SNES games
I will admit the design looks nice but...the Switch...?
Even the new 3ds xl has been out of stock around here since November.
Well if my 2ds breaks I'll buy this, thanks Nintendo. I was just thinking about buying a New 3ds XL but this is way better
I don't need it. It's ugly. And I have two systems already....
But oh God I want one. Now.
@IceClimbers right next to the new 3ds and the new 3ds xl and used 2ds will sit the new new 2ds.
This is definitely...strange. I don't think it will affect Switch sales though. I mean couldn't you just get a new 3ds xl and disable the 3D?
Weeeell. This is a nice surprise (for me). I have an Old 3DS XL and i've never used the 3D feature. I have played the New 3DS XL and i love all the new features (Amiibo, Zr, Zl, C-Stick, Eye Tracking) but i don't care about the 3D effect on the screens and games soooo... This is like the perfect Nintendo handheld (from the 3DS/2DS line up) for me.
... Uh What?
Honestly, when I first heard of the system before actually seeing it, I thought it was just the same exact 2DS, but bigger. lol
Yeah this would have been a killer if they put more effort into New 3DS exclusive content. Other than that Fire Emblem Warriors game and VC SNES, there's not much reason to pick one up is there?
What would be pretty funny is if this was in preparation for a reveal that the next Pokemon games would only be playable on New 3DS
I can't think of many games that even take advantage of the better hardware. Game Freak never bothered patching X/Y and didn't even include support for the New 3DS in ORAS. With such a low resolution screen though the extra power kinda goes to waste.
What a typically nintendo way of sabotaging it's own switch momentum. Just unbelievable stuff
I kinda forgot all about the 2DS, didn't see that coming.
Miitopia on 28 July 2017 (Friday) ??
BTW, i've noticed that this new system has 2 cameras on the back side, but it's not a 3D system... What's the point on that?
April fools was a while ago...
But seriously, NEW 2ds XL? Will there be a new 2ds too? Or how about a mini? Sp? Lite? Can't we just keep this simple, better yet not at all?
@Arcamenel This system itself probably won't significantly hurt Switch sales, but this could potentially mean that the 3DS isn't going anywhere anytime soon, which could be bad news for the Switch. Who knows, though.
@GameOtaku Maybe if someone wants New 3ds benefits but doesn't want 3D but also wants a larger screen?
New 2DS XL ??

I want it. But after the White color released.
@Baker1000 The people I assume will buy this will be people who want New 3ds benefits but don't want any 3D
Well this guarantees that the 3DS family isn't going anywhere. 6 years in, this could go on for a whole decade if it sticks around for another 4 years. It's a smart device, since it will expand an already huge player base. A lot of people have yet to get one because the 2DS doesn't close, and the screens are huge while the design is sleek. Also it's only $150.
Well I guess Nintendo is trying hard with this one. The profit margin better be huge if not what's the point?
Go switch!
@Rize1200 just like the regular 2DS.
The systems are still capable of taking 3D photos, and the two cameras are still used for AR.
@Refurin my thoughts exactly!
The price itself doesn't make much sense. Instead of bringing down the New 3DSXL to 169.99 with the New 3DS sometimes retailing for 100 and the Mario Kart bundle 2DS for 80, they bring a souped-up 2DS for 150? Makes no sense.
@Meowpheel Haha that's true. I forgot about the AR (and the old DS cameras) for a moment! Thanks!
@faint hahaha!
@GameOtaku because that $99 model you are referring to is non existant, it was a black friday deal that never returned...
A market exists for it (even though it's a small one). People who haven't bought one yet or people who want to upgrade will buy it.
I need to replace my 3DS XL and this is what I will replace it with.
Have never used the 3D once. 2D and XL is the only way to go.
the design is nice clean, and a big upgrade for those on the current 2DAxe. the price is oh kay, but it will need to hit that $99USD price point by black friday, (which I expect it will)
The only two good things about it is the price and it doesn't look like a flippin' cheese wedge
since the Wii U basically never went on sale and never got a hardware revision, this is the perfect lil brother to the Switch, half the price for gamers who never dove in/need a new one/on a budget. This in no way affects or compromises the Switch folks so calm yer nerves.
The New 3DS had the super stable 3D as a killer feature, so why releasing it without 3D?
The price tag should be around $120, since the 2DS is already being sold for $75... doesn't make sense releasing it for $150 when you can get a standard New 3DS for $160-170.
They are going to need a damn good infographic in stores to break this down for potential buyers.
Now if they had all of these options out in the beginning that would be great. smile face
I literally just saw the YT video randomly because it was in my recommended feed (hey it worked for once lol) it seems surprising and random
Yeah since the release of it was a total mess no one but scalpers got one much like the NES mini. To me the xl is just not as portable as my original 3ds. Why pay an extra $100 just for xl?!
And there goes my hopes of next Pokémon on Switch
By the time it comes out, I would have had my 2ds for 3.5 years, so I will more than likely buy it to upgrade
Welp guess I'm buying this.
Lol @ all of you switch fanbois upset about this.
Ok, so I like the looks. It's definitely sexy and appealing (for a clamshell sub-Hd handheld, which is all I see is as now in the post-Switch era).
But aside from that... no 3D. Still no real 2nd analog. No A9LH. No real advantage in any way. No real improvements. And sure, without 3D it can use that power toward games, but it won't, because all the games on the system have already released, and the few that are pegged for release this year will be compatible with all the other 3DS models, so that power will never be utilized for better looking games. Still no improvement in screen resolution...
So... ya. Aside from looking slick there's really no reason for me to get this. That ship has sailed. Switch is where it's at now. I might have jumped on the new 3DS hardware bandwagon before in days past, but not now in the post-Switch launch era. I don't play 3DS anymore as is- and I'm certainly not going to take it with me over my Switch. I just can't go back to that sub-par type of gaming experience now (don't get me wrong, 3DS gaming is great- but once you've tasted something better in every conceivable way it's hard to go back). I'll drop in and say hello for Fire Emblem and Monster Hunter Stories, but that's about it.
But it's smart. This is for the stragglers and casuals and kids who can't afford to buy more expensive consoles they want. Its a good move for sure.
@faint But it sure is useful to have a stack of them if one of your Wii's die, because I had mine that wouldn't work years ago and a Wii Mini did help me out
I think it makes perfect sense. It's effectively a price cut (and feature cut) to maximize the number 3DS units they can shift before it walks off into the sunset for good.
@gatorboi352 I'm not sure why they're upset about this. The Switch is still going to sell like hotcakes for the concept alone, this is just for people who like Nintendo handhelds or haven't gotten a 3DS yet this late in the system's lifespan
@GameOtaku I got one and love it with my hanafuda cover plate
this is essentially replacing that model, since Nintendo clearly sees the 2DS as a budget of budget models that are kid and family friendly.
@JaxonH Although most games run better when 3D is off anyways so in essence it just won't be able to run worse.
@gatorboi352 I'm a Switch fanboy if you want to call it that. I have no problem with this I think it's great. Anything video game related that's created that is fun to play I am down for. I love it all man. Hell yes to the new 2DS!
Why anyone would spend that much when a normal 2ds is $79? The new prices should be imho $59 for 2ds $99 for non xl new 3ds and $140 if you want xl.
I've been predicting this for the longest, and I'm glad it finally happened! This thing looks super nice! It might even be the best looking 3DS family system!
I've been meaning to pick up an N3DS for a while to play FE Warriors, and this makes that easier! Once I'm able to, I'll gladly upgrade to this!
@KidRad Probably because, if were all honest, we all turned the 3D on once in a game and that is pretty much it ;P
The system was pretty much made at a time where the 3D format was having a resurgence
I mean, that's better than the 2DS format, are those lil slits on the bottom corners speakers? Also why is it more expensive than my black edition n3DS which was $99?
Better hurry and buy one before Nintendo discontinues it in six months like they did with the NES Classic.
@HDXylophone Exactly dude! It looks great! I never use the 3D anyways.
Ya, and I know a lot of people prefer to play with the 3D turned off but I always liked it. Even before stable 3D I liked it. Although I do have to admit the stable 3D really made a big difference in the experience.
It's a nice system. I've just moved on. I still love 3DS... but without offering any real advantage over the previous models (in fact, taking away features here) there is zero reason to go out and buy this. Especially having moved on to greener pastures. I would've bought this if they added a real second analog though... but they didn't.
@Tasuki inb4 they actually discontinued the NES Classic for this, because hey Nintendo logic
this... this is what i need!
this New 2DS is alot cheaper ($150) compare to the New 3DS (which is only around $200-$225, depends on what america store you get it on.)
im glad Nintendo decide to do this! can't wait to get one.
Hopefully Gamestop well do a trade offer... hmm.
@Malcrash the wii mini came out when the wii's internet was still up and running. It's pack in was the premier online game on the wii (Mario Kart) and could not access the wii shop (a source of extra income). The average buyer would have no idea that it didn't support wifi, only that MARIO Kart which they just bought couldn't go online. It was a stupid idea and a stupid machine. I'm glad you liked it but from a business perspective it's one of the stupidest things Nintendo has done.
What the heck does owning a Switch have any thing to do with owning/buying a 3ds or 2ds?
I own 3 3DS XL's and I need to replace my original one and I own 2 Switches. I will be buying a 2DS XL to replace my OG 3DS XL and I will be buying a 3rd Switch soon.
Heck I still have and use 3 DSi XL's.
Nintendo Marketing: "Wow! The Switch is our fastest-selling console ever! How should we capitalize on this?"
Nintendo Executive: "Release the 2DS XL."
@thesilverbrick my thoughts exactly. This is sending mixed signals to the buying public. They'll want to keep pushing the Switch and keep its momentum going. Distracting people with a console they likely won't be supporting next year will stunt the Switch's growth.
Damn, that system looks attractive. However, as everyone else said, I don't understand where this fits in the market too well. I'm assuming they're not expecting too many to sell aside from hardcore Nintendo enthusiasts who collect everything. Then, boom, the holiday season will come and they will drop it to $100 for the youngsters who are too young to be walking around with a $300 tablet... issue is the original 2DS already does this. I can see this system doing somewhat well, I'm just curious if Nintendo would be better off putting the money from this into more Switch production.
They really must have a thing against the New 3DS (the regular sized one). The Super Mario 3D Land edition is (was?) at that $150 price point.
@BoFiS The speakers look like they're on the front corners of the lower half.
Nintendo releases the Mini Wii and Hardcore gamers and N64Kids make a tantrum like little jerks.
Nintendo releases the 2DS XL and they are quiet.
Bottomline: Hardcore gamers and N64kids are hypocrites
No it won't.
This isn't a "new console" this is just another flavor in Nintendo's Baskin Robbins 3DS menu. As of right now, 3DS models are pretty much sold out across the board, save for the odd black New 3DS model from a recent mild restock.
This isn't playing any new games and it's not doing anything new that the old models couldn't do before. It's just got a new skin design. It's basically a slightly redesigned new 3DS XL with the 3D stripped out. If they are going to have games releasing on the system for the duration of the year they need to at least have systems in stores. This for $150 probably a much better choice than having the others for $170-200. It doesn't do anything new, and it doesn't offer any advantages, it's just a way to sell the new XL for cheaper.
The name is literally a meme. New Nintendo 2DS XL. Wow.
I thought Nintendo's 3DS hardware shipment forecast of 6 million was a bit high, but with this coming out as the 3DS's last "hurrah", I can see them hitting that forecast.
But as much of a surprise the New 2DS XL is, this is still just a 3DS.
Remember the GBA Micro?? This sure does.
Where could they go with this?
I'm assuming this is the "GameBoy Micro" equivalent for the 3DS line. This should be the last "3DS" we see.
As a person who owns a switch but not a 3DS this is actually a pretty great idea to me. Colour me interested!
@Minotaurgamer I've been complaining this entire thread sir. 😛
Bah! Just after we got our Son a 2DS. Humbug!
I'd be quite surprised if Nintendo continues supporting the 3DS much longer. Of course this surprises me too but it could easily be Nintendo squeezing out a few more sales, the handheld isn't dead QUITE yet and honestly it's not like someone will buy this in place of the Switch.
Well this makes no sense at all
I wonder where is the Speaker & Cartridge slot ?
I couldn't find them from the trailer ?
Now, see, I'm tempted by this. If this came out at the same time as the 3DSXL, I would have gotten this instead.
Cool! If the price is good I may pick it up with Shadows of Valentia. I need a new model.
Why can't they just release the regular New 3DS in NA? This is only good for someone that wants an XL and doesn't care about the 3D.
I have to admit it looks pretty nice though..
Clearly the 3DS isn't going anywhere.
I will definitely be picking up one of these. Very slick looking.
Is there a second April Fools Day at the end of the month?
I always knew that the Nintendo 3DS was something special, so I am very glad that it has enjoyed the success it has this far into its life cycle. A new 2DS model is a nice surprise too, especially since it looks really sleek.
That looks really good. That screen kind of looks larger less distractions, or something. If only they would get rid of that nub and put another circle pad on it.
So basically this is a new 3DSXL.
It's annoying that it looks better than the N3DS XL but doesn't have 3D... And why are they announcing this now? It's not even close to the end of July.
Oh come on! My expectations were so low! Why did you have to announce the ONE THING I was praying wouldn't happen....
This is the 6th iteration. 3DS, 3DS XL, 2DS, New 3DS XL, New 3DS and now New 2DS XL. It isn't that there is an audience that wants a 3DS but hasn't bought one, it's that they hope to sell this to current owners. I have bought 3 iterations myself, this is getting stupid.
I wonder if the TN/IPS screens lottery will still haunt 3DS's enthusiasts
Switch Mini will happen and also probably an XL. Nintendo practically prints money every time they release a handheld and don't even shocked if they eventually release a NEW 2ds XL.
Edit. I just realized this is New 2ds XL.
Oh well. Still printing money.
@Paddle1 Clearly the 3DS isn't going anywhere.
NES Top Loader was released in 1993, 2 years after the SNES came out. SNES 2 came out in 1997, a year after the N64. Wii Mini was released in 2013, a year after the Wii U came out. As you can see, this doesn't mean that the 3DS isn't going anywhere, it means nothing actually.
Ya know, I just realized something.
When New 3DS released, and actually added new features like
Stable 3D
Larger screen
Better processor
Exclusive games
A lot of people were railing against it, claiming the features weren't enough to justify a new revision, and that only idiots who didn't know any better and grovel at Nintendo's feet were buying it...
It's strange seeing some of those exact same people champion this revision which adds absolutely nothing over the New 3DS XL (in fact it actually removes its biggest feature- 3D).
How does that work
It's actually a pretty decent idea. The 3D isn't really popular, but many are also turned off by the tablety form factor of the 2DS. This provides a cheaper option for people who want all of the convenience of a New 3DS XL but don't care about the stereoscopic 3D.
@GameOtaku You won't find that model anywhere for a decent price. What I would like to see is a cheaper $99.99 New 2DS with the clamshell form factor. I understand why they didn't opt for that, though: non-XL models don't sell as well on this side of the ocean.
@Crono1973 You're comparing home consoles to their direct successor, the 3DS is running along side the Switch at the moment.
@Paddle1 Pretty sure Nintendo sees the Switch as more console than handheld, that people want to cling to the idea that it's ONLY a handheld is really kind of silly. Anyway, the point is that Nintendo releasing revised hardware doesn't necessarily prolong the life cycle.
LOL! That came out of left field. Of course just when I upgrade to a New Nintendo 3DS XL, Nintendo would release a cheaper alternative. Well at least one I got looks cooler.
Already seeing lots of people online getting offended.
Oh no new customers have a new cheaper option for the benefits of a N3DS(sans 3D but with a charger)
How horrible!
I like the design.
@Crono1973 That only strengthens the point that the 3DS can fill a different position than the Switch. All I meant was that it's proof they're still supporting the 3DS (in some form) at this time.
Doubtful but hope they improve the battery life with this. It probably won't but a guy can dream
I think they should end the 3ds era after this and just do Switch. This has to be the end... please... enough of the last gen graphics!!!
FINALLY!!!! I've been screaming for YEARS that they needed to make this! Geez it took them long enough!
They weren't kidding about 3DS/2DS sticking around. Fine by me.
I don't really see the problem with this. Nintendo isn't really sabotaging Switch they are just providing cheaper alternatives for those who can't afford a switch or don't want to get one just yet.
@Paddle1 Actually, you implied that the 3DS had a long life ahead of it. 'It's not going anywhere' usually implies that and I am just saying that the NES 2 and the SNES 2 and the Wii Mini didn't extend the life cycle of those consoles.
I think I'm sinking!!!!!
Well played Nintendo! Damn. Kimishima knows how to follow the money!
A decent sales pitch for the dual screen reboot. It just about makes sense. Looks nice, has a ton of fantastic games, makes a pleasing gift or starter system.
This 3DS XL owner will regretfully abstain. I love new Nintendo kit for the most part, owner and unboxing this would be a joy. However, I can live without it and would rather spend cash on Switch games.
@Crono1973 Yeah, but it's hard to define what "extending the life cycle" would mean. For example with the Wii Nintendo stopped making games for it before the Wii U even came out. We know how that turned out. IMO It's not really comparable because they are going a different route this time.
But yeah, you're right, I suppose this doesn't necessarily mean anything about how long they'll support the 3DS.
All part of Nintendo's plan to sell you a 3DS 10,000 times before you die. Can't wait for the next version with a second circle pad instead of a nub and it now plays Wii games through a special eshop, because why not...
This one is odd, like two smartphones sandwiched together. Kind of bulky looking like that. I wonder if the hackers will be all over it (like I need to ask). Just another firmware for them to investigate.
Well, this was certainly a surprise. Looks way better than the clunky 2DS as well. Though I really doubt that any kid who got a 2DS has any interest in upgrading to this, especially since the release of the Switch may interest them more than this one. I'd honestly buy it but I have no need for a fifth 3DS.
This is not the road Nintendo should be going down. They discontinue the NES Classic to give us yet another device in the 3DS family.
It seems now they will continue to split the resources among two platforms. I'm really disappointed at this. They do not seem to learn.
What grinds my gears about this is that NoA seemingly refuses to re-release the standard model new 3ds out of spite at this point. If they want to be able to sell the new 3ds at a discounted price, they could simply make more standard model new 3ds.
Edit: I originally had a bit of a mini rant about not being able to find a standard model new 3ds at a decent price. I just looked on ebay and found that at most it's only $20 or so more than the new 2ds xl. I'll probably just pick another one off of ebay whenever I get the money ( I REALLY have no interest in the new 2DS XL). My original point still stands that they should just make more of the standard model new 3ds instead of a whole new model. Also please bring over more faceplates NoA. It gets expensive importing them from japan or ordering through Amazon.
Maybe they should make more Nintendo mini's instead of this. I will pick one up for my collection but I think the public would rather the nes mini.
@Baker1000 really good question. My understanding is they want to expand further into female and younger casual / curious audience. The games are compelling and fun so...a few million sales? Who knows but I like the reframing of the DS range.
I don't see why so many complain or think it's a bad idea. I already own a 3DS but if I would want a "new" one I would so go with this one now (never use the 3D function anyway).
I'm pretty sure Switch and 3DS can live side by side and I understand why Nintendo don't wanna kill it.
So does this mean what will be sold in stores is the New 3DS, the New 3DS XL, the 2DS and the New 2DS XL? I guess there is some logic in that as customers can decide between both size and the ability of 3D in their decision to get into the 3DS family. All they need now is a New 2DS and if they can get enough users to the 'new' family, they might support it with more games than Xenoblade.
I have to admit, if I had an elementary school aged kid, after seeing this, the 2DS XL is the system I would buy for them. Top of the line, cheap, and has a massive library (that is also often pretty cheap). Perfect for that age group. Keep the Switch for mama.
Nintendo isn't really shooting itself in the foot here because it's going for two completely different markets. The type of person who would buy the 2DS XL was never going to buy the Switch anyway (or at least, not for another four or five years).
Please Nintendo, don't ditch 3D... I like it! Otherwise, cool device!
Hate to say it, but I think I'd prefer the old 2DS model.
Wait...I don't see speaker holes in the top part. Are they pointing out the back of the bottom or what?
First off, wow. Secondly, why am I excited even though I have a Switch? Lol
@JaxonH good points. Cheers.
Checking that it isn't April 1st...
I bet no-one saw that coming.
@TheLobster That type of person would already own a 3DS or a 2DS. Nintendo is selling this to multiple dippers.
Def 'trying to shift more consoles' I think. Though I don't welcome it, this is the DS's last stand.
For those who think the New 2DS XL will deter Nintendo's commitment to the Switch, might I suggest referencing 12-13 years ago when the GBA and DS were supposedly going to be separate "pillars" with the release of the GBA Micro.
Absolutely buying one of these.
For those who think this is a dumb idea, realize that I and likely many others have held out on buying a New 3DS XL because of price and ownership of the previous model. Now that there's a budget option with the same tech that makes amiibo usable and SNES games playable, I'm pleased as punch.
The 3DS is my favourite console ever. I always wanted a new and this looks like the perfect one to get. I'll miss the 3D so I'm still torn between this and the actual N3DSXL but this design is so nice. It was so nice to wake up to this honestly.
@Jolt One of the big features of the New 3DS XL was the improved 3D due to a sensor that can follow your eyes and then display 3D better.
@Crono1973 They're selling to both multiple dippers and to people like all my non-gaming friends who still have DS Lites because they stay a generation behind.
@GameOtaku Because some of us have huge monstrous hands that would crush a regular 3DS.
@JaxonH lol u mad
@TheLobster Everyone has a bunch of friends to fit any scenario, ever notice that?
This is perfect for me who is currently using my original aqua blue 3DS, have nearly 100 games (3DS, GBA and other eshop virtual console games) so I can transfer all my games to a new 2DS console, gives me the option to look into buying games such as Xenoblade Chronicles, Hyrule Warriors and possibly DQ XI if it comes to the US (n.b. DQ XI looks different to the other variations). Fingers crossed for the US version of Etrian Oddysey V?
I agree that some people think selling this along with the switch is a bad idea ("Switch should be Nintendo's handheld focus etc, etc"). In the future, I guess it will be, but I still love having a portable that has dual screens and a fantastic catalogue of games.
Besides, I think the Switch looks fab, but won't be getting it until the 2nd generation of Switch comes out (which might be in 1-2 years time?). Till then, this new 2DS XL looks brilliant for someone like me.
@Oat That was pretty surprising to me that Nintendo never really supplied the normal New Nintendo 3DS in North America, especially since the detachable face plates could've been very profitable in an age where everyone likes to express their own individuality with their devices.
@Crono1973 I forgot about that... I always used 3D a lot but recently it's begun to hurt my eyes a bit, probably as I was like 10 when I started... I'll miss it alot but when I want to play in 3D I can just pop in the cartridge into my OG XL and play in 3D. And this design is toooo slick to miss out on.
Considering how much i paid for my Switch i will have to pass on this new lovely looking gadget. This Meowth is now poor
Didn't see this coming
And I thought Dungeon Man was the most surprising thing that I would find out about this evening....
It looks pretty nice, but that's about it. Hopefully, this is the last iteration of the 3ds, period.
Day one for me! Generally play more on the 2ds nowadays despite owning a n3ds so the lack of 3d doesn't bother me.
A new sleek design, faster cpu & (hopefully) improved audio too was all that was missing from the 2ds so this is great! (If a little unexpected though).
Are you mad lol
Are you twelve?
Dreadful design!! What is wrong with these companies. Sony revise Vita while promoting remote play as a big feature , , and still omit L2/R2/L3/R3 (all essential for PS4 remote play)! Nintendo, having had rotten feedback about "THE NUB", decide to revise 2DS with THE NUB", 2 years after people hated it on New3DS. Theres more than enough real estate on the right side for another thumb stick!! Also... 2DS ditched the clamshell to make it less likely that children would break it.... Its hard to see who this is aimed at. Adults and teens will more than likely purchase a 3DS model over 2DS anyway.
I'm so glad I didn't jump on the 3DS bandwagon until last year when I got the Majora's Mask N3DSXL. This gives me confidence that two years from now I'll be able to get a bigger, better switch with an absurd name and some letters and numbers after it.
Nintendo's German Twitter Account just announced this as well so 28. July is the release date for Europe as well.
Me want to buy New 2DS XL.
Looks pretty as collectible items.
I have owned Older 3DS XL & New 3DS XL.
@fluggy I fixed the nub problem on mine with some spray on rubber and a razor blade. Used a toothpick to dab it on, let it set, then used the razor to cut small indents. It's much, much better and more responsive. Plus it easily peels off if I ever wanted to sell it.
Remember the new 3ds(XL) has stereo speakers this has not.
Does anyone actually play with 3d?
Nah, I think completely abandoning 3DS is a bad idea.
Switch needs a few years before it can stand on it's own as the backbone of Nintendo's revenue. Until then, they need people to continue feeding them their money with 3DS. And really, that's all they care about. Doesn't matter if you buy a Switch, a 2DS XL, a 3DS, or whatever. Nintendo gets your money either way, and money spends the same nomatter where it came from.
Keeping 3DS alive via 2DS XL alongside Switch means a $150 option and a $300 option. Perfect combination. Besides, I don't think they're just gonna abandon their staple affordable handheld market. That would give way to Sony or someone else coming in with a cheap handheld in their place. They need to keep their feet firmly planted in the ground with affordable handhelds, all the while gaining back home console market share with Switch.
At the end of the day, Nintendo has always supported 2 platforms and it doesn't look like that's changing. That doesn't mean Switch won't get the majority of their focus though. I mean, all they're bringing to 3DS this year is a FE remake, a 2D Pikmin, F2P Kirby and a Kirby MP game. Everything else is 3rd party (and it's not just the number of games, but how small scale they are, especially compared to even one single Switch game). So I imagine it's gonna be an 80/20 split between resources for Switch and 3DS. So Switch owners get what they want with a larger volume of games and 3DS owners get to continue playing on a supported system
maybe..just maybe they can come up with a clamshell idea for the switch
New 2DS XL is aimed for KIDS.
Please understand...
@Crono1973 Someone always has a comeback to every comment, ever notice that?
@Mortenb I don't. Even with the improved 3D on the N3DSXL it just messes with my eyes. Also, I always think about it's hit to battery life and shut it off.
@TheLobster Yes, I have noticed that. It's ok though, I am glad you responded.
Switch with Clam shell design ?
Nintendo HDS confirmed.
No one is buying Switch for their kids, a cheap clamshell 2ds however is perfect for them.
I have to say: the design is really ugly. Those blue buttons look like cheap toys from China.
Eh ? Really ?
But I think the design of New 2DS XL much like Two smartphones sticked together like Clam shell. XD
It looks pretty for me.
Am I confused? Is it still April 1st? It has to be..... right?
Makes sense as a low price entry point to Nintendo games. This is definitely the one I would get if I got a 2/3DS today.
Noticed the video in YouTube suggestions. Thought it was a joke one. Then I saw the publisher: Nintendo...
The most useless iteration: it has none of the 2DS arguments and ends up as a simple redesign of the new XL.
The new 3DS is currently under 129€ in supermarkets, the XL version ranging between 149 and 169€. Where is the price argument of the original 2DS (cheaper by 50€) ?
The 2DS had this more compact and solid / durable design as the "young kids" argument (I admit I still wonder how it made it adequate for a 4-6years old baby who couldn't use it). With the return of the cclamshell and such a thin line, where is that gone?
You make a key point.
Much of the 3DS's software support for 2017, at least in the west, consists of Japanese localizations (MH Stories, Yokai Watch 2, Miitopia, RPG Maker, etc), low-effort spin-offs (Hey Pikmin, Mario Sports), and downgraded ports (Woolly World, FE Warriors).
Ever Oasis, FE Echoes, and the newly announced Kirby multiplayer game are the only new major 3DS games coming out this year that we know of thus far.
Meanwhile, the Switch is getting/will get new entries in major franchises (Zelda BOTW, Splatoon 2, Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2, the good version of FE Warriors), along with a new major IP (Arms) and an enchanced, not downgraded port (MK8 Deluxe).
It's pretty clear where Nintendo's focus is at.
@Anti-Matter The top screen does looks like an old iPhone. It's those blue buttons that ruined it, why can't they use those colourful buttons like the New 3DS?
So they cancel the hotetst selling console that everyone wants, angering many who didnt manage to get one and they bring out a trimmed down version of a system that already has lots of prior variants.??? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
So will you be able to download SNES games on this?
None of you get it:
This New 2DS will use the upgraded CPU and double the ram. It will run Xenoblade, SNES VC games and other New 3DS titles. That means Nintendo can cut the Old 3DS off and only support the New 3DS/2DS. Newer games will look and run better.
@Nintendian They're not doing that. The vast majority of the 3DS install base is using the old 3DS, 3DS XL or 2DS. Economically doesn't make sense.
If this was the goal they'd have to make a cheap entry point to it and this is only close in price to the NN3DS, let alone the 2DS.
This is the 6th iteration of the 3DS family now... Don't you think that's overdoing it? I don't really see the point in this when there's so few games that use the upgraded features as is, so it'll still make more sense for budget conscious buyers to get a standard 2DS instead, unless they're upgrading. I take it that, like the n3DS XL, this doesn't have customisable face plates?
so that's what the factory that was making NES mini has been doing.. . . .
I don't see why folks are bashing this so much. If I didn't already have a new 3DS XL, I'd get this. I don't really use the 3D part of my 3DS XL at all, do 2D would be fine. If mine XL ever breaks, I'll move over (not Switch) to the New 2DS XL
You are right, but where are the New 3DS games they talked about? Only a few, and this new 2DS would make you think they are going to put a few more exclusives out.
I might actually consider getting this if the price is decent here in the UK. I was already looking to buy another New 3DS XL, since mine has been used (and perhaps handled a little bit carelessly, whoops) so much that the hinge has gotten dreadfully loose and the shell is chipped in several places. Can't remember the last time I actually used 3D on it, so this might be a fantastic budget option.
What the hell? Nintendo - what the hell are you trying to pull?
@IceClimbers Why do you assume that grandma will visit a physical store to buy it?!
I think it's gorgeous and I didn't think they could beat the New Nintendo 3DS XL design.
Nintendo UK's site has a white and orange version which is even nicer. https://youtu.be/q1qrM1UbTyU.
There's no price on the UK video though as usual. With the 2DS being £80, I hope they price this at £100. But as the New Nintendo 3DS XL is currently £180, I'm predicting £130 which means I'll probably wait until a bundle deal comes out.
@Franklin Yes! It's the same as the new 3ds handhelds minus the 3d.
Nice. Instabuy for me.
this is actually quitea logical step from Nintendo they will probably ditch the 3ds alltogether & just make the 2ds & 2ds xl. I did have a 2ds & original 3ds years ago. Have a switch now but could see me picking it up in a bundle.
Talk about ugly. Reminds me of the original DS Phat, another honker.
@cfgk24 Ok that is pretty sexy, even compared to my Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate N3DSXL. I might have to import one for the collection. To make the 8th member of my 3DS family @_@
@Supadav03 It's exceedingly unlikely this won't play SNES games. It has the little C-nub. It's almost certainly a New 3DS without the 3D. Wait for confirmation, sure, but this isn't something I would doubt too much.
I see this as the wii mini, it looks like they took som style choices from it so I have a feeling this is the last rendition for the ds lineup. nice of them to drop it but we know what happens they bring another console out and it doesn't get full supported this is just a cash grab.
Nintendo stop smoking those funny fags , how about supporting your switch console that over 2 million people have bought into we don't want another wiiU fiasco.
Thank you
@SLIGEACH_EIRE It's actually extremely smart! Have a look at the SLIME BUBBLE special edition ( then compare it to the PS4 special edition that was announced yesterday! )
Like the original 2DS, this surprised me.
However, although I originally wrote off the 2DS I subsequently saw first hand the potential of a cheap handheld perfect for younger gamers.
My only 2 concerns with the 2DS XL is the reintroduction of the clam shell design (unquestionably a great design for a portable but does make it more vulnerable to damage) and the lack of a $100 or less budget price.
This is a bizarre revelation. I was expecting Nintendo to heavily push the Switch this year while slowly letting the 3DS enjoy its end of life, but now we get this.
Nintendo should have just made the Switch the one and only console Nintendo fans need, and I could see this hurting Switch sales. I've not Switched yet, and this is going to make me much more hesitant on buying a Switch while I wait and see what Nintendo is trying to do.
If they're still pushing the 3DS, then I don't expect the Switch to get 3DS franchises such as Pokemon any time soon. If new Pokemon and Monster Hunter games were announced for the Switch, then I'd be very eager to buy one, but it doesn't look like that'll happen any time soon.
The video states it uses the faster CPU of the New Nintendo 3DS XL as well as the two shoulder buttons and the c-nub. It's a New 3DS XL in a 2DS body. The only thing it doesn't do is play games in 3D which no one cares about any way.
This is a smart move for a budget gaming system that is still getting NEW games.
How are people not getting this?
What I would like to know is if I can do a system transfer from my New Nintendo 3DS XL to a New Nintendo 2DS XL. In theory it should work, but it wasn't possible to go back from a New Nintendo 3DS to a old Nintendo 3DS / 2DS.
Well I'm actually interested.
@GameOtaku (In reply to comment #12)
Not only that, but a regular 2DS costs a little over half as much at $80, and comes with Mario Kart 7. So much for the 2DS being the budget-friendly 3DS, huh?
EDIT: Now that I think about it, though, the 2DS cost $50 more when it launched. Perhaps the New 2DS will get a $50 price drop later down the line.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Talk about it yourself!
Good move. Next will be a New 3ds with a bigger screen and better graphics, Can't wait.
Interesting. A good time to buy an old 2DS perhaps
Definitely getting this. Not into 3d at all, especially as my young kids play on the 2ds as well, but the faster processing, larger screens and amiibo support make this very attractive to me.
You're right, Nintendo, the 3DS family wasn't already confusing enough!
Cool design, though it's now basically a suped up DSi XL.
Don't expect a Switch Mini anytime soon with this!
Will the SNES virtual console work on this??
@SwidnesJoe Yep!
EU is getting it the same day (Link Here), but Austalia and New Zealand are getting it on the 15th of June (Link Here).
@ROBLOGNICK well look how the new 3ds turned out how many new games did that get to make use of the new power. its a complete cash grab and nickel and dime situation.
maybe they should focus on the switch that has manufacturing issues like dodgy batteries or software issue and get out more games for the thing you know since over 2 million users have this rushed out consoles that was so long a secret.
After they way the treated the wiiU it seems no lessons are learned here and if it fails for them this time they have no one to blame but themselves this is just pure greed or they have nothing to show for switch lets put something else out.
As much as I love nintendo and own a switch and love all things Mario etc and like a sucker bought Mario kart 8 deluxe after owning it all digitally on wiIu , as a consumer and supporter of they're goods this is taking the P.
Many months in the making, IMHO - 2DS felt a bit too "budget" since it was based on an older version with an increasingly incomplete library and the remaining need for peripherals (except, again, for the incompatible ones - or where were you supposed to strap the Circle Pad Pro, I wonder?).
3D itself - perhaps Nintendo's first rare shot at a largely visual experience selling point since N64/Gamecube, - proved predictably dispensable, but N3DS stopped being a PS4 Pro of the line when Xenoblade port and SNES VC factored in. So this is basically a budget version of N3DS XL retaining the gameplay perks, not a 2DS "upgrade".
@Frosty_09 You need to make a thread on the forums and continue with this. It was seriously a beautiful read!
Nintendo could make a killing by producing more Zelda series amiibo but they make this instead????
Surprisingly enough, I'm in.
My girlfriend, sadly, is pretty much blind from her right eye (that is, the one on the left side of her face, hence her right one), so depth perception is off the table for her.
She's also just as unemployed and broke as yours truly so her 3DS model is unsurprisingly a 2DS; her only gripe with the handheld is that it lacks the clamshell design.
So yeah, the New Nintendo 2DS - in this very 2%-like scenario of ours - is an actual godsend.
You're missing the point completely.
Original Nintendo 2DS (and original 3DS/XL) don't play SNES VC games, load newer 3DS games much slower or with reduced framerates) and the much more expensive New Nintendo 3DS includes additional functionality could be argued as not necessary at all such as the stereoscopic 3D display and 3D cameras. This creates a much more affordable piece of hardware for younger gamers or enthusiasts for a device that will still have support well into the holiday season.
If you already have a New 3DS, you don't need this. This product is not for you.
The Switch doesn't have any manufacturing issues with perhaps the exception of not being enough to go around. The issues you've read are not widespread to be considered proper manufacturing issues.
What has any of this got to do with the Wii U?
But are the screens larger than a New 3DSXL? And whats with the nub again? I'd buy it if it had a REAL second circle pad.
Looks slick! Surprised to see the 2DS adopt the clamshell design though. I thought part of the point of it was it was tougher so that kids could be handed one with less worries. Maybe the hinge has been made tougher?
It's basically a New 3DS XL without the 3D ability. Not for me as I love the 3D but nice for those who want a bigger screen and not even the option of 3D. Surely needs to be cheaper than a New 3DS XL or people can just buy that and slide down the 3D.
It took me forever to figure this out. I was so confused to see how it was a 2DS until I realised it was a new 3DS without the 3D but different. But why?
They made a good ad for it though they should showcase the 3DS like that.
Finally, the 3DS gets a redesign...
@ROBLOGNICK the issues with the switch may not be widespread, but I actually have one of them that has issues. its not cool because I do not know if its battery related or actual sofweatre related and In order to find out it needs to be sent of which is also a problem as I will defiantly loose all my time with Zelda and other titles which is a joke in 2017.
There is no guarantees the one I get back will be any different as they won't comment on if its a hardware of software issue and saying they have never heard of this issue.
So just because you or some others don't have issue with their switch does not mean others don't.
Singing praises, dismissing others because yours are ok just gives Nintendo power to ignore issues, I expect you wouldn't be so happy if it was your device ?
Issue like this should have been planned for before release they had enough time and hiding it behind the vale. So I'm stuck with a faulty device till either they fix it via software or they fix a solution for saving my data so I can send this thing off.
which I'm not happy about after only have just over a month never had this issue with wii or wiiU and I can't fully use it as its intended as the battery and indicator is atrocious so it has to stay docked .
A complete waste of time and resources if you ask me.
Well...ok then...
Dual cameras, for 3D pics?
...does it also support Super Stable 3D?
Should of announced Metroid
Now we know why the NES Mini was pulled. They had to divert production resources to a thousand more 3DS redesigns.
@GamerGuy82 Have Nintendo explicitly told you you will lose your save data if you send your system to them to be fixed? I don't believe they would let that happen.
I'm very sorry if you have a serious problem with your Switch. That sucks. But it's unreasonable to expect any product or service to be 100% fault free. Someone, somewhere is always going to be affected by something. Just because you have an issue with your Switch doesn't mean everyone else does. Nintendo aren't going to be able to diagnose your problem without looking at your device. Just like someone can't diagnose a problem with a washing machine or television or iPhone in the same way.
Because it makes business sense. Why move on from selling a huge library of popular games, when you can re-vitalise interest, flog Pokemon some more, and use up an unimaginable stockpile of leftover hardware internals? Compared when they've projected as standing to make, the hardware refresh is a tiny splash - they've set the stage for another 3-5 years of 2D/3DS support/sales.
Also, kids. My little lad has a 2DS. I'd buy this for him over a Switch any day, as it's more robust and simpler, even if the price is closer to a Switch.
@Ras I think you're right. Totally missed the part about it having the faster processor. Think that's all it really needs to run SNES games. Think I'll trade in my 2DS for this
They should have released this earlier
Have to admit, I'd be really tempted by this if I didn't already have a Switch! Really lovely design and great for kids.
@ROBLOGNICK Yes I was told by support there is no way for them to get anyones save data back you can check with then they will tell you the same.
I have an open ticket but I refuse to send it off just now as there is no guarantee the next one won't have the same issue and I will have lost all my data for no reason and I was told to prepare to wait for weeks for a fix or even a replacement.
so if this issue doesn't get resolved soon either via firmware or save data then i will just sell it.
Is there a comparison anywhere between this and the latest iteration of the N3DSXL? I'm still using a DSXL and would like to upgrade, but I'm an old dude that wears bifocals. My eyes don't need the challenge of 3d but they do long for a bigger screen.
I was pretty glad to upgrade my day one 3DS to a New3DS and did see an improvement in the console. I rarely use the 3D anyway and if this version had been out when making my decision to upgrade I may well have gone for this. With the SNES virtual console and New3DS exclusive eShop games being added weekly I can imagine original 3DS and 3DS being fazed out and being entirely replaced by the New range. I don't see how this will damage the Switch at all, if anything because of the size and style of this New2DS this would be ideal for weening younger gamers onto the switch because as some people pointed out that if you removed the top screen it looks pretty much the same as the switch. Also the more New3DS / New2DS owners out there, the more chance of getting some of the better Wii ports like Xenoblade being released.
Why? Just, why?
It's unnecessary, pricey, and overall not a good idea. Also, now Switch detractors can say that Nintendo doesn't care about it, which may be the case seeing as this was revealed. Also, why XL? A smaller size would be much better for the budget audience they are marketing too.
This is the first time since E3 2016 that I can't find anything positive about some Nintendo news.
I love the design, but it's a little expensive for what it is, and I love my 3D, so I probably won't get one of these unless they become a clearance item.
While I really want to get it, mostly becauase it look like a NEW nintendo 3ds stuck in the shell of a ds lite. But i'll have to wait till E3 to see what new games are coming.
Too many comments for me to read them all, but...
I want them and I want them now!!!
I'd prefer if they just made more NES Classics...
Really people?
I haven't read every single comment, but do people not understand who this is for?
This is for kids where the parents don't want to spend $300 on a piece of tech with a ton of small parts that can get lost, and still get new Pokemon, Fossil Fighters, Etrian Odyssey, Yo-Kai-Watch, Yu-Gi-Oh, and whatever else the kids are still playing.
@GameOtaku he's saying it's unavailable online because this was a Black Friday deal that for some reason still remains
@Action51 It also applies to people who don't care about the 3d in the 3ds, I personally have a ambassador 3ds and for as long as I've had it I have only used the 3d a hand full of times
@FatherPheonix - I have a regular 3DS, but as I'm not a kid anymore, my eyes struggle in either 3D or 2D mode on the small screen, and might pick this up just to play for long periods of time around the apartment without eyestrain.
Very VERY stupid idea, even the announcement takes eyes off the Switch
@Zaylok yeah but are they many? There are hardly any games that run exclusively or better on New 3DS or even make good use of the extra buttons. One of the biggest benefits of upgrading to New 3DS was the stable 3D but that's not relevant here. Plus you could just buy a New 3DS and turn the 3D off (not that many games lately even use it). It might have been a price concern but lets be honest the New 3DS has dropped quite a bit in price by this point.
I love the New 3DS but honestly there hasn't been much reason to upgrade if you're not a Nintendo fanboy like me who just buys because it's new. Aside from missing out on Xenoblade and the changeable faceplates, I would have been happy to stick with the original 3DS if I was only worried about functionality.
@Scott_PdP http://www.nintendo.com/2ds/features/compare/
For the first time ever I like the look of the black model. I think I'll buy this since I never upgraded my original 3DS and my main complain for not playing my vast catalog of 3DS games is the size of the screen.
Eh, I'm good with the Majora's Mask edition I have. I like my 3D in most games too.
This was REALLY unexpected.
hmmm why? if it was at a budget price I would perhaps understand but that's a premium price for an ageing console. very random.....why not just reduce the price of the actual new 3ds. I don't really see the point in this.
@TheBigK Yea blame Nintendo for your country insane taxes
I really like the look of it, but I wish Nintendo would focus more on the Switch now.
They should be focusing on the Switch. Nobody cares about this thing!
What the heck Nintendo.... Shouldn't they be focusing on the Switch!
At least, this means they keep pushing the 3DS family.... It seems Pokémon Stars will come, but to the 3DS not to the Switch.
@arpaktiko Well I'm not so much blaming Nintendo, I understand that our dollar is weak and prices have to go up to compensate. It's just frustrating that our wages don't scale as well. We earn the same as Americans, more or less. So our purchasing power is significantly less.
April Fool's Day is so over; this is practically May Fool's Day!
It makes sense in that I wouldn't want to buy a Switch for my kids, but at the same time the support for the 2DS/3DS services have been bad lately. For example, it should take very little for Nintendo to support the Virtual Console on the system (and the Wii U for that matter) yet they seem to not care at all to put things on there. It is obvious that there is still appears to be market demand for the service and publishers that appear to want to put their products on there.
Please no one buy this so Nintendo gets the message and focuses on the Switch for once. Lol we want gamesssss
new switch size coming soon
I certainly don't need this, but if that white/orange model came to North America then I'd be tempted!
I take this as a sign that there are more 3DS games coming that will not run on the original 3DS/2DS hardware.
New 2DS XL, Why not ?
There are some customers still pay attention for some 3DS games too, not just only Switch.
Having both New 2DS XL andSwitch are not a bad idea.
Nintendo need some amunitions (money) from 3DS family, implement to Switch for games.
Kids need some games too, not just only adults.
New 2DS XL is perfect for low budget parents who want to buy a video games for their kids with affordable price.
Beside, it has IPhone design Clam shell that well recognized by majority.
Please understand from Parents view point...
3 inch monitor size is kinda hurting some people eyes. Too small compared with Smartphone or Ipad mini or Ipad.
Kids nowadays can take their Big Ipad effortless, so why not New 2DS XL ?
I JUST upgraded to a N3DS XL, but would have waited had i known this was coming! Oh well, I love my N3DS all the same.
the unit looks nice. Nintendo has made another "must own" gaming system again. only one problem: this version of the 2DS/3DS is unnecessary.
unless this is a smart phone version of the 2DS/3DS Nintendo should not have even decided to create this model.
@Anti-Matter Meant as a joke (sorry if it wasn't clear) but you have a fair point, in many ways the DS and switch serve two different markets. And I do like Nintendo having money for R&D
Because we know you want this more then the NES Mini!
Probably pick one up for the model collection at some point but certainly not launch day. Still yet to get a good deal on a smaller New 3DS. XD
@Arcamenel Yes, but you'd be paying mode for a feature you won't use.
It makes perfect sense. Between my son and I, we have 3 3DS's and neither of us can see in 3D. I would have bought these in a heartbeat.
One important thing is this was NOT included in the Direct. It's just a stealth announcment of "oh by the way, there's this", so there's no marketing push behind this unlike Switch.
@lemonjellydude I agree the price is higher than it should be considering the price point of the OG 2DS....it seems to be crossing its own market. OTOH it includes the AC adapter, so that's ~$10 difference as well. A $60 difference is a meaningful price difference for a system that basically just looks a little cheaper and lacks 3D. But it should still be cheaper.
Something no one is talking about is that, this bodes well for the continuation of services like Miiverse.
@JaxonH " It's basically a slightly redesigned new 3DS XL with the 3D stripped out."
Just went thru and read all 300+ posts and thats what I think. "New 3DS XL Slim: No 3D"
I did think of you though when I saw that DQ11 version, but then remembered you were into MH, not DQ. If you were into DQ you'd be importing it.
I was looking at the 2 New 3DS XL Galaxy purple in stock at Target yesterday. $200 is still too rich for my blood, but if they ever clearance them out at $150 I might have to bite.
I still need to see some side by side photos w/ the New 3DS XL. Nintnedo probably wisely didn't release any b/c then people would realize this isn't a New 2DS, it's a Newer 3DS XL w/o 3D. these screens do look bigger but I think it's just an optical illusion as the body is smaller. Not a lot smaller like the Xbox One and Slim, more like the PS4 and Slim.
It is interesting. I'll say this though, all of those people who say Ntinedo will never put out a Switch Mini w/ built in Joycon b/c it coudln't play games like 1 2 Switch out of the box, well this says anything is possible. N. E. Thing.
@faint Re post #99 wii mini
Good overview. 1 other thing I thought was so wrong about the Wii Mini was by removing the internet access they removed the thing most people were using their Wii for at the time, Netflix. Heck they even made the color of the thing "Netflix Red" just like those ubiquitous envelopes. Oh, and of course the timing, having it on store shelves right next to the Wii U at it's launch.
I think there will be people who buy this over Switch this year, but probably not enough to matter, as Switch will still sell out of every one they make and ship between now and the holidays. Next spring will be the time that matters. Nintnod avoided repeating the Wii U's dismal first Feb & March sales by launching in March, making this holiday it's first, and people will buy them up for Zelda and Mario, but next spring will matter. This won't. The only way this matters in that it might become the ONLY 3DS console available, and all games going forward might be 2D only. But the system is 6 years old now, it's time is past. I see thsi model as consolidation of all the others, New 3DS is kind of gone anyway, faceplates never took off in the west, and this is cheaper than the New 3DS XL. It's not really a New model, it's more likely the only model going forward, at least after this holiday. So yeah, like the Wii Mini.
Honestly they just need to put out the normal new 3ds. XL is just way too cumbersome I've tried a friends and it just feels off, and not really very portable either it won't fit in my pocket and I'd have to buy a whole new 3ds case just for xl! Options if you want to sell me on the "new" anything then make it worth my money. I refuse to believe (even with so called evidence) that 25 year old software will not run on 2011 tech when SNES emu has been around since the mid 90s on lesser hardware, besides that all you really have us shovelware eshop titles and 2 retail games that actually requires it.
@Anti-Matter I'm a 32 yr old parent of 3 kids 10 an under. This is a stupid idea and takes eyes and potential sales off the Switch. They could just buy a Switch for not much more.
This would only be worth it if both screens are definitely IPS. I bet they'll be TN screens in most cases... which would make this a ripoff.
Perhaps it would be more justified f it came loaded with all 30 of the NES games that were on the discontinued NES mini.
I don't even think New 2DS XL will disturbing Switch's sales. Beside a Single screen HD games from Switch is completely different with a Dual Screen non HD games. Remember during Wii and NDS era ? Both of them are on top selling machines despite of completely different machines. They didn't even damage each other. If kids have to choose the games based on the Graphics first, i'm sure they will choose Mario Kart 8 Deluxe rather than Mario Kart 7, but if they like both of them regardless of the graphics that means that's a benefit for Nintendo. Since you're parents here, if you want to support Switch sales, so buy the Switch only. Just let the other people who is collector or low budget people buy New 2DS XL.
@AlwaysGreener My thoughts exactly! I feel like Reggie is stoll salty that faceplates didn't take off for the Gameboy micro back in 05. If that's the case I feel like that's a very misguided decision, especially considering how popular customization is nowadays
Nintendo should be sued by the fans , 2ds xl is what the original 2ds should have been , new 3ds what the original 3ds should have been , The switch is what the wiiu should have been , If Nintendo had big enough competition in the handheld market they wouldn't have made these mistakes , If sony created some kind of affordable portable handheld / mobile it would be a whole different story .
The system looks awesome. Is this the end of 3D? I'm very bummed about that. I play with 3D on 100% of the time. I'm going to miss all that if it carries over to game releases. I absolutely love the look of the system though. It's a gorgeous looking system and I will more than likely get it.
Overall, I'm not happy with how Nintendo announced this. It should have been released a year ago, and if it is releasing this year it should have released at $99 or $129 with a game. $150 without a game is way too expensive for what this is. Also, I still don't understand why Nintendo stopped selling the regular-sized New 3DS. So if someone wants a more portable system, they have to pick a 2DS? That was a bad decision as well.
I think this fits a core gamer niche of players that wanted to upgrade for SNES titles and New-3ds exclusives like Xenoblade, but didn't care about 3D. Still, Nintendo's history of releasing the best version of the portable late-game had me hoping for something a bit more for their after-market 3DS hardware release (maybe higher-res 3D cameras, or even a 'retro' GBA card slot). The GBA Micro was and is amazing, with the backlight and keychain form factor.
@faint Chill dude, nobody is forcing you to buy one. I'm sure it costs nothing more for nintendo to produce these units and it is a good way to reintroduce the system into the market for those who do not already own the device. Also im sure it is not 1 person managing this release but instead a team of people who come to a consensus and after financial analysis they go through with the product. Nintendo is a mature company, not some start up, they know what they are doing.
looks sexy!!
I love the design, but I cannot sustain the Switch and 3DS at the same time. My wallet won't survive that. So, for me, 3DS is pretty much dead.
This looks great! Still haven't bought a 3ds/2ds all this time as have stuck to the wii u. Not currently considering getting a Switch and have never been interested in the 3d gimmick, I'll be buying this one!
@man3ster You are absolutely right. I still have an opinion and this is a stupid product. I almost never complain here. You can go through my comments. This just stands out to me. Heck we have some users who complain on nearly every article but you will have to go back months to find a Nintendo complaint if mine. Chill dude.
Completely pointless addition:
1.There is no need to buy any 3DS model in 2017.Period.
2.A New 3DS with No 3D effect means no valuable distinction from the Nintendo Switch. 3DS VC is around the corner. Anyone still buying 3DS hardware now will do so because they care about the 3D effect.
3.The upgraded hardware jacks the price up $70 over the original 2DS. Does the combined cost of $130 really justify Xenoblade 3D on N2DS?
@CrimSkies97 <<<< Ignore this guy.
The 2D XL is a good option for those who want to play great JRPG's and SRPG's such as the Etrian Odyssey series (which depend a lot on the 2 screen set up THAT THE SWITCH LACKS).
Oh and good luck playing Fire Emblem Echoes on Switch (among many other games -some yet to be revealed at E3)
@GC-161 It's Called Virtual Console. And I give the Switch about 4 months before Nintendo announces 3DS games (including FE:E) on Switch and nullifies all New 2DS XL purchases.
You're playing on a screen several times larger than both 2DS screens combined, so I don't think formatting will be an issue.
There is also a much cheaper option called the 2DS phat. You can purchase it with couch change nowadays.
@CrimSkies97 I give you 4 seconds to try and insert a 3DS card into the Switch's game card port.
Then another 4 seconds to come up with a viable good excuse to convince the millions into buying all their 3DS games that they already own physically, to buy them again on the Switch digital (ew) store AT FULL PRICE.
Yeah, that sounds like a wonderful option to the 80 million plus 3DS users that Nintendo hopes to move over to the Switch....... /s
It's cheaper to just get a 2D XL
and this is why nintendo has been getting no money from me these past couple of years. I'm sorry but Nintendo has done this sort of thing one too many times. Why purchase another system that plays the same games. Plus the switch is a portable console or what ever they are marketing it as this day. I wouldn't be surprise if some time in 2018 a new updated switch will be announced. smh.
The New Nintendo 2DS XL releases June 15 in Australia for all my fellow Aussie Nintendo fans out there
Though it seems like it came out of nowhere, which it did, surely this is a good thing for all those people who were worried about Nintendo dropping support for the 3DS range?
If they're prepared to make a whole new model, surely it shows some form of commitment on their side to say that the 2/3DS isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
As for whom it is aimed at, well, I for one would probably get one for £130 if I was on the lookout for a new model (I have the original 2DS) as opposed to paying around £180 for a model with 3D, as for me personally, I wouldn't pay and extra £50 for a feature I would never use.
That's why I love the original 2DS. The design is perfect for me, but not for others, which is why they would no doubt go for the new one. Just my opinion.
@Kaizen @pokedmund These were my thoughts exactly. I'm still using my original 3DS XL but I know it's going to die someday. The 2DS XL looks like a really nice option to be able to keep playing all my 3DS games.
I will get a Switch at some point, probably in a year or two from now. As a wii u owner I still don't see a reason to get one this year. It's way too much money to spend right now just to play Breath of the Wild and MK8 on the go and for the new battle mode courses in MK8.
So yeah, the 2DS XL is perfect for someone like me, and I don't see it having any impact on the Switch.
I must be one of the few people who prefer to turn the 3D on?! Never found it gimmicky at all, but I can see some people will dig this 2DS model.
@GC-161 Virtual Console doesn't involve inserting physical cartridges into newer systems. That's the advantage.
I'll give you 4 seconds to explain how an outdated $150 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D machine is more bang for your buck than a Switch? Surely if you really were trying to save money, you would opt for for the vastly cheaper $80 model that plays 98% of 3DS games perfectly fine.
Nintendo's online service management is far from efficient, but someone with the cash to blow $130 extra on a bumped CPU+Xenoblade would surely have enough to spend on Switch VC anyway. You access to all future Switch games, plus (New) 3DS games, Wii, Wii U (possibly), GC and N64.
A New 2DS XL is not as powerful as a Switch, not nearly as inexpensive as the old 2DS model, and subtracts the 3DS's only distinction. Where is the value in that?
I've actually lost count of the number of "3/2DS" system variations there are now?!
It must be a record?
@CrimSkies97 I give you 1 second to explain how Nintendo is going to convince 80 million 3DS/2DS users to buy all their 3DS/2DS games AGAIN as DIGITAL games and at full price on the Switch.
Oops! The second is gone. You had no answer to that one anyway.
Didn't you? DIDN'T YOU!
Sheeeesh. These armchair strategists and their half baked ideas.
@GC-161 If you already own a 2DS/3DS, why would you proceed to purchase another one? I thought it was common knowledge that the New 3DS models weren't worth the upgrade anyway.
Just some 10 games take advantage of the extra horsepower, Pokemon S&M not included. Even fewer benefit from the additional analogue nub/triggers.
I'm not here to sell anyone on any gimmicky features, but the head-tracking 3D was the main reason I picked up a New 3DS (as my first 3DS) shortly before I got the Switch and to this day I find myself playing fewer games that utilize the extra features than I've used the 3D.
The other "benefits" are seldom used thanks to Nintendo not supporting any of the advertised features.
Screen size and resolution of the New 2DS XL and New 3DS XL are the same. I don't have many 3DS games, but the ones I do have, I love in 3D. Most notably Zelda OoT, MM and A Link Between Worlds. Especially that last one I find easier to play in 3D because a lot of puzzles are perception based.
I do really like the design of the New 2DS XL though.
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