1-2-Switch may have a rival when it comes to choosing that all important game at a party, as The Jackbox Party Pack 3 has been announced for the Nintendo Switch.
Developer and publisher Jackbox Games took to Twitter to make the announcement, as well as stating that we can expect the title soon; it arrived on various other platforms last year.
The Jackbox Party Pack 3 contains Quiplash 2, Trivia Murder Party, Guesspionage, Tee K.O, and Fakin' it. The portability of the Switch is what makes this announcement so enticing, because being able to take the system out and about with us means we could have a full game set up anywhere we like within minutes.

Do any of the games included take your fancy over 1-2-Switch's already infamous Milk? Let us know in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 118
And I saw a youtuber reviewing the new Nvidia Shield as a gaming proposition and he mentioned this as a highlight.
Good news
Wait... Wha? Well, this is unexpected. Awesome, But unexpected.
this game is a bad game
I love this game, and the Switch is a good console for it. Might have to dish out the cash for it a second time...
Hoo... ray...?
@Diamondhero Don't judge a book (or game?) by its cover. The Jackbox Party games are surprisingly fun, especially when you're drunk. Even I had fun with this party game.
@BLP_Software Party games aren't my thing but not having shovelware plague consoles is so I'm glad to hear reports of quality.
@Octane Yeah, i've seen streams that also had some hilarious moments in games like Quiplash And Tee-K.O, it's a surprisingly crazy game if lots of people are involved.
Love it and have it on steam already
@GrooveManyula It is, most party games are shovelware these days, but this 'game' is actually pretty good for what it is.
As long as it's less than FIFTY DANG DOLLARS, I'm sold.
These games are not my type of games, but they do sell well so it's good to see that they are bringing the latest to the Switch. It's also a platform that fits these kinds of games.
In other news, Sumo Digital is bringing their forthcoming game Snake Pass to the Switch as revealed earlier today. That is something I am excited about.
At least this is a quality party game and not shovelware.
I have no problem with mini game collections on consoles (in fact, they're a necessary genre) as long as they're good. As long as they're quality.
This one was really popular on PlayStation.
@Diamondhero Have you played it? The Jackbox packs are amazing!
@FragRed Snake Pass is hype and intriguing, I agree.
My only concern with this is the fact that you need to have an Internet connection to play Jackbox, so how well will this transfer to the Switch's portability...?
It's not completely portable, as I assume this is going to need an internet connection to work, but yeah, this is pretty cool.
Dang, I already bought it on steam and I use my laptop connected to the tv to play with my dorm mates, so I'm probably not gonna double dip on this one. Murder Trivia Party is so much fun!
The Switch will have ALL the party games, the best games!
First two games are actually pretty fun if you got a bunch of people with smartphones. We usually play it every time if more than five people come over.
A warning for everyone that planning to get this game, this game required internet connection as well all your smartphone users. I recommend them to get on your guest wireless network so they won't waste their bandwidth to play this game. The reason behind this is that your smartphone users can connect to your game and use their screen to answer or draw. Its depend on the games and the most is hundred players (but that's game suck in my opinion) then eight players. Most common games are usually 4 or 6 players.
Jackbox have the best games, perfect for the Switch.
....unnnntil your bro spills a beer all over your shiny new Nintendo Switch
@TeslaChippie no i have not played it
Blah!! Need more exciting announcements then this!
Aaaannnnd we have another one!!! That makes this what, 121 games announced in total?
Yep, the Switch is surely going to fail what with that absolutely horrendous third party support...
Sounds more like the ultimate Nintendo + indie console to me. And when this turns out to sell consoles, those other, more coveted third parties will automatically come to the Switch as well.
This is a MUCH better start than the Wii U ever had, so the whining should stop any day now, although we know it never will...
@FragRed Me too. Looks like a fun game with some interesting mechanics.
@ThanosReXXX not that I doubt you, but do you have a list of them?
I've been looking for a way to keep track of interesting switch games and a complete list would help.
@crystalorbie Wikipedia is a good start. Last time I checked, their "List of Nintendo Switch games" included around 80 games or so.
This is great news! Jackpot games are always being played at our parties.
I haven't played a lot of their games but I have played Fibbage and it's awesome! This is great to have for when people come over who aren't typical gamers, like your parents or grandparents, and also make great drinking games. I'll definitely pick this up.
@crystalorbie Not readily available, but it was reported here in one article that there are already well over 100 games announced, and since then, more and more have been announced almost on a daily basis, so I guess I'm not all that far off...
I do have a picture for you showing most of the previously confirmed titles for this year:
There's already 103 titles on there, in case you're wondering and don't want to count them yourself...
These are actually alright. I thought it would be crap but I played a little of it before and it's pretty decent. You need a good few people playing it though.
@ThanosReXXX @MarcelRguez Thank you both very much.
Based on that picture graceful explosion machine is probably the main one I both hadn't heard of before and seems interesting for a title.
@crystalorbie No problem. More people need to see that pic. I don't know who keeps updating it, but I've already seen two versions of it, not counting the original one posted by Nintendo. I'm guessing it comes from Reddit or some similar site, in case you want to monitor that more closely.
A lot of people seem to like the games on it from what I've heard. It's been available on the Shield TV but I've never played it
@crystalorbie You're welcome, and if you check out the "over 100 titles announced" here on the site, and then follow up by counting the number of games announced since that article, I'm pretty sure you can get an almost exact number of what's coming our way...
And don't forget to add Snake Pass: that has been announced today, but it hasn't been posted here yet...
@MarcelRguez I'm not sure, but it could also be that you're mixing my picture up with the one displaying third party developers, which is a little more sparse:
@ThanosReXXX No, I was actually referring to this one:

It was posted by Nintendo on Twitter a good while back, and the fanbase has been adding more games to it ever since. They're still at it and, as far as I know, the one you posted is the latest one. Which is funny, because I saw it for the first time earlier today and it's already outdated. A good sign, hopefully!
@MarcelRguez Ah, okay. Forgot about that one...
@MarcelRguez And the one I posted is indeed the latest one, but it is already 3 days old, and more games have indeed been announced since then. And more are coming almost on a daily basis, so it's looking pretty decent to me so far. Now let's hope it's going to sell like crazy so the whiners can also get their big triple A titles as well...
I do like those t-shirts lol
Nice, that's good news! Always liked the JDKJ games and wanted to buy the Jackboxes on Steam anyway.
@ThanosReXXX That's amazing! Although I have to say, there's only a handful of those games that I really want, but 103 confirmed games are still impressive in that short amount of time.
@ThanosReXXX Yeah, same thing here. I'm actually very excited for a lot of those indie games. Being able to take them on the go just feels right, I can easily see the Switch becoming my default platform for smaller titles.
I'm less optimistic about AAA Western games, though. The Switch will sell better than the Wii U, that's a safe bet, but I'm not sure if it'll amass enough of an audience for those titles to be profitable. I really hope my gut feel is wrong, of course, but I can't help but think of Skyrim as a weird anomaly.
@shani It certainly is. And that still leaves out some of Nintendo's own titles, since not all of them have been announced. Nintendo has 5 dev teams, and last time I counted, at least one of them is doing something that they haven't announced yet.
And what about those 80 games already in development that Kimishima announced? Are all of them on that list that I posted, or not? And what is Retro Studios doing? And Platinum Games? And Goodfeel? and so on, and so on. So many things we haven't seen or don't know yet.
@MarcelRguez Yeah, kind of in the middle with that myself as well. If the Switch shifts enough numbers to become an interesting platform, then the big parties will come regardless, whether or not they'll make a big profit or a modest one: as a game company you simply need to be where the gamers are to get your brand and IP's in the eyes and minds of the consumers, so companies like EA, Activision and Ubisoft will take any potential pitfalls coming with that for granted, but ONLY if the Switch sells well enough, so here's hoping Nintendo can actually achieve that...
That picture made me think there was a new event in Splatoon.
@ThanosReXXX For sure, but how much is "well enough"? Is GameCube numbers enough? 3DS figures? Because let me tell you, that thing did very good by non-7th-gen standards, but those publishers were nowhere to be seen a year or so after launch.
Being fair, I suppose the 3DS was way too weak of a device to be worth their time. The Switch should fare better in that regard. But again, even if it sells like hot cakes, I can see publishers skipping it if every other version of their games outsells the Switch version 3:1. It's the same thing with Japanese games on Xbox.
Feel like you're hurting the SWITCH by posting about this. A year old game?
A party game?
You're making the Switch sound more like the Wii. I would never bring up party games or just dance. Anything but those games. Unless it's Mario Party or Rabbids then I get it. But this sounds horrible. So does just dance I don't know why it's so popular.
Good fit, I already own it on the PS4 though
@MarcelRguez Allow me to let you in on a little trade secret: the actual number that it will become doesn't really matter, and if you already think that is a weird thing to say, then consider that I'm a Sales & Marketing professional, so I kinda know what I'm talking about, even though my specialty is IT, but in its core, all sales and marketing is the same, so I can relate, and both my and the actual version of ""well enough" is a number that makes Nintendo a healthy profit, and the third party developers at least a modest profit as well.
The picture I painted in the previous comment is exactly how they think, operate and how it will go. Even a modest profit, even though partially seen as a loss, is also seen as a win because in the end, they will gain ground with a larger audience, which is equally important to the financial wins, so they will just see having to stomach that modest profit as an investment for the future, and the Switch selling large numbers means that their target audience will be there, so of course they are going to be there as well.
Same thing happened with the Wii, except this time around, the disparity in graphics will only be minimal, so no weird versions of their games to tailor to the hardware, but simply scaled down versions. Just think medium/high settings vs ultra settings on a gaming PC and you'll get the picture.
And all thanks to Unreal Engine 4, Nvidia's NVN API and the Vulkan API.
But if you REALLY want numbers, then a good estimate would depend on whether or not the Switch is going to replace the 3DS, a thing the verdict is still not clear on, but if that would be the case, then all portable gamers would move along with that, or at least a big part of them, so currently that's around 57 million 3DS owners, and Wii U owners are somewhere around 13 million now, so let's say at least half of the Wii U owners also has a 3DS (I myself also have both) then that still leaves well over 50 million potential Switch buyers, but let's be on the cautious side and keep it at somewhere between 30 and 40 million, the latter being a number that will raise the bar from modest third party profit to pretty damn decent profit...
I can certainly see that 30 million happening, provided they keep attracting developers like they do, since the bigger ones will follow suit at some point, once the number of smaller ones grows to a certain extent, and also provided that Nintendo doesn't make any big mistakes in their follow up campaign anymore, which they did with the Wii U, and which was part of the reason why it failed.
And other versions outselling them also only matters to some extent: as long as all versions make them a profit, then they will still bring their games, so it's all about ease of porting and manufacturing (aka investment) vs what they get out of it in ROI (Return On Investment). Even if that's 2 on Switch vs 4 or even 5 on the other consoles, then that is STILL a profit, and maybe the
budgetcost for porting games to the Switch if the main platform is PS4, is also cheaper than initial development budgets for those other consoles are, so that is yet another factor that might come into play. Games will already have been made, and all it will need is to be scaled down (provided they're Unreal or Unity games) and maybe add some extra controls and custom programming to account for the HD Rumble functions they might want to add.I miss You Don't Know Jack games.
@ThanosReXXX here is the complete day 1 line up on Wii U: <a rel="nofollow" href="http://m.ign.com/wikis/wii-u/Wii_U_Launch_Games_(US">http://m.ign.com/wikis/wii-u/Wii_U_Launch_Games_(US)</a>
I'll hang up and listen.
I love it. It seems like everyday brings the announcement of a new switch game!
This would be an instant buy if it didn't require internet and I didn't buy all 3 on ps4. Quiplash is worth it alone.
Guarantee this will be way more fun to have at parties than 1-2 Switch
For those being concerned about the party moniker, DON'T. The Jackbox games are some of the best fun I've had with recent console generations, especially when there's a huge group of people. This is a good thing.
@Octane Fun drinking game, you say? I may have to check this game out.
Recently bought and enjoy Fibbage XL from Jackbox games, so I'll be keeping an eye out for this
Here comes the shovelware
Shovelware? yeah right this is a fantastic series.
Had so many fun nights playing these games
@ThanosReXXX Very insightful, thanks! I wasn't considering things like exposure to a new audience, but I see there value on that. That's a more positive scenario than the one I pictured, I'm a bit more optimistic, even.
That's an amazing game, and perfect on the Switch. I can't wait to see that series continue on Nintendo!
For anyone on the fence, GET THIS GAME. I've had buckets of fun going to my brother's place, smoking some lotus leaf and playing Jackbox 1 and 2. You need like 3 or 4 friends to make it fun.
@LegendOfPokemon It's only like 10-15 bucks on PS4, and I think it launched at 30. In addition, you use a phone or laptop as a controller so no more joycons needed
@MarcelRguez You're most welcome. I don't expect there to be "Wii-like" sales, like mentioned in today's article on the front page, but if you just take the time to check out Kimishima's career and see that he has LITERALLY not made one false move throughout his ENTIRE career, then you might discover that there's a method to his apparent madness...
In sales, you don't aim for average, because if you do that, you'll end up low. You always aim to improve yourself, so you aim HIGH, and it doesn't even have to be completely realistic. The whole point of aiming so high is to overcome your own inhibitions and limitations, and if in the end you achieve about 10 to 20% more than you have ever reached before, that's still quite an achievement...
So, what that translates to here, is them definitely wanting to surpass the Wii U, which shouldn't be too hard, looking at how interested people are in the Switch, but not just surpass the Wii U, but surpass it by a BIG margin, and that would be PS4 like figures or higher.
So, you set your bar at a 100 million, and reach anywhere between 40 and 60 million, and Nintendo's coffers will be stuffed with cash for years to come. Kimishima isn't crazy; he knows EXACTLY what he is doing.
When articles like that are published, a truckload of armchair financial analysts and marketing specialists come jumping out of the woodworks on here (never knew I had so many colleagues, lol) but they fail horrendously in seeing what Kimishima is really about, some delusional fools even calling him dumb or stupid, when the man is anything BUT stupid.
He's been at the head of the Pokemon Company for years, raking in profits all the time, making them a VERY healthy company, to name but one example, and there are quite a few more...
Well....this is a random game to have for the switch.
Now this - THIS is a system seller! Like all the other "gotta buy a Switch for this" indie titles! Wow. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid, guys.
I'm so glad that Zelda is a launch game. Can't wait for it!
I would not be buying a Switch if it weren't and I personally know of no other gamer friend who would either, I can tell you that much.
@remag Please stop spamming the comments sections with off topic links to other sites.
@remag You've had your request to stop. I'll just save all these spam posts and monitor your account. If you carry on we'll close your account.
Of course, I get your point about aiming high: when I was at school (and we didn't have an A-to-F scale, rather a 10-point scale) and needed to get a "barely enough" grade (6/10), I always aimed higher than that in order to not take any chances; it's served me well.
So of course, aiming high is key in order to get more sales than the "secret", average goal. How can I put this point... aiming for life guarantees survival, whereas aiming for mere survival is key for utter failure. Does that sound right, sort of?
As for Kimishima's career, the Pokémon Company example was brilliant, do you have any more to share?
@AlexSora89 That sounds exactly right. Some people are just dragging on, working and paying their bills, just surviving and being alive, while others want a bit more and want to really experience living life to the fullest.
Doesn't mean that we're all going to be millionaires, but it sure as hell means we can aim high and improve the survival scale to the "actually enjoying life" scale...

As Pixar's masterpiece Wall-E put it best:
@AlexSora89 Yesterday, I was watching "12 years a slave" and in it, is that exact same quote. A bit more powerful than a cartoon one, I might add...
@AlexSora89 And here's some more info on Kimishima:
He worked at the Sanwa Bank before he was working in the games industry and he was stationed there for 27 years. You don't get to work at a financial institution for so long if you're bad at what you do, and he isn't, so even though some things he says or does are somewhat open to interpretation and may seem crazy at times, I'm pretty sure he knows EXACTLY what he's doing.
Here's a bit more info about that lengthy financial career of his:
Well, shoot. Guy definitely knows his stuff. I'm impressed!
As for the other thing... don't you underestimate animation as a medium - as tragic as the 12 Years A Slave plot is, the Wall-E scene I've shown you is no slouch, either. I'm always teary at the end of that movie.
@AlexSora89 Oh, don't get me wrong, I definitely liked that movie too, but obviously, a movie based upon actual events is a bit more powerful and sad, because it isn't fantasy, and animation makes it all seem more friendly.
I have felt sad watching some cartoons as well, though. I watch a lot of Japanese animations and these can be pretty intense. And there were even sad moments in "Secret Life of Pets" so not that I don't think that you can't shed a tear during watching a cartoon, but what I watched yesterday was just so much more intense and impressive, and not just because it's based upon a real story.
Of course, biopics and films based on real stories in general are bound to have a certain emotional impact, but at some times I have a reaction opposite yours - drama at times seems less drama for the sake of drama and more of an exercise of Academy Award-chasing, somehow cheapening the general effect.
Which is why I think animation, even when doing the aforementioned AA-chasing, feels more natural: as cartoonish as faces and stories can get, they look more like they're meant to convey emotion, making everything just flow.
Of course, you can disagree with me on this, but I'm definitely one of those guys fighting the neverending crusade against the ghetto that all critics try to shove animation into.
@AlexSora89 Well obviously me telling you that I watch a lot of animation should have been a sign that I agree with you on that part.
And also agreed that some of these movies are simply award chasers, like for example "Titanic", but I honestly don't think that "12 Years a Slave" is in that same category. It almost made me feel sorry for being white, and I never in my live abused a colored person, so if a movie can do that to me, then the message is genuine, as far as I am concerned.
Well, racism is always a tricky subject to deal with, but suffice to say, I always felt a certain amount of empathy towards darker-skinned people, mostly because of some of the disgusting things they have to either hear or, even worse, deal with. And that's without having ever seen the movie you mentioned!
The problem is that the cynicism is part of the game when it comes to drama-heavy flicks. Whether they are entirely fictional or fictional retellings of real events, the feeling of being in for a gut punch based on the awards a film has won is always there. Don't get me wrong: I love it when a movie makes me cry every once in a while. But almost expecting someone's demise just because of a 10/10 review popping up in a trailer or merely seeing topical issues coming a mile away because of the praise a work has received completely changes the mindset we approach a work of fiction with. Heck, it might as well be the main reason we've seen Zelda bawling her eyes out in the latest Breath Of The Wild trailer!
So yeah, that kind of puts on a barrier between me and the emotional impact a plot may have on me, because topics, such as drug abuse, sexism, religious discrimination, or, why not, even racism itself, can easily be seen as mere tools as soon as those pesky perfect scores pop up. Dunno, maybe it's just me acting as a dumb, average viewer, but I appreciate drama more when it's a coincidental consequence rather than when it's the entire point of a work.
Roger Ebert, bless his soul, among his defenses of animation as a medium for all audiences, described Miyazaki's Grave Of The Fireflies as having earned its place in any "best movies of all time" list. Unsurprisingly, the movie is also a total sobfest from start to finish, so there's that.
Emotions in general have to be "used" wisely. We either approach a fictional story where characters suffer within a happy mindset because said suffering is the basis for comedy (slapstick or the so-called "Kafka comedy", a calm mindset in order to find solace in a story that's comparatively worse than the cruel existence we live, or annoyed because of the opposite - our own desire to find solace in a fictional world where, for once, things are going well for everyone. Given how I can't seem to be able to relate to those who find enjoyment in being lead to cry to the point of watching a movie for the very same reason, I find that to be a form of emotional masochism.
Here in Italy, one of the main channels is airing a Spanish soap opera that has been creatively re-titled "The Secret" by our local dub. I swear it seems to have been written by Edward A. Murphy Junior: villains having always their way, good characters dying one after another, emotional and physical abuse often in display, and of course, the main villainess is still alive and well to this day. How on Earth is this show that popular is beyond me - I've seen far better works of fiction coming out of good ol' Spain, and yet we seem to love something set in a universe where everything that can go wrong, ultimately will.
What am I aiming for, you may ask, with this seemingly unrelated rant? Thing is, drama needs to be part of a delicate balance in order for a piece of work to fully resonate with me; otherwise, it becomes entirely wrapped up in its own logic and therefore entirely unrelateable.
Here's another example, this time in an "adult show" context rather than drama: a work being slave to its own logic, as if it was a cocoon, is what to me differentiates Family Guy to Rick & Morty. While Family Guy to me rarely hits with its comedy (though in that show's defense, when it does, it really does), Rick & Morty is the only adult animated show that, to date, I've enjoyed all the way through: while the former works once we fully embrace the logic its universe is based on, the latter is made funy by the interaction between Morty, the audience's surrogate, and the rest of that show's twisted universe. A surrogate going through its misfortune is more relatable and, therefore, the comedy strikes more of a cord instead of falling flat on its face while we keep yelling at the screen "what is wrong with these writers?".
I know, at times I might be easy to please, and at times I can be really nitpicky. And I've seen tragic movies, too, even two about the holocaust - both the one most guys know about and a slightly more obscure one, so I kind of can deal with tragedy every once in a while... but when I see a certain movie has won a suspicious amount of awards, I'm fully aware of having to take a few deep breaths before viewing.
Which I'll gladly do before throwing myself at 12 Years A Slave.
@AlexSora89 Wow, that's quite the wall of text there, my Italian fellow NLife member...
Well, you would have to lose that bit of cynicism first to fully appreciate "12 Years a Slave" (and watch it in English, I can't imagine the impact being the same in any other foreign language) and let it sink in in it's raw beauty. And there are some gentle and genuinely touching moments in there, so it's not all pain and despair, although obviously it isn't going to be a happy story overall if it concerns someone being a slave...
Over here in the Netherlands, they just sub movies, which is the far superior solution in my opinion, not just because I'm a native English speaker, because I also watch German, French and Spanish movies, and some Italian series, but I want to experience the ACTUAL actors, their actual voices and the actual intent they want to convey to us.
I lived in Germany for a while, and I hated all shows and movies being dubbed. I always wondered about how stupid it must be for entire generations of people never having known what the actors really sound like and what kind of emotions they ACTUALLY convey, and unfortunately, a lot is lost in translation when things are dubbed.
Life is beautiful was no more than "okayish" in my opinion, no offense.
Here are some movies and series about WW2 that are worthwhile in my opinion: Das Boot, Cross of Iron, Holocaust, Escape from Sobibor, Stalingrad, Schindler's List, Atonement, Birdsong, Der Untergang. There are more, but I'd have to look them up, so I'll stick to this little list.
No offense taken, and no apology needed! Although if you want to check out which Benigni movie is truly "bad", look no further than his own version of Pinocchio (itself based on an Italian book, sure, but one that was way better brought to life by Disney back in 1940).
As for the rest... what can I say? The subbing versus dubbing debate is destined to rage on for eons to come. In our voice actors' defense, my country has some pretty good ones (and also some pretty abysmal ones, but they're thankfully in a minority). But sure, if there's a subbed version of the movie (even one with English subs, as I mentioned I'm better at reading than listening), then I will make sure to watch that one instead.
As for the other movies, yep, I was in no way saying Life Is Beautiful is better or more notable than the movie about holocaust, Schindler's List; I didn't mention it simply because I haven't seen that one yet. (I'm kind of ignorant when it comes to certain genres - especially horror movies, which I wouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole.)
I'll also make sure to abandon my cynicism, as long as my emotion are just flowing naturally instead of being taken on a tour.
[EDIT: Oh, and out of pure curiosity, which Italian series did you watch?]
@AlexSora89 I'm afraid I have to confess that I've already watched Pinocchio, so the damage is already done...
As for the whole sub vs dub debate, don't get me wrong: it's not a criticism of the actors themselves, since every country that I've seen dubs from, mostly uses reasonably well-established actors, and over here in the Netherlands it is no different, although they mostly do subs, like I already said in the previous comments.
Dutch dubs are mostly for kids shows and animations, like Disney's.
And to satisfy your curiosity: most Italian series I watched were about the Maffia, such as "La Piovra" and "Gomorrah" and my guilty pleasure at one time used to be Tinto Brass movies... ahem... so...
Oh, before I forget:
If you want a good source for subtitles, go to opensubtitles.org for subs in every language imaginable.
Then just download an English version of the movie and grab the subs from that site.
Nooooooo! After Benigni's Pinocchio, there's no going back! What have you done?!?!
Too bad, dubbing can give characters more soul to them in some cases. It's a shame the Netherlands haven't fully embraced it.
Well, if you're curious about Italian organised crime, check out Italian studio TaoDue's list of crime shows: they've pretty much milked the mafia (and its divisions such as camorra and "ndrangheta") as a plot device for all its worth. And Tinto Brass movies, huh? Well, I can't really say you don't have taste! Fun fact: the guy did all the casting by... err... grabbing. No kidding. He actually said that "the [rear end (paraphrased)] is the soul's mirror". Whether he was just parodying the whole "eyes are the soul's mirror" proverb or not, that's how he rolls.
Thanks for the site, I will follow your suggestion!
... eventually. My hard drive is kind of full, due to my tendency to collect just about everything ever since my download-fu became strong.
@AlexSora89 Casting by grabbing? That instantly makes me wonder if Trump watches his movies too...
As for dubs having more soul in some instances: I'm afraid I have to agree to disagree, because that is my entire point. How can a foreign actor put more soul in another actor or improve the intention of the original? To me that sounds counter-productive.
To name one example about what I mean, let's take Disney's Aladdin: we all know that Disney always puts jokes and other stuff in there for the grown-ups so that they don't have to feel too depressed having to sit through 1,5 hours of a kids movie surrounded by a bunch of screaming toddlers...
Now, in Aladdin, the ghost was played by Robin Williams, and he impersonated a whole bunch of American actors, both voice and facial expressions and/or appearance. One of them was a perfect imitation of Jack Nicholson. That was COMPLETELY lost in the Dutch version, relegating the ghost in the bottle to someone simply doing "funny" faces and voices of random characters that made no sense whatsoever.
That's almost 50% (if not more) of the power and intent of those scenes lost, and I can't imagine it being any different in any other language, even if the Jack Nicholson part would have been done by the actor that always does Jack Nicholson's voice in foreign movies. It's an eternal shame, and one of the main reasons I prefer the original material. And I also like to watch those because I feel it does more honor to the work that both the director and actors have done, but that's just me. I'm all about respect, dignity, honor and morals. Must be my age...
And other American/English language shows in Dutch would just be plain silly. I watch a lot of Marvel/DC shows, and in Dutch that would be absolute torture to watch. No offense to any Dutch person reading this...
In their defense: the Dutch don't really have a lot of action movies or series, so Dutch spoken "tough talk" in movies sounds... I don't know, kinda "off", if you get what I'm trying to say. Your country on the other hand, does have plenty of action movies and series, so maybe I would get more easily used to that, but only if I would have to...

I don't know about Trump's habits, but given the guy's track record, I wouldn't doubt it given how similar he is to this one endearing fellow.
As for the dubs... maybe I haven't been clear: I'm saying dubs can have more soul in certain cases, not that they do by default.
The Aladdin example is very good: while many people in Italy know Jack Nicholson, how many could have gotten the Rodney Dangerfield joke?
Dubs have gotten better since then: The Emperor's New Groove in particular had actual comedians as part of the Italian dub's cast, so there's always room for improvement. Dubbing can completely screw up a work of fiction just as much as it can live up to, or even improve in some cases, the source material. Good faith always plays a big part of that. But of course, I definitely get your point - being faithful to the source material is also important: for the record, so far the only movie I have in both the original dub and the Italian one is Sony's infamous Sausage Party, as the Italian dub dumbed down many of its spiciest lines (such as Honey Mustard freaking out in the cart, explicitly referring to human essence as such; it was changed to "sludge" in the dub). Also, the sheer hilarity of that ending scene has to be experienced in the original dub.
Lots of DC stuff as well, huh? I'm interested in how they'll portray "DC's Thanos" in the upcoming movies.
And I understand your last point as well. I can definitely see corny dialogue such as "You bad guy! I will kick your butt and then you'll have not to drop your soap in jail for unspecified reasons!" coming.
I'm sorry, what?
@remag If you have an issue with how we moderate the site, please take it up via the Contact link and not in the comments sections, thanks.
@AlexSora89 Ah... Berlusconi, almost forgot all about that scherzo di natura. Thanks for reminding me...
As for the dubs: What? Blasphemy! No foreign comedian, no matter how skilled, can ever replace, equal or improve Robin Williams!!!
But seriously, I have watched several movies in several languages and I think I'm going to respectfully stay with agreeing to disagree because I've yet to see a dub that improved on the original. To once again take Disney as an example, that does NOT mean that I don't think that the dubs are bad (and I didn't misunderstand your earlier point), far from it.
The actors themselves are good, the voices are well chosen most of the time, but my whole point is that no matter how good they are, they will STILL never be the original. To me, that means that they simply can't win. And another thing that is also true in my opinion, is that (like with Dutch) some types of movies/TV shows just don't fit certain languages, as in NEVER.
The absolute worst I've ever seen, is German dubbed Westerns and American comedy shows. And utter blasphemy: (no joke this time) dubbed Bruce Lee movies. I used to do martial arts and that man, no: half-God was my idol. Seeing him being violated in another language was atrocious...
I think we may have to drop this specific topic going further from now on, but to end it on a positive note: over here, we have a specific broadcasting network that has several channels, and a couple of times a year, they do "saturday evening animations" and then they simultaneously broadcast the dub and the sub on two of their channels, so you can choose which one to watch.
Got kids? Watch the Dutch one. Alone or with a better half that also speaks English? Watch the original. Perfect solution...
Yeah, every stunt Trump does, Berlusconi did it first. Original character, donut steel!
Well, you might be surprised what a foreign dub could pull off. Nowhere near "just like the original" (the Italian dub for Gravity Falls was pretty good for example, but Bill Cipher's voice has been screwed up twice), but still good. So I definitely get your point.
Do you believe I have yet to see any Bruce Lee movie? Will make sure to see my first one subbed, so that his iconic kiai screams won't lose their impact.
And yeah, we've dragged this thread for far longer than anyone would like us to do... but yeah, that thing about broadcasting a show in both languages is awesome, I wish our channels did the same.
And... and I guess this wraps everything up... see you later, Father Of Thane!
@AlexSora89 Well, there's only one Bruce Lee movie that is natively spoken in English, and that is "Enter the Dragon", arguably both his best movie and also the movie with some of the best fight scenes ever, since they were choreographed to be as full contact as possible, which makes it all the more real.
The second best movie is a weird one: "Game of Death" because he died during the making of it, so they were never able to record anything but his fight scenes, which were done first.
The acting bits were added later with help of a body double and a lot of smart tricks. And it's a weird movie because Bruce Lee's actual funeral is in there as well.
All his other movies are done in his native language Chinese, so that's an acquired taste if you're not used to that. But a lot of English dubs exist as well. One of the better native movies is "The Big Boss".
But if you want to watch any of them, those first two are definitely on the "must watch" list...
See ya around, song writer...

I've taken note of the movie titles.
Roger that, see you around!
(I know I picked a feminine avatar for my disappearance. Just roll with it.)
@AlexSora89 Yeah, you Italians do like the ladies...
Sorry for what amounts to thread necromancy, but... what?
@AlexSora89 You picked a lady for your disappearing avatar, which to me was a confirmation of Italian Casanova tendencies to pick ladies over gentlemen...
But obviously, I was just pulling your leg...
Well, joke's on you, I'm the nerdy guy who doesn't get to go to the prom!
Wait... no, joke's on me.
(Fun fact: proms don't exist in Italy, we learned of their existence throughout American media.)
@AlexSora89 Well, we're in the same boat then. Remember? I've been living in the Netherlands for most of my life, so there was no prom night for me either...
Given all the self-esteem issues that come with the territory, that is probably for the better.
Also, Lady Death is already Deadpool's lover, so deal with it!
@AlexSora89 That's not Lady Death, different Comic Universe: the one Thanos craves is simply Death, or lady with small letters.
Lady Death is from Chaos Comics. I know this because it happens to be a series that I used to collect. The original series is well worth reading, if you're into comics and such. There's a couple of intertwining series and I collected most of them. Don't know if it's your cup of tea, though, so have a look see for yourself...
Here's a picture to give you an idea of why I followed that series:

Looks a hell of a lot better than Marvel's lady Death, no?
@AlexSora89 But yeah, possibly not being able to get a girl for prom night would certainly have been an issue. Then again: I wasn't one of the nerds or losers, so I would probably have been fine. Not the king of the ball, but fine nonetheless...
My mistake: the Italian translation often used the name "Lady Morte" for Thanos' sweetheart, so there's that.
As for that other comic... well, given this is now an old thread and exempt from censorship... damn.
Also, well, you weren't one of the nerds so... joke's still on me.
@AlexSora89 Ah, understood. Well, then it's not really your mistake, since it's just translated that way over in your area, so no worries.
Still one question left, though: are you into comics or not?
I always found books and comics a good way to learn and master other languages.
If you do, then use that site I linked to for downloading multiple complete packs. They have more series and labels than what was shown on that page that I gave you, so you'll find Marvel and DC there too.
But if I would have to recommend one Chaos Comics series, then it would definitely be Lady Death. The story is far greater and more interesting than you would expect going by the name or cover alone...
@AlexSora89 P.S. No thread is ever exempt from censorship. Any and all forbidden words are flagged, so they'd notice anyway. I don't think that "damn" is on the naughty list, though: I use it often enough myself...

You're asking me if I'm into comics?!
This here is my bookshelf, in the same room as my Xbox One-Wii U-PS2-PS1 combo.
The shelves, top to bottom, are as follows:
My manga section: albeit small, it contains the entirety of the "Perfect Edition" of Dragon Ball, alongside fellow Toriyama works SandLand and various one-offs of his ("Chobit" for example) collected in the Toriyama World anthology; various Disney-based manga, Death Note and the very non-manga Italian comic Wizards Of Mickey, which is - what else? - a fantasy version of the Disney comic-verse.
The beginning of my still-growing Marvel-a-palooza, starting with Bendis' first run of Ultimate Spider-Man, from Spidey's beginning to the
stupidtragic decision to kill the character off. This collection, as you can see, sadly includes Ultimatum.Also, four cheap comics recollecting Avengers stories printed to cash in on the first Avengers movie coming out in 2012, and on the right...
... the better Avengers collection, followed by the first two Spider-Man Marvel Masterworks books and two cheap Spidey and Fantastic Four anthologies. (Spoiler alert: I'm a Marvel guy.)
Further down, we have: the Italian-created Spider-Man story Il Segreto Del Vetro (Secret Of The Glass), set in Venice, based on the Murano glassmakers, drawn by Giorgio Cavazzano and written by Tito Faraci (both authors behind many amazing stories in the Mickey Mouse comic book).
Then there's Marvels, which, being written by Kurt Busiek and drawn by Alex Ross, can accurately be described as sex with your mind [del]and I will physically fight you if you say otherwise[del].
The coloured ones are the latest recollection cured by Italian newspapers La Gazzetta Dello Sport (The Sports Gazette) and Il Corriere Della Sera (The Nightly Courier), a recollection titled Le Battaglie Del Secolo (The Fights Of The Century, a slightly misleading title given it used to belong to any Italian print of the Marvel/DC crossovers) that's vital to me as it is meant to include the main Marvel crossovers, with some missing volumes as those are in my bedroom instead (I'll add them to the bookshelf later). The lineup is, as you can see, Civil War, Original Sin, Fear Itself, Avengers Vs X-Men, The Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity, House Of M (kind of an anachronic order, huh...), Black Vortex, Infinity War, Shadowland, Siege and Secret Invasion. The black volumes are the first recollection by the same newspapers, titled Supereroi: Le Grandi Saghe (Superheroes: the great sagas), but as the numbers can tell you I don't own all of them mostly because they cost ten euros each and there were a whopping 100 of them (yikes). I
refuse tosadly can't translate all of their titles, but some of them are the same as their English counterparts: feel free to ask for whatever any volume means.Ultimate Wolverine Vs. Hulk is kind of messed up given the newspapers didn't get a hang of trade paperbacks back then, so pages sometimes just... detach from the book. Ouchie.
Further down, we have yet another unfinished collection of mine, the second recollection by the newspapers: Supereroi, Le Leggende Marvel (Superheroes: Marvel Legends). I have even less of those volumes as you can see. Siege, on the right (yep, having multiple copies of the same stories kind of comes with the territory), written in Italian ("Assedio") marks the beginning of the third Supereroi recollection, I can't recall the subtitle (will look it up later) but it's the only one I actually finished.
And then we go further down, bottom row... this is my "anything goes" row, so bear with me...
Aww crud, here it comes. Aside from Dark Reign volume 2 (Marvel Monster Edition), there's a few one-shots here and there, complete with the purple ones being Siege, the only crossover I bought in its original version: I really wanted the sheer stupidity that was the Registration Act arc to come to an end. On the right...
... we have an amazing Deadpool recollection (I love Deadpool, could you tell?), complete with the "edgy" Colleen Bunn stories (namely the Living Deadpool saga and the Deadpool Kills Everyone saga) and that masterpiece that is Deadpool: Suicide Kings. Also a Superman book, a Batman one, The Killing Joke and the Emperor Joker saga from a Superman recollection that stupidly chose to have the story finish off in the following issue. Meh. Also, three different Tex stories, from, well, Tex, the Italian-born Wild West comic.
And now, on to another shelf... yep!
Now these have less pages, but it's the Linus Italian magazine - rather, a reprint of its 50-ish issues. Linus recollected various newspaper strips that didn't have their place elsewhere. I just wish the reprint continued until the eighties, where Calvin And Hobbes started showing up in Italy. Oh well.
Further down, there are two Dylan Dog comics ("The Nightmare Detective", living in London but created in Italy!), followed by Martin Mystére from an "all comics" recollection (the same one as the Superman and Batman comics you've seen above, as the color scheme should give away), then followed by Bobo (created by notoriously left-wing creator Sergio Staino, as a caricature of himself - imagine a hard-working, smarter, extreme-left-wing version of Homer Simpson and there you go), and then there's another "all-comics" collection I own a few issues of. Yes, that's Maus by Art Spiegelman on the right. Just in case my aversion to angst-ridden real-life issues-based stories (kind of a mouthful I came up with, right there) gave you the wrong impression. And as for those "PEA--" on the right... you're right, they're the one and only...
... PEANUTS!! Look at the years recollected in this one. "Hell yeah" is the only possible way to describe this.
Moving on to my bedroom, there are two recollections I'm a proud owner of...
Lucky Luke, which is awesome, and what in my opinion is comparatively slightly not-as-good, but still far more famous...
... Asterix, because why not. Also, behind the Asterix books, you can see some PKNA books peeking from it. What's PKNA? It's an interesting comic you should be aware of.
And that's about it. I also have another messed up bookshelf with a bunch of recollected Disney stories in it, Carl Barks stuff included, but this pretty much wraps it up. Also, I have a few books recollecting Disney comics by Italian writer-ess Silvia Ziche: I extremely recommend them for their sheer comedic value (Clarabelle Cow using the "gender" version of the word "sex" in a Disney comic? A director so terrible, her name is Annabel Lecter? A long story which has Uncle Scrooge trolling everyone throughout its entire run? That's Silvia Ziche for ya).
So yeah, I'm kind of into comics.
Sorry for the reposting, if only NintendoLife's system would let me edit my post you wouldn't have been tagged more than once.
@AlexSora89 That's quite the collection, my friend. WAY more than what I have, and I haven't got them on display either, because of lack of space, so I just have them stored in special comics boxes and all separately in plastic with a special non-acidic white cardboard backing.
But now I understand why you consider yourself a nerd...
When I started collecting, most of my series were from Marvel too, but I've always been into Batman and Superman as well, so these were also there from the beginning, and they have some truly great story arcs that no real comics fan should miss.
And from these two heroes came the natural progression to Justice League and other related heroes, such as The Flash and Green Arrow and Green Lantern, all great series in their own right.
At some point, I wanted something different though, because the story lines got dragged out to long, in my opinion, both in Marvel and in DC Comics, and I didn't really like a lot of the newer artists that Marvel contracted since the late nineties and beginning of the 2000's, so that's why I branched out to alternative comics like Dark Horse, Image, and Chaos. All of them also had great series, and most of them were short, so no needlessly long-winded story arcs.
And nowadays, I just collect digital comics and I'm playing catch up. Downloaded a lot of Thor, Hulk, Captain America, Iron Man, X-Men and Avengers, and recently, I downloaded the entire 100 comic series of Marvel's Exiles.
How are you not able to edit? There should always be four options underneath your comment: reply, edit, delete and report.
@AlexSora89 Donald Duck as a super hero, huh? Well, thanks for the awareness, but no thanks. Other than the animations, I haven't been interested into anything Disney since I was a teenager.
And the specific Italian/foreign example also once again goes against my sub vs dub sentiment. As far as I'm concerned, a person's name can't and shouldn't be translated (or changed). My name and your name are also the same, no matter which country we're in, so Donald Duck should be Donald Duck, or in this case PK Duck, as we originally know him both in the States and in the Netherlands. (the Dutch are good like that, simply taking over the original names)

Maybe because of my long comment being... well, long, but upon editing I was asked to compile a Captcha... only for it to bring me back to the unedited comment. So yeah, I had to resort to the classic Delete/Recomment kind of sorcery. As mentioned (I did mention it, right?) the first volume that came out was the black Civil War one back in 2008, which means Civil War was my introduction to Marvel comics. Not a good start, but not even an abysmal one, either. So while it might be an impressive collection, I also put it together in nine years, which means it's still comparatively small (key word comparatively).
As for Donald Duck as a superhero, well, Paperinik (or any of the English names the guy's been given, although I'm a fan of the German-born "Phantomald") has two incarnations, as mentioned in the article I linked to: the Adam West-ish one where he's merely a modest superhero fighting regular crime, more fitting the normal life in the regular Mickey Mouse comic...
... and the PK continuity, where it's actually a cross between the comics' all-ages friendliness and an actual Marvel-like narrative.
Trust me, it works. And it is definitely far darker than the usual Disney fare. Sure, it's no Hunchback Of Notre Dame, but still, the panels are distributed in a Marvel-like pattern instead of the usual six-panel grid seen in regular, pocket-sized Mickey Mouse books, the dominance of exclamation marks is ditched in favor of more serious sentences ending with periods, and what else... oh, right. Characters actually die.
Lots of interesting side characters are thrown in the mix, such as Tony Stark-esque inventor Everett Ducklair, cyborg bombshell (no, I do mean bombshell) sidekick Lyla Lay, Jonah Jameson-ish slanderous scumbag Angus Fangus, the list goes on, and on, and on. It truly deserves more credit than it's given, and there are scanlations on the internet if you should ever change your mind on the only Disney comic that opens with a scene of G-rated genocide (as further explored in later issues).
I can't find the link to it, but there was a site with an extraordinarily well-done scanlation. I'm afraid you'll have to resort to your own Google-fu here, sadly.
@AlexSora89 I've had that captcha stuff happen to me once here also, quite a few months back, but it hasn't happened since and it has nothing to do with the length of your comment, but something with server verification/account verification. Might happen to all of us once every year or so...
And I use Firefox as a browser and it saves my comments, so a simple click on the back button of the browser brings me back to what I typed before, even if I accidentally clicked on a link to another article...
I have to credit you for being such a strong advocate for PK Duck, but a series or a label needs to speak to me naturally for me to be interested in it, so no amount of advertising it is going to convince me to go and read it.
But, seeing as we are on such good terms, I'll make you a deal: you go and read the first story line of Lady Death (scroll down on that page I linked to earlier to find the link to that package), and I'll do the same with PK Duck. And if you knew me, you'd actually be somewhat amazed that I would even agree to doing that in the first place.
There's a reason why I chose the avatar that I did...
Deal! [clicks on link]
EDIT: the archive is 1GB, dayum... getting the necessary space for that will take me a while
@AlexSora89 Is your hard drive THAT full? I have 4 partitions in my PC, and on top of that, two external powered drives and one portable laptop drive, so there's always a few gigs left here or there...
I'm a media collector, you see. I have an external 2 TB HDD and even that is full.
@AlexSora89 Me too, why do you think I have so many hard drives? One partition is entirely dedicated to Windows, another to games, and the rest and the externals to downloads.
Comics, anime, Marvel & DC animation, movies, music and.... I kinda moved up (or down, depending on how you look at it) from mr. Tinto Brass as well...
@AlexSora89 My trick is that I either port some stuff over to USB sticks or burn media onto DVD's, so that I always have at least a total of 10GB of free space, just in case I might need it...
I will upgrade my hard drive to a 4TB model, so I can get more goodies along the way. Such as several anime I haven't gotten yet, like Gurren Lagann for example, more music, more movies, and of course, more comics. Although I will definitely try downloading the archive as soon as I get the chance to! Maybe in the following days I'll get to get rid of some stuff I don't use.
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