Dylan Cuthbert is a familiar name among Nintendo aficionados - he was a key figure at Argonaut Software and with the development of the original Star Fox on SNES, and has produced some excellent titles over the last 15 years through his own studio Q-Games.
Just recently Cuthbert hosted a fascinating AMA on Reddit, so we've read through and picked out some of the most interesting parts. First up he shared some thoughts on Switch, while also confirming that his studio isn't yet working on anything for the console.
I think the Switch is awesome - perhaps the res could have been higher but maybe that would have resulted in a smaller screen to keep the cost down. The idea is very cool though and I'm playing Zelda (of course). I'm sure Nintendo must be thinking about StarFox for Switch but we aren't involved in that (I must admit it would be fun to do though!).
We aren't working on anything for Switch right now, but I have some ideas for original titles. I just need to find a publisher crazy enough!
On the topic of the original Star Fox, Cuthbert explained that Q-Games pitched a demo of a 3DS remake of that title, which like Star Fox 64 3D would have included stereoscopic 3D; unfortunately Nintendo "weren't interested". He also joked about how the original cast were based upon key figures that worked on the game - "Slippy was based on Yamada for sure. Falco was Watanabe or Giles, Fox was Miyamoto or myself."
As for Star Fox 2, Cuthbert insisted once again that the widely circulated 'leaked' ROM is not fully representative of the final product, and frankly we'll take his word for it - some try to argue that it's a final build of the game, as if they'd actually know better than Cuthbert. In any case, he wrote a little about the disappointment of that game never being released, and why we're unlikely to ever see its final form in public.
It was very disappointing of course, I had spent two years making the game and put so many ideas into it. I could understand the marketing/publisher logic behind the decision but it was still disappointing.
I can't really comment on that [feelings about the ROM], and it's illegal to do reproduction cartridges. The videos I've seen of that build show it to be an old build and not the final one as there are some major gameplay elements missing such as the rogue-style encounter system and more variations of the various arenas and setups.
I doubt Starfox 2 will ever get a proper release because it would require re-negotiating contracts with Argonaut, which of course doesn't really exist now.
When quizzed about what he would like to do with a new Star Fox entry, especially after the mixed response to Star Fox Zero, Cuthbert was pretty clear in his goals.
It would have to be epic, the game is always best when it takes on and copies the big classic scenes in science fiction movies such as Independence Day and Star Wars. But at the same time I would want to work on the controls and gaming loops surrounding the player's actions, and arguably this is what I added to the original StarFox too, with the hit-flashes and rings and direction-flickable barriers, that's the stuff that is really good fun.
Finally, we found some interesting comments around the nature of working for Nintendo and Sony; after his time with Argonaut he worked with Sony America on PlayStation projects. He referenced "the 'hospital' nature and stuffiness" of Nintendo's offices as daunting, though said "the people inside are warm and friendly". Later on he explained how differently Nintendo and Sony operate.
Completely different. Nintendo is a very rigid working environment where you need to be creative to "break free" of those constraints. Sony is a little too free and the constraints are ill-defined, or even worse the constraints are monetary. There are benefits to both systems and I've built Q-Games to be a hybrid.
It's an excellent AMA, and certainly well worth a read (link below).
As for that Star Fox 3DS remake left on the cutting room floor, we're just going to find a quiet spot to mourn that one's rejection...
[source reddit.com]
Comments 30
Loved starfox. Corneria is still easily the best theme in the franchise for me. Had no real interest in the starfox 2 rom. Played starfox 64 the 3ds version and was underwhelmed. Game hasnt aged well for me. I ragequit the zero entry and played it many months later again. Now i think its the best entry. But i dont like the platinum influence (at least i think those stealth sections with the robot were). Please dont take the flow out of those games. The arwing sections are pretty much perfect. A playthrough could also be a little bit shorter. And the controls were aweful at the beginning and became great later.
Anyway i dont need the first starfox remaked. I hate rebooting. Also a negative about zero. Id like a new starfox please.
Such a shame Nintendo have so little interest in re-monitising the original Star Fox, or the other FX games, it just encourages the emu scene
I will never forget the opening Corneria sequence of the original game. That alarm, the 'speech' on the Tanoy, the thrusters, then that awesome feeling as the Arwings fly out of the base, the awesome Corneria music starts playing, the team start 'talking', and the game begins. Awesome.
I recently got the game again on my SNES and it still plays great, dodgy frame rate and all. I must say I think Star Fox is at its best when it's on rails. I don't care if that goes against the modern 'open world' trend. The evidence points to it just being better that way. Multiple routes and exits, great.
"We did a old-school re-make demo like this of the original StarFox for the 3DS back after we did the remake of StarFox 64 and showed it to Nintendo but they weren't interested unfortunately."
That's a real shame. I think a slightly updated version of the original game with a more stable frame-rate (ideally a solid 60fps), running in a higher resolution or with anti-aliasing on the polygon edges (just to reduce the jaggies caused by the original's low resolution), a better draw distance (so stuff wasn't obviously popping in), and everything else pretty much the same would be brilliant. Actually, I personally think it would be the best Star Fox game out there.
This is a real missed opportunity imo.
Wow. To turn down a 3D Star Fox reboot and then put effort into making some of the 3D Classics released is beyond me. Twin Bee but, no Star Fox? I really do want a new Star Fox that is the evolution of the series that Zero is not. I really didn't hate Assault as much as some seem too. Keep Fox in the vehicles and not on foot and I don't see the problem.
@GravyThief You just described perfectly and in detail everything I remembered and loved so much about that original game! That was simply amazing in its day!
I think...Star Fox has sort of a confusing position. It's best on rails, but the problem is there's not a very big market for an arcade style on rails, almost shmup-ish gameplay, and certainly not for a $60 flagship franchise. If an arcade style rail shooter is what StarFox does best, then ti's condemned to being a $20 eShop franchise. Not much unlike Sonic, actually
I think it could go the other way and be a huge deep space game in the vein of Freespace and Independence War back in the day. I think it could be amazing like that and bring a lot of character play and such into it. Instead it's forever stuck in this in between, wanting to be a premium IP, but not wanting to leave it's arcade roots....and it ends up feeling in between as a result.
I bought my SNES after seeing Star Wing and Super Star Wars in magazines. Still my favourite games on the system.
Man it sucks to keep hearing about how we'll never get to play the "true" StarFox 2. I wish there was a way he could just... kinda... leak it out there. Like one day it just ends up out there on the internet, and no one knows how it got out there.
Or maybe I could just become really good friends with Dylan and maybe he'd invite me over to play his final build.
I have to agree with everybody above. To me it's a crying shame. I always felt like Nintendo preferred to push SF64 as it was more their creation than Cuthbert's, though I always thought Cuthbert's had better gameplay. Not knocking SF64, N64 hardware made a world of difference and both games are in my top 5 of all time. I just wish there was a way to play both Argonaut games and have Cuthbert involved on future games.
Zero was ok. I was ok with the controls, but it felt very rushed in the final levels. Like it needed more time. I honestly believe that if it was released on Switch with more conventional controls it would be remembered a lot better. Not sure if that's even possible, though.
I dunno. I don't think the game's "best' on-rails. On rail missions were always good but you can't limit bosses and dog-fighting to on-rails.
I'd like to see Star Fox incorporate all-range mode in their level designs in the future. Maybe mixed with some on-rails segments or missions but the basis of a sequel should be a higher degree of freedom imo.
That's the thing though... Zero has "conventional" controls. If you can shoot down most enemies without using gyro. The only difference is your firing range is omni-directional. You can't go back to exclusively firing in one direction directly in-front of you. That's a major step backwards, especially for vehicles outside the Arwing.
With the Switch, they can enable gyro with just the J-con, without exclusively having to move the screen to aim which would be cooler
@NEStalgia I know where you're coming from, but I still think they could make a full priced game from it, even to today's standards. Just lots more levels and routes and secrets. They could certainly still make them epic and cinematic, and develop the story into some grand Star Wars-esque epic, whilst still being mostly arcadey and on-rails.
In fact I was quite happy with a lot of the Arwing levels on SF0 if they just made it with normal controls. I literally couldn't play that game. I couldn't stand the walker bits either, the change of pace didn't fit well in a Star Fox game, even ignoring how naff they were.
I'm very much a retro gamer first (I'm guessing you are too with your username 😀) so my viewpoint is that of a gamer of the 90's. I probably need to move on! 😀
Why would it require negotiating if the company doesn't exist? No one owns the rights, Nintendo should do it.
I'm so glad I never bought the reproduction cartridge of that StarFox 2 beta. I knew it seemed too good to be true. Think there needs to be some "Fanboys" action where somebody breaks into Nintendo HQ and gets that final copy of SF2!!!
My question probably would've been featured here if Dylan knew the answer to:
"In Star Fox 2 there are General Pepper medals that you can collect in the game. What was the purpose of these medals? I've always wanted to know the answer to that"
Dylan: "Me too, lol! Eguchi is the guy to ask about that as it is one of his secrets " This would've been some cool news as the medals do nothing in the game. Hopefully Eguchi can tell us someday.
I liked star fox command. I thought that was a good direction for the series. Tactics, a bunch of different ships.
Really if it just would have given me a vs mode where I could play as the other ships, it would have been perfect.
We need a new, good Star Fox
I love Nintendo, but after hearing that, I lost a li'l respect for them. I've been dying for the original Star Fox to get a rerelease somehow, and a remake for 3DS, even with the original blocky graphics, but in 3D with a better framerate would be AWESOME!
I guess Star Fox isn't "popular" enough...
It would've been great as an Eshop "3D Classics" title. (A line of games Nintendo quickly abandoned, oddly dispite good sales of the line.)
I'd have paid top dollar just to be able to play Star Fox again 'on the go.' I don't need it remade or remastered or anything. Putting it in 3D would be really awesome IMO. It's the best Star Fox game, bar none.
Does anyone else remember the WarioWare Smooth Moves had a remake of level 1 of Starfox? It ran at 60fps and 480p and looked amazing. I'd love a full HD remake of Starfox running at 60fps, they don't need to change the graphics, the old flat shaded polygons are just fine as they are.
Interesting read.
"We aren't working on anything for Switch right now"
Weird how all these developers seem to like the Switch but aren't developing for it.
All the hate towards sf0, but I am wondering. Did everyone like gyro controls on sf64 3ds? Because all sf0 did was give you ability to control with analog and aim with gyro. I loved it personally. All it was missing was a vr headset and it would have been praised as being the best flying game out there. Maybe a little short since we all hope for a longer campaign, but the game deserves a lot less hate. Just like other m. I want Nintendo to try different things. If not, every series would have been like call of duty. And games like captain toad wouldn't exist. Heck, even arms or 1-2 switch.
What I would give for Star Fox in 60FPS and perhaps a bit longer draw distance. The graphics otherwise could stay as they are, seeing how the retro-look is "a thing" nowadays.
@Turbo857 I actually like that idea and would want to see it. The biggest question/concern to me would be how the boss battles would play out.
I think the game would be virtually the same. The port would continue to make use of both 1st and 3rd person viewpoints with the push of the minus button when need be. Despite the fact that the Wii U displayed 2 screens at once, you can only really focus on one screen at a time.
Everyone here is talking about Star Fox 2, but I'm pretty shocked that Nintendo's offices are stuffy, restraining places, while Sony's are too free. I really thought it would be the opposite. Strange.
@Turbo857 that would work, thinking there might be a better button somewhere else since you might have to hit that button a lot. Click the right stick maybe?
I am one of the few who really liked SF: COMMAND on the DS. I thought all of the gameplay ideas and the story line branches to be awesome. I was very psyched for ZERO and it definitely gets better as it goes, but I just find I have no desire to go back to it. That has never happened in a STAR FOX game. Nintendo should contract out TREASURE to make the next one, or let Platinum Games just go all out on their own with no time constraints. STAR FOX and F-ZERO are my 2 favorite Big-N franchises, and they seem to be the 2 in need of the most love from Nintendo.
Hmm, maybe. I personally dig clicking in the Right stick for shooting bombs. Maybe switching viewpoints with the R or L buttons would work. Especially L since I don't believe that button even had a function in Zero.
To be honest, Zero is the only Star Fox I still go back too. But you're not alone with SF: Command - I liked that entry a lot. I think a Zero follow up should incorporate some elements from SF: Command and even Star Fox 2.
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